Christophe Nicolle
TIME : A Translator Compiler for CIS
To build a Cooperative Information System, a first step is to collect schemas of each local database. All the schemas exported from databases are translated and integrated into a cooperative schema, which is used by the final user to query the cooperation “transparently”. In this article, we focus on the definition of tools that are used to build and manage cooperative information systems. These tools enable the automatic or semi-automatic generation of specific translators. The first step of our methodology is a knowledge acquisition step that allows for the data model description of each local database. The second step is to compare all these descriptions in order to organize the correspo…
Semantic oriented data structuration for MABS Application to BIM
International audience; This paper presents a multiagent-based simulation approach to qualify the usage of buildings from the design phase. Our approach combines ontology and evolution process based on machine learning algorithms. The ontology relies on semantic data structures for the representation of environment components, agent knowledge and all data generated during the simulation.
Interoperability of B2B Applications
This paper presents a Web-based data integration methodology and tool framework, called X-TIME, for the development of Business-to-Business (B2B) design environments and applications. X-TIME provides a data model translator toolkit based on an extensible meta model and XML. It allows the creation of adaptable semantic-oriented meta models to support the design of wrappers or reconciliators (mediators), taking into account characteristics of interoperable information systems, such as extensibility and composability. X-TIME defines a set of meta types which correspond to g meta level semantic descriptors of data models found in the Web. The meta types are organized in a generalization hierarc…
Between the Megalopolis and the Deep Blue Sky: Challenges of Transport with UAVs in Future Smart Cities
International audience; With the rapid increase of the world's urban population, the infrastructure of the constantly expanding metropolitan areas is undergoing an immense pressure. To meet the growing demands of sustainable urban environments and improve the quality of life for citizens, municipalities will increasingly rely on novel transport solutions. In particular, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are expected to have a crucial role in the future smart cities thanks to their interesting features such as autonomy, flexibility, mobility, adaptive altitude, and small dimensions. However, densely populated megalopolises of the future are administrated by several municipals, governmental and…
Qualification de graphes sémantiques à l'aide du Model Checking
National audience; Qualification de graphes sémantiques à l'aide du Model Checking
International audience; In the context of globalisation, data and knowledge management, and given the need to deliver a quick response to changes in market forces, enterprises have to collaborate using information technologies to succeed in a disparate and dynamical business environment. Enterprise interoperability (EI) is a field of study that aims to improve this collaboration. Moreover, EI addresses problems related to the lack of system interoperability in organisations. In this paper, we focus on approaches which deliver semantic interoperability among enterprise information systems. We conclude by identifying the main drawbacks of such approaches to be adopted by world-wide industry a…
Automatic ontology-based user profile learning from heterogeneous web resources in a big data context
The Web has developed to the biggest source of information and entertainment in the world. By its size, its adaptability and flexibility, it challenged our current paradigms on information sharing in several areas. By offering everybody the opportunity to release own contents in a fast and cheap way, the Web already led to a revolution of the traditional publishing world and just now, it commences to change the perspective on advertisements. With the possibility to adapt the contents displayed on a page dynamically based on the viewer's context, campaigns launched to target rough customer groups will become an element of the past. However, this new ecosystem, that relates advertisements wit…
Managing IFC for civil engineering projects
The "Industrial Foundation Classes" (IFC) are an ISO norm to define all components of a building in a civil engineering project. IFC files are textual files whose size can reach 100 megabytes. Several IFC files can coexist on the same civil engineering project. Due to their size, their handling and sharing is a complex task. In this paper, we present an approach to automatically identify business objects in the IFC files and simplify their visualization and manipulation on the Internet. We construct an IFC Viewer which transforms the IFC file into a XML IFC tree manipulated through the 3D visualization of the building. The IFC Viewer composed a web-based platform called ACTIVe3D BUILD SERVE…
Mapping SPARQL Query to temporal logic query based on NμSMV Model Checker to Query Semantic Graphs
International audience; The RDF (W3C standard for metamodeling) language is the most frequently used to represent the semantic graphs. This paper presents a new research combining different fields that are: the semantic web and the model checking. We developed a tool, RDF2NμSMV, which converts RDF graphs into NμSMV language. This conversion aims checking the semantic graphs that have numerous errors of interpretation with the model checker NμSMV in order to verify the consistency of the data. The SPARQL query language is the standard for querying the semantic graph but have a lot of limitations. To this purpose, we define a translation from the SPARQL query language into the temporal logic …
Ontology-based Integration of Web Navigation for Dynamic User Profiling
The development of technology for handling information on a Big Data-scale is a buzzing topic of current research. Indeed, improved techniques for knowledge discovery are crucial for scientific and economic exploitation of large-scale raw data. In research collaboration with an industrial actor, we explore the applicability of ontology-based knowledge extraction and representation for today's biggest source of large-scale data, the Web. The goal is to develop a profiling application, based on the implicit information that every user leaves while navigating the online, with the goal to identify and model preferences and interests in a detailed user profile. This includes the identification o…
Temporal Logic To Query Semantic Graphs Using The Model Checking Method
International audience; Semantic interoperability problems have found their solutions due to the use of languages and techniques from the Semantic Web. The proliferations of ontologies and meta-information have improved the understanding of information and the relevance of search engine responses. However, the construction of semantic graphs is a source of numerous errors of interpretation or modeling, and scalability remains a major problem. The processing of large semantic graphs is a limit to the use of semantics in current information systems. The work presented in this paper is part of a new research at the border of two areas: the semantic web and the model checking. This line of rese…
