Fabrizio Vicari
Effect of mode of operation, substrate and final electron acceptor on single-chamber membraneless microbial fuel cell operating with a mixed community
Abstract Waste minimization and circular thinking are to be achieved in order to cope with the limited amount of resources of our planet. In this perspective, bio-electrochemical systems (BESs) can contribute to the global balance with their ability to extract chemical residual energy from wastewater and transform it directly into electrical current. BESs development has been limited by the cost connected to reactor design, in which membranes and cathode catalyst constituted a major drawback. In this paper we report the optimization process of a simple reactor without membranes or precious catalyst that produced 47.1 mW m−2, which is more than what achieved with configurations including mem…
Influence of the methodology of inoculation in the performance of air-breathing microbial fuel cells
In this work, four air-breathing microbial fuel cells (AB-MFC) were operated for 1 month in order to determine if the methodology of inoculation affects the steady-state performance of this type of MFCs. For this purpose, anaerobic and aerobic sludge were fed to two identical AB-MFCs without any external carbon source into a tight sealed environment during the first three days of start-up. For comparison purposes, other two AB-MFCs were operated mixing the initial sludge and an amount of sodium acetate as substrate. Results point out that the inoculation procedure does not affect the steady-state treatment capacity of the cells but it affects very seriously the production of electricity. On…
Thermally Regenerative Ammonia Batteries for Waste-Heat Exploitation
It is widely accepted that one of the most important issue to be faced by the scientific community is how to sustain the modern way of living and the related energy demand. While a long term target is the transition to a full-renewable energy system, a closer exigency is the optimization of the processes already existing. It has been calculated that about 370.41 TWh of potential energy is annually lost in Europe in the form of waste-heat from the industrial sector [1]. Waste heat comprises all the thermal energy with a temperature below 130 °C [2] (or 300 °C [1]), that hardly can find a useful application with the state of the art industrial technologies. Indeed, electrochemical technologie…
Influence of Operational Strategies for the Recovery of Magnesium Hydroxide from Brines at a Pilot Scale
The continuous depletion of minerals caused by land mining and the increase in their demand have pushed the development of novel sustainable technological processes for mineral recovery from unconventional sources. In this context, magnesium (Mg) has gained considerable attention for its peculiar properties and high relevance of its compounds, such as magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2. In the present work, the influence of several operating conditions on the Mg(OH)2 precipitation process was thoroughly investigated by adopting a novel multiple feed-plug flow reactor. The influence of (i) initial Mg2+ concentrations in the feed stream; (ii) brine and alkaline flow rates; and (iii) the product rec…
Mining minerals and critical raw materials from bittern: Understanding metal ions fate in saltwork ponds
Seawater represents a potential resource for raw materials extraction. Although NaCl is the most representative mineral extracted other valuable compounds such as Mg, Li, Sr, Rb and B and elements at trace level (Cs, Co, In, Sc, Ga and Ge) are also contained in this “liquid mine”. Most of them are considered as Critical Raw Materials by the European Union. Solar saltworks, providing concentration factors of up-to 20 to 40, offer a perfect platform for the development of minerals and metal recovery schemes taking benefit of the concentration and purification achieved along the evaporation saltwork ponds. However, the geochemistry of these elements in this environment has not been yet thoroug…
Electrochemical treatment of paper mill wastewater by electro-Fenton process
Abstract The electrochemical oxidation of organics in paper mill wastewater belonging to Halfa industries (Tunisia) was performed by galvanostatic electrolyses using electro-Fenton (EF) process. The effect of several operating parameters, such as applied current density, electrodes material, air pressure and the presence of sodium chloride (NaCl) was evaluated. In particular, carbon felt (CF), modified carbon felt (MCF) and gas diffusion electrode (GDE) were used as cathode while Ti/IrO2-Ta2O5 and Boron Doped Diamond (BDD) as anode. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) measure was chosen as reference parameter to assess the extent of the treatment. The experimental results show that, by adopting the …
