Taina Saarinen
Suomen kielikoulutuspolitiikka menneisyyden, nykyisyyden ja vähän tulevaisuudenkin valossa
Tässä artikkelissa Taina Saarinen ja Pasi Ihalainen keskustelevat suomalaisen kielikoulutuspolitiikan historiasta ja tulevaisuudesta. Artikkeli perustuu Saarisen Kari Sajavaara -muistoluentoon ja Ihalaisen kommenttipuheenvuoroon tammikuussa 2020. nonPeerReviewed
Epäfokus laadullisessa tutkimuksessa
Tässä artikkelissa tarjoamme autoetnografisen katsauksen kahteen soveltavaa kielentutkimusta ja korkeakoulututkimusta yhdistelevään tutkimusprojektiin, jotka molemmat olivat pitkän, osittain varsin fokuksettoman prosessin tulosta. Näiden kahden projektin avulla esittelemme ja pohdimme sitä, miten projektit saivat alkunsa, miten ne etenivät ja miten niiden ydin kirkastui vasta useiden kollegoiden kanssa käytyjen keskusteluiden, prokrastinoinnin ja muuttuneiden suunnitelmien jälkeen – molemmissa tapauksissa lähempänä tutkimusprosessin loppua kuin sen alkua. Artikkelin tavoitteena on käsitteellistää epäfokusta laadullisessa tutkimuksessa; tuoda läpinäkyvyyttä tutkimusprosessin epälineaarisuute…
Ohjattu itseopiskelu kielikeskusopiskelijoiden kokemana
(Moni)kielisyys korkeakoulutuksessa
Language and New Nationalism in Higher Education
This chapter discusses the emerging concerns for the national languages, in particular Finnish. English, previously seen in relatively positive terms in the Finnish society, begins to be construed as a threat to Finnish higher education and research, and to Finnish language at large. The chapter discusses developments since the new University Act 2009. The tension between English and the national languages develops at the same time with changes in the political climate and the rise of populist and (new) nationalist politics, both in Finland and globally. The chapter presents the recycled discourses of frozen constitutional bilingualism, economic nationalism, political elites and killer Engl…
Redesigning language attitudes
Language and Long Nation Building in Finnish Higher Education
The chapter discusses the nation-building period of Finnish higher education. After presenting a short introduction to higher education and language policy developments in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, I will analyse the role of language in Finnish higher education from mid-nineteenth century to Finnish independence in 1917. I will then move on to the interwar years and discuss language and nationalisms in the process of founding new universities and the particular case of the bilingual University of Helsinki in the 1920s and 1930s. The interweaved nature of nationalisms and internationalisms is discussed from the perspective of international politics in general and the post…
Tensions on Finnish Constitutional Bilingualism in Neo-nationalist Times : Constructions of Swedish in Monolingual and Bilingual Contexts
This chapter analyses the tensions on the status of Finnish constitutional bilingualism from the perspective of higher education, more precisely from the position of Swedish in one monolingually Swedish university (Åbo Akademi University [ÅAU]) and one bilingual university (University of Helsinki [UH]). It contributes to an understanding of the position of minority languages in universities in times when the use of English has increased on one hand and neo-nationalist tendencies stressing the importance of national language(s) are on the rise on the other. Apparently, the new bilingual programmes at UH challenge the tradition of institutional separation of national languages. At ÅAU, in tur…
Korkeakoulututkimukselliset (harha)polut uhkana ja mahdollisuutena
Tutkimus esitetään usein lineaarisena prosessina, kun totuus on toinen. Tässä kirjoituksessa tarkastellaan korkeakoulutusta esimerkkinä monitasoisesta ja monipaikkaisesta politiikasta, jonka taakse pääsee usein vain harhapolkujen ja uusintayritysten avulla. Kirjoitus perustuu Jyväskylän yliopistossa 9.12. 2020 pidettyyn professorin juhlaluentoon. nonPeerReviewed
Dominant and emerging approaches in the study of higher education policy change
The purpose of the article is to analyse recent literature on higher education policy change. Based on the review, three different approaches are distinguished: structural, actor and agency. In the structural approach the dynamic of policy change originates in well-established structures. The actor approach focuses on either individual or institutional actors as the drivers of policy change. The agency approach understands higher education policy change as an interactive process between various actors and domains within transient structures. We will also present two emerging, alternative approaches: actor-network theory, which takes interaction as a starting point and proposes that no organ…
Rahoitusmalli vie osaoptimointiin
Vahvempaa perusrahoitusta ja kriittistä diversiteettiä : viime vuosikymmenien tiedepolitiikka puheenjohtajien silmin
Edistyksellisen tiedeliiton puheenjohtajat ovat luotsanneet liittoa monenlaisissa koulutus- ja tiedepoliittisissa tilanteissa. Taina Saarinen haastatteli ja keräsi muilla tavoin tietoa puheenjohtajilta eri vuosikymmeniltä. Haastateltaviksi lähtivät Kalervo Väänänen (puheenjohtaja vuonna 1999), Tytti Isohookana-Asunmaa (2004-2006) ja Veikko Halttunen (2020-2021). Sähköpostitse kysymyksiin vastasi Pekka Puska (1978-1980). Jutussa on myös hyödynnetty Olavi Borgin (1981) ja Pekka Neittaanmäen (2000-2003) julkaisuja. nonPeerReviewed
New Nationalism and Higher Education
This book closes with a discussion of new nationalism and the future of Finnish higher education from a language policies viewpoint, in the meeting points of the different national and global spheres. I will first discuss the nature of “new” nationalism. Then, the main discourses of educational, economic and epistemic nationalisms will be discussed. The next section presents global scenarios from the perspective of the intertwined nature of national and international. I will finish with a look into the future of Finnish higher education and the implications of current new nationalist trends for language policies, nationalism, alternate futures and the role of language in all this.
