Anna Longo

Phenol compounds as new materials for electron spin resonance dosimetry in radiotherapy

research product

Preliminary magnetic resonance relaxometric analysis of Fricke gel dosimeters produced with polyvinyl alcohol and glutaraldehyde

This work describes the preliminary analysis of Fricke gels dosimeters characterized by a new formulation making use of a matrix of polyvinyl alcohol cross-linked by adding glutaraldehyde and analyzed by means of nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometry. In previous optical studies, these gels have shown promising dosimetric features in terms of photon sensitivity and low diffusion of ferric ions produced after irradiation. In this work, we used a portable nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometer to measure the relaxation times (which are important for dosimetric applications) of these gel materials. For this purpose, we performed a study for optimizing the acquisition parameters with a nuclear…

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The Total Body Irradiation (TBI) is a radiation therapy technique widely used in clinical hemato-oncological treatment of patients that underwent bone marrow transplantation or peripheral stem cell transplantation. Typically, the administration of TBI treatment provides irradiations in 3 consecu-tive days with a double daily fractionation, although other dose fractionation modes have been widely adopted in the clinic procedures. Although this tech-nique allows to irradiate the whole body from head to toes, it has some limitations such as the lack of homogeneity of the dose distribution (which can show varia-tions of 20% in the different areas), irradiation of critical organs such as lungs, …

research product

Phenol compounds as new materials for electron spin resonance dosimetry in radiotherapy

Introduction: Among the various dosimetric techniques used for characterizing the radiation beams used in radiation therapy, the electron spin resonance (ESR) arouses increasing interest for applications in various therapy procedures. Free radicals are known to be produced when a compound is irradiated with ionizing radiations. The concentration of radiationinduced free radicals is proportional to the absorbed dose and this allows for dosimetric measurements through ESR technique which enables to quantitatively determine the radical concentration. In this work we report the ESR investigation of phenol pellets and thin films exposed to various types of radiation beams (clinical photon and el…

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Resting state fMRI as a tool to investigate brain functional connectivity

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Application of Electron Spin Resonance technique in neutron dosimetry

Along with the Neutron Capture Therapy (NCT) development and with the use of thermal neutrons for radiotherapeutic purposes, many efforts have been devoted to the beam characterization in order to optimize the therapy procedures. Reliable dosimetric measurements should be able to determine the various components (neutronic and photonic) of the mixed beam usually employed for therapy [1]. We have studied the effect of the additive such as gadolinium and 10B-boric acid on the neutron sensitivity of alanine ESR dosimeters exposed to a gamma and mixed (n, gamma) field mainly composed by thermal neutrons. We have chosen both this additive nuclei because of their very high capture cross section t…

research product

Characterization of phenolic pellets for ESR dosimetry in photon beam radiotherapy

This work deals with the dosimetric features of a particular phenolic compound (IRGANOX 1076 ® ) for dosimetry of clinical photon beams by using electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. After the optimization of the ESR readout parameters (namely modulation amplitude and microwave power) to maximise the signal without excessive spectrum distortions, basic dosimetric properties of laboratory-made phenolic dosimeters in pellet form, such as reproducibility, dose–response, sensitivity, linearity and dose rate dependence were investigated. The dosimeters were tested by measuring the depth dose profile of a 6 MV photon beam. A satisfactory intra-batch reproducibility of the ESR signal of the …

research product

Characterization of the ESR response of alanine dosimeters to low-energy (1-40 keV) X-rays

The aminoacid L-a-alanine has attracted considerable interest for use in radiation ESR dosimetry and has been formally accepted as a secondary standard for high-dose (kGy) and transfer dosimetry . The accuracy of the method is quite high, largely due to the low dependence of the alanine response on various irradiation parameters (photon energies above 100 keV, dose rate, temperature, etc.). Furthermore, this system presents alinear response to dose, fairly high sensitivity, tissue equivalence, absence of fading, small dimensions, ruggedn ess, and non-destructive readout. In this work, we examined the energy dependence of alanine ESR dosimeters in the low energy X-photon energy range between…

research product

Dosimetria tramite Risonanza Elettronica di Spin (ESR) in Electron Intra-Operative RadioTherapy (IORT): misure di Output Factor e simulazioni Monte Carlo-GEANT4

La Radioterapia IntraOperatoria (IORT) È una modalità di trattamento in cui una singola dose di radiazioni è impartita direttamente al letto tumorale o al tumore durante l'intervento chirurgico, evitando di colpire i tessuti sani circostanti. Nel caso di irraggiamento alla mammella, una singola frazione di 21 Gy impartita al volume neoplastico durante la procedura chirurgica è equivalente ad una dose totale di 60 Gy che solitamente viene somministrata con la radioterapia frazionata. Questo lavoro riporta il confronto tra la risposta ESR di dosimetri di alanina e di camere a ionizzazione Markus per le misurazioni degli Output Factor (OF) di fasci di elettroni prodotti da un acceleratore line…

research product

Phenol compounds as a New Materials for EPR dosimetry in radiation therapy

Among the various dosimetric techniques used for characterizing the radiation beams used in radiation therapy, the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) arouses increasing interest for applications in various therapy procedures. When a compound is irradiated with ionizing radiations free radicals are produced and their concentration is proportional to the absorbed dose. This allows for dosi-metric measurements through EPR technique which is able to quantitatively de-termine the radical concentration. Our research group has started an investigation of the EPR response of some phenols compounds for possible dosimetric applications. In this work we report the EPR investigation of IRGANOX 1076 …

research product

Testing and linearity calibration of films of phenol compounds exposed to thermal neutron field for EPR dosimetry

This paper reports the preliminary results obtained by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) measurements on films of IRGANOX® 1076 phenols with and without low content (5% by weight) of gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3) exposed in the thermal column of the Triga Mark II reactor of LENA (Laboratorio Energia Nucleare Applicata) of Pavia (Italy). Thanks to their size, the phenolic films here presented are good devices for the dosimetry of beams with high dose gradient and which require accurate knowledge of the precise dose delivered. The dependence of EPR signal as function of neutron dose was investigated in the fluence range between 10(11) cm(-2) and 10(14) cm(-2). Linearity of EPR response was fou…

research product

Distribuzione di radicali liberi in dosimetri EPR irradiati con radiazioni di diverso LET

