Georges Pinczon

Ideaux à gauche dans les quotients simples de l'algèbre enveloppante de sl(2)

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The graded Lie algebra structure of Lie superalgebra deformation theory

We show how Lie superalgebra deformation theory can be treated by graded Lie algebras formalism. Rigidity and integrability theorems are obtained.

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Quantization of Poisson Lie Groups and Applications

LetG be a connected Poisson-Lie group. We discuss aspects of the question of Drinfel'd:can G be quantized? and give some answers. WhenG is semisimple (a case where the answer isyes), we introduce quantizable Poisson subalgebras ofC ∞(G), related to harmonic analysis onG; they are a generalization of F.R.T. models of quantum groups, and provide new examples of quantized Poisson algebras.

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The enveloping algebra of the Lie superalgebra osp(1,2)

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A natural and rigid model of quantum groups

We introduce a natural (Frechet-Hopf) algebra A containing all generic Jimbo algebras U t (sl(2)) (as dense subalgebras). The Hopf structures on A extend (in a continuous way) the Hopf structures of generic U t (sl(2)). The Universal R-matrices converge in A\(\hat \otimes \)A. Using the (topological) dual of A, we recover the formalism of functions of noncommutative arguments. In addition, we show that all these Hopf structures on A are isomorphic (as bialgebras), and rigid in the category of bialgebras.

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Non linear representations of Lie Groups

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New applications of graded Lie algebras to Lie algebras, generalized Lie algebras and cohomology

We give new applications of graded Lie algebras to: identities of standard polynomials, deformation theory of quadratic Lie algebras, cyclic cohomology of quadratic Lie algebras, $2k$-Lie algebras, generalized Poisson brackets and so on.

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The hidden group structure of Quantum Groups:strong duality,rigidity and preferred deformations

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Une Algèbre de Lie non semi-simple rigide et sympathique

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http://www.worldscinet.com/jaa/05/0503/S0219498806001740.html; International audience; Based on Kostant's cohomological interpretation of the Amitsur–Levitzki theorem, we prove a super version of this theorem for the Lie superalgebras osp(1, 2n). We conjecture that no other classical Lie superalgebra can satisfy an Amitsur–Levitzki type super identity. We show several (super) identities for the standard super polynomials. Finally, a combinatorial conjecture on the standard skew supersymmetric polynomials is stated.

research product

Back to the Amitsur-Levitzki theorem: a super version for the orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra osp(1, 2n)

We prove an Amitsur-Levitzki type theorem for the Lie superalgebras osp(1,2n) inspired by Kostant's cohomological interpretation of the classical theorem. We show that the Lie superalgebras gl(p,q) cannot satisfy an Amitsur-Levitzki type super identity if p, q are non zero and conjecture that neither can any other classical simple Lie superalgebra with the exception of osp(1,2n).

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Sur la 1-Cohomologie des Groupes de Lie Semi-Simples

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The structure of sl(2,1)-supersymmetry:irreducible representations and primitive ideals

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The hidden group structure of quantum groups: strong duality, rigidity and preferred deformations

A notion of well-behaved Hopf algebra is introduced; reflexivity (for strong duality) between Hopf algebras of Drinfeld-type and their duals, algebras of coefficients of compact semi-simple groups, is proved. A hidden classical group structure is clearly indicated for all generic models of quantum groups. Moyal-product-like deformations are naturally found for all FRT-models on coefficients andC∞-functions. Strong rigidity (H bi 2 ={0}) under deformations in the category of bialgebras is proved and consequences are deduced.

research product

A star-product approach to noncompact Quantum Groups

Using duality and topological theory of well behaved Hopf algebras (as defined in [2]) we construct star-product models of non compact quantum groups from Drinfeld and Reshetikhin standard deformations of enveloping Hopf algebras of simple Lie algebras. Our star-products act not only on coefficient functions of finite-dimensional representations, but actually on all $C^\infty$ functions, and they exist even for non linear (semi-simple) Lie groups.

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Nonlinear multipliers and applications

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