Isabel Castillo

Coach autonomy support and quality of sport engagement in young soccer players.

Based on the self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000), this study tested a model of the assumed sequential relationships between perceived autonomy support, psychological need satisfaction, self-determined motivation, and enjoyment/boredom. The hypothesized mediational roles of psychological need satisfaction and self-determined motivation were also studied. In a sample of 370 young male soccer players, path analysis results offered support for the proposed model. Total mediation was supported in the case of the psychological need satisfaction in the relationship between autonomy support and self-determined motivation, and partial mediation for self-determined motivation in the lin…

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En este estudio cuasi-experimental pre-test post-test sin grupo control, se analizaron los efectos de un programa de intervencion, cuyo objetivo fue mejorar el bienestar de los educadores a traves de la satisfaccion de las necesidades de competencia y de autonomia. Participaron 55 educadores, 24 hombres y 31 mujeres (M edad = 33,6; DT = 8,1) que trabajaban en Centros de Proteccion de Menores de la Comunidad Valenciana. Los resultados mostraron un cambio significativo en todas las variables en la direccion esperada. Ademas, informaron que los cambios en la satisfaccion de las necesidades de competencia y autonomia produjeron cambios en la autoestima; mientras que las variaciones en la vitali…

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Implementation of a bicycle-sharing program: An effective way of introducing cycling as mode of transport

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Perfil de habilidades psicológicas en taekwondistas universitarios y su relación con el éxito en competición

Se presenta el perfil de habilidades psicológicas y su poder predictivo sobre el éxito deportivo en taekwondistas universitarios de competición. Para ello se evaluó una muestra representativa de 89 taekwondistas (50 hombres y 39 mujeres) con edades entre 18 y 34 años (M = 22,2; DT = 3,34) que competían en el Campeonato de España Universitario 2011. Se les administró el Inventario Psicológico de Ejecución Deportiva (IPED) y se tomó como variable de éxito deportivo el número de combates ganados durante el campeonato. Los análisis multivariados mostraron diferencias (p < ,05) en relación al género (los hombres informan de mayor auto-confianza, control atencional y afrontamiento negativo) y rec…

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Narcissism and the Strategic Pursuit of Short-Term Mating:Universal Links across 11 World Regions of the International Sexuality Description Project-2

Previous studies have documented links between sub-clinical narcissism and the active pursuit of short-term mating strategies (e.g., unrestricted sociosexuality, marital infidelity, mate poaching). Nearly all of these investigations have relied solely on samples from Western cultures. In the current study, responsesfrom a cross-cultural survey of 30,470 people across 53 nations spanning 11 world regions (North America, Central/South America, Northern Europe, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, Middle East, Africa, Oceania, Southeast Asia, and East Asia) were used to evaluate whether narcissism (as measured by the Narcissistic Personality Inventory; NPI) was universally associat…

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Who can best report on children's motor competence: Parents, teachers, or the children themselves?

Abstract Objective A positive perception of motor competence (MC) is important for children's health trajectory. It is purported that young children's perception is not well aligned with their actual ability. Alternative sources of perceptions are postulated from children's social context such as their parents or teachers. This study aims to analyse the associations among children's, parents' and Physical Education (PE) teachers' perception of children's MC and the children's actual MC, and whether these sources of information can report on children's actual MC. Design and method A convenience sample of 139 typically developed children (48.2% girls) from six schools participated in this cro…

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El papel del profesor en la motivación y la salud mental de los estudiantes de educación física

Resumen Introducción. La teoría de la autodeterminación sugiere que los sujetos con regulaciones autónomas mostrarán mayores niveles de funcionamiento óptimo que aquellos con regulaciones controladoras. Asimismo, la teoría ha defendido la importancia que tienen los factores sociales en los procesos motivacionales. En el contexto educativo, uno de los factores sociales que tiene un papel importante en la motivación de los estudiantes es el estilo interpersonal que utiliza el profesor cuando brinda instrucciones; por tanto, aquellos ambientes que fomenten la motivación autónoma serán importantes para el desarrollo óptimo y la salud mental de los estudiantes. Objetivo. Examinar si el grado en …

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Do Active Commuters Feel More Competent and Vital? A Self-Organizing Maps Analysis in University Students

University students represent a population that faces high risks regarding physical inactivity. Research suggests that a regular engagement in physical activity (PA) may be more likely established when it leads to the experience of subjective vitality. Subjective vitality, in turn, is more likely achieved through physical activities that individuals feel competent in, and that take place in natural outdoor environments. An activity that may fulfill these conditions is active commuting to and from university (ACU). To examine whether and in which form ACU can combine this promising pattern of aspects, a person-oriented analysis was conducted. The sample contained 484 university students (59.…

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Changes in physical activity domains during the transition out of high school: Psychosocial and environmental correlates

Background:This study examined changes in multiple physical activity domains during the transition out of high school and psychosocial and environmental determinants of these changes.Methods:A 1-year prospective study was designed. The baseline sample was composed of 244 last-year high school students (58.6% female) from Valencia, Spain. Follow-up rate was 46%. Physical activity and potential determinants were measured by the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire and other evaluated scales in 2 waves.Results:Total physical activity and active commuting (AC) decreased, respectively, by 21% and 36%, only in males. At time 1, access to car/motorbike (inverse), planning/psychosocial barriers (…

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Exploring the Role of Resilience and Basic Psychological Needs as Antecedents of Enjoyment and Boredom in Female Sports

Abstract Positive psychology defends that resilience and satisfaction of the basic psychological needs contribute to predict athletes’ quality of engagement and optimal development. Based on self-determination theory the present study aims to test a model analyzing the relationship between young athletes’ resilience, satisfaction and thwarting of their basic psychological needs, and their experiences of enjoyment and boredom within their sport practice. Participants of the study are 641 female football and basketball players (Mage = 14.74 ± 3.91). Results of the structural equation models show that athletes’ resilience is positively associated with satisfaction of basic psychological needs …

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El estilo parental transformacional, el apoyo a la autonomía y sus implicaciones en el burnout de deportistas adolescentes

ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to examine the relationships between transformational parenting, autonomy support displayed by mothers and fathers, and sport burnout in 360 junior soccer players (324 males, range age = 12-18 years). To this end, four steps were followed. Steps 1 and 2 tested the psychometric properties (i.e., factorial structure, internal consistency, and evidence of discriminant validity) of the Spanish version of the Transformational Parenting Questionnaire (TPQ), and steps 3 and 4 examined the proposed relationships. Overall, the Spanish TPQ demonstrated adequate factorial validity and satisfactory internal consistency, representing a valid and reliable adaptation …

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Predictores socio-contextuales y motivacionales de la intención de continuar participando: Un análisis desde la SDT en danza. (Social-contextual and motivational predictors of intentions to continue participation: A test of SDT in dance).

