P. Höhn

Myxoid lipoadenorna of the parathyroid gland

A myxoid lipoadenoma of the parathyroid gland causing primary hyperparathyroidism is reported. The very rare and histologically unusual tumor consists of an epithelial component which is combined with a stromal component in a characteristic way. Slender, irregularly branched trabeculae which mainly consist of chief cells as well as a few oxyphil cells are found as epithelial component. The predominantly myxomatous and only focally lipomatous stromal component is interpreted as an integrated tumor component of the lipoadenoma which is derived from the parathyroid adipose tissue.

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Grades of atypia in tubular and villous adenomas of the human colon. An electron microscopic study.

Of a total of 544 tubular, villous and tubulo-villous adenomas of the human colon which were investigated by light microscopy, six tubular and six villous adenomas were examined under the electron microscope. It was shown that the two types of adenoma differ in their tissue architecture, but not in their cytological appearance. Different grades of epithelial atypia occur in both types of adenoma. These are designated as grades I to III, correspond to mild, moderate and severe atypia respectively. Whereas adenoma cells with atypia grade I clearly show a cytological relationship with crypt epithelia of the normal colonic mucosa under the electron microscope, adenoma cells with atypia grade II…

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SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study

Abstract Background Preoperative SARS-CoV-2 vaccination could support safer elective surgery. Vaccine numbers are limited so this study aimed to inform their prioritization by modelling. Methods The primary outcome was the number needed to vaccinate (NNV) to prevent one COVID-19-related death in 1 year. NNVs were based on postoperative SARS-CoV-2 rates and mortality in an international cohort study (surgical patients), and community SARS-CoV-2 incidence and case fatality data (general population). NNV estimates were stratified by age (18–49, 50–69, 70 or more years) and type of surgery. Best- and worst-case scenarios were used to describe uncertainty. Results NNVs were more favourable in su…

research product

Ischemia and post-ischemic regeneration of the small intestinal mucosa

After reversible ligation of the arcade vessels of the proximal jejunum, the intestinal mucosa was investigated by light microscopic and autoradiographic methods after 15, 30, 60, 120 and 300 min of ischemia. Early ischemic damage to the mucosa (after about 15 min) is characterized by shedding of not yet irreversibly damaged enterocytes from the tips of the villi into the intestinal lumen and bleb formation starting at the base of the epithelia. This process advances from the tips to the bases of the villi with increasing duration of ischemia, and the villi are completely denuded of epithelium after ischemia lasting 2 h. Remains of the small intestinal crypts are still present at this time.…

research product

Early outcomes and complications following cardiac surgery in patients testing positive for coronavirus disease 2019: An international cohort study

The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndromecoronavirus-2, the cause of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in December 2019 represented a global emergency accounting for more than 2.5 million deaths worldwide.1 It has had an unprecedented influence on cardiac surgery internationally, resulting in cautious delivery of surgery and restructuring of services.2 Understanding the influence of COVID-19 on patients after cardiac surgery is based on assumptions from other surgical specialties and single-center studies. The COVIDSurg Collaborative conducted a multicenter cohort study, including 1128 patients, across 235 hospitals, from 24 countries demonstrating perioperative COVID-19 infection…

research product

Aktivit�tsbestimmungen der sauren phosphatase in verschiedenen biologischen medien unter verwendung von o-Carboxyphenylphosphat

Unter den fur die Bestimmung der menschlichen sauren Spermaphosphatase festgestellten Bedingungen wurden die Spaltungsraten verschiedener Substanzen menschlicher, tierischer und pflanzlicher Herkunft bestimmt. Im Humansperma wurden etwa 104–106 U, im bovinen etwa 102–104 und im Blumenkohlpressaft 103–104 U festgestellt. In den ubrigen Substanzen ist zwar eine geringe Hydrolyserate, die auch durch saure Phosphataseaktivitat bedingt sein kann, nicht auszuschliesen, jedoch ist dieses Ferment nicht mit Sicherheit nachweisbar. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse zeigen, das die saure Phosphatase des menschlichen Ejaculates o-Carboxyphenylphosphat sehr schnell hydrolysiert, aber auch im Blumenkohlpressaf…

research product

Discelectrophoretischer Nachweis der Heterogenität der menschlichen sauren Spermaphosphatase

Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe der vertikalen Discelektrophorese in Polyacrylamid-Gel ist es moglich, zwei Enzymbanden der sauren Spermaphosphatase nachzuweisen. Eine optimale Trennung ergibt sich bei einer Wasserstoffionenkonzentration von pH 7,5 im Trenn-Gel und pH 5,5 im Sammel-Gel und 0,1 M Acetatpuffer. Der Vorteil dieser Methode liegt in dem relativ geringen apparativen Aufwand, der kurzen Trennzeit, der hohen Trennscharfe sowie der Moglichkeit, aserst geringe Substanzmengen aufzutrennen. Summary With the aid of disc-electrophoresis in poly acryl amide it is possible to proof the heterogeneity of acid phosphatase of human seminal fluid. In all samples could be detected. The best results we…

research product

Electron microscopic and histochemical studies on the function of the branchial heart appendage (pericardial gland) in Sepia officinalis (l.)

