Stefano Ruggieri

Stili di comunicazione, soddisfazione ed efficienza in gruppi di lavoro on line

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Ergonomia sociale: la Computer Mediated Communication in azione

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Il funzionamento psicosociale dei gruppi on line

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Euristiche affettive e percezione del rischio nella scelta di una destinazione turistica

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Disabilità ed e-learning

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The functioning of social network in computer mediated communication

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The effect of prosocial priming in the presence of bystanders.

This study investigated the influence of priming and bystander apathy on helping behavior. After priming prosociality through a scrambled sentences test, participants encountered a woman who dropped the books she was carrying. Helping behavior in bystander and no-bystander conditions was tested. The results showed that people in a prosocial-prime condition were more likely to help than people in a neutral-prime condition, and that the effect of priming persists even in the presence of bystanders.

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Early DEtection of wEaring off in Parkinson disease: The DEEP study

Assessing the frequency of Wearing-Off (WO) in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients, and its impact on Quality of Life (QoL). METHODS: Consecutive ambulatory patients, who were on dopaminergic treatment for ≥ 1 year, were included in this multicentre, observational cross-sectional study. In a single visit, WO was diagnosed based on neurologist assessment as well as using the validated Italian version of a patient self-rated 19-question Wearing-Off Questionnaire (WOQ-19); WO was defined for scores ≥ 2. QoL was evaluated by the 8-item Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-8). RESULTS: 617 subjects were included, with a mean anti-Parkinson treatment duration of 6.6 ± 4.6 years, 87.2% were on lev…

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L’e-learning per la didattica della psicologia sociale

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Leaders’ Style, Self-Sacrifice, and Team Identification

Leadership is a group feature that directly impacts on team identification. Effective leaders are especially capable of fostering group cohesiveness and promoting efficacy in goal attainment. We assessed the relationship between transactional and transformational leadership style, team identification, and leader self-sacrifice. Participants were 186 call center employees who were headed by a leader who operated with either a transactional or a transformational leadership style. The employees reported their level of team identification and leader self-sacrifice. Results show how, in either the transactional or transformational leadership condition, levels of leadership and self-sacrifice wer…

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The effect of social norms and the presence of bystanders on altruistic behavior

In this chapter, prosocial behavior will be analyzed from a social psychology point of view, examining the theoretical contributions of the past ten years and highlighting the various interpretations that have been proposed. Specifically, the focus will be on the analysis of the motivations that characterize a person who behaves altruistically. Theoretical models that will be examined include those that consider the possibility of a genuine altruistic motivation, as well as those that hypothesize that true altruism does not exist. In fact, it will be shown how the motivation behind altruistic behavior has been interpreted differently by social psychologists as being either intrinsically ego…

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Electronic surveillance in the couple: The role of self-efficacy and commitment

Abstract Researchers have shown a significant effect of using social networking sites (SNSs) on romantic relationships. Surveillance is one of the motives for social network use. Social networking surveillance is related to controlling a romantic partner's online behaviours. The purpose of the study was to search for antecedents of electronic surveillance (Study 1) and to examine their role in behaviours related to electronic surveillance among romantic couples (Study 2). Following the uses and gratification theory and technology acceptance model of using SNSs, antecedents of electronic surveillance in adult Facebook users were examined. In Study 1, the relationship between electronic surve…

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Automatic Influences of Priming on Prosocial Behavior

Literature on the automaticity of social behavior indicates that, in some circumstances, priming a concept automatically activates related behavioral schemas. Previous research studies have used priming techniques to increase willingness to help, but most of these have simply measured intention to engage in prosocial behavior rather than real helping behavior. Two different studies investigated the effect of priming the concept of prosocial behavior on real helping behavior. After priming prosociality through a scrambled sentences test, participants were shown to increase their donation rate after a direct request coming from an experimenter's confederate (Study 1) and to spontaneously help…

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At the Roots of Product Placement: The Mere Exposure Effect

