C. Di Stefano

Experimental Study of the Stage-Discharge Relationship for an Upstream Inclined Grid with Longitudinal Bars

AbstractIn this paper, the outflow process of an upstream inclined grid with longitudinal bars is studied by using the dimensional analysis and the incomplete self-similarity theory. Next, the theoretical analysis shows that a power equation can be used for establishing the stage-discharge equation. The coefficient and an exponent of the power equation depend on the slope angle and the void ratio. Finally, this new stage discharge is tested by using measurements obtained by laboratory runs conducted in this investigation.

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Estimation of Evapotranspiration by Hargreaves Formula and Remotely Sensed Data in Semi-arid Mediterranean Areas

Abstract A methodology is proposed for estimating evapotranspiration by Hargreaves formula and image analysis of remotely sensed data. At first, for a large sicilian basin (Belice basin), theactualevapotranspiration values are estimated by the energy balance equation, spectral data of two Landsat TM images and ground agrometereological measurements. Then theseactualevapotranspiration estimates and thereferenceevapotranspiration values obtained by a slightly modified Hargreaves formula, which incorporates the outgoing short-wave radiation and an albedo coefficient equal to 0·23, are used for calculating suitable crop coefficients. Finally, the minimum area of each land-use map unit, obtained…

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Applying the Techniques on Materials I

The knowledge of the composition of the natural dye mixtures gives hints on appropriate procedures for restoration strategies. Identification of the dyes used, the establishment of their biological source, how they have been prepared, how these historical textiles were made, can provide important information. The dyestuffs used up to nineteenth century were either of plant (weld, madder, indigo, etc.) or animal origin (cochineal, shellfish, etc.) and belonged to various chemical types, such as flavonoids (yellow), anthraquinones (red) and indigoids (blue and violet). In this study microsamples (19) were examined from 11 Mevlana’s kaftans, dervishs’ dresses and dated from the thirteenth cent…

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Studio integrato di rocce sedimentarie da cave siciliane di interesse storico-artistico

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New theoretical solution of the outflow process with a weir with complex shape

AbstractIn this paper, the outflow process of a weir with an irregular shape is studied using dimensional analysis and the incomplete self-similarity theory. The new unique stage–discharge relationship, which is deduced theoretically, represents a novel and comprehensive equation to describe the weir outflow process for a full range of flow and different geometric variables of weirs, including finite-crested weirs, broad-crested weirs with positive or negative crest slope, broad-crested weirs with an upstream, downstream, or both upstream and downstream crest ramps, and, triangular weirs with an upstream or downstream ramp. Finally the proposed stage–discharge relationship is calibrated usi…

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Solid state NMR to characterize paper and parchment samples from a Sixteenth century book

In this chapter, a solid state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (ss-NMR) Study of sixteenth century book is reported. Cross polarization Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (13C(1H) CP MAS NMR) spectra of paper samples collected from the book, allowed us to obtain information on its state of conservation. The physico-chemical characterization of two parchment samples collected from the cover book was performed trough the evaluation of the changes in line width and intensity of signals in the spectra.

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Application of 3D Photo-reconstruction techniques in Geomorphology: Examples through different landforms and scales

Recent developments made in tri-dimensional photo-reconstruction techniques (3D-PR), such as the use of Structure from Motion (SfM) and MultiView Stereo (MVS) techniques together, have allowed obtaining high resolution 3D point clouds. In order to achieve final point clouds with these techniques, only oblique images from consumer un-calibrated and non-metric cameras are needed. Here, these techniques are used in order to measure, monitor and quantify geomorphological features and processes. Three different applications through a range of scales and landforms are presented here. Firstly, five small gully headcuts located in a small catchment in SW Spain were monitored with the aim of estimat…

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A Maximizing Hydraulic Radius (MHR) method for defining cross-section limits in rills and ephemeral gullies

Abstract In this paper, a new method for determining the cross-section limits in rills and ephemeral gullies is proposed. This method is based on the estimate of the actual depth ha of each cross-section, which is the particular depth distinguishing the channel from the hillslope areas. The analysis showed that the actual depth corresponds to a particular bank slope sta occurring for the maximum value of the hydraulic radius R. The method was applied using a volumetric approach for calculating the hydraulic radius as the ratio between the volume of the whole investigated channel and its boundary lateral surface. The value of the bank slope st was derived by the DEM of the whole channel late…

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Analysis of rill step–pool morphology and its comparison with stream case

