Raimo Vuorinen
Career practitioners' conceptions of competency for social media in career services
This article reports findings from a phenomenographic investigation into career practitioners' understanding of competency for social media in career services. Sixteen Danish and Finnish practitioners with experience using social media in career services were interviewed in focus groups. Competency for social media in career services was conceived as (i) an ability to use social media for delivering information, (ii) an ability to use social media for delivering career services, (iii) an ability to utilise social media for collaborative career exploration and (iv) an ability to utilise social media for co-careering. The findings can be used to develop pre-service and in-service training of …
The Perceived Role of Technology in Career Guidance among Practitioners Who are Experienced Internet Users
The increasing use of technology is placing new demands on career guidance practitioners. This article examines what changes, if any, have occurred in the perceptions of guidance practitioners regarding their role and the role of the internet in meeting guidance goals and delivering career guidance services. The data were collected in focus groups in 2001–2002 and a follow-up study in 2010. A total of seven focus groups were held. The data were analysed using combined methods. The results indicated that practitioners now observe that the need for differentiated service delivery modes is more explicit due to varied levels of readiness in decision-making and ICT literacy.
IAEVG 44. kansainvälinen konferenssi 19.-22.10.2021 Riika, Latvia
European Network of Public Employment Services Mutual Learning : PES Network Seminar ‘Career Guidance and Lifelong Learning’ 28-29 June 2017. Discussion Paper
Career guidance policy and practice in the pandemic : results of a joint international survey
Training Career Practitioners for the Current Context
Training programs for career practitioners continue to increase in both quantity and quality. For example, international opportunities for those interested in career development facilitator training have increased substantially during the past decade. In this chapter we provide highlights of these developments as they have occurred throughout the world. The chapter details the substantial variability that exists regarding the training career practitioners receive. Finally, we make recommendations regarding minimal training standards and the need for more uniform language within our profession.
Developing National Career and Workforce Development Systems and Policies with Structured International Co-operation : Structures, Processes and Activities of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network
This chapter describes the work undertaken by European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network, ELGPN during 2007-15, including the progress of lifelong guidance policy adaptation and implementation processes of the member countries at national, regional and local levels. In an evaluation of ELGPN’s work, members report that participation in the Network enriched their awareness of possible responses to common challenges and given them fresh perspectives and new insights into their national provision. A key strength of the Network was the strong ownership of its activities expressed by the national delegations. ELGPN member countries stress the importance of continuing structured European co-operat…
ICCDPP International Symposium Norway 2019 Synthesis Report : Theme 4 : Leading innovative change for the future
This paper summarises how countries participating in the ICCDPP symposium are innovating and addressing change in career development practice and policy. Some innovations are concerned with the development and implementation of guidance policies while others focus on new ways to design and organise the career development services and innovations. nonPeerReviewed
Identifying standards for career professionalism
An analysis of the career development items in PISA 2012 and of their relationship to the characteristics of countries, shools, students and families
European Guidance Week 2017 : EU Presidency Conference on Lifelong Guidance Policy and Practice 27th-28th September 2017. Background paper
Lifelong guidance policies: Work in progress : a report on the work of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network 2008-10
The purpose of this report is to communicate the outcomes of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN) 2009-10 to relevant policy-makers and stakeholders at both European and national levels. The ELGPN represents a major development in support of national lifelong guidance policy development in Europe. The ELGPN currently consists of 26 member countries (AT, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, EL, ES, FI, FR, HU, IS, IT, LV, LT, LU, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, SE, SK, Sl, TR, UK), with 4 additional countries as observers (BE, BG, IR, RO). The participating countries designate their representatives in the network, and are encouraged to include both governmental and non-governmental representatives. As a…
European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network representatives’ conceptions of the role of information and communication technologies related to national guidance policies
This article reports findings from a phenomenographic investigation into European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network representatives’ conceptions of the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) related to national lifelong guidance policies. The role of ICT in relation to national lifelong guidance policies was conceived as (1) unexploited, (2) emerging, (3) acknowledged but fragmented, and (4) strategic. The hierarchical structure of the findings may serve as a tool to enable policy makers and other stakeholders to deepen their understanding of critical aspects that may have an important role in relation to further developments and the successful implementation of existing an…
Expanding CGC Professionals´Understanding of ICT
Evaluation of Guidance Services in Higher Education in Finland
The Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council (FINHEEC) implemented an evaluation of guidance services in higher education in 2000–2001. Altogether 25 higher education institutions participated in the evaluation. This article describes the evaluation process, findings and recommendations. The aim is to show how an evaluation process can serve the development of guidance policies and practices at the institutional and national levels. Additionally, the article demonstrates the use of evaluation methodology as a means of enhancing communication between staff and students.
