Francisco Balbastre-benavent


Employees' perceptions of high-performance work systems and innovative behaviour: The role of exploratory learning

Abstract This paper analyses the influence of employees' perceptions of high-performance work systems (HPWSs) on employees' exploratory learning and innovative behaviour. Furthermore, the mediating role of exploratory learning in this relationship has also been studied. To achieve these objectives, a quantitative analysis was conducted with a sample of 304 researchers from the Spanish public sector. Results showed the relevance of employees' perceptions of HPWSs in promoting exploratory learning and employees' innovative behaviour. The mediating role of exploratory learning in the relationship was assessed. The paper mentions the importance of workers' perceptions on the implementation of H…

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ISO 9000‐based quality assurance approaches and their relationship with strategic analysis

Many organisations use the ISO 9000 series as a reference framework to establish their quality assurance system. In doing so, most of them overlook the process of interpreting and adapting these standards to their own characteristics and capabilities. As a result, there is a misunderstanding with respect to the objectives of the standards. The correct implementation of the ISO 9000 series requires a preliminary analysis that facilitates the adaptation of them to the particular circumstances of a company. Therefore, this paper pays attention to the relationship existing between ISO 9000 implementation and the use of strategic diagnosis tools. The employment of such tools could be studied as …

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The role of intellectual capital and entrepreneurial characteristics as innovation drivers

La innovacion y la iniciativa empresarial son estrategias organizacionales esenciales para encontrar una salida a la crisis mundial que afecta a las empresas de hoy en dia. Por lo tanto, el estudio de como los factores organizacionales como el capital intelectual o las caracteristicas de los empresarios afectan el exito de un proyecto empresarial innovador, es de gran importancia para ayudar a las organizaciones actuales a encontrar una solucion a este problema. El capital intelectual implica una inversion en capital humano, estructural y relacional. Por consiguiente, nuestro objetivo investigativo se centra en analizar la influencia del capital intelectual asi como las caracteristicas pers…

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The Key Role of Human Resource Practices for the Promotion of Creativity and Innovation: A Spanish Case Study

Management literature suggests that employee creativity can contribute substantially to organisational innovation, effectiveness and survival. In addition, the ability to innovate has also emerged as a basic strategic option. Innovation models express the need to implement specific human resource practices (HRP) for the development of skills, knowledge and innovation-oriented behaviours. Human resource practices can be extremely important when organisations intend to foster creativity and innovation which are key factors in competing effectively. With this aim in mind, we suggest that the existence of certain HRP such as training, performance appraisal and reward systems have a positive eff…

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The strategy formation process in the EFQM Excellence Model: a critical review and new perspectives

The adoption of an integrative strategy formation process becomes a way of developing a strategic capability that contributes to generating positive results and sustainable competitive advantages. In today's environments, many companies are also using the EFQM Excellence Model (EEM) to try to develop such a strategic capability. This paper presents an exhaustive review of the literature on the strategic process debate and on the strategic capability of the EEM. As a result, we offer to practitioners a conceptual framework which shows the EEM as a useful driver to facilitate the development of an integrative strategy formation process, and we propose a set of dimensions and variables (the le…

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High-commitment work practices and the social responsibility issue: interaction and benefits

Human Resource Management (HRM) has a potentially vital role to play in addressing the new challenges that companies have to face and in delivering initiatives in the framework of corporate sustainability. Our work attempts to shed light on the strategic role of High-Commitment Work Practices (HCWP) as a Corporate Sustainability (CS) partner and, more specifically, to analyze the implications of their integration on the competitiveness of the firm. With this purpose, we apply a qualitative methodology, using a single case study, to explore and explain why and how the interaction between HCWP and CS takes place. The results show how this interaction encourages the formulation and implementat…

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Survival causal patterns of social and commercial entrepreneurial initiatives in Spain

This research aims at analysing the influence of a holistic configuration of factors related to industry and the characteristics of the entrepreneur and the business, on the survival of social and commercial entrepreneurial initiatives in both, new and consolidated companies. The sample ranges from 2,851 to 2,109 firms, according to the period considered, and has been obtained from the reports of the projects submitted to the Assistance Programme to Young Entrepreneurs, promoted by the Valencian Institute of Youth. Other sources of information have been the Institute’s own reports and the Chambers of Commerce. A configurational analysis is performed using the Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparati…

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Rationality, participation and results: the case of the European excellence model in a Spanish services context

The study of the simultaneous effect of employee participation and rationality on organisational results by companies applying the EFQM Excellence Model has been scarcely developed in the literature. Trying to fill this gap, this paper empirically studies the relationship between participation and rationality with organisational results in a sample of Spanish firms applying this model. The case of service firms has been of utmost importance in this study. The study findings reveal that both rationality and participation are indirectly related to key organisational results, though this indirect effect is not present in the case of service firms. This paper encourages the use of the EFQM mode…

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Managerial practices driving knowledge creation, learning and transfer in translational research: an exploratory case study

Despite its growing popularity in the biomedical literature, the particular phenomenon of translational research management has not been addressed from an organizational and strategic perspective yet. Our study aims to fill this gap by identifying a set of managerial practices that could influence how knowledge is created, amplified and transferred from biomedical research both to clinical practice and the productive sector. As a result of the theoretical review, we have proposed a preliminary model to guide our empirical work. We have developed an exploratory case study to gather organisational information from an outstanding translational research center. The results obtained from the ana…

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La autoevaluación según los modelos de gestión de calidad total y el aprendizaje en la organización: Una investigación de carácter exploratorio.

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Is certification for sustainable tourism complementary to ISO 9000 certification? The case of the Parque del Lago Hotel in Costa Rica

El valor de este trabajo radica en el hecho de que proporciona un análisis comparativo entre las normas ISO 9000:2000 y las normas de sostenibilidad de Costa Rica CST. Su objetivo es obtener las diferencias y similitudes entre ambos sistemas de certifi cación, a partir de su comparación y del análisis de su contribución a la gestión empresarial y la sostenibilidad. El análisis destaca que los deben realizarse cambios organizativos en la empresa para lograr la efi ciencia y garantizar la satisfacción del cliente. The value of this paper lies in the fact that it provides a comparative analysis between ISO 9000:2000 standards and the Costa Rica CST sustainability standard. It aims to obtain di…

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