Geir Hovland
Static Deflection Compensation of Multi-Link Flexible Manipulators Under Gravity
The static deflection compensation method of a planar multi-link flexible manipulator is proposed using the feedback from inertial sensors mounted at the tip of each link. The proposed compensation technique is validated experimentally using a high-precision laser tracker. The proposed strategy is experimentally verified using a three-link flexible manipulator. A strategy to compensate for the centripetal and tangential acceleration induced on the accelerometer mounted on the rotating link is proposed for correct inclination estimation. The improvement in the inclination estimation using the proposed compensation technique is verified both in simulation and experimental studies.
Optimal placement of 3D sensors considering range and field of view
This paper describes a novel approach to the problem of optimal placement of 3D sensors in a specified volume of interest. The coverage area of the sensors is modelled as a cone having limited field of view and range. The volume of interest is divided into many, smaller cubes each having a set of associated Boolean and continuous variables. The proposed method could be easily extended to handle the case where certain sub-volumes must be covered by several sensors (redundancy), for example ex-zones, regions where humans are not allowed to enter or regions where machine movement may obstruct the view of a single sensor. The optimisation problem is formulated as a Mixed-Integer Linear Program …
Modeling of Offshore Crane and Marine Craft in Wave Motion
Safe handling of heavy payloads in an offshore environment requires careful planning and depends on the interaction between a crane and a vessel. This paper investigates the coupled dynamics between a multipurpose crane with payload, and an offshore carrying vessel. A classical multi-body model is derived using holonomic constraints and Newton-Euler kinetics. The resulting index-3 system of differential-algebraic equation (DAE) is transformed into an index-1 system and solved using commonly used numerical ode solvers. Numerical simulations are carried out to show that the proposed models behave in a physically realistic manner. © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permis…
daptive Backstepping Control of Nonlinear Hydraulic-Mechanical System Including Valve Dynamics
Published version of an article from the journal: Modeling Identification and Control. Also available from publisher: http://dx.doi.org/10.4173/mic.2010.1.3 The main contribution of the paper is the development of an adaptive backstepping controller for a nonlinear hydraulic-mechanical system considering valve dynamics. The paper also compares the performance of two variants of an adaptive backstepping tracking controller with a simple PI controller. The results show that the backstepping controller considering valve dynamics achieves significantly better tracking performance than the PI controller, while handling uncertain parameters related to internal leakage, friction, the orifice equat…
A Review on Approaches for Condition Based Maintenance in Applications with Induction Machines located Offshore
Published version of an article in the journal: Modeling, Identification and Control. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.4173/mic.2012.2.4 Open access This paper presents a review of different approaches for Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) of induction machines and drive trains in offshore applications. The paper contains an overview of common failure modes, monitoring techniques, approaches for diagnostics, and an overview of typical maintenance actions. Although many papers have been written in this area before, this paper puts an emphasis on recent developments and limits the scope to induction machines and drive trains applied in applications located offshore.
Camera-LiDAR Data Fusion for Autonomous Mooring Operation
Author's accepted manuscript. © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. The use of camera and LiDAR sensors to sense the environment has gained increasing popularity in robotics. Individual sensors, such as cameras and LiDARs, fail to meet the growing challenges in complex autonomous systems. One such scenario is autonomous mooring, where the ship has to …
FMI4j: A Software Package for working with Functional Mock-up Units on the Java Virtual Machine
This paper introduces FMI4j, a software package for working with Functional Mock-up Units (FMUs) on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). FMI4j is written in Kotlin, which is 100% interoperable with Java, and consists of programming APIs for parsing the meta-data associated with an FMU, as well as running them. FMI4j is compatible with FMI version 2.0 for Model Exchange (ME) and Co-Simulation (CS). Currently, FMI4j is the only software library targeting the JVM supporting ME 2.0. In addition to provide bare-bones access to such FMUs, it provides the means for solving them using a range of bundled fixedand variable-step solvers. A command line tool named FMU2Jar is also provided, which is capable …
Parameters identification of induction motor dynamic model for offshore applications
The paper presents a technique to identify parameters of the LuGre dynamic friction model applied to represent mechanical losses of an induction motor. This method is based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) system identification which is able to estimate parameters of nonlinear mathematical models. Within the presented approach, the network is first trained to associate model parameters with predicted friction torque, being given the reference motor speed. When this process completes, the inverse operation is performed and the network delivers estimated parameters of the model based on the reference friction torque. These parameters are then integrated with the dynamic model of the induc…
Industrial Environment Mapping Using Distributed Static 3D Sensor Nodes
This paper presents a system architecture for mapping and real-time monitoring of a relatively large industrial robotic environment of size 10 m × 15 m × 5 m. Six sensor nodes with embedded computing power and local processing of the 3D point clouds are placed close to the ceiling. The system architecture and data processing is based on the Robot Operating System (ROS) and the Point Cloud Library (PCL). The 3D sensors used are the Microsoft Kinect for Xbox One and point cloud data is collected at 20 Hz. A new manual calibration procedure is developed using reflective planes. The specified range of the used sensor is 0.8 m to 4.2 m, while depth data up to 9 m is used in this paper. Despite t…
Dynamic Augmented Kalman Filtering for Human Motion Tracking under Occlusion Using Multiple 3D Sensors
In this paper real-time human motion tracking using multiple 3D sensors has been demonstrated in a relatively large industrial robot work cell. The proposed solution extends state-of-the-art by augmenting the constant velocity model and Kalman filter with low-pass filtered velocity states. The presented method is able to handle occlusions by dynamically inclusion in the Kalman filter of only those 3D sensors which provide valid human position data. Human motion tracking was achieved at a frame rate of 20 Hz, with a typical delay of 50 ms to 100 ms and an estimation accuracy of typically 0.10 m to 0.15 m.