Electrochemical treatment of real wastewater with low conductivity
In the last years, many efforts have been devoted to the development of electrochemical processes for the effective treatment of wastewater contaminated by organic pollutants resistant to conventional biological processes and/or toxic for microorganisms [1–5]. It was shown that some electrochemical approaches, including the direct anodic oxidation at suitable anodes such as boron-doped diamond (BDD) and/or electro-Fenton (EF) at suitable operating conditions and cells [1–6] could allow treating effectively a very large number of organic pollutants. However, most of the investigations were performed using synthetic wastewater. Hence, it is now mandatory to study the problems connected to the…
Development of a membrane-less microfluidic thermally regenerative ammonia battery
Thermally regenerative ammonia battery is a promising approach to make use of waste heat and generate electrical energy. However, according to literature, the price of the energy obtained by this device is much higher than alternative renewable technologies (such as wind, solar, geothermal, etc.). To make the process more viable for applicative purposes, it would be necessary to reduce dramatically the cost of the membrane or to avoid it. Hence, the aim of the present work is to increase the economic figures of thermally regenerative ammonia battery avoiding the use of membranes. It was concluded that this result can be obtained by developing the process in a microfluidic flow cell with lam…
Theoretical and experimental study of the kinetics of particle chains near electrodes in dielectrophoretic devices
Using a three dimensional coupled Monte Carlo-Poisson algorithm and experimental results we studied the role of the particle-particle dipole interaction on the kinetics of a system of human cells suspended in a static liquid medium under the action of an oscillating non-uniform electric field generated by polynomial electrodes. We found that the kinetics of the cells during negative/repulsive dielectrophoresis depends on the local distribution of particles. If the cells have generated long chains during positive/attractive dielectrophoresis, such chains can hinder subsequent detachment resulting in a reduction of the separation/manipulation efficiency of dielectrophoretic device. This effec…
On the regeneration of thermally regenerative ammonia batteries
In the past few years, thermally regenerative ammonia battery (TRAB) has been proposed as an effective tool to recover waste heat at temperatures below 130 °C. Most of the literature available is devoted to the power production step, with less attention being given to the regeneration step (e.g. the removal of ammonia from the anolyte). In this paper, the TRAB is analyzed with particular attention to the regeneration step and to the study of various generation of energy-regeneration cycles. It was shown that approximately 90 °C is necessary for the regeneration step due to the fact that ammonia is present in the anolyte mainly as a complex. Various cycles were performed with success, demons…
It has been calculated that annually 1.5 × 108 MWh are wasted as municipal, industrial, and animal wastewater. The recovery of at least part of this energy it is of primary importance in order to approach circular economy. As AD, MFC is a biotechnology that uses microorganism into an anaerobic environment for energy conversion and recovery. Differently from AD, MFC belongs to the sub-division of Bio-Electrochemical Systems (BESs), having the advantage to achieve a direct electrical output. Exoelectrogens bacteria are employed, capable to close their respiratory electron chain on the surface of an electrode. Up to know, BESs were used to extract energy from a multitude of wastes, such as dis…
A single-chamber membraneless microbial fuel cell exposed to air using Shewanella putrefaciens
Abstract Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) are bio-electrochemical devices which convert the chemical energy content of organic fuels into electricity, thanks to the ability of anode respiring bacteria to give electrons to the anode. This result is usually achieved under anaerobic conditions, obtained with a sealed anode chamber. Despite this, Shewanella oneidensis has been recognized by many authors to obtain the same results in presence of air. Furthermore, another member of the Pseudomonaceae family, Shewanella putrefaciens, has also shown the capability to catalyze the cathodic oxygen reduction. In this work the capability of S. putrefaciens to work under both anaerobic and micro-aerobic cond…
A Computational Study on Temperature Variations in MRgFUS Treatments Using PRF Thermometry Techniques and Optical Probes
