Antonio Noto
Collective spontaneous emission of two entangled atoms near an oscillating mirror
We consider the cooperative spontaneous emission of a system of two identical atoms, interacting with the electromagnetic field in the vacuum state and in the presence of an oscillating mirror. We assume that the two atoms, one in the ground state and the other in the excited state, are prepared in a correlated (symmetric or antisymmetric) {\em Bell}-type state. We also suppose that the perfectly reflecting plate oscillates adiabatically, with the field modes satisfying the boundary conditions at the mirror surface at any given instant, so that the time-dependence of the interaction Hamiltonian is entirely enclosed in the instantaneous atoms-wall distance. Using time-dependent perturbation …
Optomechanical Rydberg-atom excitation via dynamic Casimir-Polder coupling
We study the optomechanical coupling of a oscillating effective mirror with a Rydberg atomic gas, mediated by the dynamical atom-mirror Casimir-Polder force. This coupling may produce a near-field resonant atomic excitation whose probability scales as $\propto (d^2\;a\;n^4\;t)^2/z_0^8$, where $z_0$ is the average atom-surface distance, $d$ the atomic dipole moment, $a$ the mirror's effective oscillation amplitude, $n$ the initial principal quantum number, and $t$ the time. We propose an experimental configuration to realize this system with a cold atom gas trapped at a distance $\sim 2\cdot10 \, \mu$m from a semiconductor substrate, whose dielectric constant is periodically driven by an ext…
Spectroscopy of Alkali Atoms in Solid Matrices of Rare Gases: Experimental Results and Theoretical Analysis
We present an experimental and theoretical investigation of the spectroscopy of dilute alkali atoms in a solid matrix of inert gases at cryogenic temperatures, specifically Rubidium atoms in a solid Argon or Neon matrix, and related aspects of the interaction energies between the alkali atoms and the atoms of the solid matrix. The system considered is relevant for matrix isolation spectroscopy, and it is at the basis of a recently proposed detector of cosmological axions, exploiting magnetic-type transitions between Zeeman sublevels of alkali atoms in a magnetic field, tuned to the axion mass, assumed in the meV range. Axions are one of the supposed constituents of the dark matter (DM) of t…
Monitoring neonatal fungal infection with metabolomics
Abstract The objective of our study was to evaluate the capability of the metabolomics approach to identify the variations of urine metabolites over time related to the neonatal fungal septic condition. The study population included a clinical case of a preterm neonate with invasive fungal infection and 13 healthy preterm controls. This study showed a unique urine metabolic profile of the patient affected by fungal sepsis compared to urine of controls and it was also possible to evaluate the efficacy of therapy in improving patient health.
Mechanical strain causes adaptive change in bronchial fibroblasts enhancing profibrotic and inflammatory responses
Asthma is characterized by periodic episodes of bronchoconstriction and reversible airway obstruction; these symptoms are attributable to a number of factors including increased mass and reactivity of bronchial smooth muscle and extracellular matrix (ECM) in asthmatic airways. Literature has suggested changes in cell responses and signaling can be elicited via modulation of mechanical stress acting upon them, potentially affecting the microenvironment of the cell. In this study, we hypothesized that mechanical strain directly affects the (myo)fibroblast phenotype in asthma. Therefore, we characterized responses of bronchial fibroblasts, from 6 normal and 11 asthmatic non-smoking volunteers,…
Casimir-Polder interaction energy between two atoms in uniformly accelerated motion
Nonthermal effects of acceleration in the resonance interaction between two uniformly accelerated atoms
