Katja Mäkinen
Taidetta ja kohtaamisia : osallistujien kokemuksia EU:n osallistavassa hallinnassa
Erilaiset osallistavat käytännöt ovat yhä yleisempiä hallinnon eri tasoilla. Euroopan unionissa osallistumista pyritään lisäämään muun muassa ohjelmilla, joilla rahoitetaan kansalaisten yhteistoimintaa eri aloilla. Rahoitusta jaetaan hakemusten perusteella hankkeille, joilla kansalaisia halutaan osallistaa EU:n toimintaan ja joita koordinoivat tyypillisesti kuntien tai kansalaisjärjestöjen työntekijät. Sellaisina hankkeet ovat osa EU:n osallistavaa hallintaa. Tässä artikkelissa kysytään, miltä EU:n osallistava hallinta näyttää ruohonjuuritasolla opiskelijoiden taidetoimintaa järjestävässä European Citizen Campus-hankkeessa (ECC), jolle myönnettiin tukea EU:n Kulttuuri-ohjelmasta vuosina 201…
Multilevel Governance and Participation: Interpreting Democracy in EU-programmes
This article offers an ethnographically oriented, interpretive approach for the research into the democratic qualities of multilevel governance (MLG). The complex and networked MLG arrangements, such as the European Union's (EU) participatory policy practices, are changing the traditional roles of public administration and politics in ways we cannot yet fully foresee. Especially, the impact on democracy is subject to debate. With two case studies, this article seeks to shift the focus of the discussion on the democratic possibilities of MLG from theoretical analysis to empirical research into local and mundane experiences concerning EU policy implementation. The cases studied are the rural …
Long-Term Data Reveal the Associations of the Egg Quality With Abiotic Factors and Female Traits in the Baltic Herring Under Variable Environmental Conditions
In fish, the lipid resources of the female form a link between the environment and progeny, contributing to the contents of the egg yolk. Variation of the environmental conditions is therefore expected to affect the egg quality via maternal pathways, reflecting the female’s response to the environmental factors before spawning. We investigated the content of lipids and thyroid hormones in the ovary and eggs of the Baltic herring during 1988–2019, when salinity of the Baltic Sea first declined and then stabilized to a lower level, and winters varied between severe and mild. The total lipid resources of spawning females decreased by 40–50% during the study, and the ovarian lipid concentration…
A Sociocultural Approach to Children’s Visual Creations
AbstractThis chapter locates the book within the research on children’s art. It explores interpretations of children’s visual creations throughout the twentieth century and situates the approach of the book within the research landscape. The authors take developmental psychological, educational, and aesthetic approaches to form a sociocultural view of children’s art, challenging many of the previous research assumptions. Through adopting the paradigm of the sociocultural approach, the authors embrace its view of children as competent cultural actors and active participants in cultural production. Thus, the discussion focuses on meaning-making: the authors analyze visual artifacts made by st…
Europe from Below : Notions of Europe and the European among Participants in EU Cultural Initiatives
In this book, Tuuli Lähdesmäki, Katja Mäkinen, Viktorija L. A. Čeginskas, and Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus scrutinize how people who participate in cultural initiatives funded and governed by the European Union understand the idea of Europe. The book focuses on three cultural initiatives: the European Capital of Culture, the European Heritage Label, and a European Citizen Campus project funded through the Creative Europe programme. These initiatives are examined through field studies conducted in 12 countries between 2010 and 2018. The authors describe their approach as ‘ethnography of Europeanization’ and conceptualize the attempts at Europeanization in the European Union’s cultural policy as po…
Debating Citizenship
Monitoring of ticks and tick-borne pathogens through a nationwide research station network in Finland.