Practitioners’ Experiences of Social Media in Career Services
A growing number of career practitioners and career centers are reaching out to individuals and community members in new ways by integrating various social media tools, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, into their professional practices (e.g., Dyson, 2012; Osborn & LoFrisco, 2012). To many, social media are simply online tools to share information and to communicate and socialize with one another. In the broader sense, social media is defined as a process whereby individuals and groups build a common understanding and meaning with contents, communities, and Web 2.0 technology (e.g., Ahlqvist, Back, Heinonen, & Halonen, 2010; Kangas, Toivonen, & Back, 2007).An extensive body of litera…
The role of practitioners in helping persons make effective use of information and communication technology in career interventions
We examine the role of counselors and other practitioners in delivering career interventions using Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Current benefits and limitations of ICT use provide the basis for recommendations. Potential benefits of increased ICT engagement include cost-effectiveness and improved access to resources and support. Potential limitations include poor assessment and information quality, limited practitioner support when needed, problems with distance intervention and social media, confidentiality of client records, inequality of access, inadequate competencies, and poor implementation. Specific practitioner roles are identified, and those related to social med…
Kansainvälinen tilannekatsaus COVID-19 pandemian vaikutuksista ohjaukseen
Urasuunnittelutaitoja jäsentävä selvitys ja näkökulmia jatkokehittämistä varten
Tässä raportissa tarkastellaan kansalliseen ja kansainväliseen kirjallisuuteen pohjautuen sitä, kuin- ka yksilöiden ja ryhmien urasuunnittelutaidot vahvistuvat eri elämänvaiheissa ja konteksteissa. Lisäksi kuvataan sitä, millaisilla julkisilla ja yksityisillä palveluilla voidaan tukea urasuunnittelutaitojen kehittymistä. Urasuunnittelutaidot nähdään monitahoisina, metakognitiivisina koko elämän ajan rakentuvina kompetensseina, joita yksilö kehittää vuorovaikutuksessa yhteiskunnan kanssa. Raportissa tarkastellaan eri maiden urasuunnittelutaitojen viitekehyksiä ja kootaan yhteen kansallisten ja kansainvälisten arviointien sekä kehittämishankkeiden kautta havaittuja urasuunnittelutaitojen osat…
The networked guidance service provision (NEGSEP) model
IAEVG:n kansainvälinen konferenssi Göteborgissa 2-4.10.2018
The European Status For Career Service Provider Credentialing : Professionalism in European Union (EU) Guidance Policies
Transformations in Lifelong Guidance Provision
In this chapter, the transformations taking place at the different levels of guidance provision are analyzed. The aim was to provide a tool to examine the interface between multisectoral guidance practice and policy development. On the basis of earlier research on regional guidance networks, a model is introduced in which schools, social, health, and public employment services can jointly design, implement, and evaluate guidance services. The model for Networked Guidance Service Provision (NEGSEP) focuses separately on the developmental needs of guidance services visible to clients, both with regard to service delivery and strategic dimensions. Along this line, a framework for networked gui…
Ohjaajilla vaihtelevat käsitykset urasuunnittelutaidoista
Alueellisen elinikäisen ohjauksen kehittäminen : viestintä ja jatkuva oppiminen
Raportissa jatketaan aiemmin aloitettua elinikäisen ohjauksen alueel- lisen koordinaation tarkastelua. Empiirinen aineisto koostuu kyselyai- neistosta, johon ovat vastanneet alueelliset ryhmät. Aineiston perus- teella ELO-ryhmien toiminta näyttää kokonaisuutena vakiintuneen alueilla ja ryhmien edustajat ovat sitoutuneita alueellisen toiminnan kehittämiseen. Keskeisenä haasteena on ELO-ryhmien erilaiset toi- mintaedellytykset alueilla ja ohjaushenkilöstön täydennyskoulutuksen kansallinen koordinaatio. Haasteena on alueellisen ohjauksen yhteis- työn koordinaatio tulevan maakuntauudistuksen edetessä, ja osa ryhmistä on jo integroinut ohjauksen yhteistyön kehittämisen valmis- teilla oleviin hal…
