J. Khuyagbaatar

Spectroscopy along flerovium decay chains. II : Fine structure in odd-A289Fl

Fifteen correlated α-decay chains starting from the odd-A superheavy nucleus 289Fl were observed following the fusion-evaporation reaction 48Ca+244Pu. The results call for at least two parallel α-decay sequences starting from at least two different states of 289Fl. This implies that close-lying levels in nuclei along these chains have quite different spin-parity assignments. Further, observed α-electron and α-photon coincidences, as well as the α-decay fine structure along the decay chains, suggest a change in the ground-state spin assignment between 285Cn and 281Ds. Our experimental results, on the excited level structure of the heaviest odd-N nuclei to date, provide a direct testing groun…

research product

High brilliance uranium beams for the GSI FAIR

The 40 years old GSI-UNILAC (Universal Linear Accelerator) as well as the heavy ion synchrotron SIS18 will serve as a high current heavy ion injector for the new FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) synchrotron SIS100. In the context of an advanced machine investigation program in combination with the ongoing UNILAC upgrade program, a new uranium beam intensity record (11.5 emA, ${\mathrm{U}}^{29+}$) at very high beam brilliance was achieved recently in a machine experiment campaign. This is an important step paving the way to fulfill the FAIR heavy ion high intensity beam requirements. Results of high current uranium beam measurements applying a newly developed pulsed hydrogen g…

research product

The identification and confirmation of isomeric states in 254Rf and 255Rf through conversion electron detection

Abstract The neutron-deficient isotopes 254,255Rf were produced in the fusion-evaporation reaction 50Ti + 206Pb at the gas-filled recoil separator TASCA. Decay properties of these nuclei were investigated by applying fast digital electronics. A search for isomeric states in both isotopes was performed by using the accompanying conversion electron emissions. Isomeric states with half-lives of 4(1) μs and >30 μs were measured for 254Rf and 255Rf, respectively, which confirm the findings at different separators. The present experimental results demonstrate the great potential of fast digital electronics for measurements of isomeric states in the heaviest nuclei, which are only producible in sm…

research product

In-beam spectroscopic study of Cf244

The ground-state rotational band of the neutron-deficient californium (Z = 98) isotope 244Cf was identified for the first time and measured up to a tentative spin and parity of I I-pi = 20(+). The observation of the rotational band indicates that the nucleus is deformed. The kinematic and dynamic moments of inertia were deduced from the measured gamma-ray transition energies. The behavior of the dynamic moment of inertia revealed an up-bend due to a possible alignment of coupled nucleons in high-j orbitals starting at a rotational frequency of about (h) over bar (omega) = 0.20 MeV. The results were compared with the systematic behavior of the even-even N = 146 isotones as well as with avail…

research product

Towards saturation of the electron-capture delayed fission probability : The new isotopes 240Es and 236Bk

The new neutron-deficient nuclei 240Es and 236Bk were synthesised at the gas-filled recoil separator RITU. They were identified by their radioactive decay chains starting from 240Es produced in the fusion–evaporation reaction 209Bi(34S,3n)240Es. Half-lives of 6(2) sand 22+13−6swere obtained for 240Es and 236Bk, respectively. Two groups of αparticles with energies Eα=8.19(3) MeVand 8.09(3) MeVwere unambiguously assigned to 240Es. Electron-capture delayed fission branches with probabilities of 0.16(6)and 0.04(2)were measured for 240Es and 236Bk, respectively. These new data show a continuation of the exponential increase of ECDF probabilities in more neutron-deficient isotopes. peerReviewed

research product

Stability of the heaviest elements: K isomer in No250

Decay spectroscopy of No250 has been performed using digital electronics and pulse-shape analysis of the fast nuclear decays for the first time. Previous studies of No250 reported two distinct fission decay lifetimes, related to the direct fission of the ground state and to the decay of an isomeric state but without the possibility to determine if the isomeric state decayed directly via fission or via internal electromagnetic transitions to the ground state. The data obtained in the current experiment allowed the puzzle to finally be resolved, attributing the shorter half-life of t1/2=3.8±0.3μs to the ground state and the longer half-life t1/2=34.9−3.2+3.9μs to the decay of an isomeric stat…

research product

Measurement of Evaporation Residue and Fission Cross Sections of the Reaction 30Si + 238U at Subbarrier Energies

