Vizma Nikolajeva

Dabīgu un apstrādātu mālu antimikrobiālā aktivitāte

Pētīta dabisku mālu un termiski un ķīmiski apstrādātu māla materiālu antimikrobiālā aktivitāte. Pētītajiem Latvijas dabiskajiem māliem nav konstatēta antimikrobiāla iedarbība. Prometeja atradnes māla keramikas granulas ūdens vidē inhibēja baktēriju augsanu. Antimikrobiālā aktivitāte skaidrota ar bāzisko metālu oksīdu saturu. Katjonu virsmas aktīvās vielas saturosi māli uzrādīja antibakteriālu un antifungālu iedarbību. Paveras iespējas izstrādāt jaunas antimikrobiālu māla materiālu iegūsanas tehnoloģijas un produktus.

research product

Complete Genome Sequence of the Enterobacter cancerogenus Bacteriophage Enc34

ABSTRACT Enterobacter cancerogenus is widely distributed in nature and is generally recovered from environmental or vegetal sources. In some cases, it has also been associated with human infections. In this study, the complete genomic sequence of virulent E. cancerogenus bacteriophage Enc34 was determined. The Enc34 genome is 60,364 bp in length and contains 80 open reading frames. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a bacteriophage infecting E. cancerogenus .

research product

Effective Degradation of Cigarette Butts via Treatment with Old Landfill Leachates

In this paper, results of feasibility study on microplastics (MPs) assessment in leachates from the Latvian solid municipal landfill Getliņi are discussed. The application of leachates for the treatment of cigarette butts (CGB) was evaluated. Methods of fluorescent microscopy, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and FTIR-microscopy were used for the identification and characterization of MPs in the leachates and analysis of CGB. Presence of the secondary MPs (e.g., degraded polyolefin mixtures) was determined in the tested landfill leachates, while cellulose acetate (CA) was not determined in these products. The leachates were tested as potential media for the thermophilic (55°C)…

research product

Chemical Composition Analysis, Antimicrobial Activity and Cytotoxicity Screening of Moss Extracts (Moss Phytochemistry)

Mosses have been neglected as a study subject for a long time. Recent research shows that mosses contain remarkable and unique substances with high biological activity. The aim of this study, accordingly, was to analyze the composition of mosses and to screen their antimicrobial and anticancer activity. The total concentration of polyphenols and carbohydrates, the amount of dry residue and the radical scavenging activity were determined for a preliminary evaluation of the chemical composition of moss extracts. In order to analyze and identify the substances present in mosses, two types of extrahents (chloroform, ethanol) and the GC/MS and LC-TOF-MS methods were used. The antimicrobial activ…

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Changes in freshwater sediment microbial populations during fermentation of crude glycerol

This work was supported by the Latvian Council of Science , project NN-CARMA, project No. lzp-2018/1-0194.

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Latvijas mālu pielietošana biotehnoloģijā: rezultāti un perspektīvas

Mūsu pētījumi ir saistīti ar Latvijas māliem un no tiem iegūtām sūnainās keramikas granulām. Pētījumi par keramikas nesējmateriālu izveidi sastāv no trim apaksvirzieniem: 1) izejmateriāla testēsana un keramikas nesējmateriālu izgatavosanas tehnoloģijas izstrāde; 2) bioplēves veidosanās uz keramikas granulām: dinamika un noturība; 3) vides attīrīsanas modeļu eksperimenti. Sajā rakstā ir apkopoti galvenie rezultāti par laika periodu no 2010. līdz 2013. gadam, kā arī ieskicēti perspektīvi virzieni turpmākai pētīsanai

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Optimization of microbial biopreparations for soil quality improvement: Testing new formulations

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Comparative efficiency of different biofertilizers applied to the same field

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Impact of Green Manure and Vermicompost on Soil Suppressiveness, Soil Microbial Populations, and Plant Growth in Conditions of Organic Agriculture of Northern Temperate Climate

The impact of organic amendments on the soil microorganisms and plant growth and health in conditions of organic agriculture of Northern temperate climate was analyzed. Some case studies dealing with green manure or vermicompost amendments are discussed giving deeper analyses of the vermicompost impact on plant growth. The first case study is about the impact of green manure on soil microbial populations and soil suppressiveness against such pathogens as late blight, potato scab, and black scurf of potato in organic agriculture. The second case study is about the use of vermicompost in organic starch potato cultivation. Significantly higher numbers of all groups of analyzed cultivable micro…