In 2015 a long-term, nationwide tick and tick-borne pathogen (TBP) monitoring project was started by the Finnish Tick Project and the Finnish Research Station network (RESTAT), with the goal of producing temporally and geographically extensive data regarding exophilic ticks in Finland. In the current study, we present results from the first four years of this collaboration. Ticks were collected by cloth dragging from 11 research stations across Finland in May September 2015-2018 (2012-2018 in Seili). Collected ticks were screened for twelve different pathogens by qPCR: Borrelia afzelii, Borrelia garinii, Borrelia valaisiana, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, Borrelia miyamotoi, Babesia sp…
Euroopan kulttuuriperintötunnus ja kansalaisten osallistuminen
Struggle and banality of belonging to Europe. Cultural Europeanization from the perspective of the Central and East European citizens
The European Union (EU) has developed cultural policy initiatives that seek to promote cultural Europeanization with the purpose of constructing European identity narratives and facilitating citizens’ sense of belonging to Europe and the EU. The article focuses on the citizens’ perspective to cultural Europeanization through ethnographic research on one central action in the EU cultural policy, European Heritage Label (EHL). We analyse the interviews conducted in selected EHL sites with Central and East European (CEE) citizens who were visiting the sites as well as with cultural heritage practitioners working at three EHL sites located in CEE countries. We ask how the practitioners and the …
Shaping Citizenship : A Political Concept in Theory, Debate, and Practice
Kansalaisten osallistuminen ja eurooppalainen identiteetti EU-asiakirjoissa
Genealogy of the Concept of Heritage in the European Commission’s Policy Discourse
This article investigates the genealogy of the concept of heritage in the European Commission’s (EC) policy discourse from 1973 to 2016. Based on conceptual analysis of 2,412 documents gathered from the EUR-Lex database, the uses of the concept in the EC’s policy discourse were categorized into seven thematic areas: nature, environment, and biodiversity; human habitats; economy and employment; agricultural products and foodstuffs; promotion of societal development and stability; audiovisuality and digitalization; and European identity and integration. In the EC’s discourse, the concept of heritage develops in the context of intertwined phases of EU integration and cultural Europeanization. …
EU heritage diplomacy : entangled external and internal cultural relations
Cultural heritage is an expanding yet contested area of EU policymaking, which has recently been identified as an instrument for EU international cultural relations. In this article, drawing from critical heritage studies and recent scholarship on heritage diplomacy, we see external and internal cultural relations as blurred and deeply entangled in EU heritage policies. Empirically, we focus on the European Heritage Label (EHL), a central EU heritage policy instrument. We explore how heritage practitioners at selected EHL sites and EU heritage policymakers understand and give meanings to international cultural relations and explain the role of cultural heritage in diplomatic endeavours. Our…
Onnea 100-vuotiaalle politologialle!
Pääkirjoitus 63:4.
Kotimaisilla kielillä julkaistu tutkimus palvelee monia
Pääkirjoitus 3/2022
Multimodality: Art as a Meaning-Making Process
AbstractThe authors of the book see multimodality as intrinsic to human communication and texts, and as consisting of a multiplicity of signs. This chapter discusses how this applies in educational settings, to examine how different modes of communication are intertwined and utilized in learning, including children’s creative learning practices. In this, the authors use the semiotic concepts that operate in all communicative contexts: Field, tenor, and mode. Through them, the authors view the CLLP as a space that enables social activities, exploration of cultural, social, and societal contents and topics, and the development of social relationships. All this occurs through various communica…
Euroopan komission ja kansalaisten näkemyksiä eurooppalaisesta kulttuuriperinnöstä
Ohjelmoidut eurooppalaiset : kansalaisuus ja kulttuuri EU-asiakirjoissa
On sanottu, että integroituvalla Euroopan yhteisöllä ei ole valmiiksi muotoutunutta poliittista kieltä, vaan sen täytyy keksiä sellainen. Yksi uuden kielen uusista sanoista on unionikansalaisuus. Uudissana otettiin virallisesti käyttöön samassa Maastrichtin sopimuksessa, jolla Euroopan unioni perustettiin vuonna 1992. Sopimuksessa myös kulttuuri virallistettiin yhdeksi EU:n politiikkalohkoksi. Tässä kirjassa kansalaisuutta tutkitaan EU:n kansalaisuus- ja kulttuuriohjelmien kautta. Kansalaisuusmuotoilut eri toimielinten asiakirjoissa ovat osa sitä käsitemurrosta, jossa Euroopan integraatio muokkaa uusiksi käsityksiämme valtiosta, hallinnosta, suvereniteetista – ja kansalaisuudesta. Keskiössä…
Digitaalisia medioita, poliitikkojen kokemuksia ja vaaleja
Pääkirjoitus 2/2022.