Effects of the prolate deformation of 238 U on fusion were studied in the reaction 30 Si + 238 U at bombarding energies close to the Coulomb barrier. The fission (capture) cross sections were measured at the JAEA tandem accelerator to see the enhancement of the cross sections in the subbarrier energy due to the lower Coulomb barrier in the collisions of projectile at the polar sides of 238 U. In order to obtain the direct evidence for complete fusion, evaporation residue cross sections were measured at UNILAC of GSI. At the subbarrier energy of Ec.m. = 133.0 MeV, where only polar collisions to 238 U occur, we measured three spontaneously fissioning nuclei which we assigned to the isotope 26…

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First Study on Nihonium (Nh, Element 113) Chemistry at TASCA

Frontiers in Chemistry 9, 753738 (2021). doi:10.3389/fchem.2021.753738

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Complex chemistry with complex compounds

In recent years gas-phase chemical studies assisted by physical pre-separation allowed for the investigation of fragile single molecular species by gas-phase chromatography. The latest success with the heaviest group 6 transactinide seaborgium is highlighted. The formation of a very volatile hexacarbonyl compound Sg(CO)6 was observed similarly to its lighter homologues molybdenum and tungsten. The interactions of these gaseous carbonyl complex compounds with quartz surfaces were investigated by thermochromatography. Second-generation experiments are under way to investigate the intramolecular bond between the central metal atom of the complexes and the ligands addressing the influence of re…

research product

Stability of the heaviest elements : K isomer in 250No

Decay spectroscopy of 250No has been performed using digital electronics and pulse-shape analysis of the fast nuclear decays for the first time. Previous studies of 250No reported two distinct fission decay lifetimes, related to the direct fission of the ground state and to the decay of an isomeric state but without the possibility to determine if the isomeric state decayed directly via fission or via internal electromagnetic transitions to the ground state. The data obtained in the current experiment allowed the puzzle to finally be resolved, attributing the shorter half-life of t1/2 = 3.8 ± 0.3 μs to the ground state and the longer half-life t1/2 = 34.9+3.9 −3.2 μs to the decay of an isom…

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Systematic evidence for quasifission in Be9−, C12−, and O16 -induced reactions forming No258,260

research product

Decay studies of new isomeric states in 255No

The decay of excited states in 255No was investigated by applying the evaporation-residue–conversion-electron correlation technique. Two new isomeric states were observed in 255No together with the previously known one. Excitation energies of the isomeric states were estimated based on the energies of conversion electrons and γ rays from correlation chains. These results were in accord with theoretical calculations based on the mean-field models. A tentative decay scheme of isomeric states in 255No is proposed, and their Nilsson configurations are discussed. The energy decrease of the 11/2−[725] Nilsson level for heavy N=153 isotones as a function of increasing proton number is confirmed. p…

research product

The 48Ca+181Ta reaction: Cross section studies and investigation of neutron-deficient 86 ≤ Z ≤ 93 isotopes

© 2019 Fusion-evaporation reactions with the doubly magic projectile 48 Ca were used to access neutron-deficient nuclei around neptunium at the velocity filter SHIP, and investigated using the COMPASS decay spectroscopy station. With the use of digital electronics, several isotopes produced via neutron, proton, and α evaporation channels were identified by establishing correlated α-decay chains with short-lived sub-μs members. Data are given on decay chains stemming from 225,226 Np, 225 U, and 222,223 Pa. New information on the isotopes 225,226 Np and 222 Pa was obtained. Production cross sections of nuclei in the region using a variety of projectiles are discussed. The measured production …

research product

Isomeric states in Rf256

The question of the number and origin of isomeric states in $^{256}\mathrm{Rf}$ arose from two independent experiments but remained unanswered for a decade. To shed light on this puzzle, we studied isomeric decay in $^{256}\mathrm{Rf}$ by measuring conversion electrons with fast fully digital electronics. $^{256}\mathrm{Rf}$ was produced in the fusion-evaporation reactions of $^{50}\mathrm{Ti}+^{207}\mathrm{Pb}$ and $^{50}\mathrm{Ti}+^{208}\mathrm{Pb}$ at the gas-filled recoil separator TransActinide Separator and Chemistry Apparatus. Among a total of 120 decays of $^{256}\mathrm{Rf}$, we detected 22 and 12 decays proceeding through one and two isomeric states. Half-lives of the low- and hi…

research product

Towards saturation of the electron-capture delayed fission probability: The new isotopes $^{240}Es$ and $^{236}Bk$

