Raimonds Strods
The study summarises scientific and theoretical information that provides the basis for the use of telerehabilitation methods in the promotion of the development of physical, emotional and social balance for 12 – 13 year old adolescents in the context of inclusive education. The study describes the efficiency of modern technologies for the improvement of the physical and mental health of adolescent learners, as well as suggests services of social rehabilitation which could be provided from the distance. The target audiences of the study are teachers with different professional competence, researchers and the education policy makers.
Mediju kompetence kā skolotāju profesionalitātes dimensija
Bakalaura darba tēma ir mediju kompetence kā skolotāju profesionalitātes dimensija. Pētījuma mērķis ir izpētīt skolotāju mediju kompetences pilnveides iespējas profesionālajā darbībā. Mērķis tika sasniegts ar zinātniskās literatūras analīzi un 6 intervijām, kuru respondenti bija pedagogi ar augstu un zemu mediju kompetenci. Problēmas būtība: skolotāji tehniskos medijus izmanto administratīvo prasību pildīšanai, retāk didaktiskiem nolūkiem. Tika analizēta literatūra par skolotāju profesionalitātes raksturojumu, jēdzienu mediju kompetence un mūsdienu izglītības procesa digitalizāciju. Pētījuma rezultātos izkristalizējās tēze, ka tehnisko mediju lietošana ir saistīta ar motivācijas līmeni, sek…
Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) in Higher Education
As technologies become more exciting, interactive, and reachable, various technological solutions are used in higher education. On the one hand, there is the conviction that technologies are indispensable, both for improving learning and for making learning process more effective, both in terms of learning outcomes and in terms of costs. Additionally, technology and technological solutions can provide sustainability of knowledge because students develop the competences that they will need in their future professional work. This chapter summarises the systematic literature review (SLR) carried out by the authors in analysing research that has been done on the impact of technology-enhanced le…
Image og the Teacher in Schools Websites – Representative of the School
Article consists of three parts - theoretical, empirical research and recommendations for improvement the school website photo galleries. Publication analyses ideas (Weber&Mitchell, Ķestere, Kaļķe, Fischer&Kiefer, Veide) that reveal importance of the teacher's image in the representation of the school, significance of the picture and selfpromotion in the school context. The empirical study consider teacher’s image in 17 Latvian school website photo galleries and surveys 102 primary school student’s parents to find out their views on the school website photo galleries impact on the selection of the school for their children. Analysis of the theoretical literature and interpre…
Topošo skolotāju mediju kompetence sabiedrības ilgtspējīgai attīstībai
Izglītībā un sabiedrībā kopumā ir vērojama pretrunīga attieksme par mācību procesa virtualizāciju. Vajadzība konstatēt topošo skolotāju gatavību iekļauties virtualizētā izglītības telpā noteica Raimonda Stroda maģistra darba tematu „Topošo skolotāju mediju kompetence sabiedrības ilgtspējīgai attīstībai”. Analizējot teorētisko literatūru, tika raksturots izglītības virtualizācijas konceptuālais ietvars. Pētījuma empīriskajā daļā, izmantojot jaukto metožu pieeju, tika raksturota topošo skolotāju mediju kompetence un jauno skolotāju mediju kompetences rādītāji, kā arī viedoklis izglītības virtualizācijas kontekstā. Pētījuma rezultāti liecina, ka lielākoties visi topošie skolotāji vēlētos apgūt…
An Overview on Effectiveness of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
It is necessary to introduce changes in teacher education in order to include the acquisition of competences necessary for the technology-enhanced learning process both organizing the learning process and developing new and innovative didactic means that promote learning as well as using digital technologies that nowadays has become an integral part of any teacher's and university lecturer's competence in the learning process to perform qualitatively their work. Despite the fact that teaching/learning methods used in the education system in the world have been explored, different studies on advantages and shortcomings of these methods have been performed there still are no serious reviews o…
Educational Robotics for Reducing Early School Leaving from the Perspective of Sustainable Education
Early School Leaving (ESL) is a problem for many countries and some have pledged to reduce the number of children leaving school early to below 10% by 2020. Between October 2015 and September 2017, Italy, Greece and Latvia implemented an Erasmus+ project that used robotics to reduce the risk of ESL. The effectiveness of the teaching and learning materials developed during the project and the pedagogical strategies used were examined in groups at high-risk of ESL and in the work of the teachers participating in the project. In this paper, the use of robotics to reduce the risks of early school leaving is analysed from the perspective of sustainable education. Mixed methods were used to evalu…
Activities with Educational Robotics: Research Model and Tools for Evaluation of Progress
The use of robots in the learning process has been popular since S. Papert developed his LOGO Turtle idea and argued that students can construct their own knowledge, test their constructive solutions and be motivated to learn if they use robotics in the learning process. Today, the idea of using elements of robotics in the learning process is no longer new and innovative but there are still elements that can be developed and issues that should be discussed. In this chapter, the authors provide the research model and five research tools (structured observation protocol, evaluation of the possible risks of early school leaving to be filled in by teachers before and after activities, students’…