In questo lavoro abbiamo analizzato la distribuzione spaziale dei radicali liberi osservati in dosimetri di tartrato di ammonio esposti a vari fasci di radiazione (protoni da 19.3 M e V , fotoni gamma del ^°Co e ioni carbonio da 62 MeV/nucleone). Lo studio è stato effettuato sia tramite Electron Spin Resonance in onda continua che tramite Electron Spin Echo ( E S E ) decay analysis che forniscono informazioni rispettivamente sulla concentrazione macroscopica e microscopica d i radicali liberi. U n a più approfondita indagine della distribuzione d i radicali liberi all'interno dei dosimetri è stata condotta attraverso l a tecnica Doublé Electron-Electron Resonance ( D E E R ) che è i n grado…

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Dosimetria ESR con alanina per adronterapia per protoni e ioni carbonio

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Investigation of alanine with gadolinium for ESR dosimetry at TRIGA Mark II reactor of Mainz

In this work we have studied the response of alanine pellets with and without gadolinium exposed to the thermal column of the TRIGA Mark II research reactor at the University of Mainz

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NDT for the detection and characterization of superficial treatments on stone material from archaeological sites of Merida (Spain)

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ESR response of watch glasses to neutron irradiation

Abstract In this paper we report the results of the electron spin resonance (ESR) study of the radiation-induced signal of watch glasses exposed to neutrons. This work extends the series of analyses of the response of watch glasses to various radiation beams which our research group is carrying out for possible applications in retrospective dosimetry. We have considered fluences up to about 3 × 1011 cm−2. We evaluated the signal fading and we found that in the first hours after exposure the signal rapidly decreases. After about 1000 h, it decreases much more slowly. The signal was reduced by about 25% in about 5 months. The radiation induced signal is found to be linearly dependent on neutr…

research product


This paper presents the results of an interlaboratory comparison of retrospective dosimetry using the electron paramagnetic resonance method. The test material used in this exercise was glass coming from the touch screens of smart phones that might be used as fortuitous dosimeters in a large-scale radiological incident.

research product

Investigation of relaxation times of irradiated Fricke gels by means of nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometry

Fricke gel dosimeters are ideal candidates to provide 3D maps of dose distributions and are particularly useful in the plann ing and verification phase of radiotherapy treatments. One of the most effective experimental techniques to reconstruct dose maps is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This measures th e nuclear relaxation times variations induced by irradiation. In this work, we analyzed Fricke gels with and without Xylenol Orange by means of a single side-NMR relaxometer (which is abl e to provide information on both relaxation relaxation times T1 and T2 and is mainly used in the field of diagnostics for Cultural Heritage [1-2] to perform porosimetry meaurements). Our goal was to per…

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Nanostructured protective for historical-artistic stone materials: evaluation of effectiveness and persistence by non invasive techniques

research product

Resting state FMRI: A tool to investigate functional connectivity modulation induced by transcranial direct current stimulation of the motor network

Introduction: Resting-state functional connectivity (fcMRI) represents a novel fMRI approach that allows detection of temporal correlations in spontaneous BOLD signal oscillations while subjects rest quietly in the scanner. Under resting conditions the brain is engaged in spontaneous activity that causes a low frequencies (<0.1 Hz) BOLD signal fluctuations. Functional connectivity (FC) can be defined as the synchrony of neural activity among spatially distant regions. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique that is known to modulate cortical activity and FC among brain regions, as measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging. This st…

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L’irraggiamento a corpo intero (Total Body Irradiation - TBI) è una tecnica di radioterapia oncologica di largo impiego nella clinica ematoncologica nell’ambito del trattamento di pazienti avviati al trapianto di midollo osseo o al trapianto di cellule staminali periferiche. La TBI da una parte permette di sopprimere il sistema immunitario del ricevente per prevenire il rigetto del midollo del donatore ed eliminare le cellule neoplastiche residue dai trattamenti chemioterapici. In genere, la modalità di somministrazione della TBI prevede irraggiamenti in 3 giorni consecutivi con un bi-frazionamento giornaliero (2 Gy, 2 volte al giorno con intervallo minimo di 6 ore tra le sedute, per 3 gior…

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Out-of-phase second harmonic detection as a tool for the determination of relaxation times

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Testing and calibration of ESR response of Fricke gel dosimeters in mixed neutron-gamma fields

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Advanced techniques in Magnetic Resonance Imaging: characterization of non-gaussian water diffusion using DIFFUSION KURTOSIS IMAGING (DKI)

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This paper reports on results obtained by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation on a blend of alanine added with low content of gadolinium oxide (5 % by weight) to improve the sensitivity to thermal neutron without excessively affecting tissue equivalence. The sensitivity is enhanced by this doping procedure of more an order of magnitude. The results are compared with those obtained with the addition of boric acid (50 % by weight) where boron is in its natural isotopic composition in order to produce low-cost EPR dosemeters. The gadolinium addition influences neutron sensitivity more than the boron addition. The presence of additives does not sub…

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Sensitivity of alanine dosimeters with gadolinium exposed to 6 MV photons at clinical doses.

In this study we analyzed the ESR signal of alanine dosimeters with gadolinium exposed to 6 MV linear accelerator photons. We observed that the addition of gadolinium brings about an improvement in the sensitivity to photons because of its high atomic number. The experimental data indicated that the addition of gadolinium increases the sensitivity of the alanine to 6 MV photons. This enhancement was better observed at high gadolinium concentrations for which the tissue equivalence is heavily reduced. However, information about the irradiation setup and of the radiation beam features allows one to correct for this difference. Monte Carlo simulations were carried out to obtain information on …

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Fricke gel, electron spin resonance and thermoluminescence for integration and intercomparison of measurements in NCT dosimetry

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Correlation between ferrous ammonium sulfate concentration, sensitivity and stability of Fricke gel dosimeters exposed to clinical X-ray beams

Abstract This work describes the characterization of various Fricke-Agarose-Xylenol gels (FXG) dosimeters using NMR relaxometry and MRI analysis. Using X-rays from a clinical linear accelerator (LINAC), the gels were irradiated in the dose range from 0 Gy to 20 Gy. The photon sensitivity of the FXGs was measured in terms of NMR relaxation rates; its dependence on radiation dose was determined as a function of ferrous ammonium sulfate contents (from 0.5 mM to 5 mM). Furthermore, the stability of the NMR signal was monitored over several days after irradiation. These measurements were aided by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans which allowed three-dimensional (3D) dose mapping. In order t…

research product

Use of alanine EPR dosimeters for discriminating neutron and photon components in the thermal column of Pavia Triga reactor

The main gol of the present work is to investigate the response behaviour of alanine EPR pellets in clinical proton anc carbon ion beams. Proton irradiations were carried out at PSI (Switzerland) using both passive and active scattering modality, whereas, C ions irradiation were performed at GSI (Germany) adopting the raster scanning modality.