Abstract The new neutron-deficient nuclei 240 Es and 236 Bk were synthesised at the gas-filled recoil separator RITU. They were identified by their radioactive decay chains starting from 240 Es produced in the fusion–evaporation reaction 209 Bi( 34 S,3n) 240 Es. Half-lives of 6 ( 2 ) s and 22 − 6 + 13 s were obtained for 240 Es and 236 Bk, respectively. Two groups of α particles with energies E α = 8.19 ( 3 ) MeV and 8.09 ( 3 ) MeV were unambiguously assigned to 240 Es. Electron-capture delayed fission branches with probabilities of 0.16 ( 6 ) and 0.04 ( 2 ) were measured for 240 Es and 236 Bk, respectively. These new data show a continuation of the exponential increase of ECDF probabilitie…

research product

Zeptosecond contact times for element Z=120 synthesis

The synthesis of new superheavy elements beyond oganesson (Z=118) requires fusion reactions with projectile nuclei with proton numbers larger than that of $^{48}$Ca (Z=20), which has been successfully employed for the synthesis of elements with Z=112-118. In such reactions, fusion is drastically hindered by fast non-equilibrated dynamical processes. Attempts to produce nuclei with Z=120 using the $^{64}$Ni+$^{238}$U, $^{58}$Fe+$^{244}$Pu, $^{54}$Cr+$^{248}$Cm, and $^{50}$Ti+$^{249}$Cf reactions have been made, which all result in larger Coulomb forces than for $^{48}$Ca-induced reactions, but no discovery has been confirmed to date. In this work, mass and angle distributions of fission frag…

research product

Measurements of charge state distributions of 0.74 and 1.4  MeV/u heavy ions passing through dilute gases

In many modern heavy-ion accelerator facilities, gas strippers are used to increase the projectile charge state for improving the acceleration efficiency of ion beams to higher energies. For this application, the knowledge on the behavior of charge state distributions of heavy-ions after passing through dilute gases is of special interest. Charge state distributions of uranium ($^{238}\mathrm{U}$), bismuth ($^{209}\mathrm{Bi}$), titanium ($^{50}\mathrm{Ti}$), and argon ($^{40}\mathrm{Ar}$) ion beams with energies of $0.74\text{ }\mathrm{MeV}/\mathrm{u}$ and $1.4\text{ }\mathrm{MeV}/\mathrm{u}$ after passing through hydrogen (${\mathrm{H}}_{2}$), helium (He), carbon dioxide (${\mathrm{CO}}_{…

research product

Study of fusion reactions forming Cf nuclei

The formation of a compound nucleus in different projectile and target combinations is a powerful method for investigating the fusion process. Recently, the dominance of quasi-fission over fusion-fission has been inferred for 34 S+208 Pb in comparison to 36 S+206 Pb; both reactions lead to the compound nucleus 242 Cf* .The mass and angle distributions of the fission fragments from these reactions were studied in order to further investigate the presence of quasi-fission.

research product

Developments for resonance ionization laser spectroscopy of the heaviest elements at SHIP

Abstract The experimental determination of atomic levels and the first ionization potential of the heaviest elements ( Z ⩾ 100 ) is key to challenge theoretical predictions and to reveal changes in the atomic shell structure. These elements are only artificially produced in complete-fusion evaporation reactions at on-line facilities such as the GSI in Darmstadt at a rate of, at most, a few atoms per second. Hence, highly sensitive spectroscopic methods are required. Laser spectroscopy is one of the most powerful and valuable tools to investigate atomic properties. In combination with a buffer-gas filled stopping cell, the Radiation Detected Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (RADRIS) techniq…

