Antonino Mario Oliveri
La mobilità dei turisti in Sicilia: aspetti motivazionali e comportamentali.
Valutazione dell’esperienza di comunità
Preditions on Quality Systems Working: a SEM Approach
La valutazione della qualità dei servizi ospedalieri: applicazione dei modelli ad equazioni strutturali ad un caso concreto
Enti locali e progetti di qualità: "I giovani in... Comune"
Visibilità delle figure femminili dell'universo mafioso: un'indagine attraverso la rassegna stampa nell'arco di un ventennio
Un utile strumento di analisi attraverso cui esplorare l'evoluzione nel tempo del ruolo delle figure femminili nella criminalità organizzata, è quello che si avvale della rassegna stampa tematica, raccolta nel periodo compreso tra il 1980 e il 2001. La scelta del periodo da prendere in esame - strettamente connessa agli orientamenti più generali del progetto di ricerca e, comunque, vincolata dalla necessità di delimitare l'ambito di reperimento e raccolta del materiale - è stata guidata dalla considerazione che proprio il ventennio compreso tra gli anni '80 e i nostri giorni - come emerge dalle indagini e dalle riflessioni finora prodotte in questo settore - sia da ritenere il più interessa…
The analysis of the material deprivation of foreigners in Italy.
We examine the material deprivation of foreigners on a sub-sample of the 2009 Italian Survey on Income and Living Conditions. We employ two indices of material deprivation that take into account the regional level of our analysis, and rely on the assignment of weights to items. The determinants of material deprivation are investigated through a zero-inflated beta model.
L'attività di ricerca nella circoscrizione di Cefalù (Presentazione dell'attivtà di ricerca svolta dall'unità locale di PAlermo)
L'attività di ricerca dell'unità locale di Palermo per la valutazione statistica del turismo sommerso è stata condotta, oltre che alle Isole Eolie, nella circoscrizione turistica di Cefalù. Agli obiettivi di ricerca fissati per le Isole Eolie ne sono stati aggiunti di nuovi, utilizzando dati tratti da fonti differenti, in alcuni casi derivanti da indagini organizzate ad hoc. I risultati dell'attività di ricerca su Cefalù sono presentati con dettaglio in un apposito volume di questa stessa collana. In questo contributo sarà presentata sinteticamente l'effettiva attività svolta, e data particolare attenzione alla logica che ha ispirato le opzioni di ricerca fondamentali.
La valutazione di una prova di profitto attraverso un modello multilevel
The aim of this paper is to analyse the results of an assessment test, run to evaluate the statistics learning process into a group of students of the middle secondary school, through multilevel analysis. Results show significant effects of the classrooms (teachers) and schools in the learning process.
Alleanza terapeutica, Meccanismi di difesa ed Esiti nel trattamento del DAP. Analisi di una interruzione di trattamento. Uno studio single-case
La valutazione della qualità dei servizi sanitari: dalla descrizione alla spiegazione
La Qualità della Vita nei pazienti con sclerosi laterale amiotrofica (SLA) e nei rispettivi caregivers
Measuring Tourist Satisfaction Through a Dual Approach: The 4Q Methodology
Tourist satisfaction is one of the key factors in determining the success of a tourist destination, since it affects behavioural intentions, such as the willingness to revisit and recommend the destination. Therefore, much research has addressed the measuring of tourist satisfaction, either eliciting positive or negative evaluations of a holiday or destination. The spread between expected positive and negative characteristics can trigger a tourist experience. And the gap between expectations and perceptions will produce a feeling of satisfaction or dissatisfaction (Expectancy-Disconfirmation Paradigm, EDP). Under these conditions, this paper adopts a dual approach, considering tourist satis…
La mobilità dei turisti: dimensioni statistiche e valutazioni economiche.
Female Visibility in the Mafia World: Press Review 1980 to 2001
One way to analyze the recent evolution of the female role in organized crime is to review the press coverage of that theme during the period 1980-2001. The choice of this period was guided by the consideration that investigations and observations have shown this period to be one of the most interesting for the study of the phenomenon, since it is precisely during this time that the participation of women in mafia-type criminal activities seems to have become more visible and frequent. The paper explores the nature and characteristics of the female role within the mafia organization along with its centrality. The difficulty in collecting information on the daily life of mafia women has led …
Errors within web-based surveys: a comparison between two different tools for the analysis of tourist destinations websites quality
Excursionist Flows and the Attractiveness of the Aeolian Islands.
La mobilità nel territorio: motivazioni, comportamenti e configurazioni spaziali.