Load Torque Estimation Method to Design Electric Drivetrains for Offshore Pipe Handling Equipment
One of the main design objectives for electric drivetrains operating in offshore drilling equipment is to keep them as small, yet as effective, as possible, to minimize space they occupy on drill floor and maximize their performance. However, practical experience shows that typically choices made by design engineers are too conservative due to the lack of enough data characterizing load conditions. This results in too costly and too heavy selected components. Therefore, in the current paper we present a method to estimate required full-scale motor torque using a scaled down experimental setup and its computational model. A gripper arm of an offshore vertical pipe handling machine is selecte…
Autonomous Mooring towards Autonomous Maritime Navigation and Offshore Operations
Bollard is a vital component of mooring system. It is the anchor point for mooring ropes to be fixed in order to secure the vessel or ship. An algorithm that translates the segmented mask of bollard output from masked R-CNN along with bounding box and associated class probability to its corresponding edge coordinate and finally to the single reference point for efficient detection and classification of bollard towards autonomous mooring is presented. At first stage, Mask R-CNN framework is trained with custom built bollard. The model obtained from the training is inferred with real data resulting in instance segment of bollard. The segmented mask obtained contains relatively large amount of…
Scalability of GPU-Processed 3D Distance Maps for Industrial Environments
This paper contains a benchmark analysis of the open source library GPU-Voxels together with the Robot Operating System (ROS) in large-scale industrial robotics environment. Six sensor nodes with embedded computing generate real-time point cloud data as ROS topics. The overall data from all sensor nodes is processed by a combination of CPU and GPU on a central ROS node. Experimental results demonstrate that the system is able to handle frame rates of 10 and 20 Hz with voxel sizes of 4, 6, 8 and 12 cm without saturation of the CPU or the GPU used by the GPU-Voxels library. The results in this paper show that ROS, in combination with GPU-Voxels, can be used as a viable solution for real-time …
The Norwegian Motion-Laboratory
This paper contains an overview of the equipment currently available in the Norwegian Motion Laboratory, a description of the IT networking infrastructure in the laboratory, a GitHub link to open source code developed, description of the PyQt-based graphical user interface, presentation of robot forward and inverse kinematics, presentation of equations of motion for the suspended load motion and a description of the full system kinematics. The paper ends with a list of research experiments and publications from the laboratory to date.
Real-time 6-DOF Vessel-to-Vessel Motion Compensation using laser tracker
The industry state-of-the-art offshore motion compensation is today carried out by offshore cranes equipped with Active Heave Compensation (AHC) systems, meaning that a hanging load is positioned at a certain height above the seafloor, even though the floating vessel carrying both the crane and the load is moving due to wave disturbances. Lately, there has been an increased interest among the industry also to compensate for the movement of a secondary vessel, which indicates that a more detailed investigation of the Vessel-to-Vessel Motion Compensation (VVMC) problem is required. The primary motivation for such compensation technique is influenced by the demand for load transfer between shi…
GPU-Based Occlusion Minimisation for Optimal Placement of Multiple 3D Cameras
This paper presents a fast GPU-based solution to the 3D occlusion detection problem and the 3D camera placement optimisation problem. Occlusion detection is incorporated into the optimisation problem to return near-optimal positions for 3D cameras in environments containing occluding objects, which maximises the volume that is visible to the cameras. In addition, the authors’ previous work on 3D sensor placement optimisation is extended to include a model for a pyramid-shaped viewing frustum and to take the camera’s pose into account when computing the optimal position.
Multi-Objective Design of Optimisation of a Class of PKMs - The 3-DOF Gantry-Tau
The main contribution of this paper is the use of the evolutionary multi-objective methodology based on the com plex search algorithm and geometric approaches to optimise a parallel kinematic structure. The design optimisation scheme includes the kinematic (collisions free workspace), elastostatic (Cartesian stiffness in the Y direction) and elastodynamic (first resonance frequency) properties of the PKM as the objectives. The optimisation constraints are the support frame lengths, actuator positions, end-effector’s kinematic parameters and the robot’s arm lengths. The optimisation results are presented in this paper.
