Caroline Guigou


3D landmark detection for augmented reality based otologic procedures

International audience; Ear consists of the smallest bones in the human body and does not contain significant amount of distinct landmark points that may be used to register a preoperative CT-scan with the surgical video in an augmented reality framework. Learning based algorithms may be used to help the surgeons to identify landmark points. This paper presents a convolutional neural network approach to landmark detection in preoperative ear CT images and then discusses an augmented reality system that can be used to visualize the cochlear axis on an otologic surgical video.

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Use of Super Paramagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles as Drug Carriers in Brain and Ear: State of the Art and Challenges

International audience; Drug delivery and distribution in the central nervous system (CNS) and the inner ear represent a challenge for the medical and scientific world, especially because of the blood–brain and the blood–perilymph barriers. Solutions are being studied to circumvent or to facilitate drug diffusion across these structures. Using superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs), which can be coated to change their properties and ensure biocompatibility, represents a promising tool as a drug carrier. They can act as nanocarriers and can be driven with precision by magnetic forces. The aim of this study was to systematically review the use of SPIONs in the CNS and the inner e…

research product

Étude animale de l’implantation du nerf auditif par voie transmodiolaire avec tentative de conservation de l’audition

But de la presentation L’implantation du nerf auditif est reconsideree comme un moyen de rehabilitation auditive en pouvant resoudre des difficultes de placement de porte-electrodes dans des cas difficiles (cochlees ossifiees). Elle peut augmenter la specificite de la stimulation, diminuer la consommation energetique, reduire les interferences entre les electrodes et donner acces a des fibres codant pour les frequences graves. Les voies d’abord pour l’implantation du nerf auditif ont ete jusqu’a aujourd’hui invasifs. Nous avons etudie la faisabilite d’une implantation du nerf transmodiolaire via les cavites de l’oreille moyenne chez l’homme. Cette voie semble possible grâce a la navigation …

research product

Augmented Reality in minimally invasive otologic surgery and transmodiolar cochlear implantation

Optimal exposure is necessary for minimally invasive otologic surgery. Augmented reality allows to enrich the real environment by adding data without replacing it by a virtual environment and to view this information on a single screen by combining the vision of the operating field and the imaging. This technique is very little described in otology in the literature. This project aims to develop augmented reality solutions for otological surgeries and transmodiolar implantation. To prepare this augmented reality project, we studied the visualization of the middle ear by a virtual endoscope based on preoperative high resolution CT-scans. Then, we worked on the application of augmented realit…

research product

Augmented Reality of the Middle Ear Combining Otoendoscopy and Temporal Bone Computed Tomography

International audience; HYPOTHESIS:Augmented reality (AR) may enhance otologic procedures by providing sub-millimetric accuracy and allowing the unification of information in a single screen.BACKGROUND:Several issues related to otologic procedures can be addressed through an AR system by providing sub-millimetric precision, supplying a global view of the middle ear cleft, and advantageously unifying the information in a single screen. The AR system is obtained by combining otoendoscopy with temporal bone computer tomography (CT).METHODS:Four human temporal bone specimens were explored by high-resolution CT-scan and dynamic otoendoscopy with video recordings. The initialization of the system…

research product

Real-Time Augmented Reality for Ear Surgery

International audience; Transtympanic procedures aim at accessing the middle ear structures through a puncture in the tympanic membrane. They require visualization of middle ear structures behind the eardrum. Up to now, this is provided by an oto endoscope. This work focused on implementing a real-time augmented reality based system for robotic-assisted transtympanic surgery. A preoperative computed tomography scan is combined with the surgical video of the tympanic membrane in order to visualize the ossciles and labyrinthine windows which are concealed behind the opaque tympanic membrane. The study was conducted on 5 artificial and 4 cadaveric temporal bones. Initially, a homography framew…

research product

Effect of Rotating Auditory Scene on Postural Control in Normal Subjects, Patients With Bilateral Vestibulopathy, Unilateral, or Bilateral Cochlear Implants.

International audience; Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of a rotating sound stimulation on the postural performances in normal subjects, patients with bilateral vestibulopathy (BVP), unilateral (UCI), and bilateral (BCD cochlear implantees.Materials and Methods: Sixty-nine adults were included (32 women and 37 men) in a multicenter prospective study. The group included 37 healthy subjects, 10 BVP, 15 UCI, and 7 BCI patients. The average of age was 47 +/- 2.0 (range: 23-82). In addition to a complete audiovestibular work up, a dynamic posturography (Multitest Framiral, Grasse) was conducted in silence and with a rotating cocktail party sound delivered by headph…

research product

Contribution of Augmented Reality to Minimally Invasive Computer-Assisted Cranial Base Surgery.

Cranial base procedures involve manipulation of small, delicate and complex structures in the fields of otology, rhinology, neurosurgery and maxillofacial surgery. Critical nerves and blood vessels are in close proximity of these structures. Augmented reality is an emerging technology that can revolutionize the cranial base procedures by providing supplementary anatomical and navigational information unified on a single display. However, the awareness and acceptance of possibilities of augmented reality systems in cranial base domain is fairly low. This article aims at evaluating the usefulness of augmented reality systems in cranial base surgeries and highlights the challenges that current…

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