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Anti-Bacterial Activity and Online HPLC-DPPH Based Antiradical Kinetics of Medicinal Plant Extracts of High Relevance for Cosmetics Production

The present study provides an assessment of extracts of six medicinal plants for their applicability in cosmetic formulations aimed at anti-UV protection and anti-acne treatment. Ethanol extracts of Chelidonium majus L., Myrtus communis L., Hamamelis virginiana L., Juniperus communis L., Alchemilla vulgaris and Ilex paraguariensis are analysed for the phytochemical content, antimicrobial activity, antiradical activity and antiradical kinetics. The phytochemical composition of the plants is investigated by LC-MS analysis and the most active antioxidants in plant extracts are determined by online HPLC-DPPH assay. The kinetic parameters of the antiradical reaction are determined both for the s…

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N-Heterocyclic choline analogues based on 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro(iso)quinoline scaffold with anticancer and anti-infective dual action

Pharmacological effects of biologically active “small molecules” can be improved by their targeted modification, which affects drug delivery and interaction with tumor cells and microorganisms. We aimed to evaluate anticancer and antimicrobial activity of lipid-like choline derivatives modified via simultaneous introduction of tetrahydro(iso)quinoline based pharmacophore system at nitrogen atom and long chain alkyl substituent at oxygen atom. Target compounds were synthesized under phase-transfer catalysis conditions followed by quaternization, and evaluated for cytotoxicity and NO-generation ability on HT-1080 and MG-22A tumor cell lines and NIH 3T3 normal mouse fibroblasts, and screened f…

research product

Growth potential of Listeria monocytogenes strains in mixed ready-to-eat salads

In this study, a microbiological challenge test in three artificially contaminated retail mixed mayonnaise-based ready-to-eat salads stored at refrigerator temperatures (3°C and 7°C) for 48h was carried out. Shrimp-tomato salad, smoked ham salad and garlic cheese salad were separately contaminated by a suspension of particular Listeria monocytogenes strains. The number of L. monocytogenes, Enterobacteriaceae, staphylococci and total plate count (CFU/g) was determined. Listeria monocytogenes growth potential in the salads was calculated and evaluated. A significant increase in total plate count and L. monocytogenes count throughout storage of all three investigated salads was found. Enteroba…

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Influence of the initial acidification step on biogas production and composition

Laboratory-scale experiments were carried out to evaluate the effect of initial acidification of feedstock consisting of different components on biogas production and composition. Feedstock containing different agricultural wastes, biomass, and microorganisms was collected from five full-scale biogas plants. Two continuously stirred tank reactors were used. The fermentation temperature was 37 °C. The pH value was adjusted to 6.0 in the first reactor at the beginning of the experiment, and an initial pH value of 7.0 was implemented after 48 H. The second reactor was used as a control reactor with a constant pH of 7.0. The experiment lasted a total of 7 days. In the reactors, the gas phase wa…

research product

Powdery mildew on Rhododendron caused by Erysiphe azaleae in Latvia.

In 2002 a fungus causing powdery mildew on Rhododendron in Latvia was discovered and identified as Erysiphe azaleae. The powdery mildew has since then been observed on leaves and seed pods of deciduous azaleas as well as evergreen rhododendrons, although the disease is more common on taxa of deciduous azaleas. Development of mature chasmothecia has been noticed at every location where the disease was detected. The distribution area of E. azaleae is expanding gradually from the south-west and central regions to the north and east parts of Latvia. It has been suggested, that climate change and large-scale plant import favour this process. To our knowledge, Latvia is so far the farthest north-…

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Application of Bioaugmentation to Improve Pharmaceutical Wastewater Treatment Efficiency

Ecological harm and human health risks caused by environmental pollution with active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) nowadays is recognised as issue of growing concern. Widespread presence of human and veterinary API in aquatic environment clearly indicates persistence and low removal efficiency of these compounds at conventional pharmaceutical and municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). Bioaugmentation of activated sludge systems with specialized microorganisms could be a powerful and environmentally friendly tool to enhance the removal efficiency of recalcitrant API. Selection of inoculum strains, that have appropriate enzymatic pathways to metabolise complex molecules of API, belo…

research product

Composition, sun protective and antimicrobial activity of lipophilic bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) extract fractions

Abstract Berries of the genus Vaccinium found in bogs and forest of Northern Europe are a valuable source of biologically active substances containing sterols, unsaturated fatty acids, flavanoids, anthocyanins. The presence of these compounds provides various health benefits of berry use – treatment of urinary tract inflammation, controls levels of sugar in the blood, improves cardiovascular health and reduces negative effects of oxidative stress caused by free radicals. The studied bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) lipids were fractionated using normal-phase chromatography and they were found to contain fatty acids (oleic, linoleic acid), sterols …

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Treatment of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis with adenylate deaminase from Penicillium lanoso-viride.

