José Devís-devís

Screen time and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity changes and displacement in adolescence: A prospective cohort study.

This paper determines longitudinal changes in the time Spanish adolescents devote to moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and screen media activity (SMA). Moreover, it examines the displacement hypothesis between time spent on SMA and MVPA.A cohort of 755 adolescents participated in a prospective cohort study over a three-year period. Repeated measures ANOVA to highlight interaction effects among all variables and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) techniques were employed.Age and gender-related variations in longitudinal changes in time spent on MVPA and SMA evolved in the inverse direction (decreased on MVPA/increased on SMA) according to the ANOVA. The potential displacement bet…

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Uso de blogs en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte

Se describe la experiencia de un proyecto de innovación educativa que consistió en el diseño, desarrollo y evaluación de diversos usos de blogs y que se desarrolló en la Universitat de València, durante el curso académico 2009-10. El análisis refleja la heterogeneidad con la que los diferentes profesores dieron respuesta a los problemas específicos planteados en sus materias. La principal conclusión es que esta flexibilidad en el uso de los blogs supone una singular ventaja para la innovación en educación superior centrada en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes.

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Validación de una versión reducida en español del instrumento Barriers to Physical Activity Questionnaire for People with Mobility Impairments

Objetivo. Validar una versión reducida en español del ins­trumento Barriers to Physical Activity Questionnaire for People with Mobility Impairments (BPAQ-MI), aplicable a diferentes tipos de discapacidad. Material y métodos. El cuestio­nario fue aplicado a 791 universitarios con discapacidad. La estructura factorial se validó mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio y, para valorar la validez criterial, se llevaron a cabo correlaciones de Spearman. La fiabilidad se evaluó mediante el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. Resultados. El modelo propuesto reveló buenos índices de ajuste y una ex­celente consistencia interna (α=0.920). Surgieron relaciones negativas entre las barreras experimentada…

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Abjection and alterity in the imagining of transgender in physical education and sport: a pedagogical approach in higher education

In physical education (PE) and sports there is little theoretical and empirical knowledge about transgender people, and particularly, on how they are and can be imagined within this context. In this paper, we present and analyze a pedagogical activity based on the reading and discussion of a fictional representation of a transgender person within a group of undergraduate students of Sport Sciences. Our theoretical frame situates abjection and alterity as opposing concepts on a continuum. Results show several ways in which a transgender person is imagined by students, as well as constraints and possibilities for the pedagogical proposal to promote moral imagining of transgender. Students sit…

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El pensamiento del alumnado inactivo sobre sus experiencias negativas en educación física: los discursos del rendimiento, salutismo y masculinidad hegemónica. [Inactive student thinking on their negative experiences in physical education: discourses of performance, healthism and hegemonic masculinity].

El propósito de este estudio es el análisis del pensamiento de los estudiantes inactivos sobre sus experiencias negativas en educación física y los discursos sociales asociados a ellas. Siete estudiantes de Bachillerato, cuatro chicos y tres chicas, clasificados como inactivos en una fase de investigación cuantitativa previa, participaron en entrevistas semiestructuradas. Cuatro temas resultaron del análisis temático de las experiencias negativas contadas por el alumnado. El primero mostraba cómo los estudiantes inactivos sufren las consecuencias de unas clases y evaluación orientadas por el profesorado hacia el rendimiento físico, especialmente los chicos obesos y las chicas con baja compe…

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Este articulo muestra sucintamente las principales criticas y potencialidades de la investigacion narrativa en el campo de la educacion fisica y el deporte. Tambien se presentan los estudios desarrollados hasta la actualidad en este campo. En primer lugar, aquellos que han puesto el enfasis en las voces y las experiencias de determinados colectivos marginados hasta ese momento. Posteriormente, se presentan los estudios que enfatizan las historias, las maneras de contarlas y las consecuencias que tienen para quienes las cuentan. Tambien se repasan las principales contribuciones en lengua portuguesa y espanola. El articulo finaliza introduciendo las contribuciones que se presentan en este num…

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Socio-ecological analysis of trans people’s participation in physical activity and sport

