Jie Yao

Genome-wide association studies identify 137 genetic loci for DNA methylation biomarkers of aging

Abstract Background Biological aging estimators derived from DNA methylation data are heritable and correlate with morbidity and mortality. Consequently, identification of genetic and environmental contributors to the variation in these measures in populations has become a major goal in the field. Results Leveraging DNA methylation and SNP data from more than 40,000 individuals, we identify 137 genome-wide significant loci, of which 113 are novel, from genome-wide association study (GWAS) meta-analyses of four epigenetic clocks and epigenetic surrogate markers for granulocyte proportions and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 levels, respectively. We find evidence for shared genetic loci ass…

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Additional file 4 of Genome-wide association studies identify 137 genetic loci for DNA methylation biomarkers of aging

Additional file 4. Assessment of genomic inflation and heterogeneity.

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Genetic analyses of the QT interval and its components in over 250K individuals identifies new loci and pathways affecting ventricular depolarization and repolarization

AbstractThe QT interval is an electrocardiographic measure representing the sum of ventricular depolarization (QRS duration) and repolarization (JT interval). Abnormalities of the QT interval are associated with potentially fatal ventricular arrhythmia. We conducted genome-wide multi-ancestry analyses in >250,000 individuals and identified 177, 156 and 121 independent loci for QT, JT and QRS, respectively, including a male-specific X-chromosome locus. Using gene-based rare-variant methods, we identified associations with Mendelian disease genes. Enrichments were observed in established pathways for QT and JT, with new genes indicated in insulin-receptor signalling and cardiac energy meta…

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Multi-ancestry genome-wide gene-sleep interactions identify novel loci for blood pressure.

AbstractLong and short sleep duration are associated with elevated blood pressure (BP), possibly through effects on molecular pathways that influence neuroendocrine and vascular systems. To gain new insights into the genetic basis of sleep-related BP variation, we performed genome-wide gene by short or long sleep duration interaction analyses on four BP traits (systolic BP, diastolic BP, mean arterial pressure, and pulse pressure) across five ancestry groups using 1 degree of freedom (1df) interaction and 2df joint tests. Primary multi-ancestry analyses in 62,969 individuals in stage 1 identified 3 novel loci that were replicated in an additional 59,296 individuals in stage 2, including rs7…

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Additional file 3 of Genome-wide association studies identify 137 genetic loci for DNA methylation biomarkers of aging

Additional file 3. Supplementary Figures - Figures S1-S31.

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Additional file 6 of Genome-wide association studies identify 137 genetic loci for DNA methylation biomarkers of aging

Additional file 6. Review history.

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Additional file 5 of Genome-wide association studies identify 137 genetic loci for DNA methylation biomarkers of aging

Additional file 5. Colocalization plots.

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A meta-analysis of 120 246 individuals identifies 18 new loci for fibrinogen concentration

Genome-wide association studies have previously identified 23 genetic loci associated with circulating fibrinogen concentration. These studies used HapMap imputation and did not examine the X-chromosome. 1000 Genomes imputation provides better coverage of uncommon variants, and includes indels. We conducted a genome-wide association analysis of 34 studies imputed to the 1000 Genomes Project reference panel and including similar to 120 000 participants of European ancestry (95 806 participants with data on the X-chromosome). Approximately 10.7 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms and 1.2 million indels were examined. We identified 41 genome-wide significant fibrinogen loci ; of which, 18 …

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Additional file 1 of Genome-wide association studies identify 137 genetic loci for DNA methylation biomarkers of aging

Additional file 1. Individual cohort descriptions and acknowledgements.

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Additional file 5 of Genome-wide association studies identify 137 genetic loci for DNA methylation biomarkers of aging

Additional file 5. Colocalization plots.

research product

Additional file 6 of Genome-wide association studies identify 137 genetic loci for DNA methylation biomarkers of aging

Additional file 6. Review history.

research product

Genome-wide association studies identify 137 loci for DNA methylation biomarkers of ageing

AbstractBiological ageing estimators derived from DNA methylation (DNAm) data are heritable and correlate with morbidity and mortality. Leveraging DNAm and SNP data from >41,000 individuals, we identify 137 genome-wide significant loci (113 novel) from meta-analyses of four epigenetic clocks and epigenetic surrogate markers for granulocyte proportions and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 levels, respectively. We report strong genetic correlations with longevity and lifestyle factors such as smoking, education, and obesity. Significant associations are observed in polygenic risk score analysis and to a lesser extent in Mendelian randomization analyses. This study illuminates the genetic …

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Correlation between Cognition and Balance among Middle-Aged and Older Adults Observed through a Tai Chi Intervention program

Background: Age-associated decline in cognition and balance may cause severe ability loss for daily living activities among middle-aged and older adults. The relationship between cognition and balance in this aging population remains to be explored. Objective: The present study Is exploratory in nature and aimed to examine the relationship between balance (both static and dynamic components) and global cognitive function among middle-aged and older adults through Tai Chi (TC) practice as a research avenue. Methods: A short-term (12 weeks) intervention of TC was conducted among middle-aged and older adults in the community setting. Global cognitive function (using the Chinese version of the …

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Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for kidney function

Reduced glomerular filtration rate defines chronic kidney disease and is associated with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. We conducted a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), combining data across 133,413 individuals with replication in up to 42,166 individuals. We identify 24 new and confirm 29 previously identified loci. Of these 53 loci, 19 associate with eGFR among individuals with diabetes. Using bioinformatics, we show that identified genes at eGFR loci are enriched for expression in kidney tissues and in pathways relevant for kidney development and transmembrane transporter activity, kidney structure, and regulation o…

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Additional file 2 of Genome-wide association studies identify 137 genetic loci for DNA methylation biomarkers of aging

Additional file 2. Supplementary Tables -Tables S1-S31.

research product

Additional file 2 of Genome-wide association studies identify 137 genetic loci for DNA methylation biomarkers of aging

Additional file 2. Supplementary Tables -Tables S1-S31.

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