Mikhail Silaev

Properties of dirty two-band superconductors with repulsive interband interaction: Normal modes, length scales, vortices, and magnetic response

Disorder in two-band superconductors with repulsive interband interaction induces a frustrated competition between the phase-locking preferences of the various potential and kinetic terms. This frustrated interaction can result in the formation of an $s+is$ superconducting state, that breaks the time-reversal symmetry. In this paper we study the normal modes and their associated coherence lengths in such materials. We especially focus on the consequences of the soft modes stemming from the frustration and time-reversal-symmetry breakdown. We find that two-bands superconductors with such impurity-induced frustrated interactions display a rich spectrum of physical properties that are absent i…

research product

Odd triplet superconductivity induced by the moving condensate

It has been commonly accepted that magnetic field suppresses superconductivity by inducing the ordered motion of Cooper pairs. We demonstrate that magnetic field can instead provide a generation of superconducting correlations by inducing the motion of superconducting condensate. This effect arises in superconductor/ferromagnet heterostructures in the presence of Rashba spin-orbital coupling. We predict the odd-frequency spin-triplet superconducting correlations called the Berezinskii order to be switched on at large distances from the superconductor/ferromagnet interface by the application of a magnetic field. This is shown to result in the unusual behaviour of Josephson effect and local d…

research product

θ0 thermal Josephson junction

We predict the thermal counterpart of the anomalous Josephson effect in superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor junctions with noncoplanar magnetic texture. The heat current through the junction is shown to have the phase-sensitive interference component proportional to cos(θ−θ0), where θ is the Josephson phase difference and θ0 is the texture-dependent phase shift. In the generic trilayer magnetic structure with the spin-filtering tunnel barrier θ0 is determined by the spin chirality of magnetic configuration and can be considered as the direct manifestation of the energy transport with participation of spin-triplet Cooper pairs. In case of the ideal spin filter the phase shift is shown …

research product

Hierarchies of length-scale based typology in anisotropic U(1)s -wave multiband superconductors

Since Ginzburg and Landau's seminal work in 1950, superconducting states have been classified by the hierarchy of the fundamental length scales of the theory, the magnetic-field penetration lengths ...

research product

Unusual resistive states of multiband superconductors in the effective field theory approach

Starting from the microscopic approach based on multiband Keldysh-Usadel kinetic theory we derive the minimal field-theoretical model equivalent to the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory. We discuss the properties of resistive states determined by the ratio of electric field relaxation length to the superconducting coherence length. In contrast to the well-studied single-band systems we find that this ratio can vary in wide limits in multiband superconductors. As a result, the properties of resistive states in multiband superconductors can be tuned by the microscopic parameters such as the ratio of diffusion coefficients and pairing constants in different bands. As an example we consider…

research product

Superconductivity with broken time-reversal symmetry inside a superconducting s-wave state

In general, magnetism and superconductivity are antagonistic to each other. However, there are several families of superconductors, in which superconductivity may coexist with magnetism, and only a few examples are known, when superconductivity itself induces spontaneous magnetism. The most known compounds are Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ and some noncentrosymmetric superconductors. Here, we report the finding of a narrow dome of a novel $s+is'$ superconducting (SC) phase with broken time-reversal symmetry (BTRS) inside the broad $s$-wave SC region of the centrosymmetric multiband superconductor Ba$_{\rm 1-x}$K$_{\rm x}$Fe$_2$As$_2$ ($0.7 \lesssim x \lesssim 0.85$). We observe spontaneous magnetic fields …

research product

Giant enhancement to spin battery effect in superconductor/ferromagnetic insulator systems

We develop a theory of the spin battery effect in superconductor/ferromagnetic insulator (SC/FI) systems taking into account the magnetic proximity effect. We demonstrate that the spin-energy mixing enabled by the superconductivity leads to the enhancement of spin accumulation by several orders of magnitude relative to the normal state. This finding can explain the recently observed giant inverse spin Hall effect generated by thermal magnons in the SC/FI system. We suggest a nonlocal electrical detection scheme which can directly probe the spin accumulation driven by the magnetization dynamics. We predict a giant Seebeck effect converting the magnon temperature bias into the nonlocal voltag…

