Serge Hercberg
Sex-Specific Sociodemographic Correlates of Dietary Patterns in a Large Sample of French Elderly Individuals
International audience; This cross-sectional analysis provides up-to-date information about dietary patterns (DP) and their sociodemographic correlates in European elderly individuals. We studied 6686 enrollees aged 65+ (55% women) in the ongoing French population-based NutriNet-Sante e-cohort. Diet was assessed via three 24 h records. The sex-specific correlates of factor analysis derived DP were identified with multivariable linear regression. Using 22 pre-defined food groups, three DP were extracted. The "healthy" DP (fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts, fish) was positively associated with education, living alone, and being a former smoker (women), and negatively associated with being overw…
Measuring liking for sweet, salt and fat by questionnaire and sensory test: complementary approaches
International audience
Pratiques du jeûne et de régimes restrictifs pour perdre du poids parmi 2 700 survivants du cancer : résultats de la cohorte NutriNet-Santé
International audience
L’attirance pour le gras, le salé et le sucré est associé à la corpulence. Etude de la cohorte française Nutrinet-Santé
National audience
Individual characteristics associated with fat liking
Introduction: Various studies have shown that sensory liking influences dietary behaviors and that individual characteristics, such as socio-demographic or psychological factors, are related to dietary intake and weight status. However, little is known about individual profiles associated with fat liking. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate the associations between liking for fat sensation and socio-demographic, economic, psychological, lifestyle and health characteristics in a large sample of adults. Method / Design: Individual factors and liking scores were collected using validated questionnaires from 37,181 French adults participating in the NutriNet-Santé study,…
Pratiques du jeûne et de régimes restrictifs pour perdre du poids parmi 2700 survivants du cancer : résultats de la cohorte NutriNet-Santé
Introduction et but de l’etude La nutrition est souvent utilisee par les survivants du cancer comme un levier leur permettant d’etre acteurs de leur propre sante. Cependant, certains comportements alimentaires ne sont actuellement pas recommandes pour les patients sans surveillance medicale. Cette etude avait pour objectif d’evaluer les regimes restrictifs pour perdre du poids et les pratiques de jeune chez les survivants du cancer de la cohorte NutriNet-Sante, ainsi que les facteurs sociodemographiques et de mode de vie associes. Materiel et methodes En octobre 2016, 2733 survivants du cancer avaient complete un questionnaire specifique sur leurs pratiques alimentaires. Resultats et analys…
Sociodemographic profiles regarding bitter food consumption. Cross-sectional evidence from a general French population
International audience; Certain beneficial foods taste bitter (e.g., cruciferous vegetables) and might be aversive to consumers. Here, individual characteristics according to bitter food consumption patterns were assessed. The study included 2327 participants in the SU.VI.MAX antioxidant-based randomized controlled trial (1994-2002). The sample was drawn from the general French population. Dietary data were obtained from a minimum of twelve 24-h dietary records provided during the first 2 years of follow-up. Two bitter food consumption scores were computed - one assessing the variety of items consumed (unweighted score) and the other reflecting exposure to bitterness estimated via complemen…
Influence des facteurs individuels sur l’alimentation et la variation de poids sur cinq ans, NutriNet-Santé, France
Introduction Les facteurs sensoriels, psychologiques, socioeconomiques, de mode de vie, les consommations alimentaires et le statut ponderal forment un ensemble de relations causales complexes. Ainsi, l’objectif de cette etude est d’etablir et de valider un cadre conceptuel de ces relations en estimant l’influence relative de chaque facteur individuel sur les consommations et la variation de poids sur cinq ans au sein d’une population d’adultes francais. Methode Les caracteristiques individuelles et les consommations ont ete collectees par questionnaire chez 8014 participants a la cohorte NutriNet-Sante, ainsi que les donnees de poids a cinq ans. La modelisation par equations structurelles …
Oral health and adherence to national dietary guidelines in France
International audience
Liking for fat is associated with sociodemographic, psychological, lifestyle and health characteristics
Sensory liking influences dietary behaviour, but little is known about specifically associated individual profiles. The aim of the present study was to investigate the associations between liking for fat-and-salt and fat-and-sweet sensations and sociodemographic, economic, psychological, lifestyle and health characteristics in a large sample. Individual characteristics and liking scores were collected by a questionnaire among 37 181 French adults. Liking scores were constructed using a validated preference questionnaire. Multinomial logistic regression models were used to assess the associations between liking levels and individual characteristics. In both sexes, subjects belonging to low-l…