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Gel di Fricke: studio della risposta NMR in funzione della concentrazione di ferro ed utilizzo dosimetrico in ambito clinico (3D MRI)

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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance investigation of PVA-GTA FRicke gel dosimeters exposed to clinical photon beams

Fricke Xylenol Gel (FXG) dosimetric system is based on the radiation induced oxidation of ferrous (Fe2+) to ferric (Fe3+) ions. The application of Fricke gels for ionizing radiation dosimetry is continuously increasing worldwide due to their many favorable properties. However, one of their shortcomings is that ferrous and ferric ions diffuse in the gel matrix. To maintain the spatial integrity of the dose distribution, Fricke gels must be undergoing measurement within a few hours of their irradiation, so that ferric ions remain close to their point of production. Thus, the spatial integrity of the dose distribution in the Fricke gel is maintained. The gel matrix also contributes to the oxid…

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Characterization of Fricke gel dosimeters exposed to gamma rays and neutrons

research product

The use of gadolinium for ESR dosimetry

The application of gadolinium to sensitize Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) dosimeters is reviewed. This nucleus is chosen because it has very good features in interacting with ionizing radiations. In particular, it has a very high capture cross section for thermal neutrons which favors the interactions of these particles within the detector; moreover, the charged secondary particles released after neutron interactions (mainly Auger and internal conversion electrons) are able to release their energy close the gadolinium site and, therefore, inside the sensitive volume of the detector. Consequently, the addition of gadolinium inside ESR dosimeters produces a significant enhancement of thermal n…

research product

Spin trapping as tool for investigating radiation induced free radicals in biologically active molecules

Since from the second half of the last century the spin trapping has found wide applications in chemistry, biology and medicine [1]. Of particular interest are the studied of the free radicals induced in biologically active molecules, such as DNA and proteins, when they are exposed to ionizing radiation. Their characterization allows to investigate the radiation-induced primary processes inside living cells. Indeed, ionizing radiations produce many kinds of free radicals through direct action; radicals can be formed also by indirect actions. However, the direct detection of these radicals is hard to obtain as they have a too short lifetime and this makes difficult to record them by conventi…

research product

Neutron dosimetry by means of electron spin resonance (ESR) tecnique

Along with the Neutron Capture Therapy (NCT) development and with the use of thermal neutrons for radiotherapeutic purposes, many efforts have been devoted to the beam characterization in order to optimize the therapy procedures. Reliable dosimetric measurements should be able to determine the various components (neutronic and photonic) of the mixed beam usually employed for therapy. We have studied the effect of the additive such as gadolinium and 10B-boric acid on the neutron sensitivity of alanine ESR dosimeters exposed to a gamma and mixed (n, gamma) field mainly composed by thermal neutrons. We have chosen both this additive nuclei because of their very high capture cross section to th…

research product

Sensibilità e stabilità dei dosimetri gel di tipo Fricke esposti ai fotoni nel range clinico in funzione della concentrazione di ferro e degli additivi presenti: 3D MRI per applicazioni dosimetriche

research product


Introduction: Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is the most commonly used technique to extract microstructural features from a set of diffusionweighted images. In addition to the metrics obtained with DTI, diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) can provide non-Gaussian diffusion measures by means of the kurtosis tensor. DKI has shown to be more sensitive to tissue microstructural changes in both normal and pathological neural tissue. In a clinical setting, however, these benefits are often nullified by numerous acquisition artifacts. The aim of this study was compare two preprocessing software for DTI apply to DKI. Also, the major preprocessing, processing and post-processing procedures applied to D…

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TL dose reconstruction in watch glasses exposed to photon, electron and proton beams

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Study of optical absorbance and MR relaxation of irradiated Fricke Xylenol Orange Gel Dosimeters

Studies on the optical absorbance spectra of Fricke xylenol orange gel dosimeters were performed, in the wavelength range from 300 nm to 800 nm, in order to highlight some particular characteristics that can affect the achievable precision. The spectra are different mainly due to the different types of xylenol orange that was used and to a lower extent due to the different gelling agents (agarose or gelatine). The characteristic of variation of absorbance spectra versus dose, however, are similar in the various cases and can explain some peculiarities, as apparent effects of dose threshold. Changes of spectral shapes appear over the time after irradiation. Magnetic resonance measurements pe…

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Analisi della risposta ESR di vetri di orologi irradiati con vari fasci di radiazioni ionizzanti per dosimetria retrospettiva

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Characterization of the ESR response of alanine dosimeters to low-energy Cu-target X-tube photons

Abstract This article describes Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) response measurements of Kodak BioMax alanine films exposed to low-energy X-rays from a Cu-target tube operating at 20 kV. Commercial alanine detectors were used to ensure maximum reproducibility of the results, while the choice of a film was due the low penetration of the soft X-rays. X-ray energy spectra and fluences were determined with an innovative digital semiconductor detector system. These data were used to quantify the irradiation of the alanine films in terms of absorbed dose to water. The alanine films were found to present a stable response, highly linear with dose. To our knowledge, these data have not been previousl…

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Investigation of applicability of alanine pellets and films for dosimetry of proton clinical beams

Laser-driven proton has recently gained a great interest as an alternative to conventional and more expensive acceleration techniques. These ion beams have desirable qualities such as small source size, high luminosity and small emittance to be used in different physics fields. This is very promising specially for the future perspective of a new concept of hadrontherapy based on laser-based devices could be developed, replacing traditional accelerating machines. ELIMED (Medical Applications at Extreme Light Infrastructure) is a task-force originally born by an idea of ELI-Beams (Prague) and INFN-LNS (Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics of Catania) researchers. ELIMED main goal is to perfo…

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Introduction Fricke gel dosimeters allow measurements of 3D dose distributions and can be an effective tool for dosimetry verifications in radiotherapy. Various authors have reported drawbacks of the gels affecting the accuracy in case of low dose measurements. Purpose This study aims at investigating such drawbacks and at establishing the conditions for an optimal use of the gels. Materials and methods Our dosimeters consist of gels infused with a Fricke ferrous sulphate solution combined with xylenol orange (XO). Two kinds of xylenol orange (XO) and two different gelling agents (gelatin from porcine skin and Agarose) were utilized. Gels are red out by light absorption techniques: images o…

