Ahmed Jebrane
A generalization of Françoise's algorithm for calculating higher order Melnikov functions
Abstract In [J. Differential Equations 146 (2) (1998) 320–335], Francoise gives an algorithm for calculating the first nonvanishing Melnikov function Ml of a small polynomial perturbation of a Hamiltonian vector field and shows that Ml is given by an Abelian integral. This is done under the condition that vanishing of an Abelian integral of any polynomial form ω on the family of cycles implies that the form is algebraically relatively exact. We study here a simple example where Francoise's condition is not verified. We generalize Francoise's algorithm to this case and we show that Ml belongs to the C [ log t,t,1/t] module above the Abelian integrals. We also establish the linear differentia…
The causal representation of outpatients with Crohn's disease: is there a link between psychological distress and clinical disease activity?
Objectives: Because of the fluctuating and occasional character of Crohn’s disease (CD), patients have to cope with a changeable condition of health. Personal perceived control is known to be an important element of adaptation to their medical condition. The objectives of this work are to determine if perceived personal control is predictive of the clinical activity of the disease and of psychological distress (depression, anxiety). Methods: The Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS), the causal dimension scale and the Clinical Global Impression (CGI; assessing perceived severity) were administered to 160 patients affected by Crohn’s disease. Indicators of inflammation (CRP), disease dura…
Évaluation d’un programme francophone de formation aux habiletés parentales dans le cadre des troubles du spectre de l’autisme auprès d’un groupe pilote
Resume Afin d’aider les parents de jeunes enfants avec un trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA) a faire face au stress qu’engendrent les difficultes liees a l’autisme de leur enfant, un programme psychoeducatif de formation a ete elabore. Ce programme francophone de douze seances de deux heures et trois visites au domicile, intitule « L’A.B.C. du comportement de l’enfant ayant un TSA : Des parents en action ! », est base sur l’analyse appliquee du comportement. Il a ete evalue aupres d’un groupe pilote afin d’en determiner la validite sociale et l’efficacite. Les resultats de six parents d’enfants âges entre quatre et six ans montrent une augmentation des connaissances sur les TSA et les pr…
DACORD - Computer-Assisted Drawing of Archaeological Pottery (the CADAPtable system)
International audience
Computer-assisted orientation and drawing of archaeological pottery.
Archaeologists spend considerable time orienting and drawing ceramic fragments by hand for documentation, to infer their manufacture, the nature of the discovery site and its chronology, and to develop hypotheses about commercial and cultural exchanges, social organisation, resource exploitation, and taphonomic processes. This study presents a survey of existing solutions to the time-consuming problem of orienting and drawing pottery fragments. Orientation is based on the 3D geometry of pottery models, which can now be acquired in minutes with low-cost 3D scanners. Several methods are presented: they are based on normal vectors, or circle fittings, or profile fittings. All these methods see…
La catégorisation d'un exogroupe à travers une tâche d'association de mots
International audience
Personality and fatigue perception in a sample of IBD outpatients in remission: a preliminary study.
International audience; BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Fatigue is considered as a feature of IBD. Nevertheless, medical variables would partly explain this complex phenomenon. Psychological variables would be especially connected to fatigue for patients in remission. Moreover, personality is known to be linked to the fatigue of patients with CFS. This preliminary study aimed to determine if personality dimensions are linked to the perception of fatigue in IBD. METHODS: 81 IBD outpatients in remission completed the MFI (fatigue); ISI, EES (sleep disturbances); TCI-R (personality); HADS (depression and anxiety). Medical data were collected (ferritin, C-reactive protein, number of flare-ups, number of h…
Relationships between Coping Strategies and Defense Mechanisms in sport performance
In an exploratory study, the relationships between two major concepts in psychological adjustment, coping strategies, and defense mechanisms were investigated. Sport competition is an example of a real-world context in which people's responses to stressful situations can be investigated. The extent to which participants reported different uses of coping strategies and defense mechanisms was assessed in terms of performance. 26 elite kayakers were classified into one of two groups, depending on the discrepancy between their standard performance and their performance in competition. Correlations were found among the coping strategies of seeking social support, positive reappraisal/planful pr…
La représentation du sport : visions d'étudiants sportifs et non sportifs
International audience; Cette étude vise à comparer l'image du sport telle qu'elle est perçue par des étudiants impliqués dans les activités sportives (STAPS) et des étudiants non impliqués (IUT). Elle s'appuie sur des associations verbales donnant lieu à une analyse de similitude.
Using a Multi-Locus Microsatellite Typing method improved phylogenetic distribution of Candida albicans isolates but failed to demonstrate association of some genotype with the commensal or clinical origin of the isolates.
EA MERS CT3 Enjeu 3; International audience; The dimorphic yeast Candida albicans is a component of the normal microflora at the mucosal surfaces of healthy individuals. It possesses an array of phenotypic properties considered as virulence traits that contribute to pathogenicity of the yeast in immuno-compromised patients. We addressed the question of the pathogenicity of lineages of C. albicans with regard to their genotype in three series of C. albicans isolates (a series of commensal isolates collected in healthy individuals, a group of bloodstream isolates and a group of non-bloodstream clinical isolates) using a Multi-Locus Microsatellite Typing (MLMT) approach based on the analysis o…
Customized and non-customized live-born birth-weight curves of single and uncomplicated pregnancies from the Burgundy perinatal network. Part I – methodology
International audience; Objectives: To establish non-customized and customized birth-weight curves of single and uncomplicated pregnancies according to gestational age.Materials and methods: We used data for 64,173 mother-infants pairs from the Burgundy perinatal network database (France) over the period 2005-2013. A validated procedure was used to link mothers with their newborns, and maternal and fetal pathologies likely to affect birth weight were excluded. Multiple regression analysis with covariate selection was used to build a customized growth curve with maternal and fetal parameters.Results: Using this methodology, three different curves were generated: an unadjusted curve for birth…
Empirical and theoretical study of atelostomate (Echinoidea, Echinodermata) plate architecture: using graph analysis to reveal structural constraints.