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Spin and charge currents driven by the Higgs mode in high-field superconductors

The Higgs mode in superconducting materials describes slowly decaying oscillations of the order parameter amplitude. We demonstrate that in superconductors with a built-in spin-splitting field the Higgs mode is strongly coupled to the spin degrees of freedom, allowing for the generation of time-dependent spin currents. Converting such spin currents to electric signals by spin-filtering elements provides a tool for the second-harmonic generation and the electrical detection of the Higgs mode generated by the external irradiation. The nonadiabatic spin torques generated by these spin currents allow for the magnetic detection of the Higgs mode by measuring the precession of the magnetic moment…

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Field-induced coexistence of s++ and s± superconducting states in dirty multiband superconductors

In multiband systems, such as iron-based superconductors, the superconducting states with locking and antilocking of the interband phase differences are usually considered as mutually exclusive. For example, a dirty two-band system with interband impurity scattering undergoes a sharp crossover between the s± state (which favors phase antilocking) and the s++ state (which favors phase locking). We discuss here that the situation can be much more complex in the presence of an external field or superconducting currents. In an external applied magnetic field, dirty two-band superconductors do not feature a sharp s±→s++ crossover but rather a washed-out crossover to a finite region in the parame…

research product

Magnetization Dynamics in Proximity-Coupled Superconductor-Ferromagnet-Superconductor Multilayers

In this work, magnetization dynamics is studied in superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor three-layered films in a wide frequency, field, and temperature ranges using the broad-band ferromagnetic resonance measurement technique. It is shown that in presence of both superconducting layers and of superconducting proximity at both superconductor/ferromagnet interfaces a massive shift of the ferromagnetic resonance to higher frequencies emerges. The phenomenon is robust and essentially long-range: it has been observed for a set of samples with the thickness of ferromagnetic layer in the range from tens up to hundreds of nanometers. The resonance frequency shift is characterized by proximity-…

research product

Dynamic spin-triplet order induced by alternating electric fields in superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor Josephson junctions

Dynamic states offer extended possibilities to control the properties of quantum matter. Recent efforts are focused on studying the ordered states which appear exclusively under the time-dependent drives. Here we demonstrate a class of systems which feature dynamic spin-triplet superconducting order stimulated by the alternating electric field. The effect is based on the interplay of ferromagnetism, interfacial spin-orbital coupling (SOC) and the condensate motion driven by the field, which converts hidden static p-wave order, produced by the joint action of the ferromagnetism and the SOC, into dynamical s-wave equal-spin triplet correlations. We demonstrate that the critical current of Jos…

research product

Field-induced coexistence of s++ and s± superconducting states in dirty multiband superconductors

In multiband systems, such as iron-based superconductors, the superconducting states with locking and antilocking of the interband phase differences are usually considered as mutually exclusive. Fo ...

research product

Thermal, electric and spin transport in superconductor/ferromagnetic-insulator structures

A ferromagnetic insulator (FI) attached to a conventional superconductor (S) changes drastically the properties of the latter. Specifically, the exchange field at the FI/S interface leads to a splitting of the superconducting density of states. If S is a superconducting film, thinner than the superconducting coherence length, the modification of the density of states occurs over the whole sample. The co-existence of the exchange splitting and superconducting correlations in S/FI structures leads to striking transport phenomena that are of interest for applications in thermoelectricity, superconducting spintronics and radiation sensors. Here we review the most recent progress in understandin…

research product

Skyrmion formation due to unconventional magnetic modes in anisotropic multiband superconductors