Introduction: Conceptualizing Language Policy, Higher Education and New Nationalism
This chapter outlines higher education language policies as historically and politically layered and contingent. I will first discuss the way in which I understand language both as a proxy for policies and ideologies and as a means for construing those policies and ideologies. My focus is on the layered and intertwined nature of history, politics, language and nation. The subchapter closes with a methodological discussion of “looking beyond” language—i.e. the ways in which we can take our focus from language to the underlying societal structures. I will then present the higher education context and the role of language in higher education. From there, a discussion of the main concepts relat…
“I know that the natives must suffer every now and then”: Native / non-native indexing language ideologies in Finnish higher education
This article examines the construction of“native”and“non-native”English use in Finnish higher education. Previous studies on the Finnish situationimplicate not just language ideological but political hierarchies which favour stu-dents from the traditional, hegemonic“Inner circle”countries such as the UnitedKingdom, United States, Australia, Anglophone Canada, Ireland and New Zealand.This hegemonic position of the inner circle variants is being challenged by anemerging normative ELF ideology. Our article tackles the meeting point ofthese ideological positions. We aim to understand how native English speakerideologies might be changing as a result of globalization. We have combineddata from o…
Dynamics of the International and National in Finnish and Hungarian Higher Education 1990–2020
Towards Socio-material Research Approaches in Language Education
AbstractThis chapter outlines the socio-material framing of the book that it opens. We situate this volume materially not only in the discipline of applied linguistics and language education, but also in the long tradition of applied language studies at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland and the community there. In doing so, the book builds on the authors’ roots in social constructionist thought and explicates why an orientation towards new materialism may be useful for a consideration of equity issues in language education. Socio-materialism fosters a critical, transformative perspective and encourages an ontological ethical grounding of research, thus providing a starting point for re…
Toisto on tiedepolitiikan ydin – 50 vuotta tiedepolitiikkaa
Reetta Muhonen ja Taina Saarinen tarkastelevat tässä artikkelissa suomalaisen tiedepolitiikan historiallisia trendejä ja niiden yhtymäkohtia. Samat teemat tuntuvat toistuvan vuodesta toiseen, minkä monesti ajatellaan kertovan tiedepolitiikan heikosta toteutuksesta. Kirjoittajat haluavat kuitenkin ajatella, että näiden teemojen toistuminen kertoo pikemminkin niiden tärkeydestä. nonPeerReviewed
Uskonvahvistusta suomalaiselle koulutukselle! Pasi Sahlberg ja kuudes Kari Sajavaara -muistoluento
Can you imagine? An imaginary of Finland's higher education as anti-oppressive, intersectional practice
This chapter presents an imagined future scenario following a tweet by Minister of Interior Maria Ohisalo in June 2020 on Finland’s Government Action Plan for Gender Equality. In our counterfactual imaginary, the government resigns and new elections result in a victory of the Left and Green parties, which were leading the polls at the time. We examine how Finnish higher education (HE) could develop in response to calls for intersectional and anti-oppressive practice on the basis of existing research, the Government Action Plan for Gender Equality, and the Higher Education Accessibility plan. Our counterfactual framework critically examines historical processes and possible futures emerging …
Language ideologies in Finnish higher education in the national and international context
The article examines the language policy developments of Finnish higher education in historical and contemporary perspective. It is part of an Academy of Finland funded project (2011-2013) on the role of language in Finnish higher education internationalisation. The article first presents an historical overview of the language policy developments in Finnish universities and then goes on to discuss the latest developments in Finnish university and language legislation. Two cases illustrate the role of language in internationalisation strategies on one hand, and the ideologies made visible by hierarchisations of English as native and non-native on the other. The article concludes by discussin…
Assemblages of language, impact and research
Three scholars—of languages and knowledges, of translation and writing, and of higher education—discuss societal impact as a higher education policy goal and the language ideologies that link with that discussion. We first criticize the problematic notion of impact that is common in higher education policy and discuss language and impact in terms of their assumed predictable, definable, and linear nature. From there, we move on to advocate for a multimodal, multidirectional, locally, and globally relevant impact that is focused on direct engagement, participatory approaches, support for promoting community activities, and introducing more epistemologically just understandings of the relatio…
Kielikoulutuksen saavutettavuus eurooppalaisessa perusopetuksessa : pääsyn, mahdollistumisen ja arvon näkökulmia
It´s not messy but it´s not clean either : Reviewing and discussing an Applied Linguistics textbook through a research ethics lens
Persuasive presuppositions in OECD and EU higher education policy documents
The article analyses presuppositions in higher education policy documents of the OECD and the European Union from the point of view of their persuasiveness. Presuppositions set the assumed common ground, which in turn sets the frame of interpretation of texts. However, by presenting something as common ground, presuppositions also shape our views of the reality. Used in this way, presuppositions can be used to present contested views, which would be open to criticism if they were asserted explicitly. The analysis does not evaluate the actual success of persuasion, but rather how policy documents are construed in a persuasive way.