In this paper, the morphology of step–pool features is analysed using rill measurements and literature data for streams. Close-range photogrammetry was used to carry out ground measurements on rills with step–pool units, shaped on a plot having slope equal to 14, 15, 22, 24 and 26%. Data were used to compare the relationships between H/L, in which H is the step height and L is the step length, and the mean gradient of the step–pool sequence, Sm, for streams or the slope of the step–pool unit, S, for rills. The relationship of H/L against Sm is widely used to test the occurrence of the maximum flow resistance condition in streams, which is associated with the range 1 ≤ (H/L)/Sm ≤ 2. Further …

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Testing GIS-morphometric analysis of some Sicilian badlands

Abstract Calanchi badlands are erosion landforms characterized by areas with scarce or absent vegetation, steep slopes, knife-edge divides and high erosion rates. They are originated by a combination of morphogenetic processes, partly similar to those shaping bigger fluvial landforms, and therefore can be considered as field “laboratories.” This paper presents the results of an investigation carried out in two badland sites located in Sicily, where the geometry of 25 calanchi has been characterized using Digital Elevation Models having a mesh size equal to 2 m. For each landform, a power length–volume relationship is established. This relationship demonstrates that length of calanchi channe…

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Determinazione di componenti della vernice e della colla del contrabbasso “Panormo” di Vincenzo Trusiano

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Stage–Discharge Relationship for an Upstream Inclined Grid with Transversal Bars

AbstractCheck dams with grids upgrading upstream are often used in mountain rivers, where intense sediment transport and steep slopes occur. In some cases, sloping grids are used in the construction of debris flow breakers. In this paper, the outflow process of an upstream-inclined grid with transversal bars is studied by using the dimensional analysis and the incomplete self-similarity theory. Next, the theoretical analysis shows that a power equation can be used for establishing the stage-discharge equation. The coefficient of the power equation depends on both the slope angle and the void ratio, whereas the exponent depends only on the slope angle. Finally, this deduced stage–discharge r…

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Testing the long term applicability of USLE-M equation at a olive orchard microcatchment in Spain

Abstract Universal Soil Loss Equation USLE-based erosion models have been used extensively to complement erosion measurements, to understand the interactions of the different geophysical features into erosion processes and to assess adequate alternative management practices and scenarios analyses. Despite its proved usefulness on different land-uses around the world, there is an urgent need to set up simple tools which do not require an advanced management expertise in terms of both choose of model parameters and calculation ability and which are accurate particularly at the event scale. In this paper the suitability of the Modified USLE (USLE-M) model at the event and the annual scale were…

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Caratterizzazione di mattoni in terra cruda di età ellenistico-romana dall’area archeologica di Solunto (Palermo) e di provini ottenuti con materie prime locali

Nel presente lavoro sono riportati i dati relativi alla caratterizzazione di suoli prelevati nell’area perimetrale del sito archeologico di Solunto ed utilizzati per la riproduzione di mattoni in “terra cruda” confrontabili con quelli di età ellenistico - romana in opera in diverse unità abitative dell’insediamento. L’obiettivo di questo studio è, pertanto, quello di verificare l’area di provenienza delle materie prime originariamente utilizzate per la manifattura dei mattoni soluntini e di predisporre la base per una successiva sperimentazione atta alla valutazione dell’efficacia di procedure e prodotti per il futuro consolidamento delle strutture murarie del sito archeologico. La ricerca …

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Discussion of "extraction of the flow rate equation under free and submerged flow conditions in pivot weirs with different side contractions" by N. Sheikh Rezazadeh Nikou, M. J. Monem, and K. Safavi

This paper is the discusison of the paper "Extraction of the flow rate equation under free and submerged flow conditions in pivot weirs with different side contractions" by N. Sheikh Rezazadeh Nikou, M. J. Monem, and K. Safavi.

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Closure to “Experimental Study of Central Baffle Flume” by F. Lotfi Kolavani, M. Bijankhan, C. Di Stefano, V. Ferro, and A. Mahdavi Mazdeh

This is a Closure of the discussions on the paper “Experimental Study of Central Baffle Flume” by F. Lotfi Kolavani, M. Bijankhan, C. Di Stefano, V. Ferro, and A. Mahdavi Mazdeh

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Measuring rill erosion using structure from motion: A plot experiment

Abstract In this paper the results of a plot experiment on rill erosion are reported. The rill network, manually incised on the soil and further shaped by a clear inflow discharge, was surveyed using the three-dimensional photo-reconstruction (3D-PR) technique which allows to obtain a digital terrain model (DTM) by a large series of oblique images of the channel from consumer un-calibrated and non-metric cameras. The three-dimensional (3D) DTM and the quasi-tridimensional (2.5D) model were generated by Agisoft Photoscan software. For a single rill channel, the reliability of the 3D image-based ground measurements of morphological and hydraulic variables was positively tested by the correspo…

