Sylvester Eriksson-bique

Self-improvement of weighted pointwise inequalities on open sets

We prove a general self-improvement property for a family of weighted pointwise inequalities on open sets, including pointwise Hardy inequalities with distance weights. For this purpose we introduce and study the classes of $p$-Poincar\'e and $p$-Hardy weights for an open set $\Omega\subset X$, where $X$ is a metric measure space. We also apply the self-improvement of weighted pointwise Hardy inequalities in connection with usual integral versions of Hardy inequalities.

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On Limits at Infinity of Weighted Sobolev Functions

We study necessary and sufficient conditions for a Muckenhoupt weight $w \in L^1_{\mathrm{loc}}(\mathbb R^d)$ that yield almost sure existence of radial, and vertical, limits at infinity for Sobolev functions $u \in W^{1,p}_{\mathrm{loc}}(\mathbb R^d,w)$ with a $p$-integrable gradient $|\nabla u|\in L^p(\mathbb R^d,w)$. The question is shown to subtly depend on the sense in which the limit is taken. First, we fully characterize the existence of radial limits. Second, we give essentially sharp sufficient conditions for the existence of vertical limits. In the specific setting of product and radial weights, we give if and only if statements. These generalize and give new proofs for results of…

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Self-improvement of pointwise Hardy inequality

We prove the self-improvement of a pointwise p p -Hardy inequality. The proof relies on maximal function techniques and a characterization of the inequality by curves.

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Nilpotent Groups and Bi-Lipschitz Embeddings Into L1

We prove that if a simply connected nilpotent Lie group quasi-isometrically embeds into an L1 space, then it is abelian. We reach this conclusion by proving that every Carnot group that bi-Lipschitz embeds into L1 is abelian. Our proof follows the work of Cheeger and Kleiner, by considering the pull-back distance of a Lipschitz map into L1 and representing it using a cut measure. We show that such cut measures, and the induced distances, can be blown up and the blown-up cut measure is supported on “generic” tangents of the original sets. By repeating such a blow-up procedure, one obtains a cut measure supported on half-spaces. This differentiation result then is used to prove that bi-Lipsch…

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Pointwise Inequalities for Sobolev Functions on Outward Cuspidal Domains

Abstract We show that the 1st-order Sobolev spaces $W^{1,p}(\Omega _\psi ),$$1<p\leq \infty ,$ on cuspidal symmetric domains $\Omega _\psi $ can be characterized via pointwise inequalities. In particular, they coincide with the Hajłasz–Sobolev spaces $M^{1,p}(\Omega _\psi )$.

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Density of Lipschitz functions in energy

In this paper, we show that the density in energy of Lipschitz functions in a Sobolev space $N^{1,p}(X)$ holds for all $p\in [1,\infty)$ whenever the space $X$ is complete and separable and the measure is Radon and finite on balls. Emphatically, $p=1$ is allowed. We also give a few corollaries and pose questions for future work. The proof is direct and does not involve the usual flow techniques from prior work. It also yields a new approximation technique, which has not appeared in prior work. Notable with all of this is that we do not use any form of Poincar\'e inequality or doubling assumption. The techniques are flexible and suggest a unification of a variety of existing literature on th…

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Annales Fennici Mathematici : tieteellisen lehden uudistamistyö

Tutkimuspalaverissa yhdysvaltalaisten kollegojen kanssa jälleen käydään keskustelua julkaisupaikasta artikkelillemme. Joku kysäisee pian ”What about the Finnish Annals?”, johon vastataan yleisesti positiivisin ja myöntyvin myhäilyin. Kansainvälisesti lehti muistetaankin monilla lempinimillä osittain johtuen sen alkuperäisestä pitkästä nimestä ”Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ Series A. I. Mathematica”. Toisaalta vaikkei lehti aivan samalla tasolla olekaan kuin Princetonissa julkaistu johtava lehti Annals of Mathematics, niin on sitä myös pitkään arvostettu erityisesti suomalaisen tutkimuksen vahvuusalueella, analyysissä. nonPeerReviewed

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Tensorization of quasi-Hilbertian Sobolev spaces

The tensorization problem for Sobolev spaces asks for a characterization of how the Sobolev space on a product metric measure space $X\times Y$ can be determined from its factors. We show that two natural descriptions of the Sobolev space from the literature coincide, $W^{1,2}(X\times Y)=J^{1,2}(X,Y)$, thus settling the tensorization problem for Sobolev spaces in the case $p=2$, when $X$ and $Y$ are infinitesimally quasi-Hilbertian, i.e. the Sobolev space $W^{1,2}$ admits an equivalent renorming by a Dirichlet form. This class includes in particular metric measure spaces $X,Y$ of finite Hausdorff dimension as well as infinitesimally Hilbertian spaces. More generally for $p\in (1,\infty)$ we…

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