Christophe Nicolle
Recommandation de parcours de formation dans un contexte mobile
National audience; Les récentes avancées dans les technologies de l'information et de la communication ont vu naître de nouvelles formes d'enseignement. L'apprentissage à distance classique s'enrichit et se transforme pour donner jour à un apprentissage plus flexible, accessible sur de multiples supports, à toute heure et en tout lieu : l'apprentissage mobile. Nos travaux portent sur la conception d'un système de recommandation basé sur le contenu, modélisé en utilisant les technologies du web sémantique. La recommandation prendra en compte l'objectif de formation, mais également les supports disponibles pour dispenser cette formation, les préférences personnelles de l'apprenant, ou encore …
Contribution of Semantic Web on Customer Relationship Management in E-Tourism
International audience; This paper presents an ongoing research on the development of a customer relationship management in e-tourism. Based both on techniques of the Semantic Web and Adaptive Hypermedia Systems, this paper presents a solution for dynamic adaptation of the offer to customers according to semantic criteria characterizing the Internet. A case study about tourism in Côte d'Or department in Burgundy is presented.
Enrichissement sémantique d'un IFC pour une extraction partielle dynamique
http://www.lcdpu.fr/livre/?GCOI=27000100860820&fa=sommaire; International audience; La dématérialisation de l'ensemble des données et des processus dans le domaine du bâtiment est un enjeu mondial depuis ces 10 dernières années. Au-delà de la simple représentation géométrique d'un bâtiment, le BIM s'impose petit à petit comme un système d'information coopératif complexe, intégrant avec difficulté les données et pratiques hétérogènes des différents acteurs du domaine. La restitution intégrée de ces données aux usagers du bâtiment est une opération délicate. Pour répondre à ce verrou, nous utilisons une approche sémantique de représentation du bâtiment et particulièrement de la norme IFC. Cet…
Automatic User Profile Mapping To Marketing Segments In A Big Data Context
International audience; Within the discussion about the analysis methods for Big Data contexts, semantic technologies often get discarded for reasons of efficiency. While machine learning and statistics are known to have shortcomings when handling natural language, their advantages in terms of performance outweigh potential concerns. We argue that even when handling vast amounts of data, the usage of semantic technologies can be profitable and demonstrate this by developing an ontology-based system for automatically mapping user profiles to pre-defined marketing segments.
Towards Dynamic Ontology - Integrating Tools of Evolution and Versionning in Ontology
6; International audience; Since Gruber's definition, a lot of works focused on evolution or versioning issues. Not much attention has been paid to integrated solutions which resolve both these two purposes. In this paper we present a new semantic architecture that combines versioning tools with the evolution process. This architecture called VersionGraph is integrated in the source ontology since its creation in order to make it possible to evolve and to be versioned.
Semantic-based Technique for the Automation the 3D Reconstruction Process
Pages: 191 to 198, ISBN: 978-1-61208-104-5; International audience; The reconstruction of 3D objects based on point clouds data presents a major task in many application field since it consumes time and require human interactions to yield a promising result. Robust and quick methods for complete object extraction or identification are still an ongoing research topic and suffer from the complex structure of the data, which cannot be sufficiently modeled by purely numerical strategies. Our work aims at defining a new way of automatically and intelligently processing of 3D point clouds from a 3D laser scanner. This processing is based on the combination of 3D processing technologies and Semant…
TourismKM: a new Web Semantic based approach for E-Tourism
International audience; Since 1970, technology innovations transformed radically the tourism processes and strategies, essentially with the Internet apparition. Nowadays, E-Tourism systems are well implanted into the Internet, with a lot of offers and online possibilities (reservations, virtual visit, etc.). Nevertheless, with the great evolution of the Internet, users' needs and attends changed too, they are now looking for more personalized and adapted contents. Here is the lack of the most E-Tourism systems, they are not, or a little, user centered. Based both on techniques of the Semantic Web and Adaptive Hypermedia Systems, this paper presents a solution for dynamic adaptation of the o…
International audience; In the field of AEC/FM, BIM has been recognized by industrial and political actors as a powerful tool for resolving data interoperability problems. Coupled with cloud computing and GIS, BIM would allow integrating different information exchange standard into one single digital building model that can be real-time edited by several stakeholders or architects. In this paper, we examine the benefits brought by using Semantic Web technologies in delivering such universal building model. We present how our approach is a step further in reaching the vision of BIM, and how it can serve construction process, operation and maintenance, along with facilities’ lifecycle managem…
A Rule Based System for Semantical Enrichment of Building Information Exchange