The purpose of this study is to explore and provide understanding of trans people’s participation in physical activity and sport through the socio-ecological perspective. A total of 43 Spanish trans people (21 trans women, 17 trans men and 5 with ‘other self-identifications’), between 15 and 62 years old, participated in semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis identified six main themes, which highlight the multidimensional relations between individual, social and environmental factors in trans people’s participation in physical activity and sport. Results reveal that the importance of body appearance for ‘passing’ and the fear of being unmasked affect their participation. Trans peop…

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Does Sedentary Behavior Predict Academic Performance in Adolescents or the Other Way Round? A Longitudinal Path Analysis.

This study examined whether adolescents’ time spent on sedentary behaviors (academic, technological-based and social-based activities) was a better predictor of academic performance than the reverse. A cohort of 755 adolescents participated in a three-year period study. Structural Equation Modeling techniques were used to test plausible causal hypotheses. Four competing models were analyzed to determine which model best fitted the data. The Best Model was separately tested by gender. The Best Model showed that academic performance was a better predictor of sedentary behaviors than the other way round. It also indicated that students who obtained excellent academic results were more likely t…

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Harassment patterns and risk profile in Spanish trans person

This article describes the harassment patterns and the risk profile in trans people living in Spain. A sample of 212 trans persons, aged 10-62, participated in this cross-sectional study. Results showed a high percentage of harassment (59.9%) and frequency of daily harassment (12.6%), especially verbal attacks (59%) that occurred in public spaces (49.1%) and within educational contexts (46.2%). Harassment is more prevalent in trans women than men. Those who disclose their gender identities at a younger age experience higher percentages and frequency of harassment than those who disclose at an older age. They also suffer more harassment of different types. The risk profile of harassment indi…

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Como modalidad de investigación narrativa, la autoetnografía enfatiza la parte más personal del proceso de investigación. En este artículo, el relato autoetnográfico se utiliza para reflexionar sobre el trabajo de campo de un estudio etnográfico previo desarrollado en el polideportivo de una prisión de máxima seguridad española. Los datos recogidos en aquella ocasión han sido reexaminados ahora para explicitar críticamente los pasos dados. De este modo, se ponen de manifiesto tanto los dilemas éticos enfrentados, las complejas relaciones sociales que el proceso de investigación encerró, así como la falibilidad de las decisiones tomadas. 

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Competing Effects Between Screen Media Time and Physical Activity in Adolescent Girls: Clustering a Self-Organizing Maps Analysis.

Background:Previous research shows contradictory findings on potential competing effects between sedentary screen media usage (SMU) and physical activity (PA). This study examined these effects on adolescent girls via self-organizing maps analysis focusing on 3 target profiles.Methods:A sample of 1,516 girls aged 12 to 18 years self-reported daily time engagement in PA (moderate and vigorous intensity) and in screen media activities (TV/video/DVD, computer, and videogames), separately and combined.Results:Topological interrelationships from the 13 emerging maps indicated a moderate competing effect between physically active and sedentary SMU patterns. Higher SES and overweight status were l…

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Which are the patterns of video game use in Spanish school adolescents? Gender as a key factor

Abstract Video games are part of the technological revolution, and it is possible nowadays to play video games anytime and anywhere as a primary source of youth entertainment. The research question of this study refers to which are the patterns of video game usage by Spanish school adolescents. In particular, it analyzes the time and money spent on video games among Spanish teenage students of 11–19 years old (M = 13.98; SD ± 1.397), as well as the game platform and the type of video games used, according to type of day and, especially, gender of the player. A survey was applied to a representative sample of adolescent students (n = 1502) from Valencian Region (Spain). The results showed an…

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Autoría institucional de los trabajos publicados en revistas españolas de ciencias del deporte (1999-2005). (Institutional authorship of the papers published in Spanish journals of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences)

This paper analyzes the institutional contribution of institutions to the scientific production in the area of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences through the affiliation that appears in the articles of 16 Spanish journals between 1999 and 2005. The most productive institutions and the most active authors are identified, as well as the area of origin and participating institutional sectors. Institutional plurality for each journal is also studied by means of a quotient between the number of authors and institutions. The 1786 papers analyzed engage 2280 institutions. The most productive Autonomous Communities are Andalucia (14.61% of articles), Cataluna (14.11%), and Madrid (10.97%), while …

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"The Referee Plays to Be Insulted!": An Exploratory Qualitative Study on the Spanish Football Referees' Experiences of Aggression, Violence, and Coping.