En el marco de la Teoria de la Autodeterminacion (Deci y Ryan, 1985; 2000), se estudiaron los predictores socio-contextuales y motivacionales de la intencion de seguir practicando danza, y el papel del burnout en estas relaciones, poniendo a prueba dos modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. Los participantes, 197 bailarines vocacionales, completaron los cuestionarios con las variables clave de interes. Los resultados revelaron que las percepciones del apoyo a la autonomia ofrecidas por el profesor de danza actuo como predictor positivo de la motivacion autonoma (motivacion intrinseca, regulacion integrada y regulacion identificada) y como predictor negativo de la motivacion controlada (regula…

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La eficacia de rol, la claridad de rol y el rendimiento en jóvenes futbolistas

El objetivo del trabajo fue doble: 1) Analizar las relaciones entre la eficacia de rol, la claridad de rol y el desempeño efectivo del rol como un indicador subjetivo del rendimiento; y 2) Examinar el papel de la claridad de rol como variable moduladora de la relación entre la eficacia de rol y el rendimiento, ambos objetivos en situaciones de ataque y de defensa en el fútbol. Doscientos noventa y cinco futbolistas varones de entre 12 y 16 años (M = 14.01, DE = 1.09) completaron los cuestionarios que evaluaban las variables del estudio. Los resultados mostraron que aquéllos que percibían una claridad de rol alta también percibían una eficacia de rol alta y un desempeño del rol alto. Además …

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Transformational Leadership, Task-Involving Climate, and Their Implications in Male Junior Soccer Players: A Multilevel Approach

Despite the well-known positive consequences of transformational coaches in sport, there is still little research exploring the mechanisms through which coaches&rsquo

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Validity and reliability of a pictorial scale of physical self-concept in spanish children. [Validez y fiabilidad de la escala pictográfica de autoconcepto físico en niños y niñas españoles].

The pictorial scale of Physical Self-Concept in Children (P-PSC-C) is a relatively new instrument for investigating physical self-concept in childhood. The current study aims to examine the validity and reliability of the Spanish version of the P-PSC-C, and also to analyse the validity according to the children’s age. A sample of 365 primary school age (M = 9.21, SD = 1.92) students participated; divided in two groups, those aged 9 or younger and those 10-11 years old. Surveys were used to assess perceived physical concept individually. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with diagonally weighted least square estimator specifically designed for ordinal data and a scaled test statistic was co…

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Psychosocial and environmental correlates of active commuting for university students.

Abstract Objective To examine psychosocial and environmental correlates of active commuting to university (ACU) and explore its association with overall physical activity among college students. Methods The sample included 518 students (mean 22.4 years; 59.7% female) from two universities in Valencia, Spain. Weekly estimations of energy expenditure from ACU and total physical activity were obtained. Socio-economic status, self-efficacy, barriers to active transport, access to car and motorbike, access to public transport, walking and cycling facilities and distance to university were assessed. Data were collected April and May of 2009, using a self-administered survey. A structural equation…

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Aspirações vitais e sua relação com a paixão, em atletas argentinos selecionados para os Jogos Olímpicos da Juventude

El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar las aspiraciones vitales de deportistas adolescentes de alto rendimiento y su relación con la pasión que tienen con respecto a su deporte. Participaron 234 deportistas argentinos (47,9 % varones; 52,1 % mujeres) de entre 12 y 16 años de edad (M = 14,48; DT = 1,09) pertenecientes al Plan de Desarrollo de los Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud (Buenos Aires, 2018), quienes respondieron un cuestionario sociodemográfico, el Inventario de Aspiraciones vitales y la Escala de Pasión. Los varones obtuvieron puntajes significativamente más altos que las mujeres en las aspiraciones de riqueza y fama, así como también en pasión obsesiva. Para los varones, el creci…

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Adiposidad corporal y bienestar psicológico: efectos de la actividad física en universitarios de Valencia, España

OBJETIVO: Determinar mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales la relacion que existe entre la actividad fisica, la adiposidad corporal, la competencia fisica percibida y tres indicadores del bienestar psicologico en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios espanoles. METODOS: Estudio transversal descriptivo en 639 estudiantes de 18 a 29 anos representativos de las universidades de Valencia, Espana, en el curso 2005-2006. La practica de actividad fisica se evaluo mediante el inventario de conductas de salud en escolares. Se aplicaron las escalas de competencia fisica percibida, autoestima, satisfaccion con la vida y vitalidad subjetiva. La adiposidad corporal se expreso mediante el po…

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Promoting Adolescent health through an intervention aimed at improving the quality of their participation in Physical Activity (PAPA): Background to the project and main trial protocol

International audience; Funded by the European Commission, the Promoting Adolescent health through an intervention is aimed at improving the quality of their participation in Physical Activity (PAPA) project revolved around the potential of youth sport to promote children's mental and emotional health and physical activity engagement. A theoretically grounded coach education training programme (i.e. Empowering CoachingTM), which was designed to create a sporting environment which was more positive and adaptive for young children, was customised for grassroots soccer, delivered and evaluated via a multi-method cluster RCT across five European countries; namely, England, France, Greece, Norwa…

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Los efectos nocivos que puede producir un entrenador en el deporte base: Una vía de detección y una propuesta de cambio

Popularmente se considera que el deporte es bueno para la salud, que es un buen transmisor de valores, que favorece el proceso de socialización en la niñez y en la adolescencia y que por lo tanto deberíamos animar a niños y adolescentes a practicar deporte. Sin embargo, a pesar de que el deporte es potencialmente promotor de estos y otros beneficios, no todos los niños y niñas los reciben. Para algunos niños y niñas la práctica deportiva está asociada a tensión, agotamiento, ansiedad y miedo, entre otros indicadores de malestar.

