Heikki Saari

Teacher Talk Patterns in Science Lessons: Use in Teacher Education

This paper presents an innovative and useful methodology to analyze instructional talk. In teacher education, there is a lack of practical methods that the tutor teacher can use to discuss and reflect on student teachers’ lessons. The student teacher cannot remember what actually happened during the lesson, and the feedback and discussions are based on memory and are, therefore, unstructured. The purpose of this explorative and descriptive case study was to characterize the teacher talk used in the process of a teacher’s guidance of secondary school students’ acquisition of knowledge about physics. First, a classification method for classroom talk was developed. Then, using this method, the…

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Miniature MOEMS hyperspectral imager with versatile analysis tools

The Fabry-Perot interferometers (FPI) are essential components of many hyperspectral imagers (HSI). While the Piezo-FPI (PFPI) are still very relevant in low volume, high performance applications, the tunable MOEMS FPI (MFPI) technology enables volume-scalable manufacturing, thus having potential to be a major game changer with the advantages of low costs and miniaturization. However, before a FPI can be utilized, it must be integrated with matching optical assembly, driving electronics and imaging sensor. Most importantly, the whole HSI system must be calibrated to account for wide variety of unwanted physical and environmental effects, that significantly influence quality of hyperspectral…

research product

Processing and Assessment of Spectrometric, Stereoscopic Imagery Collected Using a Lightweight UAV Spectral Camera for Precision Agriculture

Imaging using lightweight, unmanned airborne vehicles (UAVs) is one of the most rapidly developing fields in remote sensing technology. The new, tunable, Fabry-Perot interferometer-based (FPI) spectral camera, which weighs less than 700 g, makes it possible to collect spectrometric image blocks with stereoscopic overlaps using light-weight UAV platforms. This new technology is highly relevant, because it opens up new possibilities for measuring and monitoring the environment, which is becoming increasingly important for many environmental challenges. Our objectives were to investigate the processing and use of this new type of image data in precision agriculture. We developed the entire pro…

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Abstract. Unmanned airborne systems (UAS) based remote sensing offers flexible tool for environmental monitoring. Novel lightweight Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) based, frame format, hyperspectral imaging in the spectral range from 400 to 1600 nm was used for identifying different species of trees in a forest area. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this was the first research where stereoscopic, hyperspectral VIS, NIR, SWIR data is collected for tree species identification using UAS. The first results of the analysis based on fusion of two FPI-based hyperspectral imagers and RGB camera showed that the novel FPI hyperspectral technology provided accurate geometric, radiometric and sp…

research product

Antitumor effect of oncolytic virus and paclitaxel encapsulated in extracellular vesicles for lung cancer treatment

Standard of care for cancer is commonly a combination of surgery with radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy. However, in some advanced cancer patients this approach might still remaininefficient and may cause many side effects, including severe complications and even death. Oncolytic viruses exhibit different anti-cancer mechanisms compared with conventional therapies, allowing the possibility for improved effect in cancer therapy. Chemotherapeutics combined with oncolytic viruses exhibit stronger cytotoxic responses and oncolysis. Here, we have investigated the systemic delivery of the oncolytic adenovirus and paclitaxel encapsulated in extracellular vesicles (EV) formulation that, in vitro, s…

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Spectral imaging from UAVs under varying illumination conditions

Abstract. Rapidly developing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have provided the remote sensing community with a new rapidly deployable tool for small area monitoring. The progress of small payload UAVs has introduced greater demand for light weight aerial payloads. For applications requiring aerial images, a simple consumer camera provides acceptable data. For applications requiring more detailed spectral information about the surface, a new Fabry-Perot interferometer based spectral imaging technology has been developed. This new technology produces tens of successive images of the scene at different wavelength bands in very short time. These images can be assembled in spectral data cubes wit…

research product

Hyperspectral UAV-Imagery and photogrammetric canopy height model in estimating forest stand variables

