S. Nummela
Intruder features in the island of inversion: The case of33Mg
The Na-33 beta decay was studied online using mass separation techniques and a first description of the level structure of the neutron-rich isotope Mg-33, with N=21, has been obtained. The experiment involved the measurement of beta-gamma, beta-gamma-gamma, and beta -n-gamma coincidences as well as neutron spectra by time-of-flight technique. The first low energy level scheme for the daughter nucleus Mg-33 is given with five bound states. Spin and parity assignments are proposed according to beta feedings and gamma -ray multipolarities, beta -strength distribution is evaluated, taking into account 1n- and 2n-emission channels and it is compared with the calculated GT strength distribution. …
The 1+→0+ Gamow–Teller strength of the 58Cug.s.→58Nig.s. transition
The ground-state branch in the beta decay of Cu-58 has been remeasured by using gamma-ray detection combined with ion-guide-based on-line mass separation. The measured value 80.8(7)% is three times more precise and in agreement with the earlier reported value. The deduced Gamow-Teller strength of this transition, to be used for the calibration of the charge-exchange reactions, is 0.0821(7). (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Spectroscopy of34,35Sibyβdecay:sd−fpshell gap and single-particle states
Beta-delayed neutron decay of 33Na
Abstract Beta-delayed neutron decay of 33 Na has been studied using the on-line mass separator ISOLDE. The delayed neutron spectra were measured by time-of-flight technique using fast scintillators. Two main neutron groups at 800(60) and 1020(80) keV were assigned to the 33 Na decay, showing evidence for strong feeding of states at about 4 MeV in 33 Mg. By simultaneous β–γ–n counting the delayed neutron emission probabilities P 1n =47(6)% and P 2n =13(3)% were determined. The half-life value for 33 Na, T 1/2 =8.0(3) ms , was measured by three different techniques, one employing identifying gamma transitions and two employing beta and neutron counting.
Radiation hardness of Czochralski silicon, Float Zone silicon and oxygenated Float Zone silicon studied by low energy protons
Abstract We processed pin-diodes on Czochralski silicon (Cz-Si), standard Float Zone silicon (Fz-Si) and oxygenated Fz-Si. The diodes were irradiated with 10, 20, and 30 MeV protons. Depletion voltages and leakage currents were measured as a function of the irradiation dose. Additionally, the samples were characterized by TCT and DLTS methods. The high-resistivity Cz-Si was found to be more radiation hard than the other studied materials.
Results of proton irradiations of large area strip detectors made on high-resistivity Czochralski silicon
Abstract We have processed full-size strip detectors on Czochralski grown silicon wafers with resistivity of about 1.2 kΩ cm. Wafers grown with Czochralski method intrinsically contain high concentrations of oxygen, and thus have potential for high radiation tolerance. Detectors and test diodes were irradiated with 10 MeV protons. The 1-MeV neutron equivalent irradiation doses were 1.6×1014 and 8.5×1013 cm−2 for detectors, and up to 5.0×1014 cm−3 for test diodes. After irradiations, depletion voltages and leakage currents were measured. Czochralski silicon devices proved to be significantly more radiation hard than the reference devices made on traditional detector materials.
A step further in the A = 33−35, N ≃ 21, island of inversion: the structure of 33Mg
Experimental indications have been found in the seventies for the deformation of neutron-rich A ≃ 32 nuclei [1]. This could be explained by Hartree-Fock calculations, predicting deformed configurations in the ground state of nuclei in the A = 33−35, N ≃ 21 mass region. This exotic region, called the island of inversion [2], knows a renewed interest since it can be now experimentally accessible for detailed studies.
Medium-spin structure of neutron-rich Pd and Cd isotopes
Cadmium isotopes are traditionally considered as good examples of nearly spherical, vibrational nuclei, which can be described by quadrupole vibrators in the collective model, as well as the U(5) dynamical symmetry in the interacting boson model (IBM). However, the shape coexistence of more deformed intruder states originating from proton 2p–4h excitation across the Z = 50 major shell is another interesting structural aspect, whose presence in Pd-isotopes has also been demonstrated [1,2].
Beta decay of neutron-rich 118Rh and the lowest excited states in 118Pd
Beta decay of a refractory isotope 118Rh produced in symmetric fission and mass separated by the ion guide technique has been applied for the study of low-lying excited states of 118Pd. The yrast band in 118Pd has been observed up to a 6+ state and the lowest states of the asymmetric γ-band have been identified. The measured half-life of 118Rh is (300±60)ms. The systematics of the excited states in neutron-rich Pd-isotopes implies the saturation towards an O(6) symmetry at N = 70.
