Sophie Meillon

Use of Temporal Dominance of Sensation method to understand perception of complexity and quality - Application to partially dealcoholized wines

International audience

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[Hedonic perception and taste of food in patients with type 2 diabetes - Impact of treatment with a GLP-1: Liraglutide] / P19 Perception hédonique et gustative des aliments chez les patients diabétiques de type 2 - Impact du traitement par un analogue du GLP-1 : le Liraglutide

Special Issue 2 : Résumés des communications de la réunion scientifique de la SFD, de la SFD Paramédical et de l'AJD ; WOS: 000302819400145; International audience

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Gustatory evoked cortical activity in humans in response to saccharose stimuli

National audience

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Influence du liraglutide (analogue du GLP-1) sur les caractéristiques hédoniques de la prise alimentaire et les performances gustatives, chez les patients diabétiques de type 2

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Sensory differentiation of carbonic maceration and destemming wines from Rioja Alavesa by using the Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) method

International audience

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Le goût : physiologie, rôles et dysfonctionnements

Article de vulgarisation; National audience; The sense of taste involves multimodal sensory activation to detect and identify many flavors. Today, five primary tastes have been identified (sweet, salt, sour, bitter and umami). These are often combined to form complex tastes. The physiology of gustatory pathways is complex. The activation of gustatory receptors located in the mouth leads to an ascendant pathway through the neurons of the solitary nucleus in the brainstem and the neurons located in the thalamus. After the thalamus, the gustative signal modulates the ipsilateral primary taste cortex and then the secondary taste area. The secondary taste cortex, which combines representations o…

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Leptin and the central control of feeding behavior.

International audience; The discovery of leptin by Friedman and coll. in 1995 was a major step forward in our comprehensive view of energy homeostasis. Since the original paper, a tremendous amount of work has been performed in laboratories all over the world. Many recent reviews have described this work in details. In the present review, we focus on the role of leptin on food intake. It is accepted by most authors working in this field that the control of food intake can be divided in two closely-related system: the homeostatic system and the hedonic system. Leptin has been shown to act on both systems.

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Sensory-specific satiety for a food is unaffected by the ad libitum intake of other foods during a meal. Is SSS subject to dishabituation?

Sensory-specific satiety (SSS) is defined as a decrease in the pleasantness of a specific food that has just been eaten to satiation, while other non-eaten foods remain pleasant. The objectives of this study were the following: (1) to investigate whether SSS for a food is affected by the ad libitum intake of other foods presented sequentially during a meal, (2) to compare the development of SSS when foods are presented simultaneously or sequentially during a meal, and (3) to examine whether SSS is modified when foods are presented in an unusual order within a meal. Twelve participants participated in three tasting sessions. In session A, SSS for protein-, fat- and carbohydrate-rich sandwich…

research product

De la perception sensorielle à la consommation du vin. Les consommateurs de vins

 PDF à ne pas diffuser; National audience; Appréciation et consommation du vin : un processus d’apprentissage. L’appréciation des boissons alcoolisées n’est pas innée. D’après Rozin et Vollmecke (1986), ces boissons ne sont pas palatables et leur appréciation résulte d’un processus d’apprentissage encore méconnu. L’enquête Vinifhlor-Crego réalisée en 2005 sur 4 036 personnes a montré que 55 % des Français disent ne pas aimer le goût du vin, et pourtant seulement 40 % de ces mêmes Français sont non consommateurs de vin. Cela signifie que 15 % des répondants consomment du vin sans en apprécier le goût. Ce chiffre doit être en réalité plus important car les consommateurs essaient généralement …

research product

Gustatory evoked cortical activity in humans in response to saccharin stimuli

National audience; Introduction/Objectives: Gustatory Evoked Potentials (GEP) can be detected in response to an intermittent stimulation of the gustatory receptors by a primary flavour. Contrary the other evoked cortical potentials (visual, auditory or sensory), GEP have not been extensively studied due to their recording heterogeneity. Our aim was to establish a reliable recording of GEP in Humans. Methods: Voluntary and healthy subjects were included in this experiment. A saccharin solution with several concentrations (5, 10 or 20g per 100mL) was used as the gustatory stimulus. Each session was performed on a different day, with an interval of at least 2 hours after eating or drinking. Co…

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A questionnaire for assessing the perceived complexity of wine. Application to the study of the effect of expertise on perception of wine complexity

International audience

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Hedonic perception and taste of food in patients with type 2 diabetes - Impact of treatment with a GLP-1: Liraglutide.