The present study aims to analyze the effect of product placement on attitude change and takes into consideration psychological models of the mere exposure effect. A sample of high school students watched an excerpt from two widely-distributed movies in which several products were shown by using the technique known as product placement. The results indicate that students who saw the commercial brand liked the products more than those who didn’t see it. This effect, in line with the literature on the product placement effect, seems to be independent from the recognition of the brand in the movie excerpt. This study also shows that, in the high involvement condition, one exposure is enough to…

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Il ruolo dei saperi essenziali nel processo di orientamento dello studente di psicologia

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The Fairness Principle, Reward, and Altruistic Behavior

The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between reward and altruism. It was hypothesized that the altruistic behavior of someone who has been asked for help will occur only after the person asking for help has been evaluated. As a result, if the situation of a person asking for help is perceived as less fortunate, help will be given even if no proportional award is received in return, according to a principle based on need that makes people feel they should help the needy. Results show that when the participants received an unfair award, they tended to offer much bigger donations only in the condition in which the other was perceived as less fortunate. jasp_749 1110..1120…

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Entrepreneurship on Social Networking Sites: The Roles of Attitude and Perceived Usefulness

Background: Social media platforms are a significant growth opportunity for enterprises, especially for microenterprises, due to the possibility of establishing direct contact with their customers. We investigate the psychological reasons that drive entrepreneurs towards the use of social networking sites (SNSs) for their business, following two important social psychology theories: the theory of planned behaviour and the technology acceptance model. We also tested for two personality traits: openness to experience and dominance. Methods: Data were acquired by examining 325 microentrepreneurs who decided to use either SNSs or traditional sales methods for their businesses. Results and concl…

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Leadership in virtual teams: a comparison of transformational and transactional leaders

The effects of transactional and transformational leadership on groups in which people interact in a virtual manner were analyzed and specifically the level of satisfaction and perception of the style adopted were evaluated. Results indicated that a transformational style is more satisfying than a transactional style, and that a transformational leader is judged to be better than a transactional leader.

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Il linguaggio della rete. Il Modello delle Categorie Linguistiche e i contesti del Web 2.0

Obiettivo del presente contributo è stato di analizzare gli stili comunicativi all'interno dei nuovi contesti del Web 2.0, mediante l'utilizzo del Modello delle categorie linguistiche. I risultati hanno evidenziato come strumenti diversi (blog, Facebook, Twitter) orientino e condizionino la comunicazione in modo differente, ed inoltre come il grado di astrazione linguistica sia scarsamente in relazione con la capacità di generare repliche e condivisioni per ogni messaggio.

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L’atteggiamento nei confronti della pubblicità comparativa: efficacia persuasiva dei messaggi bilaterali

The effect of a comparative advertising on attitude toward the brand and on attitude toward the ad was studied. In the first experiment, a comparative and a not-comparative advertising of a fictitious brand of stroller for children has been presented to 160 subjects. Results demonstrate that subjects, when exposed to a comparative communication, are likely to scrutiny the persuasive message and the elaboration tend to be high. The analysis shows moreover that comparative advertising evokes a less favorable attitude toward the ad. In the second experiment, the persuasive effectiveness of a two-sided messages compared to one-sided message was verified. Finally, in the third experiment we hypo…

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Dimensioni metacognitive nella persuasione

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Dalla Computer Mediated Communication all'ergonomia sociale

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Interaction through social media: Development and validation of a social network site self-efficacy scale (SNS-SES)

Today, more than ever before, awareness of our ability to interact with others through and use social network sites (SNSs) is of fundamental importance, in light of the fact that we are connected to the Web 24 h a day, 7 days a week. Studies of social media in recent decades have shown that self-efficacy is one of the key variables affecting individual online behavior. The general aim of the studies presented here was to develop and validate a new self-report scale measuring self-efficacy in SNS use (an SNS self-efficacy scale, or SNS-SES). Across two studies, a total of 1295 Italian adolescents and adults (ages 15 to 89; M = 38.21, SD = 15.6) participated. The SNS-SES consists of 24 items …

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Moodle e l’apprendimento sociale

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An Evaluation of HCI and CMC in Information Systems within Highly Crowded Large Events