RDF2SPIN: Mapping Semantic Graphs to SPIN Model Checker
International audience; The most frequently used language to represent the semantic graphs is the RDF (W3C standard for meta-modeling). The construction of semantic graphs is a source of numerous errors of interpretation. The processing of large semantic graphs is a limit to the use of semantics in current information systems. The work presented in this paper is part of a new research at the border between two areas: the semantic web and the model checking. For this, we developed a tool, RDF2SPIN, which converts RDF graphs into SPIN language. This conversion aims checking the semantic graphs with the model checker SPIN in order to verify the consistency of the data. To illustrate our propos…
Comparative Study of the Mobile Learning Architectures
International audience; With the emergence of mobile devices (Smart Phone, PDA, UMPC, game consoles, etc.), learning is changing from electronic learning (e-Learning) to mobile learning (m-learning). In fact, due to the mobility feature, it seems that the m-learning have to be adapted with the change within the context. Several researches addressed this issue and implemented a mobile learning environment to prove its usefulness and feasibility in various domains. In this article, we conduct a comparative study between a list of mobile learning architectures and methods that are presented in the literature. The performance of these architectures is evaluated based on several criteria, such a…
Building Web-Services from RDBMS
International audience
De la science à l’expérience, la pluralité des savoirs en viticulture : le cas des maladies.
International audience
Pertinence d'une Representation 3d d'un Projet de Renovation de Batiment en Realite Augmentee Mobile
Cet article aborde la possibilité de disposer de la maquette numérique d'un projet de construction sur le lieu même du déroulement des opérations. Le cas d'étude considère des travaux de rénovation sur des fenêtres anciennes dont il convient d'améliorer l'efficacité énergétique
COBieOWL, an OWL ontology based on COBie standard
International audience; Building Information Modelling (BIM) standards have been recognized by construction and political actors as a highly promising tool for resolving issues of data dematerialization, notably in the field of Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Facility Management. Among worldwide-adopted BIM standards, there is COBie. COBie’s goals are to dematerialize building data and to enhance building information interoperability. Nevertheless, COBie data is available in static formats such as STEP or spreadsheet templates. Such formats lack logical formalisms and semantic features provided by languages such as OWL. Because of this, in this paper, we propose a method for sem…
Interoperability between Distributed Systems and Web-Services Composition
An information system is a multi-axis system characterized by a “data” axis, a “behavioral” axis, and a “communication” axis. The data axis corresponds to the structural and schematic technologies used to store data into the system. The behavioral axis represents management and production processes carried out by the system and corresponding technologies. The processes can interact with the data to extract, generate, and store data. The communication axis relates to the network used to exchange data and activate processes between geographically distant users or machines. Nowadays, technologies required for interoperability are extended to deal with the semantic aspect of the information sys…
De la scène de crime aux connaissances : représentation d'évènements et peuplement d'ontologie appliqués au domaine de la criminalistique informatique
International audience; Avec la démocratisation des technologies, les enquêtes de criminalistique informatique impliquent des volumes de données toujours plus grands et hétérogènes. Pour faciliter le travail des enquêteurs, nos travaux ont pour objectif de reconstruire automatiquement les évènements liés à un incident numérique, tout en respectant les exigences légales. Pour cela, il est nécessaire d'introduire un modèle de représentation de connaissances permettant de structurer les informations recueillies sur une scène de crime dans le but de faciliter l'utilisation de processus d'analyse automatisés. Ce papier propose un état de l'art des modèles de représentations d'évènements pour le …
RDF2NμSMV: Mapping Semantic Graphs to NμSMV Model Checker
International audience; The most frequently used language to represent the semantic graphs is the RDF (W3C standard for meta-modeling). The construction of semantic graphs is a source of numerous errors of interpretation. The processing of large semantic graphs is a limit to the use of semantics in current information systems. The work presented in this paper is part of a new research at the border between two areas: the Semantic Web and the model checking. For this, we developed a tool, RDF2NμSMV, which converts RDF graphs into NμSMV language. This conversion aims checking the semantic graphs with the model checker NμSMV in order to verify the consistency of the data. To illustrate our pro…
Using Semantics to Manage 3D Scenes in Web Platforms
Computer graphics has widely spread out into various computer applications. After the early wire-frame computer generated images of the 60s, spatial representation of objects improved in the 70s with Boundary Representation (B-Rep) modeling, Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) objects, and free-form surfaces. Realistic rendering in the 90s, taking into account sophisticated dynamic interactions (between objects or between objects and human actors, physical interactions with light, etc.) now make 3D-scenes much better than simple 3D representations of the real world. Indeed, they are a way to conceive products (industrial products, art products, etc.) and to modify them over time, either inter…
Une approche Web sémantique et combinatoire pour un système de recommandation sensible au contexte appliqué à l'apprentissage mobile
National audience; Au vu de l'émergence rapide des nouvelles technologies mobiles et la croissance des offres et besoins d'une société en mouvement en formation, les travaux se multiplient pour identifier de nouvelles plateformes d'apprentissage pertinentes afin d'améliorer et faciliter le processus d'apprentissage à distance. La prochaine étape de l'apprentissage à distance est naturellement le port de l'e-learning (apprentissage électronique) vers les nouveaux systèmes mobiles. On parle alors de m-learning (apprentissage mobile). La recherche d'informations dans le domaine du m-learning peut être définie comme une activité dont la fi-nalité est de localiser et de délivrer des contenus d'a…
A Structural $\mathcal{ SHOIN(D)}$ Ontology Model for Change Modelling
This paper presents a complete structural ontology model suited for change modelling on \(\mathcal{ SHOIN(D)}\) ontologies. The application of this model is illustrated along the paper through the description of an ontology example inspired by the UOBM ontology benchmark and its evolution.
