Eloïse Rémy
Individual responses to repeated exposures of a novel vegetable in pre-school children
International audience
Appréciation d'un aliment nouveau et contrôle de la prise énergétique chez l'enfant : Impact de l'apprentissage
In a context of high rate of obesity, understanding early formation of child eating behaviour, in qualitative and quantitative terms, is crucial. This work shows that new vegetable acceptance is positively associated with the introduction of variety since the beginning of the complementary feeding, and would be more difficult in 2 year old children. Moreover, the liking of a new food (vegetable or beverage) increases after familiarisation by repeated exposure. A transitional association between the new food and calories induces more stable liking than repeated exposure. However, a high energy density could limit intake of the new food by learned satiation. This result supports an ability of…
Comparison of repeated exposure, flavour-flavour learning, and flavour-nutrient learning to increase artichoke intake in weaning infants
Expert panel; International audience
Learning to Eat Vegetables in Early Life: The Role of Timing, Age and Individual Eating Traits
Vegetable intake is generally low among children, who appear to be especially fussy during the pre-school years. Repeated exposure is known to enhance intake of a novel vegetable in early life but individual differences in response to familiarisation have emerged from recent studies. In order to understand the factors which predict different responses to repeated exposure, data from the same experiment conducted in three groups of children from three countries (n = 332) aged 4-38 m (18.9 +/- 9.9 m) were combined and modelled. During the intervention period each child was given between 5 and 10 exposures to a novel vegetable (artichoke puree) in one of three versions (basic, sweet or added e…
Caloric compensation and eating in the absence of hunger in early childhood: impact of parental feeding practices.
Résumé présenté lors du 20e congrès international de nutrition à Grenade (Espagne) du 15 au 20 septembre 2013; absent
Effects of energy density on the liking for sweet drinks and on caloric adjustment conditioning after exposure in children
The contribution of energy density from sweet drinks to energy intake in children needs clarification. The objective was to study the influence of energy conditioning on liking and on caloric adjustment after sweet drinks exposure. Children aged 8 to 11 (n=44) were exposed to distinctly flavored sweetened drinks: a high-energy (HE: 150kcal) and a no-energy version (NE: 0kcal). They received either 2 or 7 exposures to each drink during a 4-wk conditioning period; no exposure during a 3-wk stability period; 3 exposures to both drinks, for which the association between the flavor and the energy density was switched, during a 4-wk extinction period. Flavor liking and food intake during the meal…
P036: Impact de la densité énergétique de boissons sucrées sur l’apprentissage de l’appréciation et de l’ajustement calorique chez l’enfant
Introduction et but de l’etude Il a ete montre que l’association repetee, dans une matrice alimentaire, entre une flaveur et une densite energetique pouvait entrainer un conditionnement flaveur-nutriment. Ainsi, apres apprentissage, la flaveur signale l’energie apportee par l’aliment et une flaveur associee a une plus forte densite energetique est plus appreciee. L’objectif du present travail est d’etudier, chez l’enfant de 8-11 ans, le developpement et la stabilite d’un conditionnement flaveur-nutriment sur l’appreciation de boissons et sur la capacite a ajuster l’energie consommee au repas qui suit leur ingestion. Materiel et methodes Pour cela, 44 enfants ont ete exposes a deux boissons …
Favoriser l'acceptation de légumes chez l'enfant. Comparaison des stratégies d'exposition répétée, d'association flaveur-flaveur et d'association flaveur-nutriment
La consommation de légumes étant inférieure aux recommandations nutritionnelles, et particulièrement chez les enfants, mieux comprendre les facteurs qui favorisent leur acceptation est essentiel. Différentes stratégies visant à favoriser l’acceptation d’aliments sont décrites. Il s’agit de l’exposition répétée (RE), de l’association flaveur-flaveur (AFF) et de l’association flaveur-nutriment (AFN). La présente étude a pour objectifs de comparer l’efficacité de ces trois stratégies, de mesurer la stabilité de leurs effets, et d’expliquer par l’histoire alimentaire de chacun les différences individuelles d’acceptation de légumes. Une purée d’artichaut (légume cible, généralement peu apprécié)…
Impact of adiposity, age, sex and maternal feeding practices on eating in the absence of hunger and caloric compensation in preschool children
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Between the ages of 3 and 5 years, children may become less responsive to internal cues of satiation and more responsive to external cues, which may induce overeating and lead to weight gain. This study aimed to compare eating in the absence of hunger (EAH) and caloric compensation in 3- to 6-year-old children, and to relate the measurements with children's adiposity, age, sex and maternal feeding practices. METHODS: According to a within-subject three sequential condition design, food intake in children (n=236) was measured at lunch during three sessions, once a week. The same meal (565 kcal) was offered at each session. The first session (control) was only composed …
Effect of energy density on liking and on caloric adjustment conditioning after sweet beverage exposure in children aged 8-11 y
The contribution of sweet beverages to weight gain in children and adolescents is controversial. The present study was conducted to study, in 8-11 year-old children, the influence of energy conditioning on liking and on caloric adjustment after sweet beverages exposure. We also studied the stability of the conditioning effects after a period without exposure and an extinction period. Children (n = 44) were exposed to 2 flavored sweetened beverages: a high energy version (HE: 150kcal) and a no energy version (NE: 0kcal). During a 4-wk conditioning period, children were exposed either 2 or 7 times to each beverage. During a 3-wk stability period children were not exposed to any beverage. Duri…
Comparison of repeated exposure, flavor-flavor learning, and flavor-nutrient learning to increase artichoke intake in weaning infants
International audience
Food intake regulation in children: relation to age
National audience
Les enfants s'arrêtent-ils de manger lorsqu'ils n'ont plus faim ? Lien entre la régulation de la prise alimentaire, l'âge, le genre et la corpulence
Learning to like a novel vegetable: Predictors of intake of a novel vegetable in pre-school children
International audience