The effect of intramuscularly administered immunomodulator, adenylate deaminase (E.C., from Penicillium lanoso-viride on the clinical score of acute experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a T cell-mediated autoimmune disease, was examined by inoculation of guinea pigs with rabbit brain and spinal cord homogenate (encephalitogen) and complete Freund's adjuvant. Adenylate deaminase (ADA) was effective in delaying the onset of clinical disease. ADA inhibited the severity of EAE. There was a significant decrease in clinical signs. A decrease in the number of morbid and dead animals was observed. Of ADA treated animals, 50-80% developed no clinical manifestations of EAE. The o…

research product

Monitoring seasonal changes in microbial populations of spruce forest soil of the Northern Temperate Zone

Soil microbial populations in the Northern Temperate Zone have been poorly studied in comparison with extreme environments. The aim of the work was to study the seasonal changes in the microbial populations of spruce forest soil of the Northern Temperate Zone using classical methods of microbiology and molecular biology. Upper horizons in two Picea abies stands on sod- podzolic and illuvial humus podzol soil were analysed. Sampling was done monthly over a period of twelve months (May 2009-April 2010). Microbial communities in both experimental plots showed different responses to the analysed environmental factors. In the sod-podzolic soil only the fungal DNA amount was significantly higher …

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Effect of crosslinking strategy on the biological, antibacterial and physicochemical performance of hyaluronic acid and ɛ-polylysine based hydrogels

The design of multifunctional hydrogels based on bioactive hyaluronic acid (HA) and antibacterial cationic polymer ε-poly-L-lysine (ε-PL) is a promising tool in tissue engineering applications. In the current study, we have designed hyaluronic acid and ε-polylysine composite hydrogel systems with antibacterial and cell attractive properties. Two distinct crosslinking approaches were used: the physical crosslinking based on electrostatic at- tractions and the chemical crosslinking of charged functional groups (-NH2 and -COOH). The impact of the crosslinking strategy on fabricated hydrogel molecular structure, swelling behavior, gel fraction, morphology, porosity, visc…

research product

Protective effect of adenylate deaminase (from Penicillium lanoso-viride) against acute infections in mice

We examined the effects of the immunomodulator-adenylate deaminase (E.C. from Penicillium lanoso-viride on experimental mice infections. Prophylactic intraperitoneal administration of adenylate deaminase (ADA) increased survival time and numbers of survivors after infection with Salmonella typhimurium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and influenza A (H3N2) virus. Protection against influenza virus after intranasal ADA application was also observed. The influence of ADA was time and dose dependent. The most pronounced protection was obtained by administration of 3 U ADA/mice 24 h prior to infection. ADA had no antibiotic effect against these bacterial strains. Protective effects of ADA were …

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Wooden biochar as a carrier for endophytic isolates

Abstract Plant growth promoting microorganisms (PGPM) serve as a basis for bio-fertilizers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the wood-derived biochar as a potential carrier for PGPM, previously isolated from plants. The selected microbial consortium was compatible with aged biochar obtained from tree branches and processed at temperatures of 600–800 °C. The effect of the consortium or biochar alone and biochar carrier-based bio-formulation on plant growth was estimated in a 14-day greenhouse experiment with barley. The length of shoots and roots increased by 46% and 32% respectively in comparison with control. Synergy of consortium with biochar was observed regarding root length. Conso…

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Anodic biofilm vitality during operation of microbial fuel cells at various load conditions

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Characterization of Hydrothermal Processing Influence on Strontium Substituted Apatite by Investigating Stable Oxygen Isotope Ratio and Antibacterial Activity of Obtained Peroxyapatite