Modeling Cooperation of Information Systems
International audience
A Semantic Web Approach for Building View Definitions
International audience
International audience; This paper presents a Semantic Web approach for facility management. This Web-based platform lets geographically dispersed project participants--from facility managers and architects to electricians to plumbers--directly use and exchange project documents in a centralized virtual environment using a simple Web browser. A 3D visualization lets participants move around in the building being designed and obtain information about the objects that compose it. This approach is based on a semantic model called CDMF and IFC 2x3. CDMF improves data management during the lifecycle of a building. Based on graph combinations and the contextual element SystemGraph, our propositio…
Qualifying semantic graphs using model checking
International audience; Semantic interoperability problems have found their solutions using languages and techniques from the Semantic Web. The proliferation of ontologies and meta-information has improved the understanding of information and the relevance of search engine responses. However, the construction of semantic graphs is a source of numerous errors of interpretation or modeling and scalability remains a major problem. The processing of large semantic graphs is a limit to the use of semantics in current information systems. The work presented in this paper is part of a new research at the border of two areas: the semantic web and the model checking. This line of research concerns t…
IFC and Buildings Lifecycle Management
International audience; This paper presents an extension of the BIM technology that allows to manage information during the entire lifecycle of an AEC project. Usually, AEC projects and facility management are dissociated. Our building information system plays a central role in the improvement of the design and the management process. The building activity generates a great number of data and information of various kinds. The management and the communication of these data by the various participants is complex. Our design and management methods use IFC files to facilitate the sharing process for a better qualification and validation of data.
An Ontology-Based Approach for the Reconstruction and Analysis of Digital Incidents Timelines
International audience; Due to the democratisation of new technologies, computer forensics investigators have to deal with volumes of data which are becoming increasingly large and heterogeneous. Indeed, in a single machine, hundred of events occur per minute, produced and logged by the operating system and various software. Therefore, the identification of evidence, and more generally, the reconstruction of past events is a tedious and time-consuming task for the investigators. Our work aims at reconstructing and analysing automatically the events related to a digital incident, while respecting legal requirements. To tackle those three main problems (volume, heterogeneity and legal require…
Event Reconstruction
Event reconstruction is one of the most important step in digital forensic investigations. It allows investigators to have a clear view of the events that have occurred over time. Event reconstruction is a complex task which requires exploration of a large amount of events due to the pervasiveness of new technologies nowadays. Any evidence produced at the end of the investigative process must also meet the requirements of the courts, such as reproducibility, verifiability, validation, etc. After defining the most important concepts of event reconstruction, a survey of the challenges of this field and solutions proposed so far is given in this chapter. Irish Research Council Science Foundati…
Modeling Changes for SHOIN(D) Ontologies: An Exhaustive Structural Model
Ontology development starts with a rigorous ontological analysis that provides a conceptualization of the domain to model agreed by the community. An ontology, specified in a formal language, approximates the intended models of this conceptualization. It needs then to be revised and refined until an ontological commitment is found. Also ulterior updates, responding to changes in the domain and/or the conceptualization, are expected to occur throughout the ontology life cycle. To handle a consistent application of changes, a couple of ontology evolution methodologies have been proposed. Maintaining the structural consistency is one of the ontology evolution criteria. It implies modeling chan…
WiseNET: smart camera network combined with ontological reasoning for smart building management
International audience; Visual sensor networks (VSN) have become a part of our daily life [1] [2]. Based on our experience we have identified two main problems on VSN. Firstly, the problem of selecting relevant information from the huge amount of data given by the network. Secondly, the problem of integrating the information coming from the different nodes of the network, i.e., linking the different informations together in order to take a decision. These problems can be overcome by including smart cameras in charge of extracting the significant information from the scene and by adding contextual semantic information, i.e., semantic information of what the camera observes, building informat…
Semantically Adapting IFC Model Relations into OWL Properties
International audience
Querying and reasoning over large scale building data sets