Large-scale long-term passive-acoustic monitoring reveals spatio-temporal activity patterns of boreal bats
The distribution ranges and spatio-temporal patterns in the occurrence and activity of boreal bats are yet largely unknown due to their cryptic lifestyle and lack of suitable and efficient study methods. We approached the issue by establishing a permanent passive-acoustic sampling setup spanning the area of Finland to gain an understanding on how latitude affects bat species composition and activity patterns in northern Europe. The recorded bat calls were semi-automatically identified for three target taxa; Myotis spp., Eptesicus nilssonii or Pipistrellus nathusii and the seasonal activity patterns were modeled for each taxa across the seven sampling years (2015–2021). We found an increase …
Naisten asiantuntemuksen saaminen näkyviin vaatii konkreettisia tekoja
Pääkirjoitus 4/2023
Theorising Citizenship
Cultural Literacy During COVID-19
AbstractAs implementation of the CLLP was challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic, the DIALLS project included in the program an additional lesson in which children reflected on its impact on their social environment. In this chapter, the authors analyze how the children’s artifacts express their understanding of the COVID-19 situation, including themes such as care and protection. The chapter focuses on how the students address empathy, tolerance, and inclusiveness under pandemic conditions. It starts by contextualizing the artifacts with international COVID-19 imagery and nationally similar or differing COVID-19 circumstances. Then, it analyzes the artifacts and their textual narratives.
Suuntana luottamus, tieto ja osallistuminen

 Vuoden ensimmäisessä Politiikka-lehden numerossa tarkastelu suunnataan luottamukseen, epäluottamukseen, osallistumiseen ja tietoon.
Interconceptualizing Europe and Peace : Identity Building Under the European Heritage Label
AbstractThis chapter investigates how peace is used in attempts to build a collective identity for the European Union in the context of the European Heritage Label (EHL), a central instrument in the EU’s cultural heritage policy. The official EHL documents and the websites of the EHL sites are analysed using a conceptual approach that particularly focuses on the interconceptualizations between peace and Europe. The ways peace is discussed can be divided into four thematic categories: treaties, institutions, practices, and symbols related to peace. The chapter concludes that heritage related to peace is mainly discussed in a non-contradictory manner, with little space for dissonance.