Monikerroksista toimijuutta ja monitasoista vaikutusta : Euroopan unioni ja suomalainen korkeakoulupolitiikka
Koulutuspolitiikka ei subsidiariteettiperiaatteen mukaisesti kuulu Euroopan unionissa EU:n vaan jäsenmaiden toimivaltaan. Euroopan unionilla on kuitenkin niin sanottua pehmeää sääntelyvaltaa, joka toteutuu yhteistyön ja verkostoitumisen eli informaatio-ohjauksen tai pehmeän ohjailun kautta. Unioni onkin viime vuosikymmeninä kasvattanut rooliaan koulutuspolitiikassa, suoraan esimerkiksi erilaisten liikkuvuusohjelmien avulla, ja epäsuoraan muun muassa Bolognan prosessissa, jonka kautta Euroopan unioni on voinut välillisesti vaikuttaa eurooppalaiseen korkeakoulupolitiikkaan yli oman alueensa rajojen. Euroopan unionin vaikutus eurooppalaiseen koulutuspolitiikkaan ei siis rajaudu vain sen omiin …
Translingual and translocal perspectives on writing : An introduction
This special issue has been inspired by presentations and discussions which took place during the first workshop of our NOS-HS research network ‘The Politics and Ideologies of Multilingual Writing’ (Stockholm University, 27-28 May 2021). In this issue, we explore translingual and translocal perspectives, zooming in on various aspects of writing, from its legitimacy to its localities. Our focus is on writing for publication by authors with multilingual repertoires and/or working in multilingual settings. Unlike previous research, which focused on academic, journalistic, and creative writing as separate domains, we aim to bring together researchers working in different subfields of linguisti…
Quality on the move : discursive construction of higher education policy from the perspective of quality
Taina Saarinen tarkasteli väitöskirjassaan laadun ja eurooppalaisen korkeakoulupolitiikan erilaisia merkityksiä. Millaista korkeakoulupolitiikkaa laadun nimissä on viime vuosikymmeninä tuotettu ja pidetty yllä, ja keiden toimijoiden tarpeita tämä laadun politiikka tukee?- Laatu on tyhjä taulu, johon voidaan heijastaa erilaisia käsityksiä halutusta korkeakoulupolitiikasta, Saarinen määrittelee.Saarinen osoittaa, että ei ole olemassa vain yhtä laatupolitiikkaa vaan useita. Näennäisesti samaan politiikkaan kohdistuu eri tilanteissa erilaisia odotuksia, ja kukin toimintaympäristö on erilainen. Tämä väistämättä taas vaikuttaa politiikkatoimien vastaanottoon. Koulutuksen globalisaatio ei olekaan …
Got access? : how to improve language education for all in Nordic compulsory education
What are barriers to high-quality language education? How do we increase the variety in languages students learn? How do we promote, support, and foster multilingual, multicultural and other kinds of diversities? These and other hard questions kept the participants of the RECLAS-symposium on Access to language education busy on November 28, 2019. nonPeerReviewed
Nordic language policies for higher education and their multi-layered motivations
Language policies have been drafted in Nordic higher education with the obvious, but unproblematised and unchallenged motivation caused by internationalisation. In this article, we analyse the various motivations for drafting language policies in Nordic higher education and the ideological implications of those motivations. We do this by approaching the question from multiple (macro, meso and micro) viewpoints, in order to make visible some of the undercurrents in higher education language policy. We are particularly interested in the explicit motivations for language policy change, and the explicit and implicit actors and action represented in our data. We will first discuss the background…
Nationalismi, jälkinationalismi ja uusnationalismi suomalaisen korkeakoulutuksen kielipolitiikassa
Kieli, koulutus ja yhteiskunta -lehden lokakuun 2018 numero tarkasteli kielen ja nationalismin yhteyksiä. Tematiikka on kielen ja kielipolitiikan näkökulmasta tuttu. Ajankohta lokakuun nationalismi-teemanumerolle ei kuitenkaan ole sattumaa, sillä kieli ja suhtautuminen siihen heijastelevat aina suurempia yhteiskunnallisia käänteitä. Tällä hetkellä on nähtävissä selvä suuntaus: kiinnostus kansallisvaltioon on poliittisessa kasvussa Suomessa ja muualla. Suomessakin nousussa oleva keskustelu Suomen kielistä ja suomen kielestä heijastelee erilaisia poliittisia, taloudellisia ja kulttuurisia kehityksiä. Tarkastelen tässä artikkelissa nationalismia, jälkinationalismia ja uusnationalismia suomalai…
Internationalization and the invisible language? Historical phases and current policies in Finnish higher education
Kaiken takana on raha?
