Dominique Peyron

Perceptive and semantic knowledge in wine expertise: the case of wines with aging potential

International audience

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Sensory drivers of intrinsic quality of red wines

Abstract The present study aims at evaluating the effect of culture and level of expertise on the perception of wine intrinsic quality. Therefore, regular consumers (108) and experts (119) from La Rioja (RJ-Spain) and Cotes du Rhone (CdR-France) evaluated the intrinsic quality of 12 red wines from both regions. Participants had to categorise the wines according to four levels of quality going from very low to very high quality. Results show no significant correlation between the quality scores given by experts and regular consumers whereas judgments given by French and Spanish experts are significantly correlated as are consumers' quality judgments. This demonstrates that perceived intrinsi…

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Bordeaux/Bourgogne: differences in categorization and description of vins de garde?

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Perceived minerality in sauvignon blanc wine: chemical reality or cultural construct?

International audience; The study aimed to determine the relationship between perceived mineral character in wine and wine chemical composition. We investigated the sensory properties and chemical composition of sauvignon blanc wines from two major sauvignon-producing countries, New Zealand and France. Sensory experiments employing 16 wines (8 French, 8 New Zealand) were conducted in Marlborough, New Zealand and in three regions of France, namely Bordeaux, Burgundy, and the Sancerre/Loire region. Wine professionals (31 New Zealanders and 32 French professionals) sensorially characterised the 16 wines under three conditions, bouquet only (ortho-nasal olfaction), palate only (nose clip condit…

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The nature of perceived minerality in white wine: preliminary sensory data

International audience

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Perception of mineral character in Sauvignon blanc wine: inter-individual differences

Revue non indexée dans le JCR.; Of the descriptors employed to characterize wine organoleptically, minerality is arguably one of the most enigmatic. The aim of the work described in this article was to delineate the nature of perceived minerality in Sauvignon wine, specifically its sensorial reality for experienced wine professionals from France and New Zealand. Participants evaluated 16 Sauvignon blanc wines (8 French; 8 New Zealand) under three conditions, ortho-nasal olfaction, palate only (Nose-clip condition), and by full tasting (global perception). Data from the global condition only are reported here. Key results include: i) that although there were quantitative differences in perce…

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Extrinsic attributes responsible for red wine quality perception: A cross-cultural study between France and Spain

Understanding quality perception requires focusing both on product proprieties and consumers' representations. The goal of this study was to access the representations of perceived extrinsic wine quality of consumers from two different wine regions in two European countries with an important wine tradition: La Rioja-RJ-(Spain) and Cotes du Rhone-CdR-(France). Twenty commercial red wines (ten from RJ and ten from CdR) were evaluated in terms of quality by means of a categorization task. Ninety-five French and 93 Spanish consumers had to categorize the 20 wines according to four levels of quality going from very low to very high quality. Three clusters of French and two of Spanish consumers h…

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The evocative notion of minerality in wine: Sensorial reality or smart marketing

chapitre dans des actes de colloques; absent

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The characteristics of the 1990 vintage in Burgundy

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Vers une approche polysensorielle de la description du toucher des vins

International audience; La place faite aux sensations tactiles est restreinte dans les dégustations. Retour sur une expérience d'association entre sensations tactiles et matières à toucher. Analyse du vocabulaire pour décrire les sensations tactiles perçues en bouche lors de la dégustation de vin, et de son intérêt pour la caractérisation des vins.