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potentiels évoqués gustatifs chez l'Homme en réponse à une stimulation sucrée

International audience

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Potentiels évoqués gustatifs chez l'Homme en réponse à une stimulation sucrée

National audience

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Contribution of the Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) method to the sensory description of subtle differences in partially dealcoholized red wines

ln this study, effect of partial alcohol reductio.n on the sensory modification of red wines was investigated. Preliminary triangle tests indicated the existencèof very slight differences between the dealcoholized wines of the study. Therefore, adapted descriptive methodologies had ta be used. ln addition to a comparative sensory profile, the Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) method was chosen. Both types of profiles will be linked ta consumer preferences. A Merlat and a Syrah wine were partially dealcoholized using reverse osmosis technique to span a range of four different alcohol contents (14 % to 10 %) by grape variety. ln a first step, the four wines of each variety were compared …

research product

Treatment by GLP-1 agonist modulates hedonic response to food and taste sensitivity in type 2 diabetes

Context: Besides their potential action in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), GLP-1 analogues have been shown to decrease satiety and food intake. However, little is known about their effects on food hedonic and taste perceptions. Objective: The objective of the study was to investigate the impact of GLP-1 analogue Liraglutide on the liking and wanting component of the food reward system as well as on taste sensitivity in T2DM patients. . Research design and methods: Thirty T2DM patients were studied before and after 3 months of daily Liraglutide treatment (1.2 mg). In each trial, blood samples were collected and body mass composition was analyzed by dual-energy X-ray absorpt…

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Haemodialysis in patients with chronic renal failure increases the wanting for foods rich in proteins

Haemodialysis in patients with chronic renal failure increases the wanting for foods rich in proteins. 24. Annual Meeting of the European-Chemoreception-Research-Organization (ECRO)

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Dynamic sensory description of Rioja Alavesa red wines made by different winemaking practices by using Temporal Dominance of Sensations

BACKGROUND Although sensory description of wines in scientific literature is very large, there is an evident lack of studies describing wines from a dynamic approach. The objective of this study was to describe the evolution of the sensations perceived in red wines from Rioja Alavesa by using Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) and also to compare wines made with the two winemaking procedures used in Rioja Alavesa: carbonic maceration (CM) and destemming (DS). RESULTS Ten sensory attributes were evaluated in eight wines (four CM and four DS wines) in triplicate by a panel of 16 trained assessors. Red/black berry and woody aromas were dominant firstly, whereas heat, astringent, bitter and…

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Acceptability of partially dealcoholized wines - Measuring the impact of sensory and information cues on overall liking in real-life settings

International audience; In this study, the effect of partial alcohol reduction in wine on consumer expectation and overall liking was investigated in real-life settings (by a Home-Use-Test). By varying the wine in the bottle and by manipulating the information on the label, it was possible to assess the relative impact of sensory properties and information cues on overall liking. Standard Chardonnay and Syrah wines were partially dealcoholized from about 13.5% to about 9.5%. After bottling, these dealcoholized wines were presented once with information about real alcohol content (9.5%) and once with false information about alcohol content (13.5%). A third bottle with standard wine inside wa…

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Contribution of the Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) method to the sensory description of subtle differences in partially dealcoholized red wines

Abstract In this study, effect of partial alcohol reduction on the sensory modification of red wines was investigated. A Merlot and a Syrah wine were partially dealcoholized using reverse osmosis technique to span a range of three different alcohol contents (14–10%) by grape variety. Preliminary triangle tests indicated the existence of very slight differences between the dealcoholized wines of the study. Therefore, adapted descriptive methodologies had to be used. In a first step, wines were described with a comparative sensory profile by 16 trained panellists on 15 sensory attributes. Then, the same panellists profiled the wines with the TDS technique, which consists in identifying and ra…

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Gustatory evoked cortical activity in humans in response to saccharose stimuli

research product

Influence du liraglutide (analogue du GLP-1) sur les caractéristiques hédoniques de la prise alimentaire et les performances gustatives, chez les patients diabétiques de type 2

Titre anglais : Treatment by GLP-1 agonist modulates hedonic responses to food and taste sensitivity in obese type 2 diabetes mellitus patients

research product

Goût et acceptabilité des vins à teneur réduite en alcool

National audience

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