Fabrizio Illuminati
Quantum gravitational decoherence from fluctuating minimal length and deformation parameter at the Planck scale
Schemes of gravitationally induced decoherence are being actively investigated as possible mechanisms for the quantum-to-classical transition. Here, we introduce a decoherence process due to quantum gravity effects. We assume a foamy quantum spacetime with a fluctuating minimal length coinciding on average with the Planck scale. Considering deformed canonical commutation relations with a fluctuating deformation parameter, we derive a Lindblad master equation that yields localization in energy space and decoherence times consistent with the currently available observational evidence. Compared to other schemes of gravitational decoherence, we find that the decoherence rate predicted by our mo…
Entanglement replication in driven-dissipative many body systems
We study the dissipative dynamics of two independent arrays of many-body systems, locally driven by a common entangled field. We show that in the steady state the entanglement of the driving field is reproduced in an arbitrarily large series of inter-array entangled pairs over all distances. Local nonclassical driving thus realizes a scale-free entanglement replication and long-distance entanglement distribution mechanism that has immediate bearing on the implementation of quantum communication networks.
Optimal estimation of losses at the ultimate quantum limit with non-Gaussian states
We address the estimation of the loss parameter of a bosonic channel probed by arbitrary signals. Unlike the optimal Gaussian probes, which can attain the ultimate bound on precision asymptotically either for very small or very large losses, we prove that Fock states at any fixed photon number saturate the bound unconditionally for any value of the loss. In the relevant regime of low-energy probes, we demonstrate that superpositions of the first low-lying Fock states yield an absolute improvement over any Gaussian probe. Such few-photon states can be recast quite generally as truncations of de-Gaussified photon-subtracted states.
Probing Quantum Frustrated Systems via Factorization of the Ground State
The existence of definite orders in frustrated quantum systems is related rigorously to the occurrence of fully factorized ground states below a threshold value of the frustration. Ground-state separability thus provides a natural measure of frustration: strongly frustrated systems are those that cannot accommodate for classical-like solutions. The exact form of the factorized ground states and the critical frustration are determined for various classes of nonexactly solvable spin models with different spatial ranges of the interactions. For weak frustration, the existence of disentangling transitions determines the range of applicability of mean-field descriptions in biological and physica…
Entanglement in a QFT Model of Neutrino Oscillations
Tools of quantum information theory can be exploited to provide a convenient description of the phenomena of particle mixing and flavor oscillations in terms of entanglement, a fundamental quantum resource. We extend such a picture to the domain of quantum field theory where, due to the nontrivial nature of flavor neutrino states, the presence of antiparticles provides additional contributions to flavor entanglement. We use a suitable entanglement measure, the concurrence, that allows extracting the two-mode (flavor) entanglement from the full multimode, multiparticle flavor neutrino states.
Global-to-local incompatibility, monogamy of entanglement, and ground-state dimerization: Theory and observability of quantum frustration in systems with competing interactions
Frustration in quantum many body systems is quantified by the degree of incompatibility between the local and global orders associated, respectively, to the ground states of the local interaction terms and the global ground state of the total many-body Hamiltonian. This universal measure is bounded from below by the ground-state bipartite block entanglement. For many-body Hamiltonians that are sums of two-body interaction terms, a further inequality relates quantum frustration to the pairwise entanglement between the constituents of the local interaction terms. This additional bound is a consequence of the limits imposed by monogamy on entanglement shareability. We investigate the behavior …
Quantum field theory of dilute homogeneous Bose-Fermi mixtures at zero temperature: General formalism and beyond mean-field corrections
We consider a dilute homogeneous mixture of bosons and spin-polarized fermions at zero temperature. We first construct the formal scheme for carrying out systematic perturbation theory in terms of single particle Green's functions. We introduce a new relevant object, the renormalized boson-fermion T-matrix which we determine to second order in the boson-fermion s-wave scattering length. We also discuss how to incorporate the usual boson-boson T-matrix in mean-field approximation to obtain the total ground state properties of the system. The next order term beyond mean-field stems from the boson-fermion interaction and is proportional to $a_{\scriptsize BF}k_{\scriptsize F}$. The total groun…