Pathways and Flexible Learning Opportunities - Implications for Lifelong Career Management Skills and Comprehensive Guidance Systems
Introduction: Over the last decade lifelong guidance has been given increasing attention at both European and national levels. It is recognised as a crucial dimension of lifelong learning, promoting both social and economic goals: in particular, improving the effi ciency and effectiveness of education, training and the labour market through its contribution to reducing drop-out, preventing skill mismatches and boosting productivity. Two EU Resolutions of the Education Council (20041; 20082) have highlighted the need for strong guidance services throughout the lifespan to equip citizens with the skills needed to manage their learning and careers, and the transitions between and within educat…
Digital transitions lifelong guidance : Rethinking careers practitioner professionalism
Internet ohjauksessa vai ohjaus internetissä? : ohjaajien käsityksiä internetin merkityksestä työvälineenä
Sekä kansainvälisessä että kansallisessa koulutus- ja työvoimapolitiikassa on viime vuosina korostettu nuorille ja aikuisille suunnattujen ohjaus- ja neuvontapalvelujen saatavuutta, laadun varmistamista ja palvelumuotojen monipuolistamista. Yksittäisten eri elämänvaiheisiin sijoittuvien valintatilanteiden tarkastelun sijasta ohjauksen tavoitteita ja palveluja tulee jäsentää elinikäisen ohjauksen näkökulmasta. Laadukkaat ja kattavat ohjauspalvelut edesauttavat myös taloudellista kehitystä. Perinteisten ohjaajan ja asiakkaan kahdenkeskiseen vuorovaikutukseen perustuvien työmuotojen rinnalle on kehitetty uusia innovatiivisia työmuotoja. Tuoreimpia innovaatioita ovat tieto- ja viestintäteknolog…
European lifelong guidance policies : progress report 2013-14 : a report on the work of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network 2013-14
Käsikirja : CREAR digitaalinen palvelutarpeen arviointiväline
Opiskelijoiden hyvinvoinnin, toimijuuden ja resilienssin vahvistamiseksi on Resilienssi ja tulevaisuususko RETU-hankkeessa (ESR, 2018–2020) kehitetty digitaalinen palvelutarpeen arviointiväline CREAR (https://crear.fi/). Se on tarkoitettu varhaisen tunnistamisen työkaluksi ohjaus-, opetus- ja opiskeluhuollon asiantuntijoille sekä muille tiedotus-, neuvonta- ja ohjauspalveluiden ammattilaisille. CREAR auttaa tunnistamaan hyvinvointiin ja elämänhallintaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja sen avulla saadaan nopeasti ja luotettavasti kokonaisvaltainen kuva ihmisen sen hetkisestä tilanteesta. Tuloksen perusteella arvioidaan tuen tarve. Tässä käsikirjassa esitellään CREAR-arviointiväline sekä sen erilais…
European lifelong guidance policies : progress report 2011-12 : a report on the work of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network 2011-12
Ohjaus avautuvissa ja verkottuvissa oppimisympäristöissä
Alueelliset erot luonnontieteiden osaamisessa ja niitä selittävät tekijät : oppilaanohjauksella on merkitystä
Fifth CareersNet annual meeting : New directions for partnerships in lifelong guidance and career development
Career experts' conceptions of systems development in lifelong guidance
AbstractThis article reports the findings from a phenomenographic study of career experts’ conceptions of systems development in lifelong guidance settings. The results show that conceptions of systems development in lifelong guidance varied from minimal, aspirational, strategic to systemic. By exploring the logical relationship between qualitatively different conceptions, it provides policymakers and other stakeholders with a way of holistically viewing the varying levels of lifelong guidance systems development. The matrix presented in this article may serve as a catalyst for reflection on crucial elements, such as legislation, leadership and cooperation, that have the potential to improv…
