Yves Richard

Utilisation d'ensembles de simulations climatiques sur Modèles de Circulation Générale de l'Atmosphère: concepts, méthodes et applications à la climatologie de l'espace Sud-Africain

Les séries (ensembles) de simulations longues sur modèles numériques de Circulation Générale de l'Atmosphère (MCGA) - réalisées par la communauté des physiciens de l'atmosphère – offrent au géographe climatologue plusieurs informations relatives à la variabilité du climat complétant l'analyse des séries observées. L'étude présentée ici se base sur un ensemble de 8 simulations longues (de 1948 à 1997) réalisées sur le MCGA français ARPEGE Climat - Version 3 (Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques). Ces simulations utilisent comme conditions aux limites l'énergie solaire et les champs de Températures de Surface de la Mer. Ces dernières varient en fonction des observations mensuelles et…

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Climat et développement durable

National audience

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Impacts d’une meilleure description de la végétation urbaine sur des résultats de modélisation du climat urbain

research product

Intégration d’un modèle de développement urbain dans un modèle de simulation climatique urbain

National audience

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Sea-surface temperature co-variability in the Southern Atlantic and Indian Oceans and its connections with the atmospheric circulation in the Southern Hemisphere

The relationship between sea-surface temperature (SST) inter-annual variability at the subtropical and midlatitudes of the southern Atlantic and Indian Oceans and its links with the atmospheric circulation in the Southern Hemisphere are investigated over the 1950–1999 period. Exploratory analysis using singular value decomposition and further investigations based on simple indices show that a large part of regional SST variability is common between the southwestern parts of both basins at subtropical and midlatitudes during the austral summer. Interestingly, these areas are also significantly associated with the far southwestern Pacific (Tasman Sea area). The patterns and time series of co-…

research product

Mesures de la température et spatialisation de l’Ilot de Chaleur Urbain à Dijon

The Territorial Climate Energy Plan (PCET) of the agglomeration of Dijon (Grand Dijon) includes ameasurement campaign (6 June to 28 September 2014). 50 Hobo proV2 thermometers were deployed. The selection of siteswas carried out so that the different types of urban environment (Oke, 2006) are documented. The Urban Heat Island (UHI)is discernible mainly at night, when radiative conditions are well established the day before. It is estimated to 1°C onaverage for the summer, 3-4°C during nights of fine weather. It reached 6°C during the warmest periods of the 2014 summer.A cool axis through the agglomeration shows that vegetation and water can sensibly mitigate the ICU effect.

research product

Etude isotopique et spatialisation du carbone dans l'agglomération dijonnaise

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Microevolutionary relationships between phylogeographical history, climate change and morphological variability in the common vole (Microtus arvalis) across France

Aim In this study, we analyse microevolutionary processes in common voles (Microtus arvalis) through the investigation of tooth morphological structure, in order to assess the relative impact of climate and phylogeographical history. Microevolutionary studies have shown that climate change may play a role in both population phylogeography and phenotypic differentiation. However, relatively little is known about the precise relationship between phylogeography and phenotypic variability and about how organisms respond to climate change. Location France, from sea level to the Alps (5 to > 2300 m a.s.l.). Methods This morphological analysis is based on first lower molar measurements from 16 geo…

research product

Évolution retrospective du risque gélif hivernal en climat tempéré suite au réchauffement climatique

An abrupt warming shift of the surface temperature around 1987/1988 has been documented for the western part ofEurope. The arising of two consecutive surface temperature climates offers opportunity to assess the warming impactsover the Bourgogne Franche-Comté area. Few studies focus on the winter warming effects on vegetation and crops. Recentstudies suggest however a paradoxical increase of frost damage in a warming climate. Based on the combination of aMeteo-France climate dataset with a winter frost stress model calibrated for pea, we assessed the winter frost damageevolution along from 1958-2015. Even if frost stress is decreasing at a whole after the temperature shift, subtle and oppos…

research product

Changement climatique : impacts sur la phénologie du Pinot Noir en Bourgogne.

6 pages; International audience; Cette étude traite de l’impact du changement climatique sur les potentialités climatiques viticoles du Pinot Noir enBourgogne. L’analyse stationnelle révèle que le réchauffement récent observé en Bourgogne induit une précocité des stadesphénologiques de 10 à 25 jours. Un modèle phénologique est utilisé pour modéliser la relation entre la température et lavigne et affiche une plus grande performance (R²>0.9) sur la prédiction de la date de floraison et des résultats pluscontrastés pour les dates de véraison et de maturité (respectivement R²~0.78 et R²~0.80). Il est ensuite appliqué auxtempératures simulées par le modèle ARW/WRF à 8km de résolution, dans le bu…

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Evolution du bilan hydrique à l'échelle de bassins versants en contexte de changement climatique - Mise place d’une méthodologie.

6 pages; International audience

research product

Etudes climatiques régionales Applications à la variabilité pluviométrique en Afrique australe et orientale et à la qualité de l'air en Bourgogne

Les chapitres 1 à 4 concernent l'Afrique, et essentiellement l'Afrique australe Chapitre 1 : Aspects spatiaux et saisonniers de la variabilité pluviométrique Excédents et déficits pluviométriques sont en priorité liés à des modifications de l'amplitude du régime pluviométrique saisonnier. La variabilité interannuelle s'inscrit dans un cadre spatial contraint par les régimes pluviométriques moyens. Néanmoins, certaines saisons sont plus propices au développement d'anomalies généralisées. Tel est le cas des short rains en Afrique de l'Est. Les anomalies pluviométriques majeures interviennent lors de la saison des pluies mais ne revêtent pas un caractère homogène. En Afrique du Sud, Octobre se…

research product

Zoom sur les évolutions climatiques en Bourgogne et leurs conséquences sur les vignes et les forêts.

research product

L' évolution globale du climat, déclinaison en Bourgogne

research product

Prévisibilité à 24h de la pollution en ozone à Dijon et Chalon-sur-Saône

International audience; The ATMOSF'air network monitoring air quality would like to be able to predict ozone concentrations 24 hours in advance in accordance with the air quality law of 1996. The University of Burgundy is collaborating with the networks on this project. Primary studies show that tropospheric ozone is the main pollutant in Burgundy and that the meteorological conditions are very important when considering ozone concentrations (Houzé, 1999 ; Richard et al., 2000). We predict the ozone hourly maximal value (predictand) using three types of predictors. First are ozone level from Laboratory of Meteorology Dynamic (LMD) calculated from air mass back trajectories and precursor int…

research product

Recent climate variability around the Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean) seen through weather regimes