International audience; The architectural design and construction domains work on a daily basis with massive amounts of data. Properly managing, exchanging and exploiting these data is an ever ongoing challenge in this domain. This has resulted in large semantic RDF graphs that are to be combined with a significant number of other data sets (building product catalogues, regulation data, geometric point cloud data, simulation data, sensor data), thus making an already huge dataset even larger. Making these big data available at high performance rates and speeds and into the correct (intuitive) formats is therefore an incredibly high challenge in this domain. Yet, hardly any benchmark is avai…
WiseEye: A Platform to Manage and Experiment on Smart Camera Networks
International audience; Embedded vision is probably at the edge of phenomenal expansion. The smart cameras are embedding some processing units which are more and more powerful. Last decade, high-speed image processing can be implemented on specifically designed architectures [1] nevertheless the designing time of such systems was quite high and time to market therefore as well. Since, powerful chips (i.e System On Chip) and quick prototyping methodologies are contently emerging [2],[3],[4] and enable more complex algorithms to be implemented faster. Moreover, smart cameras which are embedding flexible and powerful multi-core processors or Graphic Processors Unit (GPU) are now available and …
CAD Software and Interoperability
Decisions taken during the conception phases in huge architectural projects influence a lot the cost and the schedule of the building construction. To ease this decision-making, many mock-ups have been used as a project prototype. This prototyping is useful to test and to improve the conception of projects. Nowadays, collaborative sites that appear on the Web greatly improve the flexibility of the framework’s actors of a distant project [Aliakseyeu, Martens, Subramanian, Vrouble, & Wesselink, 2001; Balaguer & DeGennaro, 1996; Klinker, Dutoit, Bauer, Bayes, Novak, & Matzke, 2002). Digital mock-ups are used to represent future 3D elements of the final product. Digital mock-ups are…
An Ontology-Based Monitoring System in Vineyards of the Burgundy Region
Given the France's rich wine heritage as well as its pioneering position as the world's second wine producer, the production of high quality wines plays a role of primary importance. The recent development of IOT and efficient big data processing has been shown to provide purposeful issue to permanent monitoring during the entire wine making process. Standing within this trend, we introduce in this paper an intelligent system for vineyards monitoring in the Burgundy region. The main trust of the proposed system relies on the use of the Swrl rules in WineCloud ontology. The design of the ontology is mainly based on information gathered from interviews with wine growers. In addition, sensor d…
Know Beyond Seeing: Combining Computer Vision with Semantic Reasoning
International audience; To date, computer vision systems are limited to extract the digital data of what the cameras "see". However, the meaning of what they observe could be greatly enhanced by considering the environment and common-sense knowledge. A new approach to combine computer vision with semantic modeling has been developed. This approach extracts the knowledge from images and uses it to perform real-time reasoning according to the contextual information, events of interest and logic rules. The reasoning with image knowledge allows protecting the privacy of the users, to overcome some problems of computer vision such as occlusion and missed detections and to offer services such as …
Interoperability of Information Systems
An information system is a multilevel system characterized by a “data” level, a “behavioral” level, and a “communication” level. The data level represents the data stored by the system. The behavioral level represents management and production processes carried out by the system. The processes can interact with the data level to extract, generate, and store data. The communication level relates to the network used to exchange data and activate processes between geographically distant users or machines.
Une ontologie de la culture de la vigne : des savoirs académiques aux savoirs d'expérience
16.00 Normal 0 21 false false false FR X-NONE X-NONE Dans le cadre d’un projet FUI initie en octobre 2016 (projet winecloud ) visant a construire un outil de tracabilite et predictif du cycle de la vigne et du vin, un travail sur la collecte et la nature des savoirs a ete necessaire de maniere a penser un systeme ontologique qui se rapproche le plus du raisonnement du domaine metier. Le present article vise plus specifiquement a etudier le cycle de vie de la vigne. Nous rendons compte que les savoirs academiques presents dans les sources theoriques et scientifiques s’ajustent, se reactualisent a la lumiere des savoirs d’experience des viticulteurs. Ce travail s’attache egalement a analyser …
Ontology-based multiagent systems using Inductive Recommendations - A new approach to qualify building use during the Design phase
International audience; In this paper we propose a new metamodel to represent data for mutliagent-based simulations. Using this model, we also propose a method to perform the qualification of a building as soon as it is designed. The metamodel relies on semantic structures and allows representing both agents and environment. The representation of the environment use two kind of data: semantic and geometry. The qualification relies, for its part, on reasoning systems.
