Denise Syndercombe-court

Introduction of an single nucleodite polymorphism-based “Major Y-chromosome haplogroup typing kit” suitable for predicting the geographical origin of male lineages

The European Consortium "High-throughput analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms for the forensic identification of persons--SNPforID", has performed a selection of candidate Y-chromosome single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for making inferences on the geographic origin of an unknown sample. From more than 200 SNPs compiled in the phylogenetic tree published by the Y-Chromosome Consortium, and looking at the population studies previously published, a package of 29 SNPs has been selected for the identification of major population haplogroups. A "Major Y-chromosome haplogroup typing kit" has been developed, which allows the multiplex amplification of all 29 SNPs in a single reaction. A…

research product

Results of collaborative study regarding the standardization of the Y-linked STR system DYS385 by the European DNA Profiling (EDNAP) group.

Y-chromosome linked short tandem repeat (STR) loci are inherited as a closely linked haplotype, which appears to remain stable in a given paternal lineage over many generations. In forensic cases, Y-linked STRs are particularly useful for the identification of human remains as well as in rape cases with mixed male/female stain samples. DYS385 is derived from tandemly duplicated segments of the Y chromosome thus giving rise to two fragments of variable length which do not behave like alleles but genotypes. The European DNA Profiling (EDNAP) group has carried out a collaborative exercise among 14 participating laboratories using DYS385 for typing of five unknown bloodstains and a control samp…

research product

A multiplex assay with 52 single nucleotide polymorphisms for human identification.

A total of 52 SNPs reported to be polymorphic in European, Asian and African populations were selected. Of these, 42 were from the distal regions of each autosome (except chromosome 19). Nearly all selected SNPs were located at least 100 kb distant from known genes and commonly used STRs. We established a highly sensitive and reproducible SNP-typing method with amplification of all 52 DNA fragments in one PCR reaction followed by detection of the SNPs with two single base extension reactions analysed using CE. The amplicons ranged from 59 to 115 bp in length. Complete SNP profiles were obtained from 500 pg DNA. The 52 loci were efficiently amplified from degraded samples where previously on…

research product

A multiplex SNP typing approach for the DNA pyrosequencing technology

Abstract We have developed a multiplex Pyrosequencing assay which enables the simultaneous analyses of 23 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from the human genome selected by the SNPforID Consortium. In our investigations we have studied the multiplex capacity of the PSQ™ 96MA instrument (Biotage AB). To test the reliability of SNP typing by Pyrosequencing the SNPs were analysed in parallel by using the SNaPshot minisequencing technique as reference method.

research product

Application of whole genome amplification for forensic analysis

Abstract Fundamental to most forensic analyses is the availability of genomic DNA of adequate quality and quantity. To perform a multitude of genetic analyses and assays requires a sufficiently large amount of template. However, DNA yield from forensic samples is frequently limiting the extent of genetic typing. A possible solution to overcome this “bottleneck” of forensic and paleoarcheological DNA analyses could be the amplification of the entire genomic DNA prior to locus specific PCR analysis. Whole Genome Amplification appears to be a promising tool to obtain sufficient DNA amounts from forensic samples of limited quantity.

research product

Analysis of 29 Y-chromosome SNPs in a single multiplex useful to predict the geographic origin of male lineages

Abstract The European Consortium “High throughput analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms for the forensic identification of persons—SNPforID” has performed a selection of candidate Y-chromosome SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) for making inferences on the geographic origin of an unknown sample. A “Major Y chromosome haplogroup typing kit” has been developed, which allows the multiplex amplification of 29 SNPs in a single reaction followed by a single base extension (SBE) reaction (minisequencing) and separation of the resulting extension products by capillary electrophoresis.

research product

Analysis of artificially degraded DNA using STRs and SNPs—results of a collaborative European (EDNAP) exercise

Recently, there has been much debate about what kinds of genetic markers should be implemented as new core loci that constitute national DNA databases. The choices lie between conventional STRs, ranging in size from 100 to 450 bp; mini-STRs, with amplicon sizes less than 200 bp; and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). There is general agreement by the European DNA Profiling Group (EDNAP) and the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) that the reason to implement new markers is to increase the chance of amplifying highly degraded DNA rather than to increase the discriminating power of the current techniques. A collaborative study between nine European and US laboratories…

research product

The EDNAP mitochondrial DNA population database (EMPOP) collaborative exercises: organisation, results and perspectives.

This paper presents an overview of the organisation and the results of the collaborative exercises (CE) of the European DNA Profiling (EDNAP) Group's mitochondrial DNA population database project (EMPOP). The aim of the collaborative exercises was to determine whether uniformity of mtDNA sequencing results could be achieved among different laboratories. These were asked to sequence either the complete mtDNA control region or the two hypervariable regions HVI (16024-16365) and HVII (73-340) from DNA extracts, buccal swabs or bloodstains, proceeding in accordance with the protocol and strategies used in each individual laboratory. The results of the collaborative exercises were employed to id…

research product

A sensitive issue: Pyrosequencing as a valuable forensic SNP typing platform

Analysing minute amounts of DNA is a routine challenge in forensics in part due to the poor sensitivity of an instrument and its inability to detect results from forensic samples. In this study, the sensitivity of the Pyrosequencing method is investigated using varying concentrations of DNA and five autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms in singleplex on both available instrument models; the PSQ™ 96MA and PSQ™ HS 96A. A detailed comparison of the two models was completed while establishing a lower limit of detection on both instruments to give results supporting the use of Pyrosequencing as a valuable forensic SNP typing platform. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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