Alessandro Saitta

The genus Pleurotus in Italy and the Sicilian taxa

This chapter provides a brief description of species diversity and distribution of taxa belonging to the genus Pleurotus for each Italian region. For taxa that grow on the Sicilian territory and belong to the so-called “Pleurotus eryngii species-complex” ecological data are also reported.

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Contributo alla conoscenza dei funghi lignicoli della Sicilia

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Sintesi dei dati ecologici e distributivi sul genere Sterum Pers. in Sicilia

Il genere Stereum include basidiomiceti lignicoli saprotrofi o parassiti su legno di latifoglie e conifere (1). I basidiomi crescono su vari substrati legnosi di differenti dimensioni quali rami caduti, tronchi, ceppaie e radici affioranti. La diversità del genere Stereum Pers. in Sicilia è al momento stimabile in cinque taxa: Stereum gausapatum (Fr.) Fr., S. hirsutum (Willd.) Gray, S. rugosum (Pers.) Fr., S. sanguinolentum (Alb. & Schwein.) Fr. (2, 3, 4, 5) e S. subtomentosum Pouzar. I taxa afferenti al genere Stereum possono essere distinti in due gruppi sulla base della colorazione assunta dall’imenio in seguito a taglio o sfregamento: a) imenio arrossante (S. rugosum, S. sanguinolentum …

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Diversity of lignicolous aphyllophoraceous fungi on Quercus spp. in Italy with emphasis on rare or infrequent species

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Ileodictyon gracile, new to Italy

The first record of Ileodictyon gracile from Italy is reported, accompanied by notes on the taxonomy, ecology, and distribution of this rare gasteromycete.

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La biodiversità fungina della provincia di Palermo (Sicilia): I. Dati ecologici e distributivi.

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I pleuroti delle ombrellifere in Sicilia

Gli Autori dopo avere evidenziato le problematiche tassonomiche del genere Pleurotus con particolare riferimento alle specie che fruttificano sui residui radicali delle ombrellifere entrano nel merito del caso di studio di Plerutous nebrodensis, specie rara ed a rischio di estinzione.

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Il valore ambientale e gli usi alimentari e farmaceutici dei funghi

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The check-list of fungi in Sicily (southern Italy): current survey status

A number of checklists are currently available in several continents, European and extra European countries (Holland, Switzerland, France, United Kingdom, North America, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Venezuela, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Romania, Russia, Africa, Iran, Oman, Turkey, Asia). The checklists are modern tools for evaluation of fungal biodiversity and precious documents to obtain ecological data and information for management and exploitation of protected areas, agro- and forest ecosystems. A checklist of Sicilian fungi was edited by Venturella (1991), followed, in 2009, by a new report (Gargano et al., 2009). At that time the number of macrofungi from…

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Building the jigsaw puzzle of the critically endangered Pleurotus nebrodensis: historical collection sites and an emended description

Historical collection sites of the critically endangered Pleurotus nebrodensis were retraced in Sicily (southern Italy) using recently rediscovered documents and through interviews with local people. These localities were visited in 2009 and checked for the presence of this rare mushroom, confirming a continuing decline in fruiting. An emended description of the taxon is provided based on observations on abundant recently collected material. The need for more incisive action to safeguard this valuable mushroom by the University of Palermo, Regional Park of Madonie Administration and policy makers is emphasized.

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Australohydnum dregeanum new to Italy

We report on the first finding in Italy (and the third in Europe) of Australohydnum dregeanum. A detailed description of the macro- and micromorphological features, the ecological data, and some taxonomic remarks concerning this taxon are provided. The bluish tint in the centre of the hymenophoral surface and the non-cystidiform aspect of the marginal hyphae are previously undescribed characters.

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The hypogeous fungi from Sicily (southern Italy): new additions

The distribution and ecology of forty hypogeous fungi from Sicily (southern Italy) is here pointed out. Hysterangium stoloniferum, Protoglossum aromaticum, Sclerogaster compactus and Tuber maculatum are reported as new records from Sicily. Gymnomyces xanthosporus and Melanogaster umbrinigleba are also new for Italy.

