Xavier Daire
Les stimulateurs de défense en viticulture
Prod 2019-121 SPE IPM INRA UB
Oligosaccharide-triggered plant immunity and plant protection
National audience
Identification and characterization of the grapevine flagellin receptor vvfls2
International audience
Influence of leaf age on induced resistance in grapevine against Plasmopara viticola
International audience; Sulfated laminarin (PS3) has previously been shown to induce resistance of grapevine leaves against the oomycete Plasmopara viticola, the causal agent of grape downy mildew. Here, we observed that the level of PS3-induced resistance (PS3-IR) was higher in the adult leaf (in position P3) than in the younger, not fully expanded leaf (in position P1, located above P3). By investigating grapevine defense reactions upon PS3 treatment and inoculation, we found that the production of H2O2, of phytoalexins, and the deposition of phenolics were more abundant in P3 than in P1 leaves. In addition, PS3 significantly reduced stomatal colonization by zoospores only in P3 leaves. T…
Carbohydrates in plant immunity and plant protection: roles and potential application as foliar sprays.
International audience; Increasing interest is devoted to carbohydrates for their roles in plant immunity. Some of them are elicitors of plant defenses whereas other ones act as signaling molecules in a manner similar to phytohormones. This review first describes the main classes of carbohydrates associated to plant immunity, their role and mode of action. More precisely, the state of the art about perception of "PAMP, MAMP, and DAMP (Pathogen-, Microbe-, Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns) type" oligosaccharides is presented and examples of induced defense events are provided. A particular attention is paid to the structure/activity relationships of these compounds. The role of sugars as…
Characterization of the role of flagellin in the innate immunity triggered by the endophytic pgpr burkholderia phytofirmans in arabidopsis and grapevine
International audience
A β-1,3 Glucan Sulfate Induces Resistance in Grapevine against Plasmopara viticola Through Priming of Defense Responses, Including HR-like Cell Death
Sulfated laminarin (PS3) has been shown previously to be an elicitor of plant defense reactions in tobacco and Arabidopsis and to induce protection against tobacco mosaic virus. Here, we have demonstrated the efficiency of PS3 in protecting a susceptible grapevine cultivar (Vitis vinifera cv. Marselan) against downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) under glasshouse conditions. This induced resistance was associated with potentiated H2O2 production at the infection sites, upregulation of defense-related genes, callose and phenol depositions, and hypersensitive response-like cell death. Interestingly, similar responses were observed following P. viticola inoculation in a tolerant grapevine hybri…
The invention concerns the use of alginate oligomers in sequence α(1-4)Guluronane and/or ß(1-4)Mannuronane having a DP greater than 30, as an active ingredient of biocontrol products in plants, and that may be combined with another molecules such as phytohormones, against cryptogamic diseases of plants, in particular of vine (Vitis vinifera), or to protect other species against aggressors such as pathogenic microbes or insects.
Identification of the VvFLS2 grapevine flagellin receptor by a functional genomics strategy
National audience; Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) is a crop of high agronomic interest subject to many destructive diseases. Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) mediate detection of potential pathogens via the perception of pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), which is important for plant disease resistance. A well studied PRR is the Arabidopsis leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase FLS2 that recognizes bacterial flagellin (or its minimal motif flg22). Flagellin perception plays an important role in restricting bacterial invasion into plant leaves. Until now, functional FLS2 orthologues have been characterized in Nicotiana benthamiana, rice and tomato. Despite its economical importanc…
Stomatal deregulation in Plasmopara viticola-infected grapevine leaves.
International audience; In grapevine, the penetration and sporulation of Plasmopara viticola occur via stomata, suggesting functional relationships between guard cells and the pathogen. This assumption was supported by our first observation that grapevine (Vitis vinifera cv. Marselan) cuttings infected by P. viticola wilted more rapidly than healthy ones when submitted to water starvation. • Here, complementary approaches measuring stomatal conductance and infrared thermographic and microscopic observations were used to investigate stomatal opening/closure in response to infection. • In infected leaves, stomata remained open in darkness and during water stress, leading to increased transpir…
Etude des éliciteurs, du laboratoire au vignoble
IPMSPEUB; Etude des éliciteurs, du laboratoire au vignoble. Journée Recherches Vigne et Vin en Bourgogne
Biocontrôle en viticulture
National audience
Does leaf position influence induced resistance to grape downy mildew?