research product

COMPASS—A COMPAct decay spectroscopy set-up

Abstract A compact silicon detector array with high spatial granularity and fast, fully digital data recording has been developed and commissioned for the investigation of heavy and superheavy nuclear species. The detector array can be combined in close geometry with large volume germanium detectors. It offers comprehensive particle and photon coincidence and correlation spectroscopy by highly efficient evaporation residue, α , γ , conversion electron and X-ray detection supported by the high granularity of the implantation chip. Access to fast decay events in the sub-microsecond region is made possible by the fast timing properties of the digital signal processing. A novel Si-chip support …

research product

Nuclear structure dependence of fusion hindrance in heavy element synthesis

The production of the heaviest elements in fusion-evaporation reactions is substantially limited by very low cross sections, as fusion cross sections (including fusion-fission) are greatly reduced by the competing quasifission mechanism. Using the Australian National University Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility and CUBE detector array, fission fragments from the $^{48}\mathrm{Ti}+^{204,208}\mathrm{Pb}$ and $^{50}\mathrm{Ti}+^{206,208}\mathrm{Pb}$ reactions have been measured, with the aim to investigate how the competition between quasifission and fusion-fission evolves with small changes in entrance-channel properties associated mainly with the nuclear structure. Analysis of mass-distribution…

research product

Mass-asymmetric fission in the 40ca+142Nd reaction

Shell effects play a major role in fission. Mass-asymmetric fission observed in the spontaneous and low energy fission of actinide nuclei was explained by incorporating the fragment shell properties in liquid drop model. Asymmetric fission has also been observed in the low energy fission of neutron-deficient 180 Hg nuclei in recent β -delayed fission experiments. This low-energy β -delayed fission has been explained in terms of strong shell effects in pre-scission configurations associated with the system after capture. Calculations predicted asymmetric fission for heavier Hg isotopes as well, at compound nuclear excitation energy as high as 40 MeV. To explore the evolution of fission fragm…

research product

Spectroscopy along flerovium decay chains. III : Details on experiment, analysis, 282Cn, and spontaneous fission branches

Flerovium isotopes (element Z=114) were produced in the fusion-evaporation reactions 48Ca+242,244Pu and studied with an upgraded TASISpec decay station placed in the focal plane of the gas-filled separator TASCA at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, Germany. Twenty-nine flerovium decay chains were identified by means of correlated implantation, α decay, and spontaneous fission events. Data analysis aspects and statistical assessments, primarily based on measured rates of various events, which laid the foundation for the comprehensive spectroscopic information on the flerovium decay chains, are presented in detail. Various decay scenarios of an excited state obse…

research product

On the adsorption and reactivity of element 114, flerovium

Flerovium (Fl, element 114) is the heaviest element chemically studied so far. To date, its interaction with gold was investigated in two gas-solid chromatography experiments, which reported two different types of interaction, however, each based on the level of a few registered atoms only. Whereas noble-gas-like properties were suggested from the first experiment, the second one pointed at a volatile-metal-like character. Here, we present further experimental data on adsorption studies of Fl on silicon oxide and gold surfaces, accounting for the inhomogeneous nature of the surface, as it was used in the experiment and analyzed as part of the reported studies. We confirm that Fl is highly v…

research product

Applications of the pulsed gas stripper technique at the GSI UNILAC

Abstract In the frame of an upgrade program for the GSI UNILAC, preparing it for the use as an injector system for FAIR, a pulsed gas stripper cell was developed. It utilizes the required low duty cycle by applying a pulsed gas injection instead of a continuous gas inlet. The resulting lower gas consumption rate enables the use of low-Z gas targets over a wide range of stripper target thicknesses. The setup enables an increased flexibility for the accelerator by allowing the gas stripper to be used in time-sharing beam operation matching the capabilities of the GSI UNILAC like the acceleration of different ion beams in quasi-parallel operation. Measured charge state distributions of 238 U, …

research product

Charge-state dynamics of 1.4- and 11-MeV/u uranium ions penetrating H2 and He gas targets

Abstract Theoretical description and interpretation are presented of the recent experimental data on stripping of fast 238U ions, penetrating H2 and He gaseous targets: obtained in GSI, Darmstadt, Germany at 1.4 MeV/u with a H2 stripper, and in RIKEN, Saitama, Japan at 11 MeV/u with H2 and He strippers. Electron-loss and capture cross sections for uranium ions, interacting with H2 and He targets are calculated and used as input data in the BREIT code to obtain dynamic characteristics of uranium-ion beams: non-equilibrium and equilibrium charge-state fractions, mean and equilibrium charges, and equilibrium thicknesses. Special attention is paid for the calculation of the dynamic characterist…