Salivary Composition Is Associated with Liking and Usual Nutrient Intake
Salivary flow and composition have an impact on flavor perception. However, very few studies have explored the relationship between saliva, individual liking and usual dietary intake. The aim of our study was to evaluate the association of salivary flow and composition with both a liking for fat, saltiness and sweetness and the usual nutrient intake in an adult French population. Liking for fat, saltiness, and sweetness were inferred from liking scores obtained during hedonic tests on 32 food products among 282 French adults participating in the Nutrinet- Santé Study. Before assessing liking, resting saliva was collected. Standard biochemical analyses were performed to assess specific compo…
Fasting and weight-loss restrictive diet practices among 2,700 cancer survivors: results from the NutriNet-Santé cohort
Nutrition is often used by cancer survivors as a lever to take charge of their own health. However, some dietary behaviors are not currently recommended for patients without medical supervision. Our study aimed at evaluating weight-loss restrictive diets and fasting practices among cancer survivors of the NutriNet-Sante cohort, as well as related socio-demographic and lifestyle factors. In October 2016, 2,741 cancer survivors had completed a specific questionnaire about their practices. Fasting and non-fasting patients (respectively dieting and non-dieting) were compared using logistic regression models. Analyses were weighted according to the age, gender, and cancer location distribution o…
Rôle relatif des facteurs individuels, de l’alimentation et de l’activité physique sur la variation de poids sur 5 ans
Introduction et but de l’étude : Les facteurs individuels, les consommations alimentaires, l’activité physique et le statut pondéral forment un ensemble de relations causales complexes. Cependant, le rôle relatif des déterminants individuels, de l’alimentation et de l’activité physique sur les variations de poids n’a pas encore été étudié. L’objectif de cette étude était d’établir un cadre conceptuel causal en estimant l’influence relative des facteurs individuels, des consommations alimentaires et de l’activité physique sur la variation de poids sur 5 ans au sein d’une population d’adultes français.Matériel et méthodes : A l’inclusion, les caractéristiques individuelles, l’activité physiqu…
Association between intake of nutrients and food groups and liking for fat (The Nutrinet-Santé Study)
Apart from the established association between liking for fat and fat intake, little is known about the association between liking for fat and intake of specific nutrients or food groups. We investigated the association between dietary intake and liking for fat, fat-and-sweet and fat-and-salt. Liking scores were constructed using a validated preference questionnaire administered to 41,595 French adults participating in the Nutrinet-Santé study. Dietary data were collected using web-based 24 h records. Relationships between liking and dietary intake were assessed using linear regression adjusted for age and energy intake. Results are expressed in percentage difference of intake between indiv…
Association entre l’attirance pour le gras, le sucré et le salé et les fluctuations pondérales sur 4 ans
Introduction et but de l’étude : Des études ont mis en évidence le lien entre l’attirance sensorielle pour le gras, le salé et le sucré et le statut pondéral, souvent évalué par une variation positive ou négative du poids. Les fluctuations pondérales sont également un indicateur pertinent bien que peu étudiées, puisque la multiplication de cycles de perte de poids puis de reprise, communément appelé « yo-yo pondéral » ou « fluctuation pondérales » pourrait avoir d’importantes répercussions sur la santé, tant au niveau physiologique qu’au niveau psychologique. L’objectif de cette étude était d’estimer l’association entre l’attirance pour le gras, le sucré et le salé et l’amplitude des fluctu…
The analysis of a set of questionnaires composed of 151 items on salt-, sweet- and fat-liking using LISREL-type and PLS-PM techniques leads to equivalent results
International audience; Measure of salt-, sweet- and fat-liking is commonly assessed using sensory testing. However, this might become cumbersome with large number of subjects and products to assess. Thus, a questionnaire has been developed and administered through internet (Nutrinet-Sante Study) to a large sample (n=43 807) from the French population. The present study aimed to estimate the structural models underlying each sensory sensation (sweet, salty, fatty and sweet, fatty and salty) and to compute an overall score for each subject over each sensation using structural equation modeling (SEM). Subjects completed 151 questions based on (1) liking towards foods containing high amounts o…
MTHFR 677C → T genotype modulates the effect of a 5-year supplementation with B-vitamins on homocysteine concentration: The SU.FOL.OM3 randomized controlled trial.