Nonlinear Feedback Control and Stability Analysis of a Proof-of-Work Blockchain
In this paper a novel feedback controller and stability analysis of a blockchain implementation is developed by using a control engineering perspective. The controller output equals the difficulty adjustment in the mining process while the feedback variable is the average block time over a certain time period. The computational power (hash rate) of the miners is considered a disturbance in the model. The developed controller is tested against a simulation model with constant disturbance, step and ramp responses as well as with a high-frequency sinusoidal disturbance. Stability and a fast response is demonstrated in all these cases with a controller which adjusts it's output at every new blo…
Kinematic calibration method for a 5-DOF Gantry-Tau parallel kinematic machine
In this paper a new step-wise approach to kinematic calibration of a 5-DOF Gantry-Tau parallel kinematic machine (PKM) is presented. The approach can be adapted to the modular design of the PKM and the calibration could easily perform part of the assembly instructions for the machine. By using measurements from a laser tracker and least-squares estimates of polynomial functions, a typical accuracy of about 20 micrometer was achieved for the base actuators. The remaining set of 30 general parameters for the hexapod link structure and spherical joint connections were successfully estimated using the Complex search-based evolutionary algorithm.
Compliance error compensation technique for parallel robots composed of non-perfect serial chains
The paper presents the compliance errors compensation technique for over-constrained parallel manipulators under external and internal loadings. This technique is based on the non-linear stiffness modeling which is able to take into account the influence of non-perfect geometry of serial chains caused by manufacturing errors. Within the developed technique, the deviation compensation reduces to an adjustment of a target trajectory that is modified in the off-line mode. The advantages and practical significance of the proposed technique are illustrated by an example that deals with groove milling by the Orthoglide manipulator that considers different locations of the workpiece. It is also de…
nalysis, Modeling and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems using the Bond Graph Method
The Bond Graph is the proper choice of physical system used for: (i) Modeling which can be applied to systems combining multidisciplinary energy domains, (ii) Analysis to provide a great value proposition for finding the algebraic loops within the system enabling the process of troubleshooting and eliminating the defects by using the proper component(s) to fix the causality conflict even without being acquainted in the proper system, and (iii) Simulation facilitated through derived state space equations from the Bond Graph model is solved using industrial simulation software, such as 20-Sim. The Bond Graph technique is a graphical language of modeling, in which component energy ports are co…
The Gantry-Tau parallel kinematic machine-kinematic and elastodynamic design optimisation
Pubished version of an article in the journal: Meccanica. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11012-010-9394-9 One of the main advantages of the Gantry-Tau machine is a large accessible workspace/footprint ratio compared to many other parallel machines. The optimal kinematic, elastostatic and elastodynamic design parameters of the machine are still difficult to calculate and this paper introduces an optimisation scheme based on the geometric and functional dependencies to define the workspace and first resonance frequency. This method assumes that each link and universal joint can be described by a mass-spring-damper model and calculates the transfer function fr…
Automatic Calibration of an Industrial RGB-D Camera Network Using Retroreflective Fiducial Markers
This paper describes a non-invasive, automatic, and robust method for calibrating a scalable RGB-D sensor network based on retroreflective ArUco markers and the iterative closest point (ICP) scheme. We demonstrate the system by calibrating a sensor network comprised of six sensor nodes positioned in a relatively large industrial robot cell with an approximate size of 10 m × 10 m × 4 m . Here, the automatic calibration achieved an average Euclidean error of 3 c m at distances up to 9.45 m . To achieve robustness, we apply several innovative techniques: Firstly, we mitigate the ambiguity problem that occurs when detecting a marker at long range or low resolution by comparing the…
Inverse kinematic control of an industrial robot used in Vessel-to-Vessel Motion Compensation
An increased level of complex offshore load handling operations is expected due to an increased amount of floating wind turbines, remote fish farms, and autonomous shipping, and in general more advanced operations to be carried out at sea. A common problem for these applications is that both equipment and personnel have to be transported between two floating vessels at sea. An investigation of the Vessel-to-Vessel Motion Compensation (VVMC) problem may increase the efficiency and safety of such operations in the future. In this paper, a control algorithm has been developed and experimentally tested in the Norwegian Motion Laboratory featuring two Stewart platforms (SPs), an industrial robot…
Drivetrain design optimization for electrically actuated systems via mixed integer programing
The proposed paper presents a method to optimally select components of a drivetrain for an electrically actuated machine. A simple mathematical model of the machine is established and inequality constraints which determine the choice of drivetrain components are formulated. Elements to be picked (namely, a motor, a gearbox, and a drive) are taken from a discrete set of data provided in the catalogs of industrial motors and drives manufacturers. By solving an optimization problem, a combination of components which both satisfy design requirements and minimize the total drivetrain cost is selected. The operation of the selected drivetrain is verified against the motor loadability curves. In a…
Real-time human collision detection for industrial robot cells
