Stefan Vieths

15. Mainzer Allergie-Workshop 2003

research product

Therapiemöglichkeiten bei der IgE-vermittelten Nahrungsmittel-Allergie

Erst nachdem die klinische Relevanz einer Nahrungsmittelallergie eindeutig nachgewiesen ist, erfolgt die therapeutische Intervention. Hierbei stellt die Karenz den wichtigsten Pfeiler dar. Wegen der Komplexitat der Nahrungsmittelallergie mussen die jeweiligen Karenzempfehlungen jedoch immer individuell erarbeitet werden. Die Voraussetzungen hierzu schafft die Ernahrungstherapie, die gleichzeitig die bedarfsdeckende Ernahrung im Blick hat. Die Ernahrungstherapie erfolgt in enger Abstimmung zwischen Arzt und allergologischer Ernahrungsfachkraft. Fehlernahrung durch einseitige Diaten muss aufjeden Fall vermieden werden. Nach ein- bis zweijahriger Allergenkarenz kann eine Reexposition erwogen w…

research product

Component-Resolved Diagnosis of American Cockroach (Periplaneta americana) Allergy in Patients From Different Geographical Areas

Background:Manifestation of respiratory allergy to American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) is prominent in the subtropical and tropical areas. However, co-existing perennial indoor inhalant allergies frequently compromise clinical diagnosis of cockroach allergy, and the analysis of sensitization pattern is limited by the lack ofPeriplanetaallergens widely available for component-resolved diagnostics (CRD).Objective:To evaluate a collection of previously described recombinantPeriplanetaallergens for CRD in cockroach allergy.Methods:A panel of nine recombinantPeriplaneta allergens (Per a 1–5, 7–10) was generated, purified, and subjected to physicochemical characterization by applying circu…

research product

Keine Empfehlung für IgG- und IgG4-Bestimmungen gegen Nahrungsmittel

research product

Nitrate and nitrite in the diet: How to assess their benefit and risk for human health

Nitrate is a natural constituent of the human diet and an approved food additive. It can be partially converted to nitrogen monoxide, which induces vasodilation and thereby decreases blood pressure. This effect is associated with a reduced risk regarding cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke. Moreover, dietary nitrate has been associated with beneficial effects in patients with gastric ulcer, renal failure, or metabolic syndrome. Recent studies indicate that such beneficial health effects due to dietary nitrate may be achievable at intake levels resulting from the daily consumption of nitrate-rich vegetables. N-nitroso compounds are endogenously formed in humans. However…

research product

Mast cells partly contribute to allergic enteritis development: Findings in two different mast cell-deficient mice

Allergic enteritis (AE) is a gastrointestinal form of food allergy. The presence of mast cells and granulocytes has been detected in the inflamed tissues in AE. In this study, we aimed to elucidate the role of mast cells in AE development using two mast cell-deficient mouse strains: KIT(W-sh/W-sh) bearing the W-sash (W(sh)) inversion mutation and Cpa3Cre/+, which lack mast cells due to Cre-mediated mast cell eradication, were used in an AE experimental model. The development of clinical symptoms (e.g. drop in body temperature and weight loss) were abolished in both strains, whereas inflammatory levels of AE (e.g. villous atrophy, edema, and granulocyte accumulation) were reduced mainly in K…

research product

Cor a 1–reactive T cells and IgE are predominantly cross-reactive to Bet v 1 in patients with birch pollen–associated food allergy to hazelnut

Background IgE- and T-cell cross-reactivity contribute to the birch pollen–food syndrome. Objectives We performed a comprehensive analysis of T-cell cross-reactivity in primary cell cultures, facilitating the identification of allergen-specific T-cell subpopulations from individual patients. Methods Patients with birch pollen allergy and associated food allergy to hazelnuts, carrots, or both were analyzed for IgE cross-reactivity, T-cell responses, and T-cell cross-reactivity to recombinant Bet v 1.0101 (Bet v 1; birch), Cor a 1.0401 (Cor a 1; hazelnut), and Dau c 1.0104 (Dau c 1; carrot). A novel flow cytometry–based method using a 2-step staining process with fluorescent dyes was establis…

research product

Hauttestungen mit Nahrungsmittelallergenen

Hauttestungen haben einen zentralen Stellenwert in der Abklarung von Sensibilisierungen bei Nahrungsmittelallergien. Insbesondere der Pricktest stellt eine Routinemethode dar. Allerdings komplizieren instabile Allergene und das Fehlen standardisierter Extrakte das diagnostische Vorgehen bei Verdacht auf eine Nahrungsmittelallergie. Deswegen ist man nach wie vor auf einen Prick-zu-Prick-Test mit nativen Lebensmitteln angewiesen. Indikationen und Kontraindikationen fur eine Hauttestung mit Nahrungsmittelallergenen unterscheiden sich nicht wesentlich von anderen Allergien. Vorsicht ist bei Zustand nach schwerer anaphylaktischer Reaktion und bei bekannter hoher allergener Potenz der Nahrungsmit…

research product

17. Mainzer Allergie-Workshop

research product