Pääkirjoitus nonPeerReviewed
Selvitys kotimaisten kielten kielikylpyopetuksen ja vieraskielisen opetuksen tilanteesta Suomessa : kuntatason tarkastelu
Toisen kotimaisen valinnaistamiskeskustelun pitkä historia ja lyhyt toteutus
Tässä kolumnissa keskustellaan ruotsista kouluaineena käyttäen esimerkkinä Juha Sipilän hallituksen kärkihanketta kieltenopiskelun lisäämisestä ja monipuolistamisesta. Kärkihankkeen yksi osa oli toisen kotimaisen kielen valinnaistamiskokeilu. Kirjoitus perustuu kirjoittajan puheenvuoroon SuomiAreenassa 2018, ja siinä on hyödynnetty myös paneelissa (ks. linkki alla) käytyä keskustelua. Aihetta taustoitetaan kuitenkin ensin suomalaisella kielipolitiikalla, sillä kaikki kokeiluun liittyvät, keskustelussa toistuvat argumentit ovat historiallisesti kierrätettyjä eli toistuvia puhetapoja Suomen kaksikielisyydestä. nonPeerReviewed
Emplacing English as lingua franca in international higher education: A spatial perspective on linguistic diversity
Within higher education, internationalisation is increasingly important for students and academics alike. In this context, English as the lingua franca has gained prominence. The ostensible ubiquity of English rests on a particular rendering of the language as unitary, fixed, and undifferentiated. In this paper, we challenge this notion of English and use a spatial approach to explore the multiplicity of Englishes on display within the higher education context. Increasingly, within higher education outside Anglophone countries, English Medium Instruction (EMI) is seen as a crucial indicator of internationalisation: the term ‘international programmes' is often used as a proxy for programmes …
Multilayered perspectives on language policy in higher education : Finland, Estonia, and Latvia in comparison
This article analyses language policies in higher education (HE) in Finland, Estonia, and Latvia, as well as the European Union (EU). We take a multilayered approach to language policies in order to illuminate the intertwined nature of local, national, and international language policies in HE. We are particularly interested in the construction of national language(s) and the language(s) of internationalisation in our case countries. Finland, Estonia, and Latvia share common features as relatively small non-Anglophone countries in the Baltic region, while simultaneously having somewhat differing political and cultural histories. The results of our discursive analysis indicate that while the…
Policy is what happens while you’re busy doing something else: introduction to special issue on “language” indexing higher education policy
Traditionally, language has had three functions in higher education. It has been seen as a medium of teaching; as a means of archiving knowledge in different text depositories like books and libraries; and as an object of theoretical study (Brumfit 2004, 164). Brumfit’s typology acknowledges the fact that language somehow crosses the everyday experience of everyone working, studying or otherwise engaged at universities—in other words, in knowledge production. In recent years, however, two major trends in higher education policies have challenged Brumfit’s classification and called for attention to language in a new way: internationalization and globalization policies on the one hand, and kn…
Linguistic Diversity as a Problem and a Resource – Multilingualism in European and Finnish Policy Documents
Societies in Europe and across the world are under constant pressure to cope with increasing multilingualism and multiculturalism. This development has its roots in different global and local societal and economic processes. On the one hand, globalization is putting pressure on the economy in that more varied language resources are needed in society. On the other hand, immigration is constantly on the increase, giving rise to what Vertovec (2006) has termed super-diversity, a ‘condition distinguished by a dynamic interplay of variables among an increased number of new, small and scattered, multiple-origin, transnationally connected, socio-economically differentiated and legally stratified i…
Discourse analysis in higher education research : Theory and method
Älä ajattele elefanttia
Language Education for Everyone? Busting Access Myths
AbstractFinland has, rather successfully, promoted an image of itself as a model of educational excellence and linguistic equity. This chapter problematises this image by analysing Finnish language education policies at the comprehensive school level. For our analysis we use a three-fold understanding of access as; (a) having the opportunity to participate in language education (getting in); (b) participating in education that is meaningful and effective for the pupil (getting it); and (c) receiving credentials that are societally legitimate and valuable assets (getting out). We elaborate on each aspect of access by debunking three myths for the Finnish context that: (a) Multilingualism is …
Vertaistutustumista suomalaiseen kielikoulutukseen – Euroopan komission työryhmä Kieliverkoston ja OKM:n vieraana
Euroopan komission temaattinen asiantuntijaryhmä Languages in Education and Training on työstänyt puolisentoista vuotta kielenoppimisen eurooppalaista tavoitteistoa. Työryhmä vieraili 27.‒28. maaliskuuta Suomessa Kielikoulutuspolitiikan verkoston sekä opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön vieraana. Ryhmä tutustui erityisesti suomalaiseen vieraskieliseen opetukseen (CLIL) ja kielikylpykoulutukseen sekä kielikoulutukseen ammatillisessa koulutuksessa. Lisäksi Kielitivoli-hanke ja Kielikoulutuspolitiikan verkosto pääsivät esittäytymään 20 eri EU-maasta tulleelle vieraalle ja komission koulutus- ja kulttuuriosaston väelle. nonPeerReviewed
Multi-sited and historically layered language policy construction: parliamentary debate on the Finnish constitutional bilingualism in 1919
In this article, we analyse the construction of Finnish constitutional bilingualism in the aftermath of gaining independence, a traumatic civil war and during the construction of a new republican polity based on regulated parliamentarism in 1917–1919. We take a multi-sited and historically informed approach to the dynamics of political discourse at the parliamentary level, analysing the discursive cycles of people, nationality and nation. We demonstrate the interconnectedness of language policy discourses with historically and spatially multi-sited and highly complex contexts and show how language policy confrontations can add important dimensions to increase our understanding of power stru…
The International SoleTM of Finnish Higher Eduction: A Virtual Vanishing Act
This participative inquiry critiques recent management trends in the Finnish higher education system. The six authors, presently working in three Finnish universities, focus on strategic internationalization policy to highlight the argument. Global trends in internationalization are introduced, followed by an experienced-based meta-analysis, drawing on several recent studies by the authors. This analysis points to significant challenges and blind spots that exist- well hidden- alongside the Finnish higher education system’s best features. The increasing use of ICT-based management routines are called into question with respect to higher education practices, capacity and linked societal chal…
Arviointiyhteiskunta, osaaminen ja ”entäpä jos…”
Kaiken keskellä kollegiaalisuus
Historian ja nykyajan suhteeseen liitetään usein klisee, että nykyisyyttä ei voi tuntea ilman historian tuntemusta. Kysymys ei kuitenkaan ole näin yksinkertainen -- nykyisyys ei ole historiallisten tapahtumien itsestään selvä ja vaihtoehdoton seuraus, vaan nykyisyyden ja historian suhde on moniulotteisempi. Jussi Välimaa tekee teoksessaan “Opinteillä oppineita” suomalaisen korkeakoulutuksen historiallisen synteesin, mutta kommentoi samalla nykyisen korkeakoulupolitiikan toimintaa tai toimimattomuutta historiallisten kerrostumien näkökulmasta. nonPeerReviewed
Ilmiölähtöisyys ja wicked problems : monitieteisyyden kiehtovuus
“Come join us, and lose your accent!” : Accent Modification Courses as Hierarchization of International Student
In this article, we examine the hierarchization of international students by bringing together perspectives of linguistic legitimacy and language ideologies. Our data stems from 26 accent reduction (AR) or accent modification (AM) course descriptions and websites from US universities. Based on their analysis, we discuss the socio-political implications of the phenomenon of these courses for international students and the ways in which language-based, particularly accent-based, arguments are used to create or reinforce different categories of students. We argue that while international students are presented as having different kinds of “comprehensibility problems” that AM/AR courses are cla…
Puhutaanpa kielikoulutuksesta!
