Nicola Donato
Microwave characterization and modeling of packaged HEMTs by a direct extraction procedure at cryogenic temperatures
In the present work we employ a direct extraction procedure to determine small signal equivalent circuit of microwave GaAs FETs by means of scattering (S-) parameter measurements down to cryogenic temperatures. The direct extraction procedure was tested on packaged AlGaAs/InGaAs HEMTs and good agreement between the simulated and measured S-parameters was obtained at different bias and temperature conditions. We employed a properly designed cryogenic set-up operating in our laboratory that allows to perform DC and RF characterization down to 30 K.
DC and 1/f noise characterization of cryogenically cooled pseudomorphic HEMT's
Pseudomorphic (AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs) HEMT's have exhibited the best noise performance over the entire LF-to-microwave frequency range if compared to MESFET's and conventional GaAs HEMT's, due to either a reduced flicker noise, a lower G/R contribution and a smaller high-field diffusion noise. We have recently investigated the microwave (up to 18 GHz) noise properties of packaged pseudomorphic HEMT's from 290 K down to cryogenic temperature values. The current experimental work is aimed at extending such analysis to the LF noise range and at low temperatures. Cryogenic noise spectra (1 Hz to 100 KHz) and DC characteristics have therefore been recorded and the relevant observations on the devic…
On the noise resistance of field-effect transistors at microwave frequencies
This paper presents a survey on the topical aspects of the noise resistance in field-effect transistors (FET) at microwave frequencies. Such noise parameter represents the sensitivity of the device noise figure to the departure from the minimum noise condition and is therefore important in all low-noise applications. The performance of the noise resistance in FETs has been reviewed since the first noise modeling analysis of short-gate devices were presented in the early '70s. The authors also comment and compare their own results on this subject as obtained by extensive experimental activity in the field of noisy device characterization vs. frequency, bias and temperature conditions.