Beatriz Vera-sirera
Ultrastructural findings from paraffin embedded tissue in intraoral lesions caused by Leishmania infantum
Úlcera eosinofílica lingual: un reto diagnóstico de patogénesis controvertida
ResumenLa úlcera eosinofílica, también conocida como granuloma ulcerativo traumático con eosinofilia estromal, es una infrecuente y benigna lesión ulcerativa de la mucosa oral que presenta una evolución persistente, planteando a menudo diferentes diagnósticos clínicos diferenciales. Su diagnóstico se establece solo a partir del estudio histopatológico, si bien su morfología presenta a menudo características que pueden sugerir al patólogo la existencia de un proceso linfoproliferativo, traduciendo una patogénesis lesional controvertida todavía no bien aclarada.Comunicamos una observación clínico-patológica de úlcera eosinofílica afectando a una mujer de 76 años de edad. La lesión, de 2,5cm d…
Edad de presentación, multifocalidad y asociaciones lesionales en el tumor de células granulares
SDHB Expression in Warthin's Tumour
Abstract Introduction Succinic dehydrogenase subunit B (SDHB) is an enzyme belonging to the mitochondrial complex II. The aim of this study is to analyse SDHB expression in a series of Warthin's tumours, studying its relationship with oncocytic changes, constantly present in this form of tumour. Material and methods In resection tumour specimens from a series of ten Warthin's tumours (all from the parotid gland), immunohistochemical expression of SDHB was analysed using a commercially available monoclonal antibody. Results The Warthin's tumours studied affected 10 men (mean age: 64.2 yrs, range 40–80), all with smoking habits, and 2 with metachronous bilateral involvement. Two patients pres…
Osteonecrosis maxilar relacionada con bisfosfonatos (OMRB): consideraciones patogenéticas con posibles implicaciones terapéuticas
Clinicopathological and Immunohistochemical Study of Oral Amalgam Pigmentation
Amalgam tattoo, the most common exogenous oral pigmentation, can sometimes be confused with melanotic lesions, being then biopsied. We present the clinicopathological characteristics of 6 biopsied cases (5 females and 1 male) of oral amalgam pigmentation. The most common location was the gingival mucosa, followed by the buccal and palatal mucosa. Morphology and distribution (stromal, perivascular, perineural, endomysial) of pigmentation was variable; there was only 1 case with fibrous capsular reaction and likewise only a single case of granulomatous foreign body reaction. Morphological variability is conditioned by the timing and amount of the pigment deposit, which is often associated wit…
Differential expression of Cyclin D1 in keratin-producing odontogenic cysts
Objetives: The aim of the present study was to analyze the expression levels of Cyclin D1 (CCD1), a nuclear protein that plays a crucial role in cell cycle progression, in a series of keratin-producing odontogenic cysts. Study Design: A total of 58 keratin-producing odontogenic cysts, diagnosed over ten years and classified according to the WHO 2005 criteria, were immunohistochemically analyzed in terms of CCD1 expression, which was quantified in the basal, suprabasal and intermediate/superficial epithelial compartments. The extent of immunostaining was measured as a proportion of total epithelial thickness. Quantified immunohistochemical data were correlated with clinicopathological featur…
Immunohistochemical expression of glucose transporter 1 in keratin-producing odontogenic cysts
Background: Keratin-producing odontogenic cysts (KPOCs) are a group of cystic lesions that are often aggressive, with high rates of recurrence and multifocality. KPOCs included orthokeratinised odontogenic cyst (OOC) and parakeratotic odontogenic cysts, which are now considered true tumours denominated keratocystic odontogenic tumours (KCOTs). GLUT1 is a protein transporter that is involved in the active uptake of glucose across cell membranes and that is overexpressed in tumours in close correlation with the proliferation rate and positron emission tomography (PET) imaging results. Methods: A series of 58 keratin-producing odontogenic cysts was evaluated histologically and immunohistochemi…
Eosinophilic ulcer tongue: a diagnostic challenge controversial pathogenesis
La úlcera eosinofílica, también conocida como granuloma ulcerativo traumático con eosinofilia estromal, es una infrecuente y benigna lesión ulcerativa de la mucosa oral que presenta una evolución persistente, planteando a menudo diferentes diagnósticos clínicos diferenciales. Su diagnóstico se establece solo a partir del estudio histopatológico, si bien su morfología presenta a menudo características que pueden sugerir al patólogo la existencia de un proceso linfoproliferativo, traduciendo una patogénesis lesional controvertida todavía no bien aclarada. Comunicamos una observación clínico-patológica de úlcera eosinofílica afectando a una mujer de 76 años de edad. La lesión, de 2,5 cm de diá…
Tumor odontogenico adenomatoide folicular: estudio inmunohistoquimico
El tumor odontogénico adenomatoide (TOA) es una infrecuente lesión odontogénica benigna, que aparece en pacientes jóvenes, generalmente mujeres en la segunda década de la vida, a menudo como una lesión radiolúcida de aspecto quístico unilocular, en asociación a un diente, usualmente canino, no erupcionado. A pesar de haberse denominado también adenoameloblastoma o tumor ameloblástico adenomatoide, el TOA es una lesión benigna con una muy baja tendencia a la recidiva, mostrando una morfología muy peculiar (apariencia basaloide con estructuras glanduliformes, calcificaciones esferulares, presencia de material amiloide) que facilitan su reconocimiento histológico. Se presenta un análisis clíni…
Synovial cysts of the temporomandibular joint: an immunohistochemical characterization and literature review.