International audience; In the area of building construction and management, the dematerial-ization of data and processes has been a global issue for the past 10 years. Go-ing beyond the geometric representation of a building, Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an approach that aims at integrating into one single system heterogeneous data and processes from different actors. Such integration is a complex and fastidious task. The implementation of the related processes for data querying, retrieval or modification is not less difficult. To tackle this prob-lem, we have developed a novel approach based on Semantic Web technolo-gies. In doing so, we have defined an ontology inspired on IFC …
Reconstruction et analyse sémantique de chronologies cybercriminelles
International audience; La reconstruction de scénarios est l’une des étapes les plus importantes d’une investigation numérique. Elle permet aux enquêteurs d’avoir une vue des évènements survenus durant un incident. La reconstruction de scénarios est une tâche complexe requérant l’étude d’un très grand nombre d’évènements en raison de l’omniprésence des nouvelles technologies dans notre quotidien. De plus, les conclusions produites se doivent de respecter les critères fixés par la justice. Afin de répondre à ces challenges, nous proposons une nouvelle méthodologie, basée sur une ontologie intégrant les connaissances d’experts des domaines de la criminalistique et de l’ingénierie logicielle, …
Context-Aware Adaptive System For M- Learning Personalization
International audience; Context-aware mobile learning is becoming important because of the dynamic and continually changing learning settings in learner's mobile environment, giving rise to many different learning contexts that are difficult to apprehend. To provide personalization of learning content, we aim to develop a recommender system based on semantic modeling of learning contents and learning context. This modeling is complemented by a behavioral part made up of rules and metaheuristics used to optimize the combination of pieces of learning contents according to learner's context. All these elements form a new approach to mobile learning.
International audience; The use of personalized recommender systems to assist users in the selection of products is becoming more and more popular and wide-spread. The purpose of a recommender system is to provide the most suitable items from an knowledge base, according the user knowledge, tastes, interests, ... These items are generally proposed as ordered lists. In this article, we propose to combine works from adaptive hypermedia systems, semantic web and combinatory to create a new kind of recommender systems suggesting combinations of items corresponding to the user.
Représentation sémantiquement riche d'évènements pour le domaine de la criminalistique informatique
International audience
Managing semantics knowledge for 3D architectural reconstruction
International audience; this work aims at bound geometrical detection of 3D objects from a point cloud using semantic descriptors to improve reusability of architectural building reconstruction and aid automatic reasoning in building information modeling (BIM). Based on exploring cognitive origins of spatial semantics representations, semantics conceptualization and classification is proposed for formal management of 3D architectural objects. The knowledge classification composes definition, partial knowledge and ambiguous knowledge, and is formalized with transformations among closed world assumption (CWA) and open world assumption (OWA). Systemic case study is conducted on a simplified bu…
Towards the Agent-Based Simulation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in a 3d Environment
International audience
Knowledge Base Approach for 3D Objects Detection in Point Clouds Using 3D Processing and Specialists Knowledge
This paper presents a knowledge-based detection of objects approach using the OWL ontology language, the Semantic Web Rule Language, and 3D processing built-ins aiming at combining geometrical analysis of 3D point clouds and specialist's knowledge. Here, we share our experience regarding the creation of 3D semantic facility model out of unorganized 3D point clouds. Thus, a knowledge-based detection approach of objects using the OWL ontology language is presented. This knowledge is used to define SWRL detection rules. In addition, the combination of 3D processing built-ins and topological Built-Ins in SWRL rules allows a more flexible and intelligent detection, and the annotation of objects …
SCALESEM : Evaluation of Semantic Graph based on Model Checking
International audience; Semantic interoperability problems have found their solutions using languages and techniques from the Semantic Web. The proliferation of ontologies and meta-information has improved the understanding of information and the relevance of search engine responses. However, the construction of semantic graphs is a source of numerous errors of interpretation or modelling and scalability remains a major problem. The processing of large semantic graphs is a limit to the use of semantics in current information systems. The work presented in this paper is part of a new research at the border of two areas: the semantic web and the model checking. This line of research concerns …
A Federated Approach for Interoperating AEC/FM Ontologies
International audience; Over the last few years, the benefits of applying ontologies (semantic graph modelling) for Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Facility Management (AEC/FM) industry have been recognized by several researchers and industry stakeholders. One of the main motivations is because it eases AEC data manipulation and representation. However, a research question that still remains open is how to take advantage of semantic web technologies to interoperate the AEC/FM and other ontologies in a flexible and dynamical way in order to solve data structure heterogeneity problem. Because of this, we propose in this paper to apply a rule-based federated architecture to answer …