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Anti-Acne Activity of Italian Medicinal Plants Used for Skin Infection

Propionibacterium acnes is implicated in the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris, which impacts >85% of teenagers. Novel therapies are in high demand and an ethnopharmacological approach to discovering new plant sources of anti-acne therapeutics could contribute to filling this void in effective therapies. The aims of our study were two-fold: (1) To determine if species identified in ethnopharmacological field studies as having traditional uses for skin and soft tissue infection (SSTI) exhibit significantly more activity against P. acnes than species with no such reported use; and (2) Chemically characterize active extracts and assess their suitability for future investigation. Extracts of Ita…

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I funghi nello sviluppo sostenibile: il caso dei noccioleti dei Nebrodi (Sicilia nord-orientale)

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Poronia punctata, a rare ascomycetes from Italy

Poronia punctata is reported from Sicily as a rare species. Ecological observations in comparison with literature data from Italy and other European countries demonstrated that the rarity of P. punctata should be attributed to environmental factors different from the presence or absence of suitable substrata.

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Discovery of plants and fungi with antibacterial activity against Propionibacterium acnes

Acne vulgaris is a common skin disorder that affects >85% of teenagers. Propionibacterium acnes is implicated in its pathogenesis, and like many other bacteria, is subject to emerging trends in antibiotic resistance. Novel therapies are in high demand. The aim of this study was to identify new leads for future pre-clinical development from herbal skin remedies used in Italy. We screened a unique natural product library composed of extracts from medicinal and randomly collected plants and fungi from the Mediterranean for growth-inhibitory and anti-biofilm activity in P. acnes. Evaluation of 157 extracts from 10 fungi and 58 plants led to the identification of crude extracts from seven specie…

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509 Discovery of plants and fungi with antibacterial activity against Propionibacterium acnes

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Fungal Planet description sheets: 785– 867

Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Angola, Gnomoniopsis angolensis and Pseudopithomyces angolensis on unknown host plants. Australia, Dothiora corymbiae on Corymbia citriodora, Neoeucasphaeria eucalypti (incl. Neoeucasphaeria gen. nov.)on Eucalyptus sp., Fumagopsis stellae on Eucalyptus sp., Fusculina eucalyptorum (incl. Fusculinaceae fam. nov.) on Eucalyptus socialis, Harknessia corymbiicola on Corymbia maculata, Neocelosporium eucalypti (incl. Neocelosporium gen. nov., Neocelosporiaceae fam. nov. and Neocelosporiales ord. nov.) on Eucalyptus cyanophylla, Neophaeomoniella corymbiae on Corymbia citriodora, Neophaeomoniella eucalyp…

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Il progetto di sviluppo della tartuficoltura in Sicilia

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Amaurodon mustialaënsis (Basidiomycota, Thelephoraceae) new to Italy

Amaurodon mustialaensis is reported for the first time from Italy. Based on Italian specimens, a brief description, microscopical and macroscopical photographs, ecological and distributional data of this rare taxon are presented.

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Forty-five years later: The shifting dynamic of traditional ecological knowledge on Pantelleria Island, Italy

In 1969, Galt and Galt conducted an ethnobotanical survey in the community of Khamma on the volcanic island of Pantelleria, Italy. Since then, a number of botanical studies concerning the local wild flora and cultivation of the zibibbo grape and capers have been conducted, but none have investigated traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) regarding the use of wild plants and fungi. We documented the current TEK and practices concerning wild plants and fungi on the island, focusing on uses related to food and medicine with 42 in-depth interviews in six communities in June 2014. Our aim was to examine shifts in TEK, represented in terms of loss or gain of specific species uses, in comparison t…

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I funghi dell'Isola del Giglio (Arcipelago Toscano): primo contributo

The ecological and distributive data on macromycetes of Isola del Giglio (Tuscany Archipelago, ltaly), published in 1900 by Stefano Sommier; are integrated by new data on forty-live macromycetes. The recorded taxa are new for the island with the exception of seven species previously reported by Sommier.

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Truffle cultivation in Sicily: preliminary results

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Definizione di un protocollo per la caratterizzazione morfologica e molecolare del genere Daldinia Ces. & De Not. (Ascomycota) in Sicilia

La possibilità di chiarire la tassonomia di alcuni complessi di specie come nel caso di Daldinia Ces. De Not. (1) per mezzo di indagini sia morfologiche che molecolari, permette un’esatta definizione dei taxa sulla base delle loro caratteristiche biologiche ed ecologiche. In un precedente studio (2) , effettuato sulla base dei caratteri teleomorfici ed anamorfici, sono stati descritti due taxa nuovi per la Scienza provenienti dal territorio siciliano: Daldinia martinii M. Stadler, Venturella & Wollweber e D. raimundi M. Stadler, Venturella & Wollweber. In questo contributo le stesse entità ed altri campioni di Daldinia di provenienza siciliana sono state analizzate con tecnologie differenti…

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Materiali per una Lista Rossa dei macromiceti della Sicilia.