Referees are essential participants in the sport of football. They are responsible for enforcing the rules and achieving the necessary impartiality for the matches. Referees are often target of hostile reactions from fans, players, and coaches. However, few studies have focused on these experiences and the strategies they use to manage them. In order to fill this gap, a qualitative interview-based study was developed to explore the experiences of a group of football referees (four males and four females) on aggression, violence, and coping. A thematic analysis was developed combining inductive and deductive processes. Results indicated that the most frequent aggressions experienced were ver…

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Gender differences in bicycle sharing system usage in the city of Valencia

Abstract Bicycle sharing systems (BSS) in cities are an environmentally friendly alternative to fossil-fuel-based transport. Among the different factors that influence its use, the scientific literature points out that there are gender differences in the frequency of trips made. The present study analysed the movements of men and women who use the BSS in the city of Valencia during weekdays. Our database contained a total of 5,300,328 trips by users over a period of 4 years. Ridership networks were constructed through user's trips (arcs) between the bicycle exchange stations (nodes). Different parameters of centrality and density of the generated networks were calculated, and the Voronoi sp…

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Narrative inquiry is a burgeoning form of research in social sciences that has received little attention in physical education and sport sciences. In this article, we seek to balance this situation by offering an understanding of what narrative inquiry can be and can offer to our field. In order to gain some theoretical purchase on a difficult field, we first define narrative. Next, a distillation of guiding assumptions and characteristics are offered. Finally, some reasons as to why narratives may be of benefit for the field of physical education and sport. In conclusion, we consider narrative inquiry as a useful, although problematic, way of theorizing and doing research in the domains of…

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Opening up to trans persons in Physical Education–Sport Tertiary Education: two case studies of recognition in queer pedagogy

ABSTRACTBackground: In western societies, commitment to social justice claims for politics of recognition when referring to gender diversity. Gender non-conforming people, such as trans persons, re...

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Comparison of physical activity and sedentary behaviours between young haemophilia A patients and healthy adolescents

In recent studies, adolescent haemophilia A patients and healthy adolescents have been encouraged to participate in physical activity (PA) based on its many established health benefits. However, none of the studies to date has used objective measures of PA and sedentary behaviour. The aims of the current study included: (i) to determine the amount and intensity of habitual PA among haemophilia A and healthy adolescents, and in haemophilia A patients with and without bleeding episodes in the previous year, and (ii) to identify the type and determine the time spent in sedentary activities in which both groups participate to obtain a broadened view of their daily activities. A total of 41 adol…

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Screen time among Spanish university students with disabilities: a self-organizing maps analysis

Abstract Background:Screen time can play a significant role in the health and quality of life of people with disabilities.However, there is a lack of studies on this issue among people with disabilities, and even fewer in the universitysetting. Thus, the aim of our study was to explore the relationships between screen time, disability grade, bodymass index (BMI), physical activity and sociodemographic variables (gender and socioeconomic status) in universitystudents with different disabilities. Methods:A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 1091 students with disabilities from 55 Spanishuniversities. Instruments used for data gathering were the Adolescent Sedentary Activity Qu…

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Athletic identity in Spanish adolescents: psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Athletic Identity Measurement Scale-E

Este estudio pretende determinar las propiedades psicométricas de la Athletic Identity Measurement Scale en su versión traducida al español y la identidad deportiva (ID) de una muestra de adolescentes españoles. El cuestionario se administró a 441 adolescentes de 12-18 años, clasificados en: adolescentes del Programa de Especialización Deportiva (PED), adolescentes no-PED activos y adolescentes no-PED inactivos. El análisis factorial confirmatorio reveló una estructura jerárquica y multidimensional de tres factores de primer orden (identidad social, exclusividad y afectividad negativa) y uno de segundo orden, la ID. Los resultados apoyan la adecuación de los ítems en sus respectivas subesca…