AbstractDaily weather regimes are defined around the Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean) based on daily 500 hPa geopotential height anomalies derived from the ERA5 ensemble reanalysis over the period 1979-2018. Ten regimes are retained as significant. Their occurrences are highly consistent across reanalysis ensemble members. Regimes show weak seasonality and non-significant long-term trends in their occurrences. Their sequences are usually short (1-3 days), with extreme persistence values above 10 days. Seasonal regime frequency is mostly driven by the phase of the Southern Annular Mode over Antarctica, mid-latitude dynamics over the Southern Ocean like the Pacific South American mode, and …

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20th century droughts in southern Africa: spatial and temporal variability, teleconnections with oceanic and atmospheric conditions

Southern African rainfall does not show any trend to desiccation during the 20th century. However, the subcontinent experienced particularly severe droughts in the 1980s and at the beginning of the 1990s and the magnitude of the interannual summer rainfall variability shows significant changes. Modifications of the intensity and spatial extension of droughts is associated with changes in ocean–atmosphere teleconnection patterns. This paper focuses mostly on the well-documented 1950–1988 period and on late summer season (January–March). A principal component analysis on southern African rainfall highlights modifications of the rainfall variability magnitude. The 1970–1988 period had more var…

research product

Le changement climatique contemporain en France

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De Mustard à Qaémléo : la construction d’un observatoire environnemental participatif

International audience; Depuis 2017, Dijon Métropole développe un projet de ville intelligente pour améliorer la gestion urbaine au quotidien. Ce nouveau récit métropolitain s’inscrit également dans une approche originale pour garantir un accès sécurisé aux données produites par la ville intelligente. Parallèlement à cette action, les chercheurs du campus dijonnais se sont engagés, dans le cadre du programme POPSU, à constituer un observatoire intelligent pour la qualité environnementale selon les principes FAIR : Facile à trouver, Accessible, Interopérable, Réutilisable. Se pose alors la question de comment faire converger ces infrastructures smart pour FAIR.E métropole ?

research product

The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) impacts on Southern African summer rainfall and Tropical-Temperate Interactions

Composite maps of outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) anomalies over the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) cycle show marked intraseasonal fluctuations over southern Africa (south of 15°S). Large-scale convective clusters are seen to propagate eastward and then northward over the continent, mainly between 10° and 20°S. The corresponding response of the rainfall field presents the alternation, over the cycle, of dry and humid phases, which are both significant. Moisture flux anomalies indicate an intraseasonal modulation of the midtropospheric easterly flow over the Congo basin at 700 hPa; these fluctuations are coupled to meridional flux anomalies that extend from the tropical to the subtropica…

research product

Dynamique spatio-temporelle d’un événement extrême froid : impact de la circulation atmosphérique sur les basses températures en Bourgogne viticole.

During April 2019 France experienced several frost events that caused extensive damage to almost all of its winegrowing regions. In Bourgogne-Franche-Comté the frost effects were very punctual and spatially diffused, the greatest damage being observed in the early bud breaking winegrowing sub-regions of Saône-et-Loire and the south of the Côte de Beaune. This study focuses on the multi-scalar analysis of the spring frost event underwent during the night between the 4th and 5th of April on a vineyard plot located in the Hautes Côtes de Beaune appellation. The analysis highlights the impact of local parameters (topography, surface discontinuity, etc.) on the spatio-temporal structuring of tem…

research product

Regionalizing rainfall at very high resolution over la Réunion island using a regional climate model.

Abstract Regional climate models (RCMs) should be evaluated with respect to their ability to downscale large-scale climate information to the local scales, which are sometimes strongly modulated by surface conditions. This is the case for La Réunion (southwest Indian Ocean) because of its island context and its complex topography. Large-scale atmospheric configurations such as tropical cyclones (TCs) may have an amplifying effect on local rainfall patterns that only a very high-resolution RCM, forced by the large scales and resolving finescale processes, may simulate properly. This paper documents the capability of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) RCM to regionalize rainfall…

research product

Modalités et robustesse de la régionalisation du climat de la Bourgogne Franche-Comté

Cette note rend compte d’une partie des travaux initiés par le Centre de Recherches de Climatologie (CRC) dans le cadre du projet PSDR/PROSYS (tache 1.2 Prospective changement climatique). Ces travaux ont été réalisés grâce au support des 6 mois de CDD d’ingénieur d’étude financés par le projet Prosys dont a bénéficié Etienne Brulebois. Nous présentons succinctement ici :1. le protocole de régionalisation et d’évaluation des simulations climatiques ;2. les résultats des simulations des températures hivernales et des précipitations pourla période 1980–2014 ;3. la capacité des températures simulées à mimer l’évolution du stress froid du poisd’hiver observée suite au réchauffement de 1987/1988…

research product

Hydrologie, Changement Climatique, Adaptation, Ressource en Eau en Bourgogne : rapport final du projet HYCCARE Bourgogne

HYCCARE Bourgogne est un projet de recherche-action dont l’objectif est de mettre à disposition des décideurs locaux des outils qui leur permettront de mieux prendre en compte le risque lié aux impacts du changement climatique sur la ressource en eau.

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Étude des températures simulées avec Méso-NH : sensibilité à l’artificialisation des sols à Grenoble et Lyon.

International audience; La modélisation atmosphérique à très fine échelle permet d’analyser la dynamique de l’îlot dechaleur urbain en contexte de topographie complexe. Deux simulations (Urbaine et Non-Urbaine) mettenten évidence les effets associés à l'urbanisation. La taille des agglomérations, dans le cas de Lyon etGrenoble, n'influence pas la différence de température entre les deux simulations. Les conditions destabilité influencent fortement ces différences. L'ICU peut être intensifié par l'affaiblissement du vent oul’effet de piégeage et/ou le développement d’une couche d’inversion.

research product

Climate zoning of the Burgundy winegrowing region

As one of the most emblematic wine regions of cool climate terroir viticulture, Burgundy is endowed with a set of very specific natural features suitable to the production of high quality wines, where climate is arguably one of the main factors to profoundly influence vine physiology/phenology and grape composition. These environmental nuances have led to a wide variety of styles in Pinot noir and Chardonnay wines that have been largely acknowledged and appreciated by the international market and vitivinicultural industry. However, individual grape varieties optimum quality is known to be closely related to well-defined climate and geographical ranges. Climate change and global warming late…

research product

Les modèles climatiques régionaux : outils de décomposition des échelles spatio-temporelles.