Conclusions: Cultural Literacy in Action
AbstractIn this chapter, the authors emphasize how even very young children can deal with complex and abstract ideas and emotions through creative practices and how the differences between people are not an issue for children. The analysis indicates that children have a multifaceted capacity for empathy. The authors stress that image-making is an important mode of communication through which children and young people shape their understanding of the world. This is a constructive and dialogic process of thinking in action. It allows children and young people to develop their imagination, emotional responses, personality, and position in the community, in relationship with others, and with th…
"All About Doing Democracy"? : Participation and Citizenship in EU Projects
Participation, citizenship and democracy form a triad consisting of multiple conceptual and practical links in political life and theory. The popularity of the concept of participation and various participatory practices is growing, and in the administration of the European Union, one way of increasing participation is the EU programmes through which funding is distributed for citizens’ co-operation across the member states in different fields. The chapter investigates conceptualisations of participation at the level of individual projects funded by two EU programmes, Europe for Citizens and Culture, in the programme period 2007-2013. Union citizenship as a conceptual change and a political…
Introduction: Cultural Literacy and Creativity
AbstractThe introductory chapter explains the core concepts of the book: Cultural literacy and creativity. Cultural literacy is defined as a social practice that is inherently dialogic and based on learning and gaining knowledge through emphatic, tolerant, and inclusive interaction. Creativity is seen as stimulating cultural literacy learning through openness and curiosity to test and develop something new or imaginative. The chapter introduces the Cultural Literacy Learning Programme (CLLP) and the research data: 1906 works created by 5–15-year-old children and young people who participated in the program in 2019 and 2020 in Cyprus, Germany, Israel, Lithuania, Spain, Portugal, and the UK. …
Tolerance, Empathy, and Inclusion
AbstractIn this chapter, the authors analyze the artifacts in which the students explore the key attitudes of cultural literacy within the CLLP: Tolerance, empathy, and inclusion. The chapter introduces each attitude with critical discussion of its meanings, connections, and relations to other key concepts of cultural literacy, such as diversity, equality, and democracy. The authors explore how the program addresses these attitudes and the cultural texts it includes. The analysis of the artifacts reveals the variety of ways in which children give meanings to tolerance, empathy, and inclusion, such as helping others. In this meaning-making process, the students draw from their own experience…
Tutkimusleikkaukset ovat lyhytnäköistä politiikkaa
Pääkirjoitus 3/2021.
The “Seili-index” For The Prediction of Chlorophyll-α Levels In The Archipelago Sea of The Northern Baltic Sea, Southwest Finland
AbstractTo build a forecasting tool for the state of eutrophication in the Archipelago Sea, we fitted a Generalized Additive Mixed Model (GAMM) to marine environmental monitoring data, which were collected over the years 2011–2019 by an automated profiling buoy at the Seili ODAS-station. The resulting “Seili-index” can be used to predict the chlorophyll-α (chl-a) concentration in the seawater a number of days ahead by using the temperature forecast as a covariate. An array of test predictions with two separate models on the 2019 data set showed that the index is adept at predicting the amount of chl-a especially in the upper water layer. The visualization with 10 days of chl-a level predict…
Learning cultural literacy through creative practices in schools cultural and multimodal approaches to meaning-making
Introduction: Cultural Literacy and Creativity -- A Sociocultural Approach to Children’s Visual Creations -- Multimodality: Art as a Meaning-Making Process -- Tolerance, Empathy, and Inclusion -- Living Together -- Social Responsibility -- Belonging and Home -- Cultural Literacy During COVID-19 -- Conclusions: Cultural Literacy in Action -- Index. This open access book discusses how cultural literacy can be taught and learned through creative practices. It approaches cultural literacy as a dialogic social process based on learning and gaining knowledge through emphatic, tolerant, and inclusive interaction. The book focuses on meaning-making in children and young people’s visual and multimod…
Introduction: Shaping Citizenship as a Political Concept
Cultural heritage : Connecting people?