Die elektronenmikroskopischen Untersuchungen am Kiemenherzanhang von Sepia officinalis zeigen, das diesem Organ wie den Venenanhangen exkretorische Funktionen zukommen. Die Pericardialdruse erweist sich als ein Derivat des Kiemenherzens. Ihre Hauptmasse besteht aus einem polar organisierten Faltenepithel, dessen Ultrastrukturmerkmale (basaler Faltenapparat, Gehalt an Mitochondrien und Lysosomen, sekretorisch aktiver Mikrovillisaum) anderen Exkretionsorganen entsprechend auf aktive Ionentransportvorgange hindeuten. Es ist dem auseren Kiemenherzepithel homolog und kommt in ahnlicher Ausbildung auch in anderen Organen (Zentralherz, Kieme) vor. Die polygonalen Zellen der Randzone sind dem zentr…

research product

Does uremic enterocolitis exist?

In rats a severe but compensated chronic renal insufficiency was induced by stepwise 9/10 nephrectomy. Despite this severe chronic renal insufficiency we observed no relevant pathological changes in the intestinal mucosa. In particular, we found no evidence of mucosal erosions, ulceration or pseudomembranous colitis, findings which are traditionally thought to be characteristic of the uremic state. This was also true of those animals dying prematurely from uremia. Thus serious doubts arise about the existence of “uremic enterocolitis”, doubts which also proved justified after a critical review of the literature on human pathology.

research product

Ischemia and post-ischemic regeneration of the small intestinal mucosa

After ligation of the vascular arcades of the upper jejunum in rats, the ischemic damage to the intestinal mucosa and its regenerative behavior after ischemia lasting 120 minutes were investigated with histological and enzyme-histochemical methods. During the ischemic injury of the jejunal mucosa, there is rejection of hydropically swollen epithelial cells into the intestinal lumen advancing from the tip to the base of the villi without a previously detectable loss of activity of the enzymes investigated. At the end of ischemia lasting 120 minutes, there is complete destruction of the villi as well as the upper portions of the crypts. After rapid re-epithelialization of the mucosal surface …

research product

The mechanism of epithelial shedding after ischemic damage to the small intestinal mucosa

The intestinal mucosa of the rat was examined by light and electron microscopy 15, 30, 60 and 120 min after complete ligation of the vessel arcades of the proximal jejunum. The characteristic sign of ischemic damage to the small intestinal mucosa and the reason for epithelial shedding is the appearance of membrane enclosed cytoplasmic blebs which arise at the cell base of the enterocytes and detach the epithelium from the basement membrane. This process begins at the tip of the villi before the enterocytes display signs of irreversible damage and progress to the base of the villi with continuation of the ischemia.

research product

The relation between tumor cell proliferation and vascularization in differentiated and undifferentiated colon carcinomas in the rat.

Tumor cell proliferation and tumor vascularization were investigated in differentiated and undifferentiated colon carcinomas of the rat. The following results were found: 1, in both tumor types, vascularization is developed equally well; 2, both in the differentiated and in the undifferentiated carcinomas, the number of proliferating tumor cells decreases with increasing distance from the capillaries; at a distance of about 80 microns, there is no longer any noteworthy tumor cell proliferation; 3, the differentiated and undifferentiated carcinomas differ both in the level of the mitosis index and 3H-thymidine labeling index as well as in their local proliferation pattern despite equal vascu…

research product

Discelektrophoretische Differenzierung saurer Phosphatasen verschiedener Herkunft

1. Im menschlichen Ejaculat konnten discelektrophoretisch unabhangig vom Spurenalter konstant 2 Isoenzyme der sauren Phosphatase nachgewiesen werden.

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Intraspinale neurenterische Cyste mit Lungengewebsdystopie bei Myelocele

Es wird ein Fall einer kombinierten Misbildung (spinale neurenterische Cyste mit einer thorakalen Meningomyelocele) beschrieben. Das Ergebnis der neurochirurgischen Behandlung war sehr befriedigend.

research product

Duodenogastrischer Reflux nach Vagotomie und Pyloroplastik

Bei 27 Patienten mit selektiver oder trunkularer Vagotomie und Pyloroplastik wurde gepruft, ob ein duodenogastrischer Reflux vorliegt. Die Untersuchung erfolgte rontgenologisch durch Instillation von verdunntem Bariumbrei in das Duodenum und durch Nachweis von i.v. appliziertem Bromsulphalein im Magensaft. Es konnte bei 20 von 23 Patienten rontgenologisch und bei 18 von 27 Patienten durch den Bromsulphalein-Nachweis ein duodenogastrischer Reflux festgestellt werden. In Zusammenhang mit Reflux standen postoperative Beschwerden wie Vollegefuhl, Brechreiz und Oberbauchschmerzen, sowie der Nachweis morphologischer Veranderungen der Magenschleimhaut im Sinne von Gastritiden verschiedener Stadien.

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Elektronenmikroskopische und histochemische Untersuchungen zur Funktion der Branchialdr�se (Parabranchialdr�se) der Cephalopoda

Licht- und elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen an der Branchialdruse verschiedener Cephalopoden (Sepia officinalis, Octopus vulgaris, Loligo vulgaris, Eledone moschata) zeigen, das das Drusengewebe des stark vaskularisierten Organs aus einem sekretorisch aktiven Zelltypus mit ausgepragtem endoplasmatischen Retikulum besteht. In den Zisternen des endoplasmatischen Retikulums lassen sich granulare und ringformige Strukturen (Durchmesser: 45–65 A und 170 A) nachweisen, die in Grose und Gestalt mit den Hamocyanin-Einheiten in den Gefasen und Lakunen ubereinstimmen und durch randlichen Zerfall der Zellen in den Blutraum auszuwandern scheinen. Die histochemischen Untersuchungen ergeben eine p…

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