Aims To study how MTHFR 677C→T genotype modulates the effect of supplementation with B-vitamins on total homocysteine (tHcy) and B-vitamin concentrations. Methods 2381 patients with a personal history of cardiovascular disease were randomly assigned to one of four groups: 1) B-vitamins alone (560 μg of 5-methyl-THF, 3 mg of vitamin B6 and 20 μg of vitamin B12), 2) n-3 fatty acids alone (600 mg of EPA and DHA in a 2:1 ratio), 3) B-vitamins and n-3 fatty acids, and 4) placebo. Participants were followed up for 4.7 years. At baseline and annually thereafter, biological parameters were assessed. Multivariate and linear mixed models were fit to study the interaction between B-vitamins and MTHFR …
The risk of obesity is associated with fat and sweet liking
Introduction: Fat, added sugar and sodium are important nutritional factors involved in the risk of obesity, although these components contribute to eating pleasure thanks to their sensory properties. Few cross-sectional studies have shown equivocal results about relationships between liking and weight status. The only one prospective study has shown an increase of weight in individuals who liked sweet taste and no significant relationships for fat liking. However, the tool that assesses liking is unreliable. Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate the prospective association between liking for fat, sweet and salt and the onset of obesity in adults. Method / Design: Liking score…
Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for kidney function
Reduced glomerular filtration rate defines chronic kidney disease and is associated with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. We conducted a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), combining data across 133,413 individuals with replication in up to 42,166 individuals. We identify 24 new and confirm 29 previously identified loci. Of these 53 loci, 19 associate with eGFR among individuals with diabetes. Using bioinformatics, we show that identified genes at eGFR loci are enriched for expression in kidney tissues and in pathways relevant for kidney development and transmembrane transporter activity, kidney structure, and regulation o…
Development of a questionnaire to assay recalled liking for salt, sweet and fat
Abstract Liking for a sweet, salty or fatty diet may induce overconsumption of simple carbohydrates, sodium or lipids. Measuring overall liking of the corresponding sensory sensations contributes to understanding the determinants of dietary behaviours. However, no standardized validated questionnaire assaying these sensations is currently available. In the present study, we developed a web-based questionnaire, “PrefQuest”, which measures recalled liking for the following four sensations: salt, fat and salt, sweet, fat and sweet. PrefQuest included four types of items: (1) liking for sweet, fatty-sweet and fatty-salty foods, (2) preferences in the level of seasoning by adding salt, sweetener…
Associations between weight status and liking scores for sweet, salt and fat according to the gender in adults(The Nutrinet-Santé study)
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: As taste preferences may be associated with obesity, the present study investigated whether obese subjects presented heightened liking for the sensations of sweet, salt and fat.SUBJECTS/METHODS: Liking scores were determined by a questionnaire including 83 items on liking for sweet or fatty foods, and the preferred extent of seasoning with salt, sweet or fat. Data from 46 909 adults included in the French web-based observational cohort of the Nutrinet-Santé study were collected and weighted according to the national population census. Relationships between liking scores and body mass index (BMI) as categorical or linear explanatory variable were assessed separately by…
Effet de l'âge sur les consommations alimentaires et les raisons de non-consommation : résultats d'une enquête menée auprès de 32 000 adultes âgés de 20 à 80 ans
National audience; Introduction et but de l'étude : S'il existe un certain nombre d'études ayant décrit les consommations alimentaires au sein de la population française dans différentes classes d'âge (eg, étude INCA3, 2017, pour la plus récente), très peu se sont intéressées aux raisons de non-consommation de tel ou tel type d'aliment, et notamment à l'évolution de ces raisons de non-consommation au cours de l'avancée en âge. Matériel et méthodes : 32 696 volontaires enrôlés dans la cohorte française NutriNet-Santé (20-80 ans ; 76% de femmes) ont évalué leur fréquence de consommation de 21 catégories d'aliments (eg, viande ; poisson & fruits de mer ; légumes crus…). En cas de non-consommat…