11 pages; National audience; Les modèles climatiques régionaux sont des outils de désagrégation des champs géophysiques, résolvant les équations de la thermodynamique atmosphérique dans le but de simuler à des échelles fines des champs surfaciques tels que la pluviométrie. Prenant à la fois en compte les échelles larges imposées aux bornes du domaine et les échelles plus fines à l'intérieur du domaine (topographie, occupation du sol, types de sol, ...), ces outils sont particulièrement pertinents pour séparer le signal forcé du bruit stochastique inhérent au système climatique. Une méthodologie est ici proposée pour distinguer les différentes échelles spatio-temporelles de la variabilité cl…

research product

Changements d'échelle et sorties climatiques régionalisées

Les modèles numériques de circulation générale produisent des champs climatiques sur un maillage trop grossier. Certains paramètres varient beaucoup localement en fonction de leur environnement (relief, végétation...). C'est le cas des précipitations, lorsqu'elles sont essentiellement convectives comme en Afrique. Les méthodes et outils permettant un dialogue entre ces deux échelles vont des modèles emboîtés aux modèles statistiques, en passant par des approches mixtes. Ces techniques en développement deviennent nécessaires si l'on veut mener correctement les études d'impact liées à la variabilité climatique à court ou moyen terme, particulièrement pour ce qui concerne l'extension des malad…

research product

Désagrégation dynamique haute résolution spatiale du climat du Centre Est de la France par le modèle climatique régional ARW/WRF

Ce travail analyse les capacités du modèle climatique régional ARW/WRF à reproduire les principaux traits du climat (températures de surface et précipitations) du Centre Est de la France à des résolutions spatiales fines, et pour les années 1991 et 2003. La simulation utilise pour la désagrégation du signal une descente d'échelle basée sur trois domaines emboîtés de maille variable de 120 km, 30 km et 7,5 km. Les conditions latérales sont imposées toutes les 6 heures par les ré- analyses ERA-Interim. Les températures et les précipitations observées par le réseau de mesures de Météo-France Bourgogne sont utilisées pour l'évaluation. Les simulations reproduisent bien la température (R²~0,95 e…

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Impact du changement climatique sur l'oïdium de la vigne : cas de la Champagne.

research product

Contribution des talwegs tropicaux-tempérés aux précipitations d’Afrique australe : quelle évolution dans le cadre du changement climatique ?

6 pages; International audience; Cette étude analyse les changements de la pluviométrie et des talwegs tropicaux-tempérés (TTT) en Afriqueaustrale dans le cadre du changement climatique en utilisant huit modèles climatiques retenus dans l’exercice 5 du GIEC etforcés selon la trajectoire RCP 8.5. Tous les modèles restituent convenablement les bandes nuageuses associées aux TTT,tant en termes de variabilité spatiale que de fréquence d’occurrences. Les modèles divergent sur l’évolution desprécipitations de saison des pluies (NDJF). En revanche, ils montrent tous une diminution du nombre de jours de pluieassociée à une augmentation d’événements plus pluvieux. Ces changements dans la distributio…

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Utilisation d'ensembles de simulations climatiques sur Modèles de Circulation Générale de l'Atmosphère: concepts, méthodes et applications à la climatologie de l'espace Sud-Africain,

International audience

research product

Climate change: where are we right now?

15ème Rencontres Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Nature : Changement climatique, humanité et biodiversité; International audience; Greenhouse gases (GHGs), naturally part of the atmosphere, have protected us from severe glaciations in thepast. Today, human activities increase GHG concentrations and cause rapid and unprecedented Earth warming.Climate change is not resumed only to warming, water cycle is also changed. All the researches confi rm: the climateis changing fast, too fast for ecosystems and societies to adapt. Despite the alerts of the international scientifi ccommunity, States gathered into Conferences of the Parties (COP) ratify agreements but do not comply with all theircommitments. Pu…

research product

Temperature changes in the mid- and high- latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere

A Hierarchical Ascending Classification is used to regionalize monthly temperature anomalies measured at 24 weather stations in Antarctica and the Sub-Antarctic and mid-latitude southern islands from 1973 to 2002. Three principal regions are identified that are geographically coherent: Eastern Antarctica, the Antarctic Peninsula and the Sub-Antarctic and mid-latitude islands. Within each region, consistent trends are observed: namely, stationary temperatures in ‘East-Antarctica’; a robust warming in the ‘Sub-Antarctic and mid-latitude islands’, most pronounced in austral summer (nearly 0.5 °C per decade); and a strong but more recent warming in the ‘Antarctic Peninsula’. Austral summer temp…

research product

L'étude du climat du siècle à venir : Des enjeux, des données et des techniques parfois spécifiques. Application au phénomène ENSO et aux précipitations en Afrique australe

research product

Régionaliser le climat pour en évaluer les impacts : l'apport des modèles numériques

National audience; La simulation de l'évolution future du climat repose sur l'utilisation de modèles numériques complexes. Ces modèles doivent prendre en compte les diverses composantes du système climatique (atmosphère, biosphère, cryosphère et lithosphère) et leurs temps de réponse respectifs pour simuler les réactions de ce système à différents scénarios de perturbations d'origine naturelle (activités solaire et volcanique...) ou humaine (émissions de gaz à effet de serre et d'aérosols). Afin d'étudier l'impact du climat sur une région donnée, il faut disposer d'une résolution spatiale suffisamment fine (quelques kilomètres) dont ne disposent pas les modèles de circulation générale plané…

research product

L'évolution du climat en Bourgogne

International audience

research product

Hydrological response to an abrupt shift in surface air temperature over France in 1987/88.

10 pages; International audience; During the last few decades, Europe has seen a faster increase of observed temperature than that simulated by models. The air temperature over Western Europe showed an abrupt shift at the end of the 1980s, still insufficiently documented. The aim of this study is to assess the characteristics of this shift and its potential impacts on the hydrological cycle over France. Such an assessment is essential for a better understanding of past and future climatic changes and their impact on water resources.A subset of 119 temperature, 122 rainfall, and 30 hydrometric stations was studied, over the entire French metropolitan territory. Several change-point detection…

research product

Potientalities of a hydroclimatic modelling chain at the basin scale of Burgundy.

research product

Impacts d’une meilleure description de la végétation urbaine sur des simulations du climat urbain avec SURFEX-TEB.