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Análisis de las propiedades psicométricas de la versión española del cuestionario de clima en el deporte

The psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Sport Climate Questionnaire (S-SCQ) (SDT, Sport Climate Questionnaire, n.d.) were determined from a sample of 301 Spanish high-level competitive athletes (171 men and 130 women) from the Community of Valencia. The S-SCQ assesses athletes' perceptions of coach-provided autonomy support. The assumed uni-dimensional structure of both the long and short versions of the instrument was supported. Both versions also exhibited high reliability (internal consistency). Support for the convergent validity of the scale(s) was also obtained as the measure of coach autonomy support significantly related to the different types of motivation regulat…

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Influence of social and environmental variables in declining physical activity during transition to adulthood

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Influence of the distance in a roundhouse kick's execution time and impact force in Taekwondo.

Taekwondo, originally a Korean martial art, is well known for its kicks. One of the most frequently used kicks in competition is Bandal Chagui or roundhouse kick. Excellence in Taekwondo relies on the ability to make contact with the opponent's trunk or face with enough force in as little time as possible, while at the same time avoiding being hit. Thus, the distance between contestants is an important variable to be taken into consideration. Thirty-one Taekwondo athletes in two different groups (expert and novice, according to experience in competition) took part in this study. The purpose of this study was to examine both impact force and execution time in a Bandal Chagui or roundhouse ki…

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Transformational Teaching in Physical Education and Students’ Leisure-Time Physical Activity: The Mediating Role of Learning Climate, Passion and Self-Determined Motivation

In the context of education, this study examined the relationship between perceiving a transformational physical education (PE) teacher and student&rsquo

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Grit, Self-Efficacy, Motivation and the Readiness to Change Index Toward Exercise in the Adult Population.

This study examined the relationships between grit personality, self-efficacy, motivation (autonomous, controlled, and amotivation), and the readiness to change index toward exercise. Participants were 391 adults aged between 18 and 64 years old (M= 31.16;SD= 12.45) from Hermosillo, Sonora (Mexico) who completed questionnaires (i.e., the Grit Personality Scale, the Exercise Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, the Treatment Self-Regulation Questionnaire and the Stages of Change Questionnaire for Physical Activity) measuring the variables of interest. The reliability of the instruments was tested using Cronbach's alpha, whereas confirmatory factor analyses were performed for each instrument separate…

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Self-efficacy and performance of the roundhouse kick in taekwondo

[ES] El desarrollo de escalas de autoeficacia permite el análisis de las percepciones de los deportistas y el examen de la relación entre dichas percepciones y el rendimiento. El objetivo de este estudio fue (1) desarrollar una escala específica de autoeficacia para una tarea de taekwondo, la patada circular, y (2) analizar el rendimiento deportivo y su relación con los resultados de dos escalas de autoeficacia (específica y general) en función del género de los deportistas. En el estudio participaron 43 taekwondistas (33 hombres y 10 mujeres). Se administraron las escalas de autoeficacia Física (PSE) y Específica (RKSES). Los datos de rendimiento (fuerza de impacto y tiempo total de respue…

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Validation of the Grit Scale and the Treatment Self-Regulation Questionnaire (TSRQ) in the Mexican context

espanolResumen La ausencia de instrumentos validos para medir variables relacionadas con las conductas saludables en Mexico, nos lleva al objetivo de adaptar y validar al idioma espanol hablado en Mexico la escala Grit y el cuestionario de autorregulacion del tratamiento (TSRQ) de la dieta, y explorar la relacion entre el Grit y la motivacion hacia la alimentacion saludable como evidencia de validez. 353 adultos del estado de Nuevo Leon respondieron a la escala Grit adaptada al espanol conformada por 12 items distribuidos en dos factores (consistencia del interes y perseverancia del esfuerzo) y al TSRQ adaptada al espanol compuesto por 15 items en tres factores (motivacion autonoma, motivac…

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Perceived movement skill competence in stability: Validity and reliability of a pictorial scale in early adolescents.

Perceived motor competence (PMC) is important to health as it mediates the association between actual motor competence (AMC) and physical activity. Many instruments assess the broader construct of physical self-perception but no scale has been developed to assess PMC in stability. The aim of this study was to develop and analyze the reliability and validity of a new pictorial PMC in stability skill assessment when completed by early adolescents. A Delphi method showed ≥70% of experts' consensus in the seven proposed items. A sample of 904 students (11-14 years old) self-reported PMC in locomotion, object control, and stability using two pictorial scales: Perceived Movement Skill Competence …

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Active commuting and sociodemographic factors among university students in Spain.

Background:Commuting to university represents an opportunity to incorporate physical activity (walking or biking) into students’ daily routines. There are few studies that analyze patterns of transport in university populations. This cross-sectional study estimated energy expenditure from active commuting to university (ACU) and examined sociodemographic differences in findings.Methods:The sample included 518 students with a mean age of 22.4 years (59.7% female) from 2 urban universities in Valencia, Spain. Time spent in each mode of transport to university and sociodemographic factors was assessed by self-report.Results:Nearly 35% of the students reported walking or biking as their main mo…

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What distance do university students walk and bike daily to class in Spain

Abstract Introduction Physical activity levels are low in the general population and these levels decrease from childhood to adolescence, as well as from adolescence to adulthood. Active commuting (AC) is an opportunity to increase the physical activity levels. The distance between home and destinations is a main correlate of AC; however, the distance that university students walk or cycle to university is unknown. Methods Participants self-reported their modes and time of commuting to and from university in a questionnaire, and the main mode of commuting was identified. Moreover, they reported their home address, and the Spanish version of Mapquest software was used to measure street-netwo…

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Barreras percibidas en el desplazamiento activo al centro educativo: fiabilidad y validez de una escala