Multiband superconductors have a sufficient number of degrees of freedom to allow topological excitations characterized by Skyrmionic topological invariants. In the most common, clean s-wave multiband, systems the interband magnetic coupling favours composite vortex solutions, without a Skyrmionic topological charge. It was discussed recently that certain kinds of anisotropies lead to hybridisation of the interband phase difference (Leggett) mode with magnetic modes, dramatically changing the hydromagnetostatics of the system. Here we report this effect for a range of parameters that substantially alter the nature of the topological excitations, leading to solutions characterized by a nontr…

research product

Non-London electrodynamics in a multiband London model : anisotropy-induced nonlocalities and multiple magnetic field penetration lengths

The London model describes strongly type-2 superconductors as massive vector field theories, where the magnetic field decays exponentially at the length scale of the London penetration length. This also holds for isotropic multi-band extensions, where the presence of multiple bands merely renormalises the London penetration length. We show that, by contrast, the magnetic properties of anisotropic multi-band London models are not this simple, and the anisotropy leads to the inter-band phase differences becoming coupled to the magnetic field. This results in the magnetic field in such systems having N+1 penetration lengths, where N is the number of field components or bands. That is, in a giv…

research product

Phase diagram of dirty two-band superconductors and observability of impurity-induced s + i s state

We investigate the phase diagram of dirty two-band superconductors. This paper primarily focuses on the properties and observability of the time-reversal symmetry-breaking s + is superconducting states, which can be generated in two-band superconductors by interband impurity scattering. We show that such states can appear in two distinct ways. First, according to a previously discussed scenario, the s + is state can form as an intermediate phase at the impurity-driven crossover between s± and s++ states. We show that there is a second scenario where domains of the s + is state exists in the form of an isolated dome inside the s± domain, completely detached from the transition between s± and…

research product

Chirality selective spin interactions mediated by the moving superconducting condensate

We show that superconducting correlations in the presence of nonzero condensate velocity can mediate the peculiar interaction between localized spins that breaks the global inversion symmetry of magnetic moments. The proposed interaction mechanism is capable of removing fundamental degeneracies between topologically distinct magnetic textures. For the generic system of three magnetic impurities in the current-carrying superconductor, we find the energy term proportional to spin chirality. In realistic superconductor/ferromagnetic/superconductor setups we reveal significant energy differences between various magnetic textures with opposite chiralities. We calculate Josephson energies of junc…

research product

Polarization of the spontaneous magnetic field and magnetic fluctuations in s+is anisotropic multiband superconductors

We show that multiband superconductors with broken time-reversal symmetry can produce spontaneous currents and magnetic fields in response to the local variations of pairing constants. Considering the iron pnictide superconductor Ba1−xKxFe2As2 as an example we demonstrate that both the point-group symmetric s+is state and the C4-symmetry-breaking s+id states produce, in general, the same magnitudes of spontaneous magnetic fields. In the s+is state these fields are polarized mainly on an ab crystal plane, whereas in the s+id state their ab-plane and c-axis components are of the same order. The same is true for the random magnetic fields which are produced by the order parameter fluctuations …

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Colloquium: Nonequilibrium effects in superconductors with a spin-splitting field

This Colloquium discusses the recent progress in understanding the properties of spin-split superconductors under nonequilibrium conditions. Recent experiments and theories demonstrate a rich variety of transport phenomena occurring in devices based on such materials that suggest direct applications in thermoelectricity, low-dissipative spintronics, radiation detection, and sensing. This text discusses different experimental situations and presents a theoretical framework based on quantum kinetic equations. This framework provides an accurate description of the nonequilibrium distribution of charge, spin, and energy, which are the relevant nonequilibrium modes, in different hybrid structure…

research product

Anomalous current in diffusive ferromagnetic Josephson junctions

We demonstrate that in diffusive superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor (S/F/S) junctions a finite, anomalous Josephson current can flow even at zero phase difference between the S electrodes. The conditions for the observation of this effect are noncoplanar magnetization distribution and a broken magnetization inversion symmetry of the superconducting current. The latter symmetry is intrinsic for the widely used quasiclassical approximation and prevented previous works based on this approximation from obtaining the Josephson anomalous current. We show that this symmetry can be removed by introducing spin-dependent boundary conditions for the quasiclassical equations at the superconducti…