Adiabatic quantum simulation with a segmented ion trap: Application to long-distance entanglement in quantum spin systems
We investigate theoretically systems of ions in segmented linear Paul traps for the quantum simulation of quantum spin models with tunable interactions. The scheme is entirely general and can be applied to the realization of arbitrary spin-spin interactions. As a specific application we discuss in detail the quantum simulation of models that exhibit long-distance entanglement in the ground state. We show how tailoring of the axial trapping potential allows for generating spin-spin coupling patterns that are suitable to create long-distance entanglement. We discuss how suitable sequences of microwave pulses can implement Trotter expansions and realize various kinds of effective spin-spin int…
Measurement of damping and temperature: Precision bounds in Gaussian dissipative channels
We present a comprehensive analysis of the performance of different classes of Gaussian states in the estimation of Gaussian phase-insensitive dissipative channels. In particular, we investigate the optimal estimation of the damping constant and reservoir temperature. We show that, for two-mode squeezed vacuum probe states, the quantum-limited accuracy of both parameters can be achieved simultaneously. Moreover, we show that for both parameters two-mode squeezed vacuum states are more efficient than either coherent, thermal or single-mode squeezed states. This suggests that at high energy regimes two-mode squeezed vacuum states are optimal within the Gaussian setup. This optimality result i…
Frustration, Entanglement, and Correlations in Quantum Many Body Systems
We derive an exact lower bound to a universal measure of frustration in degenerate ground states of quantum many-body systems. The bound results in the sum of two contributions: entanglement and classical correlations arising from local measurements. We show that average frustration properties are completely determined by the behavior of the maximally mixed ground state. We identify sufficient conditions for a quantum spin system to saturate the bound, and for models with twofold degeneracy we prove that average and local frustration coincide.
Strong monogamy of bipartite and genuine multipartite entanglement: The Gaussian case
We demonstrate the existence of general constraints on distributed quantum correlations, which impose a trade-off on bipartite and multipartite entanglement at once. For all N-mode Gaussian states under permutation invariance, we establish exactly a monogamy inequality, stronger than the traditional one, that by recursion defines a proper measure of genuine N-partite entanglement. Strong monogamy holds as well for subsystems of arbitrary size, and the emerging multipartite entanglement measure is found to be scale invariant. We unveil its operational connection with the optimal fidelity of continuous variable teleportation networks.
Entanglement in neutrino oscillations
Flavor oscillations in elementary particle physics are related to multi-mode entanglement of single-particle states. We show that mode entanglement can be expressed in terms of flavor transition probabilities, and therefore that single-particle entangled states acquire a precise operational characterization in the context of particle mixing. We treat in detail the physically relevant cases of two- and three-flavor neutrino oscillations, including the effective measure of CP violation. We discuss experimental schemes for the transfer of the quantum information encoded in single-neutrino states to spatially delocalized two-flavor charged lepton states, thus showing, at least in principle, tha…
Genuine multipartite entanglement of symmmetric Gaussian states: Strong monogamy, unitary localization, scaling behavior, and molecular sharing structure
We investigate the structural aspects of genuine multipartite entanglement in Gaussian states of continuous variable systems. Generalizing the results of [Adesso & Illuminati, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 150501 (2007)], we analyze whether the entanglement shared by blocks of modes distributes according to a strong monogamy law. This property, once established, allows to quantify genuine N-partite entanglement in terms of the "residual contangle" not encoded into 2,...,K,...,(N-1)-partite quantum correlations. The explicit expression of this entanglement measure is derived, by a recursive formula, for a subclass of Gaussian states. These are fully symmetric (permutation-invariant) states multi-…
Josephson Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifiers as Non-Classical Light Source for Microwave Quantum Illumination
Abstract Detection of low-reflectivity objects can be enriched via the so-called quantum illumination procedure. In order that this quantum procedure outperforms classical detection protocols, entangled states of microwave radiation are initially required. In this paper, we discuss the role of Josephson Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifiers (JTWPAs), based on circuit-QED components, as suitable sources of a two-mode squeezed vacuum state, a special signal-idler entangled state. The obtained wide bandwidth makes the JTWPA an ideal candidate for generating quantum radiation in quantum metrology and information processing applications.