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Dosimetria a risonanza di spin elettronico (ESR) tramite composti organici (alanina e tartrato di ammonio) per campi misti neutroni-gamma

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Study of optical absorbance and MR relaxation of Fricke xylenol orange gel dosimeters

Abstract Studies on the optical absorbance spectra of Fricke xylenol orange gel dosimeters were performed, in the wavelength range from 300 nm to 800 nm, in order to highlight some particular characteristics that can affect the achievable precision. The spectra are different mainly due to the different types of xylenol orange that was used and to a lower extent due to the different gelling agents (agarose or gelatine). The characteristic of variation of absorbance spectra versus dose, however, are similar in the various cases and can explain some peculiarities, as apparent effects of dose threshold. Changes of spectral shapes appear over the time after irradiation. Magnetic resonance measur…

research product

EPR dosimetry intercomparison using smart phone touch screen glass

International audience; This paper presents the results of an interlaboratory comparison of retrospective dosimetry using the electron paramagnetic resonance method. The test material used in this exercise was glass coming from the touch screens of smart phones that might be used as fortuitous dosimeters in a large-scale radiological incident. There were 13 participants to whom samples were dispatched, and 11 laboratories reported results. The participants received five calibration samples (0, 0.8, 2, 4, and 10 Gy) and four blindly irradiated samples (0, 0.9, 1.3, and 3.3 Gy). Participants were divided into two groups: for group A (formed by three participants), samples came from a homogene…

research product


Introduction: Fricke Xylenol Gel (FXG) dosimetric system is based on the radiation induced oxidation of ferrous to ferric ions. In this kind of gels it can occur that ferrous and ferric ions diffuse in the gel matrix. To preserve the spatial distribution of the dose from diffusion, Fricke gels must be undergoing measurement within a few hours of their irradiation. Thus, the spatial integrity of the dose distribution in the Fricke gel is maintained. The oxidation of ferrous ions also causes a reduction of the longitudinal nuclear magnetic relaxation time which can be measured by means of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) instrumentation. In this work we performed NMR relaxometry and MR imagin…

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I fenoli come nuovi materiali per la dosimetria EPR in campo misto neutroni-gamma

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12C ion beam dose distribution in presence of medium inhomogeneities: comparison between different measurements and simulations with the treatment planning system for particles trip98

Heavy-ions beams offer several advantages compared to other radiation such as low lateral scattering and high biological effectiveness (RBE) in the Bragg peak region, making them particularly attractive for the treatment of radio-resistant tumours localized close to organs at risk [1]. The extension of ion therapy to new clinical cases requires the exploitation of a dedicated treatment planning system (TPS) based on the existing version of TRiP98 [2,3], established TPS for carbon ions. The theoretical models and experimental databases included in TRiP98 are presently mainly based on measurements in water. This approximation can be applied successfully to reproduce many biological tissues wi…

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Neutron ESR dosimetry through ammonium tartrate with low Gd content.

This paper continues analyses on organic compounds for application in neutron dosimetry performed through electron spin resonance (ESR). Here, the authors present the results obtained by ESR measurements of a blend of ammonium tartrate dosemeters and gadolinium oxide (5 % by weight). The choice of low amount of Gd is due to the need of improving neutron sensitivity while not significantly influencing tissue equivalence. A study of the effect of gadolinium presence on tissue equivalence was carried out. The experiments show that the neutron sensitivity is enhanced by more than an order of magnitude even with this small additive content. Monte Carlo simulations on the increment of energy rele…

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Watch glasses exposed to 6 MV photons and 10 MeV electrons analysed by means of ESR technique

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DOSimetria in Situazioni di Emergenza Radiologica (DOSSIER)

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The current focus on networking and mutual assistance in the management of radiation accidents or incidents has demonstrated the importance of a joined-up approach in physical and biological dosimetry. To this end, the European Radiation Dosimetry Working Group 10 on 'Retrospective Dosimetry' has been set up by individuals from a wide range of disciplines across Europe. Here, established and emerging dosimetry methods are reviewed, which can be used immediately and retrospectively following external ionising radiation exposure. Endpoints and assays include dicentrics, translocations, premature chromosome condensation, micronuclei, somatic mutations, gene expression, electron paramagnetic re…

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La sicurezza del paziente sottoposto a trattamenti terapeutici con radiazioni ionizzanti e il buon esito degli ultimi sono strettamente legati all’ottimizzazione delle procedure di esposizione alle radiazioni ionizzanti. In particolare è fondamentale arrecare il danno minore possibile ai tessuti sani che circondano la neoplasia da trattare. Rispetto ai campi di radiazione convenzionali utilizzati in radioterapia (fotoni), le particelle cariche pesanti (protoni e ioni carbonio) offrono diversi vantaggi quali la bassa dispersione laterale, l’alta efficacia biologica (RBE) nella regione del picco di Bragg ed un profilo di dose caratteristico in profondità del tutto differente da quello dei fot…

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Electronic paramagnetic resonance power saturation of wooden samples

The deterioration of wood used for artifacts of artistic interest involves the production of different free radicals from the macromolecules of the wooden matrix (cellulose, lignin, and hemicellulose). Among the techniques able to provide information about these free radicals, the contribution of electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR) can be very valuable. In this paper, the study of EPR signals (with g 2) of both modern and ancient wooden taxa was undertaken in order to analyze some features of the free radicals in natural wood. In particular, we have studied the microwave power saturation behaviors of seasoned wooden samples from ten species, and we have found remarkable differences betw…

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Discrimination of Radiation Quality Through Second Harmonic Out-of-Phase cw-ESR Detection

The ability to discriminate the quality of ionizing radiation is important because the biological effects produced in tissue strongly depends on both absorbed dose and linear energy transfer (LET) of ionizing particles. Here we present an experimental electron spin resonance (ESR) analysis aimed at discriminating the effective LETs of various radiation beams (e.g., 19.3 MeV protons, 60Co photons and thermal neutrons). The measurement of the intensities of the continuous wave spectrometer signal channel first harmonic in-phase and the second harmonic out-of-phase components are used to distinguish the radiation quality. A computational analysis, was carried out to evaluate the dependence of …

research product

Phenol compounds for Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) dosimetry in gamma and neutron field

