Josep Ballester-roca
Virginia Woolf : between writing and disease
The authors offer an analysis of mental illness in the work of a key twentieth century author: Virginia Woolf. A critical review of her literary legacy allows us to get closer to what might be one of the most intense literary portrayals of illness and its metaphors and, at the same time, to the representations, euphemisms, silences, and monsters depicted in the chapters of her life and in the unique voice of an essential author.
CLIL and Literary Education: Teaching Foreign Languages and Literature from an Intercultural Perspective—The Results of a Case Study
This article intends to explore the relationship between CLIL and literary education by considering the results of a case study involving the teaching of foreign literatures from an intercultural perspective in Italian secondary schools. In the first part we introduce a model of literary and intercultural communicative competence and in the second part we present a case study implemented in three secondary schools in Northern Italy. A qualitative research design was implemented and data were collected through interviews with teachers and questionnaires answered by students. The results revealed that while teachers focus on the intercultural dimension of literature only in terms of the expan…
A Qualitative Study Based on the Reading-life Histories of Future Teachers
Abstract One of the tools that have been used in research on literary education is what are known as reading-life histories or the reading autobiography. In this paper we will offer an analysis and some reflections on the different ways these can be used, by drawing on a sample of histories collected from students training to be teachers since the implementation of the new university curricula within what is known as the European Bologna process. The findings from this analysis open up a range of possibilities in research and innovation in literary training. Based on their previous experiences and recollections as readers, such narratives provide us with important information not only about…
Digital Storytelling in Teacher Training: Development of Basic Competences, Creativity and Multimodal Literacy Through Book Trailers
In this chapter, the need of the integration of media and information and communication technologies in the literary education is addressed, not only from the point of view of the training in access to information and diffusion, but also in terms of the communicative situations of production and reception of literary texts. In this sense, the authors analyze the potential of digital storytelling in teacher training as a tool for the acquisition and development of basics competences, the promotion of creativity and the adquisition of the multimodal literacy of students. This research focuses on the use of book trailers as a way to enhance reading habits acquisition and to make students disco…
Una posteritat llibresca i de paper: quasi trenta anys d’estudis al voltant de l’obra i la figura de Joan Fuster. Selecció bibliogràfica (1992-2021)
Número monogràfic dedicat al centenari del naixement de Joan Fuster, amb col·laboracions de Xavier Pla, Antoni Furió, Gustau Muñoz, Joan Ramon Resina, Toni Mollà, Enric Iborra, Francesc Viadel, Salvador Vendrell, Teresa Muñoz Lloret, Ernest Belenguer, Ferran Archilés, Pau Viciano, Antoni Rico, Josep L. Gómez Mompart, Jan Brugueras, Joan F. Mira, Martí Domínguez, Juli Capilla, Xavier Antich, Enric Balaguer, Enric Bou, Margarida Castellano, Antoni Defez, Anna Esteve, Maria Àngels Francès, Tobies Grimaltos, Pere Antoni Pons, Joan Ramon Resina, Mercè Rius, Quim Torra, Joan Manuel Tresserras i Josep Ballester.
Literatura y cultura para una didáctica intercultural del español como lengua extranjera (ELE)
This work evolves around a main purpose: to analyze the role of literature in the pedagogy of Spanish as a Foreign Language from an intercultural perspective. From this standpoint, we reflect about the importance of the term Spanish Literature to defend the different literatures implied in the syntagm; hence, we study how comparative literature becomes the main tool to understand linguistic, cultural and literary diversity. We consider that these two ideas should be in the pedagogical profile of the Spanish as a Foreign Language professor.
Maria Beneyto: la creació literària de la dona múltiple i diversa al llarg del temps
Resum: Maria Beneyto es una de les autores fonamentals de la literatura valenciana depostguerra amb una llarga trajectòria tant en l’àmbit narratiu com poètic. Realitzem unapetita introducció al voltant del context i les circumstàncies en les quals desenvolupa la seuaactivitat creadora i, a més, fem una anàlisi de la seua obra, que ens dibuixa, entre altres aspectes,una radiografia del signe femení contemplat des de la diversitat i el compromís. Peraquest motiu estudiem aquest tipus d’imatges relacionades amb els referents ficcionals i realstot reivindicant una identitat marcada per la diferència. Paraules clau: Maria Beneyto, literatura feminista, literatura de postguerra Abstract: Maria B…
Didáctica (lengua y literatura)
El aumento del racismo y la xenofobia en las sociedades europeas y el hecho de que los marroquíes, en particular, constituyan el colectivo inmigrante más rechazado por los españoles motiva la propuesta de club de lectura a partir de dos obras de LIJ (literatura infantil y juvenil) de autoras transculturales, en el marco de la educación literaria e intercultural, que presentamos en este artículo y que proponemos evaluar a través de un cuestionario pretest-postest, empleando un diseño de investigación cuasi-experimental. Con esta perseguimos que el alumnado de Secundaria al que se dirige tenga ocasión de: (1) incrementar sus conocimientos sobre la cultura árabe, (2) reflexionar sobre el desar…
Aula de encuentro : revista de investigación y comunicación de experiencias educativas
Título, resumen y palabras clave en español e inglés Resumen basado en el de la publicación Se estudia la educación literaria del futuro docente en relación con los diferentes tipos de diversidad en las sociedades contemporáneas y apuntan la necesidad de apertura del canon a diferentes voces, perspectivas, temáticas y autores para la formación de ciudadanos críticos a través de procesos de construcción identitaria. ESP
Influence of language immersion in the reading comprehesion. Study of three learning models in the plurilingual valencian reality
[EN] Throughout the last twenty years, the implementation of bilingual programmes in the Autonomous Region of Valencia has produced diverse results. This calls for an in-depth research to ascertain the actual impact on pupils. Numerous studies, at international level, confirm thatlinguistic immersion is the most successful method for language learning. However the belief that the teaching of the Valencian language is detrimental to learning Castillian Spanish has been an important underlying obstacle. This paper presents research carried out in four schools in Valencia and Teruel to statistically evaluate the influence of different language teaching programmes on Reading comprehension in Ca…
De la investigación a la construcción de la identidad lectora del docente: educación poética y didáctica de la literatura.
espanolLa poesia constituye una posibilidad de extraordinario potencial para la educacion literaria reclamada por diferentes especialistas que sin embargo todavia dista mucho de ser una realidad en los diferentes niveles educativos. Por este motivo, los autores se preguntan sobre la situacion de la investigacion en torno a la poesia en la didactica de la literatura contemporanea y ofrecen una aproximacion a la produccion academica sobre la tematica a traves de Dialnet y los articulos publicados en tres revistas emblematicas de didactica de la lengua y la literatura: Didactica, Lenguaje y Textos y Tejuelo. El analisis tematico revela diferentes tendencias de estudio, pero tambien lagunas y v…