Pervasive systems are composed of a large variety of networked smart devices that supposedly enrich the environment they are deployed in. The access to services provided by a pervasive system should be as natural and “unconscious” as possible. In a large number of cases, the available interaction modality seems to be more oriented towards showing off technological wonders rather than to the actual usability of the interface. In this paper we evaluate and compare two different versions of an information provision system deployed in two editions of a large fair. In particular, we will focus on the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Computer-Mediated-Communication (CMC) points of view. The a…

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Interactive Learning Environment as Innovative Teaching Method for Entrepreneurship Education

The main aim of this paper is to show an innovative web-based interactive learning environment (ILE) for promoting and improving entrepreneurship in a complex and non-linear business context. The web-based ILE allows the interaction among participants both at national and international level in order to stimulate the sharing of knowledge and experience. The adoption of an ILE as teaching method will help entrepreneurs to become more aware of their entrepreneurial attributes and skills and see entrepreneurship as a realistic and interesting career path.

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The role of online social comparison as a protective factor for psychological wellbeing: A longitudinal study during the COVID-19 quarantine

During the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, the experience of quarantine has been an undesirable condition for people and it can have a negative impact on mental health and psychological wellbeing. Social isolation has led to an increase in time spent on social network sites, with people interacting more frequently with each other, and comparing online the way in which they are experiencing the same state of home confinement. Our study aimed to investigate the role of online social comparison on individuals' psychological distress and life satisfaction during the COVID-19-related quarantine. Specifically, a cross-lagged panel study at three-waves was conducted in Italy in order to examine the chan…

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Automatic Influences of Priming on Prosocial Behavior

Literature on the automaticity of social behavior indicates that in some circumstances, priming a concept automatically activates related behavioral schemas. Previous research studies have used priming techniques to increase willingness to help, but most of these have simply measured intention to engage in prosocial behavior rather than real helping behavior. Two different studies investigated the effect of priming the concept of prosocial behavior on real helping behavior. After priming prosociality through a scrambled sentences test, participants were shown to increase their donation rate after a direct request coming from an experimenter's confederate (study 1) and to spontaneously help …

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Il funzionamento psicosociale dei gruppi che interagiscono via web

Il funzionamento psicosociale dei gruppi che interagiscono attraverso forme di comunicazione mediata dal computer è l’oggetto della presente rassegna. Dopo avere brevemente illustrato le principali teorie formulate a riguardo, vengono evidenziate somiglianze e differenze tra le modalità di funzionamento di questo tipo di gruppi con i più tradizionali gruppi in cui l’interazione tra i membri avviene in presenza. Quest’analisi viene condotta separatamente per i principali ambiti di indagine della psicologia sociale dei gruppi: identità, norme, struttura e prestazioni. La rassegna si chiude illustrando i principali problemi aperti nello stato dell’arte di questo settore di ricerca.

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saperi essenziali nell’orientamento web-based

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Human-to-Human Interaction: The Killer Application of Ubiquitous Computing?

Twenty-five years past the Weiser’s vision of Ubiquitous Computing, and there is not a clear understanding of what is or is not a pervasive system. Due to the loose boundaries of such paradigm, almost any kind of remotely ac-cessible networked system is classified as a pervasive system. We think that that is mainly due to the lack of killer applications that could make this vi-sion clearer. Actually, we think that the most promising killer application is already here, but we are so used to it that we do not see it, as a perfect fitting of the Weiser’s vision: the Human-to-Human Interaction mediated by com-puters.

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Reti comunicative ed interazioni virtuali nella soluzione di dilemmi sociali on line

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Appartenenza etnica e stereotipi in Sicilia: l’influenza indotta dallo stereotipo sulle prestazioni scolastiche e sull’autovalutazione dei bambini immigrati

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Lo sleeper effect e l’ipotesi esplicativa del decadimento differenziale

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Attivazione del costrutto altruismo ed effetto diretto sul comportamento.