Resumen: Objetivo: Examinar la fiabilidad y la validez de una escala para evaluar las barreras percibidas en el desplazamiento activo al centro escolar en jóvenes españoles. Método: La validez de la escala fue evaluada en una muestra de 465 adolescentes (14-18 años de edad) mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio y a través de la asociación con el transporte activo autorreportado. Una submuestra completó la escala dos veces, con una separación de una semana, a fin de evaluar su fiabilidad. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que la escala tenía índices de ajuste satisfactorios con dos factores. Un factor incluyó los ítems relativos a ambiente y seguridad (α = 0,72), y otro los ítems s…

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Examining the Mediating Role of Motivation in the Relationship between Multidimensional Perfectionism and Well- and Ill-Being in Vocational Dancers

Perfectionism is considered to be an important personality factor within the dance context given the high number of dancers whose psychological health is influenced by its consequences. The relationship between perfectionism and dancers&rsquo

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Estilo interpersonal controlador del entrenador, frustración de las necesidades psicológicas básicas, y burnout en futbolistas infantiles

En el presente trabajo, basado en la Teoría de las Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas (BPNT; Deci y Ryan, 2000), se puso a prueba un modelo con la siguiente secuencia: Estilo interpersonal controlador del entrenador þ Frustración de las necesidades psicológicas básicas þ Burnout. Participaron 725 futbolistas varones de la categoría infantil con edades comprendidas entre los 11 y los 13 años (M = 12.6; DT = .54) que completaron los instrumentos que evaluaban las variables de interés. Los resultados del análisis de ecuaciones estructurales informaron que la percepción del estilo controlador del entrenador actuaba de predictor positivo de la frustración de las tres necesidades y que cada una de …

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Relationships Between Personal Values and Leadership Behaviors in Basketball Coaches.

Background: Based on the refined theory of basic individual values and transformational leadership theory, this study focuses on the associations between coaches' value priorities and their transformational leadership behaviors, exploring the potential mediation versus moderation effect of two alternative variables in this relationship: perceived club pressure or an autonomy supportive environment. Methods: Participants were 266 basketball coaches (85.7% men) from 17 to 66 years old (M = 32.82, SD = 9.2) from 119 different Spanish clubs. On average, they had worked for their current sport clubs for 5.02 years, and they had a mean of 11.10 years of experience. The coaches were all Spanish sp…

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Clima motivacional, metas de logro de aproximación y evitación y bienestar en futbolistas cadetes

Basado en la teoría de las metas de logro (modelo dicotómico, Nicholls, 1989; y modelo 2 x 2, Elliot y McGregor, 2001), se exploró un modelo en el que se analizaban las relaciones hipotetizadas entre el clima motivacional percibido, la competencia percibida, las metas de maestría y resultado (aproximación y evitación), e indicadores positivos de bienestar (satisfacción con la vida y autoestima). Participaron 370 jóvenes varones jugadores de fútbol entre los 12 y los 16 años (M = 14,77). Los resultados mostraron una asociación positiva entre la percepción de un clima de implicación en la tarea y las orientaciones a la maestría (aproximación y evitación), y entre la percepción de un clima de …

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Examining Controlling Styles of Significant Others and Their Implications for Motivation, Boredom and Burnout in Young Swimmers

The aim of the study was to examine the controlling style in two contexts of social influence: the team (i.e., coach and teammates) and the family (i.e., father and mother), as well as the mediational role of motivation (autonomous, controlled, and amotivation) and its relationship with boredom and burnout in young swimmers. To this end, 267 swimmers (140 girls and 127 boys) between 12 and 18 years of age (M = 14.26; SD = 1.61) were assessed. The results showed that in the team context, coaches’ controlling style directly promoted controlled motivation and boredom in their swimmers, and indirectly influenced burnout through the mediating role of swimmers’ controlled motivation. Teammates’ c…

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Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Psychological Well-Being in University Students

An analysis of psychological well-being (self-esteem and subjective vitality) of 639 Spanish university students was performed, while accounting for the amount of leisure-time physical activity. The Spanish versions of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and Subjective Vitality Scale were employed. Participants were divided into four groups (Low, Moderate, High, and Very high) depending on estimation of energy expenditure in leisure-time physical activity. Men and women having higher physical activity rated higher mean subjective vitality; however, differences in self-esteem were observed only in men, specifically between Very high and the other physical activity groups.

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Coaches as promoters of team cohesion

The objective of this study was threefold: 1) To determine the links between the perceived coach-created motivational climate and cohesion, 2) To test a model with the following sequence: Dimensions of the perceived coach-created motivational climate &#8594; self-determined motivation &#8594; Dimensions of cohesion, and 3) To examine the meditational role of self-determined motivation in the relationship between perceived coach-created motivational climate and cohesion. Eight hundred and night young footballers (789 boys and 11 girls; M age = 11.49 ± 1.16) completed a package of questionnaires assessing the variables of interest at the beginning of the season. Bivariate correlations reveale…

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Compromiso e intención de abandono en adolescentes de selecciones nacionales argentinas: el papel de los agentes sociales y efectos del género

espanolIntroduccion/objetivo. El objetivo de esta investigacion es examinar el poder predictivo de la percepcion de los estilos interpersonales de entrenadores/as, padres y madres en el compromiso e intencion de abandono de adolescentes deportistas argentinos de alto rendimiento, considerando el papel del genero en esta relacion. Metodo. Participaron 234 adolescentes de entre 12 y 16 anos (M = 14.48, DT = 1.09) seleccionados para los Juegos Olimpicos de la Juventud —Buenos Aires 2018—, quienes cumplimentaron cuestionarios para la evaluacion de las variables de interes. Resultados. Los varones perciben mayores niveles de compromiso que las mujeres y estas perciben mayor apoyo a la autonomia …

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Transformational Leadership in the Local Police in Spain: a Leader-Follower Distance Approach

AbstractBased on the transformational leadership theory (Bass, 1985), the aim of the present study was to analyze the differences in leadership styles according to the various leading ranks and the organizational follower-leader distance reported by a representative sample of 975 local police members (828 male and 147 female) from Valencian Community (Spain). Results showed differences by rank (p&lt; .01), and by rank distance (p&lt; .05). The general intendents showed the most optimal profile of leadership in all the variables examined (transformational-leadership behaviors, transactional-leadership behaviors,laissez-fairebehaviors, satisfaction with the leader, extra effort by follower, a…