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La concepción cultural del deporte como una actividad predominantemente masculina ha dificultado la participación de algunos grupos sociales como mujeres, personas trans o intersexuales. El carácter sexuado del deporte se apoya en las diferencias fisiológicas entre mujeres y hombres, y una supuesta desventaja de las mujeres. Por ello, se establecen pruebas de sexo para las mujeres y el acceso de las personas trans e intersexuales se ve obstaculizado. En este estudio reconstruimos, a partir de las normativas y el contexto socio-histórico internacional, la evolución de la participación de personas trans e intersexuales en el deporte competitivo contemporáneo. Asimismo, se profundiza en la apl…

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Looking back into trans persons’ experiences in heteronormative secondary physical education contexts

ABSTRACTBackground: School is one of the primary settings where non-gender conformer children and adolescents emerge as vulnerable groups at high risk of suffering violence and harassment. Within schooling contexts, embodied experiences in physical education (PE) may become particularly problematic for trans students. However, there is little research focusing on trans persons’s experiences in PE. The purpose of this paper is to gather memories and impressions of a group of adult trans persons on their experiences in secondary PE.Theoretical framework: The concept of heteronormativity is used as a theoretical framework to provide insights and understanding to trans persons’s experiences in …

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Physical activity of university students with disabilities: accomplishment of recommendations and differences by age, sex, disability and weight status.

Abstract Objectives This article aims to study physical activity and the achievement of World Health Organization physical activity recommendations in university students with disabilities, and to examine differences by sex, age, disability characteristics and weight status. Study design Cross-sectional data from a wider research project conducted at the Spanish universities from Autumn 2016 to Autumn 2017 were analysed. Methods The International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form was administered to 1103 Spanish university students with different disabilities. Nonparametric tests were performed to examine the differences in physical activity based on the interest variables. Results…

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Metabolic and Functional Profile of Premenopausal Women With Metabolic Syndrome After Training With Elastics as Compared to Free Weights.

The aim of this study was to compare the effects of a strength training program (STP) using free weights (FW) versus elastic tubing (ET) in 62 premenopausal, sedentary women diagnosed with metabolic syndrome (MS). Participants were randomly assigned to the FW or ET experimental group (EG) or a control group whose members remained sedentary. Members of each EG followed their assigned STP for 12 weeks, and biomarkers (BMs) related to MS and motor function (MF) parameters were evaluated. Both EGs showed a significant reduction in C-reactive protein level and a positive trend in the other BMs. Almost all MF parameters increased significantly in both EGs. No positive changes were found in the C…

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Socio-critical research on teaching physical education and physical education teacher education

The purpose of this study is to systematically review the socio-critical research on teaching physical education (PE) and PE teacher education (PETE) between 1999 and 2014. The procedure followed a four-phase approach: (a) searching publications through four international databases; (b) meeting inclusion criteria; (c) refining selection to identify specifically research-based papers; and (d) expert searching based on the research team’s knowledge. The selection process yielded 23 articles mainly from Australia, New Zealand, the USA and Spain. Most of the research was authored collaboratively by male and female authors affiliated to universities. A lack of authorship shared with participant …

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As revistas espanholas em Ciências do esporte incluidas no Catálogo Latindex

Este artigo analisa as revistas espanholas em Ciências do esporte incluídas no Catálogo Latindex. Examinam-se as principais características editoriais das publicações, o conteúdo que oferecem na Internet e a evolução da presença das revistas espanholas no Catálogo desde 2004. Também são analisados sete indicadores básicos para avaliar a qualidade editorial das publicações, selecionados dentre os critérios Latindex. Os dados obtidos permitem traçar um panorama da situação destas revistas na Espanha, destacando a melhora produzida durante os últimos anos em sua normalização, indexação em bases de dados e adaptação à editoração eletrônica.