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Discussion of “Discharge Characteristics of Weirs of Finite Crest Length with Upstream and Downstream Ramps” by Amir Hossein Azimi, Nallamuthu Rajaratnam, and David Z. Zhu

C. Di Stefano; V. Ferro; and M. Bijankhan, Aff.M.ASCE Researcher, Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali, Universita degli Studi di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, Palermo 90128, Italy. E-mail: costanza.distefano@unipa.it Full Professor, Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali, Universita degli Studi di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, Palermo 90128, Italy (corresponding author). E-mail: vito.ferro@unipa.it Ph.D. Candidate, Irrigation and Reclamation Engineering Dept., Univ. of Teheran Karaj, P.O. Box 31587-4111, Karaj 31587-77871, Iran. E-mail: bijankhan@ut.ac.ir

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Closure to “Stage–Discharge Relationship for an Upstream Inclined Grid with Transversal Bars” by C. Di Stefano and V. Ferro

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Predicting soil loss on moderate slopes using an empirical model for sediment concentration

Summary The objective of this investigation was to estimate event soil loss per unit area from bare plots in central and southern Italy using an empirical model for sediment concentration. The analysis was developed using data collected on bare plots differing in length (11–44 m) and slope (10–26%) at three Italian stations (Masse, Umbria; Caratozzolo, Calabria; Sparacia, Sicily). At first, an analysis was carried out, using the experimental data collected at Sparacia, to establish a relationship between sediment concentration and hydrological variables, such as runoff, rainfall amount and single storm erosion index. Then, an empirical model to estimate plot soil loss as a function of rainf…

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The reproduction of artistic objects is useful for museological, teaching, and commercial purposes. In some cases, the reproduction is carried out to replace the originals located in outdoor environments and to prevent the deterioration due to weathering or pollution. This article describes the different phases that led to the reproduction of the Il Guerriero da Petralia Sottana. The observation of stylistic characteristics and the physical-chemical investigation were carried out in order to obtain information about the composition of the alloy and the technological properties of the artifact by using Optical Microscopy and X- ray Fluorescence. The reproduction in wax was performed by using…

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Using a transient infiltrometric technique for intensively sampling field-saturated hydraulic conductivity of a clay soil in two runoff plots

The point measurement of soil properties allows to explain and simulate plot scale hydrological processes. An intensive sampling was carried out at the surface of an unsaturated clay soil to measure, on two adjacent plots of 4 × 11 m2 and two different dates (May 2007 and February–March 2008), dry soil bulk density, ρb, and antecedent soil water content, θi, at 88 points. Field-saturated soil hydraulic conductivity, Kfs, was also measured at 176 points by the transient Simplified Falling Head technique to determine the soil water permeability characteristics at the beginning of a possible rainfall event yielding measurable runoff. The ρb values did not differ significantly between the two d…

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Predicting maximum annual values of event soil loss by USLE-type models

Abstract Previous experimental investigations showed that a large proportion of total plot soil erosion over a long time period is generally due to relatively few, large storms. Consequently, erosion models able to accurately predict the highest plot soil loss values have practical importance since they could allow to improve the design of soil conservation practices in an area of interest. At present USLE-based models are attractive from a practical point of view, since the input data are generally easy to obtain. The USLE was developed with specific reference to the mean annual temporal scale but it was also applied at the event scale. Other models, such as the USLE-M and the USLE-MM, app…

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A new strategy to assure compliance with soil loss tolerance at a regional scale

The relevant erosive effects of extraordinary rainfall events due to climate change require establishing soil conservation strategies to prevent damages due to hydrogeological instability. The “tolerable” soil loss, i.e., the maximum soil loss compatible with sustainable soil use, represents a quantitative target to establish the effectiveness of actions to control soil erosion. In this paper, a new approach to defining the condition corresponding to a tolerable soil loss is proposed. At first, using the statistical analysis of the measured annual values of the rainfall erosivity factor, the cover and management factor CT, for which the maximum tolerable soil loss is equal to the annual soi…

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The archaeological discovery of the Acqualadrone rostrum (an offensive naval weapon mounted on the prow at the waterline), off the Italian coast near Messina in 2008, has led to the need for scientific research in order to plan the conservation treatment of this artefact. The discovery is exceptional because of the presence of a wooden section from the original ship. This paper describes the physico-chemical characterization of a metallic and two wooden samples by inductively coupled plasma – optical emission spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, 13 C{ 1 H} cross-polarization magic angle spinning NMR spectroscopy, energy-dispe…

