María Huertas González-serrano

Development and Preliminary Validation of Social Media as an Educational and Professional Tool Student Perceptions Scale (SMEPT-SPS)

Although social media has an increasing presence both in university and sports settings, in the sports-management education context, no instruments (without being focused on one particular social-media platform, e.g., Facebook and Twitter) have been developed and validated that globally allow the academy to explore the perceptions of sports-management students concerning the educational and professional learning potential that these tools offer. Therefore, this research’s main objective is to develop and perform a preliminary validation of the social media as an educational and professional tool student perceptions scale (SMEPT-SPS). This study sample was composed of 90 Spanish undergraduat…

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Entrepreneurial ecosystems, knowledge spillovers, and their embeddedness in the sport field: a bibliometric and content analysis

The aim of this article is to review the emerging research on entrepreneurial ecosystems and knowledge spillovers in general, and in the sport field in particular through bibliometric and content a...

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Linked(In)g sport management education with the sport industry: A preliminary study

Social media are one of the most valuable management tools used by sport managers in the fulfilment of their daily tasks. However, the studies that share and analyse the impact of educational experiences that incorporate social media into sport management education for professional purposes are scarce to date. Thus, this study presents an educational innovation piloted in a sport management course where LinkedIn—the social media most associated with the professional sphere—is introduced through an experiential learning methodology, as a driver of students’ career development and as a tool to keep up to date and interact with the sport industry. To assess the learning outcomes, a new scale w…

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Predicting entrepreneurial intentions of sports sciences students: A cross-cultural approach

Abstract The importance of entrepreneurship in the sports sector has risen recently. However, few studies analyze the determinants of entrepreneurial intentions with sport sciences students using a cross-cultural approach. This study aims to determine the entrepreneurial potential of sports sciences students and analyze the influence of national culture on sports sciences students' entrepreneurial intentions determinants. The sample is composed of 356 university students from Spain and Portugal. A multi-group analysis with PLS-SEM was performed to analyze the data. The results show that sports sciences students have favorable attitudes towards entrepreneurship and a supportive closed enviro…

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Sport management education through an entrepreneurial perspective: Analysing its impact on Spanish sports science students

Abstract Entrepreneurship education is becoming increasingly important because it can improve the employability of students. However, although it has been introduced in universities in recent years, its integration into sports education is still scarce. Therefore, the aim of this study is to present a way of approaching a sports management subject from an entrepreneurial perspective and to evaluate the effects of that approach on students. For this purpose, a sample of 54 sports science students from a Spanish university has been analysed. A longitudinal design has been carried out using Ajzen's theory of planned behaviour (1991), intrapreneurial intentions, the entrepreneurial climate and …

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Perceived Value in Sporting Events (PVSP): A Further Step for the Strategic Management

The perception of sporting events spectators is a crucial area of research in the sport management field. These studies analyze different variables, the perceived value of which has gained relevance in recent years. By providing superior value to consumers, organizations can achieve a competitive advantage and guarantee their sustainability. However, a limitation found in the literature is that most of the scales used to measure it are one-dimensional or with single items, and do not provide enough information. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Value (PVSE) for the evaluation of sporting events. The questionnaire was…

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Introducción de LinkedIn en la gestión del deporte para crear entornos de aprendizaje en línea

[EN] Social media have become a valuable resource for the teaching community, enabling online teaching and learning environments to be created. These tools have gained prominence as a result of the pandemic caused by the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, making it viable to continue teaching through these channels. On the other hand, social media are a fundamental element in the day-to- day work of sport managers, being a very useful tool for managing aspects as diverse as brand image, fan engagement and sponsorship. This work shares an educational innovation named "LinkedIn (r)evolution", carried out with a total of 118 students (72.4% men and 27.6% women) of sport management from two Spanis…

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Amateur Runners’ Commitment: An Analysis of Sociodemographic and Sports Habit Profiles