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Impianto di una tartufaia sulle Madonie (Sicilia settentrionale)

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Ecology and economic importance of natural truffle-beds in Sicily (South Italy)

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Check-list of fungi collected during Iter Mediterraneum III

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Microbiological Characteristics of Wild Edible Mushrooms and Effect of Temperature during Storage of Morchella conica

Background: The continuous worldwide increase of consumption of fresh mushrooms has registered in the recent years. The major goal of this study was to determine the microbiological characteristics of wild edible mushrooms and effect of temperature during storage of Morchella conica.
 Methods: Wild mushrooms of the species Boletus edulis, Cantharellus cibarius, and Leccinum aurantiacum were collected in a mixed forest of Picea abies, Betula pendula, and Pinus sylvestris located in Tartu territory, Estonia. Faecal indicators, potential pathogens, spoilage bacteria, and microfungi (yeasts and moulds) were evaluated. M. conica was microbiologically investigated for 24 days under different…

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Tassonomia, ecologia e distribuzione di Trichophaea abundans (Pyronemataceae) in Sicilia

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Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Phlebia in Italy

The presence of two corticioid taxa belonging to the genus Phlebia (Basidiomycota), collected from Sicily, Italy is reported. A macro- and micromorphological descriptions of P. acanthocystis and P. nothofagi added of ecological and distributional data are here provided. P. acanthocystis is reported as new for Italy.

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First record of Eichleriella leucophaea (Basidiomycota) from Italy

Eichleriella leucophaea Bres., a wood inhabiting heterobasidiomycete, is recorded for the first time in Italy. Fruiting body occurred on branch of Quercus ilex L. Description, distributional and ecological data of this uncommon taxon are here provided.

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Fungi biodiversity and ethnomycology for students of different ages: classroom and field experiences in Sicily (Italy)

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L'influenza dei fattori climatici sulla presenza di due rare specie di Entoloma nell'ambiente mediterraneo

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La biodiversità fungina di Monte Catalfano (Bagheria, Palermo)

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On the presence of some rare and infrequent fungi from Sicily

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Market outlook, production chain and technological innovation for Pleurotus nebrodensis mushrooms

This chapter provides a report of a marketing investigation performed in synergy with private companies in order to activate a production chain for the cultivation and trade of Pleurotus nebrodensis. A recent experience of technological innovation carried out in a farm of the Madonie (N. Sicily) territory is also presented. Notes on the status of Critically Endangered species and pertinent legislation are also provided.

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Mycena pseudoinclinata, new to Italy

The first report of Mycena pseudoinclinata in Italy is accompanied by notes on the taxonomy, ecology, and distribution of this uncommon basidiomycete.

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An outline of the Madonie Mountains (northern Sicily): a center of diversity for Pleurotus species

The territory of the Madonie Mountains is considered as a biodiversity hot-spot in the Mediterranean Basin. Since long ago distinguished botanists who have studied the vegetation of this particular territory were fascinated by the high level of species diversity. In this chapter, an overview of the geographical, geological, soil, climatic and vegetation features of the area is provided. Madonie territory is an important center of diversity for fungi and in particular for species belonging to the genus Pleurotus growing on roots of plants of the family Apiaceae.

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First record of Phlebia margaritae (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) in Italy

A new record of Phlebia margaritae, a very rare corticoid fungus, is reported for the first time in Italy. Macro- and micro-morphological descriptions, supported by molecular analysis, are also provided and new information on the geographic distribution of this species has now been increased

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In Mediterranean and in southeast Europe the activities of a significant part of the population are traditionally linked with agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry. However, many rural communities are experiencing serious difficulties associated with low income per person and poor employment prospects combined with increased demographic decline. Alternative activities such as the collection and trading of wild edible mushrooms as well as the cultivation of choice species could contribute at providing valuable solutions both in financial and environmental terms. The total number of fungal species which are considered having edible and/or medicinal value is over 2300 [1]. Most of them fo…

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Elenco delle specie fungine raccolte in occasione delle XVII giornate micologiche della CEMM (Cefalù)

240 taxa, 25 Ascomycetes and 215 Basidiomycetes were collected and identified during the mycological forays carried out in the framework of XVII CEMM meeting. Amaurodon viridis, Botryohypochnus isabellinus, Sarcodon cyrneus, Sarcoscypha austriaca and Subulicystidium longisporum are new records for Sicily.