OECD : Career Readiness -hanke
Ohjauksen alueellisen verkoston kehittäminen : poikkihallinnollinen ja moniammatillinen yhteistyö voimavarana
si ohjauksen palvelujen tuottamisessa tarvitaan verkostoa? Mitkä ovat alueellisen ohjausyhteistyön vahvuudet ja kehittämistarpeet? Miten ohjauksen yhteistyökumppanit kuvaavat moniammatillista ja poikkihallinnollista työtä? Miten organisaatioiden välinen ja sisäinen ohjaus toimii? Miten toteutuvat ohjausta koskevat opetussuunnitelmien perusteiden linjaukset? Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitoksen CHANCES-hankkeessa tarkasteltiin ja arvioitiin ohjauksen alueellista verkostotyötä moniulotteisena prosessina ohjauksen palvelujärjestelyjen matriisimallin avulla. Ohjaus on osa kansallista koulutus- ja työvoimapolitiikkaa. Sen avulla voidaan edistää kansallista ja alueellista hyvinvointia, koulutuksellista …
Exploring Finnish Guidance Counselors’ Conceptions of Career Management Skills
This article reports the findings from a phenomenographic investigation into guidance counselors’ conceptions of career management skills (CMS). The results show that CMS was conceived as (a) information-based knowledge, (b) personal skills development, (c) interpersonal skills development, and (d) autonomous application of skills. The differences appeared along six dimensions of variation that included awareness of CMS, emphasis, promotion of CMS, teaching practice, assessment, and attitude. The findings give us a more profound understanding of critical aspects that may have an important role in the development of individual’s CMS.
Ohjaamot eurooppalaisessa elinikäisen ohjauksen kontekstissa
Puheenvuoro tarkastelee Ohjaamojen kehittämistä eurooppalaisten elinikäisen ohjauksen periaatteiden, suuntaviivojen sekä EU:n koulutus-, työvoima- ja nuorisotakuun tavoitteiden näkökulmasta. Tarkasteltavina teemoina ovat muun muassa kansalaiskeskeisyys, osallistava lähestymistapa, palvelujen saatavuus ja tasa-arvoisuus sekä sidosryhmien osallisuus sekä suunnittelussa että sopimuksiin perustuvissa paikallisissa ratkaisuissa. Eurooppalaisessa kontekstissa Ohjaamot ovat toimiva esimerkki monihallinnollisesta poliittisesta päätöksenteosta, monialaisista paikallisista ratkaisuista sekä moniammatillisesti toimivista palveluprosesseista. nonPeerReviewed
Raportti : Lifelong guidance policy and practice in the EU: trends, challenges and opportunities
Opinto-ohjaajien koulutusmäärä Suomessa 1971–2020
Ohjausalan ammattilaisten pätevyys on yksi viidestä Euroopan unionin jäsenmaiden hyväksymistä elinikäisen ohjauksen kansallisista laatukriteereistä. Suomessa perusopetuksessa ja toisella asteella toimivien ohjaajien kelpoisuudet on määritelty lainsäädännössä. Suomessa ohjaajien koulutus on käynnistetty osana peruskoulu-uudistusta 1970-luvulla. Lukioiden ja ammatillisen koulutuksen ohjaajien koulutus käynnistettiin 1980- luvulla. Vuonna 1998 opinto-ohjaajien kelpoisuus yhtenäistettiin opetushenkilöstön kelpoisuuksia koskevassa asetuksessa. Tähän raporttiin on koottu yhteenveto opinto-ohjaajien koulutusmäärästä Suomessa vuosina 1971-2020. Viidenkymmenen vuoden aikana yli 6000 opiskelijaa on h…
Career practitioners' conceptions of social media in career services
This article reports the outcomes of a study, undertaken from a phenomenographic perspective, of career practitioners' conceptions of social media usage in career services. Fifteen Finnish career practitioners – representing comprehensive, secondary and higher education as well as public employment services – were interviewed in focus groups. The analysis of the interview data revealed five distinct descriptive categories reflecting the career practitioners' conceptions of social media's use in career services. Social media in career services was conceived as (1) unnecessary, (2) dispensable, (3) a possibility, (4) desirable and (5) indispensable. The results indicated associations between …