The aim of this work is to analyse the commitment to running among urban runners by identifying groups regarding commitment to this sport and by defining their sociodemographic profile and their sports habits. A sample of 1806 participants in popular urban races in the city of Valencia was interviewed using an 11-item questionnaire on commitment to running, sociodemographic characteristics, and sports habits. The psychometric properties of the running-commitment scale allowed for the identification of two factors in commitment to running: enthusiasm for running (6 items) and affliction from running (5 items). Subsequently, a cluster analysis combining hierarchical and non-hierarchical metho…

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Athletes’ subjective evaluations of the implementation of dual career measures

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Sporting habits of urban runners: Classification according to their motivation

This study analyses the sporting habits of runners participating in short-distance urban running events to identify groups with different motivations towards the practice of endurance running and participation in urban running events. A sample consisting of 937 participants in the Valencia running circuit was interviewed using a questionnaire consisting of a scale of 22 items to analyse their motives for participating in popular races. An exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis was carried out to check the validity of the instrument, and the analysis identified the following four factors into which the indicators were grouped: psychological and physical motives (3 items), social mot…

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How to empower women’s entrepreneurship? An analysis of women’s sport employment and contextual variables in European Union countries using a fuzzy approach

Although the number of women entrepreneurs has increased in recent years, it is still lower than that of men. In addition, although the sports sector has been characterized by its growth in recent years and contributes to the GDP of the countries by generating employment, the role that this has within female entrepreneurship has never been analysed. Therefore, the objective of this study is to know the combinations of conditions (female employment in sports, government support, financing for entrepreneurs, perception of entrepreneurial opportunities and capacities, glass ceiling index and masculine values in society) that generate high levels of female entrepreneurship in the countries of t…

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El turismo deportivo se puede definir como un viaje de ocio con el fin de participar, de distintas formas, en actividades físico-deportivas. Respecto al fútbol, sus encuentros constituyen grandes eventos deportivos, atracciones donde el turista vivencia, principalmente de forma pasiva, distintas actividades, ya sea como espectador o como visitante de las atracciones turístico-futbolísticas. Sin duda, el fútbol tiene un importante valor turístico, en especial para la estructura turística local, incidiendo de manera directa en aspectos como la promoción y difusión de un destino turístico. En este marco, los clubs de fútbol se convierten en promotores turísticos de su ciudad, además de desarro…

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Variables predictoras de la motivación deportiva en estudiantes de secundaria federados y no federados (Variables predicting sports motivation in federated and non-federated high school students)

La práctica físico-deportiva genera numerosos beneficios para la salud, siendo la adolescencia uno de los periodos clave para la adquisición de estos hábitos. Por consiguiente, la materia de Educación Física es un escenario ideal para ello, encontrándose relación entre diversas variables (motivación deportiva, importancia de la Educación Física y clima motivacional), con la continuidad de la práctica físico-deportiva. Sin embargo, son escasos los estudios que han analizado la influencia que tiene practicar deporte de forma federada o no federada en estas variables. Es por ello, que los objetivos de este estudio son conocer las diferencias existentes en la motivación deportiva, el clima moti…

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An overview of sport entrepreneurship field: a bibliometric analysis of the articles published in the Web of Science

In the sport entrepreneurship field, bibliometric analysis and maps have not yet been used to analyze the production and to visualize the evolution and trends of this field. However, sport entrepre...

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How are fans teams’ consumption behaviors impacted by their federations’ innovativeness perceived organizational legitimacy

Fans’ consumption intentions towards their favourite teams’ products and services are essential outcome variables for sport federations and clubs. However, the factors that could affect these outco...

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Innovative sports-embedded gambling promotion: A study of spectators’ enjoyment and gambling intention during XFL games

Abstract The sports industry has continued to grow on the basis of innovative practices. One such recent innovation in sport was the introduction of live on-screen betting odds during XFL game broadcasts. Such a service had never before been offered in the United States. This paper examines the impact of these live on-screen betting odds on fan engagement and consumer experience (increased spectator enjoyment and gambling intention) during the XFL season. Fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis reveals interesting results. For both increased spectator enjoyment and high levels of gambling intention, the combination of high levels of perceived enjoyment, excitement expectancy, and escape …

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The importance of developing the entrepreneurial capacities in sport sciences university students