Geometric measures of quantum correlations: characterization, quantification, and comparison by distances and operations
We investigate and compare three distinguished geometric measures of bipartite quantum correlations that have been recently introduced in the literature: the geometric discord, the measurement-induced geometric discord, and the discord of response, each one defined according to three contractive distances on the set of quantum states, namely the trace, Bures, and Hellinger distances. We establish a set of exact algebraic relations and inequalities between the different measures. In particular, we show that the geometric discord and the discord of response based on the Hellinger distance are easy to compute analytically for all quantum states whenever the reference subsystem is a qubit. Thes…
Long-distance entanglement and quantum teleportation in coupled-cavity arrays
We introduce quantum spin models whose ground states allow for sizeable entanglement between distant spins. We discuss how spin models with global end-to-end entanglement realize quantum teleportation channels with optimal compromise between scalability and resilience to thermal decoherence, and can be implemented straightforwardly in suitably engineered arrays of coupled optical cavities.
Surface entanglement in quantum spin networks
We study the ground-state entanglement in systems of spins forming the boundary of a quantum spin network in arbitrary geometries and dimensionality. We show that as long as they are weakly coupled to the bulk of the network, the surface spins are strongly entangled, even when distant and non directly interacting, thereby generalizing the phenomenon of long-distance entanglement occurring in quantum spin chains. Depending on the structure of the couplings between surface and bulk spins, we discuss in detail how the patterns of surface entanglement can range from multi-pair bipartite to fully multipartite. In the context of quantum information and communication, these results find immediate …
Device-independent quantum reading and noise-assisted quantum transmitters
In quantum reading, a quantum state of light (transmitter) is applied to read classical information. In the presence of noise or for sufficiently weak signals, quantum reading can outperform classical reading by enhanced state distinguishability. Here we show that the enhanced quantum efficiency depends on the presence in the transmitter of a particular type of quantum correlations, the discord of response. Different encodings and transmitters give rise to different levels of efficiency. Considering noisy quantum probes we show that squeezed thermal transmitters with non-symmetrically distributed noise among the field modes yield a higher quantum efficiency compared to coherent thermal quan…
Non-Markovianity of Gaussian Channels
We introduce a necessary and sufficient criterion for the non-Markovianity of Gaussian quantum dynamical maps based on the violation of divisibility. The criterion is derived by defining a general vectorial representation of the covariance matrix which is then exploited to determine the condition for the complete positivity of partial maps associated to arbitrary time intervals. Such construction does not rely on the Choi-Jamiolkowski representation and does not require optimization over states.
Multipartite entanglement in three-mode Gaussian states of continuous variable systems: Quantification, sharing structure and decoherence
We present a complete analysis of multipartite entanglement of three-mode Gaussian states of continuous variable systems. We derive standard forms which characterize the covariance matrix of pure and mixed three-mode Gaussian states up to local unitary operations, showing that the local entropies of pure Gaussian states are bound to fulfill a relationship which is stricter than the general Araki-Lieb inequality. Quantum correlations will be quantified by a proper convex roof extension of the squared logarithmic negativity (the contangle), satisfying a monogamy relation for multimode Gaussian states, whose proof will be reviewed and elucidated. The residual contangle, emerging from the monog…
Monogamy Inequality for Distributed Gaussian Entanglement
We show that for all n-mode Gaussian states of continuous variable systems, the entanglement shared among n parties exhibits the fundamental monogamy property. The monogamy inequality is proven by introducing the Gaussian tangle, an entanglement monotone under Gaussian local operations and classical communication, which is defined in terms of the squared negativity in complete analogy with the case of n-qubit systems. Our results elucidate the structure of quantum correlations in many-body harmonic lattice systems.