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Upgrade preparation for the 1.4 MeV/u gas stripper system for FAIR

GSI Scientific Report 2013 - GSI Report 2014-1

research product

Quasifission Dynamics in the Formation of Superheavy Elements

The European physical journal / Web of Conferences 163, 00023 - (2017). doi:10.1051/epjconf/201716300023

research product

Search for Electron-Capture Delayed Fission in the New Isotope Md244

The electron-capture decay followed by a prompt fission process was searched for in the hitherto unknown most neutron-deficient Md isotope with mass number 244. Alpha decay with $\ensuremath{\alpha}$-particle energies of 8.73--8.86 MeV and with a half-life of ${0.30}_{\ensuremath{-}0.09}^{+0.19}\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{s}$ was assigned to $^{244}\mathrm{Md}$. No fission event with a similar half-life potentially originating from spontaneous fissioning of the short-lived electron-capture decay daughter $^{244}\mathrm{Fm}$ was observed, which results in an upper limit of 0.14 for the electron-capture branching of $^{244}\mathrm{Md}$. Two groups of fission events with half-lives of ${0.9}_{\ens…

research product

New Short-Lived IsotopeU221and the Mass Surface NearN=126

Two short-lived isotopes ^{221}U and ^{222}U were produced as evaporation residues in the fusion reaction ^{50}Ti+^{176}Yb at the gas-filled recoil separator TASCA. An α decay with an energy of E_{α}=9.31(5)  MeV and half-life T_{1/2}=4.7(7)  μs was attributed to ^{222}U. The new isotope ^{221}U was identified in α-decay chains starting with E_{α}=9.71(5)  MeV and T_{1/2}=0.66(14)  μs leading to known daughters. Synthesis and detection of these unstable heavy nuclei and their descendants were achieved thanks to a fast data readout system. The evolution of the N=126 shell closure and its influence on the stability of uranium isotopes are discussed within the framework of α-decay reduced widt…

research product

Quasifission in heavy and superheavy element formation reactions

Superheavy elements are created in the laboratory by the fusion of two heavy nuclei. The large Coulomb repulsion that makes superheavy elements decay also makes the fusion process that forms them very unlikely. Instead, after sticking together for a short time, the two nuclei usually come apart, in a process called quasifission. Mass-angle distributions give the most direct information on the characteristics and time scales of quasifission. A systematic study of carefully chosen mass-angle distributions has provided information on the global trends of quasifission. Large deviations from these systematics reveal the major role played by the nuclear structure of the two colliding nuclei in de…

research product

Recoil-alpha-fission and Recoil-alpha-alpha-fission Chains Stemming from Element 115

GSI Scientific Report 2014 - GSI Report 2015-1

research product

In-beam spectroscopic study of $^{244}$Cf

The ground-state rotational band of the neutron-deficient californium ( Z = 98 ) isotope 244 Cf was identified for the first time and measured up to a tentative spin and parity of I π = 20 + . The observation of the rotational band indicates that the nucleus is deformed. The kinematic and dynamic moments of inertia were deduced from the measured γ -ray transition energies. The behavior of the dynamic moment of inertia revealed an up-bend due to a possible alignment of coupled nucleons in high- j orbitals starting at a rotational frequency of about ℏ ω = 0.20 MeV . The results were compared with the systematic behavior of the even-even N = 146 isotones as well as with available theoretical c…

research product

Study of non-fusion products in the 50Ti + 249Cf reaction

Physics letters / B B 784, 199 - 205 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2018.07.058

research product

Spontaneous fission instability of the neutron-deficient No and Rf isotopes: The new isotope No249