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A key for the identification of Amanita species, sect. Vaginatae, subsect. Ovigerae (Basidiomycota Amanitaceae) from Sicily.

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Up-to-date distribution, ecology and cultivation of Pleurotus eryngii (DC.) Quél. var. thapsiae Venturella, Zervakis & Saitta in Sicily

Venturella et al. [1] described a new taxon named Pleurotus eryngii (DC.) Quél. var. thapsiae Venturella, Zervakis & Saitta (Madonie Mts) on Thapsia garganica L. and provided ecological data on the locus classicus. P. eryngii var. thapsiae was reported on pastures evolved, from 1000 to 1500 m a.s.l., on limestone and is characterized by a double period of fructification (autumn and spring). P. eryngii var. thapsiae is a choice wild edible mushroom belonging to a special group of Pleurotus species which appear in nature in close association with Apiaceae plants. As part of the project's census of fungi in Sicily two new localities of growth were localized in the Natural Reserves of Capo Gall…

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Fungal biodiversity in chestnut woods from Sicily (Southern Italy)

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Ethnobotany of the Aegadian Islands: safeguarding biocultural refugia in the Mediterranean

Abstract Background The Aegadian Islands are located west of Trapani, Sicily. Once the site of bountiful tuna fisheries and fruit orchards (plums, peaches, apricots), grapevines, prickly pears, and grains, the local economy is now based on tourism, and many traditional agricultural and maritime practices have been abandoned. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the state of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) concerning the use of wild and cultivated plants and fungi for human health, food, maritime, and agricultural purposes on the islands of Levanzo, Favignana, and Marettimo and compare present-day practices with those documented in the past. Methods In-depth semi-structured interviews …

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New records of corticioid fungi from Sicily

This paper is the result of an on-going study on distribution and ecology of corticioid wood-inhabiting fungi in Sicily. Twenty-five species not previously recorded in Sicily are here listed. For each taxon, ecological and distributional data are provided. Subulicystidium perlongisporum was recorded in Italy for the first time in two localities occurring on Quercus ilex L. wood. Description, distributional and ecological data of this rare taxon are also provided. Dendrophora versiformis and Kavinia alboviridis, considered rare species in Italy and Europe, are included in this report.

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Ecology and distribution of hypogeous fungi from Sicily (southern Italy).

The distribution and ecology of 39 hypogeous and semi-hypogeous fungi is reported. Ten taxa, including the rare Fischerula macrospora, are new records for Sicily, while the presence of some species, previously reported by Oreste Mattirolo, is confirmed.

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Do plant-based biogeographical regions shape aphyllophoroid fungal communities in Europe?

Aim: Aphyllophoroid fungi are associated with plants, either using plants as a resource (as parasites or decomposers) or as symbionts (as mycorrhizal partners). In spite of their strong association with plants, it is unknown how much plant distributions determine their biogeographical patterns compared with environmental factors such as climate and human land use. In this study, our aims are to (1) describe the spatial diversity patterns of aphyllophoroid fungi in Europe and (2) identify the factors shaping these patterns. Location: Europe, as well as the adjacent Subarctic to Arctic islands (Greenland, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Svalbard), Palestine and the south-east coast of the Caspian Sea…

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Biodiversity of wood-decay fungi in Italy

Abstract Current knowledge about Italian wood-decay fungi (Basidiomycota and Ascomycota) is surveyed: 1582 taxa belonging to Ascomycota (341) and Basidiomycota (1241) have been reported, including 23 species new to science of Basidiomycota described from Italy within the last five years. Evaluating diversity of wood-decay fungi can provide a more accurate estimation of species richness for fungi which are an important functional component of ecosystems. Aphyllophoroid and Ascomycota species play an important role in habitat conservation and management. Sardinia, Sicily, the Alps and the Apennines are “hot spots” for wood-decay Basidiomycota in Italy.