Universal aspects in the behavior of the entanglement spectrum in one dimension: Scaling transition at the factorization point and ordered entangled structures
We investigate the scaling of the entanglement spectrum and of the R\'enyi block entropies and determine its universal aspects in the ground state of critical and noncritical one-dimensional quantum spin models. In all cases, the scaling exhibits an oscillatory behavior that terminates at the factorization point and whose frequency is universal. Parity effects in the scaling of the R\'enyi entropies for gapless models at zero field are thus shown to be a particular case of such universal behavior. Likewise, the absence of oscillations for the Ising chain in transverse field is due to the vanishing value of the factorizing field for this particular model. In general, the transition occurring…
Non-Markovianity-assisted optimal continuous variable quantum teleportation
We study the continuous-variable (CV) quantum teleportation protocol in the case that one of the two modes of the shared entangled resource is sent to the receiver through a Gaussian Quantum Brownian Motion noisy channel. We show that if the channel is engineered in a non-Markovian regime, the information backflow from the environment induces an extra dependance of the phase of the two-mode squeezing of the shared Gaussian entangled resource on the transit time along the channel of the shared mode sent to the receiver. Optimizing over the non-Markovianity dependent phase of the squeezing yields a significant enhancement of the teleportation fidelity. For short enough channel transit times, …
Quantum nonlocality in extended theories of gravity
We investigate how pure-state Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations in the internal degrees of freedom of massive particles are affected by a curved spacetime background described by extended theories of gravity. We consider models for which the corrections to the Einstein-Hilbert action are quadratic in the curvature invariants and we focus on the weak-field limit. We quantify nonlocal quantum correlations by means of the violation of the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality, and show how a curved background suppresses the violation by a leading term due to general relativity and a further contribution due to the corrections to Einstein gravity. Our results can be generalized to massless p…
Atoms, Photons and Entanglement for Quantum Information Technologies
Atoms, Photons and Entanglement for Quantum Information Technologies Julio T. Barreiro a, Dieter Meschede b, Eugene Polzik c, E. Arimondo d, Fabrizio Illuminati e, Luigi Lugiato f a Institut fur Experimentalphysik, Universitat Innsbruck, Technikerstr. 25, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria b Institut fur Angewandte Physik, Universitat Bonn, Wegelerstr. 8, D-53115 Bonn, Germany c Niels Bohr Institute, Danish Quantum Optics Center QUANTOP, Copenhagen University, Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark d Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Pisa, Lgo Buonarroti 3, I-56122 Pisa, Italy e Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Universita degli Studi di Salerno, Via Ponte don Melillo, I-84084 Fisciano (…
Optical state engineering, quantum communication, and robustness of entanglement promiscuity in three-mode Gaussian states
We present a novel, detailed study on the usefulness of three-mode Gaussian states states for realistic processing of continuous-variable quantum information, with a particular emphasis on the possibilities opened up by their genuine tripartite entanglement. We describe practical schemes to engineer several classes of pure and mixed three-mode states that stand out for their informational and/or entanglement properties. In particular, we introduce a simple procedure -- based on passive optical elements -- to produce pure three-mode Gaussian states with {\em arbitrary} entanglement structure (upon availability of an initial two-mode squeezed state). We analyze in depth the properties of dist…
Multiphoton Quantum Optics and Quantum State Engineering
We present a review of theoretical and experimental aspects of multiphoton quantum optics. Multiphoton processes occur and are important for many aspects of matter-radiation interactions that include the efficient ionization of atoms and molecules, and, more generally, atomic transition mechanisms; system-environment couplings and dissipative quantum dynamics; laser physics, optical parametric processes, and interferometry. A single review cannot account for all aspects of such an enormously vast subject. Here we choose to concentrate our attention on parametric processes in nonlinear media, with special emphasis on the engineering of nonclassical states of photons and atoms. We present a d…
Quantifying nonclassicality: global impact of local unitary evolutions
We show that only those composite quantum systems possessing nonvanishing quantum correlations have the property that any nontrivial local unitary evolution changes their global state. We derive the exact relation between the global state change induced by local unitary evolutions and the amount of quantum correlations. We prove that the minimal change coincides with the geometric measure of discord (defined via the Hilbert- Schmidt norm), thus providing the latter with an operational interpretation in terms of the capability of a local unitary dynamics to modify a global state. We establish that two-qubit Werner states are maximally quantum correlated, and are thus the ones that maximize t…
Coexistence of unlimited bipartite and genuine multipartite entanglement: Promiscuous quantum correlations arising from discrete to continuous-variable systems