The use of neutrons for cancer treatments has stimulated the research for beam characterization in order to optimize the therapy procedures in Neutron Capture Therapy (Altieri, 2008). Several research laboratories have shown an increasing interest aimed at extending the applicability of Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) dosimetry to radiotherapy with different types of radiation beams. In particular, ESR spectrometry provides absorbed dose measurements through the detection of the stable free radicals produced by ionizing radiations. The ESR dosimetric method has many advantages such as simple and rapid dose evaluation, the readout procedure is non-destructive, linear response of many organic a…

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Nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometry and imaging for dosimetry with agarose Fricke gel

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ESR dosimetry with alanine added with Gadolinium in TRIGA reactor of Mainz

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Study of the response of phenol compounds exposed to gamma photons and neutrons for Electron Spin Resonance dosimetry

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Caratterizzazione dosimetrica della facility a neutroni termici del reattore TRIGA di Pavia: studio della dose da fotoni mediante rivelatori ESR

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Dose verification with EPR/alanine dosimeters in Helical Tomotherapy Stereotactic Radiosurgery (HT SRS) treatments

Intracranial stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) is a technique to deliver an ablative radiation dose with an extremely sharp dose gradient to small brain tumors. This tecnique allows to deliver high doses of radiation to the tumor sparing the surrounding healthy tissue. In this study the accuracy of the dose delivered in a SRS session by a non conventional radiotherapy machine, the TomoTherapy Hi-Art System, was investigated using an "end-to-end" test. This is perfome d by means of alanine Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) pe llets. The response of these dosimeters is compared to that of gafchromic films which are particularly suitable for two-dimensional dose verification providing accura…

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Comparative evaluation of data preprocessing software tools to increase efficiency and accuracy in diffusion kurtosis imaging

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Characterization of Fricke gel dosimeters exposed to clinical photons beams and of MRI dosimetrical applications

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Dosimetry of Mainz reactors by means of ESR dosimetry with alanine added with gadolinium

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Watch glasses exposed to 6 MV photons and 10 MeV electrons analysed by means of ESR technique: A preliminary study

Abstract In this work we report a case study of the ESR response of watch glasses exposed to 6 MV photons and to 10 MeV electrons. The choice of watch glasses is justified by the fact that watch glasses are very close to the exposed individual. For both types of radiation beams, the absorbed doses belong to the range between 1 and 20 Gy. The samples have been irradiated in water-equivalent plastic phantom with a linear accelerator used for radiotherapy. After exposure watch glass samples have been cut in small strip-shaped pieces with suitable size to be put into the quartz tube for ESR measurements. The signal induced by radiation (RIS) lies in the g ∼ 2 region and must be discriminated fr…

research product

Phenol compounds for Electron Spin Resonance dosimetry in gamma and neutron field

The use of neutrons for cancer treatments has stimulated the research for beam characterization in order to optimize the therapy procedures in Neutron Capture Therapy (Altieri, 2008). Several research laboratories have shown an increasing interest aimed at extending the applicability of Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) dosimetry to radiotherapy with different types of radiation beams. In particular, ESR spectrometry provides absorbed dose measurements through the detection of the stable free radicals produced by ionizing radiations. The ESR dosimetric method has many advantages such as simple and rapid dose evaluation, the readout procedure is non-destructive, linear response of many organic a…

research product

Discrimination of LINAC photon and sunlight contributions in watch glass analyzed by means of thermoluminescence

Abstract The research described in this paper shows how to extract from the glow curves of watch glasses exposed to LINAC photons and sunlight a contribution sensitive to LINAC photons dose. As first step, the dependence of the TL signal due to sunlight on the exposure duration was studied and a signal saturation was observed after about 20 weeks. The comparison of TL signals due to solar light and to LINAC photons highlights a partial overlap of the two signals. Here, two different analysis procedures of glow curves (general order kinetics deconvolution and principal components analysis) are reported to point out components which depend differently on LINAC photon radiation dose. For both …

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ESR response of phenol compounds for dosimetry of gamma photon beams

Abstract In the present paper we investigate the features of IRGANOX® 1076 phenols as a material for electron spin resonance (ESR) dosimetry. We experimentally analyzed the ESR response of pellets of IRGANOX® 1076 phenols irradiated with 60Co photons. The best experimental parameters (modulation amplitude and microwave power) for dosimetric applications have been obtained. The dependence of ESR signal as function of γ dose is found to be linear in the dose range studied (12–60 Gy) and the lowest measurable dose is found to be of the order of 1 Gy. The signal after irradiation is very stable in the first thirty days. From the point of view of the tissue equivalence, these materials have mass…

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Studio di assorbanza ottica e rilassometria RM in dosimetri a gel di Fricke

I dosimetri a gel di Fricke con xylenol-orange, analizzati otticamente, presentano alcune limitazioni se impiegati per misure di basse dosi (pochi Gy o meno), per irraggiamenti di lunga durata o per individuare procedure di calibrazione che permettano l'utilizzo in radioterapia. Le difficoltà derivano da variazioni nello spettro di assorbanza verosimilmente dovute a variazioni dei legami degli ioni ferrici con lo xylenol-orange. Sono state effettuate misure: i) di assorbanza ottica, anche spettrometrica, per dosimetri irraggiati a diverse dosi e a diversi tempi rispetto all'irraggiamento; ii) di rilassometria RM per valutare le variazioni dovute al solo aumento del numero di ioni ferrici.

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Study of the response of phenol compounds exposed to thermal neutrons beams for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance dosimetry

Abstract This paper reports the results regarding a new organic compound (IRGANOX ® 1076 phenols) with and without low content (5% by weight) of gadolinium oxide (Gd 2 O 3 ) for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) dosimetry of neutron beams. The dependence of EPR signal as function of neutron dose was investigated in the fluence range studied between 10 11  cm −2 to 10 14  cm −2 . We evaluated also the effect of gadolinium on 60 Co gamma photon sensitivity of this organic compound. Our analysis showed that a low concentration of gadolinium oxide (of the order of 5% of the total mass of the dosimeter) can enhance the thermal neutron sensitivity more than 10 times with a small reduction of …

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The radiation therapy carried out by means of heavy charged particles (such as carbon ions) and neutrons is rapidly becoming widespread worldwide. The success of these radiation therapies relies on the high density of energy released by these particles or by secondary particles produced after primary interaction with matter. The biological damages produced by ionising radiations in tissues and cells depend more properly on the energy released per unit pathlength, which is the linear energy transfer and which determines the radiation quality. To improve the therapy effectiveness, it is necessary to grasp the mechanisms of free radical production and distribution after irradiation with these …