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Assessing hydrological connectivity inside a soil by fast-field-cycling nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometry and its link to sediment delivery processes

Connectivity is a general concept used to represent the processes involving a transfer of matter among the elements of an environmental system. The expression “hydrological connectivity inside the soil” has been used here to indicate how spatial patterns inside the soil (i.e., the structural connectivity) interact with physical and chemical processes (i.e., the functional connectivity) in order to determine the subsurface flow (i.e., the water transfer), thereby explaining how sediment transport due to surface runoff (i.e., the soil particle transfer) can be affected. This paper explores the hydrological connectivity inside the soil (HCS) and its link to sediment delivery processes at the p…

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Le pavimentazioni musive di Piazza Sett’Angeli - Palermo. Caratterizzazione mineralogico-petrografica dei materiali litoidi (tessere e malte di alletamento).

Nel presente contributo sono illustrati i risultati di un indagine mineralogico-petrografica finalizzata alla caratterizzazione dei materiali litoidi (tessere e malte di alletamento), impiegati nella pavimentazione musiva romana di epoca imperiale sita a Palermo in Piazza Sett’Angeli. Campioni rappresentativi di ciascuna tipologia di materiale sono stati analizzati scegliendo le tecniche analitiche più idonee in base alla loro natura: microscopia ottica su sezione sottile (PLM) e diffrattometria ai raggi X (XRD) nel caso delle tessere lapidee e delle malte; microscopia elettronica a scansione con spettrometro a dispersione di energia (SEMEDS) nel caso delle tessere vitree. L’indagine minera…

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Monitoring and predicting sediment yield in a small Sicilian basin

Identifying areas of a basin that are most sensitive to erosion have stimulated the study of within–basin variability of the sediment–delivery processes and the use of spatially distributed models. To verify the reliability of a sediment–delivery distributed model applicable at the morphological unit scale (i.e., the area of clearly defined aspect, length, and steepness), experiments were carried out at mean annual and event scales in a small Sicilian basin. A Geographical Information System is briefly presented into which the measurements carried out at the basin outlet (runoff, sediment yield, etc.) and other point and areal information (soil erodibility, digital terrain model, etc.) were…

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Statistical distribution of soil loss and sediment yield at Sparacia experimental area, Sicily

Abstract An analysis of the statistical distribution of event soil loss was carried out using the data collected in the period 1999–2008 at the microplots and plots of the Sparacia experimental area (Sicily, Italy). For a given microplot size, the analysis allowed to establish that the soil loss frequency distribution was skewed. Using the soil loss normalized by the event mean value, the analysis also showed that the frequency distributions corresponding to different microplot and plot sizes were overlapping, i.e. all distributions were extracted by the same statistical population. The developed analysis allowed to suggest that the soil loss of a given return period can be estimated using …

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How radical prostatectomy procedures have changed over the last 10 years in Italy: a comparative analysis based on more than 1500 patients participating in the MIRROR-SIU/LUNA and the Pros-IT CNR study

Purpose Therapeutic strategies for prostate cancer (PCa) have been evolving dramatically worldwide. The current article reports on the evolution of surgical management strategies for PCa in Italy. Methods The data from two independent Italian multicenter projects, the MIRROR-SIU/LUNA (started in 2007, holding data of 890 patients) and the Pros-IT-CNR project (started in 2014, with data of 692 patients), were compared. Differences in patients' characteristics were evaluated. Multivariable logistic regression models were used to identify characteristics associated with robot-assisted (RA) procedure, nerve sparing (NS) approach, and lymph node dissection (LND). Results The two cohorts did not …

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Comparison between grain-size analyses using laser diffraction and sedimentation methods

A comparison between laser diffraction method (LDM) and the sieve-hydrometer method (SHM) was carried out for 228 soil samples representing a different texture classification sampled in a Sicilian basin. The analysis demonstrated that the sand content measured by SHM can be assumed equal to that determined by LDM technique, while the clay fraction measured by LDM was lower than that measured by the SHM. A set of equations to transform LDM results to SHM results was proposed. The influence of the LDM measurements of clay on the estimated percentage of silt + very fine sand particles (particle diameter ranging from 0.002 mm to 0.1 mm), which is useful for estimating soil erodibility, was also…