A collision detection system triggering on human motion was developed using the Robot Operating System (ROS) and the Point Cloud Library (PCL). ROS was used as the core of the programs and for the communication with an industrial robot. Combining the depths fields from the 3D cameras was accomplished by the use of PCL. The library was also the underlying tool for segmenting the human from the registrated point clouds. Benchmarking of several collision algorithms was done in order to compare the solution. The registration process gave satisfactory results when testing the repetitiveness and the accuracy of the implementation. The segmentation algorithm was able to segment a person represente…
Leakage-detection in blade pitch control systems for wind turbines
The main contribution of the work is a systematic study evaluating the performance of different filters for leakage detection in pitch control systems. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is examined in a Matlab/Simulink real-time environment. The test bed consists of the following elements: hydraulic power unit, servo valve, two leakage bypasses, hydraulic cylinder, payload and xPC-based control system. The filters are tested with the state-augmentation and the hypothesis testing approaches. To our knowledge, the comparison of these different approaches has not been done previously for this type of application. The paper concludes on the accuracy and sensitivity of the leakage detect…
Mitigation of Fatigue Damage and Vibration Severity of Electric Drivetrains by Systematic Selection of Motion Profiles
The offshore drilling industry is among the most demanding markets for electrical equipment. Heave motion, irregular cyclic loads, harsh weather conditions, and vibrations are causing accelerated deterioration of drilling equipment. One of the most common solutions to these problems is to design actuation systems of such machinery overly conservative to gain additional safety, which results in too high initial investment and maintenance costs. To mitigate the fatigue damage and vibration severity of rotating elements of electric drivetrains operating offshore, this paper presents a comparative analysis of four popular input functions used in motion control of industrial systems. We evaluate…
Trends in Research and Publication: Science 2.0 and Open Access
This paper considers current trends in academic research and publication, in particular as seen from the control community. The introduction of Web 2.0 applications for scientists and engineers is currently changing the way research is being conducted. In the near future, participants in the research community will be able to share ideas, data and results like never before. They will also be able to manage the rapidly increasing amount of scientific information much more effectively than today through collaborative efforts enabled by the new Internet tools. However, an important premise for such a development is the availability of research material. Many research results are currently shie…
Iterative Learning Applied to Hydraulic Pressure Control
This paper addresses a performance limiting phenomenon that may occur in the pressure control of hydraulic actuators subjected to external velocity disturbances. It is demonstrated that under certain conditions a severe peaking of the control error may be observed that significantly degrades the performance of the system due to the presence of nonlinearities. The phenomenon is investigated numerically and experimentally using a system that requires pressure control of two hydraulic cylinders. It is demonstrated that the common solution of feed forwarding the velocity disturbance is not effective in reducing the peaking that occurs as a result of this phenomenon. To improve the system perfor…
Experimental validation of a quaternion-based attitude estimation with direct input to a quadcopter control system
This paper presents a method to calculate the attitude quaternion of a quadcopter with few calculations. The quaternion calculation is based on accelerometers and gyroscopes from an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). The quaternion from the accelerometer is calculated as the shortest rotation arc from the gravity vector in the navigation frame. The quaternion from the gyroscope is calculated based on equations of the quaternion derivative. A complementary filter is combining the two quaternions with a componentwise comparison. The attitude estimation is calculated without any trigonometric functions. The quaternion is directly used as an input to the attitude controller. The attitude controll…
Ship-to-Ship State Observer Using Sensor Fusion and the Extended Kalman Filter
In this paper, a solution for estimating the relative position and orientation between two ships in six degrees-of-freedom (6DOF) using sensor fusion and an extended Kalman filter (EKF) approach is presented. Two different sensor types, based on time-of-flight and inertial measurement principles, were combined to create a reliable and redundant estimate of the relative motion between the ships. An accurate and reliable relative motion estimate is expected to be a key enabler for future ship-to-ship operations, such as autonomous load transfer and handling. The proposed sensor fusion algorithm was tested with real sensors (two motion reference units (MRS) and a laser tracker) and an experime…
A Language and Platform Independent Co-Simulation Framework Based on the Functional Mock-Up Interface
The main goal of the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard is to allow the sharing of simulation models across tools. To accomplish this, FMI relies on a combination of XML-files and compiled C-code packaged in a zip archive. This archive is called a Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU). In theory, an FMU can support multiple platforms, but not necessarily in practice. Furthermore, software libraries for interacting with FMUs may not be available in a particular language or platform. Another issue is related to the protection of intellectual property (IP). While an FMU is free to only provide the C-code in its binary form, other resources within the FMU may be unprotected. Distributing model…
Dynamic Modeling of Planar Multi-Link Flexible Manipulators
A closed-form dynamic model of the planar multi-link flexible manipulator is presented. The assumed modes method is used with the Lagrangian formulation to obtain the dynamic equations of motion. Explicit equations of motion are derived for a three-link case assuming two modes of vibration for each link. The eigenvalue problem associated with the mass boundary conditions, which changes with the robot configuration and payload, is discussed. The time-domain simulation results and frequency-domain analysis of the dynamic model are presented to show the validity of the theoretical derivation.