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Development and validation of the Barriers to Physical Activity and Sport Questionnaire for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning persons

Abstract Objective The objective of the study was to develop the Barriers to Physical Activity and Sport Questionnaire for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning (BPASQ-LGBTQ+ [encompassing all spectrums of sexuality and gender]) persons (BPASQ-LGBT), which measures barriers using a socio-ecological model, and to validate it through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Study design Validation study. Methods First, content validity was achieved by (a) developing a bank of items, (b) discussing the adequacy of the items in a committee of experts and classifying the selected ones under three socio-ecological levels (intrapersonal, interpersonal, environmental) and (…

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Gender differences in theory-based predictors of physical activity in university students with disabilities

Abstract University students with disabilities engage in physical activity to a lesser extent than their able-bodied peers, with women reporting less physical activity than men. The present study aimed to examine gender differences in theory-based predictors of physical activity in this population. Spanish university students with different disabilities (n = 1076) completed measures of the Theory of Planned Behaviour constructs and the reduced Spanish version of the Barriers to Physical Activity Questionnaire for People with Mobility Impairments. Self-efficacy and controllability were significantly lower in women and gender differences on the barriers predicting controllability were obtaine…

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The influence of body discourses on adolescents’ (non)participation in physical activity

ABSTRACTDrawing on semi-structured interviews with older adolescents, this article examines how healthism, ideal body discourses and performative body discourses influence their (non)participation in physical activity (PA) and their identity construction concerning exercise, sport and physical education. We illustrate that body transformation through PA, and related slim body desire and the fear of masculinised female bodies, affect adolescents’ decisions to engage in or drop out of sport. Also, a non-hegemonic body shape combined with a display of low physical competence triggers classmate and teachers’ rejection and marginalisation, affecting adolescents’ construction of embodied identiti…

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Open Journal Systems SCImago Journal & Country Rank Idioma/Language Ayuda de la revista Herramientas del artículo Imprimir este artículo Metadatos de indexación Cómo citar un elemento Referencias de búsqueda Enviar este artículo por correo electrónico Contenido de la revista Buscar Todos Autores/as Título Resumen/abstract Términos de indexación Texto completo/full text Examinar Por número Por autor/a Por título Usuario/a Ha iniciado sesión como admin Mis revistas Mi perfil Cerrar sesión Elementos relacionados Mostrar todos Inicio/home Acerca de../About.. Área Personal/user home Anuncios/news Estadísticas/Statistics Indexación/indexing Equipo editorial/Editorial Team Normas../Instruction to Author Actual/Current Números/archives Inicio/home > Vol. 18, núm. 68 (2022) > Galindo-Perdomo ¿Cuáles son los niveles de actividad física de los adolescentes colombianos?: El género y la edad como factores clave. [What are the levels of physical activity of Colombian adolescents?: Gender and age as key factors].

Los bajos niveles de actividad física entre los adolescentes latinoamericanos, al igual que en otros lugares, son objeto de preocupación social por sus consecuencias negativas a corto y largo plazo. En relación con esta problemática, este trabajo presenta un doble objetivo: a) describir el tiempo que dedican los adolescentes escolares colombianos a la actividad física (AF) moderada (AFM) y vigorosa (AFV), según edad y género; y b) conocer el porcentaje de (in)cumplimiento de la recomendación de realizar, al menos, 60 min/día de AF moderada-vigorosa (AFMV), según las variables sociodemográficas anteriores que indican los niveles de AF (activo, inactivo y muy inactivo) de esta población. Para…

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Involvement in sedentary activities and academic performance in adolescents: differences according to sociodemographic variables /Implicación en actividades sedentarias y rendimiento académico en adolescentes: diferencias según variables sociodemográficas

AbstractThis study provides a first-time analysis of the differences in the time dedicated each day to different sedentary activities (SA) (productive, technology-based recreation and social activities) and their relation with the academic performance of Spanish adolescents according to sex, school year and socioeconomic status (SES). The sample was made up of 681 participants (50.2% girls), between 12 and 18 years old, who completed self-reported questionnaires. The likelihood of obtaining lower levels of academic success increase in adolescents who spend two or more hours on social SAs and have a lower SES. With boys, this increases further if they spend four or more hours on SAs involvin…

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