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Studio e calibrazione della risposta ottica ed NMR di dosimetri gel di tipo Fricke (FXG) in campi misti neutroni-gamma per applicazioni cliniche

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Dosimetria tramite Risonanza Elettronica di Spin (ESR) in RadioTerapia IntraOperatoria (IORT): misure di Output Factors e simulazioni Monte Carlo-GEANT4

La RadioTerapia IntraOperatoria (IORT) è una modalità di trattamento in cui una singola dose di radiazioni è impartita direttamente al letto tumorale o al tumore durante l'intervento chirurgico, evitando di colpire i tessuti sani circostanti. La fabbricazione di acceleratori lineari mobili per elettroni dedicati alla IORT ha permesso una grande diffusione di questa tecnica radioterapica. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è il confronto tra la risposta di dosimetri di alanina letti tramite Risonanza Elettronica di Spin (ESR) e di camere a ionizzazione Markus per le misurazioni degli Output Factors (OFs) di fasci di elettroni prodotti da un acceleratore lineare utilizzato per la IORT. Gli OFs dei fas…

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ESR response of watch glasses to proton beams

In this paper we have analyzed the electron spin resonance (ESR) signal of watch glasses irradiated with %60 MeV proton beams in the dose range between 1 and 105 Gy. The composition of samples expressed in oxides weight percentages has been obtained carrying out X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) mea- surements. The ESR signal has been studied in terms of its dependence on microwave power and modulation field in order to choose the optimal recording parameters. The dependence of the radioinduced signal on the exposure dose has been investigated. A numerical procedure aimed at improving the sensitivity in the low dose range has been developed.

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Comparison between NMR and MIP in characterizing porosity of limestone used in Cultural Heritage,

Limestone with different porosity are used extensively as a sculptural and architectural stone in artistic-architectural field. As it is known, this kind of material is subjected to physico-chemical decay that involves the loss of surface and in-depth cohesion [1]. Consolidation interventions are performed in order to preserve building and decorative surfaces of architectural monuments, to reduce their degradation rate and to improve cohesion and adhesion in the stone [2]. Porosity of stone and pore size distribution are important factors to evaluate the effectiveness of a consolidation treatment and they are normally performed using a single technique such as mercury intrusion porosimetry,…

research product

Alanine/ESR dosimetry for electron Intra-Operative RadioTherapy: output factor measurements and Monte Carlo-GEANT4 simulations for IORT mobile dedicate accelerator

Intra-operative radiation therapy (IORT) is a treatment modality where a single high dose of radiation is delivered directly to the tumor bed or to the exposed tumor during the surgical intervention, while avoiding surrounding dose-limiting structures. Mobile electron linear accelerators dedicated to IORT have been manufactured which have promoted a local large diffusion of this radiotherapy modality. For breast irradiation, a single fraction of 21 Gy delivered on the target volume during the surgical procedure is equivalent to the total dosage (60 Gy) usually delivered during 30 external fractionated radiotherapy at 2Gy/fraction. Alternatively, a single dose of 10 Gy can be administered as…

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Pulsed EPR analysis of tooth enamel samples exposed to UV and gamma radiations

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Thermoluminescence response of sodalime glass irradiated with photon and electron beams in the 1-20 Gy range

Abstract The thermoluminescence response of a watch commercial glass was studied after irradiation with photons and electrons, in the range 1–20 Gy, of interest in accidental dosimetry; a linear response was obtained with both beams. This result, together with the satisfactory time stability of the thermoluminescence signal, indicates this glass as a potential material for retrospective dosimetry applications.

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Sensibilità e stabilità dei dosimetri gel di tipo Fricke esposti ai fotoni nel range clinico in funzione della concentrazione di ferro: 3D MRI ed applicazioni dosimetriche

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Phenol compounds as new materials for Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) dosimetry in clinical photon and electron beams

In the last decades several research laboratories have shown an increasing interest aimed at extending the applicability of Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) dosimetry to radiotherapy with different types of radiation beams. ESR is a spectroscopic method for investigating the structure and dynamics of such paramagnetic species. Free radicals are known to be produced when a compound is irradiated with ionizing radiations. The concentration of radiation-induced free radicals is proportional to the energy released inside in the medium and this allows for dosimetric measurements through ESR technique which able to quantitatively determine the radical concentration.The use of alanine as a dosimetric…

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Dosimetria retrospettiva accidentale tramite indagini EPR e TL su vetro da orologi

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Determination of gamma component in thermal column of Pavia Triga reactor by using alanine ESR detectors

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ESR study of proton irradiation response of watch glasses.

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Negli ultimi anni il crescente interesse verso la radioterapia a cattura neutronica (internazionalmente nota come Neutron Capture Therapy - NCT) per il trattamento di neoplasie ha stimolato diverse attività di ricerca finalizzate alla caratterizzazione del fascio utilizzato e all'ottimizzazione delle procedure radioterapiche. La corretta riuscita del trattamento NCT e il monitoraggio della dose impartita non possono prescindere dalla valutazione delle varie componenti del fascio impiegato (neutronica e fotonica). Infatti, durante le procedure di moderazione dei neutroni, si verifica la produzione di fotoni e la stima dei rischi a cui sono soggetti i tessuti sani sottoposti al campo misto ne…

research product

NMR relaxometry measurements of Fricke gel dosimeters exposed to neutrons

Fricke infused gel matrices offer several features making them suitable for dosimetric applications; among the set here are tissue equivalence, low cost and ease of preparation. Their nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation properties can be used as a radiation detector for the dosimetry of beams used in cancer therapy. In recent years neutron capture therapy has been resumed for the treatment of various types of cancer and it requires three-dimensional mapping of the neutron fields. In this work, we investigated this particular application through NMR relaxometry and MR imaging of Fricke gels exposed to neutrons. We analyzed both the R1 and R2 relaxation rates, which relate to the long…

research product

Agarose and PVA Fricke gel dosimeters exposed to clinical photons beams: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry and Imaging

Fricke Xylenol Gel (FXG) dosimetric system is based on the radiation induced oxidation of ferrous (Fe2+) to ferric (Fe3+) ions. The application of Fricke gels for ionizing radiation dosimetry is continuously increasing worldwide due to their many favorable properties. However, one of their shortcomings is that ferrous and ferric ions diffuse in the gel matrix. To maintain the spatial integrity of the dose distribution, Fricke gels must be undergoing measurement within a few hours of their irradiation, so that ferric ions remain close to their point of production. Thus, the spatial integrity of the dose distribution in the Fricke gel is maintained. The gel matrix also contributes to the oxid…

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Caratterizzazione ESR di composti fenolici: nuovi materiali per la dosimetria in campo misto neutroni-gamma

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Caratterizzazione NMR ed EPR di mattoni del Teatro Antico di Taormina.