Remote sensing using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) -borne sensors is currently a highly interesting approach for the estimation of forest characteristics. 3D remote sensing data from airborne laser scanning or digital stereo photogrammetry enable highly accurate estimation of forest variables related to the volume of growing stock and dimension of the trees, whereas recognition of tree species dominance and proportion of different tree species has been a major complication in remote sensing-based estimation of stand variables. In this study the use of UAV-borne hyperspectral imagery was examined in combination with a high-resolution photogrammetric canopy height model in estimating forest v…

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Using VIS/NIR and IR spectral cameras for detecting and separating crime scene details

Detecting invisible details and separating mixed evidence is critical for forensic inspection. If this can be done reliably and fast at the crime scene, irrelevant objects do not require further examination at the laboratory. This will speed up the inspection process and release resources for other critical tasks. This article reports on tests which have been carried out at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland together with the Central Finland Police Department and the National Bureau of Investigation for detecting and separating forensic details with hyperspectral technology. In the tests evidence was sought after at an assumed violent burglary scene with the use of VTT's 500-900 nm wave…

research product

Fotogrammetrisen 3D-latvusmallin ja hyperspektriaineiston käyttö aluetason puustotulkinnassa

Seloste artikkelista Tuominen S., Balazs A., Honkavaara E., Polonen I., Saari H., Hakala T., Viljanen N. (2017). Hyperspectral UAV-imagery and photogrammetric canopy height model in estimating forest stand variables. Silva Fennica vol. 51 no. 5 article id 7721. https://doi. org/10.14214/sf.7721

research product

Differentiating Malignant from Benign for Melanocytic and Non-melanocytic Skin Tumors : A Pilot Study on Hyperspectral Imaging and Convolutional Neural Networks

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Assessment of Classifiers and Remote Sensing Features of Hyperspectral Imagery and Stereo-Photogrammetric Point Clouds for Recognition of Tree Species in a Forest Area of High Species Diversity

Recognition of tree species and geospatial information on tree species composition is essential for forest management. In this study, tree species recognition was examined using hyperspectral imagery from visible to near-infrared (VNIR) and short-wave infrared (SWIR) camera sensors in combination with a 3D photogrammetric canopy surface model based on RGB camera stereo-imagery. An arboretum with a diverse selection of 26 tree species from 14 genera was used as a test area. Aerial hyperspectral imagery and high spatial resolution photogrammetric color imagery were acquired from the test area using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) borne sensors. Hyperspectral imagery was processed to calibrated …

research product

Remote Sensing of 3-D Geometry and Surface Moisture of a Peat Production Area Using Hyperspectral Frame Cameras in Visible to Short-Wave Infrared Spectral Ranges Onboard a Small Unmanned Airborne Vehicle (UAV)

Miniaturized hyperspectral imaging sensors are becoming available to small unmanned airborne vehicle (UAV) platforms. Imaging concepts based on frame format offer an attractive alternative to conventional hyperspectral pushbroom scanners because they enable enhanced processing and interpretation potential by allowing for acquisition of the 3-D geometry of the object and multiple object views together with the hyperspectral reflectance signatures. The objective of this investigation was to study the performance of novel visible and near-infrared (VNIR) and short-wave infrared (SWIR) hyperspectral frame cameras based on a tunable Fabry–Pérot interferometer (FPI) in measuring a 3-D digital sur…

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Differentiating Malignant from Benign Pigmented or Non-Pigmented Skin Tumours—A Pilot Study on 3D Hyperspectral Imaging of Complex Skin Surfaces and Convolutional Neural Networks