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The role of sexting in couple wellbeing for Italian women during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic

The social isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on the sexuality and quality of life of people around the world. A particularly negative effect was detected on women’s sexual health. As a consequence, many women began to use social media not only to stay in touch with their social networks, but as a way of maintaining sexual contact. The main aim of this research is to observe the positive effects of sexting in women’s wellbeing as a strategy to manage the negative effects of a condition of forced isolation. We collected all our data between November 2020 and March 2021 during a period of strict restrictions in Italy due to the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Study …

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Il Product Placement alla luce dell’effetto della mere exposure

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L'e-learning 2.0 e i social network

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Attivazione del costrutto di altruismo ed effetto diretto sul comportamento

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Willingness to Donate Organs After Death

Abstract: Background: Despite the growing number of organ transplants, there is still a significant difference between the number of donated organs and the number of people waiting for them. Knowing the reason people decide to donate is the first step to increasing organ donation rates. Aims: The main aim of the present study was to develop and validate a new scale for organ donation. Method: In three studies, 3,585 participants ranging in age between 14 and 89 years were selected through systematic random sampling. In the first study, we created a scale following the organ donation model theoretical framework and submitted the scale to exploratory factor analysis. In the second study, we …

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La comunicazione sui social network. Una analisi mediante il modello delle categorie linguistiche

Introduzione L'avvento di Internet, ed in particolare dei Social Network Site e del Web 2.0, ha rivoluzionato le interazioni sociali tra gli individui nel corso dell'ultimo decennio. I blog, Facebook e Twitter sono i tre principali strumenti che hanno contribuito a trasformare il nostro modo di comunicare, sempre meno visto come un processo passivo, e sempre più orientato lungo la dimensione dell'interazione. Numerose sono infatti le ricerche che hanno analizzato il fenomeno del passaparola all'interno di questi contesti. Obiettivi e Metodi Obiettivo del presente studio è l'analisi delle comunicazioni all'interno dei contesti virtuali del Web 2.0. In particolare, sono stati raffrontati gli …

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Metodologia della ricerca psicosociale

Come si formula un’ipotesi di ricerca e quali caratteristiche deve possedere per poter essere sottoposta a verifica. Cosa vuol dire, per uno psicologo sociale, misurare una caratteristica osservabile e quali errori si possono commettere. Quali sono i mezzi di cui lo psicologo sociale dispone per scandagliare la realtà, dal disegno sperimentale ai disegni quasi sperimentali, all’approccio correlazionale e osservativo. Com’è strutturato il sistema delle pubblicazioni scientifiche psicosociali, come orientarsi al suo interno, in che modo utilizzarle come base di conoscenza per impostare una ricerca. Quali sono le norme deontologiche che devono guidare una ricerca di psicologia sociale. Il manu…

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The Fairness Principle, Reward, and Altruistic Behavior

The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between reward and altruism. It was hypothesized that the altruistic behavior of someone who has been asked for help will occur only after the person asking for help has been evaluated. As a result, if the situation of a person asking for help is perceived as less fortunate, help will be given even if no proportional award is received in return, according to a principle based on need that makes people feel they should help the needy. Results show that when the participants received an unfair award, they tended to offer much bigger donations only in the condition in which the other was perceived as less fortunate.

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A comparison of the effects of transactional and transformational leadership in synchronous and a synchronous online teamwork was conducted. In the study, groups of four participants interacted in online text chat and online text forum in problem solving tasks. The groups were leaded by a confederate who acted as a transactional or a transformational leader. Satisfaction in the interactions and participations communicative styles were assessed. Results indicated that transformational leadership is more satisfying and cognitive and metacognitive style oriented than transactional leadership that is more participative style oriented.

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A Beggar, Self-Awareness And Willingness To Help

The present field experiment examines the relationship between self-awareness, violation of personal space and helping  behavior. A beggar asking for alms on the streets. To induce the first experimental condition, the state of objective self-awareness, the beggar had a mirror at chest height, suspended from a string round his neck. In the control condition, in place of the mirror, the beggar held a similarly dimensioned piece of cardboard in the same position. Both mirror and cardboard bore the message "A FEW PENNIES THANKS." As concerned the second experimental condition, the beggar either stood still waiting for people to come up to him, or walked toward the people as they approached, th…

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