Le réseau MUSTARDijon offre la possibilité de procéder à une cartographie fine des températureshoraires sur Dijon Métropole. La méthode proposée ici repose sur des régressions linéaires multiplesmobilisant deux familles de prédicteurs : des descripteurs du relief et des descripteurs de l’occupation dusol. L’application porte sur la canicule de l’été 2020 (6-9 août). Deux configurations sont comparées. L’une,en mode recherche, laisse la possibilité aux descripteurs de varier dynamiquement en fonction de leurpertinence statistique, l’autre, en mode opérationnel, impose les 5 mêmes descripteurs en entrée. Entermes de performance statistique ou de structure spatiale, l’impact de la méthode n’es…

research product

The Urban Heat Island of a middle-size French city as seen by high-resolution numerical experiments and in situ measurements the case of Dijon, Burgundy

International audience; This work aims at characterizing the spatio-temporal variability and features of the urban heat island (UHI) over the agglomeration of Dijon (north-eastern France; 260,000 inhabitants) under present-day conditions and during the boreal summer season (June through September). To that end, two complementary approaches are used: • in situ measurements, using a network of 50 Hobo proV2 sensors measuring air temperature and specific humidity every 20 minutes, and implemented since June 2014 throughout the agglomeration; • high-resolution (150m horizontal resolution) meso-scale atmospheric simulations performed using the WRF/ARW model coupled with the BEP-BEM urban canopy …

research product

Interannual memory effects for spring NDVI in semi-arid South Africa

[1] Almost 20 years of Normalized Difference Vegetative Index (NDVI) and precipitation (PPT) data are analysed to better understand the interannual memory effects on vegetation dynamics observed at regional scales in Southern Africa (SA). The study focuses on a semi-arid region (25°S–31°S; 21°E–26°E) during the austral early summer (September–December). The memory effects are examined using simple statistical approaches (linear correlations and regressions) which require the definition of an early summer vegetation predictand (December NDVI minus September NDVI) and a consistent set of potential predictors (rainfall amount, number of rainy days, rainfall intensity, NDVI and Rain-Use-Efficie…

research product

Le changement climatique est là : à nous de jouer !

research product


Cette étude examine pour la première fois en Afrique australe les incertitudes d'un modèle à aire limitée (Advanced Weather Research Forecast (WRF-ARW V3011)) liées à sa paramétrisation physique. Les incertitudes sont analysées au pas de temps saisonnier en déterminant les principaux points communs et différences de 27 expériences numériques, avec un focus sur le champ pluviométrique. Ces 27 expériences documentent le trimestre Décembre-Janvier-Février 1993-94, coeur de la saison des pluies de l'Afrique du Sud à régime pluvial tropical, et correspondent à toutes les combinaisons possibles entre 3 schémas de couche limite, 3 schémas de convection et 3 schémas de microphysique. Quelle que soi…

research product

Impact des précipitations sur l'activité photosynthétique de la végétation en Afrique semi-aride sub-saharienne

National audience

research product

Le changement climatique : où en sommes-nous ?

Greenhouse gases (GHGs), naturally part of the atmosphere, have protected us from severe glaciations in the past. Today, human activities increase GHG concentrations and cause rapid and unprecedented Earth warming. Climate change is not resume only to warming, water cycle is also changed. All the research confirms: the climate is changing fast, too fast for ecosystems and societies to adapt. Despite the alerts of the international scientific community, States gathered into Conferences of the Parties (COP) ratify agreements but do not comply with all their commitments. Public opinion polls indicate that climate change is perceived as a risk, but jobs and taxes override environmental concerns…

research product

Urban Heat Island and air quality, Dijon, winter 2014-2015.

For the 2014-2015 Winter, thetemperature patterns and the Air Quality measured over the Grand Dijon urban area are studied together.Meteorological conditions favoring the development of an Urban Heat Island (UHI) are distinguished fromthose giving rise to pollution episodes. Winter UHI are next characterized, with radiative situations followedafter the sunset by relatively strong UHI (about 3°C), and days with no insolation during which anthropogenicheat is suspected to produce a small UHI (few tenths of °C).

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Évolution des températures observées en Bourgogne (1961-2011)

International audience

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Montagnes d'Afrique Tropicale : marqueurs de la variabilité climatique ou isolats climatiques ?

International audience; Tropical mountains are often seen as beacons of past and present-day climate change. However, do they actually reflect interannual and decadal-scale climatic variability of the surrounding areas ? At the scale of Africa South of the Sahara, an analysis of the 1941-2000 rainfall variability shows that spatial coherence is seldom modified by relief. Examples are presented in which mountain climates are even indicators of large-scale atmospheric dynamics and climate variability.

research product

How relevant are local climate zones and urban climate zones for urban climate research? Dijon (France) as a case study.

17 pages; International audience; Several typologies of urban surface properties have been proposed, in recent years, for urban heat island studies and climate modeling. Some were specifically developed for cities and urban climate issues, like the Urban Climate Zones, and the more recent Local Climate Zones. The initial objective of this paper is to evaluate the capacity of these two typologies to identify thermal environments in and around cities, and to determine which typology best captures the daily spatio-temporal patterns of surface and urban canopy heat islands. To simulate urban climate with a model, LULC data based on a given typology are required. To avoid circularity, we combine…

research product

Désagrégation numérique de précipitations en Afrique australe et dynamique atmosphérique associée

Cette étude examine les capacités du modèle Advanced Weather Research Forecast (WRF) à simuler les champs saisonniers de précipitations et la dynamique atmosphérique associée en Afrique australe pendant le cœur de la saison des pluies d'été sud-africaines, de décembre 1993 à février 1994. Sa sensibilité à la paramétrisation physique est aussi analysée en termes de quantités précipitées et de types de pluie. WRF simule convenablement les principales structures pluviométriques saisonnières, notamment les Zones de Convergence Inter-Tropicale et Sud Indienne, bien que les pluies y soient sous-estimées, et le gradient ouest-est observé de la région tropicale en Afrique du Sud. Les régions où le …

research product

L'Ilot de Chaleur Urbain de l'agglomération dijonnaise : campagne instrumentale in situ et modélisation climatique régionale haute résolution

International audience; Ce travail présente les résultats préliminaires de caractérisation de l'ilot de chaleur urbain de l'agglomération dijonnaise (extension, intensité, variabilité) obtenus d'une part à l'aide d'une campagne de mesure instrumentale, d'autre part à l'aide du modèle de canopée urbaine BEP-BEM couplé au modèle de climat régional WRF/ARW. Les simulations numériques sont d'abord effectuées en mode hindcast sur l'été 2006 (ayant connu un épisode caniculaire) à une résolution horizontale de 150m. Un travail important a consisté à produire des conditions aux limites aussi réalistes que possible pour obtenir une occupation du sol et une morphologie urbaine de bonne qualité. L'app…

research product

Changement climatique en Bourgogne et ses impacts sur la ressource en eau

International audience

research product

Phenological model performance to warmer conditions: application to Pinot noir in Burgundy.