Quantum mechanics imposes 'monogamy' constraints on the sharing of entanglement. We show that, despite these limitations, entanglement can be fully 'promiscuous', i.e. simultaneously present in unlimited two-body and many-body forms in states living in an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. Monogamy just bounds the divergence rate of the various entanglement contributions. This is demonstrated in simple families of N-mode (N >= 4) Gaussian states of light fields or atomic ensembles, which therefore enable infinitely more freedom in the distribution of information, as opposed to systems of individual qubits. Such a finding is of importance for the quantification, understanding and potenti…
Continuous variable tangle, monogamy inequality, and entanglement sharing in Gaussian states of continuous variable systems
For continuous-variable systems, we introduce a measure of entanglement, the continuous variable tangle ({\em contangle}), with the purpose of quantifying the distributed (shared) entanglement in multimode, multipartite Gaussian states. This is achieved by a proper convex roof extension of the squared logarithmic negativity. We prove that the contangle satisfies the Coffman-Kundu-Wootters monogamy inequality in all three--mode Gaussian states, and in all fully symmetric $N$--mode Gaussian states, for arbitrary $N$. For three--mode pure states we prove that the residual entanglement is a genuine tripartite entanglement monotone under Gaussian local operations and classical communication. We …
Hierarchies of geometric entanglement
We introduce a class of generalized geometric measures of entanglement. For pure quantum states of $N$ elementary subsystems, they are defined as the distances from the sets of $K$-separable states ($K=2,...,N$). The entire set of generalized geometric measures provides a quantification and hierarchical ordering of the different bipartite and multipartite components of the global geometric entanglement, and allows to discriminate among the different contributions. The extended measures are applied to the study of entanglement in different classes of $N$-qubit pure states. These classes include $W$ and $GHZ$ states, and their symmetric superpositions; symmetric multi-magnon states; cluster s…
Quantum coherence of Gaussian states
We introduce a geometric quantification of quantum coherence in single-mode Gaussian states and we investigate the behavior of distance measures as functions of different physical parameters. In the case of squeezed thermal states, we observe that re-quantization yields an effect of noise-enhanced quantum coherence for increasing thermal photon number.
Stationary entanglement of photons and atoms in a high-finesse resonator
We predict that the collective excitations of an atomic array become entangled with the light of a high-finesse cavity mode when they are suitably coupled. This entanglement is of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen type, it is robust against cavity losses and is a stationary property of the coupled system. It is generated when the atomic array is aligned along the cavity axis and driven transversally by a laser, when coherent scattering of photons into the cavity mode is suppressed because of phase-mismatching. We identify the parameter regimes under which entanglement is found and show that these are compatible with existing experimental setups.
Quantum localization and bound state formation in Bose-Einstein condensates
We discuss the possibility of exponential quantum localization in systems of ultracold bosonic atoms with repulsive interactions in open optical lattices without disorder. We show that exponential localization occurs in the maximally excited state of the lowest energy band. We establish the conditions under which the presence of the upper energy bands can be neglected, determine the successive stages and the quantum phase boundaries at which localization occurs, and discuss schemes to detect it experimentally by visibility measurements. The discussed mechanism is a particular type of quantum localization that is intuitively understood in terms of the interplay between nonlinearity and a bou…
Tunable non-Gaussian resources for continuous-variable quantum technologies
We introduce and discuss a set of tunable two-mode states of continuous-variable systems, as well as an efficient scheme for their experimental generation. This novel class of tunable entangled resources is defined by a general ansatz depending on two experimentally adjustable parameters. It is very ample and flexible as it encompasses Gaussian as well as non-Gaussian states. The latter include, among others, known states such as squeezed number states and de-Gaussified photon-added and photon-subtracted squeezed states, the latter being the most efficient non-Gaussian resources currently available in the laboratory. Moreover, it contains the classes of squeezed Bell states and even more ge…
Exact non-Markovian dynamics of Gaussian quantum channels: Finite-time and asymptotic regimes
We investigate the Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics of Gaussian quantum channels, exploiting a recently introduced necessary and sufficient criterion and the ensuing measure of non-Markovianity based on the violation of the divisibility property of the dynamical map. We compare the paradigmatic instances of Quantum Brownian motion (QBM) and Pure Damping (PD) channels, and for the former we find that the exact dynamical evolution is always non-Markovian in the finite-time as well as in the asymptotic regimes, for any nonvanishing value of the non-Markovianity parameter. If one resorts to the rotating wave approximated (RWA) form of the QBM, that neglects the anomalous diffusion contribut…
Asymptotic non-Markovianity
We investigate the asymptotic dynamics of exact quantum Brownian motion. We find that non-Markovianity can persist in the long-time limit, and that in general the asymptotic behaviour depends strongly on the system-environment coupling and the spectral density of the bath.