Kieliverkosto järjesti helmikuussa 2015 neljällä paikkakunnalla tilaisuuden, jossa keskusteltiin kielikoulutuksen ajankohtaisista asioista. Tilaisuuksien tavoitteena oli näin eduskuntavaalien alla nostaa esiin kieliin liittyviä kysymyksiä laajemman koulutuspoliittisen keskustelun rinnalle. Verkoston teemavuoden mukaisesti keskustelua viriteltiin erityisesti talouden näkökulmasta. Valtakunnallisten kysymysten lisäksi pureuduttiin myös alueellisiin tarpeisiin. Keskustelua syntyi muun muassa koulujen kieltenopetuksesta, toisen asteen ja korkeakoulutuksen kieliopinnoista, työelämän kielitaitotarpeista, kaksikielisyydestä, kielikylpyopetuksesta, maahanmuuttajien kielikoulutuksesta ja ruotsin kie…
“Palosta tutkimukseen, mielenkiinnosta ihmisiin”
Kilvoittelusta kilpailuun?: artikkelikokoelma korkeakoulututkimuksen juhlasymposiumista 25.-26.8.2008
The Short and Intense Post-Nationalist Period in Finnish Higher Education
This chapter presents the transition from a nationalist to post-nationalist period since the 1980s as the increasing systematic mobility and European cooperation as well as the fall of the Soviet Union turned Finnish higher education towards Western cooperation. The new internationalization strategies first aimed at founding mobility programmes for higher education and then particularly English medium study programmes. Post-national nation state emerges in the analysis mainly as an actor on the global economy. The discourses of competition and success in the global markets are interwoven with discourses of protection of the nation state. The use of English as an ostensibly self-evident and …
What about Swedish?
The chapter discusses discourses of “language” indexing social tasks of universities. We are interested in how talk of “language” is used to index the political, economic, educational, cultural etc. nature of higher education; in other words, what we talk about when we think we talk about language. We are mainly focusing on the position Swedish in the tensions of national language policies, higher education policies and internationalisation. In the chapter, we show the various ways in which higher education policies and language policies are intertwined, producing both intended and unintended language policy outcomes. peerReviewed
Yliopistojen kieli-ideologiat korkeakoulupolitiikan kuvaajina
Yliopistojen kielikäytänteet ja -ideologiat eivät elä tyhjiössä, vaan kytkeytyvät erilaisin kierteisin tavoin yhteiskunnan poliittisiin, taloudellisiin, sosiaalisiin ja kulttuurisiin kerrostumiin ja kehityksiin. Tarkastelen tässä artikkelissa näitä kerrostumia korkeakoulupolitiikan näkökulmasta: miten puhe ”kielestä” kytkeytyy näihin yhteiskunnallisiin teemoihin ja eri politiikkasektoreihin. Käytän kirjoituksessa ”kierrätettyjen diskurssien” käsitettä, jolla tarkoitan niitä historiallisesti muotoutuneita tapoja, joilla erilaisia kielipoliittisia puhetapoja nostetaan esille ja muunnellaan erilaisissa poliittisissa tilanteissa. nonPeerReviewed
Implicit policy, invisible language: Policies and practices of international degree programmes in Finnish higher education
Tiede on totta - toistaiseksi?
Jyväskylän yliopistossa järjestettiin 7.5. Kielikampusseminaari Tieteestä totuudeksi? Näkökulmia tutkimuksen yleistajuistamiseen. Yleisötapahtumassa pohdittiin tiedeviestinnän haasteita. Kohdeyleisönä oli erityisesti tiedeyhteisö, mutta kaikki asiasta kiinnostuneet olivat tervetulleita. Pääasiallisesti seminaarin teemoja pohdittiin kuitenkin tutkijoiden ja toimittajien voimin. nonPeerReviewed
University language policies : How does Finnish constitutional bilingualism meet the needs for internationalisation in English?
In this article, we discuss the position of Finnish constitutional bilingualism in higher education in the context of internationalisation in English, by focusing on two universities: one dominantly monolingual (Finnish), one dominantly bilingual (Finnish–Swedish); in addition, both teach in English. This article investigates how discourses around language choices (language policy documents, selected staff and student interviews) construe these universities as monolingual, bilingual or trilingual, and what these discourses say about the universities as organisations themselves. Results suggest that, although lack of clarity remains regarding language choices in many practical situations, Fi…
Internationalization of Finnish higher education — is language an issue?