Scales of participation and multi-scalar citizenship in EU participatory governance
The EU still has a democratic deficit and its legitimacy is strongly questioned. This reveals the importance of citizenship and participation in the context of the challenges the EU faces today. The article contributes to the current discussions on the shifting frameworks of participation and citizenship through empirical research into the EU’s participatory governance. It asks how participation is framed in terms of scale and how these scalar framings are used to formulate citizenship in selected projects funded by the EU programmes on citizenship and culture. This microlevel analysis yields new insights into the politics of scale in the EU’s multilevel participatory governance. Frame anal…
Biologian kenttäopetus yliopistoissa: yhteistyöllä uuteen nousuun
Kenttäkurssit ovat keskeinen osa biologian ja lähitieteiden opetusta yliopistoissa. Luonnossa tapahtuva opetus kehittää sekä ymmärrystä tieteenalan teoreettisista perusteista että ammatillisia käytännön taitoja. Kenttäkursseilla omat havainnot muodostuvat oppimisen perustaksi muiden oppimistapojen rinnalla. Vaikka kenttäopetuksen tarpeellisuudesta ollaan yksimielisiä, kenttäkursseja uhkaavat yliopistojen rahoituksen väheneminen ja tutkimusasemaverkoston karsiminen. Tässä kirjoituksessa pohdimme, kuinka uhkista huolimatta kenttäopetuksen määrää, laatua ja kustannustehokkuutta voidaan lisätä yliopistojen ja niiden tutkimusasemien välisellä yhteistyöllä. nonPeerReviewed
Ethnographic approach to participation in EU policy : developing polyspatial agency
This article uses an ethnographic approach to study citizens’ participation in the context of participatory practices organized in the framework of cultural policy of the European Union. It focuses on one EU policy action, European Heritage Label (EHL) and one cultural heritage site that has received this label. The research data was collected through participant observation and interviews with young people who participated in the activities organized on and by the site. This article asks: what meanings the participants give to participation. By analysing the participants’ experiences of the site and their conceptions of participation, I develop the notion of ‘polyspatial agency’. The ethno…
Creating and Governing Cultural Heritage in the European Union
Creating and Governing Cultural Heritage in the European Union: The European Heritage Label provides an interdisciplinary examination of the ways in which European cultural heritage is created, communicated, and governed via the new European Heritage Label scheme. Drawing on ethnographic field research conducted across ten countries at sites that have been awarded with the European Heritage Label, the authors of the book approach heritage as an entangled social, spatial, temporal, discursive, narrative, performative, and embodied process. Recognising that heritage is inherently political and used by diverse actors as a tool for re-imagining communities, identities, and borders, and for gene…
Constructing social Europe through European cultural heritage
The political and economic crises of the recent decades as well as the new changes brought on by globalization and digitalization have contributed to exacerbate social inequalities and injustice and revealed different social realities in Europe. The EU increasingly deals with social issues in its cultural and heritage policy. In this article, we explore the construction of this social dimension and advance the concept of 'social Europe' by exploring its cultural aspect based on our analysis of a recent EU heritage action, the European Heritage Label. In this action, the narrations of the European past and the attempts to foster common cultural heritage in Europe function as building blocks …
Mobility and Unspoken Citizens’ Rights in EU-Documents
The formulation of Union citizenship has concentrated on rights since the 1970s. In the Maastricht and subsequent EU treaties, Union citizenship is defined through rights. Against this background, discussion on rights in the EU documents on citizenship analysed in this article is surprisingly scarce. The research material consists of 15 documents produced by EU institutions in 2003–2007 as part of three programmes on citizenship. In the documents, the discussion on rights focuses on mobility instead of other aspects of rights. Electoral rights and fundamental rights are discussed a little, but in general, the minuscule discussion on rights is dominated by discussions on freedom of mobility,…
Union Citizenship Representing Conceptual (Dis)continuities in EU Documents on Citizenship and Culture
The question in this article is how citizenship is reinvented and recontextualized in a newly founded European Union after the launching of Union Citizenship. What kind of conceptions of citizenship are produced in this new and evolving organization? The research material consists of documents presented by EU organs from 1994 to 2007 concerning eight EU programs on citizenship and culture. I will analyze conceptual similarities (continuities) and differences (discontinuities) between these documents and previous conceptualizations in various contexts, including citizenship discussions in the history of integration since the 1970s as well as theories of democracy and nation-states. Based on …