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Closure to “Extraction of the Flow Rate Equation under Free and Submerged Flow Conditions in Pivot Weirs with Different Side Contractions” by N. Sheikh Rezazadeh Nikou, M. J. Monem, and K. Safavi

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X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy applied to the study of three sicilian painted artworks

This paper reports on three X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) studies of ancient Sicilian painted materials: a 13th century canvas from Cerami (Enna, Italy), the Muqarnas wood ceiling of the 12th century Palatine Chapel (Palermo, Italy) and a delicate early 20th century viola d’amore, the property of the Conservatorio di Musica “Vincenzo Bellini” in Palermo. Information about the pigments and preparation layer mixtures used as well as inferences regarding various past painting techniques emerged from the interpretation of spectra and data analyses.

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Estimating flow resistance in steep slope rills

Recent research recognized that the slope of 18% can be used to distinguish between the ‘gentle slope’ case and that of ‘steep slope’ for the detected differences in hydraulic variables (flow depth, velocity, Reynolds number, Froude number) and those representatives of sediment transport (flow transport capacity, actual sediment load). In this paper, using previous measurements carried out in mobile bed rills and flume experiments characterized by steep slopes (i.e., slope greater than or equal to 18%), a theoretical rill flow resistance equation to estimate the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor is tested. The main aim is to deduce a relationship between the velocity profile parameter Γ, the c…

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Caratterizzazione morfologica e idraulica dei rill rilevati nell'area sperimentale di Masse

Nella memoria sono riportati i risultati di un’analisi finalizzata alla validazione in ambiente Umbro di modelli per la quantificazione e la caratterizzazione morfologico-idraulica delle formazioni rill. A tale scopo sono state utilizzate le misure effettuate presso la stazione sperimentale per il monitoraggio dei processi erosivi a scala di parcella in località Masse (Umbria). In seguito a due eventi erosivi (11-01-2010 e 16-05-2011) che hanno prodotto la formazione di rill, è stato effettuato il rilievo della morfologia (lunghezza e sezione) e del profilo degli stessi. Il database di Masse è stato utilizzato, in primo luogo, per la validazione della relazione di potenza che permette la st…

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Estimating the USLE soil erodibility factor in Sicily, South Italy

The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is used by professionals and technicians to predict soil loss by water erosion and to establish soil conservation measures. One of the key elements of the USLE is the K factor, which is a measure of the soil erodibility. Given the difficulty in collecting sufficient data to adequately measure K, early in the USLE's history the soil erodibility nomograph method was developed to allow estimation of K based on standard soil properties. Since the nomograph approach was developed based on a small number of soils in the United States, it is necessary for other contexts to check the nomograph's ability to predict the soil's true erodibility. Considering that…

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Soil loss tolerance in the context of the European Green Deal

Soil erosion by water, and the consequent loss of a non-renewable resource, is a relevant environmental issue which has economic, ecologic, and social repercussions. In the context of the European Green Deal, the increasing awareness of soil Ecosystem Services is leading to give the due relevance to this problem. Notwithstanding the recent soil conservation strategies adopted by the Common Agricultural Policy had positive effects, the concern regarding this topic is drastically increasing for the normalization of extraordinary rainfall events due to climate change. Recent events occurred in Europe demonstrated that landscape protection is often inadequate and interventions to prevent damage…

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Assessing sediment connectivity in dendritic and parallel calanchi systems

Abstract Calanchi, a type of Italian badlands created by a combination of water erosion processes and environmental constraints controlling their development, is a striking example of long-term landscape evolution. Sediment connectivity can be defined as the degree to which a system facilitates the fluxes of sediments through itself. The goal of this research is testing the use of simple morphometric variables for assessing sediment connectivity of calanchi landforms distinguishing between dendritic and parallel systems. For detecting the morphological characteristics controlling the sediment connectivity of calanchi basins, literature data (146 calanchi basins) and measurements carried out…

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Comment on “Determining soil erodibility for the USLE-MM rainfall erosion model by P.I.A. Kinnell”

Abstract The measurements units of the USLE-MM soil erodibility factor are dependent on the exponent of the erosivity term. This circumstance prevents to compare soil erodibility values of sites differing by the value of this exponent. To overcame this problem, Kinnell (2018) suggested to relate the soil erodibility factor of the USLE-MM with that of USLE-M by a linear relationship with the objective to obtain a soil erodibility factor independent of the power of the erosivity term. The USLE-MB, which is a recently proposed model, has also a soil erodibility factor having measurement units common to USLE modelling environment. Kinnell (2018) also showed that the relationship between the pow…

