Ana Hernández

Validación cruzada de la estructura factorial de una medida multidimensional de la ansiedad laboral

En el presente estudio se realiza una replicación del trabajo de Espejo (1993), con el objetivo de estudiar la estabilidad de la estructura factorial del Cuestionario de Ansiedad Laboral (C.A.L.) en una muestra multiocupacional (n=142). También se analizan las propiedades psicométricas de cada una de las subescalas hipotetizadas. Los resultados muestran, por una parte, que la estructura factorial hipotetizada presenta un ajuste ligeramente inferior en el presente estudio (SR = 0.114), y por otra, que las saturaciones de los ítems incluidos en la dimensión cognitiva son las más estables, mientras que las de los ítems de la dimensión conductual son las más inestables. Por último, los resultad…

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Easy-to-read Texts for Students with Intellectual Disability: Linguistic Factors Affecting Comprehension

Background: The use of ‘easy-to-read’ materials for people with intellectual disabilities has become very widespread but their effectiveness has scarcely been evaluated. In this study, the framework provided by Kintsch's Construction–Integration Model (1988) is used to examine (i) the reading comprehension levels of different passages of the Spanish text that have been designed following easy-to-read guidelines and (ii) the relationships between reading comprehension (literal and inferential) and various linguistic features of these texts. Method: Sixteen students with mild intellectual disability and low levels of reading skills were asked to read easy-to-read texts and then complete a rea…

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Test commission: Twenty-five years working on test quality

The objective of this paper is to present the activities and projects carried out by the Spanish Test Commission, established by the Spanish Psychological Association to improve the quality and use of tests. The most relevant projects of the commission during its twenty-five years of existence are reviewed, describing the work carried out: a) to understand the opinions and attitudes of psychologists towards the tests, b) to evaluate the quality of the tests published in Spain, and c) to develop standards, guidelines, and ethical and deontological codes to improve testing practices. The commission’s other activities of a formative nature are also highlighted, as well as its relationships wit…

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Test use in Spain: the psychologists’ viewpoint

espanolLos test son los instrumentos de medida mas utilizados por los psicologos para obtener datos que les ayuden a tomar decisiones sobre las personas. Conocer las opiniones de los profesionales de la psicologia acerca de la practica de los test es fundamental para plantear acciones encaminadas a mejorar su uso en nuestro pais. El objetivo del presente trabajo es conocer con detalle lo que piensan los psicologos espanoles sobre el uso de los test. Se aplico un cuestionario de 30 items sobre distintos aspectos de la practica de los test. Respondieron 1.248 colegiados, 73,7% mujeres, con una edad media de 46,31 anos y una desviacion tipica de 11,08. Los resultados muestran unas actitudes fa…

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El rol cambiante de los recursos personales en la empleabilidad percibida de los jóvenes en diferentes condiciones del mercado de trabajo

Personal resources and labor market are factors that contribute to perceived employability. However, how changing labor market conditions affect the relationship between personal resources like career enhancing strategies, personal initiative, and career passivity with self-perceived employability remains unclear. Recent events in Spain give an opportunity to examine if personal resources predict perceived employability differently during normal and harsh labor conditions. Two representative samples of young people were surveyed during a normal labor condition (in 2008, before the big recession, n = 1,992) and a harsh condition (in 2011, with 46% young unemployment rate, n = 1,208). …

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Power and Type I Error of the Mean and Covariance Structure Analysis Model for Detecting Differential Item Functioning in Graded Response Items.

In this simulation study, we investigate the power and Type I error rate of a procedure based on the mean and covariance structure analysis (MACS) model in detecting differential item functioning (DIF) of graded response items with five response categories. The following factors were manipulated: type of DIF (uniform and non-uniform), DIF magnitude (low, medium and large), equality/inequality of latent trait distributions, sample size (100, 200, 400, and 800) and equality or inequality of the sample sizes across groups. The simulated test was made up of 10 items, of which only 1 contained DIF. One hundred replications were generated for each simulated condition. Results indicate that the MA…

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The non‐linear influence of the frequency of interactions between team managers and team members on positive team mood: a moderated model

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Efectos de la información acerca del ciclo menstrual sobre las actitudes hacia la menstruación