Structural and metabolic imaging are fundamental for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up in oncology. Beyond the well-established diagnostic imaging applications, ultrasounds are currently emerging in the clinical practice as a noninvasive technology for therapy. Indeed, the sound waves can be used to increase the temperature inside the target solid tumors, leading to apoptosis or necrosis of neoplastic tissues. The Magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound surgery (MRgFUS) technology represents a valid application of this ultrasound property, mainly used in oncology and neurology. In this paper
Energetic Valorisation of Saltworks Bitterns via Reverse Electrodialysis: A Laboratory Experimental Campaign
Concentrated bitterns discharged from saltworks have extremely high salinity, often up to 300 g/L, thus their direct disposal not only has a harmful effect on the environment, but also generates a depletion of a potential resource of renewable energy. Here, reverse electrodialysis (RED), an emerging electrochemical membrane process, is proposed to capture and convert the salinity gradient power (SGP) intrinsically conveyed by these bitterns also aiming at the reduction of concentrated salty water disposal. A laboratory-scale RED unit has been adopted to study the SGP potential of such brines, testing ion exchange membranes from different suppliers and under different operating conditions. M…
It has been calculated that the energy dissipated wherever the rivers get to the sea this corresponds to an amount of about 2 TW of power [1]. Recovering part of this energy could attenuate the dependency of our economic system from fossil fuels. The techniques conceived to exploit this blue energy are grouped within the family of the salinity gradient technologies, where pressure-retarded osmosis (PRO) and reverse electrodialysis (RED) are regarded as the most established technologies [2]. Nevertheless, their power is limited respectively by various factors including the kinetics of electrodes reactions. Conversely, the use of capacitive electrodes proposed by Brogioli in 2009, does not se…
Operational analysis of a novel reactive crystallizer for the production of Magnesium Hydroxide from waste brines
Influence of the initial sludge characteristics and acclimation on the longterm performance of double-compartment acetate-fed microbial fuel cells
Abstract In this work, three double-compartment MFCs (DC-MFC) were operated for 1 month in order to compare their performances in terms of wastewater treatment capacity and electricity production and to get information about how this performance is influenced by the start-up procedure. To do this, they underwent different start-up procedures. One of them (aerobic-starved MFC) was inoculated with 100% fresh aerobic sludge, another (anaerobic-starved MFC) using 100% fresh anaerobic sludge, and finally a third one (aerobic-fed MFC) was inoculated using a mixture 10% fresh aerobic sludge and 90% synthetic wastewater (based on acetate). Then, from this start-up, the cells were operated exactly u…
Electrochemical treatment of real wastewater with low or high conductivity
In the last years, many efforts have been devoted to the development of electrochemical processes for the effective treatment of wastewater contaminated by organic pollutants resistant to conventional biological processes and/or toxic for microorganisms [1–5]. It was shown that some electrochemical approaches, including the direct anodic oxidation at suitable anodes such as boron-doped diamond (BDD) and/or electro-Fenton (EF) at suitable operating conditions and cells [1–6] can allow to treat effectively a very large number of organic pollutants. However, most of the investigations were performed using synthetic wastewater. Hence, it is now mandatory to study the problems connected to the p…
Abatement of AO7 in a divided microbial fuel cells by sequential cathodic and anodic treatment powered by different microorganisms
Abstract Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) can allow the treatment of organic pollutants resistant to conventional biological processes by electro-Fenton (EF) process performed in the cathodic compartment. However, EF usually results in a partial mineralization of pollutants. Here, we have studied the possible treatment of such organics in a MFC by a sequential cathodic and anodic treatment. In particular, the treatment of an aqueous solution of Acid Orange (AO7), a largely used azoic dye resistant to conventional biological processes, was performed in the cathodic compartment of a divided MFC by EF. The process allowed the total removal of the color and the partial removal of the TOC, due mainly…