National audience; We observed that protection against grape downy mildew achieved by resistance inducers was higher in the adult leaf than in the younger, not fully expanded leaf. Using sulfated laminarin as inducer, this difference of efficacy could be correlated to stronger defense reactions (i. e. H2O2, defense gene expression) in adult leaf as compared to the younger one. These findings should be taken into account in disease control strategies involving induced resistance.
Stimuler l’immunité de la vigne : un levier pour réduire les traitements fongicides ?
Les stimulateurs de défense des plantes (SDP ou éliciteurs) font partie des méthodes visant à réduire les doses de produits phytosanitaires, donc l’Indicateur de Fréquence de Traitements (IFT), et à ce titre ils font l’objet d’une forte attente de la part des viticulteurs. Plusieurs produits sont homologués en viticulture depuis quelques années. Hormis les phosphonates (à la fois SDP et fongicides) dont l’efficacité est reproductible, celle des autres SDP s’avère encore assez variable. Ainsi leur intégration dans les programmes de protection du vignoble pose encore de nombreuses questions. Des recherches se poursuivent pour mieux caractériser les réponses de défense de la vigne au champ et …
An ethoxylated surfactant enhances the penetration of the sulfated laminarin through leaf cuticle and stomata, leading to increased induced resistance against grapevine downy mildew
International audience; Some β-1,3-glucans and particularly sulfated laminarin (PS3) are known as resistance inducers (RIs) in grapevine against the downy mildew. However, their efficacy in vineyard is still often too low, which might be caused by a limited penetration through the leaf cuticle following spray application. We used (14) C-sucrose uptake experiments with grapevine leaves in order to select a surfactant as saccharide penetration enhancer. Our results showed that though sucrose foliar uptake was low, it was strongly enhanced by Dehscofix CO125 (DE), a highly ethoxylated surfactant. Fluorescent saccharides were then produced and laser scanning microscopy was used to analyze their…
Activation of Grapevine Defense Mechanisms: Theoretical and Applied Approaches
part 4.; International audience; Grapevine, as other plants, possesses an innate immune system that usually prevents infection by pathogens. General elicitors are compounds of different biochemical families capable of inducing plant defense reactions. In grapevine, the cascade of defense events induced by elicitors has been studied among others in cell suspensions. The perception of the elicitor triggers signaling events that allow the activation of defense genes encoding PR proteins and other proteins involved in phytoalexin production and cell wall reinforcement. The grapevine phytoalexins resveratrol and derivated compounds have been largely studied. In addition to their antimicrobial ac…
Les stimulateurs de défense des plantes. Panorama et solutions d'avenir
Prod 2018-223 SPE IPM INRA CT1; National audience; Stimuler les défenses des plantes pour qu’elles puissent se défendre : ce concept est élégant et désormais techniquement à portée de main. Les stimulateurs des défenses des plantes (SDP), trouvent en effet des applications concrètes en production même s’il reste du chemin pour élucider tous les mystères de ces éliciteurs. Ils doivent trouver leur place dans l’évolution que connait actuellement la santé du végétal (évolution des systèmes de culture, agroécologie, …) et permettent de répondre aux attentes de la société en matière de réduction de l’usage des produits phytopharmaceutiques. Fruit d’un travail collectif, cet ouvrage dresse un éta…
OMICS approaches for the characterization of elicitor-induced resistance of grapevine leaves against downy mildew
Sesquiterpene volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are markers of elicitation by sulfated laminarine in grapevine
SPE IPM UB CT1; International audience; Inducing resistance in plants by the application of elicitors of defense reactions is an attractive plant protection strategy, particularly for grapevine (Vitis vinifera), which is susceptible to severe fungal diseases. Although induced resistance (IR) can be successful under controlled conditions, in most cases, IR is not sufficiently effective for practical disease control under outdoor conditions. Progress in the application of IR requires a better understanding of grapevine defense mechanisms and the ability to monitor defense markers to identify factors, such as physiological and environmental factors, that can impact IR in the vineyard. Volatile…
Volatilomics in the vineyard
SPE IPM CNRS INRA UB; National audience
Volatile organic compounds: a role in elicitor-induced resistance of grapevine against pathogens?