ABSTRACTEntrepreneurship in the sports sector plays a key role in the increasing demand for sports professionals that possess entrepreneurial skills. Universities may help build the skills of sports science graduates by adopting educational policies to promote entrepreneurship. However, the capabilities that must be achieved to this end, and other factors, are unclear. Therefore, the aim of this study is to understand what perceived capabilities, internal factors (entrepreneurial courses), and external factors (environment) influence entrepreneurial intentions of students of physical activity and sport sciences. To achieve these goals, we analysed a sample of undergraduate and postgraduate …

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Entrepreneurial ecosystems for developing the sports industry in European Union countries

Abstract In recent years, the entrepreneurial ecosystem approach has gained particular interest worldwide for understanding the context of entrepreneurship at the macro level. However, although the sports sector is gaining importance in the European Union and can improve people's health, generate employment, and contribute to countries' GDP, no research from this perspective has been found. Thus, this paper aims to analyze the influence of different indicators related to innovation on European Union countries' shared sport-related GDP (last data available from 2012 were used). The results showed that 12 solutions could explain 76% of the cases of high levels of shared sport-related GDP. The…

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Análisis de las intenciones de emprender en deporte a través de modelos lineales vs QCA = Analysis of sport entrepreneurial intentions through linear models vs QCA

Resumen: Las altas tasas de desempleo juvenil en España han generado que el emprendimiento deba ser considerado una buena salida laboral para los jóvenes recién graduados. Concretamente, el sector deportivo se presenta como una industria viable para que los jóvenes titulados emprendan, siendo escasos los estudios sobre emprendimiento realizados con estos estudiantes. Por tanto, es el objetivo del presente estudio conocer cuáles son las variables predictoras de la intención de emprender de los estudiantes pre-graduados del sector deportivo a través de la Teoría del Comportamiento Planificado, añadiendo también algunas variables sociodemográficas (género y experiencia laboral). Para ello se h…

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The Rise of Social Media in Sport: A Bibliometric Analysis

Social media has revolutionized the sports industry by changing the way athletes, coaches, clubs, federations, sport companies and other industry actors interact. Although academic interest in the emergence of social media in the context of sports has increased in recent years, these platforms have not been studied from a bibliometric viewpoint. Therefore, this study examined the scientific production of social media in sports using descriptive bibliometric software. The most prolific authors, journals, institutions, number of citations and networks of authorship are identified. From the bibliometric analysis, implications for sport managers and future research directions for social media …

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Predictive Variables of Adolescents' Intention to Be Physically Active after Graduation. Is Gender a Conditioning Factor?

The acquisition of physical activity habits during adolescence is fundamental to guarantee its adherence throughout life. However, these levels decrease during this stage, with women experimenting a more significant decrease. This paper aims to analyze if there are significant differences in the variables related to the intention to be physically active between men and women and if there is a moderating effect of gender on the variables that predict this intention. The sample is composed of 256 adolescents, aged between 16 and 19 years, 55.50% of whom are men, and 44.50% women. The results show that there are statistically significant differences (p &lt

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Credibility to attract, trust to stay: the mediating role of trust in improving brand congruence in sports services

This research aims to demonstrate the mediating role of brand trust in the relationship between credibility and users' congruence with a sports services brand. The analysis was carried out using EQS 6.3 to perform the four required steps of the analysis (and the Sobel test was conducted for a public sports service and a private sports service. The results confirm the full mediation effect of brand trust in the case of the private service and a partial mediation for the public service. Therefore, this study confirms that credibility, in the presence of trust, ceases to have an influence on the congruence of users with the brand, which suggests that credibility is important at an initial stag…

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Promoting Physical Activity Habits after Completing Secondary School: Does the Age Matter?

Physical inactivity is one of the most important problems in our society, especially during adolescence. During this stage of schooling, students practice physical activity in physical education classes, but after they finish school, many of them stop practicing it. This research aims to determine which variables predict the intention to practice physical activity after finishing secondary school and to discover the effect that age during adolescence has on these predictive variables. A questionnaire was administered to a sample of secondary school students. The results show that physical exercise identity influences the three antecedents of this theory, while the attitude towards the behav…

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