EU:n uusi kulttuuriagenda toistaa tuttua retoriikkaa
Hallinnan ja osallistamisen politiikat
Belonging and Home
AbstractIn this chapter, the authors discuss artifacts in which children explore belonging and home. The chapter defines the sense of belonging as a core feature of humanity and living together. The feeling of having a home and being at home is both an intimate and a socially shared aspect of belonging. The children expressed belonging to a wide range of spaces in their artifacts. This spatial span extends from macro to micro scale and indicates belonging based on spaces, social relations, and materiality. Even very young children can see and depict their belonging as multiple and including spatial and social dimensions. The analyzed artifacts reveal both concrete and symbolic approaches to…
Poly-space : Creating new concepts through reflexive team ethnography
In this chapter, we outline the development process of the concept of poly-space – which conceptualizes the entanglement of multiple moments and different spatial, temporal, affective and cognitive experiences in one physical place, the heritage site. The concept was conceived based on the experiences that members of the EUROHERIT project gained while conducting ethnographic fieldwork at 11 heritage sites awarded with the European Heritage Label by the European Commission. We argue that collaborative interpretive reflexivity – a form of affective sharing among researchers that goes beyond traditional conceptualizations of team ethnography – was the key aspect contributing to and enabling ou…
The ‘European Significance’ of Heritage:
Kulttuuriperinnön paikka, aika ja tyyli : Autoetnografinen minikenttätyöpilotti Napierin art deco -festivaalilla, Tremains Art Deco Festival, Napier, Uusi-Seelanti, 18.–21.2.2016
Joka vuosi helmikuussa Napierissa vietetään art deco -festivaalia. Napier liitettiin vuonna 2008 Unescon alustavalle maailmanperintölistalle, jonka mukaan missään muualla maailmassa ei ole parempaa art deco -aluetta. Euroherit-hankkeessa tutkimme samantyyppistä instrumenttia eli Euroopan unionin kulttuuriperintötunnusta. Tällaisen kulttuuriperintökohteen havainnointi omasta turistin näkökulmastani antoikin pohjaa suunnitella ensi vuoden kenttätöitä EU:n nimeämissä kulttuuriperintökohteissa. Osallistuin art deco -keskuksen opastetulle kiertokävelylle, joka kesti kolme tuntia ja vartin ja sisälsi puolen tunnin johdantoluennon. Lisäksi havainnoin tapahtumaa perjantaiaamusta sunnuntai-iltapäivä…
EUROHERIT Policy Brief: Optimizing Communication, Multilingualism, and Networking in the EHL
Efficient communication is important for the sustainability of cultural heritage schemes. Being a rather new action, the European Heritage Label (EHL) struggles with issues of visibility and wider recognition among European citizens, in part resulting from modest communication of the diverse actors within the action. To both increase the visibility of the EHL and promote efficient audience engagement, with an emphasis on multilingual representation of Europe’s diverse cultural heritage, we recommend concrete measures to improve coordinated communication among the EHL actors. Our recommendations consist of three thematic areas: communication, multilingualism, and networking.
EUROHERIT Policy Brief I: Increasing the Benefits and Transparency of the European Heritage Label
The European Heritage Label (EHL) is the EU’s flagship heritage action. It focuses on promoting the European significance of the cultural heritage and a sense of belonging among the European citizenry. The nature of the action and its proclaimed aims in identity politics necessitate wide public engagement, openness, and transparency. Compared to the European Capital of Culture (ECOC) action and the UNESCO Heritage Lists, the EHL application process has poor transparency, as the applications of the labeled sites are not made public or accessible to other heritage professionals, managers, policymakers, researchers, or public audiences. To increase the transparency of the EU heritage policy in…
Extending heritage diplomacy : a dialogic approach to cultural heritage
Heritage diplomacy is a recent concept and a new area of interest in the expanding field of diplomacy. The EU has recently emphasized the role of cultural heritage in its external relations to respond to global challenges and crises within, at, and beyond its borders. This use of cultural heritage runs the risk of underlining Eurocentric notions of heritage and expertise. Principles of democracy, dialogue, and inclusion form the basis of building trust and long-term cultural relations through heritage diplomacy, in EU external and internal relations. These relations should be perceived as deeply entangled.