Leonid I. Klushin
What is the order of the two-dimensional polymer escape transition?
An end-grafted flexible polymer chain in three-dimensional space between two pistons undergoes an abrupt transition from a confined coil to a flowerlike conformation when the number of monomers in the chain, $N$, reaches a critical value. In two-dimensional (2D) geometry, excluded-volume interactions between monomers of a chain confined inside a strip of finite length $2L$ transform the coil conformation into a linear string of blobs. However, the blob picture raises questions about the nature of this escape transition. To check theoretical predictions based on the blob picture we study 2D single-polymer chains with excluded-volume interactions and with one end grafted in the middle of a st…
Can one detach a fully adsorbed flexible polymer chain by an ultra-small external force?
Full adsorption of flexible chains onto typical solid substrates occurs at a surface interaction energy of (5–10) kBT. The corresponding detachment force is in the range 10–50 pN. In contrast to “bare” solid substrates common to non-living materials, surfaces coated with brush-like polymer layers are very common in biological soft matter. We employ a simple mean-field approach to describe the effects of weak attraction between a floating long macromolecule and the brush. We show that even for a moderately thick brush a very small effective attraction is enough to produce complete binding of the long chain. The detachment force scales as , where W is the brush thickness. Hence the force coul…
Stimuli-responsive brushes with active minority components: Monte Carlo study and analytical theory
Using a combination of analytical theory, Monte Carlo simulations, and three dimensional self-consistent field calculations, we study the equilibrium properties and the switching behavior of adsorption-active polymer chains included in a homopolymer brush. The switching transition is driven by a conformational change of a small fraction of minority chains, which are attracted by the substrate. Depending on the strength of the attractive interaction, the minority chains assume one of two states: An exposed state characterized by a stem-crown-like conformation, and an adsorbed state characterized by a flat two-dimensional structure. Comparing the Monte Carlo simulations, which use an Edwards-…
Coil-bridge transition in a single polymer chain as an unconventional phase transition: theory and simulation.
The coil-bridge transition in a self-avoiding lattice chain with one end fixed at height H above the attractive planar surface is investigated by theory and Monte Carlo simulation. We focus on the details of the first-order phase transition between the coil state at large height H ⩾ Htr and a bridge state at H ⩽ Htr, where Htr corresponds to the coil-bridge transition point. The equilibrium properties of the chain were calculated using the Monte Carlo pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method in the moderate adsorption regime at (H/Na)tr ⩽ 0.27 where N is the number of monomer units of linear size a. An analytical theory of the coil-bridge transition for lattice chains with excluded volume interact…
Polydisperse polymer brushes: internal structure, critical behavior, and interaction with flow
We study the effect of polydispersity on the structure of polymer brushes by analytical theory, a numerical self-consistent field approach, and Monte Carlo simulations. The polydispersity is represented by the Schulz-Zimm chain-length distribution. We specifically focus on three different polydispersities representing sharp, moderate and extremely wide chain length distributions and derive explicit analytical expressions for the chain end distributions in these brushes. The results are in very good agreement with numerical data obtained with self-consistent field calculations and Monte Carlo simulations. With increasing polydispersity, the brush density profile changes from convex to concav…
Phase transitions in single macromolecules: Loop-stretch transition versus loop adsorption transition in end-grafted polymer chains.
We use Brownian dynamics simulations and analytical theory to compare two prominent types of single molecule transitions. One is the adsorption transition of a loop (a chain with two ends bound to an attractive substrate) driven by an attraction parameter $\varepsilon$, and the other is the loop-stretch transition in a chain with one end attached to a repulsive substrate, driven by an external end-force $F$ applied to the free end. Specifically, we compare the behavior of the respective order parameters of the transitions, i.e., the mean number of surface contacts in the case of the adsorption transition, and the mean position of the chain end in the case of the loop-stretch transition. Clo…
Using Copolymers to Design Tunable Stimuli-Reponsive Brushes
Recently, a new design for switch sensors has been proposed that exploits a conformational transition of end-grafted minority adsorption-active homopolymers in a monodisperse polymer brush [Klushin...
Mechanical desorption of a single chain: unusual aspects of phase coexistence at a first-order transition.