Mondo relazionale e rappresentazioni nelle comunità residenziali per minori
Sviluppi e validazione di uno strumento per l’analisi del campo terapeutico di gruppo
An overwiew of collapsibility
Sulla valutazione di efficacia di un progetto per la partecipazione giovanile nel Comune di Centuripe.
Quality evaluation in public services: statistical modelling for effective management.
La Superdonna e l'uomo invisibile
La valutazione di una prova di profitto per l'apprendimento della statistica: confronto tra due tecniche
Negli anni 1998-2002 un gruppo di ricercatori ha realizzato un progetto di ricerca a livello nazionale dal titolo “Sperimentazione di nuove strategie didattiche per l’apprendimento della statistica” nel cui ambito il gruppo di ricerca della sede di Palermo ha condotto una sperimentazione per l’insegnamento e l’apprendimento della statistica nella scuola media inferiore. In questo lavoro volgeremo l’attenzione alla prova di profitto che è stata costruita per valutare l’apprendimento di alcuni argomenti di statistica da parte degli studenti coinvolti. Con l’obiettivo di diffondere la prova di profitto anche in contesti diversi dalla sperimentazione che l’ha originata, sempre per valutare l’ap…
La valutazione del processo dei gruppi di una Comunità Terapeutica per pazienti psicotici: relazione tra clima di gruppo e interventi del terapeuta
Le fonti statistiche per l'analisi dei mercati turistici sub-regionali
Perceived quality and satisfaction with tourist services: theoretical considerations and measurement challenges.
The quality of tourist services is frequently analysed and measured in terms of perceived quality (PQ). As PQ is the subject of evaluations based on one or more tourist experiences, there are areas that overlap with consumer satisfaction (CS), although the two constructs can be logically distinguished. Specific proposals have been made for the measurement of the PQ and CS in the tourism field, although there may be some drawbacks when technical solutions do not take into account the logical and ontological assumptions of the measurement process.
La comunicazione sociale a tutela delle donne. Rappresentazioni della violenza sulle donne e strategie comunicative di prevenzione e contrasto del fenomeno nelle campagne di comunicazione sociale del Governo italiano.
Il fenomeno della violenza nei confronti delle donne ha assunto in Italia una visibilità senza precedenti, dovuta in parte all'azione esercitata dai media attraverso la tematizzazione come "problema sociale". A tale visibilità hanno anche contribuito le rappresentazioni del fenomeno circolanti nel campo della comunicazione sociale. Questo contributo evidenzia quali rappresentazioni della violenza sulle donne e quali strategie di prevenzione e contrasto del fenomeno emergono dalle campagne di comunicazione sociale promosse in anni recenti dal Governo italiano.
Emerso ufficiale ed emerso telematico. Risultati di una ricerca sui siti Internet.
The Material Deprivation of Foreigners: Measurement and Determinants
We examine the material deprivation of foreigners on a sub-sample of the 2009 Italian Survey on Income and Living Conditions carried out by Istat. We employ an index of material deprivation that takes into account the regional level of analysis, and relies on the assignment of weights to deprivation items. The effects produced on material deprivation by several variables, interpreted as determinants, are investigated through a zero-inflated beta regression model.
Resident’s Perceptions of Tourism Influence on Quality of Life: a Multilevel approach.
This study aims to evaluate whether individual perceptions of tourism’s effects on quality of life (TQOL) are related to the degree of tourism activity in the host community, as well as to residents’ personal characteristics, by a multilevel model. Data from a survey performed in Sicily have been analyzed. The model revealed that the level of tourism activity have an influence on the way residents perceive the effect tourism in their community, as measured by TOQL index.
La valutazione della qualità della vita nei caregiver dei pazienti con patologia neurologica degenerativa
The analysis of motivations and holiday styles affecting tourists in Sardinia and Sicily: a segmentation study.
The VFR Phenomenon in Italy
The collection is the first book to explore research on visiting friends and relatives (VFR). In assembling an international collection of quality VFR-related research the editors present the profiles, characteristics, opportunities and behaviours of VFR travel for the benefit of researchers, industry practitioners and educators. This chapter discusses the characteristics of the phenomenon in Italy, by analysing official data as well as data drawn from purpose research.
Relational Ethnic Tourism in Sicily. Linguistic minorities and rural development.
Mass tourism has contributed to the spread of English throughout the world, and to portrait local traditions and languages as archaic and folkloristic cultural traits, not a part of real life. Under globalization and the thrust to linguistic homogeneity, local minority language communities are going to weaken their cultural heritage, when conforming to English speaking mass tourists expectations. This is not, however, necessary nor unavoidable. Evidence of the contrary exists: in some cases tourism plays a fundamental role to preserve minority languages (Greathouse-Amador 2005). In the past, languages were not considered as attractors in tourist markets; they showed their potentialities to …
The image of cruise ship holidays on Italian television: a comparative analysis.