International audience; As Vitis vinifera varieties are susceptible to fungal diseases, numerous chemical treatments are generally required to ensure the quantity and quality of the harvest. However, in the context of sustainable viticulture, there are increasing societal request, political incitation, and winegrowers’ awareness to reduce the use of pesticides. Among possible solutions the use of elicitors that could be included in integrated pest management or biocontrol strategies might be very promising. These bioactive compounds are able to trigger plant defences, leading to induced resistance (IR) against pathogens. Despite IR can be elicited very successfully in controlled environment…
Genomics of the grapevine - pathogen interactions Botrytis cinerea virulence factors and molecular mechanisms of induced resistance
International audience
Induced resistance in grapevine : from concept to vineyard application
International audience
Sesquiterpenes VOCs are markers of elicitation by sulfated laminarine in grapevine
International audience
Induced resistance as a strategy for vineyard protection
National audience; As most grown grapevine Vitis vinifera varieties are susceptible to diseases such as downy and powdery mildews, numerous treatments are required to ensure a satisfactory yield and harvest quality. However, the use of phytochemical fungicides has serious drawbacks: some of them are potentially harmful for the environment and human health and contribute to the selection of resistant pathogen strains. Nowadays, in an objective of sustainable viticulture, there is increasing societal request, political incitation and winegrower’s awareness to reduce the use of pesticides. For these reasons, alternative strategies of protection are under research. In our laboratory, we are stu…
Are the xyloglucans new elicitors of plant immunity ?
Damaged-Associated Molecular Patterns (DAMPs) are endogenous molecules released from the plant cell wall after wounding by pathogens. DAMPs are recognized by Pattern- Recognition Receptors (PRRs) that play a key role in plant immunity by mediating defense responses. The plant cell wall-derived oligogalacturonides (OG) are well characterized DAMPs that elicit plant immune responses such as MAPK activation, [Ca2+]cyt variations, H2O2 production, defense-related gene expression and enhanced resistance against Botrytis cinerea. Our study focused on a new polysaccharide component of the plant cell wall called xyloglucans (Xh) and compared the immune events triggered by OG and Xh in Arabidopsis t…
Grapevine vocs emissions triggered by elicitation –assessment of two french vineyards
International audience; Grapevine foliar volatile organic compounds (VOCs) releases are induced by elicitor applications.Their emissions have been followed along the growing season on two geographically separatedBurgundy and Bordeaux (Chardonnay and Cabernet franc cultivars, respectively) French vineyards. Inyear 2019, fortunately lacking of endogenous disease, VOCs were collected under non-destructivemode, in four hours with SBSE sensors entrapped into a confinement Teflon bag. Then the monitoringof VOCs enables to distinguish between weak (COS-OGA (Bastid©) and CuSO4) and strong elicitors(MeJA).Although monoterpene Ocimenes are constitutively present among the scent of the twovineyards, t…
Induction de résistance des plantes : état des lieux
Application foliaire et biodisponibilité des stimulateurs de défenses des plantes. Spécificités et limites en viticulture
IPMSPEINRAUBDOCT; Application foliaire et biodisponibilité des stimulateurs de défenses des plantes. Spécificités et limites en viticulture
The grapevine flagellin receptor VvFLS2 differentially recognizes flagellin-derived epitopes from the endophytic growth-promoting bacterium Burkholderia phytofirmans and plant pathogenic bacteria.
