W. Schmidt

Disposition and Anticoagulant Activity of the Enantiomers of Phenprocoumon in Phenobarbital Pretreated Rats

The purpose of this study was to assess in rats the effect of enzyme induction on the stereoselective disposition and anticoagulant activity of phenprocoumon.

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Supersonic Magnetic Flows in the Quiet Sun

In this contribution we describe some recent observations of high-speed magnetized flows in the quiet Sun granulation. These observations were carried out with the Imaging Magnetograph eXperiment (IMaX) onboard the stratospheric balloon {\sc Sunrise}, and possess an unprecedented spatial resolution and temporal cadence. These flows were identified as highly shifted circular polarization (Stokes $V$) signals. We estimate the LOS velocity responsible for these shifts to be larger than 6 km s$^{-1}$, and therefore we refer to them as {\it supersonic magnetic flows}. The average lifetime of the detected events is 81.3 s and they occupy an average area of about 23\,000 km$^2$. Most of the events…

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Surface waves in solar granulation observed with {\sc Sunrise}

Solar oscillations are expected to be excited by turbulent flows in the intergranular lanes near the solar surface. Time series recorded by the IMaX instrument aboard the {\sc Sunrise} observatory reveal solar oscillations at high resolution, which allow studying the properties of oscillations with short wavelengths. We analyze two times series with synchronous recordings of Doppler velocity and continuum intensity images with durations of 32\thinspace min and 23\thinspace min, resp., recorded close to the disk center of the Sun to study the propagation and excitation of solar acoustic oscillations. In the Doppler velocity data, both the standing acoustic waves and the short-lived, high-deg…

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Abstract of the 68th Meeting (Spring Meeting) 6–9 March 1990, Heidelberg

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A tale of two emergences: Sunrise II observations of emergence sites in a solar active region

R. Centeno et. al.

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Untersuchungen zum pulmonalen Gasaustausch in der akuten Schockphase und nach �bergang in eine Schocklunge

Untersuchungen des pulmonalen Gasaustausches in der akuten Schockphase und nach Ubergang in eine Schocklunge zeigen ein unterschiedliches pulmonales Funktionsmuster. Bei 15 Patienten mit verschiedenen Schockformen bildete sich anfangs bei ungestorter Ventilation infolge einer pathologisch inhomogenen Lungencapillarperfusion bei erniedrigtem Herzminutenvolumen ein groser alveolarer Totraum aus, die aADCO2 stieg an. Das Ventilations-Perfusions-verhaltnis war erhoht. Trotz erhohter alveolarer O2-Partialdrucke waren die arteriellen O2-Partialdrucke erniedrigt, die AaDO2 erhoht. Neun Patienten dieser Gruppe, bei denen sich eine Schocklunge entwickelte, wurden 4–18 Tage nach der akuten Schockphas…

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Expression patterns of complex glycoconjugates and endogenous lectins during fetal development of the viscerocranium

Summary Experimental evidence suggests that carbohydrates and their corresponding receptors (endogenous lectins) decode biological information. Therefore, the expression of complex oligosaccharides — the potential ligand part of this recognition system — during chondrogenesis and osteogenesis was determined in the viscerocranium of fetal rats by mapping the staining patterns of exogenous lectins. Results were compared with the expression of bone- and/or cartilage-specific core proteins and the binding profiles of neoglycoconjugates. These synthetic tools make possible the localization of sugar-ligand-binding sites. The spatial and temporal distribution patterns of glycoconjugates were highl…

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Detection of vortex tubes in solar granulation from observations with Sunrise

We have investigated a time series of continuum intensity maps and corresponding Dopplergrams of granulation in a very quiet solar region at the disk center, recorded with the Imaging Magnetograph eXperiment (IMaX) on board the balloon-borne solar observatory Sunrise. We find that granules frequently show substructure in the form of lanes composed of a leading bright rim and a trailing dark edge, which move together from the boundary of a granule into the granule itself. We find strikingly similar events in synthesized intensity maps from an ab initio numerical simulation of solar surface convection. From cross sections through the computational domain of the simulation, we conclude that th…

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Species-dependent stereospecific serum protein binding of the oral anticoagulant drug phenprocoumon

13 mammalian species are classified into 3 clearcut groups with respect to the stereospecific serum protein-binding of phenprocoumon: 2 groups showing opposed stereospecific binding characteristics and a 3rd group exhibiting no stereospecific binding. Structural differences in the albumin molecule account for these stereospecific differences in serum protein-binding.