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Verifica dei luoghi storici di raccolta di Pleurotus nebrodensis (Basidiomycota)ai fini di una valutazione dello stato del popolamento

Nel 1902, Ferdinando Alfonso Spagna, direttore dell’Istituto Agrario Castelnuovo e redattore dei Nuovi Annali di Agricoltura Siciliana, è autore di una pubblicazione dal titolo “Dei funghi velenosi” (1) nella quale include un “elenco minuzioso dei funghi mangerecci più comuni” al fine di fornire indicazioni utili ai cercatori di funghi e per evitare i frequenti avvelenamenti che, a quel tempo, avevano causato numerose vittime in varie regioni d’Italia. Alfonso Spagna, tra le specie eduli e di buone proprietà organolettiche, segnala Pleurotus nebrodensis [sub: Agaricus nebrodensis Inz.], “fungo di eccellenti qualità”, noto localmente con il nome di “fungo di basilisco”. A differenza di Giuse…

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Lo stato dell'arte della ricerca su Pleurotus nebrodensis in Sicilia

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Macrofungi in Mediterranean maquis along seashore and altitudinal transects

In semi-arid Mediterranean environments, fungal activity is fundamental for buffering biotic and abiotic stress to the plant and for sustaining a vegetation cover. Despite the important role that fungi play in habitats stability, mycological data from Mediterranean ecosystems are scarce and fragmentary. We investigated fungal diversity in several areas characterized by Mediterranean maquis, from continental Italy, Sicily, and Greece in order to contribute to the analysis of distribution, ecology, and diversity of macrofungi in evergreen sclerophyllous shrublands at different elevation and distance from the seashore across the Mediterranean Basin. Several fungal taxa that are remarkable due …

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The Mineral Contents of Some Boletaceae Species from Sicily (Southern Italy)

Abstract Data on the accumulation of metals in wild edible and inedible macrofungi of the Boletaceae family are discussed here and compared with data reported in literature from northern Italy and other European countries, as well as from China, Brazil, and Africa. The results show a significant difference in the values detected in Sicilian fungi compared to those reported in the literature.

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In vitro antitumor effects of the cold-water extracts of Mediterranean species of genus Pleurotus (higher Basidiomycetes) on human colon cancer cells

The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the cold-water extracts of Pleurotus eryngii var. ferulae (CWE-Pef) and Pleurotus nebrodensis (CWE-Pn), 2 of the most prized wild and cultivated edible mushrooms, can affect the tumor phenotype of human colon cancer HCT116 cells. Our results showed that treatment with CWE- Pef and CWE-Pn resulted in a significant inhibition of the viability of HCT116 cells and promoted apoptosis, as also demonstrated by the increase of Bax-to-Bcl-2 messenger RNA ratio. Moreover, we observed that both extracts were able to inhibit cell migration and to affect homotypic and heterotypic cell-cell adhesion. It also was found that treatment with CWE-Pef and CWE-Pn ne…

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Pyrenogaster pityophilus (Geastraceae), a new record from Sicily (S-Italy)

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<I>Mycena pseudoinclinata,</I> new to Italy

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<div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column">Inocybe castaneicolor (Agaricales, Basidiomycota), a new species in section Splendentes</div></div></div>

Inocybe castaneicolor sp. nov., collected in Sicily (Italy), is introduced with full description, line drawings, and color photographs. Its novelty is supported by both its morphology and molecular phylogenetic analysis. It is characterized by its castaneous brown pileus with an evident umbo and sloped margin, subfusiform cystidia and smooth subamygdaliformis to subnavicular spores. Comparison of I. castaneicolor with similar species is also provided.

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Three rare lignicolous fungi from Sicily (S Italy)

<em>Sarcodontia crocea</em> (Schwein.) Kotl., <em>Oligoporus mappa</em> (Overh. & Lowe) Gilbn. & Ryvarden and <em>Inonotus rickii</em> (Pat.) D.A. Reid. are reported for the first time from Sicily (southern Italy). Ecological and distributive features on the three relevant species are also here provided.

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Schede 1-18. In Venturella G. e Raimondo F. M., (a cura di). I funghi cariogeni delle alberature di parchi, giardini e strade 1-18.

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La biodiversità dei funghi lignicoli in Sicilia

The results of the investigations on lignicolous fungi of Sicily pointed out the presence of 282 taxa, 244 of which are Basidiomycetes and 38 Ascomycetes. In the paper the ecological and distributional data of fifteen infrequent and/or rare lignicolous fungi are reported.

