Emanuele Perinati
Spectral broadening by incomplete thermalization of the energy in X-ray microcalorimeters with superconducting absorber and NTD-Ge thermal sensor
Abstract We present a model of the response of a cryogenic microcalorimeter with superconducting absorber and phonon sensitive thermal sensor to the absorption of X-ray photons. The model is based on the main microscopic processes responsible for the thermalization of the deposited energy. We use a system of rate equations to describe the energy downconversion in the superconductor and transport to the thermal sensor. The model is a tool to investigate the thermalization efficiency with respect to the device characteristics (i.e. absorber material, geometry), in order to optimize the performances of these detectors. As a first case study, we report results of simulations for a microcalorime…
ATHENA WFI optical blocking filters development status toward the end of the instrument phase-A
Copyright 2018 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited. The Wide Field Imager (WFI) is one of the two instruments of the ATHENA astrophysics space mission approved by ESA as the second large mission in the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 Science Programme. The WFI, based on a large array of depleted field effect transistors (DEPFET), will provide imaging in the 0.2-15 keV band over a 40'x40' field of view, simultaneously with spectrally an…
Study of Microcalorimeters for Astrophysics Applications
In the framework of the Italian Space Agency R&D project, which is focused on the development of microcalorimeters for applications on astrophysics, we are studying different methods for TES microcalorimeter production and developing simulations of various absorber performances. In this paper are presented preliminary results obtained with two different geometries: front back and planar on SiN membrane.
Spiral conical approximations to double reflection Wolter optics
The design of a grazing incidence focusing optic obtained from a spiral approximation to multiple nested cones produces an annular image of a point source. The angular size of the annulus depends mainly on the pitch of the winding and the focal length. For a spiral conical approximation to Wolter optics, the effect is magnified by the double reflection. However, if the two conical spirals are wound one clock-wise and the other counter-clock-wise, then the aberration is partially compensated. We use a ray tracing code to evaluate advantages and disadvantages of this optical design for potential applications of a light weight optics technology based on plastic foils that we are currently inve…
The Large Area Detector onboard the eXTP mission
The Large Area Detector (LAD) is the high-throughput, spectral-timing instrument onboard the eXTP mission, a flagship mission of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the China National Space Administration, with a large European participation coordinated by Italy and Spain. The eXTP mission is currently performing its phase B study, with a target launch at the end-2027. The eXTP scientific payload includes four instruments (SFA, PFA, LAD and WFM) offering unprecedented simultaneous wide-band X-ray timing and polarimetry sensitivity. The LAD instrument is based on the design originally proposed for the LOFT mission. It envisages a deployed 3.2 m2 effective area in the 2-30 keV energy range, a…
Test of x-ray microcalorimeters with bilayer absorbers
Superconducting absorbers for thermal X-ray microcalorimeters should convert into thermalized phonons and transfer to the thermal sensor most of the energy deposited by single photons, on a time scale as short as a few tens of microseconds. Since deposition of X-ray energy in a superconductor produces quasiparticles by breaking up of Cooper pairs, the thermalization efficiency depends on the time scale on which they survive within the absorber volume, trapping part of the absorbed energy. According to the predicted values of their microscopic parameters, in many standard type-I superconducting metals the quasiparticle life time at very low temperatures results too long to allow for recombin…
Spectral broadening by spatial effects in X-ray microcalorimeters with superconducting absorber and NTD-Ge thermal sensor
We discuss how the sensitivity to the position of absorption of the photons can affect the spectral resolution of X-ray microcalorimeters with superconducting Sn absorber and NTD-Ge thermal sensor. Data obtained through the computer simulations are reported for microcalorimeters with different geometries and phonon transmission probabilities at the interface between the absorber and thermistor.