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Motivational Antecedents of Well-Being and Health Related Behaviors in Adolescents

Abstract Grounded in the Achievement Goal Theory framework of motivation and optimal functioning, there were two objectives of this study: (a) to test a model hypothesizing links between personal theories of school achievement, indices of the quality of academic engagement, wellbeing, and health-related behaviors, and (b) to explore whether the hypothesized model was invariant across gender groups. A multisection questionnaire pack tapping the targeted variables was administered to 967 teenagers (475 boys and 492 girls) aged between 11 to 16 years old. Structural equation modeling analysis revealed that Task theory of achievement predicted positively satisfaction in school and negatively bo…

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Clima motivacional percibido, motivación autodeterminada y autoestima en jóvenes deportistas mexicanos

En el marco de la Teoría de las Metas de Logro (Ames, 1992; Dweck, 1999; Nicholls, 1989), y de la Teoría de la Autodeterminación (Deci y Ryan, 1985, 2000) en el presente trabajo se puso a prueba un modelo con la siguiente secuencia: Clima motivacional percibido (clima de implicación en la tarea y clima de implicación en el ego) ÞMotivación Autodeterminada Þ Autoestima. Además, se analizó si la motivación autodeterminada actuaba como mediadora entre cada una de las dos dimensiones del clima motivacional percibido (clima de implicación en la tarea y clima de implicación en el ego) y la autoestima. Participaron 651 deportistas juveniles mexicanos (Medad = 13,99; DT = 1,88), 330 chicas y 321 ch…

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Comparing self-reported leisure-time physical activity, subjective health, and life satisfaction among youth soccer players and adolescents in a reference sample

The aim of the study was to examine to what extent young people who play organised soccer rate their leisure-time moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, life satisfaction, and health more positively and higher than a same-aged population-based reference group (including some adolescents who also played organised soccer). Data from two samples of five countries (England, France, Greece, Norway, and Spain) were included: a sample of soccer players aged 10-14 years who participated in the Promoting Adolescent Physical Activity project [Duda, J.L., Quested, E., Haug, E., Samdal, O., Wold, B., Balaguer, I., …  Cruz, J. (2013). Promoting Adolescent health through an intervention aimed at improvi…

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Perfil de habilidades psicológicas en taekwondistas universitarios y su relación con el éxito en competición

Se presenta el perfil de habilidades psicológicas y su poder predictivo sobre el éxito deportivo en taekwondistas universitarios de competición. Para ello se evaluó una muestra representativa de 89 taekwondistas (50 hombres y 39 mujeres) con edades entre 18 y 34 años (M = 22,2; DT = 3,34) que competían en el Campeonato de España Universitario 2011. Se les administró el Inventario Psicológico de Ejecución Deportiva (IPED) y se tomó como variable de éxito deportivo el número de combates ganados durante el campeonato. Los análisis multivariados mostraron diferencias (p < ,05) en relación al género (los hombres informan de mayor auto-confianza, control atencional y afrontamiento negativo) y rec…

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Coaches' interpersonal style, basic psychological needs and the well- and ill-being of young soccer players: a longitudinal analysis.

This study entailed a longitudinal test of basic psychological needs theory, a sub-theory in the self-determination framework (DeciRyan, 2000), in young soccer players. We examined whether changes in soccer players' perceptions of the coaches' interpersonal style (autonomy supportive and controlling) predicted changes in the players' need satisfaction/need thwarting, and in turn, variability in their reported subjective vitality and burnout over the course of a season. Young male soccer players (M = 12.58 ± 0.54 years) completed a questionnaire at two time points in the season [n(T1) = 725; n(T2) = 597]. Changes in the players' perceptions of an autonomy supportive environment significantly…

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Coaches as promoters of team cohesion

El objetivo del presente trabajo fue triple: 1) Estudiar las relaciones entre el clima motivacional percibido creado por el entrenador y la cohesión, 2) Poner a prueba un modelo con la siguiente secuencia: dimensiones del clima motivacional percibido  motivación autodeterminada  dimensiones de la cohesión, y 3) Estudiar el papel mediador de la motivación autodeterminada entre el clima motivacional percibido y la cohesión. Ochocientos nueve jóvenes jugadores de fútbol (798 chicos y 11 chicas; M = 11.49, DT = 1.16) completaron un paquete de cuestionarios en los que se evaluaban las variables de interés al principio de la temporada. Las correlaciones bivariadas informaron de relaciones posit…

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Relation of body mass index and body fat mass for Spanish university students, taking into account leisure-time physical activity.

The objective of this cross-sectional study was to analyze the relation of Body Mass Index with body fat mass while taking into account the amount of leisure-time physical activity for 299 male university students. Body fat mass was measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis. An estimation of energy expenditure in leisure-time physical activity in metabolic equivalents (METs) was obtained so participants were divided into six activity groups by percentile: no physical activity by the first group and participants physically active were divided into five groups by percentiles: &lt;25%, 26–50%, 51–75%, 76–90%, and 91–100%. Correlations of Body Mass Index with body fat mass were strong in di…

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Assessing teacher leadership in physical education: the Spanish version of the transformational teaching questionnaire

&lt;p&gt;Drawing from the transformational leadership theory, this study aims to translate and analyse the psychometric properties of a Spanish version of the Transformational Teaching Questionnaire (TTQ).&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;A cohort sample of 2107 adolescents (997 males and 1110 females) from 82 secondary schools voluntarily participated in the research.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;In Study 1 ((&lt;em&gt;n&lt;/em&gt; = 1066), the exploratory factor analysis informed a one-factor solution. In Study 2  (&lt;em&gt;n&lt;/em&gt; = 1041), the confirmatory factor analysis showed the single-factor and the four-factor models showed satisfactory and adequate goodness of fit indices, respectively. Confirmatory …

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Perceived barriers to active commuting to school: reliability and validity of a scale