By conceptualizing the cruise ship as the destination in itself, this contribution discusses the role of destination image in cruise passengers' decision-making processes and focuses on the role and contents of visual texts such as TV commercials in the promotion of cruise tourism. A content analysis is performed over TV commercials broadcast by different cruise lines to Italian travellers. Specific components of the image of ships as tourist destinations as promoted through TV advertising campaigns are identified.
Quantifying Local Tourism at the Aeolian Islands and Cefalù: the Research Design.
22. Administering Face-To-Face Structured Questionnaires In Tourism Research
Non-sampling errors occur in all social sciences, tourism included. Apart from coverage and non-response, tourism research suffers from noteworthy measurement errors. The limitation and control of non-sampling errors plays a key role to prevent serious biases in research outputs. The entire survey design process could be based on the control and reduction of non-sampling errors. From this point of view, face-to-face interviewing represents an effective response to some common threats to data quality, particularly errors attributable to respondents and non-response.
L’indagine sulla mobilità turistica: strumenti di rilevazione
This paper discusses the features and the structure of the interview forms used within the sample research on tourist mobility carried out in Sicily and Sardinia in years 2009 and 2010. The focus of the paper is on the strategies adopted by the research team in order to control non sampling errors. The limitations of the instruments respect to the secondary purposes of the research will be discussed as well.
La competittività di una destinazione turistica
Measuring destination competitiveness and identifying its determinants are strategic goals for pol-icy makers and tourism stakeholders. In order to do so, the availability of valid and reliable moni-toring tools is requested. In this context quantitative measurement tools, such as composite indi-cators, able to account for complexity and providing easily interpretable measures, represent a useful option. Nowadays composite indicators are commonly used for these aims but some criticism is suggested on how this happens. In this paper we provide some definitions of destination competitiveness and focus on related measurement approaches. In particular, supply-side competitiveness is distinguish…
La valutazione dei sistemi complessi: un percorso di ricerca nelle comunità residenziali per minori
L'analisi dell'effetto intervistatore
Con il termine “errore di misura” si definisce genericamente la discrepanza tra il fenomeno rilevato e la realtà. Oltre ad essere affetta da errori di campionamento, un’indagine statistica è infatti, come noto, caratterizzata dalla presenza di altri errori, alcuni inevitabili (accidentali), altri (almeno teoricamente) evitabili. In questo contributo sarà discusso il problema della quantificazione dell’errore attribuibile alla presenza degli intervistatori nell’indagine campionaria svolta nel corso dell'anno 2004 con l'obiettivo di stimare la proporzione di turisti “sommersi” nelle isole Eolie, estendendo l’analisi anche alle mancate risposte.
The research on the mobility of tourists in Sicily: detection and estimation of non-sampling errors
I distretti e la domanda turistica; quale informazione statistica per il territorio?
L'efficienza delle strutture ospedaliere siciliane
This paper refers to the evaluation of the technical efficiency of Sicilian hospitals, based on official data provided by the Italian Ministry of Health. We used both descriptive (in particular: the Barber’s nomogram) and explanatory methods (DEA models) in order to highlight some remarkable features and implications of them and to compare the different results produced. Some results contradict the stereotypes on the supposed inefficiency of public hospitals as opposite to the efficiency of private ones.
Il passaparola in campo turistico tramite i social network
Structure–Property Relationships in Bionanocomposites for Pipe Extrusion Applications
In this work, bionanocomposites based on different biodegradable polymers and two types of nanofillers, namely a nanosized calcium carbonate and an organomodified nanoclay, were produced through melt extrusion, with the aim to evaluate the possible applications of these materials as a potential alternative to traditional fossil fuel-derived polyolefins, for the production of irrigation pipes. The rheological behavior of the formulated systems was thoroughly evaluated by exploiting different flow regimes, and the obtained results indicated a remarkable effect of the introduced nanofillers on the low-frequency rheological response, especially in nanoclay-based bionanocomposites. Conversely, t…
Therapeutic Communities as " Treating contexts": evaluation of group processes in "Multi - Personal" set(ting)
An Overview of Collapsibility
Collapsing over variables is a necessary procedure in much empirical research. Consequences are yet not always properly evaluated. In this paper, different definitions of collapsibility (simple, strict, strong, etc.) and corresponding necessary and sufficient conditions are reviewed and evaluated. We point out the relevance and limitations of the main contributions within a unifying interpretative framework. We deem such work to be useful since the debate on the topic has often developed in terms that are neither focused nor clear.