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Lindblad equation approach for the full counting statistics of work and heat in driven quantum systems

We formulate the general approach based on the Lindblad equation to calculate the full counting statistics of work and heat produced by driven quantum systems weakly coupled with a Markovian thermal bath. The approach can be applied to a wide class of dissipative quantum systems driven by an arbitrary force protocol. We show the validity of general fluctuation relations and consider several generic examples. The possibilities of using calorimetric measurements to test the presence of coherence and entanglement in the open quantum systems are discussed. QC 20141010

research product

Change of the vortex core structure in two-band superconductors at the impurity-scattering-driven s±/s++ crossover

We report a nontrivial transition in the core structure of vortices in two-band superconductors as a function of interband impurity scattering. We demonstrate that, in addition to singular zeros of the order parameter, the vortices there can acquire a circular nodal line around the singular point in one of the superconducting components. It results in the formation of the peculiar “moat”-like profile in one of the superconducting gaps. The moat-core vortices occur generically in the vicinity of the impurity-induced crossover between s± and s++ states. peerReviewed

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Self-consistent calculation of the flux-flow conductivity in diffusive superconductors

In the framework of Keldysh-Usadel kinetic theory, we study the temperature dependence of flux-flow conductivity (FFC) in diffusive superconductors. By using self-consistent vortex solutions we find the exact values of dimensionless parameters that determine the diffusion-controlled FFC both in the limit of the low temperatures and close to the critical one. Taking into account the electron-phonon scattering, we study the transition between flux-flow regimes controlled by either the diffusion or the inelastic relaxation of nonequilibrium quasiparticles. We demonstrate that the inelastic electron-phonon relaxation leads to the strong suppression of FFC compared to the previous estimates, mak…

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Self-consistent calculation of the flux-flow conductivity in diffusive superconductors

In the framework of Keldysh-Usadel kinetic theory, we study the temperature dependence of flux-flow conductivity (FFC) in diffusive superconductors. By using self-consistent vortex solutions we find the exact values of dimensionless parameters that determine the diffusion-controlled FFC both in the limit of the low temperatures and close to the critical one. Taking into account the electron-phonon scattering we study the transition between flux-flow regimes controlled either by the diffusion or the inelastic relaxation of non-equilibrium quasiparticles. We demonstrate that the inelastic electron-phonon relaxation leads to the strong suppression of FFC as compared to the previous estimates m…

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Long-range spin accumulation from heat injection in mesoscopic superconductors with Zeeman splitting

Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY).

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Magnetic field-controlled 0−π transitions and their experimental signatures in superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor junctions

Superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor Josephson junctions are known to exist in the $0$ and $\pi$ states with the transitions between them controlled by the temperature and ferromagnetic interlayer thickness. We demonstrate that these transitions can be controlled also by the external magnetic field directed perpendicular to the layers. By varying the ratio of diffusion coefficients in superconducting and ferromagnetic layers, these field-controlled transitions can be made detectable for arbitrary large value of the exchange energy in the ferromagnet. We also show that the $0$-$\pi$ transitions in the perpendicular field can be observed as the specific features of the flux-flow conducti…

research product

Skyrmion formation due to unconventional magnetic modes in anisotropic multiband superconductors

Multiband superconductors have a sufficient number of degrees of freedom to allow topological excitations characterized by skyrmionic topological invariants. In the most common, clean s -wave multiband systems, the interband Josephson and magnetic couplings favor composite vortex solutions, without a skyrmionic topological charge. It was discussed recently that certain kinds of anisotropies lead to hybridization of the interband phase difference (Leggett) mode with magnetic modes, dramatically changing the hydromagnetostatics of the system. Here we report this effect for a range of parameters that substantially alter the nature of the topological excitations, leading to solutions characteri…

research product

Finite-frequency spin susceptibility and spin pumping in superconductors with spin-orbit relaxation