El objetivo del estudio es analizar los efectos del acceso a una información adecuada relativa a la menstruación sobre las actitudes hacia ésta. Se realizaron comparaciones entre dos grupos de 8 mujeres, uno de los cuales recibe una charla informativa sobre el ciclo menstrual y el otro recibe una charla placebo. La actitud se mide mediante una versión modificada del Menstrual Attitude Questionnaire (MAQ). Se controla la influencia de los síntomas menstruales, medidos con el Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (MDQ). Las medidas se obtienen inmediata­mente después de recibir la charla y un mes más tarde. El grupo que recibe charla informativa muestra una actitud significativamente más positiva …

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Multilevel Modeling: Research-Based Lessons for Substantive Researchers

Organizations are multilevel systems. Most organizational phenomena are multilevel in nature, and their understanding involves variables (e.g., antecedents and consequences) that reside at different levels. The investigation of these phenomena requires appropriate analytical methods: multilevel modeling. These techniques are becoming increasingly popular among organizational psychology and organizational behavior (OPOB) researchers. In this article we review the literature that has evaluated the performance of multilevel modeling techniques to test multilevel direct and indirect effects and cross-level interactions. We also provide guidelines for OPOB researchers about the appropriate use …

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Phenotypic analysis of peripheral lymphocyte subpopulations in hydatid patients.

Peripheral T-lymphocytes were analyzed in three groups of people: (1) individuals with current liver hydatid disease (hydatid patients, n = 20), (2) persons who had undergone surgical cyst removal at least 2 years previously (recovered patients, n = 9), and (3) a control group of healthy volunteers (uninfected controls, n = 13). Group 1 was subdivided according to cyst status, relapse of disease, and the presence or absence of symptoms. Percentages of lymphocytes expressing CD3, CD4, CD8, CD56, CD25, CD45RA, CD45RO, and HLA-DR were determined. Symptomatic patients had proportionally fewer CD3+ CD8 + lymphocytes than the control group (P=0.038). Hydatid patients with active cysts had proport…

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The exploratory factor analysis of items: guided analysis based on empirical data and software

El objetivo del presente trabajo es ilustrar cómo la aplicación adecuada o inadecuada del análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) puede llevar a conclusiones muy diferentes. Para ello se evalúa el grado en que cuatro paquetes estadísticos diferentes que permiten realizar AFE de ítems, en concreto SPSS, FACTOR, PRELIS y MPlus, permiten o limitan la aplica- ción de los estándares actualmente recomendados en materia de análisis factorial. Asimismo se analizan y comparan los resultados que ofrecen di- chos programas cuando se factorizan datos empíricos de escalas que ajus- tan, según el caso, de manera inadecuada, ambigua u óptima a los supuestos del modelo AFE lineal clásico, a través de las dis…

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The importance of horizontal-fit of university student jobs for future job quality

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to gain a better understanding of the antecedents of the quality of graduates’ jobs when they enter the job market after university graduation. Design/methodology/approach Survey data collected from 173 Spanish bachelor and master’s degree university graduates at two time points (two months before and six months after graduation, approximately) were analyzed by means of path analysis. Findings A moderated mediation model was tested, where the relationship between the horizontal fit (HF) between the university degree subject and the student’s job and the quality of the graduate’s job after graduation is mediated by self-perceived employability and modera…

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Proactive personality and early employment outcomes: The mediating role of career planning and the moderator role of core self-evaluations

Abstract This study examines the relationship between university graduates' proactive personality and two early employment outcomes (i.e., employment status and perceived overqualification). Specifically, we propose two moderated mediation models, one for each employment outcome, with career planning as a mediator and core self-evaluations as a moderator in the proactive personality-employment outcomes link. The study sample consisted of 315 graduates, and a time-lagged design with two data-collection points was implemented. When the outcome was employment status, contrary to our expectations, the indirect effect of proactive personality via career planning was not moderated by core self-ev…

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Testing the validity of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safety culture model

This paper takes the first steps to empirically validate the widely used model of safety culture of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), composed of five dimensions, further specified by 37 attributes. To do so, three independent and complementary studies are presented. First, 290 students serve to collect evidence about the face validity of the model. Second, 48 experts in organizational behavior judge its content validity. And third, 468 workers in a Spanish nuclear power plant help to reveal how closely the theoretical five-dimensional model can be replicated. Our findings suggest that several attributes of the model may not be related to their corresponding dimensions. Accordi…

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EAM2020-2021 Book of Abstracts

Este libro recoge los abstracts de los trabajos presentados en el 9º Congreso Europeo de Metodología. Este congreso se ocupa del desarrollo y aplicación de metodologías de investigación en los campos de Ciencias sociales, Comportamentales, de Salud, Educativas, Económicas y de Evaluación. This book collects the studies presented at the 9th European Congress of Methodology. This congress is devoted to the development and application of research methods in the Behavioral, Social, Educational, Health and Economic and Evaluation fields.