Several optical imaging techniques have been developed to ease the burden of skin cancer disease on our health care system. Hyperspectral images can be used to identify biological tissues by their diffuse reflected spectra. In this second part of a three-phase pilot study, we used a novel hand-held SICSURFIS Spectral Imager with an adaptable field of view and target-wise selectable wavelength channels to provide detailed spectral and spatial data for lesions on complex surfaces. The hyperspectral images (33 wavelengths, 477–891 nm) provided photometric data through individually controlled illumination modules, enabling convolutional networks to utilise spectral, spatial, and skin-surface mo…

research product


Abstract. The objective of this investigation was to study the use of a new type of a low-weight unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imaging system in the precision agriculture. The system consists of a novel Fabry-Perot interferometer based hyperspectral camera and a high-resolution small-format consumer camera. The sensors provide stereoscopic imagery in a 2D frame-format and they both weigh less than 500 g. A processing chain was developed for the production of high density point clouds and hyperspectral reflectance image mosaics (reflectance signatures), which are used as inputs in the agricultural application. We demonstrate the use of this new technology in the biomass estimation process, w…

research product

Extracellular vesicles provide a capsid-free vector for oncolytic adenoviral DNA delivery

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have been showcased as auspicious candidates for delivering therapeutic cargo, including oncolytic viruses for cancer treatment. Delivery of oncolytic viruses in EVs could provide considerable advantages, hiding the viruses from the immune system and providing alternative entry pathways into cancer cells. Here we describe the formation and viral cargo of EVs secreted by cancer cells infected with an oncolytic adenovirus (IEVs, infected cell-derived EVs) as a function of time after infection. IEVs were secreted already before the lytic release of virions and their structure resembled normally secreted EVs, suggesting that they were not just apoptotic fragments of…

research product

Methods for estimating forest stem volumes by tree species using digital surface model and CIR images taken from light UAS

In this paper we consider methods for estimating forest tree stem volumes by species using images taken from light unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). Instead of using LiDAR and additional multiband imagery a color infrared camera mounted to a light UAS is used to acquire both imagery and the DSM of target area. The goal of this study is to accurately estimate tree stem volumes in three classes. The status of the ongoing work is described and an initial method for delineating and classifying treetops is presented.

research product

Unmanned aerial system imagery and photogrammetric canopy height data in area-based estimation of forest variables

In this paper we examine the feasibility of data from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-borne aerial imagery in stand-level forest inventory. As airborne sensor platforms, UAVs offer advantages cost and flexibility over traditional manned aircraft in forest remote sensing applications in small areas, but they lack range and endurance in larger areas. On the other hand, advances in the processing of digital stereo photography make it possible to produce three-dimensional (3D) forest canopy data on the basis of images acquired using simple lightweight digital camera sensors. In this study, an aerial image orthomosaic and 3D photogrammetric canopy height data were derived from the images acquired …

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A case study of a precision fertilizer application task generation for wheat based on classified hyperspectral data from UAV combined with farm history data

Different remote sensing methods for detecting variations in agricultural fields have been studied in last two decades. There are already existing systems for planning and applying e.g. nitrogen fertilizers to the cereal crop fields. However, there are disadvantages such as high costs, adaptability, reliability, resolution aspects and final products dissemination. With an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) based airborne methods, data collection can be performed cost-efficiently with desired spatial and temporal resolutions, below clouds and under diverse weather conditions. A new Fabry-Perot interferometer based hyperspectral imaging technology implemented in an UAV has been introduced. In this…

research product

Hyperspectral imaging based biomass and nitrogen content estimations from light-weight UAV

Hyperspectral imaging based precise fertilization is challenge in the northern Europe, because of the cloud conditions. In this paper we will introduce schemes for the biomass and nitrogen content estimations from hyperspectral images. In this research we used the Fabry-Perot interferometer based hypespectral imager that enables hyperspectral imaging from lightweight UAVs. During the summers 2011 and 2012 imaging and flight campaigns were carried out on the Finnish test field. Estimation mehtod uses features from linear and non-linear unmixing and vegetation indices. The results showed that the concept of small hyperspectral imager, UAV and data analysis is ready to operational use.

research product

Tree species recognition in species rich area using UAV-borne hyperspectral imagery and stereo-photogrammetric point cloud