Ontology Views for Ontology Change Management
International audience; In the literature, ontology change management systems (OCMS) are direct implementation of the concept of “change management” stated by reference (Klein, 2004). Ontology change management combines ontol- ogy evolution and versioning features to manage ontol- ogy changes and their impacts. Since 2007, many works have combined ontology evolution and versioning into ontology change management systems (OCMS). The evolution subject has been massively studied in these works. They especially addressed the consistence issue for the application of changes on the ontology. These proposals constituted a consequent background for ontology change management but they did not take i…
An ontology change management approach for facility management
International audience; Facility management (FM) or technical property management is an approach to operate, maintain, improve and adapt buildings and infrastructures of organizations. A FM project requires the cooperation of many actors from different domains so it has to be automated in a constrained collaborative environment. This paper proposes a new approach for ontology change management applied on facility management of such projects. The industrial challenge is, firstly, to ensure consistency of a FM project knowledge from the construction phase to the technical property management phase (after delivery). Secondly, it has to provide to each actor of the project a personal up-to-date…
Illumination3.0: A Semantic Annotation Platform Based on Ontology for Medieval Illuminations
National audience
STCMS: A Smart Thermal Comfort Monitor For Senior People
Undoubtedly, the steady increase in the number of elderly people is not to be underestimated. These demographic changes call attention to new challenges regarding adequate aging-in-place strategies. Since the majority of the senior population spend up to 90% of their time indoors, appropriate and comfortable housing represents an important foundation for such strategies. In this respect, different types of data gathered from sensors, connected devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies come to play an important role to support services for the elderly population in indoor environments. One of the aspects of concern is thermal comfort. In this paper, we introduce a new deep learning-…
FOWLA, A Federated Architecture for Ontologies.
International audience; The progress of information and communication technologies has greatly increased the quantity of data to process. Thus, managing data heterogeneity is a problem nowadays. In the 1980s, the concept of a Federated Database Architecture (FDBA) was introduced as a collection of components to unite loosely coupled federation. Semantic web technologies mitigate the data heterogeneity problem, however due to the data structure heterogeneity the integration of several ontologies is still a complex task. For tackling this problem, we propose a loosely coupled federated ontology architecture (FOWLA). Our approach allows the coexistence of various ontologies sharing common data…
Towards events ontology based on data sensors network for viticulture domain
International audience; Wine Cloud project is the first "Big Data" platform on the french viticulture value chain. The aim of this platform is to provide a complete traceability of the life cycle of the wine, from the wine-grower to the consumer. In particular, Wine Cloud may qualify as an agricultural decision platform that will be used for vine life cycle management in order to predict the occurrence of major risks (vine diseases, grape vine pests, physiological risks, fermentation stoppage, oxidation of vine, etc...). Also to make wine production more rational by offering winegrower a set of recommendation regarding their strategy's of production development. The proposed platform "Wine …
SIGA3D: Semantic Combination of IFC and GIS to support Urban Facilities Management
The interoperability of Information Systems has been a research topic for over thirty years. While some forms of heterogeneity have been settled by the adoption of standards, some domains, such as the Urban Information Modeling (UIM), require specific research. The UIM combines information from the domain of Building Information Modeling (BIM) with Geographic Information System (GIS) within a collaborative platform. Using this platform, a set of heterogeneous actors takes part in the lifecycle of the urban environment through a 3D digital model. This ambition is faced with several gaps such as resolution of semantic heterogeneity in the lifecycle management system, the resolution of structu…
International audience; On the Web, pages are often dynamically generated and allow publishers to individually adapt contents to each viewer. Underlying systems must correctly understand the user's context - crucial especially in the case of online advertisement placement. The article at hand describes our proposition of a novel profiling system, adapted to the special needs of digital advertising. Based on Semantic Web Technologies, the MindMinings system relies on an ontology to enable thorough understanding of each user's context and needs. The underlying ontology structure also provides enhanced interoperability with semantically annotated knowledge resources, notably vocabularies from …
A Context-Based Adaptation In Mobile Learning
International audience; Recent developments on mobile devices and wireless technologies enable new technical capabilities for the learning domain. Nowadays, learners are able to learn anywhere and at any time. The dynamic and continually changing learning setting in learner's mobile environment gives rise to many different learning contexts. The challenge in context-aware mobile learning is to develop an approach building the best learning content according to dynamic learning situations. This paper aims to develop an adaptive system based on the semantic modeling of the learning content and the learning context. The behavioral part of this approach is made up of rules and metaheuristics to…
Multi-data models translations in interoperable information systems
Interoperation of heterogeneous and autonomous information systems has traditionally been hampered by semantic differences in their data models. In this paper, we address the problem by defining a methodology called TIME, which is based on an extensible meta model. Its key features are: a set of meta-types which can be used to represent the syntax and the semantics of data modeling concepts, a knowledge base of transformation rules that map a meta-type into other meta-types, and an inference engine which uses the transformation rules to translate schema from source to target models. The extensibility of the meta-model is achieved by organizing the meta-types into a generalization hierarchy …
Propose Semantic Formalization for 3D Reconstruction of Architectural
International audience; Archi3D project is a successful practice well proved by engineering practices. In this paper, we propose to reconstruct semantics for the purpose of reconstruct 3D architecture in Archi3D fundamentally. The formalization approach starts from several hypotheses on semantics which include: there is a core mechanism of semantics which is not limited to conceptual expression level; and a complete expression of semantics necessaries the ―implicitexplicit‖ transition of human side knowledge, etc. The necessity and feasibility concerning applying the proposed method and technology to the practice of Archi3D is discussed systemically by way of semantics revelations on some …
XML Enabled Metamodeling and Tools for Cooperative Information Systems
The development of tools to support semantic resolution is a key issue in the design of heterogeneous interoperable information systems. This paper presents a methodology and a data model translator toolkit, called X-TIME, for the design and management of interoperable information systems. X-TIME combines a metamodelling approach and XML features to provide support for automated design of wrappers or semantic reconciliators. It is a flexible semantics oriented approach that takes into account several important characteristics of interoperable information systems, including extensibility and composability. Extensibility requires a translation scheme that can easily integrate new data models.…
ScaleSem Approach to Check and to Query Semantic Graphs
Semantic User Profiling for Digital Advertising
International audience; With the emergence of real-time distribution of online advertising space (“real-time bidding”), user profiling from web navigation traces becomes crucial. Indeed, it allows online advertisers to target customers without interfering with their activities. Current techniques apply traditional methods as statistics and machine learning, but suffer from their limitations. As an answer, the proposed approach aims to develop and evaluate a semantic-based user profiling system for digital advertising.