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Climate uniformity: its influence on team communication quality, task conflict, and team performance.

We investigated whether climate uniformity (the pattern of climate perceptions of organizational support within the team) is related to task conflict, team communication quality, and team performance. We used a sample composed of 141 bank branches and collected data at 3 time points. The results obtained showed that, after controlling for aggregate team climate, climate strength, and their interaction, a type of nonuniform climate pattern (weak dissimilarity) was directly related to task conflict and team communication quality. Teams with weak dissimilarity nonuniform patterns tended to show higher levels of task conflict and lower levels of team communication quality than teams with unifor…

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Análisis de las propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario de Clima Organizacional FOCUS-93

El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la última versión del cuestionario de clima organizacional elaborado por el equipo internacional de investigación FOCUS. La muestra empleada estaba compuesta por 142 empleados de diferentes organizaciones laborales. Los componentes que configuraron la estructura factorial del cuestionario responden a las dimensiones de flexibilidad, control, orientación interna, y orientación externa. La consistencia interna de los componentes obtenidos es adecuada salvo en un caso (orientación interna), y su validez de constructo prometedora. Los resultados son comparados con los obtenidos en otra muestra, y se ofrecen orientaci…

research product

Uncovering the dark side of innovation: the influence of the number of innovations on work teams’ satisfaction and performance

We investigated whether the number of innovations implemented in work teams is positively related to team task conflict and negative team mood, and whether the latter variables mediate the relationship between the number of innovations implemented and aggregate job satisfaction and team performance. The results obtained in a sample of 89 bank branches, where measures were obtained at three different times, partially supported our hypotheses. Whereas the number of innovations implemented had a positive direct effect on team performance, it had a negative indirect effect on team performance and aggregate job satisfaction, via negative team mood. These findings help uncover some of the dysfunc…

research product

Diferencias de opinión sobre el uso de los test: su relación con la edad el género y el sector laboral

Tests are important tools that help psychologists to make decisions about people. In order to propose actions aimed at improving the use of tests, it is important to determine what factors relate to psychologists’ opinions about testing practices. In this study we assess the role of three factors: gender, age, and job sector (public vs. private). In addition, we compare practitioners’ opinions with those reported by professors of test-related subjects (psychometrics, and psychological and psycho- educational assessment). After analyzing a sample of 1,248 members of the Spanish Psychological Association and 95 professors from different universities, results show some differences in opinions …

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Life satisfaction and the mediating role of character strengths and gains in informal caregivers

WHAT IS KNOWN ON THE SUBJECT?: The role of informal caregiver can have both negative and positive consequences for a person's well-being. The main theoretical framework for explaining these consequences is the stress process model, which considers contextual variables, stressors and mediating/moderating factors. The latter are psychosocial factors such as coping strategies, personal mastery, social support or beliefs and values which may influence caregiver well-being. The perception of gains in caregiving has also been proposed as a mediating variable since it may act as a coping strategy. However, few studies have examined values and perceived gains as mediating variables with life satisf…

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Comisión de Test: veinticinco años velando por la calidad de los test

[ES]El objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar las actividades y proyectos llevados a cabo por la Comisión de Test del Consejo General de Psicología de España para mejorar la calidad y el uso de los test. Se repasan los proyectos más relevantes de la comisión durante sus veinticinco años de existencia, describiendo los trabajos llevados a cabo para a) conocer las opiniones y actitudes de los psicólogos hacia los test, b) evaluar la calidad de los test editados en España, y c) desarrollar estándares, directrices y códigos éticos y deontológicos que mejoren la práctica de los test. También se resaltan otras actividades de la comisión de carácter formativo, así como sus relaciones con otras o…

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An ultra-short measure of positive and negative affect: The Reduced Affective Well-Being Scale (RAWS).