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Dependence of MRI sensitivity of Fricke gel dosimeters exposed to clinical photons beams on ferrous ammonium sulfate content

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Characterization of alanine EPR detectors response in clinical carbon ion beams

Heavy-ions beams offer several advantages compared to other radiation such as low lateral scattering and high biological effectiveness (RBE) in the Bragg peak region, making them particularly attractive for the treatment of radio-resistant tumors localized close to organs at risk [1]. Although ion beam radiotherapy ultimately requires dose prescription in terms of biological dose or cell survival, absorbed dose is still the quantity mostly used in clinical quality assurance and to dosimetrically characterize the beam. Moreover, the nuclear projectile fragmentation of heavy ions because of inelastic nuclear interactions with medium produces secondary particles with lower Z. The detailed know…

research product

Comparison of EPR response of alanine and Gd2O3-alanine dosimeters exposed to TRIGA Mainz reactor.

In this work we report some preliminary results regarding the analysis of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) response of alanine pellets and alanine pellets added with gadolinium used for dosimetry at the TRIGA research reactor in Mainz, Germany. Two set-ups were evaluated: irradiation inside PMMA phantom and irradiation inside boric acid phantom. We observed that the presence of Gd2O3 inside alanine pellets increases the EPR signal by a factor of 3.45 and 1.24 in case of PMMA and boric acid phantoms, respectively. We can conclude that in the case of neutron beam with a predominant thermal neutron component the addition of gadolinium oxide can significantly improve neutron sensitivity of…

research product

Monte Carlo simulation of the response of ESR dosimeters added with gadolinium exposed to thermal, epithermal and fast neutrons

Abstract Monte Carlo numerical calculations of the response of alanine and ammonium tartrate ESR (electron spin resonance) dosimeters exposed to neutron fields with different energy spectra are reported. Results have been obtained for various gadolinium concentrations inside the dosimeters. Furthermore, in order to simulate the in-phantom response we have carried out calculations by varying the depth of the dosimeter. We have found that a large enhancement is obtained for thermal neutrons, because of the very high capture cross section of gadolinium to thermal neutrons. A good enhancement was obtained for epithermal neutrons, whereas the sensitivity improvement in the case of fast neutron i…

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Introduction: Total Body Irradiation (TBI) is a technique widely used in the radiation blood-oncology in the treatment of patients that need bone marrow transplantation or peripheral stem cell transplantation. This technique has some limitations such as the lack of homogeneity of the dose distribution (which may show variations of 20% in the different areas), irradiation of critical organs such as the lungs, the liver, the intestine and the eye-lens which can receive a dose comparable to that nominal and require appropriate shielding and a proper evaluation of the dose absorbed by them. The positive outcome of this type of radiation therapy is strictly related to a precise and accurate meas…

research product

Alanine EPR pellets for dosimetry of clinical proton and carbon ion beams

The main gol of the present work is to investigate the response behaviour of alanine EPR pellets in clinical proton anc carbon ion beams. Proton irradiations were carried out at PSI (Switzerland) using both passive and active scattering modality, whereas, C ions irradiation were performed at GSI (Germany) adopting the raster scanning modality.

research product

EPR/alanine dosimetry for two therapeutic proton beams

Abstract In this work the analysis of the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) response of alanine pellets exposed to two different clinical proton beams employed for radiotherapy is performed. One beam is characterized by a passive delivery technique and is dedicated to the eyes treatment (OPTIS2 beam line). Alanine pellets were irradiated with a 70 MeV proton beam corresponding to 35 mm range in eye tissue. We investigated how collimators with different sizes and shape used to conform the dose to the planned target volume influence the delivered dose. For this purpose we performed measurements with varying the collimator size (Output Factor) and the results were compared with those obtai…

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Analisi NMR su gel di tipo Fricke irradiati con fasci routinari per la radioterapia: stabilità e sensibilità in funzione degli additivi

In questo lavoro sono presentate le misure effettuate tramite rilassometria NMR su campioni costituiti da una matrice gelatinosa drogata con ioni ferrosi comunemente chiamati dosimetri gel di tipo Fricke (FXG). La dosimetria con gel Fricke si basa sulla ossidazione degli ioni ferrosi (Fe2+) in ioni ferrici (Fe3+) all’interno di una matrice gelatinosa a seguito di irraggiamento (Schreiner, 2004). Tale processo è fortemente dipendente dalla dose somministrata (Marrale, 2014a). I dosimetri di Fricke sono tessuto-equivalenti, rispondono ad ogni tipo di radiazione ionizzante ed, assumendo la forma del contenitore in cui avviene la gelificazione, possono essere utilizzati per studiare l’effetto d…

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Looking into the architecture of the brain with MRI: quantification of non-Gaussian water diffusion by Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging (DKI)

The aim of this work is the definition of an MRI protocol for Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging (DKI) by using a 1.5T clinical scanner and the development of a software for DKI analysis.

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Electron Spin Resonance dosimetry using organic compounds (alanine and ammonium tartrate) for mixed neutron-gamma fields

Alongside with the development of Neutron Capture Therapy (NCT) and the use of thermal neutrons for radiotherapeutic purposes, many efforts have been devoted to the characterization of the beam in order to optimize therapy procedures. Reliable dose measurements should be able to determine the various (neutrons and photonic) components of the mixed beam usually employed for therapy. This paper studies the effect of additives such as boric and gadolinium nuclei on the sensitivity of neutron organic (alanine and ammonium tartrate) dosimeters analyzed through Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) technique (Marrale, 2014). These dosimeters were exposed to a mixed (neutron-gamma) field mainly composed o…

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Monte Carlo simulation of energy absorbed in phenolic ESR dosimeters added with gadolinium exposed to thermal, epithermal and fast neutrons