Context DataModel Framework: semantic facilities management
Facility management is the practice of coordinating the physical workplace with the people and work of the organisation. It integrates the principles of business administration, architecture and the behavioural and engineering sciences. Software dedicated to facility management are usually limited to spreadsheet software. With the development of the Industry Foundation Class (IFC; a new object-oriented standard to model buildings) and web-based networks, a new generation of methods and tools dedicated to facility management are required. To deal with these requirements, we have developed a framework based on Semantic Web technologies: RDF, Ontology Web Language (OWL), Semantic Web Rule Lang…
Urban Information Modeling Combining BIM and GIS
Des outils pour la vérification des Graphes Sémantiques
National audience; Le langage le plus utilisée pour représenter les graphes sémantiques est RDF (standard du W3C). Les graphes RDF sont généralement stockés dans une base de données relationnelle et manipulés en utilisant le langage SQL ou les langages dérivées comme SPARQL. Malheureusement, cette solution, bien adapté pour les petits graphes RDF n'est pas bien adaptée pour les grands graphes RDF. Pour ces grands graphes RDF, nous proposons une nouvelle approche en utilisant la vérification formelle. Pendant nos recherches, on a développé deux outils RDF2SPIN et RDF2NuSMV qui permettent de convertir les graphes RDF vers un modèle et les vérifier avec l'outil SPIN et l'outil NuSMV respective…
Automatic Timeline Construction and Analysis For Computer Forensics Purposes
International audience; To determine the circumstances of an incident, investigators need to reconstruct events that occurred in the past. The large amount of data spread across the crime scene makes this task very tedious and complex. In particular, the analysis of the reconstructed timeline, due to the huge quantity of events that occurred on a digital system, is almost impossible and leads to cognitive overload. Therefore, it becomes more and more necessary to develop automatic tools to help or even replace investigators in some parts of the investigation. This paper introduces a multi-layered architecture designed to assist the investigative team in the extraction of information left in…
Dynamic, Behavior-Based User Profiling Using Semantic Web Technologies in a Big Data Context
pp. 363-372; International audience; The success of shaping the e-society is crucially dependent on how well technology adapts to the needs of each single user. A thorough understanding of one's personality, interests, and social connections facilitate the integration of ICT solutions into one's everyday life. The MindMinings project aims to build an advanced user profile, based on the automatic processing of a user's navigation traces on the Web. Given the various needs underpinned by our goal (e.g. integration of heterogeneous sources and automatic content extraction), we have selected Semantic Web technologies for their capacity to deliver machine-processable information. Indeed, we have…
Enterprise Knowledge Modeling, UML vs Ontology: Formal Evaluation
International audience; Everyday activities in enterprises rely heavily on the experts' know-how. Due to experts departure, the loss of expertise and knowledge is a reoccurring problem in these enterprises. Recently, in order to capture experts knowledge into intelligent systems, formal knowledge representation methods, such as ontologies, are being studied and have caught up with non-formal or semi-formal representation, such as UML. The similarities and differences between UML class diagram and computational ontology have for long raised questions about the possibility of synthesizing them in a common representation (usually an ontology). Indeed, the problem of migrating knowledge encoded…
WINECLOUD: Une ontologie d'événements pour la modélisation sémantique des données de capteurs hétérogènes
International audience
Qualifying Building Information Models with Multi-Agent System
6 pages; International audience; This paper presents a new approach combining the 3D elements composing the environment of mobile agents with semantic descriptors from building information models. Our proposal is based on the IFC standard which is used in the field of Civil Engineering to build digital models of buildings during the design phase. The semantic of IFC objects composing the 3D environment is used to select and set up 3D objects and elements of simulation scenarios. The result of this process dynamically generates the input files to the JaSIM environment that performs the simulation.