AbstractDescribing patterns of connectivity among organs is essential for identifying anatomical homologies among taxa. It is also critical for revealing morphogenetic processes and the associated constraints that control the morphological diversification of clades. This is particularly relevant for studies of organisms with skeletons made of discrete elements such as arthropods, vertebrates, and echinoderms. Nonetheless, relatively few studies devoted to morphological disparity have considered connectivity patterns as a level of morphological organization or developed comparative frameworks with proper tools. Here, we analyze connectivity patterns among apical plates in Atelostomata, the m…
Productions en série vers 1500 avant notre ère. Des règles de fabrication au Bronze moyen entre la Manche et les Alpes à la lumière d’une étude morphométrique.
Some European Bronze Age objects were produced by what has been described as serial metalworking. One particularexample is the Middle Bronze Age palstave, massively produced and used in Western Europe during the mid-second millennium BC.These artefacts were often voluntarily buried together in hoards, meaning they were removed from the production network, thus avoidingany recycling. They are found intact, either as rough castings or ready for use. These homogeneous objects are grouped in sets of severalitems, or in tens, or even in hundreds. Such discoveries have immediately led to numerous questions as to the possible interpretation ofthis behaviour. It is clear that prehistoric craftsmen …
Commentaire sur la réponse de Clémence, concernant le texte de Lacassagne, Salès-Wuillemin, Castel & Jébrane
International audience
La position temporelle et spatiale dans les histoires hallucinées
Les hallucinations sont fréquemment définies comme des perceptions sans objet à percevoir. Pour les étudier, le clinicien ne peut avoir accès qu'au récit qu'en fait le patient. Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes donc intéressés aux marqueurs de localisation dans le temps et dans l'espace présents dans des récits produits par des patients hallucinés. Quatorze discours ont été recueillis auprès de patients schizophrènes entendant ou ayant entendu des voix. L'analyse de ces discours montre qu'ils respectent parfaitement les règles usuelles de la narration. Les résultats montrent que pour raconter à un tiers l'expérience hallucinatoire, les sujets doivent mettre cet événement hallucinatoire en …
A note on a generalization of Françoise's algorithm for calculating higher order Melnikov functions
In [J. Differential Equations 146 (2) (1998) 320–335], Françoise gives an algorithm for calculating the first nonvanishing Melnikov function M of a small polynomial perturbation of a Hamiltonian vector field and shows that M is given by an Abelian integral. This is done under the condition that vanishing of an Abelian integral of any polynomial form ω on the family of cycles implies that the form is algebraically relatively exact. We study here a simple example where Françoise’s condition is not verified. We generalize Françoise’s algorithm to this case and we show that M belongs to the C[log t, t, 1/t] module above the Abelian integrals. We also establish the linear differential system ver…
Mise en scéne et origine perçue des voix hallucinées dans des discours de patients schizophrènes
International audience; This research explores how hallucinated voices appear in schizophrenic patient's narrations. Fourteen narrations of hallucinated patients were studied and are reported. Results show significant differences regarding the prevalence of use in the types of reported speeches, the ones most employed are reported speech and undetermined reported speech as respectively cited. The report mentions that hallucinated discourse is entirely separate and autonomous from the rest of the narration. These results underscore the xenopathic characteristic of hallucinated voices in the elaboration of the narration. These results are discussed for future research in this perspective and …
Evaluation of a French parent-training program in young children with autism spectrum disorder
Abstract Parent training programs (PTs) in young children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are known to reduce parenting stress and improve child's behavior and parent-child interactions. Few PTs are available to French speaking families. In order to provide them with this type of intervention, we developed a French parent-training program of 12 bimonthly sessions and three individual home visits based on applied behavior analysis. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the social validity and efficacy of this new PT on eighteen parents who have a child with ASD and developmental delay. For 16 parents, the PT was considered effective, the objectives targeted important and the strateg…
La fatigue des patients atteints d'une maladie de Crohn en rémission : exploration du rôle du parcours médical et des facteurs psychologiques
le document est disponible en ligne : http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003448711002496; International audience; a fatigue au cours de la maladie de Crohn est le plus souvent renvoyée à la maladie. Toutefois, il a été montré que même en période de rémission, un certain nombre de patients demeuraient fatigués. D’autres facteurs explicatifs sont donc à rechercher, tant dans le parcours médical que dans la représentation causale de la maladie, sa gravité perçue, la souffrance psychologique. Les résultats obtenus auprès de 77 patients atteints d’une maladie de Crohn en rémission ont montré que le niveau de fatigue générale (MFI) générait des différences significatives pour la g…
Data from: Empirical and theoretical study of Atelostomate (Echinoidea, Echinodermata) plate architecture: using graph analysis to reveal structural constraints
Describing patterns of connectivity among organs is essential for identifying anatomical homologies among taxa. It is also critical for revealing morphogenetic processes and the associated constraints that control the morphological diversification of clades. This is particularly relevant for studies of organisms with skeletons made of discrete elements such as arthropods, vertebrates, and echinoderms. Nonetheless, relatively few studies devoted to morphological disparity have considered connectivity patterns as a level of morphological organization or developed comparative frameworks with proper tools. Here, we analyze connectivity patterns among apical plates in Atelostomata, the most dive…