International audience; The role of flagellin perception in the context of plant beneficial bacteria still remains unclear. Here, we characterized the flagellin sensing system flg22-FLAGELLIN SENSING 2 (FLS2) in grapevine, and analyzed the flagellin perception in the interaction with the endophytic plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium (PGPR) Burkholderia phytofirmans. The functionality of the grapevine FLS2 receptor, VvFLS2, was demonstrated by complementation assays in the Arabidopsis thaliana fls2 mutant, which restored flg22-induced H2O2 production and growth inhibition. Using synthetic flg22 peptides from different bacterial origins, we compared recognition specificities between VvFLS2…
Induced resistance in grapevine: from concept to vineyard application
SPE IPM Chapitre 11; International audience
DEFISTIM-Projet Collaboratif FUI : Accélérer, optimiser et développer la mise en marche des stimulateurs des défenses des plantes (SDP), avec l'appui des outils d'aide à la décision (OAD)
Image analysis methods for assessment of H2O2 production and Plasmopara viticola development in grapevine leaves: application to the evaluation of resistance to downy mildew.
article i nfo The grapevine downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) provokes severe damages and destroys the harvest in the absence of an effective protection. Numerous fungicide treatments are thus generally necessary. To promote a sustainable production, alternative strategies of protection including new antifungal molecules, resistant geno- types or elicitor-induced resistance are under trial. To evaluate the relevance of these strategies, resistance tests are required. In this context, three image analysis methods were developed to read the results of tests performed to assessP.viticolasporulation and mycelial development, and H 2 O 2 production in leaves. They have been validated using elic…
Les stimulateurs de défense des plantes (SDP) en viticulture - Un tour d’horizon sur les principes, les applications et les perspectives
IPMSPEINRAUBCNRS; Les stimulateurs de défense des plantes (SDP) en viticulture - Un tour d’horizon sur les principes, les applications et les perspectives
The Sulfated Laminarin Triggers a Stress Transcriptome before Priming the SA- and ROS-Dependent Defenses during Grapevine's Induced Resistance against Plasmopara viticola
Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) is susceptible to many pathogens which cause significant losses to viticulture worldwide. Chemical control is available, but agro-ecological concerns have raised interest in alternative methods, especially in triggering plant immunity by elicitor treatments. The β-glucan laminarin (Lam) and its sulfated derivative (PS3) have been previously demonstrated to induce resistance in grapevine against downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola). However, if Lam elicits classical grapevine defenses such as oxidative burst, pathogenesis-related (PR)-proteins and phytoalexin production, PS3 triggered grapevine resistance via a poorly understood priming phenomenon. The aim of this st…
Are grapevine stomata involved in the elicitor-induced protection against downy mildew?
Stomata, natural pores bordered by guard cells, regulate transpiration and gas exchanges between plant leaves and the atmosphere. These natural openings also constitute a way of penetration for microorganisms. In plants, the perception of potentially pathogenic microorganisms or elicitors of defense reactions induces a cascade of events, including H2O2 production, that allows the activation of defense genes, leading to defense reactions. Similar signaling events occur in guard cells in response to the perception of abscisic acid (ABA), leading to stomatal closure. Moreover, few elicitors were reported to induce stomatal closure in Arabidopsis and Vicia faba leaves. Because responses to ABA…
Peut-on se passer du cuivre en protection des cultures biologiques ?
Le cuivre est utilisé pour contrôler diverses maladies fongiques ou bactériennes, principalement sur vigne, en productions fruitières et en cultures légumières. Il constitue la seule substance active à effet fongicide fort et gamme d’action large homologuée en agriculture biologique. Or la mise en évidence d’effets environnementaux négatifs du cuivre, notamment sur les organismes du sol, a conduit à des restrictions réglementaires d’usage (plafonnement des doses autorisées), et même à son interdiction comme pesticide dans certains pays d’Europe du Nord. De ces restrictions croissantes à l’emploi du cuivre, qui posent des difficultés notamment aux producteurs qui ne peuvent recourir à des fo…
"Omics-" for a mapping of grapevine response to elicitors and identification of induced resistance markers
SPEIPMINRAUBCNRS; "Omics-" for a mapping of grapevine response to elicitors and identification of induced resistance markers . 12. European Fondation for Plant Pathology (EFPP) & 10. French Society for Plant Pathology Conference ‘Deepen Knwoledge in Plant Pathology for Innovative Agro-Ecology’
Les SDP en viticulture
Induced resistance as a strategy for vineyard protection
National audience