Abstract. Recognition of tree species and geospatial information of tree species composition is essential for forest management. In this study we test tree species recognition using hyperspectral imagery from VNIR and SWIR camera sensors in combination with 3D photogrammetric canopy surface model based on RGB camera stereo-imagery. An arboretum forest with a high number of tree species was used as a test area. The imagery was acquired from the test area using UAV-borne cameras. Hyperspectral imagery was calibrated for providing a radiometrically corrected reflectance mosaic, which was tested along with the original uncalibrated imagery. Alternative estimators were tested for predicting tree…

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Autonomous hyperspectral UAS photogrammetry for environmental monitoring applications

Abstract. The unmanned airborne system (UAS) remote sensing using lightweight multi- and hyperspectral imaging sensors offer new possibilities for the environmental monitoring applications. Based on the accurate measurements of the way in which the object reflect and emit energy, wide range of affecting variables can be monitored. Condition for reliable applications is reliable and accurate input data. In many applications, installation of geometric and radiometric reference targets in the object area is challenging, for instance, in forest or water areas. On the other hand, UASs are often operated in very poor conditions, under clouds or under variable cloud cover. Our objective is to deve…

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Biomass estimator for NIR image with a few additional spectral band images taken from light UAS

A novel way to produce biomass estimation will offer possibilities for precision farming. Fertilizer prediction maps can be made based on accurate biomass estimation generated by a novel biomass estimator. By using this knowledge, a variable rate amount of fertilizers can be applied during the growing season. The innovation consists of light UAS, a high spatial resolution camera, and VTT's novel spectral camera. A few properly selected spectral wavelengths with NIR images and point clouds extracted by automatic image matching have been used in the estimation. The spectral wavelengths were chosen from green, red, and NIR channels.

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FPI Based Hyperspectral Imager for the Complex Surfaces : Calibration, Illumination and Applications

Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) applications for biomedical imaging and dermatological applications have been recently under research interest. Medical HSI applications are non-invasive methods with high spatial and spectral resolution. HS imaging can be used to delineate malignant tumours, detect invasions, and classify lesion types. Typical challenges of these applications relate to complex skin surfaces, leaving some skin areas unreachable. In this study, we introduce a novel spectral imaging concept and conduct a clinical pre-test, the findings of which can be used to develop the concept towards a clinical application. The SICSURFIS spectral imager concept combines a piezo-actuated Fabry–Pé…

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Individual Tree Detection and Classification with UAV-Based Photogrammetric Point Clouds and Hyperspectral Imaging

Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-11T17:11:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2017-03-01 Suomen Akatemia Small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) based remote sensing is a rapidly evolving technology. Novel sensors and methods are entering the market, offering completely new possibilities to carry out remote sensing tasks. Three-dimensional (3D) hyperspectral remote sensing is a novel and powerful technology that has recently become available to small UAVs. This study investigated the performance of UAV-based photogrammetry and hyperspectral imaging in individual tree detection and tree species classification in boreal forests. Eleven test sites with 4151 reference trees repr…

research product

UAV-based hyperspectral monitoring of small freshwater area

Recent development in compact, lightweight hyperspectral imagers have enabled UAV-based remote sensing with reasonable costs. We used small hyperspectral imager based on Fabry-Perot interferometer for monitoring small freshwater area in southern Finland. In this study we shortly describe the utilized technology and the field studies performed. We explain processing pipeline for gathered spectral data and introduce target detection-based algorithm for estimating levels of algae, aquatic chlorophyll and turbidity in freshwater. Certain challenges we faced are pointed out.

research product

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) operated spectral camera system for forest and agriculture applications

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed a Fabry-Perot Interferometer (FPI) based hyperspectral imager compatible with the light weight UAV platforms. The concept of the hyperspectral imager has been published in the SPIE Proc. 7474 and 7668. In forest and agriculture applications the recording of multispectral images at a few wavelength bands is in most cases adequate. The possibility to calculate a digital elevation model of the forest area and crop fields provides means to estimate the biomass and perform forest inventory. The full UAS multispectral imaging system will consist of a high resolution false color imager and a FPI based hyperspectral imager which can be used at …

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