Resumen Objetivo: Examinar la fiabilidad y la validez de una escala para evaluar las barreras percibidas en el desplazamiento activo al centro escolar en jóvenes españoles. Método: La validez de la escala fue evaluada en una muestra de 465 adolescentes (14-18 años de edad) mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio y a través de la asociación con el transporte activo autorreportado. Una submuestra completó la escala dos veces, con una separación de una semana, a fin de evaluar su fiabilidad. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que la escala tenía índices de ajuste satisfactorios con dos factores. Un factor incluyó los ítems relativos a ambiente y seguridad (α = 0,72), y otro los ítems so…

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La eficacia de rol como mediadora entre el clima motivacional y el rendimiento en jóvenes futbolistas

ResumenEn el marco de la Teoria de las Metas de Logro y de la Teoria de la Autoeficacia de Bandura, se puso a prueba un modelo hipotetizando relaciones entre el clima motivacional percibido, la eficacia de rol y el desempeno del rol como un indicador del rendimiento, en situaciones de ataque y de defensa en futbol. Asimismo, se exploro el papel mediador de la eficacia de rol entre el clima motivacional y el rendimiento. Un total de 295 futbolistas varones de entre 12 y 16 anos completaron los cuestionarios que evaluaban las variables de estudio. Los resultados mostraron que, tanto en ataque como en defensa, la eficacia de rol actuo como mediadora entre el clima de implicacion en la tarea y …

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Apoyo a la autonomía, satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas y bienestar : invarianza de un modelo estructural en futbolistas y bailarines

La teoría de las necesidades psicológicas básicas (Deci y Ryan, 2000) defiende que en los contextos sociales en los que se apoya la autonomía se promueve el bienestar a través de la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas. En base a este marco teórico, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue triple: primero, poner a prueba un modelo en el que se analizaba la secuencia: percepción del apoyo a la autonomía ofrecido por el profesor/entrenador - satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas - bienestar; segundo, examinar el papel mediador de las necesidades, y tercero, estudiar la invarianza del modelo entre dos poblaciones. Participaron 197 bailarines (Medad = 18,65 ± 3,73) y …

research product

The Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire: Testing for Measurement Invariance and Latent Mean Differences in Spanish and Portuguese Adolescents

Within the theoretical framework of achievement goals (Nicholls, 1989), Duda and Nicholls (see Duda, 1989; Duda & Whitehead, 1998) developed the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ) to assess individual differences in achievement goal orientations. This study searches for validity evidence of the TEOSQ in the case of Spanish (2473) and Portuguese (2486) junior high school. The results showed that factor structure, factor loadings, and intercepts could be considered invariant across groups. Between group differences in latent means showed slightly higher mean scores for the Spanish group for both factors. The results also provide high support for the internal consistency o…

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Bicycling to university: Evaluation of a bicycle-sharing program in Spain

: This study examined the change in behavioral stages (e.g. contemplation, action and maintenance) of cycling to university before and after the implementation of a new public bicycle share program (PBSP) and promotion of its use. The study also determined the change in the prevalence, correlates of PBSP use and potential role in the promotion of healthy weight. An 8-month follow-up cross-sectional study (September 2010-April 2011) was carried out among undergraduate students during the first season of implementation of the PBSP in Valencia, Spain. The sample was 173 students (68.2% female) with a mean age of 21.3 years (SD 3.06) who attended a PBSP promotional session. The data were collec…

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Análisis del papel de la resiliencia y de las necesidades psicológicas básicas como antecedentes de las experiencias de diversión y aburrimiento en el deporte femenino

La psicología positiva defiende que las variables que promueven la calidad de la implicación, como la resiliencia y la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas, contribuyen a predecir el desarrollo óptimo. Desde el marco de la teoría de la autodeterminación, en el presente estudio se analiza la relación entre la resiliencia, la satisfacción y la frustración de las necesidades psicológicas básicas y las experiencias de diversión y aburrimiento en la práctica deportiva. En el estudio participan 641 jugadoras de fútbol y baloncesto (Medad=14.74±3.91). Los resultados del análisis de ecuaciones estructurales muestran que la resiliencia se asocia positivamente con la satisfacción y ne…

research product

A test of basic psychological needs theory in young soccer players: time-lagged design at the individual and team levels.

Within the framework of basic psychological needs theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000), multilevel structural equation modeling (MSEM) with a time-lagged design was used to test a mediation model examining the relationship between perceptions of coaches’ interpersonal styles (autonomy supportive and controlling), athletes’ basic psychological needs (satisfaction and thwarting), and indicators of well-being (subjective vitality) and ill-being (burnout), estimating separately between and within effects. The participants were 597 Spanish male soccer players aged between 11 and 14 years (M = 12.57, SD = 0.54) from 40 teams who completed a questionnaire package at two time points in a competitive season. …

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Precursors of Body Dissatisfaction and its Implication for Psychological Well-Being in Young Adults

The authors examined leisure-time physical activity (LTPA), body mass index (BMI), and perceived physical ability as body dissatisfaction antecedents, and analyzed their relationship to well-being. The sample comprised 501 university students. Data were collected using a self-administered survey. Path analysis revealed that LTPA positively predicted perceived physical ability. BMI and perceived physical ability predicted body dissatisfaction (positively and negatively, respectively). Body dissatisfaction negatively predicted subjective vitality, whereas perceived physical ability positively predicted subjective vitality. These results support the inclusion of LTPA in intervention programs t…

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Transformational leadership on the athletic field: An international review

This paper provides a comprehensive review of the international literature that used the paradigm of transformational leadership in the context of physical activity (PA) and sport. A bibliometric and content of all international publications (N = 28) analysis is performed by classifying research based on various parameters such as the contexts (high performance sports, educational/recreational sports, varsity sports, school/within-class of physical education), role of the leader studied (coaches, teachers/instructors, peers, parents), population (adolescents and adults), and variables that have been associated with transformational leadership style. This study supported the interest and app…

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Free Communications: Verbal and Poster

research product

Impact force and time analysis influenced by execution distance in a roundhouse kick to the head in taekwondo.