Collision Avoidance with Potential Fields Based on Parallel Processing of 3D-Point Cloud Data on the GPU
In this paper we present an experimental study on real-time collision avoidance with potential fields that are based on 3D point cloud data and processed on the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). The virtual forces from the potential fields serve two purposes. First, they are used for changing the reference trajectory. Second they are projected to and applied on torque control level for generating according nullspace behavior together with a Cartesian impedance main control loop. The GPU algorithm creates a map representation that is quickly accessible. In addition, outliers and the robot structure are efficiently removed from the data, and the resolution of the representation can be easily ad…
Evaluation of Perception Latencies in a Human-Robot Collaborative Environment
The latency in vision-based sensor systems used in human-robot collaborative environments is an important safety parameter which in most cases has been neglected by researchers. The main reason for this neglect is the lack of an accurate ground-truth sensor system with a minimal delay to benchmark the vision-sensors against. In this paper the latencies of 3D vision-based sensors are experimentally evaluated and analyzed using an accurate laser-tracker system which communicates on a dedicated EtherCAT channel with minimal delay. The experimental results in the paper demonstrate that the latency in the vision-based sensor system is many orders higher than the latency in the control and actuat…
Robust adaptive backstepping control design for a Nonlinear Hydraulic-Mechanical System
The complex dynamics that characterize hydraulic systems make it difficult for the control design to achieve prescribed goals in an efficient manner. In this paper, we present the design and analysis of a robust nonlinear controller for a Nonlinear Hydraulic-Mechanical (NHM) System. The system consists of an electrohydraulic servo valve and two hydraulic cylinders. Specifically, by considering a part of the dynamics of the NHM system as a norm-bounded uncertainty, two adaptive controllers are developed based on the backstepping technique that ensure the tracking error signals asymptotically converge to zero despite the uncertainties in the system according to the Barbalat lemma. The resulti…
Multicopter UAV design optimization
Designing and selecting hardware for a multirotor can be challenging in order to get the best flight performance out of the system. In addition to selecting the hardware, the number of actuators can also be altered. For a 4 actuator (quadrotor) setup, one set of hardware can give the optimal design, while for a 6 actuator setup (hexarotor) the same hardware may not necessarily give the same response. In this paper we present a design optimization process of a multirotor, where the hardware is selected from a set of low-cost off-the-shelf standard RC hobby parts. Constraining the problem to a given hardware ensures existence of the selected hardware, and the design can be implemented. Also t…
Tail Removal Block Validation: Implementation and Analysis
In this paper a solution for the removal of long tail blocktimes in a proof-of-work blockchain is proposed, implemented and analysed. Results from the mainnet of the Bismuth blockchain demonstrate that the variances in the key variables, difficulty level and blocktime, were approximately halved after the tail removal code was enabled. Low variances in difficulty and blocktimes are desirable for timely execution of transactions in the network as well as reduction of unwanted oscillations in the feedback control problem.
Optimised assembly mode reconfiguration of the 5-DOF Gantry-Tau using mixed-integer programming
Pulished version of an article in the journal: Meccanica. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11012-010-9404-y This paper presents a systematic approach based on Mixed Integer Linear Programming for finding an optimal singularity-free reconfiguration path of the 5-DOF Gantry-Tau parallel kinematic machine. The results in the paper demonstrate that singularity-free reconfiguration (change of assembly mode) of the machine is possible, which significantly increases the usable workspace. The method has been applied to a full-scale prototype and the singularity-free path has been verified both in simulations and with physical experiments using real-time control of th…
Testing of wireless sensor performance in Vessel-to-Vessel Motion Compensation
Relative Vessel-to-Vessel Motion Compensation (VVMC) between two floating vessels can be considered an extension of existing Active Heave Compensation (AHC), which is current state-of-the-art in the offshore industry. In this paper, the experimental results from a small-scale experimental setup of a VVMC scenario are presented. The work focuses on the kinematics related to VVMC, sensor accuracy of Motion Reference Units (MRUs), and the communication delay related to wireless transmission of MRU data between two floating vessels. The accuracies of the MRU sensors are good and verified to be less than 5% of the heave amplitude. The wireless communication link had a typical time-delay of 8ms. …
Review on Modeling and Control of Flexible Link Manipulators
This paper presents a review of dynamic modeling techniques and various control schemes to control flexible link manipulators (FLMs) that were studied in recent literature. The advantages and complexities associated with the FLMs are discussed briefly. A survey of the reported studies is carried out based on the method used for modeling link flexibility and obtaining equations of motion of the FLMs. The control techniques are reviewed by classifying them into two main categories: model-based and model-free control schemes. The merits and limitations of different modeling and control methods are highlighted.
Cascade Controller Including Backstepping for Hydraulic-Mechanical Systems
Abstract Development of a cascade controller structure including adaptive backstepping for a nonlinear hydraulic-mechanical system is considered in this paper where a dynamic friction (LuGre) model is included to obtain the necessary accuracy. The paper compares the performance of two variants of an adaptive backstepping tracking controller with earlier results. The new control architecture is analysed and enhanced tracking performance is demonstrated when including the extended friction model. The complexity of the backstepping procedure is significantly reduced due to the cascade structure. Hence, the proposed control structure is better suited to real-time implementation.
Methods for Experimentally Determining Stiffness of a Multi-Axis Machining Centre
This paper deals with global methods for experimentally determining the static stiffness of multi-axis machining centres. Different devices used for measuring deflection, in specific, are explored, where accuracy and usability are highlighted. The methods were tested on a 3-axis CNC milling machine, 2-axis trunnion table and a 6-DOF industrial robot.