Static spin susceptibility of superconductors with spin-orbit relaxation has been calculated in the seminal work of A.A. Abrikosov and L.P. Gor'kov [Sov. Phys. JETP, {\bf 15}, 752 (1962)]. Surprisingly the generalization of this result to finite frequencies has not been done despite being quite important for the modern topic of superconducting spintronics. The present paper fills this gap by deriving the analytical expression for spin susceptibility. The time-dependent spin response is shown to be captured by the quasiclassical Eilenberger equation with collision integrals corresponding to the ordinary and spin-orbit scattering. Using the developed formalism we study the linear spin pumping…

research product

Magnetoelectric effects in superconductor/ferromagnet bilayers

We demonstrate that the hybrid structures consisting of a superconducting layer with an adjacent spin-textured ferromagnet demonstrate the variety of equilibrium magnetoelectric effects originating from coupling between the conduction electron spin and superconducting current. By deriving and solving the generalized Usadel equation which takes into account the spin-filtering effect we find that a supercurrent generates spin polarization in the superconducting film which is non-coplanar with the local ferromagnetic moment. The inverse magnetoelectric effect in such structures is shown to result in the spontaneous phase difference across the magnetic topological defects such as a domain wall …

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Nonlinear electromagnetic response and Higgs-mode excitation in BCS superconductors with impurities

We reveal that due to the presence of disorder oscillations of the order parameter amplitude called the Higgs mode can be effectively excited by the external electromagnetic radiation in usual BCS superconductors. This mechanism works for superconductors with both isotropic s-wave and anisotropic, such as d-wave, pairings. The non-linear response in the presence of impurities is captured by the quasiclassical formalism. We demonstrate that analytical solutions of the Eilenberger equation with impurity collision integral and external field drive coincide with the exact summation of ladder impurity diagrams. Using the developed formalism we show that resonant third-harmonic signal observed in…

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Field dependence of the vortex-core sizes in dirty two-band superconductors

We study the structure of Abrikosov vortices in two-band superconductors for different external magnetic fields and different parameters of the bands. The vortex core size determined by the coherence lengths are found to have qualitatively different behaviour from that determined by the quasiparticle density of states spatial variation. These different vortex core length scales coincide near the upper critical field, while the discrepancy between them becomes quite significant at lower fields. Within the diffusive approximation we demonstrate several generic regimes in the field dependence of the vortex core sizes determined by the disparity of diffusion constants in the two bands.

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Flux flow spin Hall effect in type-II superconductors with spin-splitting field

We predict the very large spin Hall effect in type-II superconductors which mechanism is drastically different from the previously known ones. We find that in the flux-flow regime the spin is transported by the spin-polarized Abrikosov vortices moving under the action of the Lorenz force in the direction perpendicular to the applied electric current. Due to the large vortex velocities the spin Hall angle can be of the order of unity in realistic systems based on the high-field superconductors or the recently developed superconductor/ferromagnetic insulator proximity structures. We propose the realization of high-frequency pure spin current generator based on the periodic structure of moving…

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θ0 thermal Josephson junction

We predict the thermal counterpart of the anomalous Josephson effect in superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor junctions with non-coplanar magnetic texture. The heat current through the junction is shown to have the phase-sensitive interference component proportional to $\cos(\theta - \theta_0)$, where $\theta$ is the Josephson phase difference and $\theta_0$ is the texture-dependent phase shift. In the generic tri-layer magnetic structure with the spin-filtering tunnel barrier $\theta_0$ is determined by the spin chirality of magnetic configuration and can be considered as the direct manifestation of the energy transport with participation of spin-triplet Cooper pairs. In case of the id…

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Change of the vortex core structure in two-band superconductors at the impurity-scattering-driven s±/s++ crossover

We report a nontrivial transition in the core structure of vortices in two-band superconductors as a function of interband impurity scattering. We demonstrate that, in addition to singular zeros of the order parameter, the vortices there can acquire a circular nodal line around the singular point in one of the superconducting components. It results in the formation of the peculiar ``moat''-like profile in one of the superconducting gaps. The moat-core vortices occur generically in the vicinity of the impurity-induced crossover between ${s}_{\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}}$ and ${s}_{++}$ states.