The execution distance is a tactic factor that affects mechanical performance and execution technique in taekwondo. This study analyzes the roundhouse kick to the head by comparing the maximum impact force, execution time, and impact time in 3 distances according to the athletes' competition level. It also analyzes the relationship between impact force and weight in each group. It examines whether the execution distance affects the maximum impact force, execution time, and impact time, in each level group or 2 different competition levels. Participants were 27 male taekwondo players (13 medallists and 14 nonmedallists). The medallists executed the roundhouse kick to the head with greater im…

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Examining early adolescents' motivation for physical education : associations with actual and perceived motor competence

Background: The dynamic nature of physical education (PE) requires careful consideration of lesson planning and delivery in order to promote health and wellbeing and to achieve various learning goals. One such goal is promoting personal and social development to support students to value and lead a healthy and active lifestyle, especially during transition into adolescence. In order to design learning environments that support students' engagement in PE, it is important to understand how outcomes such as motor competence (MC) influence motivation for PE. There are two approaches to understand MC, actual and perceived MC, and both have implications for healthy lifestyles in childhood and ado…

research product

The Spanish-Version of the Subjective Vitality Scale: Psychometric Properties and Evidence of Validity.

AbstractThe Subjective Vitality Scale (SVS) assess the subjective experience of being full of energy and alive, a clinically relevant outcome measure of positive psychological well-being. The purpose of this paper was to translate the 7-item SVS into Spanish and examine its psychometric properties. In Study 1 (n = 790 adolescents) and Study 2 (n = 130 athletes) reliability and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) were carried out. In Study 1 and Study 3 (n = 197 dancers) evidence of validity of inferences based on SVS scores estimating relationships with other variables (life satisfaction, global self-esteem and emotional and physical exhaustion) was obtained. In Study 2 invariance across time…

research product

Determinants of leisure-time physical activity and future intention to practice in Spanish college students

Few studies analyze determinants and patterns of physical activity among college students, so it has not been possible to carry out effective interventions to promote this practice. The aim of this study was to analyze the associations between some personal, social, and environmental determinants, practice of physical activity and future intention to practice in a sample of 639 university students (321 men and 318 women), mean age 21.43 years (+/- 2.78). Physical fitness self-perception, physical activity history, and coach's support to practice physical activity have a direct effect on the practice of physical activity and an indirect effect on future intention to practice, both in men and…

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Changes in Drop Out Intentions: Implications of the Motivational Climate, Goal Orientations and Aspects of Self-Worth across a Youth Sport Season

The main objective of this work was to study the motivational antecedents of the intention to drop out of youth sport from the postulates of the achievement goal theory (AGT), placing special emphasis on the motivational climate that coaches create in their teams. Specifically, we analyzed whether changes in the perception of the motivational climate between the beginning and the end of the season predicted changes in players’ goal orientations, whether these, in turn, predicted changes in self-esteem and contingent self-esteem, and finally, whether the latter predicted the intention to drop out. Participants in the study were 552 players (Mage = 11.23, SD = 1.14), who completed the questio…

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Development and validation of the coach's task presentation scale: A quantitative self-report instrument

Abstract Objective A major concern for coaches is the transmission of effective information in the moments before sport practice, when they communicate to players what they are supposed to do and how (Rink, 1994). The present study's main objective was to cover a gap in the sport psychology measurement field and to develop and validate a quantitative self-report instrument to measure the effectiveness of coaches' task presentation for athletes. The resulting instrument was the Escala de Presentacion de las Tareas por Parte del Entrenador (EPTE ) [Coach's Task Presentation Scale]. Design The two studies developed to validate the EPTE used a cross-sectional research design. Method Participant…

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Transformational Parenting Style, Autonomy Support, and their Implications for Adolescent Athletes’ Burnout

espanolEl objetivo de esta investigacion fue examinar las relaciones entre el estilo parental transformacional, el apoyo a la autonomia mostrado por madres y padres y el burnout deportivo de 360 jugadores de futbol juvenil (324 hombres, rango de edad = 12-18 anos). Para ello, se siguieron cuatro pasos. Los pasos 1 y 2 pusieron a prueba las propiedades psicometricas (i.e., estructura factorial, consistencia interna y evidencia de validez discriminante) de la version en espanol del Cuestionario de Estilo Parental Transformacional [TPQ, segun sus siglas en ingles] y a traves de los pasos 3 y 4 se examinaron las relaciones propuestas. En general, la version espanola del TPQ espanol demostro una…

research product

The Father in Youth Baseball: A Self-Determination Theory Approach

This study based on the self-determination theory aims to examine the relationship among the aspirations that fathers have about their children’s youth baseball practice, the children’s basic psychological needs (satisfaction and frustration), and their intentions to either continue or drop out of baseball practice in a sample of children from Hermosillo, Mexico. A cross-sectional study was carried out involving 533 fathers (M = 44.30, SD = 5.18) and 533 children (M = 13.09, SD = 1.68). The results showed that the intrinsic aspirations of fathers were positively correlated to the satisfaction of the children’s psychological needs, whereas the extrinsic aspirations of fathers were positively…

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The importance of coaches' autonomy support in the leisure experience and well-being of young footballers

Drawing on the self-determination framework, the study examined the effect of coaches' autonomy support on the leisure experience of young male football players. Specifically, a model was tested analyzing the long-term predictive power of the players' perceptions of the coaches' autonomy support at the beginning of the season on the subjective vitality of young football players at the end of the season, through needs satisfaction and intrinsic motivation (IM). Moreover, we tested whether the effects of coaches' autonomy support on the aforementioned variables (needs satisfaction, IM, and subjective vitality) at the end of the season remained at the beginning of the following season. Because…

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Young University Students’ Academic Self-Regulation Profiles and Their Associated Procrastination: Autonomous Functioning Requires Self-Regulated Operations

Students' autonomous self-regulation requires not only self-motivation but also volition or transforming motivation into specific behavioral intentions and following through. Self-regulation includes self-motivation (i.e., goal setting, learning from mistakes) and volitional regulation (i.e., strategic decision making). Furthermore, individual differences, like trait-level perseverance, significantly influence both motivation and volition. Procrastination has been defined as a volitional self-regulation problem, which involves delaying what one had intended to do, in spite of being motivated, and regardless of anticipating adverse consequences. Thus, it is a tendency toward dysregulated beh…