βdecay of neutron-rich118Agand120Agisotopes
$\ensuremath{\beta}$ decays of on-line mass-separated neutron-rich ${}^{118}\mathrm{Ag}$ and ${}^{120}\mathrm{Ag}$ isotopes have been studied by using $\ensuremath{\beta}\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{\gamma}$ and $\ensuremath{\gamma}\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{\gamma}$ coincidence spectroscopy. Extended decay schemes to the ${}^{118,120}\mathrm{Cd}$ daughter nuclei have been constructed. The three-phonon quintuplet in ${}^{118}\mathrm{Cd}$ is completed by including a new level at 2023.0 keV, which is tentatively assigned the spin and parity of ${2}_{4}^{+}.$ The intruder band in ${}^{118}\mathrm{Cd}$ is proposed up to the ${4}^{+}$ level at 2322.4 keV. The measured $\ensuremath{\beta}$-decay half…
Beta-delayed neutron spectroscopy by the TOF technique at IGISOL: 95Rb as a test case
Nuclides with a large neutron excess have high Q β values, making it possible to extract the β-strength function (SF) over a large energy range using β-decay spectroscopy. However, because of the low neutron binding energies, neutron emission from excited states will occur and β-delayed neutron spectroscopy is required to determine the SF over the full Q β window.
New levels in 118Pd observed in the beta-decay of very neutron-rich 118Rh isotope
We investigate the β decay of very neutron-rich 118Rh isotope using on-line mass-separated sources which are produced by applying 25 MeV proton induced symmetric fission of natural uranium at the IGISOL facility. The β–γ and γ–γ coincidence spectroscopy is employed to establish the level scheme of daughter nucleus 118Pd. Five low-lying new levels are identified for the first time with tentative spin and parity assignments based on the even-mass Pd systematics.
The effect of oxygenation on the radiation hardness of silicon studied by surface photovoltage method
The effect of oxygenation on the radiation hardness of silicon detectors was studied. Oxygen-enriched and standard float-zone silicon pin-diodes and oxidized samples were processed and irradiated with 15-MeV protons. After the irradiations, the surface photovoltage (SPV) method was applied to extract minority carrier diffusion lengths of the silicon samples. Adding oxygen to silicon was found to improve the radiation hardness of silicon. The effect was visible in minority carrier diffusion lengths as well as in reverse bias leakage currents. The suitability of SPV method for characterizing irradiated silicon samples was proved.
Study of the neutron-rich nuclei with $N$ = 21, $^{35}$Si and $^{33}$Mg, by beta decay of $^{35}$Al and $^{33}$Na
Abstract The first information on the level structure of the N =21 nuclei, 35 Si and 33 Mg, has been obtained by the beta decay study of 35 Al and 33 Na, produced by fragmentation of an UC target with 1.4 GeV protons at CERN/ISOLDE. The experimental technique involved β – γ , β – γ – γ , and β –n– γ coincidences, neutron spectra being obtained by time of flight measurements. Gamma detection was made either using large Ge counters or small BaF 2 scintillators (for lifetime measurements). In the case of the 35 Al decay, ( T 1/2 =41.6(2.2) ms), a simple structure has been found for the level scheme of 35 Si ( Z =14, N =21) which has been interpreted with the level sequence : 7/2 − , 3/2 − and …
Annealing study of oxygenated and non-oxygenated float zone silicon irradiated with protons
Abstract Introducing oxygen into the silicon material is believed to improve the radiation hardness of silicon detectors. In this study, oxygenated and non-oxygenated silicon samples were processed and irradiated with 15 MeV protons. In order to speed up the defect reactions after the exposure to particle radiation, the samples were heat treated at elevated temperatures. In this way, the long-term stability of silicon detectors in hostile radiation environment could be estimated. Current–voltage measurements and Surface Photovoltage (SPV) method were used to characterize the samples.
Radiation-hard semiconductor detectors for SuperLHC
An option of increasing the luminosity of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN to 10^35 cm^(- 2) s(- 1) has been envisaged to extend the physics reach of the machine. An efficient tracking down to a few centimetres from the interaction point will be required to exploit the physics potential of the upgraded LHC. As a consequence, the semiconductor detectors close to the interaction region will receive severe doses of fast hadron irradiation and the inner tracker detectors will need to survive fast hadron fluences of up to above 1016 cm 2. The CERN-RD50 project ''Development of Radiation Hard Semiconductor Devices for Very High Luminosity Colliders'' has been established in 2002 to explore…
Wien filter for cooled low-energy radioactive ion beams
A Wien filter for cooled radioactive ion beams has been designed at Ion Guide Isotope Separator On Line technique (IGISOL). The purpose of such device is to eliminate doubly charged ions from the mass separated singly charged ions, based on q=+2→q=+1 charge exchange process in an ion cooler. The performance of the Wien filter has been tested off-line with a discharge ion source as well as on-line with a radioactive beam. The electron capture process of cooled q=+2 ions has been investigated in a radiofrequency quadrupole ion cooler with varying partial pressures of nitrogen. Also, the superasymmetric fission production yields of 68<A<78 nuclei have been deduced.
Production of neutron-rich isotopes in fission of uranium induced by neutrons of 20 MeV average energy
In the context of a parameter study conducted by several laboratories for future European radioactive beam facilities based on fast-neutron induced fission, in particular for the SPIRAL-II project at GANIL, we have measured the yields of neutron-rich isotopes in the mass range of 88 to 144. These nuclei were obtained as fission products of natural uranium bombarded by neutrons of 20 MeV average energy emitted by a thick carbon target irradiated by 50 MeV deuterons. Yields have been measured using on-line mass separation with the ion-guide method. Compared with proton-induced fission at 25 MeV the magnitude of cross-sections, except for the symmetric region, is similar. Z-distributions of is…