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Spin Hanle effect in mesoscopic superconductors

Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY).

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Quasiclassical expressions for the free energy of superconducting systems

In the seminal work by G. Eilenberger [Z. Phys. 214, 195 (1968)], the quasiclassical expression for the free energy of spin-singlet superconductor has been suggested. Starting from the Luttinger-Ward formulation we derive the Eilenberger free energy and find its generalization for superconductor or superfluid with spin-triplet correlations. Besides ordinary superconductors with various scattering mechanisms, the obtained free energy functional can be used for systems with spin-triplet pairing such as superfluid $^3$He and superconducting systems with spatially-inhomogeneous exchange field or spin-orbit coupling. Using this general result we derive the simplified expression for the free ener…

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Superconducting Triplet Rim Currents in a Spin-Textured Ferromagnetic Disk

Since the discovery of the long-range superconducting proximity effect, the interaction between spin-Triplet Cooper pairs and magnetic structures such as domain walls and vortices has been the subject of intense theoretical discussions, while the relevant experiments remain scarce. We have developed nanostructured Josephson junctions with highly controllable spin texture, based on a disk-shaped Nb/Co bilayer. Here, the vortex magnetization of Co and the Cooper pairs of Nb conspire to induce long-range triplet (LRT) superconductivity in the ferromagnet. Surprisingly, the LRT correlations emerge in highly localized (sub-80 nm) channels at the rim of the ferromagnet, despite its trivial band s…

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Supercurrent-induced charge-spin conversion in spin-split superconductors

We study spin-polarized quasiparticle transport in a mesoscopic superconductor with a spin-splitting field in the presence of coflowing supercurrent. In such a system, the nonequilibrium state is characterized by charge, spin, energy, and spin-energy modes. Here we show that in the presence of both spin splitting and supercurrent, all these modes are mutually coupled. As a result, the supercurrent can convert charge imbalance, which in the presence of spin splitting decays on a relatively short scale, to a long-range spin accumulation decaying only via inelastic scattering. This effect enables coherent charge-spin conversion controllable by a magnetic flux, and it can be detected by studyin…

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Spin torques and magnetic texture dynamics driven by the supercurrent in superconductor/ferromagnet structures

We introduce the general formalism to describe spin torques induced by the supercurrents injected from the adjacent superconducting electrodes into the spin-textured ferromagnets. By considering the adiabatic limit for the equal-spin superconducting correlations in the ferromagnet we show that the supercurrent can generate both the field-like spin transfer torque and the spin-orbital torque. These dissipationless spin torques are expressed through the current-induced corrections to the effective field derived from the system energy. The general formalism is applied to show that the supercurrent can either shift or move the magnetic domain walls depending on their structure and the type of s…

research product

Large enhancement of spin pumping due to the surface bound states in normal metal/superconductor structures

We show that the spin pumping from ferromagnetic insulator into the adjacent metallic spin sink can be strongly stimulated by the superconducting correlations. The key physical mechanism responsible for this effect is the presence of Andreev bound states at the ferromagnetic insulator/superconductor interface. We consider the minimal model when these states appear because of the suppressed pairing constant within the interfacial normal layer. For thin normal layers we obtain a strongly peaked temperature dependence of the Gilbert damping coefficient which has been recently observed in such systems. For thicker normal layers the Gilbert damping monotonically increases down to the temperature…

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Resistive State of Superconductor-Ferromagnet-Superconductor Josephson Junctions in the Presence of Moving Domain Walls

We describe resistive states of the system combining two types of orderings---a superconducting and a ferromagnetic one. It is shown that in the presence of magnetization dynamics such systems become inherently dissipative and in principle cannot sustain any amount of the superconducting current because of the voltage generated by the magnetization dynamics. We calculate generic current-voltage characteristics of a superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor Josephson junction with an unpinned domain wall and find the low-current resistance associated with the domain wall motion. We suggest the finite slope of Shapiro steps as the characteristic feature of the regime with domain wall oscillat…