Designing an x-ray baffle for stray-light reduction at the focal plane of the Wide Field Imager on board EDGE
We exploited a ray-tracing Montecarlo code to investigate the effects of stray-light on the performances of the Wide Field Imager (FoV = 1.5 deg) on board the EDGE satellite. We found non negligible stray-light contamination up to ~ 8 deg off-axis angles. We discuss the benefits of a baffle in order to reduce this contamination, that would strongly affect the telescope sensitivity, and present two possible baffle designs based on results of simulations.
The Large Area Detector of LOFT: the Large Observatory for X-ray Timing
LOFT (Large Observatory for X-ray Timing) is one of the five candidates that were considered by ESA as an M3 mission (with launch in 2022-2024) and has been studied during an extensive assessment phase. It is specifically designed to perform fast X-ray timing and probe the status of the matter near black holes and neutron stars. Its pointed instrument is the Large Area Detector (LAD), a 10 m 2 -class instrument operating in the 2-30keV range, which holds the capability to revolutionise studies of variability from X-ray sources on the millisecond time scales. The LAD instrument has now completed the assessment phase but was not down-selected for launch. However, during the assessment, most o…
The Cryogenic AntiCoincidence Detector Project for ATHENA+: An Overview Up to the Present Status
ATHENA+ is a space mission proposal for the next ESA L2-L3 slot. One of the focal plane instruments is the X-ray integral field unit (X-IFU) working in the energy range 0.3–10 keV. It is a multi-array based on TES detectors aimed at characterizing faint or diffuse sources (e.g. WHIM or galaxy outskirt). The X-IFU will be able to achieve the required sensitivity if a low background is guaranteed. The studies performed by GEANT4 simulations depict a scenario where the use of an active anticoincidence (AC) is mandatory to reduce the background expected in L2 orbit down to the goal level of 0.005 cts cm $$^{-2}$$ s $$^{-1}$$ keV $$^{-1}$$ . This is possible using a cryogenic anticoincidence (…
A single stage adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator for testing x-ray microcalorimeters
A single stage Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator (ADR), has been set-up at the X-ray Astronomy Calibration and Testing (XACT) facility of INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo G.S. Vaiana, for the development and testing of cryogenic X-ray detectors for laboratory and astrophysical applications. The ADR allows to cool detectors at temperatures below 40 mK and to maintain them at constant operating temperature for many hours. We describe the design and construction of the ADR and present test results and performances.
The x-ray microcalorimeter spectrometer onboard Athena
Trabajo presentado a la conferencia: "Space Telescopes and Instrumentation: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray" celebrada en Amsterdam (Holanda) el 1 de julio de 2012.-- et al.
A fully planar approach to the construction of X-Ray microcalorimeters with doped Germanium sensors
We have investigated a fully planar technology for the development of arrays of X-ray microcalorimeters with doped germanium thermal sensor. We describe the proposed approach and show promising results obtained with the deep etching of germanium, the most critical step of the whole process.
The TES-based cryogenic anticoincidence detector for IXO: First results from large area prototypes
The technique which combines high resolution spectroscopy with imaging capability is a powerful tool to extract fundamental information in X-ray Astrophysics and Cosmology. TES (Transition Edge Sensors)-based microcalorimeters match at best the requirements for doing fine spectroscopy and imaging of both bright (high count rate) and faint (poor signal-to-noise ratio) sources. For this reason they are considered among the most promising detectors for the next high energy space missions and are being developed for use on the focal plane of the IXO (International X-ray Observatory) mission. In order to achieve the required signal-to-noise ratio for faint or diffuse sources it is necessary to r…
The Large Observatory For x-ray Timing
The Large Observatory For x-ray Timing (LOFT) was studied within ESA M3 Cosmic Vision framework and participated in the final down-selection for a launch slot in 2022-2024. Thanks to the unprecedented combination of effective area and spectral resolution of its main instrument, LOFT will study the behaviour of matter under extreme conditions, such as the strong gravitational field in the innermost regions of accretion flows close to black holes and neutron stars, and the supra-nuclear densities in the interior of neutron stars. The science payload is based on a Large Area Detector (LAD, 10 m 2 effective area, 2-30 keV, 240 eV spectral resolution, 1 deg collimated field of view) and a WideFi…
Thermal shielding of the SIMBOL-X mirror assembly
The thermal modeling of the SIMBOL-X X-ray telescope has shown that thermal shielding of both the telescope ends is one possibility to ensure temperature uniformity of the mirror and to reduce the required heating power. The design of the thermal shielding must minimize the thermal exchange in a trade off between transparency of the shields to soft X-rays and mechanical robustness. We discuss two possible designs of the thermal shielding of the mirror module and show transmission curves at X-ray wavelengths.