Characterizing and Quantifying Frustration in Quantum Many-Body Systems
We present a general scheme for the study of frustration in quantum systems. We introduce a universal measure of frustration for arbitrary quantum systems and we relate it to a class of entanglement monotones via an exact inequality. If all the (pure) ground states of a given Hamiltonian saturate the inequality, then the system is said to be inequality saturating. We introduce sufficient conditions for a quantum spin system to be inequality saturating and confirm them with extensive numerical tests. These conditions provide a generalization to the quantum domain of the Toulouse criteria for classical frustration-free systems. The models satisfying these conditions can be reasonably identifi…
Theory of ground state factorization in quantum cooperative systems.
We introduce a general analytic approach to the study of factorization points and factorized ground states in quantum cooperative systems. The method allows to determine rigorously existence, location, and exact form of separable ground states in a large variety of, generally non-exactly solvable, spin models belonging to different universality classes. The theory applies to translationally invariant systems, irrespective of spatial dimensionality, and for spin-spin interactions of arbitrary range.
Discord of response
The presence of quantum correlations in a quantum state is related to the state response to local unitary perturbations. Such response is quantified by the distance between the unperturbed and perturbed states, minimized with respect to suitably identified sets of local unitary operations. In order to be a bona fide measure of quantum correlations, the distance function must be chosen among those that are contractive under completely positive and trace preserving maps. The most relevant instances of such physically well behaved metrics include the trace, the Bures, and the Hellinger distance. To each of these metrics one can associate the corresponding discord of response, namely the trace,…
Continuous variable quantum teleportation with non-Gaussian resources
We investigate continuous variable quantum teleportation using non-Gaussian states of the radiation field as entangled resources. We compare the performance of different classes of degaussified resources, including two-mode photon-added and two-mode photon-subtracted squeezed states. We then introduce a class of two-mode squeezed Bell-like states with one-parameter dependence for optimization. These states interpolate between and include as subcases different classes of degaussified resources. We show that optimized squeezed Bell-like resources yield a remarkable improvement in the fidelity of teleportation both for coherent and nonclassical input states. The investigation reveals that the …
Entanglement in continuous-variable systems: recent advances and current perspectives
We review the theory of continuous-variable entanglement with special emphasis on foundational aspects, conceptual structures, and mathematical methods. Much attention is devoted to the discussion of separability criteria and entanglement properties of Gaussian states, for their great practical relevance in applications to quantum optics and quantum information, as well as for the very clean framework that they allow for the study of the structure of nonlocal correlations. We give a self-contained introduction to phase-space and symplectic methods in the study of Gaussian states of infinite-dimensional bosonic systems. We review the most important results on the separability and distillabil…
Theory of warm ionized gases: Equation of state and kinetic Schottky anomaly
Based on accurate Lennard-Jones type interaction potentials, we derive a closed set of state equations for the description of warm atomic gases in the presence of ionization processes. The specific heat is predicted to exhibit peaks in correspondence to single and multiple ionizations. Such kinetic analogue in atomic gases of the Schottky anomaly in solids is enhanced at intermediate and low atomic densities. The case of adiabatic compression of noble gases is analyzed in detail and the implications on sonoluminescence are discussed. In particular, the predicted plasma electron density in a sonoluminescent bubble turns out to be in good agreement with the value measured in recent experiment…
Simulating long-distance entanglement in quantum spin chains by superconducting flux qubits
We investigate the performance of superconducting flux qubits for the adiabatic quantum simulation of long distance entanglement (LDE), namely a finite ground-state entanglement between the end spins of a quantum spin chain with open boundary conditions. As such, LDE can be considered an elementary precursor of edge modes and topological order. We discuss two possible implementations which simulate open chains with uniform bulk and weak end bonds, either with Ising or with XX nearest-neighbor interactions. In both cases we discuss a suitable protocol for the adiabatic preparation of the ground state in the physical regimes featuring LDE. In the first case the adiabatic manipulation and the …
Information geometry of Gaussian channels