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Morphological Properties of Slender Ca ${\rm{II}}$ H Fibrils Observed by Sunrise II

R. Gafeira et. al.

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Effects of Ribavirin Dose Reduction vs Erythropoietin for Boceprevir-Related Anemia in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 1 Infection—A Randomized Trial

International audience; Background & AimsTreatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection with boceprevir, peginterferon, and ribavirin can lead to anemia, which has been managed by reducing ribavirin dose and/or erythropoietin therapy. We assessed the effects of these anemia management strategies on rates of sustained virologic response (SVR) and safety.MethodsPatients (n = 687) received 4 weeks of peginterferon and ribavirin followed by 24 or 44 weeks of boceprevir (800 mg, 3 times each day) plus peginterferon and ribavirin. Patients who became anemic (levels of hemoglobin approximately ≤10 g/dL) during the study treatment period (n = 500) were assigned to groups that were managed by ribavi…

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Progress in Arabidopsis genome sequencing and functional genomics

Arabidopsis thaliana has a relatively small genome of approximately 130 Mb containing about 10% repetitive DNA. Genome sequencing studies reveal a gene-rich genome, predicted to contain approximately 25 000 genes spaced on average every 4.5 kb. Between 10 to 20% of the predicted genes occur as clusters of related genes, indicating that local sequence duplication and subsequent divergence generates a significant proportion of gene families. In addition to gene families, repetitive sequences comprise individual and small clusters of two to three retroelements and other classes of smaller repeats. The clustering of highly repetitive elements is a striking feature of the A. thaliana genome emer…

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A new MHD-assisted Stokes inversion technique

©2017 The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. We present a new method of Stokes inversion of spectropolarimetric data and evaluate it by taking the example of a Sunrise/IMaX observation. An archive of synthetic Stokes profiles is obtained by the spectral synthesis of state-of-the-art magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulations and a realistic degradation to the level of the observed data. The definition of a merit function allows the archive to be searched for the synthetic Stokes profiles that best match the observed profiles. In contrast to traditional Stokes inversion codes, which solve the Unno–Rachkovsky equations for the polarized radiative transfer numerically and fit the …

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Differential effect of the enantiomers of phenprocoumon and warfarin on the vitamin K1-epoxide/vitamin K1 ratio in rat plasma.

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Trauma in cirrhosis: an indicator of the pattern of alcohol abuse in different societies.

While some morbidities associated with the excessive use of alcohol are related to the total amount of alcohol consumed--cirrhosis being an example--other pathologies, such as trauma and those of psycho-social origin, are mainly related to the frequency of acute alcoholic intoxication rather than to the total amount consumed. The balance between these two types of alcohol-associated morbidities can provide an indication of the relative frequency of intoxication, and thus of the pattern of alcohol abuse in a population. Since trauma is highly associated with acute alcoholic intoxication, the prevalence of bone fractures was determined in cirrhotics in nine countries. The prevalence of rib an…

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Stereoselective drug distribution and anticoagulant potency of the enantiomers of phenprocoumon in rats

Abstract The elimination, distribution and anticoagulant activity of S(—)-, R(+)-, and R,S(±)-phenprocoumon were determined in male Wistar-Lewis rats after intravenous injection of a single dose of 0·6 mg kg−1. From the plasma concentrations which elicited the same anticoagulant effect, S(—)-phenprocoumon was 4 to 5 times more potent than R(+)-phenprocoumon. The potency of the racemate was between those of the enantiomers. The mean biologic half-life of the S(—)-enantiomer was shorter (12·5 h) than that of R(+)-phenprocoumon (17·8 h). No differences were observed in the apparent volume of distribution. However, the mean liver: plasma concentration ratio was higher for the S(—)-(6·9) than fo…

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Zum Verhalten kardio-pulmonaler Funktionsparameter in Ruhe und unter ergometrischer Belastung bei Myokardinfarktpatienten in der sp�ten Rehabilitationsphase

22 Patienten, die 1–2 Jahre zuvor komplikationslos einen Myokardinfarkt durchgemacht hatten, wurden bis an die Grenze ihrer Leistungsfahigkeit stufenweise ergometrisch belastet. Entsprechend der Belastbarkeit wurden die Patienten in vier Leistungsgruppen eingeteilt und die Anpassung der wichtigsten kardio-pulmonalen Funktionsparameter in jeder Gruppe getrennt verfolgt. Dabei waren in der Halfte der Falle bereits in Ruhe diskrete Insuffizienzzeichen nachweisbar. Bei der folgenden Ergometerbelastung stellten sich auch bei den ubrigen Patienten in der ersten Belastungsstufe Insuffizienzzeichen ein.