Finland is among the countries with the highest amount of English-taught programmes in higher education in Europe (Wächter and Maiworm 2008). This article analyses, how the higher education language situation of a small country with a marginal majority language (Finnish) and an official bilingual status (Finnish and Swedish) has historically developed from the setting of “drawing the line” between Finland and Sweden or Finland and Russia (Harle and Moisio 2000) in the 19th century and the early 20th century (nationalism), towards drawing the line between Finnish/Swedish and English in the late 20th century (globalization). It then continues to present a case of foreign language (in practice…
Edistyksellisen tiedeliiton kunniajäsen, ministeri Jaakko Numminen 1928-2022
Ministeri, opetusministeriön pitkäaikainen kansliapäällikkö ja koulutus- ja kulttuuripoliittinen vaikuttaja Jaakko Numminen kuoli 19.9. 2022 Helsingissä. nonPeerReviewed
In this chapter, we present the results of the Finnish pandemic study. Compared to many other countries included in this report, the Finnish higher education system is small: In 2021, there were approximately 310,000 undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students studying in Finnish higher education institutions (Vipunen, 2022). Furthermore, the system is quite homogenous in a sense that it is mainly publicly funded. However, the dual system has different kinds of institutions: universities and universities of applied sciences (UAS), which have different missions, as well as their own legislation. In the report, we refer to the first set of institutions as universities and the latter as…
Monitasoinen ja monialainen toimijuus : Euroopan unioni ja suomalainen korkeakoulupolitiikka
Onko kielikoulutus saavutettavaa?
Tutkijat totesivat, että vaikka kielikoulutusta olisi saatavilla, se ei aina ole saavutettavaa. Saavutettavuuteen kuuluu tarjollaolemisen lisäksi opetuksen laatu ja opitun arvostus. nonPeerReviewed
Tiedolla hallinnointia ja diskurssien historiallista voimaa
Kirja-arvostelu teoksesta Restructuring the truth of schooling : essays on discursive practices in the sociology and politics of education : a festschrift for Hannu Simola / Jaakko Kauko, Risto Rinne & Heli Kynkäänniemi (toim.). [Helsinki], 2010. nonPeerReviewed
Mitä on kansallinen ja kuka on kansainvälinen? : kieli-ideologiat korkeakoulutuksen kansainvälistymisen kuvaajina
Suomi on yksi suurimmista englanninkielisten tutkinto-ohjelmien järjestäjistä Euroopassa. Tämä yhdistettynä kansainvälisten opiskelijoiden vaihteleviin koulutus- ja kielitaustoihin korostaa tarvetta tarkastella kieltä ja siihen kytkeytyneitä ideologisia olettamuksia. Tässä artikkelissa analysoimme, miten eri kielistä puhuminen konstruoi käsityksiä kielten merkityksistä (kieli-ideologioista) ja miten puhe eri kielten merkityksistä osoittaa (indeksoi) käsityksiä kansainvälisistä opiskelijoista. Kieli-ideologia voidaan määritellä käsityksiksi eri kielten merkityksestä ja arvosta. Indeksikaalisuudella tarkoitamme kielen kykyä viitata johonkin sosiaaliseen kategoriaan ja tuottaa tuohon kategoris…
Position of text and discourse analysis in higher education policy research
The article sets out to address the position of text and discourse analysis in higher education policy research, both from theoretical and methodological points of view. Theoretically, the article presents policy processes as discursive processes, arguing that higher education policies are constructed discursively. Methodologically, the article suggests that when policy documents are used as data, as is often the case in higher education policy research, text analytical tools should be applied more systematically than is the case now. To support these views, the article presents two cases of applications of a textual approach in higher education policy studies.
Yliopistojen kielipolitiikka puhuttaa pitkästä aikaa
Yliopistojen kielipolitiikka puhuttaa taas useamman kymmenen vuoden tauon jälkeen. Kun Helsingin yliopiston kielikiistoissa 1920- ja 1930-luvulla keskityttiin suomen ja ruotsin suhteisiin, niin nyt englannin käyttö yliopisto-opetuksessa on noussut päivälehtien lisäksi eduskuntakysymysten sekä oikeusasiamiehelle ja oikeuskanslerille tehtyjen valitusten aiheeksi. nonPeerReviewed
Miksi työmarkkinoiden ja kielikoulutuksen tarpeet eivät kohtaa?
Luopumalla eri kielten lokeroajattelusta ja omaksumalla uudenlainen näkemys kielten opiskeluun tuotettaisiin suurempaa kielitaitohyötyä niin työelämässä kuin sen ulkopuolellakin. Language for Jobs työryhmä on etsinyt ratkaisuja kielitaitotarpeiden ja kielikoulutuksen tarjonnan kohtaamisen ongelmiin.
Vaihtelevaa toteutusta ja kasvavaa kiinnostusta: kielikylpyopetus ja vieraskielinen opetus kunnissa
Building European‐level Quality Assurance Structures: Views from Within ENQA
Abstract The current article discusses the changes in the role of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) in the Bologna Process, mainly from the ENQA point of view. This paper argues that ENQA’s development to its current status as a European‐level policy maker is to a great extent a result of the European Union’s policy of supporting European‐level cooperation and transparency in the field of quality assurance. ENQA was not the only contestant for the role it now has in European quality assurance. The European University Association (EUA) had long‐term experience in quality assurance and also had its own interests in the field of quality assurance. The te…
Kansallinen yliopisto ja kansainväliset intressit : kieli-ideologiat korkeakoulupolitiikan hierarkioiden kuvaajina
What I Talk About When I Talk About Quality
ABSTRACT During the 15 years that Quality in Higher Education has held a focal position in the field of higher education assessment, the concept of quality has evolved from a debatable and controversial concept to an everyday matter in higher education. The author takes a personal look into the development of the field by first tracking the discursive changes in the debate, and then reflecting on the shift of the quality discussion from a matter of political substance debate to a matter of technical implementation. The article finishes with a look into possible futures of the quality revolution.