Synthetic hydroxyapatite (HAp) has weak antibacterial and mechanical properties. The antibacterial activity of HAp can be enhanced by strontium cation substitution and incorporation of peroxide ion via hydrothermal processing at 100 °C and 150 °C temperature using 50% H2O2 solution. The starting reagents and products of HAp processing were analyzed by thermal conversion elemental analyser – isotopic ratio mass spectrometer in order to determine the δ18O values. Using different host materials it could be possible to determine differences of δ18O values between untreated and hydrothermally treated HAp samples. The enhanced antibacterial properties of processed HAp samples were investigated us…

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Broad Prebiotic Potential of Non-starch Polysaccharides from Oats (Avena sativa L.): an in vitro Study

Abstract Prebiotics inducing the growth or activity of beneficial intestinal bacteria – probiotics producing short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) have lately received wide recognition for their beneficial influence on host intestinal microbiota and metabolic health. Some non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) are defined as prebiotics and oats being one of richest sources of NSP in grains are considered as potentially having prebiotic effect. However, information on fermentation of specific NSP of oats is limited. Moreover, bacterial cross-feeding interactions in which fermentation of prebiotics is involved is poorly characterized. Here, we report the exploration of new candidates for the syntrophic ba…

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Antibacterial Activity of Extracts from Some Bryophytes

The antimicrobial activity of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of 11 Bryophyta species and 9 Marchantiophyta species collected in Latvia was tested against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Bacillus cereus. The extract of Lophocolea heterophylla inhibited the growth of B. cereus, but none of the tested extracts inhibited the growth of E. coli. 70% of bryophyte species demonstrated certain activity in relation to S. aureus. In general, 73% of ethanolic extracts and 39% of aqueous extracts exhibited antibacterial activity against S. aureus. The highest degree of antibacterial activity against S. aureus was shown by the ethanolic extract of Dicranum scoparium and aqueous extracts of At…

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The Antimicrobial Action of Silver Halides in Calcium Phosphate

Silver halides represent a yet unexplored avenue for imparting antimicrobial activity to calcium phosphates. Negtively charged silver halide colloids (AgI, AgBr and AgCl) were added to synthesized amorphous calcium phosphate. Concurrent melting of silver halides and crystallization to carbonated apatite at 700 oC increased the silver halide surface area available to bacteria and formed a lower solubility apatite. The effect of the matrix solubility on antimicrobial response could then be investigated. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was more sensitive to silver iodide and silver bromide than Staphylococcus aureus. Silver iodide demonstrated greater activity than silver bromide. Silver chloride did n…

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Microbiological Stability of Bio-Based Building Materials

The aim of this paper was to study the microbiological stability of bio-based composite building materials, which are made using organic-rich lake sediments (further – sapropel) with lime and magnesium cement as binders and hemp shives as filler. The microbial stability properties of the obtained composite materials were investigated and compared to similar composites. Because of their high organic content, these materials are prone to biodegradation; therefore, they were coated with ALINA LIFE TM organoclay coating, which helps to extend the product life, reducing the rate of biodegradation compared to the biocides used in industry. The effect of the coating on the resistance to decay by t…

research product

Synthesis, physicochemical characterization, cytotoxicity, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and psychotropic activity of new N-[1,3-(benzo)thiazol-2-yl]-ω-[3,4-dihydroisoquinolin-2(1H)-yl]alkanamides.

Abstract A series of new N-[(benzo)thiazol-2-yl]-2/3-[3,4-dihydroisoquinolin-2(1H)-yl]ethan/propanamide derivatives was synthesized and characterized by 1H, 13C NMR and IR spectroscopy and mass-spectrometry. A single crystal X-ray study of N-(1,3-benzothiazol-2-yl)-2-[3,4-dihydroisoquinolin-2(1H)-yl]ethanamide is reported to determine its conformational feature. The investigated compounds were found to be active in psychotropic in vivo, anti-inflammatory in vivo and cytotoxicity in vitro screening. They possess marked sedative action, reveal high anti-inflammatory activity, have selective cytotoxic effects and NO-induction ability concerning tumour cell lines. Some of the compounds synthesi…

research product

Iron oxide superparamagnetic nanocarriers bearing amphiphilic N-heterocyclic choline analogues as potential antimicrobial agents