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Aim</strong>: The current work aims to assess the performance of two phenological models - a linear model (<em>Grapevine Flowering</em> <em>Véraison</em> model, <em>GFV</em>) and a curvilinear model (<em>Wang and</em> <em>Engel</em> model, <em>WE</em>) - to warmer temperature conditions for the grapevine variety Pinot noir in Burgundy.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Methods and results</strong>: Simulations using historical data from the 1973-2005 period were similar between models and consistent with observations. To mimic pot…

research product

Précipitations en Afrique du Sud: changements climatiques simulés par le modèle de circulation générale ARPEGE/OPA et par la désagrégation régionale

International audience; En Afrique du Sud, l'accès à la ressource en eau est source de nombreux enjeux et les besoins sont croissants. Les conséquences du réchauffement global sur la disponibilité en eau peuvent être importantes. Pour étudier le climat du XXIe siècle, les modèles de circulation générale (MCG) intégrant la modification prévisible de la composition chimique de l'atmosphère (gaz à effet de serre et aérosols) sont des outils incontournables. Outre les incertitudes avec lesquelles les MCG doivent composer (scénarios d'émissions), leur aptitude à simuler le climat à l'échelle régionale est variable. Pour l'été austral (janvier-mars), sur la période 1970-1999, le modèle couplé ARP…

research product

Climate projections over France wine-growing region and its potential impact on phenology

Climate change represents a major challenge for the French wine industry. Climatic conditions in French vineyards have already changed and will continue to evolve. One of the notable effects on grapevine is the advancing growing season. The aim of this study is to characterise the evolution of agroclimatic indicators (Huglin index, number of hot days, mean temperature, cumulative rainfall and number of rainy days during the growing season) at French wine-growing regions scale between 1980 and 2019 using gridded data (8 km resolution, SAFRAN) and for the middle of the 21th century (2046-2065) with 21 GCMs statistically debiased and downscaled at 8 km. A set of three phenological models were …

research product

Determinants of the interannual relationships between remote sensed photosynthetic activity and rainfall in tropical Africa

International audience; The response of photosynthetic activity to interannual rainfall variations in Africa South of the Sahara is examined using 20 years (1981-2000) of Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) AVHRR data. Linear correlations and regressions were computed between annual NDVI and annual rainfall at a 0.5° latitude/longitude resolution, based on two gridded precipitation datasets (Climate Prediction Center Merged Analysis of Precipitation [CMAP] and Climatic Research Unit [CRU]). The spatial patterns were then examined to detect how they relate to the mean annual rainfall amounts, land-cover types as from the Global Land Cover 2000 data set, soil properties and soil typ…

research product

Relationships between the zonal circulation over equatorial Indian and Pacific oceans and the East African Lakes: Victoria, Tanganyika and Nyassa-Malawi level fluctuations.

International audience

research product

How do tropical temperate troughs form and develop over southern Africa?

16 pages ; Corrigendum Figure (Macron C, B Pohl, Y Richard & M Bessafi (2014) CORRIGENDUM. Journal of Climate, 27, 5198-5199. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00319.1); International audience; This paper aims at separating the respective influences of tropical and midlatitude variability on the development and life cycle of tropical temperate troughs (TTTs) over southern Africa in austral summer (November-February). Cluster analysis is applied to 1971-2000 40-yr ECMWF Re-Analysis (ERA-40) daily outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) anomalies to identify TTTs and monitor tropical convection. The same analysis applied to the zonal wind stretching deformation at 200 hPa (ZDEF) characterizes midlatitude trans…

research product

Comment et pour qui cartographier l’îlot de chaleur urbain (ICU) ?

Le réseau MUSTARDijon offre la possibilité de procéder à une cartographie fine des températureshoraires sur Dijon Métropole. La méthode proposée ici repose sur des régressions linéaires multiplesmobilisant deux familles de prédicteurs : des descripteurs du relief et des descripteurs de l’occupation dusol. L’application porte sur la canicule de l’été 2020 (6-9 août). Deux configurations sont comparées. L’une,en mode recherche, laisse la possibilité aux descripteurs de varier dynamiquement en fonction de leurpertinence statistique, l’autre, en mode opérationnel, impose les 5 mêmes descripteurs en entrée. Entermes de performance statistique ou de structure spatiale, l’impact de la méthode n’es…

research product

Évolution du stress gélif et idéotypes de pois d'hiver dans le contexte de changement climatique, à une échelle régionale.

11 pages; International audience; Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is an important crop in temperate regions for its high seed protein concentration that is particularly sensitive to abiotic stresses. The abrupt temperature increase known as the “1987/1988 temperature regime shift” that occurs over Europe is questioning how winter pea will perform in the changing climate. This study assessed the winter frost damage evolution along from 1961 to 2015 in Burgundy-Franche-Comté by using: (1) daily observed and gridded regional temperature data and (2) a validated crop winter frost stress model calibrated for pea. This study shows a global decrease of the frost stress nevertheless resulting from a subtle …

research product

Pourquoi le stress gel hivernal ne disparaît pas chez le pois dans un climat qui se réchauffe ? Comment s’y adapter ? Projet PSDR ProSys, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

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Précipitations à Madagascar, Mayotte, la Réunion et les Îles Éparses durant la saison des pluies (1971-1999) : rôle et contribution des talwegs tropicaux tempérés.

7 pages; International audience; Cette étude, sur la base d’un jeu de données pluviométriques original, recherche les mécanismes à l’origine de lavariabilité spatiotemporelle des précipitations journalières observées sur Madagascar, Mayotte, La Réunion et les îlesÉparses. L’étude se concentre sur le début et le coeur de l’été austral de 1971 à 1999. Un focus sur la contribution desTalwegs Tropicaux-Tempérés (TTT) est réalisé. Dans une première partie, une classification sur les séries de précipitationsde vingt-neuf stations a mis en évidence six types de jours et de mécanismes associés. La classe sèche est associée à desanomalies cycloniques, deux des cinq classes dont associées à des TTT, …

research product

Interactions tropicales – tempérées et pluviométrie au Mozambique.