Spectral broadening by quasiparticle pile-up in X-ray microcalorimeters with superconducting absorbers
Long-living quasiparticles can pile-up in a superconducting absorber of an X-ray microcalorimeter when photons are detected at high count rate. These quasiparticles can give a non-negligible contribution to the total heat capacity of the detector thus affecting the pulse height spectrum of detected photons. We investigated this effect with numerical simulations and evaluated the resulting spectral broadening as a function of the photon absorption rate, and the heat capacity of the detector for a NTD germanium microcalorimeter with pure Sn absorber.
The Cryogenic AntiCoincidence detector for ATHENA: the progress towards the final pixel design
“The Hot and Energetic Universe” is the scientific theme approved by the ESA SPC for a Large mission to be flown in the next ESA slot (2028th) timeframe. ATHENA is a space mission proposal tailored on this scientific theme. It will be the first X-ray mission able to perform the so-called “Integral field spectroscopy”, by coupling a high-resolution spectrometer, the X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU), to a high performance optics so providing detailed images of its field of view (5’ in diameter) with an angular resolution of 5” and fine energy-spectra (2.5eV@E<7keV). The X-IFU is a kilo-pixel array based on TES (Transition Edge Sensor) microcalorimeters providing high resolution spectroscopy …
The enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry mission—eXTP
In this paper we present the enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry mission - eXTP. eXTP is a space science mission designed to study fundamental physics under extreme conditions of density, gravity and magnetism. The mission aims at determining the equation of state of matter at supra-nuclear density, measuring effects of QED, and understanding the dynamics of matter in strong-field gravity. In addition to investigating fundamental physics, eXTP will be a very powerful observatory for astrophysics that will provide observations of unprecedented quality on a variety of galactic and extragalactic objects. In particular, its wide field monitoring capabilities will be highly instrumental to det…
Thermalization efficiency of superconducting absorbers for thermal X-ray microcalorimeters
The persistence of long living quasiparticles created in the energy thermalization process can affect the performances of a thermal X-ray microcalorimeter with superconducting absorber. Numerical simulations indicate that in an ab- sorber made of high-purity Sn, operated at temperatures lower than 100 mK, up to 60% of the deposited energy can remain trapped in the quasiparticle system for a time much longer than the time scale of the thermal sensor response, producing a reduction of the SNR of the detector. Other pure superconductors can present the same problem and therefore a microscopic analysis of the physical properties can be useful to identify suitable absorbing materials and optimiz…
Preliminary assessment of the ATHENA/WFI non-X-ray background
We present a preliminary assessment of the non-X-ray background for the WFI on board ATHENA conducted at IAAT in the context of the collaborative background and radiation damage working group activities. Our main result is that in the baseline configuration originally assumed for the camera the requirement on the level of non-X-ray background could not be met. In light of the results of Geant4 simulations we propose and discuss a possible optimization of the camera design and pinpoint some open issues to be addressed in the next phase of investigation. One of these concerns the possible contribution to the non-X-ray background from soft protons and ions funneled to the focal plane through t…
Thin plastic foil X-ray optics with spiral geometry
Winding a plastic foil ribbon into spiral cylinder or spiral cones we can design and build single or multiple reflection X-ray grazing incidence focusing optics with potential applications in Astronomy as well as experimental physics. The use of thin plastic foils from common industrial applications and of a mounting technique which does not require the construction of mandrels make these optics very cost effective. A spiral geometry focusing optic produces an annular image of a point source with the angular size of the annulus depending mainly on the pitch of the winding and the focal length. We use a ray-tracing code to evaluate the performances of cylindrical, and double conical spiral g…