In the heaviest elements, the instability of atomic nuclei against spontaneous fission leads to ever shorter nuclear half-lives. Upon falling below a timescale of ${10}^{\ensuremath{-}14}$ s, the border of existence of isotopes is crossed because this is the timescale on which the formation of atomic shells occurs. Analysis of the experimental data on the spontaneous fission half-lives of Rf isotopes in relation with their expected single-particle orbitals hint at a potentially abrupt decrease in half-lives of unknown neutron-deficient Rf isotopes with neutron numbers $l149$, which suggests that the isotopic border is already almost reached. However, this conjecture, which cannot be explain…

research product

Spectroscopic Tools Applied to Element Z = 115 Decay Chains

Nuclides that are considered to be isotopes of element Z = 115 were produced in the reaction 48Ca + 243Am at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung Darmstadt. The detector setup TASISpec was used. It was mounted behind the gas-filled separator TASCA. Thirty correlated α-decay chains were found, and the energies of the particles were determined with high precision. Two important spectroscopic aspects of the offline data analysis are discussed in detail: the handling of digitized preamplified signals from the silicon strip detectors, and the energy reconstruction of particles escaping to upstream detectors relying on pixel-by-pixel dead-layer thicknesses.

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Excitation energy dependence of fragment-mass distributions from fission of 180,190 Hg formed in fusion reactions of 36 Ar + 144,154 Sm

Physics letters / B 748, 89 - 94 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2015.06.068

research product

Spectroscopy along Flerovium Decay Chains: Discovery ofDs280and an Excited State inCn282

A nuclear spectroscopy experiment was conducted to study α-decay chains stemming from isotopes of flerovium (element Z=114). An upgraded TASISpec decay station was placed behind the gas-filled separator TASCA at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, Germany. The fusion-evaporation reactions ^{48}Ca+^{242}Pu and ^{48}Ca+^{244}Pu provided a total of 32 flerovium-candidate decay chains, of which two and eleven were firmly assigned to ^{286}Fl and ^{288}Fl, respectively. A prompt coincidence between a 9.60(1)-MeV α particle event and a 0.36(1)-MeV conversion electron marked the first observation of an excited state in an even-even isotope of the heaviest man-made eleme…

research product

Mechanisms Suppressing Superheavy Element Yields in Cold Fusion Reactions.

Superheavy elements are formed in fusion reactions which are hindered by fast nonequilibrium processes. To quantify these, mass-angle distributions and cross sections have been measured, at beam energies from below-barrier to 25% above, for the reactions of $^{48}\mathrm{Ca}$, $^{50}\mathrm{Ti}$, and $^{54}\mathrm{Cr}$ with $^{208}\mathrm{Pb}$. Moving from $^{48}\mathrm{Ca}$ to $^{54}\mathrm{Cr}$ leads to a drastic fall in the symmetric fission yield, which is reflected in the measured mass-angle distribution by the presence of competing fast nonequilibrium deep inelastic and quasifission processes. These are responsible for reduction of the compound nucleus formation probablity ${P}_{CN}$ …

research product

Sensitive search for near-symmetric and super-asymmetric fusion-fission of the superheavy element Flerovium (Z=114)

Physics letters / B 820, 136601 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2021.136601

research product


We have performed an experiment to synthesize the element 117 (Ts) with the $^{48}$Ca+$^{249}$Bk fusion reaction. Four $\alpha$-decay chains attributed to the element 117 were observed. Two of them were long decay chains which can be assigned to the one originating from the $\alpha$ decay of $^{294}$Ts. The other two were short decay chains which are consistent with the one originating from the $\alpha$ decay of $^{293}$Ts. We have compared the present results with the literature data, and found that our present results mostly confirmed the literature data, leading to the firm confirmation of the synthesis of the element 117.

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Quantum-state-selective decay spectroscopy of 213Ra

An experimental scheme combining the mass resolving power of a Penning trap with contemporary decay spectroscopy has been established at GSI Darmstadt. The Universal Linear Accelerator (UNILAC) at GSI Darmstadt provided a 48Ca beam impinging on a thin 170Er target foil. Subsequent to velocity filtering of reaction products in the Separator for Heavy Ion reaction Products (SHIP), the nuclear ground state of the 5n evaporation channel 213Ra was mass-selected in SHIPTRAP, and the 213Ra ions were finally transferred into an array of silicon strip detectors surrounded by large composite germanium detectors. Based on comprehensive geant4 simulations and supported by theoretical calculations, the …

research product