Roberto González-ibáñez
sj-pdf-1-jis-10.1177_01655515211043708 – Supplemental material for How do gender, Internet activity and learning beliefs predict sixth-grade students’ self-efficacy beliefs in and attitudes towards online inquiry?
Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-jis-10.1177_01655515211043708 for How do gender, Internet activity and learning beliefs predict sixth-grade students’ self-efficacy beliefs in and attitudes towards online inquiry? by Eero Sormunen, Norbert Erdmann, Suzanne CSA Otieno, Mirjamaija Mikkilä-Erdmann, Eero Laakkonen, Teemu Mikkonen, Md Arman Hossain, Roberto González-Ibáñez, Mario Quintanilla-Gatica, Paavo HT Leppänen and Marja Vauras in Journal of Information Science
Promoting sixth graders’ credibility evaluation of Web pages: An intervention study
Abstract This study investigated whether a teacher-led intervention program on online inquiry improved sixth graders' performance in a credibility evaluation task. Students (N = 342) were divided into two conditions, an intervention group (190 students) and a control group (152 students). The intervention program (21 × 45 min lessons) was implemented during a six-week course as a part of normal schoolwork. The program included explicit teaching of online inquiry skills: searching for information (3 lessons), evaluating credibility of information (3 lessons), and synthesizing information (3 lessons). In addition, the skills taught were applied in two online inquiry projects comprising 12 les…
Sixth graders’ selection and integration when writing from multiple online texts
AbstractThis study examined students’ ability to select relevant ideas from multiple online texts and integrate those ideas in their written products. Students (N = 162) used a web-based platform to complete an online inquiry task in which they read three texts presenting different perspectives on computer gaming and wrote an article for a school magazine on the issue based on these texts. Students selected two snippets from each text during reading and wrote their article with the selected snippets available. The selected snippets were scored according to their relevance for completing the task, and the written products were scored according to their integration quality. The results showed…
How do gender, Internet activity and learning beliefs predict sixth-grade students’ self-efficacy beliefs in and attitudes towards online inquiry?
Today’s students search, evaluate and actively use Web information in their school assignments, that is, they conduct an online inquiry. This current survey study addresses sixth-grade students’ self-efficacy beliefs in and attitudes towards online inquiry, and to what extent free-time and school-related Internet activity, gender and learning beliefs explain these. The questionnaire was administered in 10 schools to 340 sixth-graders in Finland. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses revealed three elements of self-efficacy beliefs: self-efficacy in Web searching, the evaluation of sources and synthesising information. Furthermore, attitudes towards online inquiry loaded into two fact…
A Performance-Based Test for Assessing Students’ Online Inquiry Competences in Schools
In this paper, we introduce a performance-based test for measuring adolescents’ competences in online inquiry. The test covers four competence dimensions: (1) searching and selecting relevant sources, (2) identifying the main ideas presented in the sources, (3) evaluating the credibility of the sources, and (4) synthesizing information across the sources. We implement a technological solution called NEURONE to carry out this routine. The scoring of the test data is demonstrated by presenting preliminary results of a case study. Finally, we discuss the strengths and limitations of the test.
sj-pdf-1-jis-10.1177_01655515211043708 – Supplemental material for How do gender, Internet activity and learning beliefs predict sixth-grade students’ self-efficacy beliefs in and attitudes towards online inquiry?
Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-jis-10.1177_01655515211043708 for How do gender, Internet activity and learning beliefs predict sixth-grade students’ self-efficacy beliefs in and attitudes towards online inquiry? by Eero Sormunen, Norbert Erdmann, Suzanne CSA Otieno, Mirjamaija Mikkilä-Erdmann, Eero Laakkonen, Teemu Mikkonen, Md Arman Hossain, Roberto González-Ibáñez, Mario Quintanilla-Gatica, Paavo HT Leppänen and Marja Vauras in Journal of Information Science