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Sensory-active compounds influencing wine experts' and consumers' perception of red wine intrinsic quality

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. There is a lack of studies focusing on the chemical compounds involved in quality perception. The present work combines both sensory and chemical approaches with the final goal of evaluating the sensory-active compounds influencing wine experts' and consumers' perception of red wine quality. Perceived quality was categorised by 108 consumers and 119 experts according to four levels going from very low to very high quality. In parallel, samples were described by a descriptive trained panel and volatile and non-volatile chemicals with known sensory activity were quantified. Wines with higher concentrations of eugenol, E- and Z-whiskylactones and 4-ethylphenol (discussed i…

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Influence of early weaning practices on acceptance of vegetables in 15 months and 3-4 year-old children

International audience

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Perceived minerality of white wines by wine experts: Sensory versus declarative approaches

Perceived minerality of white wines by wine experts: Sensory versus declarative approaches. 10. Pangborn sensory science symposium

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Does familiarity affect French and South African shiraz experts’ perception and communication on shiraz wines?

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Within and between variations of texts elicited from nine wine experts

Nine wine experts tasted in replicate six Chardonnay wines that had been aged in oak barrels from different forests and/or species. They freely gave their descriptions in writing; the only instruction given was to underline three words or expressions that best characterized each tasted wine. The texts were submitted to an objective lexical analysis that quantified the important variation among the experts. In addition a matching task was performed by 117 assessors in which each assessor received from each expert six white cards and six yellow cards representing the descriptions of the six white wines and six red wines. The assessors were incapable of matching the descriptions for the same e…

research product

Wine Quality Perception: A Sensory Point of View

Wine is a complex product, which had moved from a nutritional food to a hedonic beverage in consumer representation. This fact has increased the demand of quality products in the market. In this context, it is of high interest for wine producers to understand the underlying indicators of consumers’ quality perception as well as the relative importance they attach to these cues when inferring quality in wine to reach the alignment of consumers’ expectations, needs and wants. This chapter is aimed at giving an overview of the current state of knowledge of the indicators of wine quality perception from a sensory point of view. For this purpose, the factors driving perceived quality of wine as …

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The sensory drivers of wine quality and the sensoactive chemical behind it: A sensometabolomic approach

Trabajo presentado en el EUROFOODCHEM XVII, celebrado en Estambul del 7 al 10 de mayo de 2013.

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Exploring minerality of Burgundy Chardonnay wines: a sensory approach with wine experts and trained panellists

Background and Aims The use of minerality as a wine descriptor has increased in the last few years. Minerality always suggests high quality and evokes a link between wine and the soil. The sensory meaning of minerality, however, is not yet clearly understood. The present study was designed to understand how wine experts conceptualise minerality and to explore whether they can judge wine minerality in a consensual way. Methods and Results Experts carried out an orthonasal free sorting task on 16 Chardonnay wines. Afterwards, they rated their mineral character according to two conditions: orthonasally and on the palate while wearing a nose-clip. The experts also answered a questionnaire in wh…

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La minéralité perçue dans le vin

Article technique.; National audience; Beaucoup des aspects les plus fondamentaux et passionnants du vin demeurent conceptuellement insaisissables. Lorsque nous y sommes confrontés d’un point de vue sensoriel, nous pouvons avoir l’impression de bien connaître les attributs les plus abstraits du vin comme la qualité, la complexité et la minéralité, mais d’un point de vue scientifique nous savons très peu de chose sur ce que précisément ces termes signifient à la fois pour les professionnels et les consommateurs de vin. Par exemple, malgré l’intérêt actuel de la filière et des producteurs pour la perception de la minéralité dans le vin et l’utilisation de plus en plus fréquente de ce terme pa…

research product

Attachment of chloride anion to sugars: mechanistic investigation and discovery of a new dopant for efficient sugar ionization/detection in mass spectrometers.