Domestic and International Tourism in Sicilian Bathing Resorts: Evidences from Official and Ad-hoc Survey Data
Similarly to other social phenomena, tourism demand has recently been affected by social complexity: travellers select destinations on the basis of situational and mixed preference criteria, of which common features are however identifiable. In order to plan tourism policies, decision makers are wondering how the new trends of international tourism materialize at the local level. That’s why in Sicily the debate is still open on the reasons why tourism has not developed as much as expected. In this paper we shall discuss such arguments using both official statistics and data from the sample researches made in 2004 and 2005 in two well-known Sicilian bathing resorts, the Aeolian Islands and C…
Tavola rotonda: mercati turistici e politiche del turismo (cura del testo)
The Analysis of Large-scale Retail Trade Groups Customer Satisfaction: A Comparison Between CAPI and PAPI Data Collection Methods
Computer assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) and similar electronic survey data collection methods seem to improve both technical and economical efficiency and data quality. Compared to traditional paper and pencil interviewing (PAPI) CAPI is affected by some shortcomings yet. At the end, the selection of one among many data collection methods has to be justified in terms of a profitable ratio between scientific and organizational costs and benefits. In this paper we discuss the (quasi)experimental design arranged in order to assess the differential effects of face-to-face paper and computer assisted interviewing in terms of efficacy, efficiency and the production of non-sampling errors. …
Turisti in Sicilia e in Sardegna: analisi della soddisfazione
Turismo e comunicazione tra mobilità fisiche e virtuali (volume a stampa)
Abstract: We performed a cross-sectional study aimed to address the quality of life (QoL) and putative associated variables in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients and their respective caregivers, using both health-related (WHOQOL-BREF) and individual (SEIQoL-DW) QoL instruments. Further, we sought to investigate concordance within patient-caregiver pairs for ratings of respective QoL. Thirty-seven patient-caregiver pairs were included in the study. QoL was rated low by both patients and caregivers, and there was no significant difference between them on scores of overall QoL, even if caregivers showed higher scores on the physical and psychological WHOQOL-BREF domains compared to p…
Turisti in Sicilia: aspetti motivazionali e comportamentali
Unobserved Tourism and Observable On-line Tourism Accommodation Supply
La qualità percepita dai clienti della Grande distribuzione: disegno di ricerca e tecnica di campionamento
La soddisfazione degli utenti interni delle aziende ospedaliere: considerazioni su uno strumento di misura
The paper proposes the application of two different methodologies, based on the Traditional Test Theory (TTT) and on the Modern Test Theory (IRT), to select the items of a questionnaire administered in the year 2000 to the personnel of the Hospital Firm “Careggi” in Florence, in order to analyse the satisfaction of “internal consumers”. Such methodologies provide very different results, depending on the assumptions of the different models used.
One-Day Travelling: Main Features and Measurement Issues
Tourist arrivals are often wrongly interpreted as the number of tourists. The non-agreement between arrivals and tourists (Parroco and Vaccina, 2006) produces a large overestimation of the number of tourists really present at the destinations (tourists replication), so determining heavy consequences on economic and territorial planning. In order to get a first estimate of replications and to analyse the typical tourist tours throughout Sicily, in summer 2005 a census research was made on 8.883 tourists intercepted at 13 hotels in Cefalù, a well-known bathing resort in the Northern coast of Sicily (Italy).
Stress e infertilità. Fattori che influenzano il disagio emotivo
The staff group of a therapeutic community for severe patients: group process evaluation
Inside and Outside the Community: may taking care of this boundarie be therapeutic?
The Proximity Tourism: Behaviours of Sicilian Tourists on Holiday in Cefalù
Turismo e comunicazione tra mobilità fisiche e virtuali (e-book)
La rilevazione della soddisfazione e dell’insoddisfazione dei turisti: una proposta operativa.
Lo SCaT – Codice di Analisi dello Stile del Campo Terapeutico: Sviluppi e validazione di uno strumento per l’analisi del campo terapeutico di gruppo
Analysing Local Tourism. A Statistical Perspective. An Introduction.