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Hierarchies of length-scale based typology in anisotropic U(1)s-wave multiband superconductors

Since Ginzburg and Landau's seminal work in 1950, superconducting states have been classified by the hierarchy of the fundamental length scales of the theory, the magnetic-field penetration lengths and coherence lengths. In the simplest single-component case they form a dimensionless ratio κ. The model was generalized by Ginzburg for anisotropic materials in 1952. In this paper we expand the above length-scale analysis to anisotropic multicomponent superconductors that can have multiple coherence lengths as well as multiple magnetic-field penetration lengths, leading to unconventional length-scale hierarchies. We demonstrate that the anisotropies in multiband superconductors lead to new reg…

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Nonlinear chiral transport in Dirac semimetals

We study the current of chiral charge density in a Dirac semimetal with two Dirac points in momentum space, subjected to an externally applied time dependent electric field and in the presence of a magnetic field. Based on the kinetic equation approach, we find contributions to the chiral charge current, that are proportional to the second power of the electric field and to the first and second powers of the magnetic field, describing the interplay of the chiral anomaly and the drift motion of electrons moving under the action of electric and magnetic fields.

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Quasiclassical free energy of superconductors : Disorder-driven first-order phase transition in superconductor/ferromagnetic-insulator bilayers

In the seminal work by G. Eilenberger, Z. Phys. 214, 195 (1968), a closed-form expression for the free energy of inhomogeneous spin-singlet superconductor in terms of quasiclassical propagators has been suggested. However, deriving this expression and generalizing it for superconductors or superfluids with general matrix structure, e.g., spin-triplet correlations, has remained problematic. Starting from the Luttinger-Ward formulation, we discuss here the general solution. Besides ordinary superconductors with various scattering mechanisms, the obtained free-energy functional can be used for systems, such as superfluid $^{3}\mathrm{He}$ and superconducting systems with spatially inhomogeneou…

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Phase diagram of dirty two-band superconductors and observability of impurity-induced $s+is$ state

We investigate the phase diagram of dirty two-band superconductors. This paper primarily focuses on the properties and observability of the time-reversal symmetry-breaking $s+is$ superconducting states, which can be generated in two-band superconductors by interband impurity scattering. We show that such states can appear in two distinct ways. First, according to a previously discussed scenario, the $s+is$ state can form as an intermediate phase at the impurity-driven crossover between $s_{\pm}$ and $s_{++}$ states. We show that there is a second scenario where domains of the $s+is$ state exists in the form of an isolated dome inside the $s_{\pm}$ domain, completely detached from the transi…

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Chirality selective spin interactions mediated by the moving superconducting condensate

We show that superconducting correlations in the presence of nonzero condensate velocity can mediate the peculiar interaction between localized spins that breaks the global inversion symmetry of magnetic moments. The proposed interaction mechanism is capable of removing fundamental degeneracies between topologically distinct magnetic textures. For the generic system of three magnetic impurities in the current-carrying superconductor, we find the energy term proportional to spin chirality. In realistic superconductor/ferromagnetic/superconductor setups we reveal significant energy differences between various magnetic textures with opposite chiralities. We calculate Josephson energies of junc…

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Gauge theory of the long-range proximity effect and spontaneous currents in superconducting heterostructures with strong ferromagnets

We present the generalized quasiclassical theory of the long-range superconducting proximity effect in heterostructures with strong ferromagnets, where the exchange splitting is of the order of Fermi energy. In the ferromagnet the propagation of equal-spin Cooper pairs residing on the spin-split Fermi surfaces is shown to be governed by the spin-dependent Abelian gauge field which results either from the spin-orbital coupling or from the magnetic texture. This additional gauge field enters into the quasiclassical equations in superposition with the usual electromagnetic vector potential and results in the generation of spontaneous superconducting currents and phase shifts in various geometr…

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