OECD : Career guidance for adults in a changing world of work
Strategic competence and the transformative role of ICT in lifelong guidance
Opinto- ja HOPS-ohjauksesta urasuunnittelutaitojen vahvistamiseen ja ohjauspalvelujen laadun arviointiin
Oppilaiden urasuunnittelutaitojen osaamisessa tapahtuneet muutokset 2012–2018
Nordic research on educational and vocational guidance: a systematic literature review of thematic features between 2003 and 2016
Educational and vocational guidance has received increased attention with regard to policymaking in the Nordic countries over the last 15 years. This has led to a growing interest in research-based knowledge. Updating an earlier article, we undertake a systematic literature review of guidance research in the Nordic countries during this 15-year period. Features and themes, both country-specific and in the region as a whole, are revealed through the analysis of a variety of research documents. Therefore, this article provides insight into research-based knowledge grounded in the Nordic context—relevant for both practitioners and policymakers on a national, Nordic, and international level. pe…
Training Career Practitioners for the Current Context
Training programs for career practitioners continue to increase in both quantity and quality. For example, international opportunities for those interested in career development facilitator training have increased substantially during the past decade. In this chapter we provide highlights of these developments as they have occurred throughout the world. The chapter details the substantial variability that exists regarding the training career practitioners receive. Finally, we make recommendations regarding minimal training standards and the need for more uniform language within our profession. peerReviewed
Reforming career services in education and labour to focus on career competencies and succesful transitions
Enhancing career practitioners’ competence in the use of ICT
Yhteiset eurooppalaiset laatukriteerit elinikäiselle ohjaukselle
OECD Conference | Disrupted futures: International lessons on how schools can best equip students for their working lives
Petri Lempinen toiseksi ELO-foorumin puheenjohtajaksi
Elinikäisen ohjauksen toimintapolitiikka : eurooppalaisia lähtökohtia kansalliselle kehittämistyölle
A Bibliography on the Use of Communication and Information Technology in Counseling and Career Interventions
This bibliography contains citations from publications or papers presented at professional meetings concerning the use of information and communication technology in the delivery of counseling and career interventions based on work completed at Florida State University and other organizations in various locations. Topics have evolved over time and include computer-assisted career guidance systems, career information delivery systems, assessment, information, distance counseling, social media, research and evaluation, ethical issues, and professional standards. The bibliography is organized by publication year and then author in reverse chronological order by date in order to highlight most …
Lifelong Guidance in Finland : Key Policies and Practices
Finland has a long history of good collaboration between the educational and employment sector regarding lifelong guidance, specifically career guidance. Today, this manifests as having a national strategy for lifelong guidance, good access to high quality services and innovative pilots such as the One-Stop Guidance Centres for youth. The new government led by Prime Minister Sanna Marin has decided to put even more efforts into lifelong guidance. This chapter describes what has been done and what future challenges lie ahead. peerReviewed