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Sulla presenza di alcuni interessanti funghi ipogei e semi-ipogei in Sicilia

In questo contributo vengono riportati i dati ecologici e distributivi relativi a Fischerula macrospora, Schenella simplex, Schenella pityophilus, Setchelliogaster tenuipes, Sclerogaster compactus e Gymnomyces xanthosporus. Per S. tenuipes var. rheophyllus vengono anche messe in evidenza alcune problematiche di carattere tassonomico.

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Tree species identity and diversity drive fungal richness and community composition along an elevational gradient in a Mediterranean ecosystem

Ecological and taxonomic knowledge is important for conservation and utilization of biodiversity. Biodiversity and ecology of fungi in Mediterranean ecosystems is poorly understood. Here, we examined the diversity and spatial dis- tribution of fungi along an elevational gradient in a Mediterranean ecosystem, using DNA metabarcoding. This study provides novel information about diversity of all eco- logical and taxonomic groups of fungi along an elevational gradient in a Mediterranean ecosystem. Our analyses revealed that among all biotic and abiotic variables tested, host species identity is the main driver of the fungal richness and fungal community composition. Fungal richness was strongly…

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Gli effetti dei trattamenti selvicolturali sulla dinamica delle cenosi fungine

Gli ecosistemi forestali della Sicilia sono caratterizzati da un elevato livello di diversità. In particolare i funghi lignicoli, patogeni e saprofiti, sono numericamente ben rappresentati ed esprimono una diversità funzionale colonizzando varie tipologie di materiale legnoso. Per le ricerche effettuate all’interno degli ecosistemi forestali, naturali ed artificiali, si è fatto riferimento alla metodologia adottata a livello nazionale dal Gruppo di Interesse Scientifico per la Micologia della Società Botanica Italiana. In questo contributo la diversità dei funghi lignicoli viene messa in relazione con la forma di governo e di gestione selvicolturale. Viene inoltre sottolineata l’influenza d…

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In vitro antitumor effects of the cold-water extracts of Pleurotus eryngii var ferulae and Pleurotus nebrodensis on human colon cancer cells

For centuries, mushrooms have been used as folk medicines especially in Asian countries where their medicinal properties are well known. On the basis of numerous experimental evidences collected in the last decades, the immunomodulatory and anti-neoplastic properties of substances extracted from various species belonging to genera of edible mushrooms [Agaricus L., Auricularia Bull. ex Juss., Ganoderma P. Karst., Grifola Gray, Lentinus Fr., Schizophyllum Fr., Tremella Dill ex L., etc.] are extensively recognized also at scientific levels. Several works have demonstrate that anti-cancer property of these molecules is due to their ability to enhance immune system activity and/or to act directl…

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Temperature and pH define the realised niche space of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

Made available in DSpace on 2021-06-25T11:52:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2021-03-04 European Regional Development Fund (Centre of Excellence EcolChange) University of Tartu (Estonian Research Council ) Moscow State University Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Discovery Grant Russian Science Foundation Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsradet) The arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are a globally distributed group of soil organisms that play critical roles in ecosystem function. However, the ecological niches of individual AM fungal taxa are poorly understood. We collected > 300 s…

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La biodiversità fungina della provincia di Palermo (Sicilia): II. Carte di distribuzione.

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Sulla presenza di alcuni interessanti funghi ipogei in Sicilia

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Contribution to the knowledge of hypogeous fungi from Sicily (S-Italy)

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Azioni di conservazioni volte alla salvaguardia di Pleurotus nebrodensis, specie rara a rischio di estinzione

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Contribution to the knowledge of diversity and distribution of lignicolous fungi from Sicily (southern Italy)

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Caratterizzazione ecologica delle tartufaie in Sicilia: primi risultati

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On the presence of Antrodia xantha and Mycoacia fuscoatra in Sicily

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Two Rare Northern Entoloma Species Observed in Sicily under Exceptionally Cold Weather Conditions

The biology and ecology of manyEntolomaspecies is still poorly known as well as their geographical distribution. In Italy, there are no studies on the influence of weather on fungal abundance and richness and our knowledge on the ecology and distribution ofEntolomaspecies needs to be improved. The discovery of twoEntolomaspecies in Sicily (southern Italy), reported in the literature as belonging to the habitat of north European countries, was the basis leading to the assumption that anomalous climatic conditions could stimulate the growth of northern entolomas in the southernmost Mediterranean regions. The results of this study show that the presence of northernEntolomaspecies in Sicily is …

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Antitumor activity of water extract of pleurotus species growing on root residues against colon cancer cells.