Magnetic nanoparticles represent an advanced tool in biomedicine because they can be simultaneously functionalized and guided using a magnetic field. Iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles precoated with oleic acid and bearing novel antimicrobial N-heterocyclic choline analogues, namely O-, N- and O,N-bis-undecyl-substituted N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolinium derivatives, have been obtained as potential biomedical agents for drug delivery and antimicrobial therapy. Structural and size determinations for the novel synthesized magnetic nanosystems were carried out based upon magnetogranulometry, dynamic light-scattering measurements and X-ray diffraction analysis. The most expecte…

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Impact of Trichoderma sp. on the Development of Heterobasidion Annosum in Decayed Understory Picea Abies Stumps

Abstract Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. s.l. causes significant economic losses in conifer forests. Therefore, to reduce the spread of the infection surfaces of freshly cut conifer, stumps are commonly treated with biological control agents. Trichoderma sp. shows very strong antagonistic effect against H. annosum in vitro, but relatively few field studies have been conducted. Moreover, most of previous studies examined the impact of Trichoderma sp. on H. annosum in healthy conifer stumps. The aim of our work was to evaluate the effect of Trichoderma sp. against H. annosum in already decayed understory spruce stumps. In total, 75 decayed spruce stumps were surveyed. Part of the spruce st…

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Synthesis and biological evaluation of lipid-like 5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-1,3-thiazole derivatives as potential anticancer and antimicrobial agents

A series of new lipid-like thiazole derivatives have been synthesized in good yields by O-alkylation of 5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methyl-1,3-thiazole, a thiamine metabolite, under phase transfer catalysis conditions followed by N-alkylation with the aim to obtain potential anticancer and antimicrobial agents. The synthesized cationic amphiphiles and their ether precursors were subjected to in vitro cytotoxic evaluation against monolayer human fibrosarcoma HT-1080 and mouse hepatoma MG-22A tumour cell lines and normal mouse NIH 3T3 fibroblasts and were screened for antimicrobial activity concerning gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial and fungal strains. The synthesized compounds possessed s…

research product

Growth and Antagonism of <i>Trichoderma</i> spp. and Conifer Pathogen <i>Heterobasidion annosum</i> s.l. <i>in Vitro</i> at Different Temperatures

Variations in the radial growth rate of 24 isolates belonging to ten species of Trichoderma, three isolates of conifer pathogen Heterobasidion annosum s.s. and four isolates of H. parviporum were evaluated by incubation on a solid malt extract medium at a temperature of 4℃, 15℃ and 21℃. Trichoderma antagonism against Heterobasidion was investigated in dual culture in vitro. The slowest rate of growth was referable to all seven strains of Heterobasidion spp. All Heterobasidion spp. strains were overgrown by 63% of Trichoderma spp. strains after two weeks at 21℃ and by 33% of strains at 15℃. 21% of Trichoderma strains did not grow and only four strains belonging to T. koningii, T. viride and …

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Anti-<i>Helicobacter</i> Activity of Certain Food Plant Extracts and Juices and Their Composition <i>in Vitro</i>

Plant material screening was performed to study anti-Helicobacter pylori activity in vitro using an agar diffusion method on Columbia blood agar. 33 substances, juices and plant extracts and 35 of their combinations were tested. Quince (Cydonia oblonga) juice demonstrated the strongest anti-H. pylori activity followed by cranberry juice. Con-centrated apple juice, plum, red currant, black chokeberry, raspberry and bilberry juice also showed significant activity. Green tea and apple pomace extract as well as sweet flag rhizome, ginger and wild bergamot extract, cherry syrup, red beet juice and whey did not exhibit anti-Helicobacter activity. Quince juice in combination with bilberry, black c…

research product

Silyl modification of biologically active compounds. 13. Synthesis, cytotoxicity and antibacterial action ofN-methyl-N-(2-triorganylsiloxyethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro(iso)quinolinium iodides

A series of N-methyl-N-(2-triorganylsiloxyethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro(iso)quinolinium iodides has been synthesized via dehydrocondensation reaction of N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline, N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline and 4,4-dimethyl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-sila-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline with trialkyl(aryl)hydrosilanes and subsequent alkylation, and characterized by 1H, 13C and 29Si NMR and mass spectroscopy. The biological activity data exhibited a marked enhancement of inhibitory activity against tumour cell lines and almost all the test bacterial/fungal strains in comparison with their 2-hydroxyethyl precursors. Cytotoxicity in the microgram range against …

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Comparison of soil microorganism abundance and diversity in stands of European aspen (Populus tremulaL.) and hybrid aspen (Populus tremuloidesMichx. ×P. tremulaL.)