The phase transition occurring when a single polymer chain adsorbed at a planar solid surface is mechanically desorbed is analyzed in two statistical ensembles. In the force ensemble, a constant force applied to the nongrafted end of the chain (that is grafted at its other end) is used as a given external control variable. In the $z$-ensemble, the displacement $z$ of this nongrafted end from the surface is taken as the externally controlled variable. Basic thermodynamic parameters, such as the adsorption energy, exhibit a very different behavior as a function of these control parameters. In the thermodynamic limit of infinite chain length the desorption transition with the force as a contro…
Structural properties of concave cylindrical brushes interacting with free chains
We present a self-consistent field theoretical study of the microstructure of concave cylindrical brushes as a function of the cylinder radius, grafting density, grafted chain length, and the solvent quality. We show that the results for the radial monomer density profile and the distribution of the free ends are in good agreement with the corresponding molecular dynamics results. Part of the investigation is focused on the conformational behavior of a free macromolecule in a cylindrical brush. A central result is the observed non-monotonous variation of the size of a free chain in a brush-coated tube when the tube radius is systematically changed. An interpretation of this behavior which d…
Anomalous critical slowdown at a first order phase transition in single polymer chains
Using Brownian Dynamics, we study the dynamical behavior of a polymer grafted onto an adhesive surface close to the mechanically induced adsorption-stretching transition. Even though the transition is first order, (in the infinite chain length limit, the stretching degree of the chain jumps discontinuously), the characteristic relaxation time is found to grow according to a power law as the transition point is approached. We present a dynamic effective interface model which reproduces these observations and provides an excellent quantitaive description of the simulations data. The generic nature of the theoretical model suggests that the unconventional mixing of features that are characteri…
Escape transition of a polymer chain from a nanotube: How to avoid spurious results by use of the force-biased pruned-enriched Rosenbluth algorithm
A polymer chain containing $N$ monomers confined in a finite cylindrical tube of diameter $D$ grafted at a distance $L$ from the open end of the tube may undergo a rather abrupt transition, where part of the chain escapes from the tube to form a "crown-like" coil outside of the tube. When this problem is studied by Monte Carlo simulation of self-avoiding walks on the simple cubic lattice applying a cylindrical confinement and using the standard pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method (PERM), one obtains spurious results, however: with increasing chain length the transition gets weaker and weaker, due to insufficient sampling of the "escaped" states, as a detailed analysis shows. In order to solve…
Adsorption Active Diblock Copolymers as Universal Agents for Unusual Barrier-Free Transitions in Stimuli-Responsive Brushes
We reconsider a recently proposed design for smart responsive brushes, which is based on a conformational transition in very dilutely embedded block copolymers with a surface active block (Qi et al., Macromolecules 53, 5326, 2020). Under certain conditions, the transition acquires an unusual character: it remains very sharp, but the barrier separating the adsorbed and desorbed states disappears completely. We show that these features are very robust with respect to changing almost all system parameters: the lengths of the inert and active blocks of the minority chain, the brush length, its density, and its polydispersity. The only relevant condition is that the inert block of the minority c…
Tuning Transition Properties of Stimuli-Responsive Brushes by Polydispersity
Polydispersity Effects on Interpenetration in Compressed Brushes
We study the effect of polydispersity on the compression and interpenetration properties of two opposing polymer brushes by numerical self-consistent field approach and by analytical theory. Polydispersity is represented by an experimentally relevant Schulz–Zimm chain-length distribution. We focus on three different polydispersities representing sharp, moderate, and extremely wide chain length distributions and derive approximate analytical expressions for the pressure–separation curves, Π(D). We study the brush interpenetration and quantify it in terms of the overlap integral, Γ, representing the number of interbrush contacts, and interpenetration length, δ. For the case of moderate densit…
Sharp and fast: sensors and switches based on polymer brushes with adsorption-active minority chains.
We propose a design for polymer-based sensors and switches with sharp switching transition and fast response time. The switching mechanism involves a radical change in the conformations of adsorption-active minority chains in a brush. Such transitions can be induced by a temperature change of only about ten degrees, and the characteristic time of the conformational change is less than a second. We present an analytical theory for these switches and support it by self-consistent field calculations and Brownian dynamics simulations.
Dragging a Polymer Chain into a Nanotube and Subsequent Release
We present a scaling theory and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation results for a flexible polymer chain slowly dragged by one end into a nanotube. We also describe the situation when the completely confined chain is released and gradually leaves the tube. MC simulations were performed for a self-avoiding lattice model with a biased chain growth algorithm, the pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method. The nanotube is a long channel opened at one end and its diameter $D$ is much smaller than the size of the polymer coil in solution. We analyze the following characteristics as functions of the chain end position $x$ inside the tube: the free energy of confinement, the average end-to-end distance, the averag…
Polymer brushes with reversibly tunable grafting density.
We propose a novel class of responsive polymer brushes, where the effective grafting density can be controlled by external stimuli. This is achieved by using end-grafted polymer chains that have an affinity to the substrate. For sufficiently strong surface interactions, a fraction of chains condenses into a near-surface layer, while the remaining ones form the outer brush. The dense layer and the more tenuous outer brush can be seen as coexisting microphases. The effective grafting density of the outer brush is controlled by the adsorption strength and can be changed reversibly and in a controlled way as a response to changes in environmental parameters. The effect is demonstrated by numeri…
Ejection of a Polymer Chain from a Nanopore: Theory and Computer Experiment
We consider the ejection dynamics of a flexible polymer chain out of confined environment. This situation arises in different physical contexts, including a flexible synthetic polymer partially confined in a nanopore and a viral genome partially ejected from its capsid. We describe the chain release from confinement both analytically and by means of dynamic Monte Carlo simulation. We find two distinct regimes of ejection dynamics depending on whether the chain is fully or partially confined. Partially confined chains are ejected from a pore of length L and diameter D after a typical time τ ∝ L2D5/3, regardless of their contour length N. The process is driven by a constant force f ≈ 5kBT/D a…