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Nuove segnalazioni di Aphyllophorales in Sicilia.

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La coltivazione del tartufo in Sicilia: risultati preliminari

In recent times truffles were found in several natural forest ecosystems and reaforestation of Sicily. On the basis of these findings a number of research projects were activated. In the framework of an agreement between the Laboratory of Mycology of the Department of Botany (University of Palermo) and the Farm "Buontempo-Le Due Sicilie", located in the territory of the Madonie Natural Park, a first attempt to cultivate truffles of economic importance were carried out. In the spring of 2006 the experimental truffle-bed was developed on the basis of 100 seedlings of Corylus avellana L. inoculated with Tuber aestivum Vitt. (80%) and T. melanosporum Vittad. (20%). Besides 110 seedlings of Quer…

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The effect of grazing in a Mediterranean forest ecosystem

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The current state of knowledge of fungal diversity in Sicily (Southern Italy)

The paper deal with the status of fungal biodiversity in Sicily. 1500 taxa, growing in different types of vegetation, are distributed in the nine provinces of the region. In this contribution a preliminary list of rare and infrequent species is also provided.

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The Global Soil Mycobiome consortium dataset for boosting fungal diversity research

This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1007/s13225-021-00493-7. Fungi are highly important biotic components of terrestrial ecosystems, but we still have a very limited understanding about their diversity and distribution. This data article releases a global soil fungal dataset of the Global Soil Mycobiome consortium (GSMc) to boost further research in fungal diversity, biogeography and macroecology. The dataset comprises 722,682 fu…

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Additional file 1 of Ethnobotany of the Aegadian Islands: safeguarding biocultural refugia in the Mediterranean

Additional file 1. Ethnobiological uses of local taxa. Data table reporting the specific uses of local taxa documented in the present work and comparison to prior publications in the region. (.pdf file format).

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Global diversity and geography of soil fungi

Fungi play integral roles in soil nutrient cycling, but the determinants of fungal diversity and biogeographic patterns of key functional groups remain poorly understood. By using pyrosequencing data from hundreds of globally distributed soil samples, we demonstrated fungal diversity that expands upon the taxonomic and molecular diversity recorded so far. Except for ectomycorrhizal symbionts, fungal functional group richness was unrelated to plant diversity and plant-to-fungus richness ratio declined exponentially towards the poles. Climatic factors, followed by edaphic and spatial variables, constituted the best predictors of fungal richness and community composition at the global scale. F…

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Elenco dei macromiceti raccolti in Sicilia in occasione del XVIII Seminario Internazionale di Micologia

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Steccherinum straminellum, a new record for Italy

The first Italian record of Steccherinum straminellum is reported from Sicily. This collection represents the first record on wood of broadleaved trees. A description and line drawing of the species based on the Sicilian specimens are provided along with notes on the taxonomy, ecology, and distribution of this rare taxon.

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A new record of the desert truffle Picoa lefebvrei in Saudi Arabia

A new record of Picoa lefebvrei from Saudi Arabia is reported accompanied by notes on its taxonomy, ecology, and distribution.

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Ecologia e distribuzione di Hexagonia nitida (Polyporaceae) in Sicilia.

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I funghi ipogei dell'Emilia Romagna e della Sicilia a confronto

In questo lavoro vengono riportate le specie di funghi ipogei trovate in Emilia-Romagna ed in Sicilia in molti anni di ricerche condotte utilizzando cani addestrati. In totale sono state trovate ed identificate 57 specie di Ascomiceti ipogei e 59 specie di Basidiomiceti ipogei. In entrambe le regioni sono diffuse specie eduli di elevato valore commerciale quali T. aestivum e T. borchii, mentre T. magnatum e T. macrosporum sono presenti solo in Emilia Romagna. T. melanosporum fruttifica, anche se raro, in Emilia Romagna e, nonostante alcuni raccoglitori ne ipotizzano la presenza in Sicilia, non è stato ancora trovato nell’ambito delle nostre ricerche. Alcune specie, in parte rare, sono state…

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The current state of knowledge of fungal diversity in Sicily

Current knowledge of fungal diversity in Sicily is reported based on historical data and recently field records. A preliminary list of rare and infrequent fungal species is also provided.