In applied organizational research, where economy of scale is often a crucial factor in successful assessment, ultra-short measures are often needed. This study investigates the psychometric properties of the Reduced Affective Well-Being Scale (RAWS), an ultra-short measure of positive and negative affect in the workplace. This 6-item ultra-short version was compared with the original 12-item scale proposed by Segura and González-Romá (2003) in terms of internal consistency and criterion validity, using a sample of 1117 bank employees. In addition, longitudinal measurement invariance and within-subject reliability of the RAWS over time were assessed in a longitudinal sample of 458 employees…

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El rol cambiante de los recursos personales en la empleabilidad percibida de los jóvenes en diferentes condiciones del mercado de trabajo

Personal resources and labor market are factors that contribute to perceived employability. However, how changing labor market conditions affect the relationship between personal resources like career enhancing strategies, personal initiative, and career passivity with self-perceived employability remains unclear. Recent events in Spain give an opportunity to examine if personal resources predict perceived employability differently during normal and harsh labor conditions. Two representative samples of young people were surveyed during a normal labor condition (in 2008, before the big recession, n = 1,992) and a harsh condition (in 2011, with 46% young unemployment rate, n = 1,208). …

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El camino a la igualdad real: La presencia de la mujer en el ámbito académico

La posicion de la mujer dentro del ambito cientifico ha sufrido una importante evolucion en los ultimos anos, especialmente en la ultima decada con la aprobacion de diferentes medidas para conseguir la igualdad efectiva entre mujeres y hombres. A pesar de esto, y de que el numero de mujeres es cada vez mayor en las universidades, todavia queda camino por recorrer.

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Social class and university graduates’ overqualification: testing two mediated relationships

[EN] University graduates’ overqualification (i.e., having more education, qualification and/or skills than one’s job requires) has important negative consequences. However, much less is known about its antecedents. This represents an important gap in the literature. In order to fill this gap, the goal of this study is to test a mediational model on the antecedents of university graduates’ overqualification (OQ). We posit that social class is negatively related to OQ through two mediational links: a) via social capital, and b) via social capital and tolerance towards OQ. The results obtained in a sample of 144 university graduates provided support for the second mediational link, so that so…

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Trans-popliteal hybrid retrograde technique for revascularization of chronic total occlusions of the superficial femoral artery.

Objectives We present the technical description and preliminary results of a hybrid approach for the treatment of chronic total occlusions of superficial femoral artery in the setting of critical limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI). Methods A retrospective analysis of selected case series was performed. A trans-popliteal hybrid technique was carried out in seven limbs (six patients). Open exposure of above-the-knee popliteal artery was performed over its maximum calcification zone. After retrograde recanalization and graft-stenting of the entire superficial femoral artery, endarterectomy of the popliteal artery was performed for debulking and widening of the distal landing zone of the endopros…

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Proceedings from the 9th European Congress of Methodology

Este libro recoge algunos de los trabajos presentados en el 9º Congreso Europeo de Metodología. Este congreso se ocupa del desarrollo y aplicación de metodologías de investigación en los campos de Ciencias sociales, Comportamentales, de Salud, Educativas, Económicas y de Evaluación. This book collects some of the papers presented at the 9th European Congress of Methodology. This congress is devoted to the development and application of research methods in the Behavioral, Social, Educational, Health and Economic and Evaluation fields.

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Revisión del modelo para evaluar la calidad de los tests utilizados en España

Para usar adecuadamente los tests, es necesario que los profesionales cuenten con información rigurosa de su calidad. Es por ello que, desde hace unos años, se viene aplicando el modelo español de evaluación de la calidad de los tests (Prieto y Muñiz, 2000). El objetivo de este trabajo es actualizar y revisar dicho modelo, con el fin de incorporar las recomendaciones hechas en sus aplicaciones, y para incorporar los avances psicométricos y tecnológicos que se han producido durante los últimos años. El modelo original fue revisado en varias fases, y la revisión originalmente propuesta fue revisada por un conjunto de expertos, lo que dio lugar a la versión final que se describe en este trabaj…

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The effects of virtuality level on task-related collaborative behaviors: The mediating role of team trust

This study aims to analyze the mediating role of team trust in the relationship between virtuality level and task-related collaborative behaviors. Three types of task-related collaborative behaviors were studied, namely team coordination, team cooperation, and team information exchange. Drawing upon theory and research on virtual teams and trust, we hypothesized that team trust partially mediated the effects of virtuality level on team coordination, team cooperation, and team information exchange. A laboratory experiment was carried out with 65 four-person teams randomly assigned to three communication media with different virtuality levels (face-to-face, video conference and computer-media…

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Antecedents and consequences of workplace mood variability over time: A weekly study over a three‐month period

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The functioning of central categories Middle Level and Sometimes in graded response scales: Does the label matter?