Abstract In this work analyses of the energy released per unit mass in phenolic compound exposed to neutron beams were performed with the aim of predicting the increase in dose achievable by addition of gadolinium (Gd) inside the pellets. In particular, Monte Carlo (MC) simulations were carried out for IRGANOX® 1076 phenolic compound irradiated with neutron beams with different energy spectra at various depths inside a water phantom. The addition of gadolinium increases sensitivity of phenolic ESR (electron spin resonance) dosimeters to neutrons thanks to the high gadolinium cross section for neutron capture and to the large number of secondary particles (mainly Auger and internal conversio…

research product


Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) spectroscopy is extensively used in gamma photon dosimetry. It relies on the detection of the signal from free radicals (paramagnetic species) produced after sample irradiation. Organic materials, such as alanine and ammonium tartrate, are widely used for dosimeter preparation, thanks to the good photon sensitivity and tissue equivalence of such compounds. However, the low neutron cross section of their nuclei does not make them suitable for neutron dosimetry. Thanks to its very high neutron capture cross section and to the high Linear Energy Transfer of released particles, even small additions of gadolinium will yield large sensitivity enhancements of the dosi…

research product

Thermoluminescence response of sodalime glass irradiated with proton and neutron beams

In the research field of emergency dosimeters to be used in case of accidental radiation exposure of the population, watch glass has been considered as a possible fortuitous dosimetric material. This paper reports on results obtained by thermoluminescence of glass samples exposed to neutron and proton beams. Thermoluminescent glow curves have been analyzed for each irradiation studying the modifications induced by the irradiation as a function of proton dose or neutron fluence. The glow curve in a specific temperature range has been used as dosimetric parameter. The thermoluminescence response of samples exposed to protons has been found to be linear in the dose range between 2 and 20 Gy an…

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Neutron Electron Spin Resonance dosimetry with phenol compounds

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Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) characterization of phenol compounds as new materials for dosimetry in radiotherapy

Among the various dosimetric techniques used for characterizing the radiation beams used in radiation therapy, the electron spin resonance (ESR) arouses increasing interest for applications in various therapy procedures [1]. Free radicals are known to be produced when a compound is irradiated with ionizing radiations. The concentration of radiation-induced free radicals is proportional to the absorbed dos e and this allows for dosimetric measurements through ESR technique which able to quantitatively determine the radical concentration [2]. Our research group has started an investigation of the ESR response of some phenols compounds for possible ESR dosimetric ap plications suitable feature…

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Comparison between mercury intrusion porosimetry and nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometry to study the pore size distribution of limestones treated with a new consolidation product

Abstract Pore-space properties, such as pore-size distribution and connected porosity, are relevant factors in the evaluation of the performance of a consolidation treatment. In this study, two different techniques – Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry (NMRR) – were adopted to study the compatibility and the efficacy of a new consolidation product for limestones. This work aims at comparing and combining data obtained by MIP and NMRR; to confirm the relationship between the quantitative results of MIP and the qualitative ones of NMRR, a calibration which leads to correlate T2 distribution and pore size distribution has been applied. Experimental re…

research product

New materials for ESR dosimetry in clinical photon and electron beams: Phenol Compounds.

In the last decades several research laboratories have shown an increasing interest aimed at extending the applicability of ESR-dosimetry to radiotherapy with different types of radiation beams. ESR is a spectroscopic method for investigating the structure and dynamics of such paramagnetic species. The concentration of radiation-induced free radicals is proportional to the energy released inside in the medium. Our research group has started an investigation of the ESR response of some phenols compounds for possible ESR dosimetric applications suitable features, such as high efficiency of radiation-matter energy transfer and radical stability at room temperature. In particular, the phenoloct…

research product

Pulsed EPR analysis of tooth enamel samples exposed to UV and gamma-radiations

Abstract The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy is widely applied for retrospective dosimetric purposes by means of quantitative detection of radicals in tooth enamel and bone samples. In this work we report a study by cw and pulsed EPR on two samples of human tooth enamel respectively irradiated by UV (254 nm) and γ-exposed. The continuous wave (cw) EPR spectra have shown the usual presence in both samples of two types of CO 2 − radicals, with axial and orthorombic g tensors. We have obtained the electron spin echo detected EPR (ED-EPR) spectra at 80 K of the two samples, and we have shown that they are suitable to mark the difference between the effects produced by the dif…

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Preliminary application of thermoluminescence and single aliquot regeneration method for dose reconstruction in soda lime glass

The research described in this paper shows that the use of the single aliquot regeneration (SAR) method for thermoluminescence (TL) measurements applied to soda lime glasses allows to carry out a retrospective dose evaluation. We have followed a fast and efficient sample preparation procedure which permits measurements without powdering and sieving processes. We have analyzed the TL signal of commercial soda lime watch glass irradiated with 6 Mega Volts (MV) LINAC photons, 10 MeV LINAC electrons and 62 MeV protons. After the initial exposure and following TL reading, the samples are successively irradiated with increasing doses of photons. Therefore, for each sample its calibration curve is…

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Determinazione della componente fotonica all’interno della colonna termica del reattore TRIGA mediante letture ESR di dosimetri di alanina

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An EPR method for discriminating radiation beams in ammonium tartrate and tooth enamel

The radiation linear energy transfer (LET), which is the energy released by ionizing radiation per path unit, arouses great scientific interest because the biological damage produced by ionizing radiation in tissues is strictly related to LET. Radiation beams with different LETs will cause different spatial energy distribution and therefore different effects inside matter. In the last twenty years the EPR spectroscopy has become a valuable dosimetric tool. This technique allows absorbed dose measurements through the detection of free radicals produced by ionizing radiation in organic and/or inorganic compounds. In this work we have analyzed the possibility of using the acquisition of two co…

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Phenol compounds for Electron Spin Resonance dosimetry of gamma and neutron beams

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Dosimetria per fasci di protoni tramite spettroscopia di risonanza paramagnetica elettronica (EPR)

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Recenti studi epidemiologici hanno evidenziato una incidenza di complicanze oculari (cataratte), per esposizione alle radiazioni ionizzanti del cristallino, superiore a quanto ritenuto in passato. Nella sua pubblicazione del 21 aprile 2011 dal titolo “Statement on Tissue Reactions”, sugli effetti tissutali deterministici non cancerogeni delle radiazioni ionizzanti, l’ICRP indica per il cristallino una dose soglia di 0,5 Gy e raccomanda, per esposizioni lavorative, il limite annuale di 20 mSv di dose equivalente come media su un periodo di 5 anni, senza che sia mai superato il valore di 50 mSv in ogni singolo anno. Questo valore è di gran lunga inferiore all’attuale limite di legge che è par…

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