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On the presence of Diplomitoporus lindbladii and Phellinus pseudopunctatus in Sicily (southern Italy)

Diplomitoporus lindbladii and Phellinus pseudopunctatus are reported for the first time from Sicily (southern Italy). The ecological and distributive features of these two interesting species are here reported.

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Il progetto di censimento e cartografia dei funghi in Sicilia

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I tartufi e la tartuficoltura in Sicilia. Attualità e prospettive

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Contribution to the knowledge of fungal diversity in the archaeological park of Selinunte (S.-W. Sicily)

The Archaelogical Park of Selinunte (S.-W.- Sicily) is included in the SIC (Sites of Community Interest) named “Dunal system Capo Granitola, Porto Palo e Foce del Belice” (code ITA010011). It includes a dunal system that is steadily towards the inland with sandy substrates which tend to characterize little evolved soils on silico-arenaceous matrix with alkaline pH. The climate of the site belong to the thermo-mediterranean belt (annual average temperature around 18 ° C), and upper dry ombrotype (average annual rainfall of 500 mm) [1]. The biotope also includes wetlands, Pinus halepensis Miller and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh reforestations, evergreen sclerophyllous vegetation with apreva…

research product

Leptocorticium gloeocystidiatum sp. nov. (Basidiomycota), a new corticioid fungus from Sicily, Italy

A new corticioid species, Leptocorticium gloeocystidiatum is described from Sicily, Italy. It is characterized by a resupinate, buff-coloured basidiome and microscopically by the presence of filiform leptocystidia, gloeocystidia, dendrohyphidia, and small ellipsoid, smooth basidiospores, non-reacting in Melzer's reagent. The species is compared with closest relatives. A key to the accepted species of Leptocorticium is provided.

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Contributo alla conoscenza della biodiversità fungina delle Riserve Naturali della Sicilia: Serre di Ciminna (Ciminna, Palermo)

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Bedrock and soil geochemistry influence the content of chemical elements in wild edible mushrooms (Morchella group) from South Italy (Sicily)

Chemical elements in the samples of wild edible mushrooms of the <em>Morchella</em> group collected from different unpolluted Sicilian sites was analyzed by the ICP-MS (method) to detect the content of their minerals and determine whether soil geology and geochemistry can influence the chemical composition in fungi. Results showed that the mushroom samples mainly contained a high concentration of K and P and a wide variety of minor and trace elements (V, Mo, Pb, Ce, Cs, Zr), including heavy metals. Statistical analysis showed that the mushrooms differed in their content of minor and trace elements based on the geological/geographic site of origin. Comparison with other studies s…

research product

Fungal planet description sheets : 1042-1111

Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Antarctica, Cladosporium arenosum from marine sediment sand. Argentina, Kosmimatamyces alatophylus (incl. Kosmimatamyces gen. nov.) from soil. Australia, Aspergillus banksianus, Aspergillus kumbius, Aspergillus luteorubrus, Aspergillus malvicolor and Aspergillus nanangensis from soil, Erysiphe medicaginis from leaves of Medicago polymorpha, Hymenotorrendiella communis on leaf litter of Eucalyptus bicostata, Lactifluus albopicri and Lactifluus austropiperatus on soil, Macalpinomyces collinsiae on Eriachne benthamii, Marasmius vagus on soil, Microdochium dawsoniorum from leaves of Sporobolus natale…

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Nuove segnalazioni di Corticiaceae in Sicilia

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Morphologically similar but not closely related: the long-spored species of Subulicystidium (Trechisporales, Basidiomycota)

AbstractSpecies boundaries and geographic distribution of corticioid fungi (resupinate Basidiomycota) are often poorly known. Our recent study on Subulicystidium showed that species diversity in this genus is at least twice as high as previously recognized. This re-estimation of the species diversity was based on a study of only a part of the genus. The present study sheds light on molecular and morphological diversity of three more species. We generated 27 ITS and 24 28S nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences from 49 specimens labelled as Subulicystidium cochleum, S. longisporum and S. perlongisporum and collected in distant geographic localities. We assessed pairwise dissimilarities and phylogen…

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