International audience

research product

On the Role of Water Vapour Transport from the Tropical Atlantic and Summer Rainfall in Tropical Southern Africa

research product

Intraseasonal rainfall variability over Madagascar

International audience; Using daily rain-gauge records for Madagascar and nearby islands, this paper investigates rainfall intraseasonal variability at local and regional scales during the austral summer season (November–February), as well as the respective influences of recurrent convective regimes over the South-West Indian Ocean (SWIO) and the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). Our results show a general consistency between local-scale rainfall variability in Madagascar and regional-scale features of climate variability. The influence of Tropical-Temperate Troughs in their mature phase and/or their easternmost locations is first underlined. The development of such systems over Southern Afr…

research product

Modèles de climats régionaux : potentiels et limites.

6 pages; International audience; L'utilisation de Modèles de Climat Régionaux (MCR) se développe, ces derniers offrant des potentialités et des limites que nous analysons. Les travaux réalisés au CRC montrent néanmoins que selon la durée des simulations (de l'événement météorologique à l'étude du changement climatique), la fenêtre géographique (des tropiques aux régions tempérées), la résolution spatiale (de quelques dizaines de km à quelques centaines de m) et les variables étudiées (température, précipitation, convection atmosphérique, ...), les conditions d'utilisation varient beaucoup. L'utilisation des MCR requiert ainsi une expertise relativement lourde à acquérir, nécessitant à la fo…

research product

Compared regimes of NDVI and rainfall in semi‐arid regions of Africa

Bi‐monthly normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) at an 8 km spatial resolution from the advanced very high resolution radiometers (AVHRR) was used from 1981 to 1995 to analyse the vegetation response to rainfall supply in semi‐arid regions of Africa. Within the 200–600 mm annual rainfall belt, for which the apparent NDVI response to rainfall was the strongest, three regions were selected which exhibited different patterns in their NDVI regimes and/or relationships with rainfall. The regions, located in western, southern and eastern Africa, were split into coherent sub‐regions in terms of mean regime of photosynthetic activity through a cluster analysis. Overall, intra‐regional diffe…

research product

An original way to evaluate daily rainfall variability simulated by a regional climate model: the case of South African austral summer rainfall

We discuss the value of a clustering approach as a tool for evaluating daily rainfall output from climate models. Ascendant hierarchical clustering is used to evaluate how well South African recurrent daily rainfall patterns are simulated during the austral summer (December to February 1970–1971 to 1998–1999). A set of 35-km regional climate simulations, run with the WRF model and driven by the ERA40 reanalysis, is chosen as a case study. Six recurrent patterns are identified and compared to the observed clusters obtained by applying the same methodology to 5352 daily rain gauge records. Two of the WRF clusters describe either a persistent and widespread dryness (65% of the days) or pattern…

research product

Topographic descriptors and thermal inversions amid the plateaus and mountains of the Jura (France)

Sixteen temperature measurement sites under forest cover are distributed across the plateaus and mountains of the Jura (France). They are composed of pairs of stations located, one at the bottom of a topographic trough, the other at least 50 m higher in altitude. Three descriptors (station elevation, altitudinal difference (amplitude) between the two stations of each site, and topographical context) are used to explain how the frequency, intensity, and duration of inversions are spatially structured. Depending on whether one considers: 1) tn (minimum temperature) or tx (maximum temperature), 2) frequency or intensity, the sign of the correlation values changes. This reflects the fact that n…

research product

Impact du changement climatique sur l’oïdium de la vigne : cas de la Champagne

Powdery mildew, one of the most widespread grapevine disease, causes damage to the plant foliage, reduces yields and altersquality of grapes. This fungus development is strongly controlled by climate conditions and viticulture requires in many regionslarge quantities of pesticides for disease control. Projecting the impacts of climate change on these disease and developinga better understanding of future disease risk is crucial, given the increasing societal pressure for pesticide reduction andsustainability. This study focused on (i) the elaboration of an empirical model that establishes links between monthly climate dataand annual powdery mildew pressure in Champagne and (ii) the use of t…

research product

Recurrent daily rainfall patterns over South Africa and associated dynamics during the core of the austral summer

This paper investigates the influence of some modes of climate variability on the spatio-temporal rainfall variability over South Africa during the core of the rainy season, December to February (DJF). All analyses are based directly on the rainfall field instead of atmospheric processes and dynamics. An original agglomerative hierarchical clustering approach is used to classify daily rainfall patterns recorded at 5352 stations from DJF 1971 to DJF 1999. Five clusters are retained for analysis. Amongst them, one cluster looks most like the rainfall and circulation mean picture. Another one, representing 37% of the days, describes strong negative rainfall anomalies over South Africa resultin…

research product

Interannual persistence effects in vegetation dynamics of semi-arid Africa

[1] Over 15 years of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometers (AVHRR) are used to study the response of vegetation activity to rainfall in three semi-arid regions of Africa. The relationships between annual NDVI and annual precipitation (PPT) time series are examined using statistical approaches (simple and partial correlations, linear multiple regressions). It appears that annual NDVI highly depends on PPT of the concurrent year and the previous year. An analysis of particularly dry and wet years enables to better diagnose two distinct responses of vegetation activity to rainfall. The “recovery” effect represents the difficulty o…

research product

Formation et développement des talwegs tropicaux-tempérés en Afrique australe.

6 pages; International audience; Les talwegs tropicaux-tempérés (TTT) sont des systèmes pluviogènes situés d’Afrique australe et faisant intervenirà la fois la convection tropicale et la dynamique des moyennes latitudes. Ils sont responsables en moyenne de 20% des pluiessaisonnières sud-africaines et durent typiquement entre 3 et 5 jours. Leurs mécanismes de formation sont encorepartiellement inconnus. Une classification en k-means est utilisée ici pour identifier la composante convective des TTT d’unepart, et les perturbations des moyennes latitudes, d’autre part. Les résultats indiquent que les perturbations tempérées sontune condition nécessaire au développement des TTT, mais non suffisa…

research product

Intensity and spatial extent of droughts in southern Africa

International audience; The standardized precipitation index allows for monitoring the intensity and spatial extent of droughts at different time scales. We used it to do a retrospective analysis of the spatial extent of droughts in Southern Africa (South of 10°S), from 1901 to 1999. Accordingly, the 8 most severe droughts at the 6-month scale (October–April) for the summer rainfall region of Southern Africa ended in 1916, 1924, 1933, 1949, 1970, 1983, 1992 and 1995. At the 2-year scale, they ended in 1906, 1933, 1983, 1984, 1992, 1993, 1995 and 1996. Areas affected by those droughts ranged from 3.4 to 2 106 km2. Eight of those 12 years are El Niño years. Preliminary data indicates that 200…

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Risques gélifs sur grandes cultures dans un contexte de changement climatique

International audience

research product

Variabilité des extrêmes thermiques et impacts sur la viticulture : l’évolution du risque de gel de printemps en Bourgogne Franche-Comté.