The Ideal Learner as Envisioned by Can Do Statements and Grammar Revisions: How Textbook Agency Is Constructed
AbstractIn this chapter, we analyse the features of textbooks that enable and facilitate their role as material agents in the classroom. Rather than analyse the ways textbooks are used in interaction with humans, we analyse the elements in the textbook itself that facilitate intra-action and the ensuing material agency. Based on a discursive analysis of self-assessment in one textbook and discussing that construct against the Finnish national core curriculum and previous research, we present an ‘ideal imaginary’ of classroom activities as construed in the textbook. This helps us understand the textbooks in their pedagogical ergonomics; i.e. as socio-material in the classroom. We conclude by…
Accreditation, the Bologna Process and National Reactions: Accreditation as Concept and Action
This article examines accreditation as a component of the Bologna Process quality policy. The focus is on an analysis of the concept of accreditation in policy documents from four countries (Finland, the Netherlands, France and Sweden). The article focuses on the following questions: (i) how does accreditation appear, as a concept and as action, in national reports, produced for the purposes of the Ministerial meetings?; and (ii) how is accreditation presented, as a concept and as action, in the national context and for national actors?
Whose quality? Social actors in the interface of transnational and national higher education policy
The article analyzes the construction of national reactions to a transnational higher education policy from the point of view of the representation of social actors in policy documents. The data are provided by the so-called Bologna Process, particularly the development of comparable quality assurance systems, and Finnish responses to those demands. Who is represented as active and who as passive, as European policies are discursively translated into national policies? How are those ‘quality actors’ represented in the policy documents directed at a transnational audience (i.e. the Bologna Process communiques, as well as national reports on its advancement) as opposed to documents directed a…
Are funding decisions based on “societal impact” ethical?
Constructions of bilingualism in Finnish Government programmes and a newspaper discussion site debate
The concept of bilingualism in Finnish political discourse is predominantly used in the meaning of official or state bilingualism, focussing on the two constitutionally defined ‘national languages’; i.e. Finnish and Swedish. Legally, both Finnish and Swedish speakers have a right for public services, such as schooling or health care, in their first language. On the other hand, several language ideological debates have taken place in recent years, challenging especially the status of Swedish in administration and education. These debates have reshaped the discourses on what counts as bilingualism. This paper analyses on one hand the historical discursive development of the “official will” pr…
Akateeminen hyvinvointi mitattavana ominaisuutena ja mittaamattomana kokemuksena
Tarkastelemme tässä luvussa akateemista hyvinvointia kahdelle monitieteisen yliopiston laitokselle tehdyn Wellness 360°indeksi -hyvinvointikartoituksen avulla. Peilaamme kartoituksen tuloksia laitosten työhyvinvointikyselyihin ja akateemista hyvinvointia koskevaan tutkimukseen. Tarkastelemme tuloksia eri uraporrasvaiheiden sekä tuki- ja hallintohenkilöstön hyvinvoinnin näkökulmasta. Etenkin väitöskirjatutkijoiden ja tutkijatohtoreiden hyvinvointi oli heikompaa kuin muiden. Tuki- ja hallintohenkilöstön palautuminen oli muita heikompaa. Muun tutkimuksen perusteella tiedämme, että hyvinvointi on yhteydessä erilaisiin resursseihin, joita akateemisessa työssä ovat esimerkiksi pysyvä tai pitkäaik…
Koulutusviennistä apuja talousvaikeuksissa kärvisteleville oppilaitoksille?
Ambivalent English : What We Talk About When We Think We Talk About Language
The ambivalence of English manifests itself in the discourses that surround it. English may be a resource and consume resources; it empowers and oppresses. The dichotomous discussion around the usefulness or dangers of English as a “global” or “world” language erases problematizations of the layered societal implications of English in localised contexts. English needs to be analysed not (only) as a language but (also) as the ideologies and societal structures intertwined with it. We examine English in two higher education contexts. Our first case deals with the so-called Accent Reduction courses offered for international students in US universities. The second one analyses English as a lang…
Contingent Policies, Complex Contexts and ROAD-MAPPING : Ways and Plays Forward
This chapter first presents an overview of the complex language policy contexts of the internationalising universities. It starts from the multi-layeredness of university language settings and their political contingency and moves on to discuss the ROAD-MAPPING framework and the way it has acknowledged these complexities, both theoretically and empirically. After briefly observing the geographical and disciplinary contexts in the volume, the discussion moves on to the chapters’ contribution to ROAD-MAPPING and the ways in which the chapter authors discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the framework. The coda closes with a suggestion on how the framework could be used differently. For that, …
Vallitsevia ja nousevia lähestymistapoja korkeakoulupolitiikan muutoksen tutkimukseen
Transnational turn and national models of higher education - The case of Finland
The purpose of the article is to problematize the relationship between the Nordic democratic public higher education tradition and transnational market driven knowledge economy policies. The article illustrates this development with two cases -- quality assurance and internationalisation policies -- where external demands, based mostly on market ideologies, have been introduced with apparently transnational incentives but having national implementations. These transnational pressures are related to a kind of soft governance of higher education policy, characterized by networked decision making and use of expert consultants, which possibly promotes flexible decision-making and efficiency, bu…
