Matteo Cecchetto
Assessment of Proton Direct Ionization for the Radiation Hardness Assurance of Deep Submicron SRAMs Used in Space Applications
Proton direct ionization from low-energy protons has been shown to have a potentially significant impact on the accuracy of prediction methods used to calculate the upset rates of memory devices in space applications for state-of-the-art deep sub-micron technologies. The general approach nowadays is to consider a safety margin to apply over the upset rate computed from high-energy proton and heavy ion experimental data. The data reported here present a challenge to this approach. Different upset rate prediction methods are used and compared in order to establish the impact of proton direct ionization on the total upset rate. No matter the method employed the findings suggest that proton dir…
Direct Ionization Impact on Accelerator Mixed-Field Soft-Error Rate
We investigate, through measurements and simulations, the possible direct ionization impact on the accelerator soft-error rate (SER), not considered in standard qualification approaches. Results show that, for a broad variety of state-of-the-art commercial components considered in the 65-16-nm technological range, indirect ionization is still expected to dominate the overall SER in the accelerator mixed-field. However, the derived critical charges of the most sensitive parts, corresponding to ~0.7 fC, are expected to be at the limit of rapid direct ionization dominance and soft-error increase.
SEU characterization of commercial and custom-designed SRAMs based on 90 nm technology and below
International audience; The R2E project at CERN has tested a few commercial SRAMs and a custom-designed SRAM, whose data are complementary to various scientific publications. The experimental data include low- and high-energy protons, heavy ions, thermal, intermediate- and high-energy neutrons, high-energy electrons and high-energy pions.
0.1-10 MeV Neutron Soft Error Rate in Accelerator and Atmospheric Environments
Neutrons with energies between 0.1-10 MeV can significantly impact the Soft Error Rate (SER) in SRAMs manufactured in scaled technologies, with respect to high-energy neutrons. Their contribution is evaluated in accelerator, ground level and avionic (12 km of altitude) environments. Experimental cross sections were measured with monoenergetic neutrons from 144 keV to 17 MeV, and results benchmarked with Monte Carlo simulations. It was found that even 144 keV neutrons can induce upsets due to elastic scattering. Moreover, neutrons in the 0.1-10 MeV energy range can induce more than 60% of the overall upset rate in accelerator applications, while their contribution can exceed 18% in avionics.…
Analysis of the Photoneutron Field Near the THz Dump of the CLEAR Accelerator at CERN With SEU Measurements and Simulations
We study the radiation environment near the terahertz (THz) dump of the CERN Linear Electron Accelerator for Research (CLEAR) electron accelerator at CERN, using FLUktuierende KAskade in German (FLUKA) simulations and single-event upset (SEU) measurements taken with 32-Mbit Integrated Silicon Solution Inc. (ISSI) static random access memories (SRAMs). The main focus is on the characterization of the neutron field to evaluate its suitability for radiation tests of electronics in comparison with other irradiation facilities. Neutrons at CLEAR are produced via photonuclear reactions, mostly initiated by photons from the electromagnetic cascades that occur when the beam is absorbed by the dump …
The Pion Single-Event Effect Resonance and its Impact in an Accelerator Environment
International audience; The pion resonance in the nuclear reaction cross section is seen to have a direct impact on the single-event effect (SEE) cross section of modern electronic devices. This was experimentally observed for single-event upsets and single-event latchup. Rectangular parallelepiped (RPP) models built to fit proton data confirm the existence of the pion SEE cross-section resonance. The impact on current radiation hardness assurance (RHA) soft error rate (SER) predictions is, however, minimal for the accelerator environment since this is dominated by high neutron fluxes. The resonance is not seen to have a major impact on the high-energy hadron equivalence approximation estab…