We study the resonance interaction between two uniformly accelerated identical atoms, one excited and the other in the ground state, prepared in a correlated (symmetric or antisymmetric) state and interacting with the scalar field or the electromagnetic field in the vacuum state. In this case (resonance interaction), the interatomic interaction is a second-order effect in the atom-field coupling. We separate the contributions of vacuum fluctuations and radiation reaction to the resonance energy shift of the system, and show that only radiation reaction contributes, while Unruh thermal fluctuations do not affect the resonance interaction. We also find that beyond a characteristic length scal…
van der Waals Interaction Energy Between Two Atoms Moving With Uniform Acceleration
We consider the interatomic van der Waals interaction energy between two neutral ground-state atoms moving in the vacuum space with the same uniform acceleration. We assume the acceleration orthogonal to their separation, so that their mutual distance remains constant. Using a model for the van der Waals dispersion interaction based on the interaction between the instantaneous atomic dipole moments, which are induced and correlated by the zero-point field fluctuations, we evaluate the interaction energy between the two accelerating atoms in terms of quantities expressed in the laboratory reference frame. We find that the dependence of the van der Waals interaction between the atoms from the…
Effects of a uniform acceleration on atom–field interactions
We review some quantum electrodynamical effects related to the uniform acceleration of atoms in vacuum. After discussing the energy level shifts of a uniformly accelerated atom in vacuum, we investigate the atom-wall Casimir-Polder force for accelerated atoms, and the van der Waals/Casimir-Polder interaction between two accelerated atoms. The possibility of detecting the Unruh effect through these phenomena is also discussed in detail.
Urinary (1)H-NMR and GC-MS metabolomics predicts early and late onset neonatal sepsis.
The purpose of this article is to study one of the most significant causes of neonatal morbidity and mortality: neonatal sepsis. This pathology is due to a bacterial or fungal infection acquired during the perinatal period. Neonatal sepsis has been categorized into two groups: early onset if it occurs within 3-6 days and late onset after 4-7 days. Due to the not-specific clinical signs, along with the inaccuracy of available biomarkers, the diagnosis is still a major challenge. In this regard, the use of a combined approach based on both nuclear magnetic resonance (H-1-NMR) and gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) techniques, coupled with a multivariate statistical analysis, may hel…
Van der Waals and resonance interactions between accelerated atoms in vacuum and the Unruh effect
We discuss different physical effects related to the uniform acceleration of atoms in vacuum, in the framework of quantum electrodynamics. We first investigate the van der Waals/Casimir-Polder dispersion and resonance interactions between two uniformly accelerated atoms in vacuum. We show that the atomic acceleration significantly affects the van der Waals force, yielding a different scaling of the interaction with the interatomic distance and an explicit time dependence of the interaction energy. We argue how these results could allow for an indirect detection of the Unruh effect through dispersion interactions between atoms. We then consider the resonance interaction between two accelerat…
Video-thoracoscopic surgical pleurodesis in the management of malignant pleural effusion: the importance of an early intervention.
Thoracentesis plays an important role in cancer patients with symptomatic effusions, although its effect is short-lived and symptoms recur in almost all patients. Early video-thoracoscopic surgical pleurodesis may provide added benefit to a group of patients with advanced cancer presenting with symptomatic malignant pleural effusion. Seventy-six patients with advanced cancer and pleural effusion due to pulmonary-pleural metastases were recruited. In 51 cases (67.1%), at least one thoracentesis was performed before admission for surgery. Preoperative staging consisted of chest radiograph, CT scan, and blood gas analysis. The mean Karnofsky performance status was about 50. Pleurodesis with ta…
Sportomics in professional soccer players: metabolomics results during preseason.