Observatory science with eXTP
Disponible preprint en: arXiv:1812.04023v1 [astro-ph.HE] [v1] Mon, 10 Dec 2018 19:00:52 UTC (4,376 KB)
The Cryogenic Anticoincidence Detector for ATHENA-XMS
The TES cryogenic detectors, due to their high spectral resolution and imaging capability in the soft X-ray domain, are the reference devices for the next proposed space missions whose aims are to characterize the spectra of faint or diffuse sources. ATHENA is the re-scoped IXO mission, and one of its focal plane instrument is the X-ray Microcalorimeter Spectrometer (XMS) working in the energy range 0.3-10 keV. XMS will be able to achieve the proposed scientific goals if a background lower than 0.02 cts/cm2/s/keV is guaranteed. The studies performed by GEANT4 simulations depict a scenario where it is mandatory to use an active Anti-Coincidence (AC) to reduce the expected background in the L…
Modeling the energy thermalization of X-ray photons in a microcalorimeter with superconducting absorber
We present a modeling of the response of a microcalorimeter to the absorption of X-ray photons, based on the main microscopical processes responsible for the energy thermalization. In particular, we have modeled a microcalorimeter with superconducting tin absorber (350 micron x 350 micron x 7 micron) and neutron transmutation doped (NTD) germanium thermistor (75 micron x 50 micron x 150 micron). Such a detector, operated at 60 mK, is expected to achieve a spectral resolution as good as 1 eV FWHM in the soft X-ray energy range, based on the known sources of thermal and electronic noise. Nevertheless, the best spectral resolution measured in laboratory experimental tests is of about 5 eV FWHM…
The cryogenic anticoincidence detector for ATHENA-XMS: preliminary results from the new prototype
ATHENA has been the re-scoped IXO mission, and one of the foreseen focal plane instrument was the X-ray Microcalorimeter Spectrometer (XMS) working in the energy range 0.3-10 keV, which was a kilo-pixel array based on TES (Transition Edge Sensor) detectors. The need of an anticoincidence (AC) detector is legitimated by the results performed with GEANT4 simulations about the impact of the non x-ray background onto XMS at L2 orbit (REQ. < 0.02 cts/cm2/s/keV). Our consortium has both developed and tested several samples, with increasing area, in order to match the large area of the XMS (64 mm2). Here we show the preliminary results from the last prototype. The results achieved in this work off…
The Large Area Detector onboard the eXTP mission
The eXTP (enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry) mission is a major project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and China National Space Administration (CNSA) currently performing an extended phase A study and proposed for a launch by 2025 in a low-earth orbit. The eXTP scientific payload envisages a suite of instruments (Spectroscopy Focusing Array, Polarimetry Focusing Array, Large Area Detector and Wide Field Monitor) offering unprecedented simultaneous wide-band X-ray spectral, timing and polarimetry sensitivity. A large European consortium is contributing to the eXTP study and it is expected to provide key hardware elements, including a Large Area Detector (LAD). The LAD instrumen…
Experimental evidence of an incomplete thermalization of the energy in an x-ray microcalorimeter with a TaAu absorber.
We have conducted an experimental test at our XACT facility using an x-ray microcalorimeter with Ta∕Au absorber and neutron transmutation doped germanium thermal sensor. The test was aimed at measuring the percentage of energy effectively thermalized after absorption of x-ray photons in superconducting tantalum. Moreover, in general, possible formation of long living quasiparticles implies that by using a superconducting absorber, a fraction of the deposited energy could not be thermalized on the useful time scale of the thermal sensor. To investigate this scenario, we exploited an absorber made of gold, where no energy trapping is expected, with a small piece of superconducting tantalum at…