Publication de la Chaire UNESCO "Culture et Traditions du Vin" de l'Université de Bourgogne et du Centre Georges Chevrier UMR CNRS/uB 7366.; National audience

research product

Évaluation des effets thermiques des leviers d'action visant à réduire l'îlot de chaleur urbain : l'exemple de Dijon.

Climate Change and Urban Heat Island (UHI) combine their effects and lead to increased frequencies and intensities of heat waves in urban environments. Considering the associated public health issues, several actions are possible: the color of the materials, the development of water surfaces or urban vegetation. In Dijon, a network of 60 stations makes it possible to evaluate the potential of these three actions. Analysis of the warm summer 2016 season reveals that the refreshing role of water only occurs during daytime, the effect of bright surfaces (concrete versus bitumen) on the air temperature is only a few tenths of a degree, while vegetation offers the largest refreshing potential. I…

research product

Évolution des températures observées en Bourgogne (1961-2011)

International audience; Depuis un demi-siècle environ, l’augmentation des concentrations atmosphériques en gaz à effet de serre a entraîné une élévation de température qui peut être analysée selon des échelles emboîtées, allant de la planète aux territoires. Dans cette étude, les mesures effectuées sur le réseau de stations Météo-France sont mobilisées pour analyser la température en Bourgogne sur la période 1961-2011. Le réchauffement observé a des caractéristiques très proches des moyennes françaises. Il est plus fort que sur la moyenne planétaire. Il est marqué par une rupture nette délimitant deux périodes bien différentes : 1961-1987 et 1988-2011. Une interpolation par régression krige…

research product

Spatial distribution of the precipitation in Dobruja (Romania / Black Sea).

research product

Évolution rétrospective du risque gélif hivernal en climat tempéré suite eu réchauffement climatique.

10 pages; National audience

research product

Reproductibilité des pluies et de la dynamique atmosphérique en Afrique Australe dans un modèle climatique régional : Approche multiscalaire

30 simulations numériques ne différant que par les conditions initiales de l'atmosphère permettent de documenter la reproductibilité du climat simulé en Afrique australe par un modèle climatique régional. Les simulations portent sur une saison pluvieuse (Décembre-Février 1993-94) proche de la moyenne en termes de pluies. A l'échelle synoptique, les régimes de circulation détectés sont clairement reproductibles d'une expérience à une autre. A des échelles plus fines, le modèle simule correctement les principaux pics pluviométriques et l'alternance entre phases humides et phases sèches. Certains épisodes peu reproductibles sont néanmoins clairement identifiables et correspondent à un contrôle…

research product

Spatial distribution of the precipitation in Dobruja (Romania/Black Sea)

An original dataset for the Dobruja, a low plateau region of southeastern Romania, is used to perform a statistical study of the spatial distribution of rainfall at annual and seasonal time-scales. A principal component analysis (PCA) is carried out to identify the precipitation regimes. The high eigenvalue of PC1 attests of the prevailing temperate-continental regime, with a relatively dry winter opposed to a late spring and early summer rainfall maximum. PC2 shows the specific pattern of the coast, with a small secondary maximum in November. In spite of the relatively flat topography, annual rainfall is characterized by a strong gradient between the coast and the interior. Particularly lo…

research product

Influence of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on Southern African summer rainfall

Rain-causing mechanisms over Southern Africa (south of 15˚S) involve both tropical and temperate dynamics. Most studies focused on the synoptical timescale, while the intraseasonal (20-120 days) variability has more been neglected to date. This study aims at determining whether the dominant mode of intraseasonal variability in the Tropics, namely the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), has a significant impact on Southern African rainfall and associated atmospheric dynamics. The examination of outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) over Southern Africa shows indeed significant intraseasonal fluctuations at the 30-60 day timescale, i.e. in the pe- riods that are typically reminiscent of the MJO. In ord…

research product

Variations in intensity of the westerly monsoon-like flow from the tropical Atlantic and summer rainfall over equatorial and tropical southern Africa

International audience; An empirical orthogonal function (EOF) of the onshore flow of moisture along the west coast of southern Africa using NCEP-DOE AMIP-2 re-analyses suggests two dominant modes of variability that are linked to: (a) variations within the circulation linked to the mid-latitude westerlies and the South Atlantic anticyclone, (b) the intensity of the westerly flow from the tropical Atlantic. The second mode, referred to as the Equatorial Westerly mode, contributes the most to moisture input from the Atlantic onto the subconti-nent at tropical latitudes. This mode appears to be associated with large-scale rainfall anomalies over the upper lands surrounding the Congo basin in …

research product

Urban Heat Island (UHI) and heat waves: what relations?

With four years of measurements and alarge sample of stations, the MUSTARDijon network allows for a detailed characterization of the Urban HeatIsland (UHI), a warm season phenomenon. But UHI and maximum temperature values are out of phase at twodistinct time-scales. Seasonally, the maxima of UHI occur from May to July, i.e. before the annual peak oftemperature (July to August). At a daily time-scale, analysis of the two heat waves of July 2015 shows a lag of afew days between the peak of UHI and the heat wave. Two hypotheses are suggested to explain these lags:changes in radiative conditions and/or energy fluxes between the ground surface and the atmosphere.

research product

Zonal circulations over the Indian and Pacific Oceans and the level of lakes Victoria and Tanganyika

Level records of two East African Great Lakes, Lake Victoria and Lake Tanganyika, which are considered as hydroclimatic proxies, are analysed. Comparisons between the two lake signals show synchronisms, which can only be accounted for by large-scale mechanisms. Lake-level variations associated with the short rains season (October–January) appear to have a prominent effect on the annual lake levels. The relations between lake-level variations and atmospheric circulation indexes are then investigated. Over the period 1946–2000, four indexes are selected to characterize the October–December zonal circulation over the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Over the Indian Ocean two surface zonal wind index…

research product

Modification of the southern African rainfall variability/ENSO relationship since the late 1960s