A new approach based on NμSMV Model to query semantic graph
International audience; The language most frequently used to represent the semantic graphs is the RDF (W3C standard for meta-modeling). The construction of semantic graphs is a source of numerous errors of interpretation. Processing of large semantic graphs can be a limit to use semantics in modern information systems. The work presented in this paper is part of a new research at the border between two areas: the semantic web and the model checking. For this, we developed a tool, RDF2NμSMV, which converts RDF graphs into NμSMV language. This conversion aims checking the semantic graphs with the model checker NμSMV in order to verify the consistency of the data. The data integration and shar…
Graphe-Based Rules For XML Data Conversion to OWL Ontology
International audience; The paper presents a flexible method to enrich and populate an existing OWL ontology from XML data based on graph-based rules. These rules are defined in order to populate automatically a new version of an OWL ontology. Today, most of data exchanged between information systems is done with the help of the XML document. Leading researches in the domain of database systems are moving to semantic model in order to store data and its semantics definition. This flexible method consists in populating an existing OWL ontology from XML data. In paper we present such a method based on the definition of a graph which represents rules that drive the populating process.
Hybrid AI for Medieval Illuminations Analysis
International audience
A New Development Framework for Multi-Core Processor based Smart-Camera Implementations
International audience; The exponential evolution of the smart camera processing performances is directly linked to the improvements on hardware processing elements. Nowadays, high processing performances can be reached considering hardware targets which enables a high level of task parallelism to be implemented. Highly regular tasks are good candidate for a reconfigurable logic implementation and less regular parts of the algorithm could be described on the processor. Meanwhile the prototyping time is related to the selected target and the associated development methodology. The implementation on reconfigurable logic is highly efficient in exploiting the intrinsic task parallelism neverthe…
A Semantic-based Recommender System Using A Simulated Annealing Algorithm
International audience; A recommender system based on semantic web technologies and on an adaptive hypermedia architecture is shown in this paper. The system uses a stochastic algorithm to provide recommendations to users. The paper presents the system architecture based on the semantic Web technologies and explains a simulated annealing algorithm performing the recommendations. A mobile application for the tourism domain proving the feasibility of this system is described at the end of the paper, some benchmarks are presented. In this application, the recommendations are defined as combinations of tourism products, which are linked to each other. The paper is mainly focused on the architec…
8 pages; International audience; This paper presents a new approach combining the 3D elements composing the environment of mobile agents with semantic descriptors from Building Information Models. Our proposal is based on the IFC standard, which is used in the field of Civil Engineering to build digital models of buildings during the design phase. The semantic of IFC objects composing the 3D environment is used to select and set up 3D objects and elements of simulation scenarios. The result of this process dynamically generates the input files for the JaSIM environment that performs the simulation. These files deserve the representation of the virtual environment in which the simulation is …
International audience; Many researchers argue that mobile learning is just an adaptation of e-learning on mobile technology, but far from a simple extension of e-learning, m-learning raises original issues in technological and pedagogical terms. M-learning is usually based on the consideration of a context rich on information and interactions. The challenge of m-learning is therefore, not simply to transfer on mobile content designed primarily for e-learning. This concept implies that we must rethink the entire process of the learning experience in mobility to maximize its efficiency.
WiseNET - smart camera network interacting with a semantic model
This paper presents an innovative concept for a distributed system that combines a smart camera network with semantic reasoning. The proposed system is context sensitive and combines the information extracted by the smart camera with logic rules and knowledge of what the camera observes, building information and events that may occurred. The proposed system is a justification for the use of smart cameras, and it can improve the classical visual sensor networks (VSN) and enhance the standard computer vision approach. The main application of our system is smart building management, where we specifically focus on increasing the services of the building users.
Verifying Semantic Graphs With the Model Checker SPIN
International audience; The most frequently used language to represent the semantic graphs is the RDF (W3C standard for meta-modeling). The construction of semantic graphs is a source of numerous errors of interpretation. The processing of large semantic graphs is a limit to the use of semantics in current information systems. The work presented in this paper is part of a new research at the border between two areas: the semantic web and the model checking. For this, we developed a tool, RDF2SPIN, which converts RDF graphs into SPIN language. This conversion aims checking the semantic graphs with the model checker SPIN in order to verify the consistency of the data. To illustrate our propos…
An ontology-based metamodel for multiagent-based simulations
Multiagent-based simulations enable us to validate dierent use-case scenarios in a lot of application domains. The idea is to develop a realistic virtual environment to test particular domain-specic procedures. This paper presents our general framework for interactive multiagent-based simulations in virtual environments. The major contribution of this paper is the integration of the notion of ontology as a core element to the design process of a behavioral simulation. The proposed metamodel describes the concepts of a multiagent simulation using situated agents moving in a semantically enriched 3D environment. The agents perceive the geometric and semantic data in the surrounding environmen…
Towards a methodology for semantic and context-aware mobile learning
International audience; Internet and mobile devices open the way towards mobile learning (m-learning), offering new opportunities to extend learning beyond the traditional teacher-led classroom. M-learning is not only any form of teaching or studying that takes place when the user interacts with a mobile device. It is more than just using a mobile device to access resources and communicate with others. It should take account of the constant mobile situation of the learner. The challenge here is to exploit this continually changing situation with a system that can dynamically recognize and adapt educational resources and services to the "context" in which the learner operates (localization, …