The present study evaluates the extent to which central categories explicitly labeled as being in the middle of the other response categories, specifically Middle Level and Sometimes, function as expected according to the integer scoring system. The assumptions are tested by means of Bock's Nominal Model in two 5-response scales. Results show that the assumption of the ordering of the response categories is met for all the items. The ordering of thresholds is satisfied for all but one item with the central category Middle Level . Results are compared with those obtained when middle categories are not explicitly labeled as being in the middle of the other response categories, as in the case …

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The Questionnaire for the Assessment of Tests (CET; Prieto & Muñiz, 2000) and the revised version of this questionnaire (CETR; Hernández et al., 2016) have been applied systematically since 2010 by the Test Commission of the Spanish Psychological Association. The main goal is to provide practitioners with reliable information on the quality of the tests in order to improve test use. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, to present the results of the sixth review of psychological and educational tests, in which a total of 10 tests have been evaluated. Second, to assess the impact that the application of the CET/CET-R has had over these years on two key agents: test publishers and universi…

research product


Test Use in Spain: The psychologists’ viewpoint. Tests are the measuring instruments most used by psychologists to obtain data that help them make decisions about people. It is essential to understand the opinions of psychology professionals regarding the practical implementation of tests, in order to propose and organize actions aimed at improving their use. The objective of this research is to understand in detail what Spanish psychologists think about the use of tests in our country. A 30-item questionnaire on the different aspects of testing practices was administered. The questionnaire was answered by 1,248 members of the Spanish Psychological Association, 73.7% women, with an average …

research product


Antecedentes. Para llevar a cabo una evaluación psicológica rigurosa es necesario que los profesionales que la realizan tengan una preparación adecuada, que los tests utilizados muestren unas buenas propiedades psicométricas, y que se utilicen de forma correcta. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar las directrices recientes de la Comisión Internacional de Tests sobre el uso de los tests en tres ámbitos: investigación, control de calidad y seguridad en el manejo de las pruebas. Método. Se revisarán y comentarán los directrices recientes desarrolladas por la Comisión Internacional de Tests. Resultados. Las nuevas directrices sobre el uso de los tests ofrecen todo un conjunto de recomendac…

research product

The Impact of Underemployment on Individual and Team Performance

The issue of underemployment is one of increasing concern for countries across the globe. For example, in the USA estimates have put the number of underemployed as high as 20.3%, while in Europe the number of overqualified workers (just one dimension of underemployment) has been estimated at 21.5% (Groot & Maassen van den Brink, 2000). Unfortunately, given the current global economic crisis, this situation can only be expected to worsen in the near future. The international labor pool is becoming more educated and qualified (Peiro, Agut, & Grau, 2010) while organizations worldwide are seeking the minimum effective level of human capitol in an effort to cut costs. As such fewer jobs demandin…

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Instructional factors and over-education of university graduates

The aim of this work is to test the role of the level of generic competences developed during University studies and the professional and practice orientation of instruction (PPOI) in the prediction of graduates’ initial vertical fit and vertical fit change over an 8-year period. The study sample comprised 334 graduates who finished their degrees two years before they were interviewed for the first time (Time 1). Four and eight years later they were interviewed again (Times 2 and 3, respectively). All of them had employment at Time 1, 2 and 3. Hypotheses were tested by means of Latent Growth Curve Analyses. Contrary to our expectations only PPOI was positive and significantly related to gra…

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Nuevas directrices sobre el uso de los test: investigación, control de calidad y seguridad

Contiene versión en inglés

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Personal Employability and employment outcomes in a university sample: a study before and after COVID-19

[EN] Labour market uncertainty makes difficult to get (and keep) a high-quality job even for graduate students. Moreover, this situation has been worsened due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this study is to test the influence that personal employability has on maintaining (or being able to find a new) high-quality job in a sample of young university graduates that faced the job market crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We focus on the four personal employability dimensions of Fugate et al.’s (2004) model: career identity, personal adaptability, human capital, and social capital. Our hypotheses state that the four dimensions of employability are positively related with employment …

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