Finnish higher education institutions' reactions to the 2015 asylum seeker situation : Motives, goals and future challenges
In 2015, military conflicts and related humanitarian crises neighbouring areas of Europe made millions of people leave their homes. Europe, including Finland, experienced a rapid increase in the number of asylum seekers. In this article, we examine the reception of asylum seekers by Finnish higher education institutions mainly by analysing media data written about and written by universities and universities of applied sciences in Finland. The higher education institutions, in keeping with their societal role, spontaneously developed various kinds of pop-up courses, co-operation projects and other activities for asylum seekers. These activities range from crisis work to medical clinics and …
Integrating a Nexus: the history of political discourse and language policy research
Historians of political discourse and language policy researchers should join forces to develop methods of textual analysis that help to integrate political and intellectual history. They could do so by focusing their analysis on interconnections between material realities, human physical action, practices and structures, as well as institutions and ideologies as discursive constructs. Such a version of soft constructivism underscoring the discursive nature of much of politics encourages historians to analyse past political discourses more systematically. Concepts such as nexus, historical body, mobility and discursive transfers borrowed from language research deepen our analytical understa…
Tutkijan tietopaketti tiedepolitiikkaan
Jyväskylän yliopiston henkilöstön pedagogisten koulutusten (YPE, TACE, APO) arviointi ja kehittämismahdollisuudet : arvioinnin loppuraportti
Jyväskylän yliopiston koulutusneuvosto hyväksyi 22.4.2020 henkilöstön pedagogisten koulutusten kehittämiskohteet ja toimenpiteet. Vararehtorin Marja-Leena Laakson päätöksellä 24.8.2020 Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitos otti vastaan tehtävän toteuttaa toimenpide 2.1, pedagogisten koulutusten sisältöjä ja kokonaisrakennetta koskeva arviointitutkimustyö. Professori Päivi Tynjälä asetti 24.8.2020 pedagogisten koulutusten arviointitutkimustyöryhmän. Työryhmän tehtävinä oli olemassa olevien kokonaisuuksien ja rakenteiden arviointi suhteessa ajankohtaiseen korkeakouluopetuksen ja -oppimisen tutkimukseen, yliopiston strategiaan ja koulutuksen kehittämisohjelmaan, korkeakoulutuksen ja tutkimuksen VISIO 203…
A Diffractive Reading
AbstractTowards the end of the editing process, we started to see the book as something more than a collection of chapters around a theme: as an assemblage, which included, of course, the community of authors. When we put out the first call for contributions in May 2018, most authors volunteered a contribution rather quickly, others joined a bit later, and some dropped out for different reasons, underlining the dynamic nature of our assemblage. In pre-pandemic times, we met on and off campus, introduced some of our ideas at conferences, and had a workshop day to brainstorm, plan chapters, and reflect on the process and the purpose of the book. We were connected by common meals, jokes, writi…
Kotimaisten kielten koulutustarjonta kansainvälisille korkeakouluopiskelijoille
Transnationalisation and Nordic higher education - Tensions and possibilities in educational policy
The recent developments in Nordic higher education policy are closely linked with global tendencies, which are in turn reacted to at national and local levels. The financial crisis, massification of higher education, and the attachment to transnational, mainly European policies have set the background for new tendencies in education governance. New governance patterns are the outcome of transnational pressures, which are domesticated at the national level. Thus, these transnational tendencies are (re‐)constructed for different transnational, national and local purposes. This thematic issue analyses how the Nordic countries have reacted to these tendencies, tensions and possibilities. nonPee…
Mikä kieli yhteiskunnassa?
Näkyvä ja näkymätön korkeakoulutuksen kielikoulutuspolitiikka
Korkeakoulutuksen yhteydessä ei tavata puhua CLIL-opetuksesta, vaikka suomalaiset korkeakoulut ovat Euroopan kärkeä vieraskielisen (käytännössä englanninkielisen) opetuksen tarjoamisessa. Käsittelen tässä artikkelissa korkeakoulutuksen kansainvälistymistä kielen näkökulmasta lyhyesti historian, nykypolitiikan ja tulevaisuuden ennakointien kautta. nonPeerReviewed
Kielikoulutuksen ja työmarkkinoiden kohtaaminen: kysynnän ja tarjonnan epäsuhdasta koulutuksen ja työmarkkinoiden dialogiin
Kielikoulutuspolitiikka eduskuntavaalikysymyksenä
Kielikoulutuspolitiikkaa kunnissa
Kielikoulutuspolitiikka on siirtynyt muun koulutuspolitiikan hajauttamisen myötä entistä enemmän kuntatason kysymykseksi. Artikkelissa tarkastellaan kuntatason koulutuspoliittisten päätöksentekijöiden, kuten opetustoimen virkamiesten, koulujen rehtoreiden ja kuntien opetus- tai sivistyslautakuntien jäsenten näkemyksiin kielikoulutuksesta. nonPeerReviewed
Kielitaito ja työmarkkinat – Euroopan unioni ikuisuusongelman kimpussa
Euroopan unionin neuvosto hyväksyi toukokuussa 2009 eurooppalaisen koulutusyhteistyön strategiset tavoitteet vuodelle 2020. Tämän laajemman puiteohjelman strategiset tavoitteet ovat eurooppalaisen lennokkaasti: 1) tehdä elinikäisestä oppimisesta ja liikkuvuudesta totta; 2) parantaa koulutuksen laatua ja tehokkuutta; 3) edistää tasapuolisuutta, sosiaalista yhteenkuuluvuutta ja aktiivista kansalaisuutta; 4) edistää luovuutta, innovointia ja yrittäjyyttä kaikilla koulutusasteilla. Yleviin koulutuksen laatua ja tehokkuutta koskeviin tavoitteisiin kuuluu myös kielitaidon vahvistaminen. nonPeerReviewed
Monikielisyys Suomessa - haasteita koulutukselle
Ensimmäisessä Kieliparlamentissa 23.3.2010 visioitiin suomalaista kieltenopetusta tulevaisuudessa. Kieliparlamentin tarkoituksena ei ollut miettiä keinoja, joilla erilaisiin tavoitteisiin päästäisiin, vaan keskustella siitä, mitä yhteiskunnallisia ja yksilöllisiä tarpeita varten kieltä opitaan, ja miten niitä opitaan ja opetetaan. nonPeerReviewed