Customer satisfaction within a large scale retail trading group: research design and control
Even in contexts where Customer Management techniques are not very advanced, the need for relations with customers is as strong as to suggest expensive ad hoc researches able to simultaneously measure the satisfaction levels, to detect the eventual inadequacy of selling actions, to investigate the relations of customers with competitors. This is why the Grande Migliore Group in Palermo commissioned a research from the University of Palermo. The research was made in year 2008 at 10 Grande Migliore shops in Palermo and in other Western Sicily towns. The multipurpose nature of the research and the features of the customers population suggested the adoption of an ad hoc research design, the fea…
Il principio della triangolazione delle valutazioni. Alleanza terapeutica ed Esiti nel trattamento del DAP. Uno studio single-case
Competitività e attrattività della destinazione. Definizioni operative e percorsi di misurazione.
Data Quality in Tourism. Non-Sampling Errors in the Aeolian Islands Research.
The Service Charter of Palermo Airport: Identification of Populations and Selection of Sample Units
The results of a performance test: a multilevel analysis
The aim of the paper is to analyse the results of an assessment test, run to evaluate the statistics learning process in a group of students of the middle secondary school, by the multilevel analysis. The results show significant effects of the classrooms (teachers) and the schools in the learning processes.
Material deprivation of foreigners in Italy
According to the official Eurostat measure, material deprivation is particularly high among foreigners. But do each deprivation item have the same importance? Are there differences in material deprivation across regions? Is there homogeneity of items’ incidence across regions? In this paper we propose a weighted index of material deprivation (Individual Material Deprivation Index-IMDI) that takes into account the different importance assigned to each of the 9 Eurostat items’ of deprivation in the different geographical areas. We use our weighed index to compare levels of material deprivation of foreign (both in terms of distribution and intensity), to study the differences among nationaliti…
CAPI Versus PAPI and The Production of Non-Sampling Errors
CAPI Versus PAPI and The Production of Some Non-Sampling Errors
The study aims at assessing the differential effects of face-to-face paper and computer assisted interviewing in terms of efficacy, efficiency and the production of non-sampling errors. The research ground is constituted by the analysis of the customer satisfaction of a large-scale retail trade group owning many shops in Sicily. The reaction of respondents to paper versus electronic questionnaires is investigated by means of an experimental design in terms of non sampling error amounts.
Relational ethnic tourism and the role of linguistic minorities for rural development
Analysis Code of Style in therapeutic fields: the development and validity of an instrument for analysis, in the field of group therapy
Collapsibility and collapsing multidimensional contingency tables.
Tourism and the perceived quality of life of Sicilian residents. Evidences from a sample research.
Collapsibility and Collapsing Multidimensional Contingency Tables—Perspectives and Implications
Collapsing multidimensional contingency tables is a necessary procedure in all kinds of research. Since collapsibility is subject to severe conditions, collapsing is often not admissible without incurring severe interpretative errors. After having discussed the main contributions to the statistical specification of the concept, we shall point out the logical conditions for collapsing multidimensional contingency tables.
Tourist Behaviour Predictors: a Focus on Organised Vs. Independent Tourism.
Quantitative research, tourism
In questo contributo vengono presentate le caratteristiche principali della ricerca quantitativa con una speciale attenzione al settore turistico. La distinzione tradizionale tra studi quantitativi e qualitativi viene discussa anche alla luce del crescente impiego dei mixed models, che rappresentano una risposta ai limiti dei due approcci più tradizionali. This contribution presents the main features of quantitative research with a special focus on tourism studies. The traditional difference between quantitative and qualitative studies is discussed and mixed models are presented as a new perspective able to overcome the shortcomings of both approaches.
Measuring tourist satisfaction and dissatisfaction: adaptation of the 4Q methodology to the case of web based data
Tourist satisfaction has been studied so far using many different theoretical approaches and measurement models. In doing that, scholars have considered satisfaction and dissatisfaction either as two extremes on a single continuum or two distinct conceptual dimensions, i.e. tourist satisfaction (TS) and tourist dissatisfaction (TD) (Alegre and Garau, 2010). In line with the latter approach, known as dual approach, the 4Q is a methodology which permits to measure TS and TD through the administration of just four open-ended questions to tourists (Oliveri et al., 2018). The main feature of the 4Q methodology is that data regarding dozens of TS and TD elementary indicators can be drawn from the…
Escursionisti a Cefalù. L'indice di attrattività escursionistica IPAE.
One-day touring is a relevant part of the tourist phenomenon. Yet it has not been much analysed, due to the fact that day trippers are difficult to be intercepted ans submitted to sampling procedures. Tourist attractiveness has mostly been defined on the supply side, as a property of destination resorts. Less attention has been addressed to the demand side, that is how much leaving towns are attracted by such resorts. In this paper we shall analyse how much Sicilian towns are attracted by Cefalù with respect to one-day touring activities. A new Weighted Attractiveness One-day Touring Index (IPAE) will be proposed and applied.