We define a local Riemannian metric tensor in the manifold of Gaussian channels and the distance that it induces. We adopt an information-geometric approach and define a metric derived from the Bures-Fisher metric for quantum states. The resulting metric inherits several desirable properties from the Bures-Fisher metric and is operationally motivated from distinguishability considerations: It serves as an upper bound to the attainable quantum Fisher information for the channel parameters using Gaussian states, under generic constraints on the physically available resources. Our approach naturally includes the use of entangled Gaussian probe states. We prove that the metric enjoys some desir…
Flavor vacuum entanglement in boson mixing
Mixing transformations in quantum field theory are non-trivial, since they are intimately related to the unitary inequivalence between Fock spaces for fields with definite mass and fields with definite flavor. Considering the superposition of two neutral scalar (spin-0) bosonic fields, we investigate some features of the emerging condensate structure of the flavor vacuum. In particular, we quantify the flavor vacuum entanglement in terms of the von Neumann entanglement entropy of the reduced state. Furthermore, in a suitable limit, we show that the flavor vacuum has a structure akin to the thermal vacuum of Thermo Field Dynamics, with a temperature dependent on both the mixing angle and the…
Non-Markovian dynamics and steady-state entanglement of cavity arrays in finite-bandwidth squeezed reservoirs
When two chains of quantum systems are driven at their ends by a two-mode squeezed reservoir, they approach a steady state characterized by the formation of many entangled pairs. Each pair is made of one element of the first and one of the second chain. This effect has been already predicted under the assumption of broadband squeezing. Here we investigate the situation of finite-bandwidth reservoirs. This is done by modeling the driving bath as the output field of a non-degenerate parametric oscillator. The resulting non-Markovian dynamics is studied within the theoretical framework of cascade open quantum systems. It is shown that the formation of pair-entangled structures occurs as long a…
Teleportation of squeezing: optimization using non-Gaussian resources
We study the continuous-variable quantum teleportation of states, statistical moments of observables, and scale parameters such as squeezing. We investigate the problem both in ideal and imperfect Vaidman-Braunstein-Kimble protocol setups. We show how the teleportation fidelity is maximized and the difference between output and input variances is minimized by using suitably optimized entangled resources. Specifically, we consider the teleportation of coherent squeezed states, exploiting squeezed Bell states as entangled resources. This class of non-Gaussian states includes photon-added and photon-subtracted squeezed states as special cases. At variance with the case of entangled Gaussian re…
Controllable Gaussian-Qubit Interface for Extremal Quantum State Engineering
We study state engineering through bilinear interactions between two remote qubits and two-mode Gaussian light fields. The attainable two-qubit states span the entire physically allowed region in the entanglement-versus-global-purity plane. Two-mode Gaussian states with maximal entanglement at fixed global and marginal entropies produce maximally entangled two-qubit states in the corresponding entropic diagram. We show that a small set of parameters characterizing extremally entangled two-mode Gaussian states is sufficient to control the engineering of extremally entangled two-qubit states, which can be realized in realistic matter-light scenarios.
Entanglement amplification in the nonperturbative dynamics of modular quantum systems
We analyze the conditions for entanglement amplification between distant and not directly interacting quantum objects by their common coupling to media with static modular structure and subject to a local (single-bond) quenched dynamics. We show that in the non-perturbative regime of the dynamics the initial end-to-end entanglement is strongly amplified and, moreover, can be distributed efficiently between distant objects. Due to its intrinsic local and non-perturbative nature the dynamics is fast and robust against thermal fluctuations, and its control is undemanding. We show that the origin of entanglement amplification lies in the interference of the ground state and at most one of the l…
Mutual information and spontaneous symmetry breaking
We show that the metastable, symmetry-breaking ground states of quantum many-body Hamiltonians have vanishing quantum mutual information between macroscopically separated regions, and are thus the most classical ones among all possible quantum ground states. This statement is obvious only when the symmetry-breaking ground states are simple product states, e.g. at the factorization point. On the other hand, symmetry-breaking states are in general entangled along the entire ordered phase, and to show that they actually feature the least macroscopic correlations compared to their symmetric superpositions is highly non trivial. We prove this result in general, by considering the quantum mutual …