Frédéric Mauny
Assessing environmental noise exposure: does the size of the neighbourhood matter?
International audience; In environmental epidemiology, studies rely on the quantification of subject'sexposures in a surface defined as the subject exposure area. For outdoor exposure, this area is often considered as the subject's neighbourhood. But, depending on the authors, the size and the nature of this neighbourhood differs, making difficult to compare results. In order to study the impact of the sampling surface on the noise exposure values affected to a subject, a high definition environmental noise model has been builton a middle-sized French city. Outdoor neighbourhood noise indices were computed at 10,394 residential buildings, using eight different sizes of buffers defined by di…
Linking traffic and noise models to explore spatio-temporal distribution of noise pollution: an example in Besançon (France)
International audience; Road transportation is one of the major environmental noise sources in urban areas, which is characterized by an important temporal and spatial variation. Therefore, linking mobility and traffic model with noise model each representing spatial and temporal dimensions is a great interest. An integrated and original approach was developed to explore noise pollution in urban areas with a spatiotemporal and prospective point of view. An agent-based Land-Use and Transport Integrated (LUTI) model - MobiSim- was used to assess traffic modulation by simulating hourly flows and mobility. Individual choices of agents (representing the city's inhabitants) were transformed to fl…
Multiple pregnancies and environmental exposure: An impact of air pollution on fetal growth?
Introduction Multiple pregnancies display all the complications of singletons, but in highest frequencies, especially for fetal growth abnormalities. In singletons, air pollution seems to be negatively associated with fetal growth. A similar relationship in multiple pregnancies can be expected. However, multiple pregnancies are systematically excluded from the studies of the impact of air pollution on pregnancy outcomes. This study aims to analyze in a population of multiple pregnancies the relationship between fetal growth restriction (FGR), small for gestational age (SGA) and environmental chronic exposure to air pollution in moderately polluted cities. Methods All the multiple pregnancie…
Grossesse et vulnérabilité en milieu urbain : description du cumul de facteurs de risque. Besançon, France
Introduction De nombreux facteurs de risque d’issue defavorable de la grossesse ont ete identifies. Ils sont d’ordre socioeconomique, demographique, comportemental, nutritionnel, medico-obstetrical ou encore environnemental. La facon dont ils se cumulent est pourtant rarement etudiee. L’objectif de cette etude etait de decrire la distribution et le cumul d’expositions a ces facteurs, chez une population de femmes enceintes vivant en milieu urbain. Materiel et methodes Les femmes residant a Besancon et ayant accouche d’une grossesse unique au Centre hospitalier universitaire entre 2005 et 2009 ont ete incluses. Les donnees individuelles recueillies sont issues du dossier obstetrical : situat…
Multiple pregnancies and air pollution in moderately polluted cities: Is there an association between air pollution and fetal growth?
Background: Multiple pregnancies (where more than one fetus develops simultaneously in the womb) are systematically excluded from studies of the impact of air pollution on pregnancy outcomes. This study aims to analyze, in a population of multiple pregnancies, the relationship between fetal growth restriction (FGR), small for gestational age (SGA) and exposure to air pollution in moderately polluted cities. Methods: All women with multiple pregnancies living in the city of Besançon or in the urban area of Dijon and who delivered at a university hospital between 2005 and 2009 were included. FGR and SGA were obtained from medical records. Outdoor residential nitrogen dioxide (NO2) exposure wa…
Impact sanitaire de l’exposition sonore en milieu urbain, la combinaison de 3 « E » : épidémiologie, expologie, environnement
National audience; La quantification de l’impact du bruit sur la santé, relève d’une démarche complexe et mobilise des champs de compétence larges et différents. L’objectif de cet article est de proposer le point de vue volontairement orienté sur l’un de ses champs de compétence, centré sur une approche en population humaine. Sont ainsi décrits les concepts de l’épidémiologie, de l’expologie et leurs applications sur les approches en lien avec l’environnement, en particulier le milieu urbain. La dimension sociétale d’inégalité sociale et environnementale est également rappelée. Le principe de l’évaluation d’un impact sanitaire (appelé également évaluation du risque sanitaire) est succinctem…
Does low to moderate environmental exposure to noise and air pollution influence preterm delivery in medium-sized cities?
International audience; Background: Preterm birth (PB) is an important predictor of childhood morbidity and educational performance. Beyond the known risk factors, environmental factors, such as air pollution and noise, have been implicated in PB. In urban areas, these pollutants coexist. Very few studies have examined the effects of multi-exposure on the pregnancy duration. The objective of this study was to analyse the relationship between PB and environmental chronic multi-exposure to noise and air pollution in medium-sized cities.Methods: A case-control study was conducted among women living in the city of Besançon (121 671 inhabitants) or in the urban unit of Dijon (243 936 inhabitants…
A quels niveaux sonores les enfants scolarisés sont-ils exposés lors du trajet domicile-école ?
Modélisation de l'exposition au bruit en milieu urbain et études épidémiologiques : quelles sources sonores ?