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Moving Magnetic Features around a Pore

A. J. Kaithakkal et. al.

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Spectropolarimetric evidence for a siphon flow along an emerging magnetic flux tube

©2017 The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We study the dynamics and topology of an emerging magnetic flux concentration using high spatial resolution spectropolarimetric data acquired with the Imaging Magnetograph eXperiment on board the sunrise balloon-borne solar observatory. We obtain the full vector magnetic field and the line of sight (LOS) velocity through inversions of the Fe i line at 525.02 nm with the SPINOR code. The derived vector magnetic field is used to trace magnetic field lines. Two magnetic flux concentrations with different polarities and LOS velocities are found to be connected by a group of arch-shaped magnetic field lines. The positive polarity footp…

research product

Sequence and analysis of chromosome 4 of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana

The higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) is an important model for identifying plant genes and determining their function. To assist biological investigations and to define chromosome structure, a coordinated effort to sequence the Arabidopsis genome was initiated in late 1996. Here we report one of the first milestones of this project, the sequence of chromosome 4. Analysis of 17.38 megabases of unique sequence, representing about 17% of the genome, reveals 3,744 protein coding genes, 81 transfer RNAs and numerous repeat elements. Heterochromatic regions surrounding the putative centromere, which has not yet been completely sequenced, are characterized by an increased frequency …

research product

FibroTest is an independent predictor of virologic response in chronic hepatitis C patients retreated with pegylated interferon alfa-2b and ribavirin in the EPIC³ program

EPIC-3 is a prospective, international study that has demonstrated the efficacy of PEG-IFN alfa-2b plus weight-based ribavirin in patients with chronic hepatitis C and significant fibrosis who previously failed any interferon-alfa/ribavirin therapy. The aim of the present study was to assess FibroTest (FT), a validated non-invasive marker of fibrosis in treatment-naive patients, as a possible alternative to biopsy as the baseline predictor of subsequent early virologic (EVR) and sustained virologic response (SVR) in previously treated patients.Of 2312 patients enrolled, 1459 had an available baseline FT, biopsy, and complete data. Uni- (UV) and multi-variable (MV) analyses were performed us…

research product

Photospheric response to EB-like event

Ellerman Bombs are signatures of magnetic reconnection, which is an important physical process in the solar atmosphere. How and where they occur is a subject of debate. In this paper we analyse Sunrise/IMaX data together with 3D MHD simulations that aim to reproduce the exact scenario proposed for the formation of these features. Although the observed event seems to be more dynamic and violent than the simulated one, simulations clearly confirm the basic scenario for the production of EBs. The simulations also reveal the full complexity of the underlying process. The simulated observations show that the Fe I 525.02 nm line gives no information on the height where reconnection takes place. I…

research product

Atemgase, Blutgase und Atemmechanik bei dekompensierter Herzinsuffizienz

Bei 19 Patienten mit Herzinsuffizienz wurden im Dekompensationsstadium und im Verlauf der klinischen Behandlung Lungenfunktionsuntersuchungen durchgefuhrt, davon bei 12 mit Verlaufskontrolle. Es wurden arterielle Blutgaspartialdrucke, endexspiratorische Alveolardrucke, Lungenvolumina und atemmechanische Parameter bestimmt.

research product

Distribution patterns of neoglycoprotein-binding sites (endogenous lectins) and lectin-reactive glycoconjugates during cartilage and bone formation in human finger.

The distribution of endogenous lectins, visualized by labelled neoglycoproteins, and of defined oligosaccharide structures, reactive with plant lectins, during fetal development of the fingers was analyzed in sections of human 3- to 8-month-old fetal specimens. Chondrogenesis as well as ossification were correlated with characteristic modulations in the expression of both glycoligand-binding molecules and characteristic carbohydrate structures. Occurrence of xylose-specific receptors was judged to be an early sign of cartilage development. Similarly, α-mannosyl residues that had been attached to labelled carrier proteins were strongly bound by the extracellular matrix already during early s…

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Verteilungsungleichmäßigkeiten von $$\dot V_A /\dot Q$$ und $$D_L /\dot Q$$

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