M. Bajatzadeh
Hp, Gc, Cp, Tf, Bg and Pi phenotypes in leprosy patients and healthy controls from West Bengal (India)
On a sample of n=601 leprous individuals and n=386 healthy controls from West Bengal (India) the question is discussed, if there are existing any associations between leprosy and several serum protein groups like haptoglobin, Gc, ceruloplasmin, transferrin, β2 I and Pi. No associations were found concerning the haptoglobins and transferrins. Certain associations came out respecting ceruloplasmin, β2 I and Pi phenotypes. However, these associations, which were found in connection with the different types and clinical courses of leprosy, should be reexamined by further research. The most striking results were obtained concerning the Gc proteins. In accordance with previously performed investi…
Associations between leprosy and serum protein groups
Serum protein group typings were done on a sample of n=173 adult healthy Negroes from the Macua tribe in Mozambique and on n=129 leprous individuals from the same tribe. Unfortunately, the type of leprosy is not known. Whilst between leprosy and haptoglobins, transferrins and Pi proteins no associations could be observed, statistically significant associations between leprosy and ceruloplasmin resp. β2 I were found. It is pointed out that these associations should be confirmed by further research on other populations and with respect to type and process of leprosy, until biological and population genetical interpretations will be possible.
Phosphoglucomutase (EC and adenylate kinase (EC typings in Koreans and Irish.
PGM1 and AK phenotypes were determined in samples from Korea and Ireland. the frequencies of PGM 1 1 genes amount to 0.916 in Koreans and 0.864 in Irish. AK1 frequencies come to 0.933 in Koreans and 0.873 in Irish.
Untersuchungen �ber die Verteilung der Hp-, Gc- und Gm-Gruppen in Pakistan
Pseudocholinesterases and human red cell acid phosphatases in Koreans.
The authors reveal the results of pseudocholinesterase and human red cell acid phosphatase typings in a sample of 115 unrelated female Koreans aged from 20–30. No atypical pseudocholinesterase variants could be demonstrated. The frequencies of human red cell acid phosphatase alleles run up to: phA=0.231, phB=0.769, phC=0.000.
Investigations on the geographical variability of the human transferrins.
On the basis of own and from the widely scattered literature compiled materials the geographical distribution of the transferrin alleles is discussed. They reveal a characteristic distribution pattern, as the slow Tf variants produced by TfD alleles are obviously more frequent in tropical than in non-tropical populations. Considering similar results in cattle and its interpretation by Ashton (1958, 1965), it is hypothesized, that the relatively high TfΓ frequencies in tropical biotops might be a selective adaptation to their special climatic conditions. In this connection an association between slowly moving transferrin proteins in man and tolerance to hotter climates — as could be found in…
Investigations on the genetics and population genetics of the ?2 polymorphism
The results of studies on 49 families with 107 children and various populations of Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid origin concerning the genetics and population genetics of the β2-glycoprotein I polymorphism are reported. In general the genetical model proposed by Cleve (1968) is confirmed: two autosomal alleles BgN and BgD controlling the phenotypes Bg N-N, Bg N-D and Bg D-D. However, divergences from this model were found in two families. They indicate the assumption of non-genetic factors influencing the phenotype expression rather than more complicated genetical control mechanisms. Within Caucasoid populations phenotype and gene frequencies show almost a homogeneous distribution. This …
Studies on the population genetics of the ceruloplasmin polymorphism
Phenotype and gene frequencies of the ceruloplasmin polymorphism are reported. In all populations considered here (Germans, Icelanders, Iranians, Pakistani, and Koreans) high frequencies of the allele CpB (0.978–0.996) could be observed, whilst the frequencies of the alleles CpA (0.003–0.013) and CpC (0.000–0.013) are very low.