International audience; A new method for efficient ionization of sugars in the negative-ion mode of electrospray mass spectrometry is presented. Instead of using strongly hydrophobic dopants such as dichloromethane or chloroform, efficient ionization of sugars has been achieved by using aqueous HCl solution for the first time. This methodology makes it possible to use hydrophilic dopants, which are more appropriate for chromatographic separation techniques with efficient sugar ionization and detection in mass spectrometry. The interaction between chloride anions and monosaccharides (glucose and galactose) was studied by DFT in the gas phase and by implementing the polarizable continuum mode…

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The chemodiversity of wines can reveal a metabologeography expression of cooperage oak wood

Wine chemical compositions, which result from a complex interplay between environmental factors, genetic factors, and viticultural practices, have mostly been studied using targeted analyses of selected families of metabolites. Detailed studies have particularly concerned volatile and polyphenolic compounds because of their acknowledged roles in the organoleptic and therapeutic properties. However, we show that an unprecedented chemical diversity of wine composition can be unraveled through a nontargeted approach by ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry, which provides an instantaneous image of complex interacting processes, not easily or possibly resolvable into their unambiguous individu…

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Perceived minerality in Sauvignon wines: influence of culture and perception mode

Abstract Description of wine in terms of perceived mineral character has become common practice in recent decades. The major aim of our study was to investigate cultural differences in perception of minerality in wines from France and New Zealand, these countries having very different wine-production histories. A second aim was to investigate influence of perception mode on perceived mineral character in wine to gain increased understanding of the metaphorical descriptor “mineral” as applied to wine chemosensory attributes. Thirty-two French and 31 New Zealand wine professionals evaluated 16 wines (8 French; 8 New Zealand) under three conditions: orthonasal olfaction; global (orthonasal and…

research product

Expressing forest origins in the chemical composition of cooperage oak woods and corresponding wines by using FTICR-MS.

A non-targeted, ultra-high-resolution mass spectrometric, direct analysis of oak-wood extracts from two species (Quercus robur L. and Quercus petraea Liebl.) from three French forests, and of a wine aged in barrels derived therefrom has been performed to identify families of metabolites that could discriminate both the species and the geographical origin of woods. From 12 T ultra-high-resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectra of wood extracts, hundreds of mass signals were identified as possible significant biomarkers of the two species, with phenolic and carbohydrate moieties leading the differentiation between Q. robur and Q. petraea, respectively, as corroborated …

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Colour as a driver of Pinot noir wine quality judgments: An investigation involving French and New Zealand wine professionals

Despite anecdotal reports suggesting an influence of perceived wine colour on wine professionals’ judgments of wine intrinsic quality, there is a lack of empirical evidence on the phenomenon. The major aim of the present study was to investigate the importance of perceived colour as a driver of chemosensory judgments of Pinot noir wines including sensory evaluations of quality and typicality. Twenty-three French and 23 New Zealand (NZ) wine professionals judged Pinot noir wines from France and NZ on a range of attributes including perceived colour (hue, intensity, and brightness), varietal characteristics, and overall wine quality. The wines were evaluated in both standard clear glassware w…

research product

Burgundy red wines: Representation of potential for aging

Abstract This study was conducted to investigate wine professionals’ perception of aging potential of red wines. In the first experiment, 41 wine professionals assessed sixteen commercial Burgundy red wines via a binary categorization task, an aging potential rating task, and a hedonic rating task and an analytic sensory evaluation including an astringency and a bitterness rating task. The wines were also analyzed by High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography with a UV Detector (HPLC-UV) and their color was evaluated using Hue (H∗), Lightness (L∗) and Chroma (C∗) measurements. Results showed that the wines were split into two clusters on the basis of aging potential judgements indicating that the …

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Minéralité du vin : Une réalité sensorielle?

National audience; Il y a environ deux ans le professeur Raymond Silvestre faisait remarquer, dans cette même revue, une augmentation sensible dans l’utilisation du terme « minéral » ou encore « minéralité » pour décrire le vin dans la presse spécialisée, les guides et par les producteurs eux-mêmes. D’autres professionnels du vin, y compris dans le monde anglo-saxon, ont également remarqué cette tendance, à tel point que certains suggèrent la possibilité d’une utilisation abusive de ce terme (Easton, 2009). En effet, la minéralité semble être à la mode et est systématiquement associée à la qualité, l’originalité et l’authenticité, en particulier pour les vins blancs de climat septentrional.…

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