National audience; Epidemiological studies on noise in urban areas are mostly based on a modelling approach which only focuses on noise sources related to transportation and industries. Additional sources are likely to influence the ambient noise level, but the spatio-temporal influence they could have is rarely studied. The objective of this study is to identify urban noise sources that could improve environmental noise prediction and to quantify their respective contributions. An acoustic measurement campaign was conducted in frontage of 44 dwellings located on the city of Besancon (France). Measurements were compared to noise levels predictions produced from different noise maps in which…
La multi-exposition au bruit et à la pollution de l’air est-elle associée à la prématurité dans des villes de taille moyenne : une étude cas-témoins
Etat de la question La prematurite a de lourdes consequences sur le devenir et le developpement physique et intellectuel des enfants. Au-dela des facteurs de risque connus, certains facteurs environnementaux, tels que la pollution atmospherique ou le bruit, semblent pouvoir etre incrimines. En milieu urbain, ces differentes expositions se cumulent. Tres peu d’etudes se sont interessees aux consequences d’une multi-exposition sur la duree de la grossesse. L’objectif de cette etude etait d’analyser la relation entre la prematurite et la multi-exposition environnementale au bruit et a la pollution atmospherique dans des villes de taille moyenne. Materiel et methodes Cette etude cas-temoins mul…
To assess hemodynamic disturbances to the ostia of the renal arteries generated by the implantation of EVAR with a suprarenal fixation
Abstract Introduction: The treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is increasingly performed via endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). Different types of fixation are possible with EVAR, i.e., below (infrarenal fixation) or above (suprarenal fixation) the renal arteries. Hemodynamic alterations in renal arterial flow with suprarenal (SR) fixation remain to be demonstrated. The IFIXEAR (Impact of Supra-renal Fixation of EVAR on Hemodynamics of Renal Arteries) study is designed to assess the hemodynamic effects at the ostia of at least 1 renal artery, generated immediately post-surgery by the implantation of an aortic stent with SR fixation. Methods: IFIXEAR is a prospective, 2 center stu…
Bruit et mobilités urbaines : vers une modélisation des impacts
Optimisation d’un modèle atmosphérique transnational de prédiction de la concentration journalière d’ozone : intégration de paramètres météorologiques pour une évaluation de l’exposition à l’échelle kilométrique
International audience; L'ozone (O3) est un polluant atmosphérique secondaire formé lors de réactions photochimiques, en présence de précurseurs (NOx, COV, CO). L'exposition à l'O3 est délicate à modéliser car ce polluant présente une forte variabilité spatiotemporelle. Le but des présents travaux est d'optimiser l'évaluation des concentrations journalières d'O3 modélisées à échelle kilométrique, à l'aide de modèles MARS et de données météorologiques. La plateforme de modélisation PREVEST a généré une prédiction de concentrations maximales journalières d'O3 pour un maillage de 3km de côté. La station de mesure de la qualité de l'air du réseau ATMO-Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Besançon-Prévoyanc…
Vulnerability during pregnancy in an urban environment : do environmental and individual risk factors cumulate?
International audience; Apart from demographic, socio-economic, behavioral, nutritional and medico-obstetrical factors, environmental factors have been suggested to be associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as preterm birth, low birth weight or hypertensive disorders. According to a recent review of the literature, there is some suggestive evidence of adverse associations with environmental noise especially for low birth weight. However, the way these individual and environmental vulnerabilities combine has been scarcely studied. The objective of this study was to describe the accumulation of individual, socio-economics, medical and environmental vulnerability markers and to asses…
Exposition environnementale au bruit et à la pollution de l'air au cours de la grossesse avec comorbidités associées
L’objectif était d’analyser le lien entre l’exposition environnementale au bruit et à la pollution de l’air en milieu urbain et la prématurité chez les femmes dont le risque d’accouchement prématuré était augmenté par la présence d’une ou plusieurs comorbidités. Méthode. Une étude cas-témoins a été conduite sur les grossesses uniques accompagnées d’au moins une comorbidité. Les accouchements ont eu au CHU de Besançon ou de Dijon entre 2005 et 2009. Le niveau sonore de nuit (Lnight en façade du bâtiment d’habitation) et la concentration en dioxyde d’azote (NO2) dans les 50 m autour de l’habitation ont été modélisés à l’adresse déclarée au moment de l’accouchement. Une régression logistique c…
Le bruit en milieu urbain : bruit et scolarité à Besançon
Pneumothorax and the environment: A systematic review of the impact of air pollution and meteorology, and a meta-analysis on meteorology factors.
Abstract A relationship between the occurrence of spontaneous pneumothorax (SP) and meteorological factors has been observed but with contradictory results. The objectives of this systematic review was to synthesis the current body of evidence to the relationships between the occurrence of SP and environmental determinants such as meteorological factors and air pollutants. We conducted a systematic search of MEDLINE, Scopus, Cochrane Library and gray literature from inception up to 31st December 2020, to find published scientific research articles based on the following eligibility criteria: original studies and population-based articles describing the relationship between meteorological fa…
Noise annoyance in urban children: a cross-sectional population-based study
International audience; Acoustical and non-acoustical factors influencing noise annoyance in adults have been well-documented in recent years; however, similar knowledge is lacking in children. The aim of this study was to quantify the annoyance caused by chronic ambient noise at home in children and to assess the relationship between these children0s noise annoyance level and individual and contextual factors in the surrounding urban area. A cross sectional population-based study was conducted including 517 children attending primary school in a European city. Noise annoyance was measured using a self-report questionnaire adapted for children. Six noise exposure level indicators were built…
Les mobilités urbaines et leur impact sur l’exposition au bruit : simulation de scénarios prospectifs appliqués à la ville de Besançon
Le modele MobiSim a teste le lien entre la modification de l’offre de transport et l’exposition au bruit dans ses dimensions spatiales et temporelles, le test etant applique a l’agglomeration de Besancon. C’est la desynchronisation des activites, le report modal et les changements dans les grilles horaires des transports collectifs qui produisent des effets reduisant ou bien augmentant l’exposition au bruit selon les lieux et les moments, les populations concernees etant elles-memes socialement diversifiees.