M. Fantino

Reduction of negative alliesthesia for sweet gustatory stimuli by cyproheptadine, a serotonin antagonist

Cyproheptadine (CH) is a serotonin antagonist that increases food intake and body weight. In order to elucidate its mechanism of action on the control of food intake, hunger ratings, pleasure-displeasure to sweet gustatory stimuli and negative alliesthesia induced by a 50 g glucose load were compared in 14 healthy subjects after they had received a placebo or 16 mg of CH. Cyproheptadine did not affect the hunger rating, nor the affective rating in fasted subjects, but it reduced significantly the negative alimentary alliesthesia induced by the glucose load. It was concluded that CH increases food intake more by reducing satiation than by increasing hunger. This is in line with the anti-sero…

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How important are satiation and satiety for weight regulation?

Abstract: This chapter discusses how body weight is regulated in adult humans by a cybernetic-like process, whose main physiological response is the control of food intake, while energy expenditure modulation probably only passively participates in the adjustment of energy balance. The historical emergence and scientific definition of the two concepts ‘satiety’ and ‘satiation’ are recapitulated and their respective roles in body weight regulation are discussed. The original methodology developed to differentiate and separately quantify the roles of satiety and satiation in the quantitative control of food intake of healthy human subjects is described. Finally, the respective importance of s…

research product

Consommation alimentaire des nourrissons et des enfants en bas âge en France en 1997

Resume En 1981 et 1989, deux enquetes nationales decrivaient l'evolution de la consommation alimentaire des nourrissons francais. En 1997, une troisieme enquete a ete realisee par les memes equipes suivant la meme methode. Population et methodes L'echantillon, representatif, est constitue de 660 enfants de 1 a 30 mois. La quantite de chaque aliment ingere par chaque enfant a ete relevee pendant 3 jours. On a calcule la valeur energetique de la ration, l'apport en protides, lipides, glucides, mineraux, vitamines et acide linoleique, la repartition des apports entre les repas de la journee et le pourcentage de l'energie provenant des differents aliments. Resultats De 1989 a 1997, la part des …

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Short-term Effects of the Flavour of Drinks on Ingestive Behaviours in Man

To examine the influence of the oro-sensory properties of different beverages on spontaneous intake of drinks, and the consequence of the volume of fluid ingested on subsequent food intake, 24 subjects (12 men, 12 women), slightly dehydrated, had access ad libitum, during four different experimental sessions in a cross-over design, to one of four commercial beverages without any other drink. The four beverages differed in flavour and caloric content: mineral water; the same mineral water flavoured with orange and unsweetened; the same mineral water flavoured with orange and sweetened with 100 g/l sucrose; or equally sweetened with 50 mg/l aspartame. Ad libitum: lunch was served 15 min after…

research product

Apports nutritionnels en France en 2005 chez les enfants non allaités âgés de moins de 36 mois

Resume Contexte Malgre l’interet scientifique de sa connaissance, le statut nutritionnel des enfants francais en bas âge n’a ete que peu etudie. Objectifs Evaluer les apports energetiques, macro- et micronutritionnels des enfants francais âges de un a 36 mois. Procedure experimentale Une enquete alimentaire transversale a ete realisee de janvier a mars 2005 sur un echantillon representatif des nourrissons et enfants francais en bas âge, tenant compte de l’âge des enfants, de l’activite professionnelle de la mere, de la categorie socioeconomique de la famille, mais en excluant les enfants totalement ou partiellement nourris au sein. Sujets Sept cent six enfants ont ete repartis en 11 groupes…

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