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Motivational Regulations Across the Stages of Change for Exercise in the General Population of Monterrey (Mexico)

Few studies have examined exercise adherence in the Mexican population using self-determination theory proposals and the stages of change model. The objectives of this study were:(a) to translate and adapt the Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire-3 (BREQ-3) to Mexican Spanish and examine its internal consistency and factorial structure (six dimensions); and (b) to analyse variations in behavioral regulations using the stages of change model. This study included 530 participants between 11 and 76 years old who lived in the metropolitan area of the city of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. The Mexican version of the BREQ-3 presented an acceptable six-factor model that agrees with the …

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Creencias implícitas y orientaciones de meta de jugadoras mexicanas de sóftbol elite (Implicit beliefs and goal orientations in Mexican elite softball players)

Dentro del contexto deportivo, las personas pueden presentar dos tipos de creencias implicitas sobre la habilidad deportiva, creencias incremental y de entidad, las cuales tienen un papel importante en la conformacion de las orientaciones de meta cuando practican deporte. Hasta la fecha no se conocen estudios con poblacion mexicana que hayan examinado la relacion entre las creencias implicitas y las orientaciones de meta. El objetivo del presente estudio consistio en examinar las creencias implicitas sobre la habilidad y las orientaciones de meta en una muestra de jugadoras de softbol de maximo nivel competitivo de Mexico. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 71 jugadoras de softbol ( M edad = 2…

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Romantic myths and cyber dating violence victimization in Spanish adolescents: A moderated mediation model

Adolescents’ beliefs in romantic myths of love have been related to cyber dating violence victimization. However, these relationships could be mediated by adolescents’ tolerant attitudes toward dating abuse and be different for adolescent boys and girls. A better understanding of these relationships is important for developing more effective prevention programs. Thus, the current study aimed to examine the relationships between beliefs in romantic myths and cyber dating violence victimization in adolescents, analyzing the possible mediating role of tolerant attitudes toward abuse and the possible moderator role of gender. Participants were 467 Spanish adolescents who had a romantic relation…

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Intervención psicológica en un equipo de gimnasia rítmica deportiva : estudio de un caso

We present an intervention programme with a female rhythmic gymnastics team (N =7), with members aged 15 to 21 (M = 18, SD = 2) competing in the senior national category. Fourteen psychological group sessions were conducted between September and December 2011. The motivational climate, approaches to goals, team cohesion, the coach's leadership style and gymnasts' psychological skills were assessed before and after the intervention programme. The results showed reductions in an ego-involving climate and ego-orientation and an increase in a task-involving climate. We found changes in the leadership style of the coach, moving toward an optimal leadership profile. There was a progressive improv…

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Initial psychometric testing of the coach-adapted version of the empowering and disempowering motivational climate questionnaire: A Bayesian approach.

The present study examined the psychometric properties of the coach-adapted version of the Empowering and Disempowering Motivational Climate Questionnaire (EDMCQ) using Bayesian structural equation modelling (BSEM). The sample included 780 (

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Young Athletes' Perceptions of Coach Behaviors and Their Implications on Their Well- and Ill-Being Over Time

Grounded on basic psychological needs theory the purpose of this study was twofold: (a) to test the mediational role of basic psychological needs (satisfaction and thwarting), and (b) to test the model invariance over 2 consecutive seasons. Three hundred sixty young male athletes completed a questionnaire package tapping the variables of interest at 4 time points during 2 consecutive seasons. Results of the path analyses revealed that in both seasons, changes in perceived coach autonomy supportive style positively predicted changes in needs satisfaction which, in turn, positively predicted changes in self-esteem; changes in perceived coach autonomy supportive and controlling style negativel…

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La Aceptación Familiar y la Conducta Prosocial: el Rol de los Factores de Personalidad en Menores con Medidas de Internamiento Judicial

espanolEn la presente investigacion se analiza la relacion entre el sentimiento de aceptacion familiar y las distintas dimensiones de la conducta prosocial en menores infractores en regimen de internamiento. El interes esta tambien en determinar el rol mediador y moderador que tienen los factores de personalidad (modelo de los “cinco grandes”) en la relacion entre el sentimiento de aceptacion familiar y la conducta prosocial. La muestra esta formada por 162 menores infractores con edades entre los 14 y los 22 anos (M = 17.10, DT = 1.41), con medida judicial de internamiento en centros de la Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid (Espana). Los resultados obtenidos indican que no hay una relacion direc…

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Los estilos de liderazgo de la Policía Local de la Comunidad Valenciana: Una aproximación desde la Teoría del Liderazgo Transformacional

Tomando como base la Teoría de Liderazgo Transformacional (Bass, 1985), se estudian las conductas que componen los estilos de liderazgo y su relación con tres variables de resultado: la eficacia del líder, la satisfacción con el líder y el esfuerzo extra de los subordinados; así como el aumento de los efectos (augmentation effect) del liderazgo transaccional cuando además se utiliza el liderazgo transformacional. La muestra es representativa del universo de policías locales de la Comunidad Valenciana (España) y está compuesta por 975 policías locales (828 hombres y 147 mujeres) pertenecientes a las plantillas de 42 localidades y que son dirigidos por 42 jefes. Los resultados muestran jefes …

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Autonomy support, basic psychological needs and well-being in Mexican athletes.

Based on Basic Needs Theory, one of the mini-theories of Self-determination Theory (Ryan &amp; Deci, 2002), the present study had two objectives: (a) to test a model in the Mexican sport context based on the following sequence: perceived coach autonomy support, basic psychological needs satisfaction, and psychological well-being, and b) to analyze the mediational effect of the satisfaction of perceived coach autonomy support on indicators of psychological well-being (satisfaction with life and subjective vitality). Six hundred and sixty-nine young Mexican athletes (Boys = 339; Girls = 330; Mage = 13.95) filled out a questionnaire assessing the study variables. Structural equations analyses …

research product