BACKGROUND Sportomics is the application of metabolomics to study the metabolism shifts of individuals that practice sports or do physical exercise. This aim was reached by the analysis of low molecular weight metabolites (<1.5 kDa) present in biological fluids such as blood, saliva or urine. METHODS In this study, authors performed a 1H-NMR analysis of urine from 21 professional soccer players collected at 3 different time points during the preseason preparation period before the beginning of Serie A Championship (first division) in Italy. RESULTS Urine profile changed during the observational period. In particular, significant variations were observed for trimethylamine-N-oxide, dimethyla…
Effects of antioxidants on CSE-induced cell death in human asthmatic primary bronchial epithelial cells
The link between cigarette smoke (CS) and lung inflammation is quite strong, however relatively little is still known on the effects of CS on human bronchial epithelial cells survival during asthma. In this study we focused our attention on the apoptotic effects of CS on healthy (HC) and asthmatic (AS) primary bronchial epithelial cells (PBEC) and on the role of antioxidants to protect epithelial cells from CSE-induced apoptosis. Twenty subjects (10 HC and 10 AS) were recruited for this study and PBEC were obtained by bronchoscopy. PBEC were treated with oxidants (H2O), anti-oxidants (GSH and AA) and cigarette smoke extracts (CSE). Early apoptosis (EA) and necrosis were measured by flow cyt…
Thermal and non-thermal signatures of the Unruh effect in Casimir-Polder forces
We show that Casimir-Polder forces between two relativistic uniformly accelerated atoms exhibit a transition from the short distance thermal-like behavior predicted by the Unruh effect, to a long distance non-thermal behavior, associated with the breakdown of a local inertial description of the system. This phenomenology extends the Unruh thermal response detected by a single accelerated observer to an accelerated spatially extended system of two particles, and we identify the characteristic length scale for this crossover with the inverse of the proper acceleration of the two atoms. Our results are derived separating at fourth order in perturbation theory the contributions of vacuum fluctu…
Casimir-Lifshitz force out of thermal equilibrium between dielectric gratings
We calculate the Casimir-Lifshitz pressure in a system consisting of two different 1D dielectric lamellar gratings having two different temperatures and immersed in an environment having a third temperature. The calculation of the pressure is based on the knowledge of the scattering operators, deduced using the Fourier Modal Method. The behavior of the pressure is characterized in detail as a function of the three temperatures of the system as well as the geometrical parameters of the two gratings. We show that the interplay between non-equilibrium effects and geometrical periodicity offers a rich scenario for the manipulation of the force. In particular, we find regimes where the force can…
Stem Cell Populations and Regenerative Potential in Chronic Inflammatory Lung Diseases
Several acute and chronic inflammatory pathologies of the lung are accompanied by structural modifications of airway mucosa that vary depending on the severity, duration and type of the disease. These morphological changes, that determine organ dysfunction, are not always reversible. Indeed, the cycle of injury and repair, influencing airway wall re- generation, may sometimes break off and an exacerbation of the pathology may occur. The mechanisms at the base of airway remodelling during inflammation have been widely studied and numerous evidences indicate that the molecular dialogue among the cells of the mucosa has an essential role in orchestrating cell differentiation and tissue repair.…
The role of sentinel lymph-node biopsy (SLNB) in the treatment of breast cancer.
Sentinel lymph-node biopsy is an innovative method for axillary staging in breast cancer patients, based on the concept that information about the status of the entire lymphatic drainage from a tumour site could be obtained by identification and sampling of a "sentinel node". The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of sentinel lymph-node biopsy in the management of patients with early invasive breast carcinoma. Three hundred and forty-one patients with primary invasive breast carcinoma measuring less than 2 cm (less than 3 cm from January 2001) and clinically negative axillary nodes were recruited into the study. Sentinel lymph-nodes were positive for metastases in 108/341 cases (31…
Urinary metabolomics of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD): preliminary data at birth suggest it is a congenital disease
Abstract Objective: Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) or chronic lung disease is one of the principal causes of mortality and morbidity in preterm infants. Early identification of infants at the greater risk of developing BPD may allow a targeted approach for reducing disease severity and complications. The trigger cause of the disease comprehends the impairment of the alveolar development and the increased angiogenesis. Nevertheless, the molecular pathways characterizing the disease are still unclear. Therefore, the use of the metabolomics technique, due to the capability of identifying instantaneous metabolic perturbation, might help to recognize metabolic patterns associated with the cond…