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Flow measurement using circular portable flume

Abstract The circular portable flume is a simple device to measure discharge in circular drainage networks. Since the unit can be easily installed and removed, it is helpful in water distribution measurement and management. First in this paper the available studies are reviewed for highlighting the effect of both the contraction ratio and the flume slope on the stage-discharge relationship. Then the Buckingham's Theorem of the dimensional analysis and the self-similarity theory are used to deduce the stage-discharge curve of the circular flume. The new theoretical stage-discharge equation is calibrated by the literature available experimental data and those obtained in this experimental inv…

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Testing a theoretically-based overland flow resistance law by Emmett’s database

Abstract The main aim of this paper was to test a recently theoretically deduced flow resistance equation, based on a power-velocity profile, using a wide database of available measurements carried out in laboratory and field experimental runs with overland flow under simulated rainfall. In comparison with previous calibrations and validations of this theoretically deduced flow resistance equation, the used database by Emmett is characterized by a wide range of rainfall intensities (from 79.2 to 303.5 mm h−1 for laboratory runs and from 178.3 to 215.9 mm h−1 for field investigations) and bed slopes (from 0.33 to 17% for laboratory runs and from 2.9 to 33.2% for field investigations). For th…

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A new approach for deducing the stage-discharge relationship of triangular in plan sharp-crested weirs

Abstract In this paper, the outflow process of a triangular in plan sharp-crested weir is studied using the dimensional analysis and the incomplete self-similarity theory. The new stage-discharge is theoretically deduced and its testing is carried out using measurements available in literature.

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Testing flow resistance equation for rill flow

At first, in this paper a flow resistance equation for rill flow, deduced applying dimensional analysis and self-similarity theory, is presented. The incomplete self-similarity hypothesis is used for establishing the flow velocity distribution whose integration gives the theoretical expression of the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor. Then the deduced theoretical resistance equation, which is calibrated by some measurements of flow velocity, water depth, cross section area, wetted perimeter and bed slope carried out in 106 reaches of some rills modelled on an experimental plot, is tested using the literature data by Abrahams et al. (1996), Strohmeier et al. (2014) and Peng et al. (2015) for ri…

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Testing a theoretical resistance law for overland flow under simulated rainfall with different types of vegetation

Abstract In this paper a recently theoretically deduced flow resistance equation, based on a power-velocity profile, was tested using data collected for overland flow under simulated rainfall carried out in plots with vegetation. The available data were obtained exploring a wide range of rainfall intensities (from 60 to 181 mm h−1) and slopes (from 3.6 to 39.6%), and with four different types of vegetation. The database, including measurements of flow velocity, water depth, cross sectional flow area, wetted perimeter and bed slope, was divided in four datasets (one for each vegetation type), which allowed the calibration of the relationship between the velocity profile parameter Γ, the slop…

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Length Slope Factors for applying the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation at Basin Scale in Southern Italy

In this paper, for a basin divided into morphological units, a distributed model based on the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), with different expressions for the topographic factors, and on the sediment delivery ratio of each morphological unit is used. At first, the caesium-137 data available from a Sicilian basin are calibrated with two different models [the Proportional Method (PM), the Simplified Mass Balance (SMB) model] to provide net soil loss data for each morphological unit. Then, for a selected expression of the topographic factor, the slope length exponent is calculated for each morphological unit, equating the calculated sediment yield with the net soil loss. The an…

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Linking sediment yield and caesium-137 spatial distribution at basin scale

Abstract Identifying areas of the landscape that are most sensitive or susceptible to erosion stimulated the study of within-basin variability of the sediment delivery processes and the use of spatially distributed models coupled with Geographic Information Systems. The progress of sediment delivery distributed modelling is also dependent on the availability of measurements able to establish the link between eroded soil leaving an area and the patterns of erosion and deposition occurring along the hydraulic path from the considered area to the nearest stream reach. In this paper, the tracer technique using the radionuclide137Cs and its employment in sediment yield studies at basin scale are…

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Closure to “New Stage-Discharge Equation for the SMBF Flume” by Francesco Giuseppe Carollo, Costanza Di Stefano, Vito Ferro, and Vincenzo Pampalone

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Experimental Study of Central Baffle Flume

In this paper, the hydraulics of a central baffle flume (CBF) were experimentally studied. Extensive experimental runs were carried out to highlight the effects of different geometrical parameters such as baffle length, contraction ratio, and the length of upstream and downstream guide walls. Two different approaches, i.e., the Π theorem of dimensional analysis coupled with the incomplete self-similarity theory and the energy balance equation, were applied to deduce the stage–discharge formula of a CBF characterized by different geometrical parameters. The stage–discharge relationship deduced by the dimensional analysis approach was more accurate than that obtained by the energy approach. F…