GPU-Based Optimisation of 3D Sensor Placement Considering Redundancy, Range and Field of View
This paper presents a novel and efficient solution for the 3D sensor placement problem based on GPU programming and massive parallelisation. Compared to prior art using gradient-search and mixed-integer based approaches, the method presented in this paper returns optimal or good results in a fraction of the time compared to previous approaches. The presented method allows for redundancy, i.e. requiring selected sub-volumes to be covered by at least n sensors. The presented results are for 3D sensors which have a visible volume represented by cones, but the method can easily be extended to work with sensors having other range and field of view shapes, such as 2D cameras and lidars.
Robotic face milling path correction and vibration reduction
In this paper the developed method for off-line compensation of tool deflections and vibration reduction when milling aluminum with an industrial robot is presented. The efficiency of this approach is verified with high precision measurements of deflections using a laser tracker. The compensation method is based on the static milling process model which can predict the mean value components of the tool forces and the passive damping system mounted on the spindle to reduce vibrations. With a process model such as the one presented in this paper and estimates of the robot's joint stiffness values, the tool path can be adjusted to counteract deflections of the tool during milling operations. T…
Laser Triangulation 3D Point Cloud Sensor with Long Range and Large Field of View
This paper presents a point cloud sensor design based on laser triangulation. Both the camera axis and the laser axis are rotating, making it possible to scan on short and long range in high resolution. A third axis moves the laser and camera into a new plane. The design is tested on a working prototype. To the authors knowledge a similar design has not been presented before.
Method for estimating combined controller, joint and link stiffnesses of an industrial robot
In this paper a new combined local/global approach for estimating the combined stiffnesses of joints in anthropomorphic robots is presented. The stiffness of each joint is a combination of several effects: i) stiffness of the links, ii) stiffness of joint bearings and gears and iii) stiffness of the position control loops given by the individual axis controller gains in the controller software. Experimental results are presented for an ABB IRB6600 industrial robot using measurements from a FARO Xi laser tracker and an ATI Omega160 force/torque sensor. The results show that there is a significant variation in stiffness among the individual joints of the robot and that the stiffnesses of the …
TCSC allocation based on line flow based equations via mixed-integer programming
Summary form only given. Research effort has been given to locate the optimal locations of thyristor-controlled series capacitor (TCSC) and their initial compensation levels using mixed-integer programming (MIP). As a useful technique for combinatorial optimisation over integer and continuous variables, the MIP approach can provide robust performance as well as high computational efficiency while solving complex optimal problems. Previous work using MIP employed DC load flow model ignoring reactive power balance, power loss and transformer tap ratios. In this paper, a new planning method is developed based on recently reported line flow equations and basic linearisation of binary-continuous…
CNN-based People Detection in Voxel Space using Intensity Measurements and Point Cluster Flattening
In this paper real-time people detection is demonstrated in a relatively large indoor industrial robot cell as well as in an outdoor environment. Six depth sensors mounted at the ceiling are used to generate a merged point cloud of the cell. The merged point cloud is segmented into clusters and flattened into gray-scale 2D images in the xy and xz planes. These images are then used as input to a classifier based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The final output is the 3D position (x,y,z) and bounding box representing the human. The system is able to detect and track multiple humans in real-time, both indoors and outdoors. The positional accuracy of the proposed method has been verifi…
Control of Redundant Flexible Manipulators with Redundancy Resolution
Author's accepted manuscript. © 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. This paper deals with the online control of a redundant flexible link manipulator to achieve minimum oscillations using the redundancy resolution technique. Different redundancy resolution techniques proposed and used for rigid link manipulators are tested for their use in the case of…
Extended friction model of a hydraulic actuated system
The main contribution of this paper is an experimental validation and comparison of three different friction models for an electro-hydraulic servo system. The first is the well-kn own LuGre model which incorporates dynamic friction effects. The second model is based on a relatively recent publication by Yanada in 2008 [6], which incorporates liquid film thickness in the servo valve. The third model is a new contribution presented in this paper, where valve underlap and mass acceleration are combined with the LuGre model. The experimental results show that for hydraulic systems, the film thickness model is an improvement over the LuGre model, while the new model presented in this paper is an…
CAD-Based Training of an Expert System and a Hidden Markov Model for Obstacle Detection in an Industrial Robot Environment
Abstract Deploying industrial robots in harsh outdoor environments require additional functionalities not currently provided. For instance, movement of standard industrial robots are pre-programmed to avoid collision. In dynamic and less structured environments, however, the need for online detection and avoidance of unmodelled objects arises. This paper focus on online obstacle detection using a laser sensor by proposing three different approaches, namely a CAD-based Expert System (ES) and two probabilistic methods based on a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) which requires observation based training. In addition, this paper contributes by providing a comparison between the CAD-based ES and the tw…
Kinematic and Elastostatic Design Optimisation of the 3-DOF Gantry-Tau Parallel Kinematic Manipulator