Synovial cysts of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) are very rare, and to date, only 12 cases of a synovial cyst in the TMJ region have been reported in the literature. In this paper, we present the clinicopathological and immunohistochemical characteristics of one such lesion affecting a 48-year-old woman, presented with a mass in the left preauricular region. We describe the usefulness of immunohistochemical analysis for recognizing the synovial lining, which allowed for clear differentiation between ganglion and synovial cysts. Immunohistochemical analyses can be used to diagnose synovial cysts with certainty; however, using at least two markers is advisable to distinguish the two existi…
Solitary polypoid laryngeal xanthoma.
We report the case of a 51-year-old male smoker with diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidaemia and a long history of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection treated with various antiretroviral regimes, who was referred to the otolaryngology department with progressive dysphonia. Fibre-optic laryngoscopy showed a solitary, yellowish-white pedunculated polyp on the anterior third of the left cord, with no other abnormality. Pathological analysis revealed a polypoid laryngeal xanthoma that was immunoreactive against CD68, perilipin, and adipophilin. This unusual laryngeal lesion in the clinical context of our patient suggests a possible role of antiretroviral treatment…
NCAM (CD56) Expression in keratin-producing odontogenic cysts: aberrant expression in KCOT
Background: Keratin-producing odontogenic cysts (KPOCs) are a group of cystic lesions that are often aggressive, with high rates of recurrence and multifocality. KPOCs included orthokeratinised odontogenic cyst (OOC) and parakeratotic odontogenic cysts, which are now considered true tumours denominated keratocystic odontogenic tumours (KCOTs). GLUT1 is a protein transporter that is involved in the active uptake of glucose across cell membranes and that is overexpressed in tumours in close correlation with the proliferation rate and positron emission tomography (PET) imaging results. Methods: A series of 58 keratin-producing odontogenic cysts was evaluated histologically and immunohistochemi…
Multiple granular cell tumors with metachronous occurrence in tongue and vulva. Clinicopathological and immunohistochemical study
Granular cell tumor (GCT) usually occurs as a single tumor, although sometimes multiple lesions can occur. In present report we analyze the clinicopathological and immunohistochemical features of a multiple GCT involving the tongue of a 14-year-old girl, with no other abnormalities, with a metachronous occurrence of a second GCT in vulva, after a period of 10 years. Both tumors revealed S-100, vimentin and CD57 positivity. In addition, over expression of calretinin was observed in tumor cells located in the vicinity of pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia (PEH) of the tongue. Tumor vasculature situated close to the PEH showed marked CD105 reactivity, data not described so far, suggesting an in…
Expresión de SDHB en el tumor de Warthin
Resumen Introduccion El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar la expresion de la succinodeshidrogenasa B (SDHB), enzima perteneciente al complejo mitocondrial II, en el tumor de Warthin analizando su relacion con los cambios oncociticos, un dato morfologico constante en este tipo tumoral. Material y metodos En una serie de 10 tumores de Warthin, todos parotideos, se analizo en los especimenes de reseccion tumoral la expresion de SDHB utilizando un anticuerpo monoclonal comercializado. Resultados Los 10 tumores afectaron a 10 varones (edad media: 64, 2 anos; rango: 40-80) , todos ellos con antecedentes de habito tabaquico, y 2 con afectacion bilateral metacronica. Dos pacientes presentar…
Utilidad del anticuerpo antimitocondrial 113-1 en el diagnóstico y categorización de los tumores de glándula salival con diferenciación oncocítica