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Assessing an overland flow resistance approach under equilibrium sediment transport conditions

Abstract In this study, for the first time, a theoretically deduced flow resistance equation was tested for an overland flow under equilibrium sediment transport conditions using available experimental data by Liu et al. for five Chinese soils. Initially the relationship among the velocity profile parameter Γ, the channel slope, the flow Reynolds number, the Froude number and the sediment concentration was calibrated using 90 measurements of the available database (Loessial, Cinnamon and Black soil) and tested by other 60 measurements (Red and Purple soil). The results proved that the Darcy–Weisbach friction factor can be accurately estimated by the proposed theoretical approach, with error…

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Modeling Rill Erosion at the Sparacia Experimental Area

In this paper the contributions of rill and interrill components to total soil erosion monitored at event scale at the Sparacia experimental area, Southern Italy, were firstly compared and the dominance of the rill component was detected. Then, the reliability of two empirical relationships between the rill length and its eroded volume and among the morphological variables (length, width, depth and volume) describing the channelized process was tested using both direct measurements of rills, carried out for the October 3, 2011 event, and those of ephemeral gullies surveyed on February 2010 at Sparacia. The measurements of rills detected by the direct field relief were compared with those ob…

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New-stage discharge relationship for weirs of finite crest lenght

AbstractThe flow process of weirs of finite crest length is analyzed on the basis of the dimensional analysis and incomplete self-similarity theory. The crest length is incorporated in the functional stage-discharge relationship for weirs of finite crest length. The theoretically deduced stage-discharge formula was then calibrated using the experimental data compiled in this research. According to the current experimental data it is also concluded that the performance of the proposed stage-discharge formula is better than the previous dimensional stage-discharge formulae. Also, the proposed stage-discharge formula is applicable for all types of the weirs, i.e., long-crested, broad-crested, …

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Using plot soil loss distribution for soil conservation design

Abstract Soil conservation design is generally based on the estimation of average annual soil loss but it should be developed taking into account storms of a given return period. However, use of frequency analysis in soil erosion studies is relatively limited. In this paper, an investigation on statistical distribution of soil loss measurements was firstly carried out using a relatively high number of simultaneously operating plots of different lengths, λ (11, 22, 33 and 44 m) at the experimental station of Sparacia (southern Italy). Using a simple normalization technique, the analysis showed that the probability distribution of the normalized soil loss is independent of both the scale leng…

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Physical and hydraulic characterization of a clay soil at the plot scale

Summary The soil physical and hydraulic properties have to be determined for interpreting and simulating many hydrological processes. An investigation was carried out to determine the physical and hydraulic characteristics of a clay soil at the plot scale. An intensive sampling of the surface soil layer of two plots of 4 × 11 m2 was carried out by measuring, for each plot, dry soil bulk density, ρb, and antecedent soil water content, θi, at 88 sampling points and field-saturated soil hydraulic conductivity, Kfs, at 176 sampling points. A wide range of Kfs values (0.7–5107 mm h−1) were measured by the Simplified Falling Head (SFH) technique. For each variable, the two plots yielded very simi…

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Dual-release hydrocortisone vs conventional glucocorticoids in adrenal insufficiency

Background Dual-release hydrocortisone (DR-HC) improves metabolism in patients with adrenal insufficiency. The aims of this study were to compare the cardiovascular and metabolic effects of conventional glucocorticoids (GCs) vs. DR-HC and of high vs. low doses of GCs, after 48 months of observation. Methods We selected 27 patients on hydrocortisone (mean dose 17.5 ± 4.2 mg/day) and 20 patients on cortisone acetate (mean dose 37.5 ± 12.1 mg/day) who maintained this treatment (group A) and 53 patients switched to DR-HC (mean dose 22 ± 4.8 mg/day) (group B). At baseline and after 48 months, clinical and metabolic parameters and Framingham Risk Score (FRS) were obtained. Results After 48 month…

research product

Testing the SEDD model in Sicilian basins

Abstract The Sediment Delivery Distributed (SEDD) model combines the universal soil loss equation (USLE) or the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) with a sediment delivery ratio to predict basin sediment yield. The model was applied to seven Sicilian basins, ranging in size from 20 to 213 km2 . Each basin has a reservoir located at its outlet. The model was applied to each basin using a raster scheme, and a subroutine of ArcInfo software to identify the hydraulic path linking each hillslope cell to the nearest stream cell, and to calculate both the travel time and the sediment delivery ratio of each cell. A procedure for estimating the β coefficient, which appears in the expressio…