Using Semantics in the Environment for Multiagent-Based Simulation
In this chapter, we carry out an overview and analysis of the usage of semantics to enhance environments in the domain of multiagent-based simulations. Firstly, we take a look at what a multiagent system (MAS) is, and after that we look at the environment for these systems, and why semantics are required in it. Various propositions to put semantics in the environment for MAS are then reviewed, as well as the strengths and weaknesses for these approaches. These propositions are grouped together under two categories, regarding whether the proposed approach is based on only the environment or on both the agents and the environment. The paper is then concluded with findings that have emerged by…
Semantic Measures: A State of the Art
Significant advances in terms of syntactic, structural and schematic heterogeneity have been achieved by adopting conventions and standards. The IT community is now trying to solve the problem of semantic heterogeneity (particularly in the Semantic Web field). To reach this objective, it is necessary to enable machines to understand the semantics of terms. Semantics, as opposed to syntax, defines the mental representation of concepts corresponding to the symbols used in texts or images. When a person reads a text, he uses a semantization process which enables him to associate an interpretation to each sign identified. This operation uses a number of underlying processes such as measuring se…
Enrichissement sémantique d'un fichier IFC pour une extraction partielle dynamique
International audience; La dématérialisation de l'ensemble des données et des processus dans le domaine du bâtiment est un enjeu mondial depuis ces 10 dernières années. Au-delà de la simple représentation géométrique d'un bâtiment, le BIM s'impose petit à petit comme un système d'information coopératif complexe, intégrant avec difficulté les données et pratiques hétérogènes des différents acteurs du domaine. La restitution intégrée de ces données aux usagers du bâtiment est une opération délicate. Pour répondre à ce verrou, nous utilisons une approche sémantique de représentation du bâtiment et particulièrement de la norme IFC. Cette approche permet d'extraire des fichiers IFC valides, part…
Customizing Semantic Profiling for Digital Advertising
International audience; Personalization is the new magic buzzword of application development. To make the complexity of today's application functionalities and information spaces "digestible", customization has become the new go-to technique. But while those technologies aim to ease the consumption of media for their users, they suffer from the same problematic: in the age of Big Data, applications have to cope with a conundrum of heterogeneous information sources that have to be perceived, processed and interpreted. Researchers tend to aim for a maximum degree of integration to create the perfect, all-embracing personalization. The results are wide-range, but overly complex systems that su…
Architectural Reconstruction of 3D Building Objects through Semantic Knowledge Management
International audience; This paper presents an ongoing research which aims at combining geometrical analysis of point clouds and semantic rules to detect 3D building objects. Firstly by applying a previous semantic formalization investigation, we propose a classification of related knowledge as definition, partial knowledge and ambiguous knowledge to facilitate the understanding and design. Secondly an empirical implementation is conducted on a simplified building prototype complying with the IFC standard. The generation of empirical knowledge rules is revealed and semantic scopes are addressed both in the bottom up manner along the line of geometry --> topology --> semantic, and a vice ver…
Intelligent Cloud Storage Management for Layered Tiers
Today, the cloud offers a large array of possibilities for storage, with this flexibility comes also complexity. This complexity stems from the variety of storage mediums, such as, blob storage or NoSQL tables, and also from the different cost tiers within these systems. A strategic thinking to navigate this complex cloud storage landscape is important, not only for cost saving but also for prioritizing information, this prioritization has wider implications in other domains such as the Big Data realm, especially for governance and efficiency. In this paper we propose a strategy centered around probabilistic graphical model (PGM), this heuristic oriented management and organizational strate…
Experiment of Indoor Thermal Optimization of an Old Historic Building of Cluny through Digital Mock-up Simulation
International audience; Improving energy efficiency is the first and most important step toward achieving sustainability in buildings. Buildings designed with sustainable solutions are usually energy-efficient because sustainable design is aimed at producing green buildings. In the case of historic buildings, however, this is quite challenging. Integrated building energy simulation programs have been used in various ways by building professionals to respond to these challenges and to improve building design with respect to sustainability. This poster presents a new approach toward optimizing thermal indoor energy using a digital mock-up simulation of a historical building to explore its pot…
XML Integration and Toolkit for B2B Applications
This paper presents a Web-based data integration methodology and tool framework, called X-TIME, for the development of business-to-business (B2B) design environments and applications. X-TIME provides a data model translator toolkit based on an extensible metamodel and XML. It allows the creation of adaptable semantics oriented metamodels to facilitate the design of wrappers or reconciliators (mediators) by taking into account several characteristics of interoperable information systems such as extensibility and composability. X-TIME defines a set of meta-types for representing meta-level semantic descriptors of data models found in the Web. The meta-types are organized in a generalization h…
Ontology-based integration of XML data: Schematic marks as a bridge between syntax and semantic level
This paper presents an ontology integration approach of XML data. The approach is composed of two pillars the first of which is based on formal language and XML grammars analysis. The second pillar is based on ontology and domain ontology analysis. The keystone of this architecture which creates a bridge between the two pillars is based on the concept of schematic marks introduced in this paper. These schematic marks make it possible to establish the link between the syntactic level and the semantic level for our integration framework.
De la science à l’expérience, la pluralité des savoirs en viticulture : le cas des maladies
International audience