Analysis of 149 raingauge series (1946–1988) shows a weak positive correlation between late summer rainfalls (January–March) in tropical southern Africa and the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI). The correlation coefficients have been unstable since World War II. They were close to zero before 1970 and significant thereafter. Before 1970, southern African late summer rainfalls were more specifically correlated with regional patterns of sea surface temperature (SST), mainly over the southwestern Indian Ocean. After 1970, teleconnections with near global SST anomaly patterns, i.e. over the central Pacific and Indian oceans, dominate the regional connections. The increase in the sensitivity of …

research product

The influence of ENSO on winter rainfall in South Africa

Whereas the impact of ENSO on the African summer rainfall regions is largely documented and still regularly investigated, little is known about its impact on the winter rainfall regions located at the southwestern and northwestern tips of Africa. Yet, these regions are densely inhabited and are net exporters of high-quality agricultural products. Here we analyze the relationship between El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and South Africa austral winter rainfall using a 682 raingauges daily rainfall database documenting the period 1950–1999. The May, June and July (MJJ) seasonal rainfall amount shows a positive correlation with the Nino3.4 index that becomes significant since the so-called …

research product

Montagnes d’Afrique tropicale : marqueurs de la variabilité climatique ou isolats climatiques ?

6 pages; International audience; Les montagnes tropicales sont souvent perçues comme des sentinelles des changements climatiques. Pour autantles variations climatiques interannuelles à décennales sont-elles le reflet de celles des espaces environnants ? A l’échelle del’Afrique au sud du Sahara, une analyse de la variabilité des pluies entre 1941 et 2000 montre une cohérence spatiale peudiminuée par les reliefs. Des exemples sont présentés de reliefs constituant même des révélateurs de la dynamiqueatmosphérique et de la variabilité climatique d’échelles larges.

research product

L'adaptation au changement climatique en Bourgogne. une approche partenariale et pluridisciplinaire

research product

Le changement climatique contemporain: développement d'un champ d'étude à l'interface Climat & Societé

Acte des journées de Climatologie de la "Commission Climat et Société" (17-19 mars 2005); National audience

research product

Analyse spatiale de l’évolution du risque de gel sur la vigne en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

The warming undergone by the global climate does not necessarily entail a decrease in frost risk in agriculture/viticulture. Since both plant and climate are likely to evolve under changing environmental conditions, plant vulnerability and the meteorological phenomenon (frost) should be considered jointly when assessing the evolution of frost risk. This study aims at documenting the spatial and temporal frost risk changes in the winegrowing subregions of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. The period between budburst and the last spring frost occurrence date has been considered as the most vulnerable for grapevines. We considered a plant as being stressed by a frost event when the temperature drops be…

research product

Chapitre 3. Caractériser la morphologie urbaine via un SIG pour la simulation numérique du climat urbain.

44 pages; National audience

research product

Évolution du bilan hydrique à l'échelle de bassins versants en contexte de changement climatique – mise place d’une méthodologie

Assessment of hydric balance at the catchment scale, under climate change scenario Face to climate change, public policies must implement adaptation strategies. This implies that the effects of climate change are plainly identified on territories. However, in the current state, data and knowledge at the local level are limited or not available to decision makers. This work proposes to well characterize the local impacts of climate change and to develop synergies between researchers and territorial actors to prepare the public decision.

research product

Résolution spatiale des MNT et qualité de l'estimation des températures et des précipitations en France

DTM spatial resolution and temperature and amount of rainfall estimation in France. The spatial variationanalysis of normal temperature and amount of rainfall in France is performed by simple linear correlations where elevationis the explanatory variable. The latter is provided in seven resolutions: 250,500 m, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 km. The correlationcoefficient is used to assess what is the resolution that works best. Temperatures are optimally explained by the 250 mresolution, the coarser resolutions producing lower quality results. The 2km resolution best explains the spatial variation ofrainfall.

research product

Les Local Climate Zones face à la canicule de 2018 à Dijon.

Air temperatures measured by the MUSTARDijon network are analyzed during the summer 2018 (July 24 - August 8) heat wave. The WUDAPT method is applied to Dijon to identify Local Climate Zones (LCZs). Diurnal rhythms and nighttime mean temperatures are analyzed according to LCZs as well as to altitude and distance to the city center. During warm nights, altitude plays a negligible role. The temperatures depend to the distance of the city center. They are also associated to the anthropization summarized by the LCZs. Form of the building and vegetation are the two keys to understand and modulate the night temperatures which have the greatest impact on human health during heat waves.

research product

Impact du changement climatique sur l’évolution de la ressource en eau en Bourgogne, France (1980-2100) - Analyse des paramètres hydroclimatiques simulés à haute résolution par un modèle climatique régional (WRF)

Impact of climate change on water resource evolution in Burgundy, France (1980-2011) – Analysis of hydro-climatic parameters simulated at high resolution by a regional climate model (WRF) The regional climatic model ARW / WRF is used to make a dynamic downscaling of climate (driven by ERA-Interim) at a high spatial resolution (3 km2) over Burgundy, at daily time scale over the period 1980-2011. Climatic simulations were analyzed and compared with meteorological data, in order to validate them with the aim of their use by hydro(geo)logic models. The hydro-climatic parameters necessary as climatic inputs of these models, in particular precipitation and evapotranspiration, reproduce correctly …

research product

Sensitivity of water quality of three contrasted north-eastern French watersheds to climate change (2006-2100) using SWAT model

International audience; The SWAT model has been chosen to assess climate change impacts on water quality of three subbassins ofnorth-eastern France: located on headwaters of three major rivers of France (Loire, Seine and Rhône riversrespectively). These watersheds have a size less than 3000km² and present different hydrogeological andgeological characteristics. Land-use as well as their agricultural practices being also diversified, the threewatersheds studied constitute a relevant experimentation area. The goal of this study is to assess local vulnerability of surface water quality (sediments, nutrients,dissolved oxygen loads) to climate change (2006-2100) following the Representative Conc…

research product

Le réchauffement climatique diminue-t-il le risque de dégâts par le gel pour les cultures de climat tempéré ?

Does global warming reduce the freezing injury risk to temperate climate crops? Winter crop response to a temperature increase is complex. Recent works point out, for cold climate vegetation, a paradoxical increase in freezing injury in a warming climate. Complementary works are needed to support these results for winter crops in temperate areas. To achieve this goal, five climatic records spanning a fifty years-long period for both daily minimum and maximum temperatures were analyzed with a model predicting frost hardiness and freezing damage for the winter pea crop. The methodological approach was based on three main steps: 1) the climate warming analysis of the 1987/1988 temperature shif…

research product

Predictability of NDVI in semi-arid West, East and South Africa

research product