Published version of an article in the journal: Modeling Identification and Control. Also available from the publisher:http://dx.doi.org/10.4173/mic.2009.2.1 One of the main advantages of the Gantry-Tau machine is a large accessible workspace/footprint ratio compared to many other parallel machines. The Gantry-Tau improves this ration further by allowing a change of assembly mode without internal link collisions or collisions between the links and end-effector. The reconfigurable Gantry-Tau kinematic design obtained by multi-objective optimisation according to this paper gives the following features: 3-D workspace/footprint ration is more than 3.19, lowest Cartesian stiffness in the workspa…
FMU-proxy : A Framework for Distributed Access to Functional Mock-up Units
The main goal of the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard is to allow simulation models to be shared across tools. To accomplish this, FMI relies on a combination of XML-files and compiled C-code packaged in a zip archive. This archive is called an Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU) and uses the extension .fmu. In theory, an FMU can support multiple platforms, however this is not always the case and depends on the type of binaries the exporting tool was able to provide. Furthermore, a library providing FMI support may not be available in a particular language, and/or it may not support the whole standard. Another issue is related to the protection of Intellectual Property (IP). While an F…
Hard material small-batch industrial machining robot
Abstract Hard materials can be cost effectively machined with standard industrial robots by enhancing current state-of-the-art technologies. It is demonstrated that even hard metals with specific robotics-optimised novel hard-metal tools can be machined by standard industrial robots with an improved position-control approach and enhanced compliance-control functions. It also shows that the novel strategies to compensate for elastic robot errors, based on models and advanced control, as well as the utilisation of new affordable sensors and human-machine interfaces, can considerably improve the robot performance and applicability of robots in machining tasks. In conjunction with the developme…
The Effect of Friction in Passive and Active Heave Compensators of Crown Block Mounted Compensators
Abstract This paper studies the effects of friction model during passive and active heave compensation of offshore drilling equipment. The main purpose of heave compensation while drilling from vessels or semi-submersible platforms is to maintain the drilling operation unaffected by the wave induced motion. The investigated system is of an existing crown mounted compensator. A model of the system is developed which includes mechanics, hydraulics and pneumatics. The passive heave compensation scheme is described including force equalising hydraulic cylinders. In this paper the detrimental effect of friction on the heave compensation performance in both passive and active heave compensation i…
Embedded Processing and Compression of 3D Sensor Data for Large Scale Industrial Environments
This paper presents a scalable embedded solution for processing and transferring 3D point cloud data. Sensors based on the time-of-flight principle generate data which are processed on a local embedded computer and compressed using an octree-based scheme. The compressed data is transferred to a central node where the individual point clouds from several nodes are decompressed and filtered based on a novel method for generating intensity values for sensors which do not natively produce such a value. The paper presents experimental results from a relatively large industrial robot cell with an approximate size of 10 m ×
Identification of a static tool force model for robotic face milling
In this paper two different process models which can predict the mean value components of the tool forces when milling aluminium, bronze and steel with an industrial robot have been estimated. The parameters in the process models were depth and width of cut, while feedrate and cutting speed were found from the tool manufacturer's datasheets. The models were estimated from a large set of machining experiments. Different measurement sets were used for parameter estimation and for model verification. The estimated models were found to be accurate. For the experiments in aluminium and the model using only the depth of cut as parameter, the average error was about 18N. For the model using both d…
Obstacle Detection in an Unstructured Industrial Robotic System: Comparison of Hidden Markov Model and Expert System
Abstract This paper presents a comparison of two approaches for detecting unknown obstacles inside the workspace of an industrial robot using a laser rangefinder for 2-D measurements. The two approaches are based on Expert System (ES) and Hidden Markov Model (HMM). The results presented in the paper demonstrate that both approaches are able to correctly detect and classify unknown objects. The ES is characterised by low computational requirements and an easy setup when relatively few known objects are to be included inside the workspace. HMMs are characterised by a higher flexibility and the ability to handle a larger amount of known objects inside the workspace. Another significant benefit…
EKF-based estimation and control of electric drivetrain in offshore pipe racking machine
A typical challenge for electric drivetrains is to reduce the number of sensors required for control action or system monitoring. This is particularly important for electric motors operating in offshore conditions, since they work in hostile environment which often damages data acquisition systems. Therefore, this paper deals with verification and validation of the extended Kalman filter (EKF) for sensorless indirect field-oriented control (IFOC) of an induction motor operating in offshore conditions. The EKF is employed to identify the speed of the induction motor based on the measured stator currents and voltages. The estimated speed is used in the motor speed control mode instead of a ph…
Modeling and Analysis of Flexible Bodies Using Lumped Parameter Method
The modeling, identification and analysis of a flexible beam is presented. The lumped parameter method is used to model a flexible beam. The use of camera measurements to identify lumped parameters, namely spring stiffness and damping coefficient, is described. The measurements of the tip oscillations using a high-speed camera and high-precision laser tracker are compared. The static and dynamic behavior of the flexible beam model is compared to the experimental results to show the validity of the model.