research product

SW—Soil and Water

Abstract Recent research has directed attention to the properties of the eroded material because of its influence in deposition phenomena and in carrying capacity of pollutant materials. In this paper, the spatial distribution of the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and total organic carbon is firstly deduced using the measurements carried out in 129 soil samples well distributed over the Sicilian Sparacia Basin and a Kriging interpolation method. Then the load of each chemical was calculated at morphological unit and basin scale using the above-mentioned spatial distributions and sediment yield values calculated by a parametric approach such as the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSL…

research product

Closure to “Experimental Study of the Stage-Discharge Relationship for an Upstream Inclined Grid with Longitudinal Bars” by C. Di Stefano and V. Ferro

The discusser would like to thank the authors of the original paper for investigating the outflow process of an upstream inclined grid with longitudinal bars using the dimensional analysis and the incomplete self-similarity theory. The discusser, however, would like to add a few points. Using the theoretical analysis the authors of the original paper showed that a power equation can be used for establishing the stage-discharge equation of an upstream inclined grid with longitudinal bars. The authors of the original paper also showed that the coefficient and exponent of the power equation depend on the slope angle and the void ratio. They proposed a stage-discharge equation

research product

Slope threshold in rill flow resistance

The applicability of a theoretical rill flow resistance equation, based on the integration of a power velocity distribution, was tested using measurements carried out in mobile and fixed bed rills, shaped on plots having different slopes (9, 14, 15, 18, 22, 24, 25 and 26%) and soil textures (clay fractions ranging from 32.7% to 73% and silt of 19.9–30.9%), and flume measurements available in the literature. The Darcy–Weisbach friction factor resulted dependent on the slope, Froude number, Reynolds number and clay and silt percentages, used as variables representative of soil transportability and detachability, respectively. This theoretical approach was applied to two different databases di…

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Morphometric and hydraulic geometry assessment of a gully in SW Spain

Abstract Gully erosion represents one of the most significant types of land degradation in the Mediterranean areas, giving place to important on- and off-site effects. In this paper, a second-order gully located in SW Spain is analyzed. Along the gully, 28 cross-sections were established and measured with a Leica TCRM1102 laser total station, approximately every 6 months from 2001 to 2007. The sections were located at variable distance, placing them in areas where active erosion was evident. In total, 13 field measurements were carried out, and the geometric characteristics of 28 cross-sections were obtained. Morphometric analyses were carried out in both the main gully and a tributary reac…

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A new empirical model for estimating calanchi Erosion in Sicily, Italy

Abstract Calanchi (plural of calanco) are typical badland landforms of the Italian landscape. They consist of dense networks of V-shaped valleys, with a sparse or absent vegetation cover, which frequently develop on unconsolidated or poorly consolidated clayey deposits. In this paper, the dimensional analysis and the incomplete self-similarity theory were used to deduce a model relating the volume of sediments eroded from the calanchi area to a set of geometric attributes of their tributary areas. The morphometric characteristics of 209 calanchi basins were used to calibrate and validate the model. The predictive skill of the model was assessed by calculating the mean square error and the N…

research product

Field investigation of rill and ephemeral gully erosion in the Sparacia experimental area, South Italy

Abstract This paper reports the results of a field investigation aiming at characterizing the morphology and hydraulics of both rills and ephemeral gullies (EGs) monitored at Sparacia experimental area, Sicily, Italy. The comparison between rill and interrill erosion measurements showed that sediment delivery processes occurred in some erosive events and that the rill erosion rate was dominant in many cases. The measurements were used for testing both the empirical relationships between the channel (rill, EGs and gully) length and its eroded volume and among the morphological variables (length, width, depth and volume) describing the channelized process. Finally, the rill and EGs hydraulic …

research product

SW—Soil and Water

Abstract Recent research has directed attention to the size distribution of eroded material because of its influence on deposition mechanics and in carrying capacity of pollutant materials. At first, in this paper the relationship between aggregate breakdown mechanism and erosion processes is briefly reviewed. Then the link between the clay enrichment ratio and the sediment delivery ratio at morphological unit scale is investigated. For 129 soil samples well distributed over the Sicilian Sparacia basin, the values for the experimental clay enrichment ratio calculated by the measured ultimate grain-size distributions are compared with the theoretical clay enrichment ratio values obtained by …

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