Introduction and objectives: Salivary gland tumours usually show great variability both in their morphopathology as well as their clinical behaviour. In the present study, the usefulness of
Usefulness of antimitochondrial antibody 113-1 in diagnosis and classification of salivary gland tumours with oncocytic differentiation
Abstract Introduction and objectives Salivary gland tumours usually show great variability both in their morphopathology as well as their clinical behaviour. In the present study, the usefulness of antimitochondrial monoclonal antibody 113-1 in the diagnosis and categorization of salivary tumours was studied. Material and methods A series of 22 benign and malignant salivary tumours and 5 non-tumoral salivary gland specimens were immunohistochemically analysed using an antimitochondrial monoclonal antibody (Ab Mo 113-1), which recognises a non-glycosylated mitochondrial protein of 60 Kd. Results The use of this antibody allowed us to recognize all salivary tumours with oncocytic differentiat…
Estudio clínicopatológico e inmunohistoquímico de la pigmentación oral por amalgama
Resumen El tatuaje por amalgama, la pigmentacion exogena oral mas frecuente, puede en ocasiones simular lesiones melanicas y ser motivo de estudio biopsico. Se presentan las caracteristicas clinicopatologicas de 6 pacientes (5 mujeres y un varon) biopsiados por pigmentacion oral por amalgama. La localizacion mas frecuente fue la mucosa gingival, seguida de la yugal y palatina. La morfologia y distribucion (estromal, perivascular, perineural y endomisial) de la pigmentacion fue variable, apreciando solo en un caso reaccion capsular fibrosa e igualmente, solo en un caso, reaccion granulomatosa tipo cuerpo extrano. Esta variabilidad morfologica esta condicionada por la cuantia y cronologia del…
Orthokeratinized odontogenic cysts: a Spanish tertiary care centre study based on HPV DNA detection
Abstract Background The role of human papillomavirus (HPV) in orthokeratinized odontogenic cysts (OOCs) has rarely been studied. The objective is to describe the clinicopathological findings in a series of OOCs from a Spanish population that were investigated in relation to the possible presence of HPV. Methods A clinicopathological retrospective analysis followed by a molecular analysis of 28 high- and low-risk HPV genotypes was performed in OOC samples of patients seen during the last 15-years in a Spanish tertiary care center. Results Of 115 odontogenic cysts with keratinization, 16 cases of OOCs were confirmed and evaluated. OOCs occurred predominantly in the mandible of males (mean age…
Immunomorphological differential diagnosis of maxillary cystic lesions with keratinization
Objetivos: Los quistes maxilares con queratinización son formas lesionales de carácter controvertido y de relevancia clínica, dada la implicación clínico-evolutiva del llamado tumor odontogénico queratoquístico (TOQ). En el presente estudio nos planteamos valorar la utilidad de las técnicas inmunohistoquímicas en la identificación de estas lesiones. Material y métodos: Se analizan de forma retrospectiva las lesiones quísticas maxilares dotadas de fenómenos de queratinización interna, diagnosticadas en un mismo centro hospitalario, a lo largo de un periodo de 4 años, realizando un estudio inmunohistoquímico mediante la aplicación de un panel de cinco anticuerpos (Ki67, Bcl-2, p53, CK19, D2-4…
Diagnóstico diferencial inmunomorfológico de las lesiones quísticas maxilares con queratinización
ResumenObjetivosLos quistes maxilares con queratinización son formas lesionales de carácter controvertido y de relevancia clínica, dada la implicación clínico-evolutiva del llamado tumor odontogénico queratoquístico (TOQ). En el presente estudio nos planteamos valorar la utilidad de las técnicas inmunohistoquímicas en la identificación de estas lesiones.Material y métodosSe analizan de forma retrospectiva las lesiones quísticas maxilares dotadas de fenómenos de queratinización interna, diagnosticadas en un mismo centro hospitalario, a lo largo de un periodo de 4 años, realizando un estudio inmunohistoquímico mediante la aplicación de un panel de cinco anticuerpos (Ki67, Bcl-2, p53, CK19, D2…