Modeling and Simulation of a Cylinder Hoisting System for Real-Time Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing
Summary Modeling-and-simulation software that is used in the design and development of drilling equipment provides testing and redesigning of offshore machines early in the product-development process. Typically, models of offshore equipment are complex and suitable only for offline simulations that allow testing of just predefined functions of the system without the possibility of controlling it with the operator's inputs in real time (RT). This is related to the fact that, usually, complex models put high demands on the computational power of the simulator hardware and, thus, limit its RT performance. On the basis of the authors' observations, it is concluded that RT performance can be di…
Torque peak reduction and overload monitoring of induction motors in offshore drilling operations
Current drivetrain design procedures for electric actuation systems operating in offshore conditions typically consider two major requirements: to provide sufficient steady-state and maximum motor torques. As a result of this, no information regarding the transient state (e.g. during motor acceleration) is utilized when selecting drivetrain components. This leads to potentially dangerous situations when motors undergo saturation in these regions due to too high dynamic loads. A common reason for this (apart from lack of information about transient state when designing a drivetrain) is applying trapezoidal reference motion profiles that cause discontinuities in system acceleration and infini…
Visual Marker Guided Point Cloud Registration in a Large Multi-Sensor Industrial Robot Cell
This paper presents a benchmark and accuracy analysis of 3D sensor calibration in a large industrial robot cell. The sensors used were the Kinect v2 which contains both an RGB and an IR camera measuring depth based on the time-of-flight principle. The approach taken was based on a novel procedure combining Aruco visual markers, methods using region of interest and iterative closest point. The calibration of sensors is performed pairwise, exploiting the fact that time-of-flight sensors can have some overlap in the generated point cloud data. For a volume measuring 10m × 14m × 5m a typical accuracy of the generated point cloud data of 5–10cm was achieved using six sensor nodes.
D Sensor-Based Obstacle Detection Comparing Octrees and Point clouds Using CUDA
This paper presents adaptable methods for achieving fast collision detection using the GPU and Nvidia CUDA together with Octrees. Earlier related work have focused on serial methods, while this paper presents a parallel solution which shows that there is a great increase in time if the number of operations is large. Two dierent models of the environment and the industrial robot are presented, the rst is Octrees at dierent resolutions, the second is a point cloud representation. The relative merits of the two dierent world model representations are shown. In particular, the experimental results show the potential of adapting the resolution of the robot and environment models to the task at h…
Tool-Point Control for a Redundant Heave Compensated Hydraulic Manipulator
Abstract In this paper, theoretical and experimental implementation of heave compensation on a redundant hydraulically actuated manipulator with 3-dof has been carried out. The redundancy is solved using the pseudo-inverse Jacobian method. Techniques for minimizing velocities and avoiding mechanical joint saturations is implemented in the null space joint motion. Model based feed-forward, combined with a PI-controller handles the velocity control of each joint. A time domain simulation model has been developed, experimentally verified, and used for controller parameter tuning. Model verification and experimental results are obtained while the manipulator is exposed to wave disturbances crea…
Relative Vessel Motion Tracking using Sensor Fusion, Aruco Markers, and MRU Sensors
This paper presents a novel approach for estimating the relative motion between two moving offshore vessels. The method is based on a sensor fusion algorithm including a vision system and two motion reference units (MRUs). The vision system makes use of the open-source computer vision library OpenCV and a cube with Aruco markers placed onto each of the cube sides. The Extended Quaternion Kalman Filter (EQKF) is used for bad pose rejection for the vision system. The presented sensor fusion algorithm is based on the Indirect Feedforward Kalman Filter for error estimation. The system is self-calibrating in the sense that the Aruco cube can be placed in an arbitrary location on the secondary ve…
Off-line path correction of robotic face milling using static tool force and robot stiffness
In this paper the developed method for off-line compensation of tool deflections when milling aluminum with an industrial robot is presented. The efficiency of this approach is verified with high precision measurements of deflections using a laser tracker. The compensation method includes both the static milling process model which can predict the mean value components of the tool forces and a new combined local/global approach for estimating the combined stiffnesses of joints. With a process model such as the one presented in this paper and estimates of the robot's joint stiffness values, the tool path can be adjusted to counteract deflections of the tool during milling operations. The mod…
Experimental study on the influence of controller firmware on multirotor actuator dynamics
In this paper the dynamic response of a propeller actuator commonly used in hobby unmanned aerial vehicles is studied experimentally. It is shown that the choice of electronic speed controller firmware has a significant effect on the overall actuator dynamics. Six different scenarios are tested: 1+2) Rising/falling step response with the standard firmware of the Hobbyking F30a, 3+4) Rising/falling step response with firmware from Simon Kirby/GitHub and 5+6) Rising/falling step response with firmware from Simon Kirby/GitHub including complementary Pulse-Width-Modulation (PWM) switching. Experimental results show a significant difference in actuator dynamics depending on the chosen firmware. …
Compensation of compliance errors in parallel manipulators composed of non-perfect kinematic chains
The paper is devoted to the compliance errors compensation for parallel manipulators under external loading. Proposed approach is based on the non-linear stiffness modeling and reduces to a proper adjusting of a target trajectory. In contrast to previous works, in addition to compliance errors caused by machining forces, the problem of assembling errors caused by inaccuracy in the kinematic chains is considered. The advantages and practical significance of the proposed approach are illustrated by examples that deal with groove milling with Orthoglide manipulator.