The use of short rotation forest tree species is increasing worldwide. The hybrid aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx. × P. tremula L.) is one of the suitable tree species under the climatic conditions of the Baltic region. The cultivation of these trees on former agricultural soils differs from agricultural practices with reduced soil tillage and is characterized by increased demand of nutrients, which in long term can cause changes in the soil microbial populations. The aim of our investigation was to compare soil microbial populations in hybrid aspen and European aspen (P. tremula L.) stands in four sampling plots with aspen age ranging from 10 to 46 years. The abundance and diversity of so…

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The Effect of 5-Aminosalicylic Acid on Intestinal Microbiota

Abstract The article discusses the possible relationships between intestinal microbiota and the therapeutic efficacy of 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) in inflammatory bowel diseases. Intestinal microbiota may be involved in 5-ASA enzymatic biotransformation, but the metabolism of drugs by the intestinal microbiota has been studied in less detail, and little is known about the relationships between anti-inflammatory efficacy of 5-ASA with bacterial viability, quantity and activity. It remains unclear whether 5-ASA affects the microbiota depending on the different segments of gastrointestinal tract. Drugs and diet can both improve and worsen the composition of the intestinal microbiota. Howeve…

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Charge State of Silver Halide Colloids Determines the Antibacterial Activity in Amorphous Calcium Phosphate

Removal of bacteria is important not only at implantation, but after long-term implant/prosthesis use. This requires strategies that employ different approaches for combating bacteria. Halides have the potential of an additional mechanism, and together with silver may provide a more powerful antibacterial strategy. Silver iodide was synthesized as colloids with a positive and negative charge and incorporated into an amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) to provide a possible greater antibacterial action. Colloids were characterized by FTIR spectroscopy and the charge measured by zeta potential. Phase analysis by X-ray diffraction patterns confirmed the formation of b-AgI nanoparticles. Minimum …

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DNA-binding studies of AV-153, an antimutagenic and DNA repair-stimulating derivative of 1,4-dihydropiridine.

Abstract The ability to intercalate between DNA strands determines the cytotoxic activity of numerous anticancer drugs. Strikingly, intercalating activity was also reported for some compounds considered to be antimutagenic. The aim of this study was to determine the mode of interaction of DNA with the antimutagenic and DNA repair-stimulating dihydropyridine (DHP) AV-153. DNA and AV-153 interactions were studied by means of UV/VIS spectroscopy, fluorimetry and infrared spectroscopy. Compound AV-153 is a 1,4 dihydropyridine with ethoxycarbonyl groups in positions 3 and 5. Computer modeling of AV-153 and DNA interactions suggested an ability of the compound to dock between DNA strands at a sin…

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Plant diseases a herald of environmental changes

Environmental changes can alter morphology and physiology of plants, and geographic distribution of both wild and cultural species. All these modifications reflect in plant-associated microflora and development of plant pathogens as well. Climate warming causes a pole-ward shift not only different plants but also their pathogens. Poster in 4th International Conference of Botanic Gardens from the Baltic Sea Region "Botanic gardens network for the development of the Baltic Sea Region", 29 September - 2 October, 2011, Gdansk, Poland

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Metal hydride alloys for storing hydrogen produced by anaerobic bacterial fermentation

Abstract This study reports on hydrogen sorption from bacterial fermentation media with powdered palladium (Pd) and alloys (LaNi5, AB5, and AB2) that are capable of forming hydrides. Mass changes of the powders after incubation in fermentation media were measured by differential thermogravimetry. Composition and concentrations of the gases accumulated during fermentation and absorbed by Pd or the alloys were analyzed by mass spectrometry. The results demonstrated that hydrogen (H2) was absorbed and stored by powdered Pd and alloys directly from nutritional broth. The best sorption was obtained with Pd, followed by alloys AB5 and AB2. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that bacteria were …

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CCDC 907303: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Alla Zablotskaya, Izolda Segal, Athina Geronikaki, Tatiana Eremkina, Sergey Belyakov, Marina Petrova, Irina Shestakova, Liga Zvejniece, Vizma Nikolajeva|2013|Eur.J.Med.Chem.|70|846|doi:10.1016/j.ejmech.2013.10.008

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